FIoT Unit 05

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EC600OE: Fundamentals of Internet Of Things

Dr. Mohammad Fayazur Rahaman

Associate Professor, [email protected]

Dept. of Electronics and Communications Engineering,

Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Gandipet, Hyderabad-75

B.Tech. ECE III Year II Semester (R18)

2022 - 2023
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Unit-05 [1]
1. Cloud Computing 3.2 Smart Homes
1.1 Fundamentals 4. Connected Vehicles
1.2 Essential Characteristics 4.1 Definition
1.3 Components of Cloud Computing 4.2 Capabilities
1.4 Service Models 5. Smart Grid
1.4.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 5.1 Definition
1.4.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
1.4.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6. Industrial IoT
1.5 Deployment Models 6.1 IoT Vs Industrial IoT
2. Sensor-Cloud 6.2 Applications of IIoT
2.1 Introduction 7. Case Studies
2.2 Actors in Sensor-cloud 7.1 Agriculture
3. Smart Cities and Smart Homes 7.2 Healthcare
3.1 Smart Cities 7.3 Activity Monitoring

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Where are we ?

3.1 Smart Cities

1. Cloud Computing
3.2 Smart Homes
1.1 Fundamentals
4. Connected Vehicles
1.2 Essential Characteristics
4.1 Definition
1.3 Components of Cloud Computing
4.2 Capabilities
1.4 Service Models
1.4.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 5. Smart Grid
1.4.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 5.1 Definition
1.4.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6. Industrial IoT
1.5 Deployment Models 6.1 IoT Vs Industrial IoT
6.2 Applications of IIoT
2. Sensor-Cloud 7. Case Studies
2.1 Introduction 7.1 Agriculture
2.2 Actors in Sensor-cloud 7.2 Healthcare
3. Smart Cities and Smart Homes 7.3 Activity Monitoring

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Cloud Computing

“Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to

a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., network infrastructures,
servers, storage, applications, etc.)" – NIST

i. It can be envisioned as step on from iv. It has some essential characteristics,

Utility Computing service models, and deployment
ii. It provides high level generaliza- models
tion (abstraction) of computation v. It provides on-demand services, that
and storage model can be accessed from any place and at
iii. It can be rapidly allocated and re- anytime
leased with low management effort

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NIST Visual Model of Cloud Computing

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Business Advantages: General Characteristics:
i. Nearly zero cost for upfront infras- i. Improved agility in resource provision-
tructure investment ing.
ii. Real-time Infrastructure availability ii. Ubiquitous – independent of device
iii. More efficient resource utilization or location
iv. Usage-based costing iii. Multitenancy – sharing of re-
v. Reduced time to market sources and costs across a large pool
of users
iv. Dynamic load balancing
v. Highly reliable and scalable
vi. Low cost and low maintenance
vii. Improved security and access con-

8 / 73
Where are we ?

3.1 Smart Cities

1. Cloud Computing
3.2 Smart Homes
1.1 Fundamentals
4. Connected Vehicles
1.2 Essential Characteristics
4.1 Definition
1.3 Components of Cloud Computing
4.2 Capabilities
1.4 Service Models
1.4.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 5. Smart Grid
1.4.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 5.1 Definition
1.4.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6. Industrial IoT
1.5 Deployment Models 6.1 IoT Vs Industrial IoT
6.2 Applications of IIoT
2. Sensor-Cloud 7. Case Studies
2.1 Introduction 7.1 Agriculture
2.2 Actors in Sensor-cloud 7.2 Healthcare
3. Smart Cities and Smart Homes 7.3 Activity Monitoring

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Essential Characteristics
I. Broad network access: for scale-out and scale-in
• Cloud resources should be available • Consumers should feel infinite re-
over the network sources
• Should support standard mecha- • Facility for add/remove of quantity
nisms for information retrieval using should be there
traditional interfaces III. Measured service:
• Supported clients: heterogeneous • Resource usage should be recorded
thin or thick client platforms (e.g., and monitored
mobile phones, laptops, and PDAs) • Facility to dynamically control and
II. Rapid elasticity: optimize the resource usage
• Cloud resource allocation should be • This facility should be transparent
rapid, elastic and automatic between the service provider and con-
• Dynamic allocation/release facility sumer.

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IV. On-demand self-service: • Automatically pool the whole avail-
• Provide server time and network able resources
storage to users automatically • Serve multiple end-users using a
• This facility should be available as a multi-tenant model
self-service • Resources should be allocated ac-
V. Resource pooling: cording to user’s demand

11 / 73
Where are we ?

