Popular Woodworking No 102 May 1998

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~.I'U~;,&,\,l BUILD AN Il&l.j:~r:su ON A SWING

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Display until May 25. 1998

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Bookcases 26
Learn how the professionals use a
"fitting strip" and then you can build
almost anything into that odd comer of
your living room or den.

Kitchen Island 30
~1:J:t.~ Need more counter space in your
kitchen? This design stores many com-
mon kitchen utensils, and the drop-leaf
top gives your cook more work space.

Chippendale 48
Build one of the quintessential pieces of
18th century American furniture. This
beauty has all the trimmings, including a
dovetailed case and secret drawers.

Woods That Blotch 55

The latest installment in our "Ten
Commandments of Finishing" gives
you the straight dope about which
woods blotch and which don't - and
how to avoid this common and frustrat-
ing problem.

Pop Wood's Shop

Take a "behind the scenes" tour of our
workshop at Popular Woodworking, get
some tips for organizing your own shop
and find out some of the tools we
choose to use.

\./ If you own a table saw, you can

build these raised panel shutters from
pine to enhance the value and appear-
ance of your home.

Medicine Cabinet 64

2 Popular Woodworking
This special section,
exclusive to Popular
Woodworking, features
building basics for five projects.
Arts & Crafts Cradle 34
Inspired by the work of the Greene
brothers, this swinging cradle is destined
to be a family heirloom.

Dart Board Case 36 Are

Perfect for your basement or playroom,
our dart board case will make you feel like we on
you're in a comer pub in England. target?
We want to know
Pipes of Pan 45 what type of pro-
jects you want to
This ancient Greek instrument is also see In future
a puzzle for youngsters to assemble. Issues. So through-
Even better, it's cheap and quick to build. out this issue ,
you'll see this sym-
Alien Swing 46 bol next to every
project. If you like
Be the first on your block to build this that project, simply
otherworldly project that is sure to become circle that pro-
ject's identJflcatlon
a classic at craft fairs this summer. number on the

Squirrel in a Tree 47 postage-pald card

located at the
back of this maga-
This three-dimensional scroll saw
zine. We'll use
puzzle reveals a black critter sitting in this Infonnatlon
the tree 's branches. to help plan
future Issues.

Columns Safety Note

Out On a Limb 6 New Products 24 Safety is your responsibility.
"Pass the Biscuits " Wood Types 67 Manufacturers place safety devices on
InfeedjOutfeed 8 Soft Maple their equipment for a reason. In many pho-
Lette rs from readers Cris Cuts 68 tos you see In Popular WoodworkIng, these
Tales From the Wood 14 have been removed to provide clarity. In
Caption the Cartoon 76
Trees To Furniture 18 some cases we'll use an awkward body
Classlfieds 78 position so you can better see what's being
Projects From the Past 20 Out of the Woodwork 80 demonstrated. Don't copy us. Think about
Handy Tool Box "The Warm th of Wood" each procedure you're going to perform
Tricks of the Trade 22 beforehand. Think ahead. safety Flrstl

Steve Jim Stuard

Shanesy AssocIate
Editor & Editor
Publisher Specialties: Specialties:
Specia lties: Projects, new Specialties: Projects,
Projects, products and Article carving,
techniques, tools, tricks of SUbmissions, tumlng,
article and the trade letters, reader project
project selection (513) 531-2690 contests illustrations
(513) 531-2690 e xt. 238 ext. 255 (513) 531-2690 ext. 407 (513) 531-2690 ext. 348

May 1998 3
NEW! Over 50tHJ products to
Woodwo king® May 1998, Vol. 18, No. 2
BUILD, REPAIR, RESTORE, REANISH Editor & Publisher Steve Shanesy
anything made of wood! Senio r Editor David Thiel
Managing Editor Christopher Schwarz
Our NEW 1998 Catalog is jam-packed with
finewoods, veneers, tools, finishing supplies Associate Editor Jim Stuard
and more - shipped fast and fully guaran- Arr Director Amy Schneider
teed, at discounts of 5% to 15% on orders of
$50 ormore! Edirorial Advisory Board:
Bill Austin Makita USA. Inc.
Se rving Woodworkers for 186 years
Jon Behrle
Mike Birch
Woodcraft Supply Corp.
Black & Decker
Dept. 38804, 2050 Eastchester Rd., Scott Box Delta International
Bronx NY 10461 Jim Brewer Freud, Inc.
Circle #103 on Resource Directory Coupon Chris Cable Fein Power Tool
Chris Carlson SoB PowerTool
RJ. DeCristoforo Crnftsrnan & author
For All Your Woodcarving & Sign Carving Needs Jeff Dlls Ryobi
Steve Erbach Grizzly Imports, Inc.
Terrco provides a lull line of machine Terrco, Inc. Art Rnkel AE Furniture Mfg. Co., Inc.
carving and sign carving equipment. 222 1st Ave. NW Edward Janda Panasonic
Begiming models are the T·ll0 single Watertown, SO 57201 Todd Langston Porter-Cable Corp.
spindle bench carver and our CM614 Rory Leyden DeWalt Industrial Tool Co.
single spindle sign carver. Cliff Rlckmers Jet Equipment & Tools, Inc.
(605) 882-3888 Dale Zimmennan Franklin International
Intermediate models include the K·Star, Fax (605) 882-0778 Model 1·110 Dupll-Carver
a ~indle heavy duty bench model, General Manager Jeffry M. lapin
and the Northstar, a heavy duty floor Magazine Arr Director Nancy Stetler
model available inone toeight spindles.
Ouradvanced model is our Master David Lee, Director
Carver series, which is anextremely Mark Reetwood, Single Copy Sales Mgr.
heavy duty floor model with from eight Terry Webster-Isgro, Direct Sales Mgr.
to forty spindles.
Barbara Schmitz, Director ofManufacturing
Write or caD for more Information. Model CM614 Sign Carver Multi-Spindle Carving Machine Martha Wallace, Magazine Production Dir.
Circle #113 on Resource Directory Coupon Vicki Whitford, Coordinator
Ruth Preston, Arr Production Manager

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Bill Warren, Five Mil e River Assoc . LLC
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4 Popular Woodworking


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New specs, 5' Neg. Pts. & flat, runs TAKE EXTRA THE ONE BLADE
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Pass the
HE TRUE VALUE of the some- ing construction. Making biscuit
T times-maligned biscuit joiner was
brought home to me years ago when I
joints is a lot like making plywood. In
essence, you are layering wood "plys"
decided to buy one . At the time I at the place you make the joint.
owned a stationary horizontal boring What's great about the biscuit is that
machine (a doweling machine) that the football shape has the wood grain
was in great shape . My plan was sim- running about 45 degrees to its long
ple: Sell it, then take the $500 and buy axis. This gives you good gluing
a top-of-the-line Lamello biscuit join- strength and material (shear) strength
er. Heck, I'd even have cash left over. in and across the joint, even when
Much to my chagrin, the biscuit joining end grain to long grain, as in a
joint had so far supplanted the dowel table apron to a leg, or a stile to a rail.
joint that I ended up selling the boring In addition to engineered strength,
machine for a couple hundred bucks. I biscuit joints are wonderful for their
guess that's the price for being on the alignment accuracy. You can master
back side of a wave. the machine in short order and the
Let's face it, the biscuit joiner is portability of the machine makes it as
second only to the router in impor- handy as a router, jigsaw or drill. It is
tance in terms of woodworking excellent for joining solid wood, ply-
machine innovations of this century. wood and particleboard panels. You
It only makes sense. Any time you can use them for casework joinery,
can bring a tool to the work rather frame joinery, and in most cases where
than the work to the tool you're a dowel or mortise and tenon, or spline
bound to have an improvement - so joint would otherwise be used.
long as you get a satisfactory result In joining table aprons to legs, or
with less effort at less cost. other situations where the joint will be
But as with most innovations, under stress, two or more biscuits,
there are the "Ned Head" Luddites out placed side by side , can be used. If
there who refuse to leave the darkness space allows, jumbo-sized biscuits
and bask in the light. I remember a work great; and for delicate work, tiny
few years back when I read in another mini-biscuits are now available.
woodworking magazine how they had For most real-world woodworkers,
tested the biscuit joint against other biscuit joints are an integral part of
joints and found it withstood more their joint-making repertoire. If you
pounds of pressure than both mortise- haven't jumped on the bandwagon, let
and-tenon and dowel joints. Yet the me give you a hand climbing aboard.
article's author still maintained that You need not abandon other tradition-
mortise-and-tenon joinery was the al joints, they are great in many cir-
best. I guess he was afraid to rewrite cumstances; but for everyday joinery
the Old Testament! in numerous situations, the biscuit
When you consider the nature of joint is the answer.
the biscuit joint, the strength it devel- "Pass the biscuits!" PW
ops shouldn't be a surprise at all. Just
think for a moment about the strength
of plywood, or for that matter the
incredible strength of laminated
wooden beams that are used in build-

Circle #106 on Resource Directory Coupon

6 Popular Woodworking
Create Classic Raised Panel Doors
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Ourprofessional productionquality
router bits make it quick and easy
toproduce attractive raised panel
•I , ' ,
doors. Our reversiblecombination bit makes a
matching rail and stile frame. The panel rais-
ing bit with ball bearing guide makes a perfect
raised panel every time!
Includes instructions and Professional lips!
#1301 1/4" Shank Router * 2" $69.95
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REG. $35.00 SALE
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#13 3 5 Wedge ..•...•.... .•••••.....$29.00
measuring only 5/32" in dia.. instead
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I1J RABBETING KIT 3/ 4" Oia.. 1" Cuttinglength......$17.00
cabinetframes(for center oredges)
Ball bearingguides allow 4 depth of • Forces a frame into perfect square • Almost
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#1425 1-1/4" Large Diameter.... $25.00
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4 RoundOver Bits Easyto use inlaykit follow a 1/4" thickpattern tem-
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ing: (1/8", 1/4", Porter Cable", Black & Decker" or any router with an
318", tn "), plus adaptor for Porter Cablebushings. Kit includes 118"
318"OD bearing &
allenwrench. solidcarbide downcut spiral bit.brass bushing. brass
template guide, brass retainer nut& instructions.

