Case International 1190 1194 1290 1294 1390 1394 1490 1494 1594 1690 Shop Manual
Case International 1190 1194 1290 1294 1390 1394 1490 1494 1594 1690 Shop Manual
Case International 1190 1194 1290 1294 1390 1394 1490 1494 1594 1690 Shop Manual
Case International 1190 1194 1290 1294 1390 1394 1490 1494 1594 1690 Shop Manual
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INDEX (By Starting Paragraph)
1190, 1290, 1390, 1490,
1194 1294 1394 1494 1594 1690
Adjustment 286 286 288 288
Disc, R&R 290 290
Hydraulic System 291 291 291 291 291 291
Shoes & Drums, R&R 289 289 289
Remove & Reinstall 34S 349 349 349 349 349
Adjustment 208 208 209 211 211 213
R&R and Overhaul 219, 220 219, 220 221 2ZL 221 221
Tractor Split 217 217 217 218 218 218
Radiator 151 151 151 %$l 151 151
Thermostat 152 152 162 152 152
Water Pump m
15S 153 153 IM 153 153
Adjustment 274 ^^^ • 2 7 4 274 274 274 274
Differential Lock 277 277 277 277 277 277
Differential, R&R 272 272 .272 272 272 272
Accessory System 195 195 195 195 195 195
Charging System 157 157 157 157 157 157
Starting Motor 180 180 180 180 180 180
Assembly, R&R 75 76 76 76 76 76
Camshaft 97 98 98 98 99 99
Connecting Rods & Pistons 101 101 101 101 101 101
Crankshaft 106 109 109 109 112 112
Cylinder Head 77 78 78 78 79 79
Oil Pump 119 121 121 123 123
Timing Gears 98 94 94 m94 95 95
Turbocharger 126 126 ••*•
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1190, 1290, 1390, 1490,
1194 1294 1394 1494 1594 1690
Assembly, R&R 2*79 279 279 279 279 279
Overhaul 280 280 280 282 284 284
Adjustments 312 312 312 312 319 312
Filters & Fluid 306 306 307 307 307 307
Operating Principles 303 303 304 304 304 304
Pump 322 322 323 323 323 323
Rockshai't & Linkage 341 341 341 341 342 342
Troubleshooting 309 309 309 309 309 309
Valves 326 326 326 326 326 326
Assembly, R&R 50
Overhaul 51
Bleeding System 57 57 57 58 58 58
Operating Pressure 60 60 60 60 60 60
Pump 61 62 62 62 62 62
Steering Cylinder 66 66 66 68 68 68
Steering Valve 63 63 63 63 63 63
Assembly, R&R 296 296 296 296 296 296
Overhaul 298 298 300 300 302 302
TRANSM][SSION (Power Shift)
Assembly, R&R 258 258 258 258
Overhaul 260 260 260 260
Pump 257 257 257 257
Range Gearbox 268 268 268 268
Valves .... 254 254 254 254
TRANSMISSION (Synchromesh)
Assembly, R&R 223 223 225 225 225 22S
Overhaul 227 227 237, 246 237, 246 246 246
Shift Levers 222 222 222 222 222 222
This sendee manual provides specifications in both metric (SI) and U.S. customary systems of measurement. The first
specification is given in the measuring system perceived b^ us to be the preferred system when servicing a particular
component, while the second specification (given in parenthesis) is the converted measurement. For instance, a specification
of "0.28 mm (0.011 inch)" would indicate that we feel the preferred measurement in this instance is the metric (SI) system of
measuremtsnt and the IJ.S. customary equivalent of 0.28 mm is 0.011 inch.
Firing Order 1-2-3 1-5-3-6-2-4
Valve Clearance (Cold) -0.25 mm—
(0.010 in.)