3.1 Smart Cities

1. Cloud Computing
3.2 Smart Homes
1.1 Fundamentals
4. Connected Vehicles
1.2 Essential Characteristics
4.1 Definition
1.3 Components of Cloud Computing
4.2 Capabilities
1.4 Service Models
1.4.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 5. Smart Grid
1.4.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 5.1 Definition
1.4.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6. Industrial IoT
1.5 Deployment Models 6.1 IoT Vs Industrial IoT
6.2 Applications of IIoT
2. Sensor-Cloud 7. Case Studies
2.1 Introduction 7.1 Agriculture
2.2 Actors in Sensor-cloud 7.2 Healthcare
3. Smart Cities and Smart Homes 7.3 Activity Monitoring

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Components of Cloud Computing

I. Clients / end-users: Thick, Thin,

II. Services: Products & solutions
(Identity, Mapping, Search, etc.)
III. Applications: Web apps, SaaS,
IV. Platform: Apps/Web hosting using
V. Storage: Database, Data-Storage-
as-a-Service (DSaaS)
VI. Infrastructure: Virtualization, IaaS,
13 / 73
Where are we ?

3.1 Smart Cities

1. Cloud Computing
3.2 Smart Homes
1.1 Fundamentals
4. Connected Vehicles
1.2 Essential Characteristics
4.1 Definition
1.3 Components of Cloud Computing
4.2 Capabilities
1.4 Service Models
1.4.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 5. Smart Grid
1.4.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 5.1 Definition
1.4.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6. Industrial IoT
1.5 Deployment Models 6.1 IoT Vs Industrial IoT
6.2 Applications of IIoT
2. Sensor-Cloud 7. Case Studies
2.1 Introduction 7.1 Agriculture
2.2 Actors in Sensor-cloud 7.2 Healthcare
3. Smart Cities and Smart Homes 7.3 Activity Monitoring

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Service Models
I. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
• Facility to execute service
provider’s applications at user’s
• Applications are available as ‘ser-
• Services can be accessed via dif-
ferent types of client devices (e.g.
web browser, app)
• End-users do not posses the con-
trol of the cloud infrastructure.
Examples: Google Apps, Sales-

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II. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) III. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
• Facility for the consumer to ex- • Facility to access computing re-
ecute consumer-created or ac- sources such as network, stor-
quired applications on cloud in- age, and operating system
frastructure • User can deploy, execute and
• Support for deployment of such control any software (Operating
applications systems and other applications)
• The user does not control the • In some case, the user can con-
cloud infrastructure trol selected networking compo-
• User can control the deployed nents (e.g., host firewalls).
applications using given configu- • Examples: Amazon EC2,
rations. GoGrid, iland, Rackspace
• Examples: Windows Azure, Cloud Servers.
Google App Engine

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Comparison of Different Service Models

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III. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
“Infrastructure-as-a-Service, abbreviated as IaaS, contains the basic building blocks for
cloud IT and typically provide access to networking features, computers (virtual or
dedicated hardware), and data storage space."
• On-demand delivery of computing infras- Why IaaS ?
tructure • New businesses can operate without in-
• IaaS provides the following: vesting on computer hardware.
◦ Servers- Compute, machines • Scalable for rapidly growing businesses.
◦ Storage (Organizations that experience huge suc-
◦ Network cess immediately)
◦ Operating system • Suitable for serving fluctuating computing
Working Methodology: demands. (Ex. Flipkart, Amazon during
• The user rents servers, software, data cen- festival seasons)
ter space or network equipment • Suitable for new business model trials.
• Cloud service provider offers resource • Helps in minimizing the capital expenses.
management (entrepreneurs starting on a shoestring
• Outsourced service on-demand model budget) 19 / 73
IaaS - Challenges and Limitations: • Users may require automated decision
• Sometimes the regulatory approval does making of job scheduling to available re-
not allow outsourcing the storage and pro- sources
cessing of sensitive data.(Ex.: Medical • Seamless scaling of services independent
records) of traffic variation
• Network latency may degrade the level of • Developers have to focus on low level sys-
expected performance tem details

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II. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
“Platform-as-a-service remove the need for organizations to manage the underlying
infrastructure (usually hardware and operating systems) and allow you to focus on the
deployment and management of your applications."