Circle #109 on Resource Directory Coupon

From the An Impressive
PW Mailbag Having visited the
Gambl e Hou se in
Thanks For The Pasadena,Calif, and
'Lit t le Shop' Series being muc h im -
I have been a reader of Popular pressed, I couldn't
Woodworking for years now and each resist buil di ng the
and every time I read _-----1.----
We welcome your comments
"Greeneand Greene
Be nch " by J im
the "Little Shop That about PWor anything related to
Cou ld" stories I al- woodworking. We'd also like to Stuard in the May
ways fee l a special see color pictures of what you're 1997 iss ue (#96).
closeness to the pro - building. Send your input to: Once finished, I had
jects and ideas. I al- InfeedjOutfeed, Popular to ex pa nd it to a
ways learn and grow Woodworking, 1507 Dana Ave., pati o ense mble. I
smarter a nd think Cincinnati, OH 45207. Our e- used heart redwood
more abo ut proj ect s mail address is: pop- and a varnish finish.
that I too could make. [email protected]. Everett L. Vinzant
Letters may be edited for
I want to say Claremont, California
"Thank You" for me
- Steve Shanesy,
and all the others who editor, PW
Editor's note: All we can say
don't write in. Keep M r. Vinzant, is that we're re-
the "S hop" ope n and insp ire all of us who fit in the "Shop" ally impressed with your work.
for whatever reaso n. We especially liked the design
A lbert Younger ofyour coffee table with its keyed tenons
Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania and reverse -cloudlift aprons .

The Superxhops and Shopsmith s

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is goingtobel'er)' 10l/ely ol'er in the corner," SuperShop has taken everything J'I'ethrown atit."
SuperShop' Dept. POPW, PO Box 1517 -Edward Zych (TN) -Joe Galgoel(PA)
AnnArbor,MI 48106-1517
*Curre nt prices at time of publication.

Circle #112 on Resource Directory Coupon

8 Popular Woodworking

Finishing Advice Needed CARBIDE ROUTER BITS

High Quality...Lowest Prices Guaranteed.
I need some advice on a spec ial jo b. I j ust lost a IOO-year-old -NO L1Mlf. Mix or Match tm.e P1100 thru P4100. eeee excluded
pine that Gra ndpa used to play in and hide when his Ma sent
him to the spri ng to get water. Well Grandpa is gone and the
pine succumbed to j ust plain tiredness, I guess. When it came 1/4' :1'4' 114' P1211 $5.94
dow n, I had it sawed into boards that I plan to use to make a 114' 314' 112' P1212 5.94
5/16' 314' 114' P1218 5.94 • J:':OI.lLer 6its ,f1a, 1'111OIe lot more
"Grandpa's tree" table . 5/16' I' 112' P1219 5.94 • See UU!~ fora co"'plete li6-:i~
~' I' 114' P1222 5.94
Here 's th e proble m: I' ve mad e some sma ll stuff with 318' I' 112' P1 223 5.94
the wood already, and it has so much resi n in it that it clogs 112' I' 114' P1 237 6.88
P3101 $9.88
up a sa nding sheet in about two minutes. I don 't mind that 1 112' I' 112' P1238 6.95
B 112' 1-112' 112' P1242 8.49
114' P31 02 9.94
~' 314' 1/4' P1253 7.95 118' 112' P3103 9.94
because I can get more sandpape r. But some of this resin- im-
pacted wood is just like bone, es pecially in the knotty 1
.... A....
W I' 112' P1 255 9.44
:1'4' :1'4' 114' P1270 9 .67
:1'4' I' 112' P1272 11.86
P31 06
areas. So what do you figure would be the best finish I should 114' 112' P3107 10.88
5/16' 114' P3108 11.96
use for this table? UNDERSIZ ED ~' 1/4' P3110 13.88
Dan M . Russell PLYWOOD BITS ~' 112' P31 11 13.88
112' 114' P31 14 14.94
Wildlife Biologist, retired r--.".,.., 3 PC. Set For %", 112' 112' P31 15 14.94
Mathews, Virginia %" & %" Plywood ~' 112' P31 16 17.95
Compare at over S66.00 :1'4' 112' P31 17 18.88
I' 112' P31 19 29.95
Editor's note: In most cases, a sealer coat or two ofshellac SALE
1795 1-1/4' 112'
1-112' 112'
applied over the particularly resinous areas will prevent the
#PlOOI - ;(' ehank #Pl002 - ~' .han k
pitch from leaching out. MINIATURE ..A
-Steve Shanesy, editor FLUSH TRIM
~~' 112' 114' P1803 $6.95 BITS R
Playing Card ~~' I' 1/4' P1 804 6 .95
112' 112' 114' P1806 8.39
Tricks 112' l' 1/4' P1809 7 .95 1116' 5/16' 5/16' 1/4' 1-718' P3196 $14 ,95
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I rec ently 112' 1-112' 112' P1813 9.94 118' 711 6' ~'1 /4' 2' P31 97 14,95
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1 -- - - - ---j 3/8' 15116' ~' 1/4' 2·1/4' P31 99 17,95
"Playing Card Box" MATCHED
from the November & RAIL SET
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(# 99) as a COMPARE AT
gift for new-
lywed friends. During construction, two ideas came to me that
might be of interest to your readers : STILE RAIL 88 67 TRADITlONAl P3818 OGEE P3820

Firs t, using my computer and a co pyi ng machi ne I per-

sonalized the box by add ing the words "Pat and Alice - A PANEL RAISERS DOVETAILS *
17 STYLES A VAILABLE 114' 7·112' 1/4' P2201 $4.95
Golden Fit" (a bridge term) into the base of the box. I printed
SEE CATALOG 1/4' 7·112' 112' P2202 6.49
out the text on my computer and copied it onto a clear adhe- ~' 6' 114' P2207 4.95
SO LI D CARBIDE ".,,".. Q. ~' 9' 112' P2209 5.99
sive paper you can buy at office supply stores . SPI RA L UP·CUT ""',::;.... !. ~~' 14' 114' P2211 6.88
Second, in order for me to varnish both sides without wait- A B SHANK ITEM# SALE I-- A --l 112' 6' 114' P2215 8.99
T 118' 112' 1/4' P1501 $10.47 Sa. Avail•• le
112' 14' 1/4' P221 2 4.95
ing for one side to dry before coating the other, I cut trian- B
1/4' :1'4' 1/4' P1508 13.78 'SeeCataIog-
112' 14' 112' P2213 4 .95
112' Ill" 114' P2217 8.93
gular pieces of scrap that I 114' I' 1/4' P1509 14.67

use d as drying su pports 1 3~' 1·1/4' 112' P1514 27.88

' A1 112' 1·112' 112' P1521 34.78
45' LOCK
that allowed me to var- MITRE BITS
ROMAN OGEE Lock corners
nish the whole project R SHANK ITEM# SALE A ----1 In place!

much faster. 5132' 1/4' P3506 $15.44

114' 1/4' P3508 17.88
N orman 114' 112' P3509 17.94
P4023 112'x:1'4' 2' 7/8' 1/4' $ 2 8 ,8 8
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N ew York 1/4' 112' P2905 11.95 P4024 112' x:1'4' 2' 718' 112' 29,88
~' 114' P2908 13.95 P4025 112' x1-114' 3-118' 1·1/4' 112' 43,58
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Continu ed 0 11 page 10 Price Cutter, p.o, Box 1100, Chardon, OH 44024
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Circle #110 on Resource Directory Coupon
INFEEDjOUTFEED .' - -_ - - ~~~ -.~: ,.=c ':-.
Continued fro m page 9

I Cut The Tree; Why Is It Still Growing?

InApril 1997 I had some Beech and White Oak cut into lumber that I stackedin my garage.
I put 1;4" strips between the rows. Recentl y I unstacked the wood and found green
mold, black mold and some kind of spider-web type of stuff that looked like fungus.
I unstacked the wood in my driveway to dry it out and kill the mold. It doe s-
n' t appear to have damaged the woo d (except in a co up le places). I then re-stacked
it and increase d the spacing to 3/ 8".
Will the mold co ntinue to grow? Wh at sho uld I do to preven t it?
Charles Sexton
R ichlands, N orth Carolina

Edito r's note: So unds like your garage is the problem. I' d p ut an exhaust fan in
there to keep the ai r circulating and inc rease your sticke r thickness to 5/8"

More Readers Debate the

Look for NEW PRODUCTS like:
• The Hot Radio Controlled Movement
Mission of Popular Woodworking
• Intarsia Kits and Plans Editor's note: Durin g the pastfew issues, readers ha ve been discussing the direc-
• Mini Clock Kits • And Lots More !
tion ofthis magazine, We ha ve been paying close attention to this debate and
Call now for your FREE CATALOG! appreciate all the honest comments, Some readers, such as Doug Green and
1·800·556·2548 Richey A. Wallis, have suggested the magazine is bestfo r the "weekend warrior"
Dept. FW48 and not the serious craftsman Qndthat we need to publish more high-end pro-
http://www.kloc kit.com j ects. Other readers disagree. Here, we hope, are the fi nal wo rds on this debate.

Someday I Will Be a 'M ast er Craftsman'

I wo uld like to respo nd to the recen t letters sayi ng that Popular Woodworkin g
Circle #108 on Resource Directory Coupon is for wee kend woodworkers . I am a beginn ing woo dworker and find your
projects j ust right for my level of ability. One day I hope to be a " master crafts-
man" but for now I ca n only dream of completing the projects in all of the
When will your subscription expire? other publ ication s. I hope that yo u co ntinue to have proj ect s for guys like me,
You can find out quickly and easily by noting the but in all fairness, perhaps you co uld incl ude more difficul t projects in each
date in the information above your name and issue for the more adva nced woodworkers. Keep up the fine j ob.
address on your mailing label.
For example, if you see MAY97, that mean s the
Mike Elliott
April/May '97 issue is the last issue you' ll receive. Shreveport, Louisiana
Remember to renew early to ensure cont inuous
subscription service.
'Wood Snobs' Cross The Atlantic
Popular Woodworking' I have just read the letters in the January edition with great sadness on a subject
that I thought was confined to here in England, name ly, wood snobbery. The
arroga nce of "hand craftsman " is fortunately one of the few down sides in wood-
work ing; the maj ority of woodworkers see in the work s of others the creativity
and enthusiasm of their work,whether this is by a beginner or a master craftsman .
All woodworkers should encourage each other to aspire to greater work,
whether this is with hand tools or power tools or, as is usual, a mixture of both.
Projec ts in magazines such as yours should and do cater to us all and to dispar -
Easy to use
age some woodworkers by calling them "weekend butchers" for using
dowellb iscuit joi nery etc. is to also disparage the likes of Sam Maloof and other
Why do }'QI1 need the Baker Port able CIrcu lar Sawmfll7
• Swing-blade system • Rea$onab/y priced master crafts men who I am sure would be the first to admit that there is alway s
allows quarter-sawing investment-your something new to learn and always a different way to achieve the end result.
and produces lumber sawmillwillpay for itse~
with vertical grain • Saw dimensionallumber I have taken out a subscri ption to your magazine after ma naging to get
• Cut what you need and to builda house, bam hold of a copy here in England beca use it gives another per spec tive to my
sell the excessfor profit fumiture, otherprojects
Calf f o r more I nformation t odayl woodworking; whilst many things are the same, a lot are not, and this and
l A V~R other American woo dwo rking magazines bring a fres hness to my work.
P.O. Box 128
Ellington, MO 63638
573-663-3133 A lanM. Gagg
SAWMILL DIVISION www.baker-online.com London, England
Circle #125 on Resource Directory Coupon Continued 01/ page 12

1 0 Popular Woodworking
Bandit'?' Sawblades: An Industry Original.
The O riginal the exceptionally smooth cuts
SystiMa tic was the fir st in the SystiMa tic has been known for since
indu stry to design bl ades wi th TFE 1956.
Red coating, origi nally developed
Coo l runnin g b lades, tougher
to redu ce fric tio n on military fighter
permanent coati ng, lon ger tool life,
pl anes and com merc ial aircraft.
and optimum designs are exce p-
TFE Red is a thicker, permanent tio nal features that make SystiMatic
coating that lasts longer and Bandits tru ly an industry origi nal.
dissipates heat better than other
coatings. It acts as a lubri cant for
coo l, smooth running blades.