Injection Timing 16° BTDC 17° BTDC 17*^ BTDC 20° BTDC 25° BTDC
Engine Low Idle Rpm . 750
Engine High Idle
(No-Load) Rpm -2350-2375- 2450
Engine Rated Speed
(Full Load) 2200— 2300
Power Rating 37 kW 45 kW 52 kW 66 kW 82 kW
(49 hp) (60 hp) (70 hp) (88 hp) (110 hp)
1194 1294 1394 1494 1594
Engine Make Own
No. of Cylinders 3 4 4
—100 mm—
Bore (3.939 in.)
—114.3 mm—
Stroke (4.5 in.)
—3.6 liter— 5.4 liter
Displacement 2.7 liter (219 cu. in.) (329 cu. in.)
(164 cu. in.) 17:1
Compression Ratio 17:1 -12 volts, Negative Ground-
Battery 12
No. of Forv/ard Speeds
Firing Order : . 1-2-3 —1-2-4-3 1-5-3-6-2-4
Valve Clearance (Cold) -0.25 mm
(0.010 in.)
Injection Timing 16° BTDC 17° BTDC IT BTDC 20^ BTDC 25° BTDC
Engine Lov/ Idle Rpm 750 600-650
Engine High Idle
(No-Load) Rpm -2350-2375- 2450
Engine Full Load Rpm -2200- 2300
Power Rating 35 kW 45 kW 53 kW 61 kW 72 kW
(49 hp) (62 hp) (77 hp) (85 hp) (97 hp)
Cooling System 8.5 liters —14.2 liters— 15.3 liters
(9 U.S. qts.) (15 U.S. qts.) (16 U.S. qts.)
Crankcase (with Filter) 6.25 liters —7.4 liters— 12.5 liters
(6.6 U.S. qts.) (7.8 U.S. qts.) (13.2 U.S. qts.)
Transmission, Hydraulic
and Differential Case—
Synchromesh 27.5 liters 27.5 liters 36.5 liters 42 liters 42 liters
(29 U.S. qts.) (29 U.S. qts.) (38.5 U.S. qts.) (44.5 U.S. qts.) (44.5 U.S. qts.)
Power Shift 42 liters 42 liters 42 liters
(44.5 U.S. qts.) (44.5 U.S. qts.) (44.5 U.S. qts.)
Fluid Type Case PTF Fluid or Hy-Tran Plus-
Final Drive (Each) -2.3 liters- 6.8 liters 7.5 liters
(2.5 U.S. qts.) (7 U.S. qts.) (8 U.S. qts.)
Fluid Type -Case ETHB Fluid-
Power Steering 0.9 liters 1.25 liters—
(1 U.S. qt.) (1.5 U.S. qts.)
Fluid Type -Case TCH Fluid
Front Drive Axle
Differential .... : 6 liters NOTE 1 NOTE 2 NOTE 3
(6.25 U.S. qts.)
Fluid Type Case FDL SAE 90
Front Drive Axle
Final Drive (Each) 1.4 liters NOTE 1 NOTE 2 NOTE 3
(1.5 U.S. qts.)
Fluid Type Case FDL SAE 90
NOTE 1: Prior to P.I.N. 11503001, diflFerential capacity is 6 liters (6.25 U.S. qts.) and final drive capacity is 1.4 liters (1.5 U.S.
qts.). P.I.N. 11503001 and after, differential capacity is 4 liters (4.25 U.S. qts.) and final drive capacity is 1 liter (1.06
U.S. qt).
NOTE 2: Prior to P.I.N. 11518001, differential capacity is 6 liters (6.25 U.S. qts.). and final drive capacity is 1.4 liters (1.5 U.S.
3ts.). P.I.N. 11518001 and after, differential capacity is 4 liters (4.25 U.S. qts.) and final drive capacity is 1 liter (1.06
•J.S. qt.).
NOTE 3: Prior to P.I.N. 11221501, differential capacity is 5 liters (5.25 U.S. qts.) and final drive capacity is 1.7 liters (1.75 U.S.
:s.). P.I.N. 11221501 and after, differential capacity is 4 liters (4.25 U.S. qts.) and final drive capacity is 1 liter (1.06
U.S. qt).