• PaaS provides the platform which allows ployed applications.

developers to create applications which • Facilitates development and managing
can be offered as services via Internet applications without the complexity of
• Simplifies the application development maintaining the underlying infrastructure
and deploy providing the cloud- aware fea- • Allows customers to rent virtualized
ture servers and associated services
• PaaS is an application middleware offered • Provides elastic scaling of the user’s de-
as a service to developers ployed application
• Provides abstraction and security for de-

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Features of PaaS offering tomers can subscribe
• Operating system • Support available for managing the infras-
• Server-side scripting environment tructure and applications for customers
• Database management system • Services are regularly updated with new
• Server Software features
• Support Business Advantages:
• Storage • Facility for accessing key middleware ser-
• Network access vices without worrying about the under-
• Tools for design and development lying complexities of managing individual
• Hosting hardware and software elements
PaaS Working Model: • Ease of access for the development and
• Allows users to create software applica- deployment tools
tions using offered tools • Freedom from managing development and
• Provides preconfigured features that cus- deployment tools individually

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I. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

“Software as a Service provides you with a completed product that is run and managed
by the service provider. In most cases, people referring to Software as a Service are
referring to end-user applications"

• SaaS is a simplified model of software de- • Remote access of software via Internet
livery over Internet where web-browser acts as a thin-client
• Operation, maintenance and technical • Facility for access and control of commer-
support is provided by the service provider cial software via Internet
• Typically offered via web browser working • Multi-tenant application delivery in a one-
as a thin-client to-many model
• Supports a fully pay-as-you-go model

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Limitations of SaaS:
• Centralized Control • Limited flexibility
• Switching cost • Data security and privacy

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Where are we ?

3.1 Smart Cities

1. Cloud Computing
3.2 Smart Homes
1.1 Fundamentals
4. Connected Vehicles
1.2 Essential Characteristics
4.1 Definition
1.3 Components of Cloud Computing
4.2 Capabilities
1.4 Service Models
1.4.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 5. Smart Grid
1.4.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 5.1 Definition
1.4.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6. Industrial IoT
1.5 Deployment Models 6.1 IoT Vs Industrial IoT
6.2 Applications of IIoT
2. Sensor-Cloud 7. Case Studies
2.1 Introduction 7.1 Agriculture
2.2 Actors in Sensor-cloud 7.2 Healthcare
3. Smart Cities and Smart Homes 7.3 Activity Monitoring

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Deployment Models
I. Public cloud: II. Private cloud:
• Cloud set-up for the use of any per- • Cloud set-up functioned only for a
son or industry single organization
• Typically owned by an organization • Typically managed by the organiza-
who offers the cloud service. tion itself (on-premises) or a third
• Examples: Amazon Web Service party (off-premises)
(AWS), Google Compute Engine, Mi- • Advantages:
crosoft Azure i. Total control over the system
• Advantages: and data
i. Easy to set-up at low cost, ii. Minimum security concerns
as provider covers the hard- • Disadvantages: Regular mainte-
ware, application and band- nance
width costs.
ii. Scalability to meet needs.
iii. Pay-per-use ensures that from
user’s perspective no resources
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III. Hybrid cloud: • Distributed cloud
• Cloud set-up constructed by two or ◦ Collection of scattered set of
more unique cloud set-up (private, computing devices in different loca-
community, or public) tions, however, connected to a sin-
• Pooled together by standardized gle network
tools ◦ Two types – Public-resource Com-
• Supports data and application porta- puting and Volunteer Cloud
bility (e.g., facility for load-balancing • Multi-cloud
between clouds) ◦ Multiple cloud computing ser-
• Provides multiple deployment mod- vices offered via single heteroge-
els neous architecture
IV. Others: ◦ Increases fault-tolerance and
• Community cloud: flexibility
◦ Shared set-up between several or- • Inter-cloud
ganizations having common con- ◦ Unified global ‘cloud of clouds’
cerns (security, compliance, juris- based on the Internet
diction, etc.) ◦ Supports interoperability between
◦ Managed by internally or by third cloud service providers
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Where are we ?

3.1 Smart Cities

1. Cloud Computing
3.2 Smart Homes
1.1 Fundamentals
4. Connected Vehicles
1.2 Essential Characteristics
4.1 Definition
1.3 Components of Cloud Computing
4.2 Capabilities
1.4 Service Models
1.4.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 5. Smart Grid
1.4.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 5.1 Definition
1.4.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6. Industrial IoT
1.5 Deployment Models 6.1 IoT Vs Industrial IoT
6.2 Applications of IIoT
2. Sensor-Cloud 7. Case Studies
2.1 Introduction 7.1 Agriculture
2.2 Actors in Sensor-cloud 7.2 Healthcare
3. Smart Cities and Smart Homes 7.3 Activity Monitoring

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• Not only the mere integration of cloud • One sensor node/network appears as
computing and sensor networks, but sensor- many
cloud is more than that • A stratum between sensor nodes and end-
• Concept of virtualization of sensor node users
• Pay-per-use 30 / 73
Difference with WSN

31 / 73
Where are we ?