Long Lasting SYSTI

Bandits Edgelast-" tip s are harder
and have more carbide in the tips
for longer life. Bandits outsharpen Advanced Blade D esign
Systi Matic/l KS Corporation
other coa ted blades up to seven Bandi ts come in a variety of designs 12530 135t h Avenue N .E.
tim es wi tho ut losing perform ance. to give maximu m performance on Kir kland.W ashingto n 98034
This lon g life.dramati call y reduces di fferent mach ines and materials. 425-823-8200 Fax 425-82 1-0804
your saw costs and makes Bandits Band it's unique blade design creates 1-800 -426- 0000
id eal for co mmercial users.
Circle #133 on Resource Directory Coupon
Continuedfrom page 10

Popular Woodworking Is Fine As Is

I don 't usually take the time to comm ent on most maga-
zines I read , but after readin g the January 1998 issue , in
particular the comment by Doug Green , I must. I subscribe
to Popular Woodworking because it contains projects and
article s that intere st me. Some are within my skill level;
many are not. But a long time ago I learned that to get
better at something you must practice, and you must have
access to examples of thing s that are beyond your current
capabilities. Otherwise there 's no chall enge ; nothing to set
as a goal.
I believe woodworking is ju st like any other craft -
there are many right way s to do it - each depend ent upon
the individual. Doug Green certainly know s what is right
for him , but who died and appointed him the almighty
guru of woodworking? I am, by his description, a "wood-
butchering weekend wanna-be," and I'm proud of it. If he
is an example of a "true craftsman ," then please drop the
"wanna-be" from my title, becau se I don 't "wanna-be" a
craftsman like Doug.
By the way, if Popular Woodwo rking does such a poor Magazine is a Tool, Nothing Else
job of repre senting the enduring quality of you masters, I agree with Mr. Richey Wallis. He is just asking for what
why do you spend your hard earned money on it? ' he feels you have promi sed readers: A fair number of
To the editor s of Popular Woodworking, please keep project s for the advanced reader.
up the good work. I enjoy it and every issue contains I do not consider myself a "master craftsman," but I
something valuable - something that helps me do better have been woodworking for most of my 50-plu s years and
next month than I did last month. I may never become a consider myself an advanc ed woodworker. Over the years
master, but I am happy and enjoying myself with wood I' ve learned to purcha se tools wisely, and your magazine
(butchering !) is a tool. I ju st recently renew ed my subscription to
Dick He nso n Popular Woodwo rking. That deci sion was based mainly on
Woodbridge, Virginia your new series on wood finishing and not the projects
It's Not For Elitists featured. When I want ideas for projects to build I consult
I use dovetail s when I have to, biscuits when I can , and the other maga zines. When I want to know about "Tricks of
simplest joinery whenever possible. Historically, dovetails the Trade ," new products or wood types , I turn to you.
were used becau se there wasn 't any other legitim ate In my mind it isn't hand-cut dovetails that determine
choic e. the quality of the project. It's the knowledge of the crafts-
I don't have to plea se anyon e but my own "wood - man. In that department I feel your magazine has done
butch ering" self. Doug Green 's elitism can best be served what was intend ed . If a proje ct doe s not challen ge my
by Home Fumiture;e magazine that didn't have the sub- skills, it' s not fun and I feel no sati sfaction in doing it.
scriber base to survive. My advice to Mr. Green regarding You asked for photo s of what readers were building to
Popular Woodworking would be to take what you need, determine your readers' skill levels. Here is one of my
leave the rest and keep your opinions to your self. projects. PW
Dr. James H. Carmack Jr. Gary McRoberts
Hendersonville, Tennessee Browns, Illinois

Editor's Notes: The Exploding Bank

In the January 1998 issue (#100) we published plans for the "Exploding Bank," whic h Is powered by a mousetrap.
One concerned reader pointed out that children could get th eir fingers stuck In th e mech anism and urged caution. We
agree. While we think it would be difficult for someone 's fingers to get caught (the t rap Is activated before the sides
explode) , for the sake of safety, be careful and don't allow small children to play with the bank.

Rare Earth Magnets

In recent Issues we 've touted the amazing strength of rare earth magnets. Howeve r, be advised there Is a trade dis-
pute brewing over these magnetic wonders, and the inexpensive impor t ed ones are going to be scarce or Impossible
to find until the issue Is resolved.

12 Popular Woodworking
C 1997 Sears. Roebuck and Co.


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Circle #131 on Resource Directory Coupon
PEN CASES Readers ' most
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NOW AVAILABLE Call the Scientists! He Painted a Table!
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O ne Ju ne evening abo ut dusk, my next-d oor neighbor asked me to spray pai nt
a poker table he had j ust acq uired. He wa nted it ye llow. I took my sprayer over
and he had the tab le o utside with a light over it so I co uld see what I was doing.
PH: 800·266-4267 FAX: 972-864-1042 Wh en I finished my sprayi ng, the tab le look ed great.
Circle #102 on Resource Directory Coupon Th e next morn ing I went over to see if the tabl e look ed as goo d in daylight as
it had the night before . To my amazement, there was a group of people arou nd it.
I tho ugh t they were ad miri ng my grea t j ob . It turn ed out they were entomologi sts
and the tabl e was a dream come true for them. Nearly every typ e of bug in the state
of Iowa wa s stuc k to that tabl e top. If o ne mo re June bu g had land ed there, that
tabl e wo uld ha ve tlown away.
It see ms my neighb or had forgo tten to turn the light off the night before.
John Reinhold
NOW! Desert Hot Springs, California
Plsne, Mold,
Sand and
Saw with
Infinitely Share Your Story & Win!
Turn your favorite tale from the woodshop into
Variable a $150 gift certificate from Lee Valley Tools
Power-Feed! in Popular Woodworking's " Tales from the
Put this versatile power-feed tool to work
Wood " contest. We 're looking for your funni-
in your own shop . See how fast it pays
for itself! Quickly converts low-cost rough est, most embarrassing or incredible story.
lumbe r into valuable finished stock , And if we can learn something from your yarn
quarter-round , casing , base mold , - even better.
tongue & groove . . . all popular patterns Each issue, our editors choose the best
. . . even custom designs! tale and print it here. Runners-up receive a
NEW! Variable Feed Rate - Now, just a twist Veritas Sliding Square (shown at right) from Lee
of the dial adjusts your planer from 70 to Valley Tools, the catalog company that features an impressive array of quali-
over 1,000 cuts -per- inch! ' Produces a ty woodworking tools, supplies and accessories. One final rule: Please, no
glass -smooth finish on tricky grain pat-
terns no other planer can handle. Easy stories about people getting hurt. That's not funny.
terms. FREE FACTS! To make things easier, you don't even have to write your story down.
Phone TOll-FREE Just call our hotline anytime at (513) 531-2690 ext. 587 and leave .your tale
1-800-821-6651 ext. PWW8 and daytime phone number. Or you can e-mail your story to us at
In Canada call 1-800-661-1 915 [email protected] or mail it to: Tales from the Wood • Popular
WOO 0MASTER TOOLS, INC., DEPT. PWW8 Woodworking • 1507 Dana Ave. • Cincinnati, Ohio 45207
Circle #115 on Resource Directory Coupon
What Happens When You
Don't Make a Construction
Drawing Beforehand
y young cousin was all excited about building his first
M woodworking project after completing two months
of wood shop classes in grammar school. He decided to build
a little sitting bench as a surprise for his mother and went
down to his father's workshop to begin.
He found some nice-looking lumber and marked it off for
cutting. The only saw he could find was a hacksaw, so the cuts
weren't very straight or square. He nailed the pieces togeth-
er and then discovered he had a problem, so he called me over.
By mistake he had used one of the legs as the top rail of the
bench and the top rail for one of the legs. As a result the bench
was significantly higher on one end. (laughed hysterically.
Just then his father came down to see what was going on.
I will never forget the look on his face when he discovered
his son had used expensive lumber for this "project." After
things quieted down, my aunt tried to cheer my cousin up by
telling him she loved the bench and she tried to sit on it
gently. It immediately collapsed. Now, almost 40 years later,
we sti11laugh about this incident.
John Rembris
CIi/tOIl, New Jerse y

It's Not a Saw,

It's a Catapult
A bout 40 years ago my wife surprised me on Christmas
r t day with a brand new Beaver 8" table saw. Though this
was my first woodworking machine, I thought I was rea-
sonably intelligent and could set it up myself. At that time I
wasjust into my second year as an apprenticeprinter. Apprentices
do not make much money, so when I went looking for a motor
for the saw I ended up with a small, fractional-horsepower
motor that probably came from a washing machine or
other household appliance.
This motor, as I recall, was about 1;3 horsepower. I thought
that would probably do the job so I fastened it to my new saw.
I followed the safety procedures and put the guard on. I was
ready to cut my first-ever piece of wood.
With the rip fence in place I proceeded with my first board.
The board leaped out of my hands and flew across the room .
I tried not to get discouraged and figured all I had to do
was hold the board tighter. So I did that. Again, same result.
Then I figured there must be something wrong so ( went to
the manual and read the instructions. ( had done everything
according to Hoyle . Finally I figured it out. My little motor
was wired to run backwards. Needles s to say (didn't tell any-
one about my embarrassment. But now ( can look back and
laugh. PW
Donald J. Howson
Sal/It Marie, Ontario