Paragraphs 1-4
FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS side to be serviced. Remove cap screw mm ( VB inch), measured between wheel
(1) and washer (2) which retains steer- rims at front and rear of wheels. Toe-in
All Models ing arm (3), and remove steering arm can be adjusted by lengthening or
from spindle. . • shortening threaded tie rod ends equal-
1. A typical front wheel spindle, ly.
wheel hub and bearing assembly are NOTE: If steering arm ( 3 ) is tight on Tie rod ends are nonadjustable. If
shown in Fig. 1. spindie ( 9 ) , reinstall cap screw ( 1 ) minus excessively worn, they must be renewed
It is recommended that wheel bear- washer ( 2 ) and rap head of cap screw as complete units.
ings be lubricated with multipurpose sharply to loosen steering arm. Care
lithium base grease using a pressure should be taken not to damage cap screw
grease gun after every 50 hours of nor- or threads in spindie. AXLE MAIN MEMBER
mal operation.
To adjust wheel bearings, tighten Remove spindle and upper "0'^ ring All Models
slotted nut (17—Fig. 1) to 95 N-m (70 (4—Fig. 1). Remove thrust washer (6)
ft.-lbs.) torque while turning the wheel. on all models and thrust bearing (7) on 4. REMOVE AND REINSTALL.
Loosen the nut, then retighten to 40 1490,1494,1594 and 1690 models. On all Refer to appropriate Fig. 2, 3 or 4 for an
N-m (30 ft.-lbs.) torque while turning models remove lower "0" ring (8). exploded view of front axle assembly.
the wheel. Make certain wheel turns With spindle removed, upper and Disconnect drag link (manual steering),
freely. Loosen nut, if necessary, to align lower spindle bushings (8 and 10—Fig. steering cylinder lines (power steering)
hole for cotter pin, then install a new 2) can be removed from axle extension or steering cylinder as necessary for
pin. (9) using a suitable puller or drift model being serviced. Support front of
punch. New bushings should be pressed tractor with suitable stand. Loosen
into axle extension until flush with out- trunnion pin retaining bolt (15) about
SPINDLES er surface of axle extension. Bushings five turns, then rap head of bolt with a
are presized and should not require hammer to dislodge threaded insert
All Models reaming if carefully installed. (23). Remove bolt and insert. Remove
Reinstall by reversing removal pro- expansion plug from trunnion pin bore
2. REMOVE AND REINSTALL. cedure making certain thrust bearing if so equipped. Screw slide hammer
To remove spindle (9—Fig. 1), support (7—Fig. 1) and thrust washer (6) are in puller into trunnion pin (4) and remove
front of tractor and remove wheel from proper sequence on 1490,1494,1594 and pin. Raise front of tractor until axle is
1690 models. On all models, tighten clear. Remove thrust washer (21) and
steering arm retaining cap screw (11) to " 0 " rings (2 and 22). Drive bushings (3
163 N-m (120 ft.-lbs.) torque. and 20) out of bore noting placement if
different in size or length. Models 1190
and 1194 have a blind hole at the rear,
TIE RODS AND TOE-IN remove bushing with a chisel.
On all models, drive new bushings in
Alt Models until flush with housings. Bushings are
presized and should not require ream-
3, Toe-in of front wheels should be 3 ing if carefully installed. Check trun-
Models 1290-1294-1390-1394-
cooler and lines (if so equipped), hy-
draulic pumps, lines and drive shaft.