3.1 Smart Cities

1. Cloud Computing
3.2 Smart Homes
1.1 Fundamentals
4. Connected Vehicles
1.2 Essential Characteristics
4.1 Definition
1.3 Components of Cloud Computing
4.2 Capabilities
1.4 Service Models
1.4.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 5. Smart Grid
1.4.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 5.1 Definition
1.4.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6. Industrial IoT
1.5 Deployment Models 6.1 IoT Vs Industrial IoT
6.2 Applications of IIoT
2. Sensor-Cloud 7. Case Studies
2.1 Introduction 7.1 Agriculture
2.2 Actors in Sensor-cloud 7.2 Healthcare
3. Smart Cities and Smart Homes 7.3 Activity Monitoring

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Actors in Sensor-cloud
I. End-Users • SCSP charges price from the end-
• Enjoy Se-aaS through applications users as per their usage of Se-aaS
as per the requirements.
• Un-aware about what and which
physical sensor is/are allocated to
serve the application
II. Sensor-Owner
• Plays a role from business perspec-
• They purchase physical sensor de-
vices, deployed over different geo-
graphical locations, and lend these
devices to the sensor-cloud
III. Sensor-Cloud Service Provider
• A business actor.
33 / 73
Where are we ?

3.1 Smart Cities

1. Cloud Computing
3.2 Smart Homes
1.1 Fundamentals
4. Connected Vehicles
1.2 Essential Characteristics
4.1 Definition
1.3 Components of Cloud Computing
4.2 Capabilities
1.4 Service Models
1.4.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 5. Smart Grid
1.4.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 5.1 Definition
1.4.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6. Industrial IoT
1.5 Deployment Models 6.1 IoT Vs Industrial IoT
6.2 Applications of IIoT
2. Sensor-Cloud 7. Case Studies
2.1 Introduction 7.1 Agriculture
2.2 Actors in Sensor-cloud 7.2 Healthcare
3. Smart Cities and Smart Homes 7.3 Activity Monitoring

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• A smart city is an urban area that leverages technology and data to improve the
quality of life for its residents, enhance sustainability, and optimize resource
• It uses various information and communication technologies (ICT) to collect,
analyze, and manage data from different sources to make informed decisions
and deliver improved services.
◦ In a smart city, interconnected devices, sensors, and infrastructure are
deployed to gather real-time data on various aspects of urban life, such as
transportation, energy usage, public safety, waste management, water
supply, and environmental conditions.

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Application Focus Areas
I. Smart Economy:
• Smart cities often foster an ecosystem of innovation and
entrepreneurship, attracting investment and talent.
• They provide a platform for startups, researchers, and businesses to
develop and deploy technological solutions that address urban challenges.
II. Smart Governance:
• Smart cities prioritize citizen participation and engagement by providing
platforms for residents to access information, give feedback, and actively
participate in decision-making processes.
• This involvement can lead to more inclusive and responsive governance.
III. Smart People:
• It emphasizes the importance of involving individuals in the
transformation of their urban environment and empowering them with
technology and information to make informed decisions.
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IV. Smart Mobility:
• It focuses on creating a seamless, efficient, and sustainable
transportation system that caters to the needs of residents and visitors
while reducing congestion, emissions, and reliance on private vehicles.
V. Smart Environment:
• Smart cities aim to optimize resource usage and reduce environmental
impact by implementing smart grids for efficient energy distribution,
intelligent transportation systems to alleviate traffic congestion, and
waste management systems to minimize waste and pollution.
VI. Smart Living:
• It focuses on solutions to improve the quality of life, comfort,
convenience, and sustainability of residents.
• It encompasses various aspects of daily life, including housing, utilities,
healthcare, safety, and leisure.

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Current Focus Areas
i. Smart homes • Detection of bad driving patterns
• Health monitoring. or driving under the influence of sub-
• Conservation of resources (e.g. elec- stances.
tricity, water, fuel). • Auto alert generation during crashes
• Security and safety. • Self diagnostics
ii. Smart parking lots iv. Smart health
• Auto routing of vehicles to empty • Low cost, portable, at-home medical
slots. diagnosis kits.
• Auto charging for services provided. • Remote check-ups and diagnosis.
• Detection of vacant slots in the park- • On-body sensors for effortless and ac-
ing lot. curate health monitoring.
iii. Smart vehicles • Auto alert generation in case of emer-
• Assistance to drivers during bad gency medical episodes (e.g. Heart at-
weather or low-visibility. tacks, seizures).