Circle #104 on Resource Directory Coupon May 1998 15

l CENTRAl MIOfl:R'( ( 0 ••• 0 ELTA(!)
4 SPEED 14" Delta 22·540
High power to weight ratio ~
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High powered10,000 RPM
and compoun d curves is re-
quired. Precision cast iron table
3.6 Amps 0 All ball bearing 0 600 Wans
o four precision ground columns
to effortlessly raise & lower cutterhead
• long lasting high speedsteel, reversible,
11-7/8" long
tilts 45' for bevel cuts, grooved
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300 SPM to 2400 SPM • 1-1/4" stroke
110V, 60 Hz, single phase l!!l • g~~c~~: ;~~~e~~i~~~le el'YI""
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o Molar: 3/ 4 HP,115V, , ,
0 Biadeto frame distonce:13·112" • ToolWt: 7· 1/4 Ibs. =
• Includes removable table extensions,
5.18amps 0 Cuningcapacity: 6" • Overall length: 17" $ r A99 and fold away depth adjustment ""
ITEM 36 158 -1SGA o 600, 1140, 1670 and 2670 fPM cuning
A1 p .. ' 1 /4" GRINDING speeds 0 14"x 14" lable size
ITEM 365 95-4SGA iii. . o fa ctory reconditioned, factory perfect >::Y
Motor: 15 amp, 120V; Capacities: 12" width,6"
... / ... X / , . 24-1/2" x 19-112" x 65-112" m//"'nNJ..8 BI·METAL thick. 3/ 16" depth of cut; 26.2 fPM feedrate;
WHEELS FOR METAL PK. OF ~O • 1911bs. shipping weight
~·SAWZALL" BLADES 8000 RPM,16,000 CPM 27·114" x 20-1/2" x
• 24 gril, 7/8" arbor $8 9 9 ~99""'$~1~ GG Milwaukee Model No. 48-01-1184 15" overoll dimensions;
Table size with extensions:
ITEM 066 74-0SGA ITEM ' , o 18teelh per inch, 6" length$ 8
o 112" universalshonk 99 12-1/ 8" x 26"; 68l bs.lool wt. · .
Carve, sculpt and cut wood in any direction.
ITEM 03323-3SGA
06 177-2SGA
• filS 4" & 4·112" grinderswith 5/ 8" arbor
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9 9
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$9 9 9 ITEM PK.
$49 9
o 5 metal cuning 18TPI. 5 wood cuning 8 TPI
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ITEM 0 7697-2S GA ITEM 00 522 -9SGA 06467-5SGA OF ~ O ITEM 3307S-3SGA

115 PC.
Cutsmooth. clean, accurate holes through DRILL BIT SET COMBINATION ROUTER BIT SETS
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Save spa ce and m on ey when you buy
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114" and 3/8" mandrels, a 1/4" bit, a hex Includes: 29 fractional sizes 1/16" thru thi s two-in-one sa ndi ng tool w ith table. 112" flushtrimmingt , 1-3/16" 45' chamfer t ,
wrench, and a blow mold case. 112"; 26 letter sizes A thru Z; 60 numbered 112 HP, nsv, 3 amp, 3535 RPM belt drive 112" dovetail, 3/4" straight, 112" straight. 3/8"
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IT!!:!::G! f~"
straight, 112" mOrlising,l/4 " cove, 1/8" straight
ITEM $1" 1-1/4" dust chuteanachment; Table
01263-1SGA dimeSsions: 7·1/2" x 5 "$ 1 ~ "
t lncludes pitot bearing $ 3 6
ITEM 311 64-3SGA

Includescuningcup sizes 2·112", 3", 115 PC. M2 HIGH SPEED ITEM 30837-9SGA -, 4 PC. ROUNDING OVER BITS
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plate, hex wrench, and blow • Same sizes as above
SANDING BELT CLEANER o set includes 4 rounding over
• Increase the loe ofsanding bits wlpilot bearing tips
mold case.

ITEM 36222- 2SGA


• M~el
ITEM 005 28 -1SGA
$ '}O"
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o 8-112" x 1-112" x 1-1/2"
ITEM 307 66· 0SGA
3 99 o 2 fluteseach
o 1-5/ 32" long shanks
ITEM 330 78-SSGA
'99 9
DeWall DW991K rmmmsPower TOOii1
o frant bose has a V-grooveto heip guide
DRIVER KIT in chamfering • 2 blade curter
o 0-45010-1400 RPM, variable 10" COMPOUND • Depth adjustment knob
speed,reversible, cdjustoble clutch o Includesrabbetingguide plate/fence.
• Maximum copacities: _ _ MITER SAW • Precision milled 14-112" x 8" table tilts 0'
sharpening holder, blade settinq jig,
1-1/4" ook, 1/2" steel • . 2·112HP, 15 amp motor.D-handlewilh trigger replacement brushes, & replacement belt
• Includes: 1hour charger, switchforpositivecontrol.Electric brokeauto- 10 45' 0 1/8 HP,110V, .83 amps • D-handle with lock-on button
XRPACK extendedrun time bonerv, case. matically stops blade in seconds. Includes • Usespin end blades. 5-112" long • 110V. 5 amps. 17,000 RPM =
& a double end ed screwdriver bi1 dustcollectionbog. 10" bladewith 5/8" arbor, • Heavy dUtycost iron frame and base • 34,000 cuts per minute ~
• Shipping weight: 12·3/4 Ibs. and retractableblade guard. ® reducevibration 0 7/8" blade stroke o 1/10" max. depth of cut; 3-1/4" plariTiig
o factory reconditioned, factoryperfect • 81ade speed; 4900 RPM @ no-load @) • 1750 SPM blade speed widlh 0 6-114 Ibs. tool weight

ITE~!5~" ITE~!3~"
o Capacities: 2-3/4 " x 5-3/4 " crosscut; =
99 2-3/4 " x 4·118" 45' right & left miter;
50496-4SGA 1-3/4" x 5-3/4" 45' left bevel; 1-3/4" x
4-1/8" 45' x 45' compound
CORDLESS DRILL/DRIVER KIT • Tablediameter: 10-112" • Tool wt.: 60 Ibs.
WITH EXTRA BATTERY • factory reconditioned. factoryperfect 5 PC. 5·1/ 2 " SAW BLADES 2 PC. REPLACEMENT
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Circle #107 on Resource Directory Coupon

12 Pittsburgh"
....... TOOLI"-'::' I:EZ%iD
Ideal all-around brushes. Used in a vari-
ety of manufacturing processes. Rugged
Constructed from heat-treated cost iron, WITH KEYLESS
construction includes all natural bristles 10" SAW BLADE theseduroble clamps keepyourwork rock
and sturdy hardwood handles. Sold by steady. Just screw the handle side onto a CHUCK
the case. SHOP CLOCK 3 / 4" threaded pipe and slide the spring • 8-114" maximum
ALL NATURAL BRISTLES Here's a sharp looking clock for you r loaded end on. You're ready to gal Pipe distance spindle to table
SIZE OTY ITEM PRICE shop , den or office . The face is mode not Included. • 1/ 3 HPmotor • 2" stroke, 8-1/4 " swing
from a 40-tooth saw blade emblazoned • Handle screw operating range: 2-1/8 " • 620to 3100 RPM • 112" chuck
1" 36 04181·0SGA $79 9 with the Harbor Freight logo . A preci - • 1-112" throat depth $3 ;T~~/2" high, 47 1bs. $.A9 9 9
2" 36 04182-3SGA $9 9 9
sion quartz mechanism powers the high • Weight:2 ·7/16Ibs. 49 34231 ·6SGA ..
visibil ity hands. Runs on one AA battery ITEM 31255·8SGA
Isold separatelyl. DRILL PRESS WITH
04184·1SGA $"99
$5 9 9

ITEM3~A $5"
• 1-112" throat depth
• Weight: 1-4 /5 Ibs.
ITEM 37056·2SGA 05901 -0SGA ..

A \ .......
B ~

A. -- Multiple clutchplates permit instont 10"

LASER LEVELER adjustment. Simply depress plates to slide
handle against workpiece. Includes heat- PLANER
.Compact high output leveler projects a treated steel barswithcostiron[ows, plated • 2 HP, 110V, 1phose, • ~~!:=;;;.
round dot visible up to 600 feet away. steel screws, and hardwood handles. 11 amp. 8000 RPM "
Solid brass construction . Also includes • All damps have 3/4" pods and throat
4 TRAY • 5·1/8 " workingdistance
o professional quality bu ilt- in spirit
Ibubblel level. Locking on /off switch .
deplh of 2-3/4" REVOLVING BIN • 10-1/8 " x 9-118" feed table
• 19" x 16-518" x 16"overall dimensions
LENGTH ITEM PRICE Revolving action ma kes selections fast
• 4-1/ 4" long x 3/4" diameter • 10-1/8" blade size
6" $2 9 9 and easy. Also a great space saver - • 2-blade cutterhead
17" diameter and 18" height take up • 611bs. shippingweight
12" 05975·0SGA $3 9 9 very little room on your workbench. Each • Stand soldseparately

of the four trays is divided in four giving
Make sure people get your point. Per- 18" 31264-0SGA $4 9 9 you a tota l of sixteen compartments.
06935·1SGA ~
Make all your hardware organized and
fect for supervisors, teachers, product
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Expand your workspace B TO 32 OZ. WITH KEYLESS CHUCK
with this handy wood shoper. Big ma- • tncludes charger, l 8Vbattery, and case
chine features and compact enough to
store under your bench. Veryadvanced -
BALL PEIN • 3/8" Jocobss keyless chuckfor suregrip
• Variable speed reversible
accepts both shaper cutters and router HAMMER SET • Speed range: 0-900 RPM
bits for the exact finish you wont. DOVETAIL MACHINE High quality alloy steel heads with tern- • HeavydutyJohnson's motor
• Rear chip discharge Just place stock and pull cam handles pered striking faces. Extra strength hard- • 6 lorque clutch settings
• Individually adjuslable fence halves to pos itively lock moter ial in place. Al- wood handles. This set includes all the • 6 pc. screwdriverbil set
• Casl iron work table and base low s cutting tails. pins. ha lf blind . and most popular sizes for just about any job: • 6 PCl rilibilsel $~a"
• Uses2" diameter shaper cuttersand standord doveta ils. Accepts stock up to striking chisels and punches, for riveting.
router bits with 1/4" shcnk 12" wide and 1-1 /4 " thick . Includes 112" and for shap ing and stra ightening ITEM 37144·4SGA ;:,) I
• 10,200 RPM motor speed
• 11SV' 4.3 amps, 7/ 8 HP