Remove radiator and hoses. Raise front
of tractor and remove front axle as out-
lined in paragraph 4 for two-wheel
drive models, or paragraph 8 or 25 for
Front support (main frame extension) models equipped with front drive axle.
bolts to main frame just forward of Attach a hoist to front support and All models except 1190 and 1194 are
engine. To remove front support, first remove retaining bolts. Remove front available with front-wheel drive. Two
remove engine side covers, air cleaner support. different axles, David Brown and Car-
assembly, battery and supports. Drain Reassemble by reversing disassem- raro, are used. Carraro axles may be
transmission and radiator. Remove oil bly procedure. equipped with standard or limited slip
Case International 1190 1194 1290 1294 1390 1394 1490 1494 1594 1690 Shop Manual
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SHOP MANUAL Paragraphs 15-16
gears, pinion gears and pin (10). Sepa-
Fig. 11—Exploded view of rate bevel ring gear from cage as neces-
David Brown differentiai as- sary.
sembiy showing component Bevel ring gear and pinion shaft are
parts and their relative posi-
tions. serviced as matched sets only and must
1. Differential support bracket be installed as such.
2. Gasket If bevel ring gear and pinion shaft,
3. Bearing cap
4. Tab washer pinion shaft bearings or carrier are
5. Bearing cap bolt renewed, pinion shaft protrusion must
6. Lockplate
7. Dowel pin be set as outlined in paragraph 16.
8. End plate
9. Side gear Reassemble by reversing disassembly
10. Differential pin procedure. Adjust carrier bearings and
11. Differential pinion gear
12. Side gear bevel gear backlash as outlined in para-
13. Lockplate graph 17.
14. Differential cage
15. Bevel gear
16. Pinion shaft
17. Bearing 16. PINION SHAFT PROTRU-
19. Bearing
Special tool (DB-8208) is required to set
20. Adjuster wheel
21. Tab washer
pinion shaft protrusion on David
22. Front spacer
23. Shim Brown axle, and all bearings, cups and
24. Rear spacer
spacers to be used in final assembly
25. Bearing
must be installed.
26. Spacer
27. Seal
28. Flange Assemble pinion shaft in carrier
minus shims (18—Fig. 11), oil seal (27),
29. Sealing washer
30. Retaining washer
spacer (26), sealing washer (29), front
31. Locknut
spacer (22), shims (23) or rear spacer
32. Cap screw
33. Steering cylinder cap
(24). Install flange (28), retaining wash-
34. Cap screw
er (30), and locknut (31) on pinion shaft
(16) and tighten locknut until all end
With stub axle assemblies and axle can be reinstalled in their original posi- play of pinion shaft is just removed,
drive shafts removed, remove main tions and remove. Remove adjuster then tighten locknut just a small
drive shaft and steering cylinder. Sup- rings. Remove differential bevel ring amount more to slightly preload bear-
port diflferential unit on floor jack and gear and cage as an assembly. ings. Install special tool in carrier bear-
remove retaining bolts. Carefully move Remove pinion shaft locknut (31 — ing bores as shown in Fig. 12. Install
differential assembly out of housing Fig. 11), then drive pinion shaft shaft (CAS-1236-6), probe and spacer
and lower to floor. through flange (28) and carrier (1). (CAS-1609) and locknut (CAS-1234-4)
Reinstall by reversing removal pro- Front spacer (22), shims (23) and rear of special tool so probe point lightly
cedure. Tighten differential assembly spacer (24) should remain on pinion contacts face of pinion shaft gear.
retaining bolts to 68 N m (50 ft.-lbs.) shaft as it is removed. Remove remain- Tighten locknut to lock probe in this
torque and drive shaft bolts to 54 N m ing bearing cups and shims from car- position. Using a feeler gage, measure
(40 ft.-lbs.) torque. Fill differential to rier (1) as necessary. Inspect bearings and record amount of gap between
correct level with Case FDL SAE 90 and spacers on pinion shaft and renew spacer and probe. See Fig. 13.
gear lubricant or equivalent. as necessary.
Mark end plate (8), cage (14) and bev-
15. OVERHAUL DIFFEREN- el ring gear (15) so they may be reas- GAP BETWEEN SPACER
TIAL. Remove differential assembly sembled in their original positions. Re- AND PROBE
and place in a stand with flange end move carrier bearings and separate end
toward floor. Mark bearing caps so they plate (8) from cage (14). Remove axle
Fig. 12—To set pinion shaft protrusion, install special tool set
iDB'8208) in carrier housing as shown. Refer to Fig. 13 and to text to
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