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Cleaning Technology · Municipal Technology

Sweepmaster 1200 / 1500 RH
For the economic cleaning
of large company premises
R ide - on swe e pe r s for u p to 16,20 0 m 2 /h a re a cove rag e

Sweepmaster 1200 / 1500 RH

Simply improve your sweeping

Perfect cleaning they have sufficient power reserves to
of commercial premises enable their deployment for cleaning
Powerful, intelligent and durable: multi-storey car parks ramps.
By choosing the Sweepmaster 1200 RH
and Sweepmaster 1500 RH, you are Quality for long-term reliability
making a decisive step towards improving Choosing Hako is not only an investment
performance and efficiency with regard to in quality but also in a durability and
the cleaning of industrial and commercial reliability. Highest levels of availability and
premises. Providing an area coverage of a long service life were placed in the
up to 10,300 m²/h (Sweepmaster 1200 RH) foreground at the construction phase
or up to 16,200 m /h (Sweepmaster 1500
in the case of the Sweepmaster 1200 RH
RH), both Sweepmaster models are firmly and Sweepmaster 1500 RH. The solid
positioned in the top category of ride-on outer frames of the machines were made
sweepers. Both vehicles are perfectly of steel and, as opposed to other materials,
suited for the quick and particularly can withstand harder impacts. As with all
efficient dust-free sweeping of warehouses painted steel parts, it is provided with an
and production plants as well as hard- extremely durable 2-layer anticorrosive and
surfaced outdoor facilities. thus fulfils the highest demands in respect
Capable of overcoming steep slopes, of quality.

Excellent efficiency
As all Hako machines, the Sweepmaster 1200 RH and and costs. Efficient petrol, diesel and LPG drives as well
Sweepmaster 1500 RH are designed with efficiency and as powerful battery systems ensure long operating times
ease of repair in mind. For maintenance purposes and due to their low consumption. Filter systems with long
service work, the entire user platform can be pivoted service lives and large containers provide the basis for long,
open simply and easily without the need for any tools. uninterrupted work. This increases efficiency. A long
The intelligent diagnostics system in the Sweepmaster service life and high resale value are positive assets on
1500 RH provides additional help for error analysis and the balance sheet.
fault location in the case of faults. This saves both time

Up to 10,30 0 m 2 /h a re a cove rag e

Sweepmaster 1200 RH

Sweepmaster P1200 RH

Well-conceived technology for extreme flexibility

The Sweepmaster 1200 RH is fitted with all the equipment and functional features of its
bigger brother but is operated manually by means of easy-to-use levers and switches.
Available as petrol, liquefied petroleum gas, diesel or battery-powered models, all types
of demanding indoor and outdoor deployment are possible. The operating time of the
battery-powered models is max. 5 hours and combustion engine models up to 10 hours.
This enables optimal deployment of both machine and personnel meaning that the
cleaning of commercial premises is even more efficient with Hako!

1) Simple operation 1 2
The cockpit: Good visibility
to the front and ergonomic
operating elements

2) Easy access
The main cylindrical brush
can be disassembled
without any tools

Up to 16,20 0 m 2 /h a re a cove rag e

Sweepmaster 1500 RH

Sweepmaster P1500 RH
with optional cab safety roof

That certain something

The Sweepmaster 1500 RH fulfils all the requirements to ensure many years of econo-
mic use under difficult working conditions. Its effective sweeping unit, high performance
filter system and powerful motors, diverse drive systems and simple, electronically
supported single-button operation make the Sweepmaster 1500 RH the ideal universal
sweeper vehicle for industrial and commercial sweeping tasks. The large side brooms
sweep debris effectively to the main cylindrical brush and complete their tasks reliably
even when cornering and sweeping out corners. The sweeping system operates
according to the overhead sweeping principle so that the dirt hopper is always comple-
tely filled – ensuring long operating times without interruptions!