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Circle #134 on Resource Directory Coupon
What is 'Trees to Furniture'
Trees to Furniture Is an effort started by two professors/woodworkers in
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find the trees and have them cut into usable lumber by other people who own
portable sawmills. And they do this for less than 50 cents a board foot,
If you'd like more information about the program, send a self-addressed,
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Connecticut reader Harold Morton read

about the " Trees t o Furniture" program
and sent In these photos of his sawm ill
and the shed he built with the lumber.
From Delicate.
Harold 's been doing this for years - Jewelry, Decorative Ornaments and Mo re
his saw Is homemade! Thank s to Arr ow 's cons ide ra te en g ineeri ng .
New Jersey • Freehold. Mendham. Arrow g lue g uns featu re exc lus ive
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Circle #117 on Resource Directo ry Coupon

May 1998 19
{h~m past
This issue's project

OU ca n make thi s hand y tool box in your own works hop

Y and use it to tran sport your too ls to your outside jo bs. Th e
box can be co nstruc ted fro m pine or
Materials: Handy Tool ox
nn.o .
a hardw ood such as oak .
No. Item Dimensions T W L Material
This box holds a large selection of Vol. 16, 1 Side 1,'2" x 151,'4" x 311,'4" Pine
tools. A handy drawer holds the sma ll Issue 1
1946-47 2 Hinged sides 1,'2" x 7 s/S" x 311,'4" Pine
tools and hardware. The lid holds three
2 Ends 1,'2" x 7"x 16" Pine
hand saws. The co me rs are protected
by brass box comers and the too l box
arlier this century, Delta
Machinery published a
magazine filled with wood-
E 1
1,'2" x 7" X
1,'2" x 41,'2" x 311,'4"
311,'4" Pine
may be locked with a simple latch. The
working projects. These 1 Top 1,'2" x 21,'2" x 311,'4" Pine
comerjo ints of the box are 'Is" tongue-
magazines are more than 2 Drawer sides 3/S" x 21,'2" x 3 7/S" Pine
and-groove and are all cut with a tab le
nostalgia - the plans are 1 Drawer back 3/S" x 21,'2" x 29 3/S" Pine
saw and glued and clamped toge ther.
still dam good! In the inter- 1 Drawer front 3/S" x 21,'2" x 29 7/S" Pine
You can leave the box un finished, est of history, we're happy 1 Drawer bottom 1,'s" x 3 3/4" x 301,'S" Plywood
cove r it in polyureth ane or give it two to offer this issue's project 2 Guide strips 3/16" x 3/4" x 4" Pine
coa ts of ena mel paint. PW from yesteryear. - PW
2 Saw clamps To fit Pine

e~~ ..... AOC 0 ' ~~. P ,NE OA

N_ TE. OA "" S TOC. ....
..>QobI[, !::''' - 1." TO"-lc.uE: &.
z C-.. F>OQVE. - Col..uC O & ......... Il.. EO

. \., Qe.e.t-'~~ ..... A De 00' " ""- PtNC

o~ ""...
,T f: QA .... S T oc.r<
au 1" Sl oe [)!M e: NSI~f>
2~ ""'C. H 4 W'O£
2 e J" LO"-'C>
B Q T I O .....
1. P<=iE:SoC/W O O O .3 ~' .. .30 l-';
To see more
- - .32 "- - - - - - - -- -
projects like this
~ VI ,. t:
-c... A 5E tt Ol..T
in future issues,
»->: circ le " P1" on
th e postage-paid
' ,"r"'. ' I -. ·lfl;; ." '1 "II '
card in the
. : Resource
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call Delta International
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yourself tackling projects you used why so many professionals own Proud sponsor of The WOODWORKING MACHINERY
to pay someone else to do. And Delta. For the name of your New Yankee Workshop . A_Cctrpany

Circle #119 on Resource Directory Coupon

Each issue of Popular Woodworking offers tips and tricks saving and safety ideas for all woodworkers. If you have a
for the woodworker that we 've accumulated from read- good trick, we'd love to hear about it. Send your trick,
ers , contributors and from our own workshop and wood- whether it's one your father taught you or one you came up
working experiences. with on your own, to Popular Woodworking, Tricks of the
We want to encourage the free exchange of these time- Trade, 1507 Dana Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45207.

The Masked Marvel dra w directly on the wood , you avoid breaking the surface
grain, which ca n ca use problem s, particularly if you are
Make roo m for a roll of mask ing tape in yo ur tool box. It
using a scro ll saw, which cuts on the up-stroke.
hold s parts together in light clamping (figure 1). Small
If you want to mount a bathroom she lf and have to mark
numbered pieces of tape ca n be stuck to j oint parts, avoid-
the positions of the screw holes on glazed tiles, attach
ing making pencil marks on the wood that must be remo ved
maskin g tape to the tile and locat e the positions on it (fi g-
afterwa rds (fi gure 2) . Ma skin g tape peels off cleanl y.
ure 4) . Besides allowin g acc urate markin g, if you drill
If you are unsure how yo u wis h to mark wood, as with
through the tape you should reduce the risk of marring or
freehand curves on a bookcase side , yo u ca n put on mask-
cracking the surface of the tile.
ing tape and mark on that (fig ure 3) , avoi di ng a mass of
Percy \¥. Blandford
pencil lines directly on the woo d. Also, by not having to
Warwickshire, England

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4



Circle #124 on Resource Directory Coupon

22 Popul ar Woodworking
Help For Wobbly Tables and Chairs
No matter how hard we try, by the time we ge t do ne with any four-legged
piece of furniture, one of the legs has gotten a litt le lon ger and the darn thing
When you go and try to shorten the offending leg , the thing ends up
wobbling the other way! A little while later it's finally sitting flat, but it's
an inch shorter.
A simple and foolproof way to solve this problem is
to place the piece of furniture on a flat, elevated
surface with one of the longer legs hanging over the
edge. The other three legs will sit even and the fourth
leg can be marked flush with the elevated edge, then cut or
sand to that mark. Viola! A flat table or chair in one cut.
-PW staff

r, - - - - - ------j\
: 'r----------h
I I - - - II
I I ./ I
More Thumb-
Saving Ideas
Rubber band From Readers
Here's my contribution to your list of
devices to hold small nails (PW issue
#100) .
I. Fold a small strip of paper, (Y4"
x 6"), and push the nail through the
----wII folded end of the paper near the end
--_-1 (see diagram) . After the nail is start-
ed, tear the paper off and drive the nail the rest of the way.
2. My favorite way is still an alligator clip, (found on the end of an electrical jumper
wire). The spring-loaded clip is kept in the same small box with my brads and nails.
James D. Stokes
Bosque, Ne w Mexico

Hang Pictures Router Surgery Helps

the Easy Way its Adjustability
After having moved severaltimes, I thought Much comment has been made about the difficulty of
I had mastered the art of hanging pictures
and mirrors using masking tape, rules,
pencils and guesswork. Rece ntly I hap-
pened upon an idea that eliminates all of
adj usting a plunge router when it's mounted in a router
table. Here 's how to make that task easy : Remove the
return springs. The springs are located in the base
columns and it's a five-minute jo b to remove them. This
-: return spring

these. It's a simple device made from simple solution is unbelievable. I can raise and lower
scrap 3/ 4" pine, a 3/ 4" roofing nail and a the router with ease and still make the fine adjustments
small piece of rubber band. not possible with many non-plunge routers. PW
Place the frame's hardware (wire, Charles D. Ronl
hanger, frame edge) over the nail head. Bu rnsville, Minn esota
Holding the handle, position the picture
where you want it, remove the picture
without moving the tool and press the nail
head into the wall with your thumb. The
nail leaves a small dimple - the exact
spot to place your nail or picture hook.
A rt Misicka
Roanok e, Virginia

May 1998 23
5 =l Econ-Abrasives
WE MAKE ABRASIVE BELTS ANYSIZE, ANYGRIT! PopUlar Woodworking endeavors to provide readers
with accurate, useful information on the newest wood-
Standard Abrasive Sheets ABRASIVE BELTS working tools and products by testing most of them in
CABINET PAPER ~e~ ar~ resin b?nd cloth.with .a the Popular Woodworking shop. We consider cost,
bi-direcfiona l splice, specify grits.
50/pk 100/pk 1X30 $ .81 ea 3X24 $ .93 ea design and benefit, and add our comments about test-
600 $16.70 $30 .00C 1X42 .81 ea 3X27 .96 ea ed items to help you make future purchasing decisions.
800 15.60 27.80C 1X44 .81 ea 4X213/4 1.06 ea
100thru 150C 14.50 25.60C 21/2X16 .85 ea 4X24 1.10 ea
FINISHING PAPER 3X18 .86ea 4X36 1.35 ea "After years of rumors, the Italians finally figured out how
to produce the cordless router:"- PW
80A $11.15 $18.90C 3X21 .90ea 6X48 3.50 ea
100 thru 280A 10.00 16.70C 3X23 3/4 .93 ea 6x89 6.24 ea
100 thru 400A $12.25 $21.25C CI amps come w/PVC t'IpS an d grip
' s. Router!
' C' = 100 SHEETS ~ Size Price Contact: The Four/One
Velcro@> Vacuum Discs T $1.75 ea Group, 888-555-3665
8 Hole pattern for Bosch sanders 6' 2.25 Retail Price: $599, available
at specialty stores fall of 1998,

...!!!o Gr'it Pnee
. 8' 3.50
3' 60 $ .48ea " J UMBO ROUTER PAD(24' x 36') Features:
• The 24-volt, 4-amp-
5' 80 . .46 :"'lr ;~ i: It will not allow small blocks of wood
hour Nickel Metal
5' 100 thru 320.45 ';;'.~:·f to slip out under router or sandi ng
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* .,
AvaIlable In 5 hole pattern
-.' applications.
ONLY $8.95ea. battery provides up to
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*Pump Sleeves*PSA Discs RIMBO BELT CLEANING STICK tinuous use
*Router & Wood Bits*Wood Glue ONLY $8.80 . • The battery charges In one
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=., • Router Is available with only :lt4" collet at th is time,
plunge model available In 1999
• Complete kit Includes router, two batteries, AC charger,
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1-800-367-4101 For more info rmation. circle # 150 on the Resource Directory Coupon.
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"Powerful and portable, smooth and quiet-running - an excel-

lent cast-iron lathe for small and medium turnings."- PW

Jet Benchtop 1.4" Mini-Lathe

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., 2 stzes torthe shaper
Retail Price: $319, available through JET retail distributors.
• 1,'2 HP motor with six manually adjusted speeds
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• Offers a 10" swing over the cast iron bed and almost
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super sfick finish. / - . --- 3/4'10 1· WL.1572 ,,1, $139.
• Great fit ~ GLUEJOINTS In 2 sizes. for up to • Headstock's spindle uses 1" x 8TPI thread to accomodate
• No changing bits. 5/8" (also is dr awer joint cutte r) T & G FLOORINGCUTTERS
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UNOERClITTER. 5 profiles
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Rail & Stile-e verytl me-
what could be easierll

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• 1/4 " kerf Slot Cutter with 4 bearings for
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May 1998 25
Learn the secret ofthe
'fitting strip'and you can
make anything built-in.