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v. Pollution and calamity monitoring newable sources of energy in the same
• Monitoring for weather or man-made grid.
based calamities. vii. Smart agriculture
• Alert generation in case of above- • Automatic detection of plant water
threshold pollutants in the air or wa- stress.
ter. • Monitoring of crop health status.
• Resource reallocation and rerouting of • Auto detection of crop infection.
services in the event of calamities • Auto application of fertilizers and
vi. Smart energy pesticides.
• Smart metering systems. • Scheduling harvesting and arranging
• Smart energy allocation and distribu- proper transfer of harvests to ware-
tion system. houses or markets.
• Incorporation of traditional and re-

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IoT Challenges in Smart Cities
i. Security and privacy • Accommodating varying user require-
• Exposure to attacks (e.g. cross-site ments
scripting, side channel, etc.). iii. Reliability
• Exposure to vulnerabilities. • Unreliable communication due to ve-
• Multi-tenancy induces the risk of data hicle mobility.
leakage • Device failures
ii. Heterogeneity iv. Large scale
• Integration of varying hardware plat- • Delay due to large scale deployments.
forms and specifications. • Delay due to mobility of deployed
• Integration of different radio specifica- nodes.
tions. • Distribution of devices can affect
• Integration of various software plat- monitoring tasks.

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v. Legal and social aspects • Analytics on gigantic data volumes is
• Services based on user provided in- processing intensive.
formation may be subject to local or vii. Sensor networks
international laws. • Choice of appropriate sensors for in-
• Individual and informed consent re- dividual sensing tasks is crucial.
quired for using humans as data • Energy planning is crucial.
sources. • Device placement and network archi-
vi. Big data tecture is important for reliable end-
• Transfer, storage and maintenance to-end IoT implementation.
of huge volumes of data is expensive. • Communication medium and means
• Data cleaning and purification is time play an important role in seamless
consuming. function of IoT in smart cities

41 / 73
Where are we ?

3.1 Smart Cities

1. Cloud Computing
3.2 Smart Homes
1.1 Fundamentals
4. Connected Vehicles
1.2 Essential Characteristics
4.1 Definition
1.3 Components of Cloud Computing
4.2 Capabilities
1.4 Service Models
1.4.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 5. Smart Grid
1.4.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 5.1 Definition
1.4.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6. Industrial IoT
1.5 Deployment Models 6.1 IoT Vs Industrial IoT
6.2 Applications of IIoT
2. Sensor-Cloud 7. Case Studies
2.1 Introduction 7.1 Agriculture
2.2 Actors in Sensor-cloud 7.2 Healthcare
3. Smart Cities and Smart Homes 7.3 Activity Monitoring

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i. Smart home infrastructure consists of:
• Intelligent networking device infrastructure
• Seamless integration of various devices using wired/wireless technologies
ii. Allows ease of use for household systems.
iii. Creates a highly personalized and safe home space
iv. Corporations seriously indulging in smart home systems include GE, Cisco, Google,
Microsoft, and others.
v. Provides productive and cost-efficient environment.
vi. Maximizes the effectiveness of the occupants.
vii. Provides efficient management with minimum life-time costs of hardware and
viii. Optimizes-
• Structures
• Systems
• Services and management
• Interrelationships between the above three
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Home Area Networks (HANs)
i. Network contained within a home. such as 6LoWPAN. Makes implementa-
ii. Enables remote access and control of tion easy.
devices and systems.
iii. Provides amalgamation of various sys-
tems within a home, such as – security
systems, home automation systems, per-
sonal media, communication, etc.
iv. Internet Protocol (IP): Multi-protocol
gateway bridges non-IP network to IP
v. Wired HAN: Easy integration with pre-
existing house infrastructure. Ex: Can
use power lines, coaxial cables, telephone
lines etc
vi. Wireless HAN: Can use popular home
Wi-Fi, ZigBee, and even new standards,
44 / 73
Where are we ?

3.1 Smart Cities

1. Cloud Computing
3.2 Smart Homes
1.1 Fundamentals
4. Connected Vehicles
1.2 Essential Characteristics
4.1 Definition
1.3 Components of Cloud Computing
4.2 Capabilities
1.4 Service Models
1.4.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 5. Smart Grid
1.4.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 5.1 Definition
1.4.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6. Industrial IoT
1.5 Deployment Models 6.1 IoT Vs Industrial IoT
6.2 Applications of IIoT
2. Sensor-Cloud 7. Case Studies
2.1 Introduction 7.1 Agriculture
2.2 Actors in Sensor-cloud 7.2 Healthcare
3. Smart Cities and Smart Homes 7.3 Activity Monitoring

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Connected Vehicles

• Connected vehicles, refer to vehicles that are equipped with internet connectivity and
integrated with various technologies to enable communication with other vehicles,
infrastructure, and external systems.
• These technologies allow vehicles to exchange information, access real-time data, and
provide advanced services to enhance safety, efficiency, and convenience on the road.

