Formatted and Unformatted Input

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Formatted and Unformatted Input/Output

Unformatted Input/Output is the most basic form of input/output. Unformatted input/output transfers the internal binary representation of the data directly between memory and the file. Formatted output converts the internal binary representation of the data to ASCII characters which are written to the output file. Formatted input reads characters from the input file and converts them to internal form. Formatted I/O can be either "Free" format or "Explicit" format, as described below.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Unformatted I/O

Unformatted input/output is the simplest and most efficient form of input/output. It is usually the most compact way to store data. Unformatted input/output is the least portable form of input/output. Unformatted data files can only be moved easily to and from computers that share the same internal data representation. It should be noted that XDR (eXternal Data Representation) files, described in Portable Unformatted Input/Output, can be used to produce portable binary data. Unformatted input/output is not directly human readable, so you cannot type it out on a terminal screen or edit it with a text editor.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Formatted I/O

Formatted input/output is very portable. It is a simple process to move formatted data files to various computers, even computers running different operating systems, as long as they all use the ASCII character set. (ASCII is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is the character set used by almost all current computers, with the notable exception of large IBM mainframes.) Formatted files are human readable and can be typed to the terminal screen or edited with a text editor. However, formatted input/output is more computationally expensive than unformatted input/output because of the need to convert between internal binary data and ASCII text. Formatted data requires more space than unformatted to represent the same information. Inaccuracies can result when converting data between text and the internal representation. Free Format I/O With free format input/output, IDL uses default rules to format the data.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Format I/O

The user is free of the chore of deciding how the data should be formatted. Free format is extremely simple and easy to use. It provides the ability to handle the majority of formatted input/output needs with a minimum of effort. However, the default formats used are not always exactly what is required. In this case, explicit formatting is necessary.

See Using Free Format Input/Output for more information. Explicit Format I/O Explicit format I/O allows you to specify the exact format for input/output.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Explicit I/O

Explicit formatting allows a great deal of flexibility in specifying exactly how data will be formatted. Formats are specified using a syntax that is similar to that used in FORTRAN format statements. Scientists and engineers already familiar with FORTRAN will find IDL formats easy to write. Commonly used FORTRAN format codes are supported. In addition, IDL formats have been extended to provide many of the capabilities found in the scanf () and printf () functions commonly found in the C language runtime library. However, there are some disadvantages to using Explicit I/O. Using explicitly specified formats requires the user to specify more detailthey are, therefore, more complicated to use than free format. The type of input/output to use in a given situation is usually determined by considering the advantages and disadvantages of each method as they relate to the problem to be solved. Also, when transferring data to or from other programs or systems, the type of input/output is determined by the application. The following suggestions are intended to give a rough idea of the issues involved, though there are always exceptions:

Images and large data sets are usually stored and manipulated using unformatted input/output in order to minimize processing overhead. The IDL ASSOC function is often the natural way to access such data. Data that need to be human readable should be written using formatted input/output. Data that need to be portable should be written using formatted input/output. Another option is to use unformatted XDR files by specifying the XDR keyword with the OPEN procedures. This is especially important if moving between computers with markedly different internal binary data formats. XDR is discussed in Portable Unformatted Input/Output. Free format input/output is easier to use than explicitly formatted input/output and about as easy as unformatted input/output, so it is often a good choice for small files where there is no strong reason to prefer one method over another. Special well-known complex file formats are usually supported directly with special IDL routines (e.g. READ_JPEG for JPEG images).

See Using Explicitly Formatted Input/Output for more information and examples

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