I there 's the odd comer that not a single
piece of furniture looks right in. You know
what I'm talking about: The weird space
beside the fireplace, the interior corner in
the solarium, the space next to the slid-
ing glass door. You've probably thought
to yourself that a custom built-in cabi-
net would do the trick. In my home ,
that space was next to the fireplace.
Here's how I turned that liability
into an attractive asset that adds
value to my home.
Schedule of Materials: Built-in Bookshelves
Lower Cabinet Upper Bookcase
No. Item Dimensions T W L Material No. Item Dimensions T W L Material
2 Sides 3/4" x 21:lt2" x 30:lt4" Cherry Plywood 2 Sides 3/4" x 9" x 54" Cherry Plywood
1 Bottom 3/4" x 20:lt2" x 29:1t2" Cherry Plywood 1 Top :lt2" x 9" x 29:1t2" Cherry Plywood
2 Support rails 3/4" x 3" x 29 3/4" Cherry Plywood 3 Shelves 3/4" x 7 3/4" x 28 3/4" Cherry Plywood
1 Back :lt2" x 30" x 273,'4" Cherry Plywood 3 Shelf facings 3/4" x 1 :lt2" x 28 3/4" Cherry
2 Fitting strips :lt2" x 1:lt2" x 30:lt4" Cherry 2 Facing stiles 3/4" x 1 :lt2" x 54" Cherry
2 Facing stiles 3/4" x 1 :lt2" x 30:lt4" Cherry 1 Facing rail 3/4" x 3" x 27:1t4" Cherry
2 Facing rails 3/4" x 3" x 27:1t4" Cherry 1 Back :lt2" x 30" x 53:1t4" Cherry Plywood
4 Door stiles 3/4" x 1 :lt2" x 24:1t4" Cherry 2 Fitting strips :lt2" x 1:1t2" x 54" Cherry
4 Door rails 3/4" x 1 :lt2" x 13 5/8" Cherry
:lt4" x 115/8" x 22:1t4"
2 Door panels Cherry Plywood
Are we on target?
1 Top 3/4" x 22:1t4" x 313/4" Cherry Plywood To see more projects like this in future
1 Top edging 3/4" x 1 :lt2" x 32:1t2" Cherry Issues, circle " P12" on the postage-paid
card In the Resource Directory.
1 Top edging 3/4" x 1 :lt2" x 23" Cherry


Notch the top up to the back of the fitting 1/2" 1/ 4"

~)/2" Y 1/2"

~~:~F=======;~ 4"
=' -
- - - - - - f ~ 3"
I 9 3/4"
14 3 /e" 22 3 / 4 " 1f2" .:::'
II 1 1/2" . J17W-W-----,J ,~
1- - - - - - - -I ~ 3"
I - Jjf}IL----=.;-;;'-2.,,----~
27 1/ 4" 3/4"
31 3 / 4"
-_- - .... -_-_-_,l, ""'~
~'-~ 3 /4"

~ k 13 5/ e"
y.' k
' 13 5/e"
~ t 3/4"
Plan of upper cabinet
1 1/2" 32 1/2" 1 1/2"
Plan of lower cabinet
"W 9 3/4"

3 4"

~ 1f2" ~ ., 1/2"
I I 12" II 12"
I j 1 1/2" IF 1 1/ 2"
12" 12"
I j ~ 1f2" 11= 1 1/2"
12" 12"
I I -' 1/ If=:
I -' 1 2" 1 1/2" 85"
I 85" II 5ee detail
I 12"
I -'V 1 1f2"
at ri\'t
(--, (

1 1/2" 50lidwood \.
1/ 4"

r 1/2"

N 1/W ' l edging

~ 1/2"
1 2" rop
I /1 1f2'~
/1 1f2'~ I
I 21 1/ 4 " 26 1/ 2"
Ha ng ra il J 1"

10 5/e" 10 5/ e" Front

I I 5ide rail
1 1/2"
V Detail of top profile

1 1/ 2" 13 5/e" 13 5/e"

31 3 / 4 "
Elevation Profile

May 1998 27
1 Rabbets & Dadoes • Face frame cabinets are one of the
easiest types of cabin ets to build . Start by cutting the car-
case sides and bottom . To support the bottom , run a 3/ 8" deep x
3/ 4" wide dado on the inside of eac h side so the top of the dado
is 3" up fro m the bott om . Nex t, run a 1/ 2" deep x 3/ 4" rab bet
on the inside top edge of eac h side to acce pt the support rails.
The first step in makin g this cabinet built-in rather than free
standing is routing a rabbet on one of the sides, (see photo 1).
If your wall is perfect and square, you' re in great shape and won' t
have to do any fitting.
In my corner ca binet, the interior side was ripped a seco nd
time to 20 1/2" . Thi s allows the back to simple overlay the entire
back edge of the interior side without the worry of a rabbet. If the
cabinet were being mounted to a wall where both sides would be
visible, both sides would be made with a rabbeted back edge .
Assembl e the lower cabinet using glue and clamps, strategi-
cally placed nails, or for extra strength and less nails, cleats can be
used to attach the sides to the bottom from underneath. Square up
side the cabinet and temp orarily attach the back to support the cabinet.
The upper shelving section is bu ilt in the same manner, but
:1t2" fitting
with the dado this time cut at the top of the sides, I V2" down from
the top . Sin ce ther e are no suppo rt rail s at the bott om of the
unit, run the same rabbet on the back edges of each side and tem-
porarily attach the back for extra support.

2 Face Frames • Next, make the two face frames . Th e
stiles of the lower ca bi ne t overha ng the ins ide of the
cabinet by 3/ 4", but the bottom rail overhangs the bottom only
BACK RABBET • For our corner cabinet, t he visible
1 side has a 1,'2" thick x 1 " rabbet cut the length of the
back edg e. This allows room for the 1,'2" back to fit in the
a fraction of an inch on the inside, (photo 2) . The outside over-
han g sho uld be sa nde d flu sh to the ca binet after gluing.
rabbet and another 1,'2" tongue, which is fit to the wall with Th e top for the lower cabinet is simply cut to size from ply-
a jigsaw or hand plane. wood, and then a so lid cherry edge is g lue d and biscuited to
the two vis ible edges with a mit er j oint at the corner. I ran a
V2" cha mfer on the top edge to so fte n the edge of the top .

. stile frj
3 Fitting Strips • The most important piece of the built-
in part o f the cabinetry is next. Referred to as fitti ng
strips, these are simply L-shaped strips that are screwed to the

note 3/4"
bottom rail wall side of the ca binet during installati on , (photo 3) .
Th e she lves are the next step in co nstruc tio n. The shelves
are simply cut to size and a 3/ 4" x 1'/ 2" so lid cherry rail is glued
and biscuit ed to the front edge. Thi s not only gives the shelves
a more substantial appearance, it keep s the shelves from bow-

/ ing under the weight of the books. Th e shelves are held in place
with shelf pin s whi ch can be located to suit your needs.
note flush fit
4 Half-Lap Doors • The simple door construction is shown
in photo 4 . Th e butt erfly hin ges I used don 't require
any morti sing, but yo u do need to be careful to align the doors
corr ectl y when attaching the hin ges.
FRAME SHOP • Mill the fac ing rails and stiles to size Th e interior of the lower cabinet can be whatever you need.
and then glue the frames together with biscuits, re- On the piece s ho wn I in stall ed three int eri or drawers co m-
membering to check for square. When the glue has dried , partmentali zed for video tape storage.
sand the inside frame surface flush , and then glue and I finished the piece using a cherry oil-base d stain and a coat
clamp the frames to the front of the cab inet carcases. of satin finish lacqu er, giving the piece a rich appearance.

28 Popul ar Woodw ork ing

Both pieces of
the fitting strip
we re made of
solid 3,'2" cherry.
For the inset

doors , the fitting
st rip is flush. For
overlay doors ,
fitting strip attach the strip
forward to
match the over-
lay (see inse t ).

4 THE DOORS • The doors are simple but classic flat

panel construction using half-lap joinery at the corners.
The 3,'4" cherry plywood panels are captured in a 3,'2"
groove run in the stiles and rails prior to assembly. Since
they are inset doors , check the sizes in the Schedule of
Materials against your
actual opening and
all ow the doors to be a
hair oversized to allow
for fitting.

fu 5 1nst allat ion • Now it needs to be installed. At this point 5 SCRIBING • Take a
compass, and with
the legs separated to
l;; you might want to take a co uple of minutes to consid-
the width of the widest
er how the cabinets are being used . If yo u' re us in g a ny gap between wall and
lighting or stereo components in the cabinets, co nsider your cabinet, scribe a line
wiring options. Also co nsider venti latio n for the stereo . down the back edge
Start the installation by preparing the space where the cab- and against the front
inet will go. If the room is carpeted, the ca binet can sit right of the fitting strip.
on top of the carpeting. This cabinet has been designed to work Remove the cabinet
wi thout a base mo uldi ng . If yo u've go t hard wood floor s and cut almost to the
with any grooving detail on the floor, the ca binet base against scribe line , then clean
t he cut with a plane.
the floor will show off these grooves. If this offe nds you , a
sma ll quarter-round moulding can be added after installation.
Any existing baseboard in the cabinet's location can be marked on the cabinet back and drill a clearance hole, then screw the
and cut in place with a backed saw so the cabinet will slip into cabinet in plac e. Make sure you use a long enough screw, 3"
place (from above if it's a comer ca binet). Or the baseboard is preferable. Don ' t over-tighten the screw, it needs only to
ca n be removed and cut and reattached afte r the cabinet is in- pull the cabinet to the wall, not correct any bow in the dry-
sta lled. A third option is to co pe the back of the cabinet and wall (that's what the scribing was for) .
the fitting strip to match the base moulding and allow the cab- Before putting the top in place, drill clearance holes (two
inet to cover the baseboard. each) in the support rails to attach the top after fitting. Next
With the space prepared, pu t the cabine t in place a l- put the top in place and check its fit against the wall and plane
lowing space for the fitting strip (or with the fittin g stri p at- or cut to provide the best joint. Then place the upper book -
tached), square it up and leve l it up fro nt-to- back and side- case unit on the top , and again fit , scribe and plane or cut
to-side. Then check the fit aga inst the walls . If you 'r e lucky the back edge and fitting strip to match . With the bookcase fit
you won't have to touc h a thing, but more likel y than not to the walls , lightly mark the side location on the top and then
you' ll need to use the scri bi ng me thod in the ph oto. Th is remove the bookcase . Drill ho les through the top (two per
cabinet is of a size that the face frame co uld have been de- side), then remove the top from the lower cabinet and attach
sign to extend beyond the cabinet and serve as a fitting strip, the upper case to the top with screws.
but the removable fitting strip is a lot eas ier to move aro und The upper assemb ly should fit into place with a few inches
tha n the who le ca binet. clearance on top. Screw the top to the lower cabinet through the
Put the cabi net back in place an d again chec k the fit. If support strips. A coupl e screws thro ugh the upper case's back
eve rythi ng looks good, the cabinet ca n be sc rewed in plac e at the very top will secure it to the wall. Hang the doors , put the
against the wall. Locate the studs behind the cabinet. Hopefully shelves in place and you're ready to fill the cabinets. PW
you can catch two. If not, a molly in the wall would provi de - Da vid Thiel, PW staff
a second attachment location. Then mark the stud locations