46 / 73
Where are we ?

3.1 Smart Cities

1. Cloud Computing
3.2 Smart Homes
1.1 Fundamentals
4. Connected Vehicles
1.2 Essential Characteristics
4.1 Definition
1.3 Components of Cloud Computing
4.2 Capabilities
1.4 Service Models
1.4.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 5. Smart Grid
1.4.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 5.1 Definition
1.4.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6. Industrial IoT
1.5 Deployment Models 6.1 IoT Vs Industrial IoT
6.2 Applications of IIoT
2. Sensor-Cloud 7. Case Studies
2.1 Introduction 7.1 Agriculture
2.2 Actors in Sensor-cloud 7.2 Healthcare
3. Smart Cities and Smart Homes 7.3 Activity Monitoring

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Key capabilities of connected vehicles include:
i. Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Communication: Connected vehicles can communicate
with other vehicles in their vicinity. This enables them to share information about their
position, speed, direction, and other relevant data. V2V communication plays a
crucial role in enhancing road safety by enabling collision warnings, emergency brake
assistance, and cooperative adaptive cruise control.
ii. Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) Communication: Connected vehicles can
communicate with roadside infrastructure such as traffic signals, toll booths, and
parking facilities. This enables them to receive real-time information about traffic
conditions, road hazards, and available parking spaces.
iii. Vehicle-to-Cloud (V2C) Communication: Connected vehicles can connect to
cloud-based platforms and services. This allows them to access a wide range of data
and services, such as real-time traffic updates, weather information, navigation
assistance, and streaming media.

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iii. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS): Connected vehicles incorporate
advanced driver assistance systems that utilize sensors, cameras, and connectivity to
provide features like lane departure warning, blind-spot monitoring, adaptive cruise
control, and automatic emergency braking. These systems enhance driver safety and
assist in avoiding accidents.
iv. Over-the-Air (OTA) Updates: OTA updates allow manufacturers to remotely
improve and add new features to vehicles, fix software bugs, and enhance performance
without the need for physical service visits.
v. Telematics Services: Connected vehicles enable telematics services, which involve
the collection and transmission of vehicle data for various purposes. This data includes
information on vehicle diagnostics, maintenance reminders, fuel consumption, and
driver behavior.

49 / 73
Where are we ?

3.1 Smart Cities

1. Cloud Computing
3.2 Smart Homes
1.1 Fundamentals
4. Connected Vehicles
1.2 Essential Characteristics
4.1 Definition
1.3 Components of Cloud Computing
4.2 Capabilities
1.4 Service Models
1.4.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 5. Smart Grid
1.4.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 5.1 Definition
1.4.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6. Industrial IoT
1.5 Deployment Models 6.1 IoT Vs Industrial IoT
6.2 Applications of IIoT
2. Sensor-Cloud 7. Case Studies
2.1 Introduction 7.1 Agriculture
2.2 Actors in Sensor-cloud 7.2 Healthcare
3. Smart Cities and Smart Homes 7.3 Activity Monitoring

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Smart Grid Architecture

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Traditional electrical grid :
• Energy generation is done in centralized power plants
• Energy distribution is one directional – from the power plant to the homes or
• Monitoring and restoration of grid is done manually
• Uni-directional communication

Smart Grid:
• Achieve high reliability in power systems
• A cyber-physical system equipped with sustainable models of energy distribution,
and usage

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What is Smart Grid: ◦ More efficient transmission of electricity
• Smart grid is conceptualized as a planned ◦ Quicker restoration of electricity after
nationwide network that uses informa- power disturbances
tion technology to deliver electricity effi- ◦ Reduced operations and management
ciently, reliably, and securely. costs for utilities, and ultimately lower
• Smart grid is also named as – Electricity power costs for consumers
with a brain, The energy internet, The ◦ Reduced peak demand, which will also
electronet help lower electricity rates
• According to the definition given by NIST, ◦ Increased integration of large-scale re-
smart grid is – “A modernized grid that newable energy systems
enables bidirectional flows of energy and ◦ Better integration of customer-owner
uses two-way communication and control power generation systems, including re-
capabilities that will lead to an array of new newable energy systems
functionalities and applications.” ◦ Improved security
Benefits of Smart Grid: • Using smart grid, both the consumers and
• Benefits associated with the Smart Grid in- the energy service providers or stakehold-
clude: ers get benefited.
53 / 73
Benefits to Customers: Benefits to Stakeholders:
• Updated information on their energy us- • Increase grid reliability
age in real-time • Reduce the frequency of power blackouts
• Program the smart devices to run during and brownouts
off-peak hours to lower energy bills • Provide infrastructure for monitoring,
• Different pricing options analysis, and decision-making
• Increase grid resiliency by providing de-
tailed information
• Reduce inefficiencies in energy delivery
• ‘Integrate the sustainable resources of
wind and solar alongside the main grid
• Improve management of distributed energy
resources, including micro-grid operations
and storage management.