1 2 1) Robust chassis and

collision protection
Solid base and protection
for the brush from damage –
highest levels of machine

2) Simple maintenance
The user platform can be
pivoted up or forward for
service work
We l l- conce i ve d, down to the last deta il

The Sweepmaster 1200/1500 RH,

convincing and with many advantages
1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

1) Cylindrical brush 3/4) Wear ­compensator 5) Debris flap 7) Clear operational

Protective guard against Simple adjustment of the (Sweepmaster 1500 RH) concept
bearing damage when main cylindrical brush using to insert larger items, foil or for more safety and short
sweeping up foil or tape; the ABBA system (automatic tape; when thrown in, no training periods for operating
change cylindrical brush hopper-brush adaptation) dust can escape from the personnel
without tools for perfect sweeping over hopper flap
the entire service life of the 8) Single-button
2) Clean exhaust air cylindrical brush 6) Hydraulic hopper lift ­operation
and long operating times The dirt hopper can be (Sweepmaster 1500 RH)
thanks to the cassette filter raised for emptying to a Simple operation using the
system with large filter sur- height of 1.52 m green Hakomatic button
face and R filter cleaning
technology (Hako patent) 9) Quick service access
Easy access to the technical
system minimises downtimes
Te c hnic a l data / Spe c ia l e qu ipme nt / Se r vice s

Sweepmaster at a glance

Technical Data * P1200 RH D1200 RH B1200 RH P1500 RH D1500 RH B1500 RH

Drive Petrol/LPG Diesel Battery Petrol/LPG Diesel Battery

Max. output 11,9 kW 9,8 kW 4,3 kW 15 kW 14 kW 6 kW

Sweeping width  /
80  /   1 15  /   1 47  cm 80  /   1 15  /   1 47  cm 80  /   1 15  /   1 47  cm 92  /   1 27  /   1 62  cm 92  /   1 27  /   1 62  cm 92  /   1 27  /   1 62  cm
with 1 SB /  2 SB

Sweeping perfor­
10,300 m 2 /  h 10,300 m 2 /  h 9,200 m 2 /  h 12,960 m 2 /  h 12,960 m 2 /  h 10,400 m 2 /  h
mance with 1 SB

ABBA wear
• • • • • •

Dirt hopper
130 l 130 l 130 l 250 l 250 l 250 l

Dumping height 142 cm 142 cm 142 cm 152 cm 152 cm 152 cm

Filter surface 5,0 m 2 5,0 m 2 5,0 m 2 7,5 m 2 7,5 m 2 7,5 m 2

R 2S filter
• • • • • •
cleaning system

Working speed 9  km  /   h 9  km  /   h 8  km  /   h 10  km  /   h 10  km  /   h 8  km  /   h

18 % 18 % 16 % 18 % 18 % 16 %

763 kg 784 kg 920 – 1 ,100 kg 1,100  –   1 ,350  kg 1,100  –   1 ,350  kg 1,465  –   1 ,750  kg
ready to use

Width x Length 1,142 x 1,998 mm 1,142 x 1,998 mm 1,142 x 1,998 mm 1,335 x 2,230 mm 1,335 x 2,230 mm 1,335 x 2,230 mm

1,520 (1,999) mm 1,520 (1,999) mm 1,520 (1,999) mm 1,596 (1,980) mm 1,596 (1,980) mm 1,596 (1,980) mm
(with cab roof)

We reserve the right to make technical improvements to machines with regard to shape, colour and design without notice.
Illustrations could contain optional equipment.

The perfect machine for every task

Special equipment for special demands Attractive services at attractive conditions
No one task is identical to another. Therefore, we do not Your investment in Hako pays dividends after just a short
simply provide a variety of drives and sweeping width. time – e.g. through the high level of reliability and low
By adding special equipment, such as a particle filter operating costs throughout the machine‘s entire service
complying with TRGS 554 for the diesel or a cab safety life. Hako service options enable you to calculate success
roof, a second left-hand side broom, a lighting system even more accurately: The Hako Full Service and Service
compliant with road traffic licensing regulations (StVZO) Contract, available under attractive conditions, ensure
or a flashing beacon and numerous other accessories, fully calculable maintenance costs, comprehensive
you can assemble precisely the machine you need! machine cover and maximum availability at all times!

Simply ask your Hako representatives about our extras

and services – they will be pleased to help!

Hako: environmental- Everywhere and Buying, leasing, We are available 24/7
friendly right from close by renting Hako’s spare part expres-
the start Our efficient sales & service We offer you many sand on-call service
It is our legacy to leave network guarantees close individual and attractive guarantees best possible
behind a clean planet. proximity and rapid help - financing options. availability.
That is why resources-, worldwide.
environmental- and climate
protection characterizes Cleanliness combined
each and every process at with safety
Hako which has been Our machines meet the
certified by independent highest standards. Reliable
institutions. Learn more quality “Made by Hako.”
about our on-going
commitment at

Din EN iso 9001:2008

Din EN iso 14001:2009

Hako Australia Pty Ltd

Tel.+61 28756 4700
Fax.+61 28756 4799
81-10 -24 0 0 /2

[email protected]

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