May 1998 29
There's never ever
been enough space
in the kitchen -
until now!
DON'T KNOW if yo u've
I ever spent a lot of time in the
kitchen (besides that time you
used the dishwasher for that
steam-bending experiment), but
the No. I complaint of cooks is
the profound lackof space there.
Especially in homes built be-
fore the 1970s.
Short of tearing out a wall,
this kitchen island is the best
way to stretch your existing
counter space by 7 1/2 square
feet and increase another com-
modity that's in short supply in
many kitchens: storage space.
And on those nights you 're eat-
ing grilled cheese for dinner in-
stead oflobsters thermidor, and
you don't need the extra space,
the kitchen island rolls into a
comer out of the way.
This kitchen island is made
of hard maple and ma ple ve-
neered MDF (medi um density
fiberboard).To make things eas-
ier, I didn't build the maple
butcher-block top.Youcan make
your own , buy it from a local
vendor or order it cut to size
from the distributor listed at
the end of the article.
The notches require four saw

1• Legs, Sides & Shelves
Cut the 2" stock for
set-ups. The trick here is to keep
the outside surface facing up
when you're making these cuts.
the legs to the size listed in the This will keep the blade under-cut
Schedule of Materials. Then on the inside of your case piece ,
cut all the case parts from 3/ 4" where it won 't be seen . First , lay
MDF maple plywood. Now cut out the locations of the notches.
the 7" x 131;4" notches in the Cut the second notch to allow the
sides for the shelves and onion waste piece to fall to the waste
side of the blade , so plan your
bin. You'll notice that I made
cuts accordingly. Make the cuts
the grain on the sides run left-
with your saw blade up all the way.

30 Popular Woodworking
Are Schedule of Materials: Kitchen Island

we on No. Item Dimensions T W L Material

target? 1 Top 1 :!t2" x 24" x 30" Maple
To see more 1 Drop Leaf 1:1t2" x 10" x 30" Maple
projects like this
4 Legs 2" x 2" x 32 :!t4" Maple
in Mure issues,
circle "P3" on 2 Case sides 0/4" x 18" x 18" Plywood
"1 the postage-paid 1 Case back 0/4" x 18" x 24" Plywood

3 card in the
1 Inner bottom 0/4" x 2o:!t4" x 25:!t2" Plywood
1 Directory. 2 Tray dividers :It2" x 2o:1t2" x 26" Plywood
1 Lower shelf 3/4" x 21" x 27" Plywood
1 Center divider 0/4" x 13:!t4" x 25:1t2" Plywood

Lower 1 Bin divider 0/4" x 13:!t4" X 70/4" Plywood

shelf 2 Drawer divider 3/4" x 13:!t4" x 11" Plywood
1 Front rail 3/4" x 3" x 25:!t2" Plywood
2 Drawer faces 0/4" x 6:!t4" x 16:!t4" Plywood
4 Drawer fronts :It2" x 50/4" X 14:!t4" Plywood
Detail of lower shelf notch 4 Drawer sides :!t2" x 5 3/4" x 103/4" Plywood
2 Drawer backs :!t2" x 5" x 14:!t4" Plywood
2 Drawer bottoms :!t4" x 60/4" x 10:!t2" Plywood
l' ........ 2" 15 3 /4" 3/4"7 3/8" 2" r- 3 Drawer faces 0/4" x 4:!ts" x 70/4" Plywood
II '1'1 '1 T 3 Drawer fronts :!t2" x 3:!t2" x 60/4" Plywood

II:=========~====~J 2 Drawer sides :It2" x 3:!t2" x 103/4" Plywood

iT POTATO&--i: BOOK I: 2 Drawer backs :!t2" x 3" x 60/4" Plywood
H ONION II SHELF 11 2 Drawer bottoms :!t4" x 60/4" x 1o:!t2" Plywood
-~ ---- I
4 Drawer cleats 3/4" x 1 :!t2" X 10:!t4" Plywood
"I II III 1 Drawer cleats :!t2" x :!t2" x 10:!t4" Plywood
:: 1 II
I I"

1i-l----.1L - - - - - - - - - . . 1 11
I:: 1
Drawer cleat
Bin sides
0/4" x 1:1t2" X 13:!t4"
:!t2" x 13:!t4" x 16:!t2"
fi ----J~--------:J~
L..:.+'-o-- 1 Bin back :!t2" x 12:!t2" x 6:!t2" Plywood
1 Bin bottom :!t4" x 16:!t4" x 6:!t2" Plywood
1" 15 7 / 8 " 2 Bin face stiles 3/4" x 1" x 13:!t4" Maple
1/ 2" 2 Bin face rails 3/4" x 1" x 7" Maple
:30" 5 Drawer fillers 3/4" x 2" x 10" Plywood
PLAN 2 Bin Fillers 0/4" x 2" x 15:!t2 " Plywood

1 1/ 2" 1 1/ 2"
4 5 / 3 2"

::l 314"
11 0 II I
II 0 I
0 I
I --'
6 1/ 4 " POTATO &
II I 6 1/ 4 " BIN
I 0 1
0 II
:1 I I 314"
I :j
I -r I
I _ f =' 1/2" :36" :36"
Ope n in 1 1/ 2"
fro nt
10 1/ 2"
r ~ ::l

11 2 W' t~ 5 1/ 4"

~ ,j~/8::J
.11 1 1

II 2'!.-/ . L L 3/4"
15 7/8" u

3/4.? I"---V 2"

1" 1"
1'! -' 2" 24 " 2" ~ 1" 1"
:30" 10" 24"


May 1998 31
NOTCHES IN THE LEGS • The photo shows the cut for
2 BISCUIT TRICK • Joining material of different thick-
nesses with biscuits is easy when you use spacer
blocks. Using a 3/4" piece of MDF on top of my work put
3 t he top notch. Mark the location of the notch with a
marking gauge, then cut across the diagonal to the center
the biscuit slot in the middle of the panel without having to of t he leg with a pullsaw. Finally square out and clean the
change the fence setting. After cutting the slot in the wast e with a chisel.
panel , I used the same setup to cut a slot in the legs .

to-right. Because wood movement isn't a problem with MDF, cuttin g diagonally across the inside co rner. Then remove the
you can make the grain run whate ver direction you want. wast e leavin g a triangul ar not ch. Th e co rne rs of the lower
The inner bottom below the draw ers is biscuited into the shelf are then cut at a 45-d egree angle to fit into the notches.
sides and back so it fits flush to the bottom of the notches in
the sides. I then cut 1;4" deep x 1/ 2" wide grooves and rabbets
into the sides and back to capture the two tray dividers. The
4 Case Assembly • With the inner case asse mbled,
it's time to dry assemble the whole case. First, layout
lower divider is captured flush to the bottom of case sides in the and cut the 3/ 4" x 3/ 4" notches on the back corners and the 3/4"
rabbet, then the groove is cut I Y2" up from the top of the rabbet. x JI/ 2" notches on the front corners of the inner bottom. Also,
The comers of the tray dividers will need to be notched to fit into cut the I " x I " notches on the back corners and I" x 1 1/2"
the comers, but it's best to do that after your first dry assembly. notches on the front corners of the tray dividers. Finally, lay
For now, make all your cuts, but don 't assemble anything yet, out and cut 11/ 2" x 11/ 2" mitered corners on the lower shelf.
there' s more to do. You're now ready to dry assem ble.
Begin by fitting the bisc uits and dry -clamping the case
2 Biscuit Joint Boogie • Layout the biscuit locations
to attach the legs to the back and side panels, holdin g
back between the back legs flat on a bench. Then fit the inner
case asse mbly to the back leg asse mbly with biscuits. Now
the panels 1;2" in from the out side of the legs. With the notch set the sides into place on the back legs' respective joints.
in the side panels, there isn 't a very long glue joint left at With the front legs not in place yet, you should be able
the rear legs. Fear not. After applying veneer edge tape to the to slide the tray dividers and shelf into place. Then place the
edges of the notch, cut a filler to the size of each opening and front legs in place and check for a good fit.
tape it in place temporari ly. This allows you to clamp even- Disassemble the legs and case panels and rout a 1/ 8" ra-
ly across the case, keeping the whole thing square when dius on all four long edges of the legs. Lastly, before gluing
you glue the case assembly together later. the unit together, screw and glue the cleats for attaching the
The inner construction of the case consists of three verti- top assembly to the sides. Wait until the case is assembled be-
cal panels: the center divider, the bin divider and the draw er fore attaching the fillers for the drawer slides (see photo 4).
divider.The bin and drawer divider are screwed in place through Proceed to glue up the case and legs check the case for
the center divider (see the plan view in the diagram s). Th en square after asse mbly, As you begin to clamp the case together,
the bin divider is biscuited into the case back, while the cen- rem ove the maskin g tape from the side s that will interfere
ter divider is biscuited between the two case sides, flu sh with the glue joints. Now you ca n iron on veneer edging tape
with the vertical edge ofthe notche s. The inner bottom is then to the four edges ofthe bottom shelf and the fronts ofthe two
screwed to the dividers. Now iron on veneer edge tape to the tray dividers.
front drawer divider and the case bottom. Build the drawer s by firs t cutti ng out and assemb ling
the sides, front') and backs using simple glued-and-nailed rab-
3 Preparing the Legs • Next cut the notches in the legs
to accommodate the front rail and the lower shelf. The
bets for the joinery. Th e rabbet is 1/ 4" x 1/ 2". Make sure to
check the sizes given with the openi ngs on the case as they
top rail requires a 3/ 4" x 3/ 4" x 11/ 2" squared-out notch. The may vary slightly. Also remember that the large drawers use
one for the lower shelf is a little different. Start by lay ing drawer slides that require the drawer boxes be I" smaller in
out a 3/ 4" wide x 11/2" notch on the two inside faces of all four width than the opening. Cu t out the drawer faces and edge
legs, 23/4" up from the bottom. Starting your saw cut at the tape them, then finish sand and set aside.
inside corner, define the top and bottom edges of the notch ,

32 Popular Woodworking
4 FILLER STRIPS • When the case is dry, install t he
filler blocking for the drawer slides. Use a block cut to
the height you want your drawer slides to sit. Hold the
5 PUNCH THE TIN • After some testing, the tool I liked
best for punching the tin was a nail set w it h a fi ne
tip. Make a copy of the pattern in the PullOu tTM Pla ns
spacer against the side, lay the filler strip on top of it and and tape it to a piece of tin cut to size. Center the pat-
nail away! Always remember to attach the top blocking tern on the material and punch away.
first then work you r way down .