54 / 73
Where are we ?

3.1 Smart Cities

1. Cloud Computing
3.2 Smart Homes
1.1 Fundamentals
4. Connected Vehicles
1.2 Essential Characteristics
4.1 Definition
1.3 Components of Cloud Computing
4.2 Capabilities
1.4 Service Models
1.4.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 5. Smart Grid
1.4.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 5.1 Definition
1.4.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6. Industrial IoT
1.5 Deployment Models 6.1 IoT Vs Industrial IoT
6.2 Applications of IIoT
2. Sensor-Cloud 7. Case Studies
2.1 Introduction 7.1 Agriculture
2.2 Actors in Sensor-cloud 7.2 Healthcare
3. Smart Cities and Smart Homes 7.3 Activity Monitoring

55 / 73
IoT Vs Industrial IoT

• The main aim of Internet of Things

(IoT) is
◦ to globally connect smart ‘things’
or ‘objects’ .
◦ objects are uniquely identified.
◦ interoperability among the objects.
• The Industrial Internet of Things
(IIoT) is an application of IoT in in-
dustries to modify the various exist-
ing industrial systems. IIoT links the
automation system with enterprise,
planning and product lifecycle.
56 / 73
57 / 73
Where are we ?

3.1 Smart Cities

1. Cloud Computing
3.2 Smart Homes
1.1 Fundamentals
4. Connected Vehicles
1.2 Essential Characteristics
4.1 Definition
1.3 Components of Cloud Computing
4.2 Capabilities
1.4 Service Models
1.4.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 5. Smart Grid
1.4.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 5.1 Definition
1.4.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6. Industrial IoT
1.5 Deployment Models 6.1 IoT Vs Industrial IoT
6.2 Applications of IIoT
2. Sensor-Cloud 7. Case Studies
2.1 Introduction 7.1 Agriculture
2.2 Actors in Sensor-cloud 7.2 Healthcare
3. Smart Cities and Smart Homes 7.3 Activity Monitoring

58 / 73
Applications of IIoT
I. Manufacturing industry: The devices, equipment, workforce, supply chain, work
platform are integrated and connected to achieve smart production. Led to:
• reduction in operational costs
• improvement in the productivity of the worker
• reduction in the injuries at the workplace
• resource optimization and waste reduction
• end-to-end automation.
II. Healthcare Service industry: Patients can be continuously monitored due to the
implanted on-body sensors. This has led to:
• improved treatment outcome
• costs has reduced
• improved disease detection
• improved accuracy in the collection of data
• improved drugs management.

59 / 73
III. Transportation & logistics: To improve safety, efficiency of transportation,
Intelligent Transportation system (ITS) is developed which consists of connected
vehicles. ITS provides –
• Vehicle–to–sensor connectivity
• Vehicle–to–vehicle connectivity
• Vehicle–to–internet connectivity
• Vehicle–to–road infrastructure
IV. Mining: To prevent accidents inside the mines - RFID, Wi-Fi and other wireless
technologies are used, which
• provides early warning of any disaster
• monitors air-quality
• detects the presence of poisonous gases inside the mines
• oxygen level inside the mines
V. Firefighting: Sensor networks, RFID tags are used to perform
• automatic diagnosis
• early warning of disaster
• emergency rescue
• provides real-time monitoring
60 / 73
Where are we ?

3.1 Smart Cities

1. Cloud Computing
3.2 Smart Homes
1.1 Fundamentals
4. Connected Vehicles
1.2 Essential Characteristics
4.1 Definition
1.3 Components of Cloud Computing
4.2 Capabilities
1.4 Service Models
1.4.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 5. Smart Grid
1.4.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 5.1 Definition
1.4.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6. Industrial IoT
1.5 Deployment Models 6.1 IoT Vs Industrial IoT
6.2 Applications of IIoT
2. Sensor-Cloud 7. Case Studies
2.1 Introduction 7.1 Agriculture
2.2 Actors in Sensor-cloud 7.2 Healthcare
3. Smart Cities and Smart Homes 7.3 Activity Monitoring

61 / 73
AgriSens: Smart Water Management using IoT

• More yields with less water
• Save limited water resource in a country
• Automatic irrigation
• Dynamic irrigation treatments in the dif-
ferent phases of a crop’s life cycle
• Remote monitoring and controlling
Proposed Architecture:
• Sensing and actuating layer
• Processing, storage, and service layer
• Application layer

62 / 73
• Integrated design for sensors
• Integrated design for sensor node
• Integrated design for remote server
◦ Repository data server: Communi-
cates with the deployed IoT gateway in
the field by using GPRS technology
◦ Web server: To access field data re-
◦ Multi users server: Sends field infor-
mation to farmer’s cell using SMS tech-
nology and also executes farmer’s query
and controlling messages

63 / 73

64 / 73
Where are we ?

