Sunga Dynasty

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Sunga Dynasty

The Sunga dynasty was founded by Pushyamitra Sunga after the decline of the Mauryan
Empire. After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan rulers formed independent kingdoms out of the
Mauryan Empire.
During this period, foreign invasions occurred in the Northwest that resulted in the
independence of Kalinga. At the same time, Satavahanas rose their power in the southern
region, and Sunga replaced the Mauryas in the Gangetic plains by forming the Shunga Dynasty.

Founder of Sunga Dynasty - Pushyamitra Shunga

Pushyamitra Shunga was the Brahmin army chief of the last Mauryan king, Brihadratha. He
killed Brihadratha during a military parade and established his rule over the kingdom in 185 or
186 B.C. His attack is often considered the first revolt against the Mauryan Empire, the reason
being the increasing influence of Buddhism over the empire.

However, certain historians believe that the internal revolt against the last Mauryan king, arose
because of the Brahminical reaction. Pushyamitra Sunga ruled the throne for 36 years and died
in 151 BC.

Achievements of Pushyamitra Sunga

Pushyamitra Shunga was a powerful king who won many battles in history. The significant
achievements of Pushyamitra Sunga are as follows-
• Pushyamitra Sunga formed his capital at Pataliputra.
• He fought against two Greek kings, Demetrius and Menander and successfully
countered the attacks.
• He was successful in thwarting the attack from Kharavela, Kalinga king.
• Pushyamitra Sunga conquered Vidarbha.

Cultural Achievements of Pushyamitra Sunga

Pushyamitra Sunga was a follower of Brahminism. Specific incidents in history have portrayed
him as the persecutor of Buddhists. However, there has been no authoritative evidence, yet it is
believed that he destroyed stupas and killed the last Mauryan king because of his interest in

He renovated Barhut and Sanchi Stupas and built stone sculpture gateways at Sanchi. He
patronized Patanjali (Sanskrit grammarian) and performed Vedic sacrifices like Vajapeya,
Rajasuya, and Ashvamedha.

Successors of Pushyamitra Sunga

The reign of Pushyamitra Sunga lasted for 36 years, and he was succeeded by his son,
Agnimitra. He ruled the throne from 149 to 141 BC. During his reign, Vidarbha broke away from
the Shunga dynasty. He was a master in Malavikagnimitram (poem of Kalidasa). He was
succeeded by his son, Vasumitra. History doesn't hold a clear account of the kings after the
Vasemitra reign. Perhaps Andhraka, Pulindaka, Vajramitra and Ghosha are considered the
layer Sunya kings.

Devabhuti was the last king of the Sunga dynasty. He was killed by Vasudeva in 73 B.C., which
marked the beginning of the Kanva dynasty at Magadh till 28 B.C.

Effects of the Shunga Dynasty

Sunga kings were believers in Brahminism. Under Sunga's rule, Hinduism was revived. With the
rise of Brahmanas during the Sunga Dynasty, the caste system was also revived in the post-
Mauryan period.
• The integration of foreigners and mixed castes arose in Indian society. During this time,
Sanskrit became the primary language, and even Buddhists composed some work in the
Sanskrit language.
• The kings were also in support of the fine arts. They patronised the art and architecture
of that time and increased the use of symbols and human figures.

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