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The Tenth International Conference on Electronic Measurement & Instruments ICEMI’2011

Simulation of Synchronous Generator’s Dynamic Operation Characteristics

Li Yan Wang Dongmei
Department of Control Engineering, Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University, Yantai 264001,China
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: According to the relationship between are very complex, especially in the dynamic process, the
electromagnetic synchronous generator and the synchronous following assumptions is made in this paper:
dynamic operation characteristics of the generator, a symmetrical distribution of the three-phase stator
mathematical model, by which the electromagnetic variation
windings; ignoring the loss of hysteresis and eddy
can be clearly described, is built. A simulation study on the
operation characteristics of synchronous generator dynamic is
current; Excluding the impact of magnetic saturation; all
done. This work provides a theoretical basis for optimal design winding resistances are constant; the speed of the
of the synchronous generator. generator remaining unchanged during the process; the
Keywords: synchronous generator, dynamic operation, damper winding is instead by a horizontal axis damper
mathematical model, simulation winding, and a vertical axis damper winding.


The dynamic operation process of the synchronous

generator is a common fault running, such as the outlet
end short-circuit of the armature, Starting from the
moment of short circuit, the generator is in a sudden
short-circuit transition process, generally the moment of
the impact of short-circuit current is large (the maximum
instantaneous value can be 10-20 times of the rated
current), so large electromagnetic force and
electromagnetic torque in the generator are generated
(brake torque and alternating torque), which cause great
damage to the mechanical structure of the generator, Fig.1 Structural schematic of salient pole synchronous generator
while this process is determined by the parameters of the
generator, so study on the dynamic operating III.MATHEMATICAL MODELS OF SALIENT POLE
characteristics of the generator has a very important SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR
significance for the motor optimization design.
According to the structure and internal
II.STRUCTURE OF SALIENT POLE electromagnetic relationships of the synchronous
SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR generator, and also the electromagnetic dynamic
run-time relationship, the voltage equation of the
Salient pole synchronous generator has a general synchronous generator can be obtained in the (a, b, c)
structure and properties of the generator, and the coordinate system as follow.
conclusion of which is readily extended to non-salient ªu a º ª  R º ªia º ª\ a º
pole generator, in this paper, salient pole synchronous «u » «
R  » «i » «\ »
generator is used for the study. Figure 1 shows the
« b» « »« b » « b »
«u c » « R » «ic » «\ c »
simplified structure of salient pole synchronous « » « »« »  «  »
generator, with three armature windings, a field winding «u f » « Rf » «i f » «\ f »
and two damper windings, abc and dq0 coordinate «u » «  Rd » «i » «\ »
system is marked in the figure, the generator in the « d» « »« d » « d »
«¬u q »¼ «¬ Rq »¼ «¬i q »¼ «¬\ q »¼
positive direction of the voltage and current is: the
generator stator winding is obeyed according to usual Where ua,,ub , uc ,uf , ud ,uq means the voltage of
practice, the negative flux is generated by the forward three-phase stator windings, field winding and damper
current, while the rotor winding also follows the practice, winding respectively and \ a  \ q means the induced
the forward current produces a positive flux. The positive voltage of each winding, take a for example,
flux is generated by the forward current. \ a  Laa ia  M ab ib  M ac ic  M af i f  M aD i D  M aQ iQ
During the running of the generator, the internal
magnetic field distribution and variation of EMF quite In order to analyze the problem conveniently, the
reference coordinate system located in the rotor
coordinate system is chosen, that is the Park
i Piabc
___________________________________ transformation dq 0 , when the generator is
978-1-4244-8161-3/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE

The Tenth International Conference on Electronic Measurement & Instruments ICEMI’2011
operated symmetrically, the zero-axis component is zero, directly:
P is the Park transformation matrix. u Ai  Bi
ª 2 2 º Where
cos T cos(T  ) cos(T  ) »
2« 3 3 i [id , iq , i f , iD , iQ ]T , u [ud , uq , u f , 0, 0]T , A and B
P « »
3« 2 2 » are determined by the structural parameters of the
 sin T  sin(T  )  sin(T  ) generator coefficient matrix.
«¬ 3 3 »¼
ª  xd 0 xaf xaD 0 º
Set flux equation can be abbreviated as
« 0  xq 0 0 xaQ »»
ª\ abc º ª M ss M sr º ª  iabc º «
«\ » « »« » A «  xaf 0 xf x fD 0 »
¬ fdq ¼ ¬ M rs M rr ¼ ¬i fdq ¼
« »
So «  xaD 0 x fD xD 0 »
ª\ dq º ª P 0 º ª\ abc º « 0
¬  xaQ 0 0 xQ »¼
« » « 0 U » «\ »
«¬\ DQ »¼ ¬ ¼ ¬ fDQ ¼ ª r Z xq 0 0 Z xaQ º
« Z x r Z xaf Z xaD 0 »»
ª PM ss P 1 PM sr º ª idq º « d

« 1 »« » B « 0 0 rf 0 0 »
¬ M rs P M rr ¼ ¬«i fDQ ¼» « »
« 0 0 0 rD 0 »
Where « 0
¬ 0 0 0 rQ »¼
ª Ld º
PM ss P 1 « » So the state Equation is
¬ L q¼
i  A 1 Bi  A 1u
ªm af m aD 0 º And this is the basis for simulation.
PM sr «
¬ 0 0 m aq »¼
In whichˈ U is the unit matrix.
ª L f m fD 0 º In this paper, Matlab is used for the dynamic
« » simulation of the generator, Figure 2 to Figure 4 are the
M rr «m fD LD 0»
« 0 0 LQ »¼ voltage and current waveforms of dynamic and
¬ steady-state when a sudden three phase short circuit.
ª3 º 20
« 2 m af 0 0»
«3 » 15

M rs P 1 « m aD 0 0»
«2 » 10

« 0 3
m aQ 0»

«¬ 2 »¼ 5

The voltage equation showed by the Pike component
is: -5

ª u dq º ª Rs 0º ªi dq º ª\ dq º ªs º
» »

« » «0 « «
¬ u fDQ ¼ ¬ R r »¼ ¬i fDQ ¼ ¬\ fDQ ¼
«0 »
¬ ¼ -15
0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Where is the rotation potential caused by coordinate
ᯊ 䯈

transformation. Fig.2 The waveform of current in phase a

In the simulation calculation, the Per-unit value has 10

many advantages compared with the standard value, such 9

as clearer concept of relative, if the base value is selected

appropriately, the mutual inductance between the stator


and rotor can be made reversible, which simplifies the 6

form of the state equation, and design parameters of the


generator can be direct used. Therefore, the selection of 4

Per-unit value is as follows: The stator side can be 3

compared to the value of the rated capacity as base value; 2

the Per-unit value system is used in the impedance of 1

rotor side, in per unit values. In this Per-unit value 0 20 40 60 80 10 0 1 20
ᯊ 䯈
system, all the elements of the coefficient matrix are
time-invariant, so the voltage equation can be written Fig.3 Waveform of current in horizontal axis damper winding

The Tenth International Conference on Electronic Measurement & Instruments ICEMI’2011

synchronous generator is Logical conceptual clarity, the
generator parameters are non-time-varying and also dq
7 parameters commonly used in engineering design,
without any transformation. It can be applied directly in
6 the ode23 Matlab numerical solution methods. The

simulation result is satisfactory, and this method can be

applied to salient pole synchronous generator. This

provides a theoretical basis for optimal design of the
synchronous generator.

0 200 400 600 800 1000
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