3.1 Smart Cities

1. Cloud Computing
3.2 Smart Homes
1.1 Fundamentals
4. Connected Vehicles
1.2 Essential Characteristics
4.1 Definition
1.3 Components of Cloud Computing
4.2 Capabilities
1.4 Service Models
1.4.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 5. Smart Grid
1.4.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 5.1 Definition
1.4.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6. Industrial IoT
1.5 Deployment Models 6.1 IoT Vs Industrial IoT
6.2 Applications of IIoT
2. Sensor-Cloud 7. Case Studies
2.1 Introduction 7.1 Agriculture
2.2 Actors in Sensor-cloud 7.2 Healthcare
3. Smart Cities and Smart Homes 7.3 Activity Monitoring

65 / 73
AmbuSens: Use-case of Healthcare system using IoT

Problem Definition & its scope ◦ Solution - Real-time monitoring

• Telemedicine and Remote Healthcare: • Digitized Medical History:
◦ Problem - Physical presence necessary ◦ Problem - Inconsistent, Physical records
◦ Solution - Wireless sensor vulnerable to wear and tear and loss.
• Emergency Response Time: ◦ Solution - Consistent cloud-based digital
◦ Problem – Not equipped to deal with record-keeping system
complications. Physiological Parameters monitored:
◦ Solution: Instant remote monitoring, i. Heart Rate
Feedback by the skilled medical profes- ii. Electrocardiogram (ECG)
sionals iii. Temperature
• Real Time Patient Status Monitoring: iv. Galvanic Skin Response (GSR)
◦ Problem – Lack of collaboration.

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Development of WBAN
• Single hop wireless body area network
• Communication protocol used is Bluetooth
i.e. IEEE 802.15.1
• Power management and data-rate tuning
• Calibration of data
• Filtering and noise removal

67 / 73
Development of Cloud Framework
• Health-cloud framework
• The developed system is strictly privacy-aware
• Patient-identity masking involves hashing and reverse hashing of patient ID
• Scalable architecture
Web Interface
• Paramedic and Doctor portals for ease of use.
• Provision for recording medical history and sending feedback.
• Allows sensor initialization and data streaming.
• Includes data visualization tools for better understanding.

68 / 73
System Architecture

69 / 73
Where are we ?

3.1 Smart Cities

1. Cloud Computing
3.2 Smart Homes
1.1 Fundamentals
4. Connected Vehicles
1.2 Essential Characteristics
4.1 Definition
1.3 Components of Cloud Computing
4.2 Capabilities
1.4 Service Models
1.4.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 5. Smart Grid
1.4.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 5.1 Definition
1.4.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6. Industrial IoT
1.5 Deployment Models 6.1 IoT Vs Industrial IoT
6.2 Applications of IIoT
2. Sensor-Cloud 7. Case Studies
2.1 Introduction 7.1 Agriculture
2.2 Actors in Sensor-cloud 7.2 Healthcare
3. Smart Cities and Smart Homes 7.3 Activity Monitoring

70 / 73
Activity Monitoring
Introduction Architecture:
• Wearable sensors have become very pop-
ular for different purposes such as: Med-
ical, Child-care, Elderly-care, Entertain-
ment, Security
• These sensors help in monitoring the phys-
ical activities of humans
• Particularly in IoT scenarios, activity mon-
itoring plays an important role for provid- Advantages:
ing better quality of life and safe guarding • Continuous monitoring of activity results in
humans. daily observation of human behavior and
• Provides information accurately in a reli- repetitive patterns in their activities.
able manner • Easy integration and fast equipping
• Provides continuous monitoring support • Long term monitoring
• Utilization of sensors of handheld devices:
Accelerometer, Gyroscope, GPS 71 / 73
Text Books

[1] P. S. Misra, “Nptel: Introduction to internet of things,” 2019.
[Accessed: Feb 2023].
[2], “chatgpt - an openai based language models for dialogue,” 2023. [Accessed: Feb 2023].
[3] A. Bahga and V. Madisetti, Internet of Things: A Hands-on Approach.

72 / 73
Thank you

All the Best !!

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