Gra Chev 2017
Gra Chev 2017
Gra Chev 2017
Abstract—In this article winding schemes and calculation and increasing efficiency. It is able due to overhang deviation
methods for original energy efficient electric machines are and length reducing [20,21]. Construction features and design
introduced. They are intended for application in electrical methods of EEM stators are shown below.
equipment of autonomous systems. These machines winding
conductors have a rectangular cross-section. Slot connection spots II. COMPACT WINDINGS OF MULTIPOLAR ELECTRIC MOTORS
and overhang parts are reduced. This allows one to reduce copper AND GENERATORS
intensity and the machine length and improve efficiency. Specific
end-face schemes and the conductors connection diagram for the A. Squirrel-Cage Induction Generator Winding
stator windings are given. Overhang deviation and machine Let us consider construction features of squirrel-cage
characteristics calculation features are described. The thermal induction generator (SCIG) stator with rectangular cross-
simulation was undertaken for original conductors. The section winding conductors and compact overhangs. These
calculation results are compared with serial produced electric
overhangs are parallel to stator end-face [22]. Fig. 1 illustrates
sector of SCIG stator with specified overhangs parts, related to
Keywords—hybrid electric vehicle; traction induction motor; motor, mentioned in [19]. This SCIG is capable in micro hydro
squirrel-cage induction generator; material intensity; stator application. Rated current is In = 36 Ⱥ, height of stator
windings; winding scheme elementary conductor is 3,55 mm, width – 1,5 mm.
I. INTRODUCTION On the fig. 1 overhang conductors in each phase marked with
Material intensity reduction of electrical machines is the colors. SCIG has number of stator slots Z1 = 180 and number
especially relevant in vehicles’ application [1,2,3], even in of rotor slots Z2 = 154. On the figure you can see the cage ring
electric driven vehicles [4]. In wind energy material intensity, of the rotor, marked with golden color. In this one SCIG,
volume and mass reduction of electrical installations [5,6] branches of the stator compact winding connected in series,
makes able to decrease the mass and size of the towers and cut cylindrical wave winding has 30 pole-pairs and number of slot
transport costs. Efficiency of electrical machines should be per pole and phase q = 2. There is an air gap between overhangs
considered in this case. Construction optimization [7,8] and and stator to improve the thermal reliability.
innovative materials application [9] can solve the issue, as well
For the visual understanding of overhang parts modification,
as control algorithm rationalizing [10].
specific end-face schemes are proposed. Fig. 2 illustrates this
Russian industry develops induction motors series 7AVE scheme, phasing outs, branch parts connections and pole pitches
[11] for international market. This motors feature high are depicted there. Slot conductors are figured with vertical
efficiency and low noise level. However, as well as the most lines, and overhang conductors of each end-face are figured with
part of Energy Efficient Motors (EEM), 7AVE motors have oblique lines. Horizontal lines illustrate the connections of
increased level of active materials, that leads to increased cost branch parts and the full phase branches. Solid lines mark the
and material intensity. In series design, attention is paid to the conductors of upper layer, and broken lines — bottom layer.
motor’s active parts optimization [12]. New ways of design
automatization are given [13].
In paper [14] contradictions in energy savings calculation, in
case of EEM application, are showed. It is necessary to take into
consideration “additional” materials energy cost as well as
power electronics losses and operation losses. Thus, innovative
electrical machines with concentrated windings [15,16] and
cylindrical rectangular cross-section windings [17-19] are
designed. The authors offer innovative stator core construction
of electrical machines, decreasing sizes and material intensity
Fig. 1. Stator section of squirrel-cage induction generator with compact winding.
U1 and U2 are phasing outs, Ʉ1, Ʉ3, Ʉ3 – different types of connection spots.
− −
− ∇ ⋅ ( jω A+ σ∇V − J e ) = 0;
− § 1 −·
jω A+ ∇ × ¨¨ × A ¸¸ + σ∇V = J e ; (2)
© μ0μ r ¹
A S1∈S = 0; (3)