5 Build the Bin • Though similar in construction to the
drawers, the bin front is a stile and rail frame built with 6 ATTACH THE
half-lap joints. A punched tin panel is then nailed to the in- instructions offer
side. Also, the front is the drawer face, and the entire bin fits different mount-
ing locations for
inset in the opening, rather then overlaying.
different set-
The bin sides fit into 1/2" x 1/2" rabbets cut on the sides of
backs on the
the assembled bin front. Cut a 1/2" x 1/4" rabbet on the inside sides. I chose
back edge of the sides to capture the bin back. Final1y, make 1;-2" between
a 1/4" x 1/4" groove 1;4" up from the bottom edge of al1 four the barrel of the
drawer pieces to capture the bottom. Now punch the pat- hinge and the
tern in the tin using the method shown in the photo, and nail leaf. First attach
the punched tin into the bin front after it's finished. the long end of
Attach the wooden knob to the bin by running a screw t he stay to the
through a 3/4" x 3/4" x 6" wooden strip that is attached to the leaf. Then attach
front frame of the bin, behind the tin. the short end to
the case, 2;-16"

6 Down to the Nitty Gritty • Cut the top and leaf in
the Schedule of Materials to size. Ours was already
down from the
top of the case ,
allowing the leaf
finished with a catalyzed varnish. Begin attaching the top by to drop down all
laying the top and the leaf next to each other and attaching the way.
the continuous hinge to the top and leaf at the joint. Place the
case upside-down on the case and locate it roughly in the
center. At this point there should be about 11/2" between the Source of Supply
back of the case and the hinge barrel. This is important for Butcher Block: Tamarack Distributors • 800-582-4555
attaching the drop leaf supports. Screw the case to the top • Two 25" x 30" slabs • $123.50 + shipping
with cleats, then attach the stays . Casters & Slides: Woodcraft • 800-225-1153 • casters
Flip the piece back over and place it on a level surface to item# 27146 • $9.50 for a set of four + shipping • draw-
attach the drawer faces. Start by placing the drawer boxes er slides item# 27E30 • $33 for two pairs + shipping
into their openings, then, using shims to locate the lower-left
drawer face, clamp it to the box. Pul1 it out and hammer a Stays: Woodworker's Supply • 800-645-9292 • item#
couple short nails into the front from the inside of the box. R11965 • $12.50 for the pair + shipping
This gives you a fairly adjustable drawer face. Repeat the
process with the remaining fronts and then adjust the faces clear finish. Rubbing out the finish with a gray Scotch Brite"
so there are equal gaps around each drawer. When done, dril1 pad and some wool wax soap will yield a stel1ar finish on this
a clearance hole in the front of the box and attach the faces tight-grained maple.
with screws. When the finishing is done, reassemble the top and
Now you 're ready to finish the piece. Remove the draw- case upside-down, then drill the holes for the locking cast-
er faces from the drawer boxes and the top from the case. ers and install. Now you're ready to carve that pot roast. PW
Finish sand al1 parts and finish the case with three coats of - Jim Stuard, PW staff

May 1998 33
Arts & Crafts

elie ve it or not, cut a 6-degree angle on the ends of the Attach the side
B the wood in this
cradle was cut from a
stiles and rails so that the end frames are
slightly trapezoidal. The center slats each
frames to the end
frames using coun-
fruit-bearing cherry have one long edge tapered on a 6-de- tersunk 11;4" #6 wood
tree from my parent's gree angle so that its edges are all par- screws,fillingthe holes
backyard in Bloomsburg, allel to the frame pieces . with walnut dowel plugs
Penn. I don't remember the STEP THREE: Join the end frames with for contrast.
tree, but there are photos of my half-lap joints where the stiles and rails STEP SEVEN: Cut the two sup-
father and me (still in diapers) in meet. The two center slats and the cen- port cleats and screw them to the
front of it. Dad had to cut the tree down ter stile overlap and are recessed into the inside, about 1/2" up from the bottom of
a short time after the photos were taken, rails from the inside (see diagram). I the basket.
but he hauled it to a saw mill, and stored used a 1/ 8" straight bit in a router to re- Next, countersink holes in the bot-
the rough-cut lumber in our garage. cess the slats into the rails. tom slats, and glue and screw the bot-
Twenty-five years later my wife and STEP FOUR: I was inspired by Greene tom slats to the cleats.
I were expecting our first baby , so Dad and Greene furniture, and by rounding STEP EIGHT: Attach the legs to the feet
and 1 figured out a cradle design and the comers with a disc sander, I attained with a mortise and tenon joint. Cut a 1"
pulled out some of that wood that was a similar look . All the edges are then deep xl" x 2 1/2"mortise in the center of
still in the garage. The old photos, the rounded with a quarter-round router bit. each foot. Then cut the tenons on the
old wood, a new baby and a new design To hang the basket, cut a 5/8"x 31;2" legs to fit.
have created an heirloom. notch centered in the top end of the cen- STEP NINE: To form the notch in the legs
ter stiles to hold the pivot pieces. I used that the pivot piece rests in, drill a 11;4" di-
STEP ONE: The lumber I had on hand a doweling jig to drill holes through the ameter hole centered 1" down from the
forced me to laminate the legs and feet width of the center stiles to accept a 1;4" top. Then cut I" off that end, giving you a
to yield the necessary 11/ 2" x 3" pieces, maple dowel. Dowel the pieces together 5/ 8" notch in the end to support the basket.
but you may have thicker stock avail- and trim the ends flush. The pivot piece and leg fit together in
able . I planed the other pieces to 3/ 4" or STEP AVE: Dry assemble the end frames a loose bridle joint. You will need to cut
5/8" thick, then cut them to width and and mark and notch the frames to accept a 3/ 4" x 3/ 4" notch in the pivot piece, then
length according to the Schedule of the side rails as shown in the diagram. cut a 1/ 2" deep recess around the notch on
Materials. When laminating the legs and Cut half laps on the ends of each side the inside and outside faces of the legs
feet, allow extra material for additional slat, then notch the rails to match. (see diagram detail) .
milling in steps eight and nine. STEP SIX: Sand all pieces to 220 grit STEP TEN: To allow for easier trans-
STEP TWO: To form the end frames, and glue up the end and side frames . port, attach the legs and stretcher with

34 Popular Woodworking

1/4" dowel5

3 1/z"
2 1/ z"


Deta il of Pivot assembly 3"

3 1/z" lIz"

d ia meter
----r-+---+cuto u~

Are we on
To see more proj ects Detail of cutout on leg for pivot assembly
like this in future Issues,
circle " P7" on the postage-
paid card in the Resource Schedul of Materials: Arts & Crafts Cradl
Directory. No. Letter Item Dimensions T W L Material
2 A End rails (top) 5;s" x 4" x 183,'2" Cherry
knock-down bed hardware. Mark and mortise the legs 2 B End rail s (bottom) s/S " x 3 " x 16" Cherry
and stretcher ends for the hardware. I used a router with 2 C Center stiles s/S" x 33,'2" x 22" Cherry
a 1/8" spiral bit to make these mortises. 4 D End stiles 5/S" x 2 1t2" x 145/ S" Cherry
STEP ELEVEN: To attach the stretcher cap, cut a 3/4" wide 4 E Center slats 5/ S" x 31t2" x 101t2" Cherry
x 1;4" deep groove down the center of the stretcher cap. I 4 F Side ralls 5/S" x 23,'2" x 34" Cherry
used a dado head on the table saw to make the groove, then 10 G Side slats 5/S" x 33,'2" x 11" Cherry
glued and clamped the cap in place. 10 H Bottom slats 5/S" x 3" x 143/S" Cherry
STEP TWELVE: To finish the piece in a baby-friendly 2 I Pivot pieces 5/S" x 33,'2" x 43,'2" Cherry
manner, sand all the pieces to 220 grit, then app ly three 2 J Legs 1 3,'2" x 3" x 33 3/ 4 " Cherry
coats of General Finishes' Toy Maker's Finish, a wipe- 2 K Feet 1 3,'2" x 3 " x 24" Cherry
on oil finish, (available from Woodworkers' Store , 800- 1 L Stretcher rail 3/4" x 5 3/S" x 36" Cherry
279-4441), buffing lightly with 400 grit sandpaper be- 1 M Stretcher cap 3/4 " x 4 " x 36" Che rry
tween coats. PW 2 N Cleats 3/4" x 3/4" x 32" Che rry
- Bruce Stoker, 4 " heavy-duty bed rail fasteners (#125-061 from Woodworkers '
Popular Woodworking Books Supply, 800-645-9292; $8.75 for a package of 4 sets.)

May 1998 35
A nice wooden dart case can cost
hundreds of dollars. Making
your own save s money and allows
you to add personal touches (like
the cup holders).
STEP ONE:Cut all the pieces to size.
Then cut a 3/ 8" wide x 3/ 4" deep rab-
bet on the case pieces to hold the Vl"
cork (from an office supply store)
and the Y4" plywood back.
STEP TWO: Assemble the case pieces abo ut 1/ 8" down from the top of the case ge ther. Cut the two cup holders to fin-
using biscuit') and glue, with the top and to allow the do ors to sw ing free ly. ished size.
bottom captured between the sides. STEP SIX: T he dart ledges have three STEP NINE: Cut the top piece to size
STEP THREE: Machine a rabbet on the 3/8" ho les drill ed to a Y2" depth, wi th a and ro ut a 45-degree chamfer on the
back edge of the door panels leaving a 1/ 8" diame ter hole drill ed throug h the front and side edges, leavi ng a 1/ 4" flat.
Y4" x 5/ 16" long tongue on all edges. bottom of the led ge. Cut the fron t cor- Stain and finish all the pieces.
STEP ~R: Run a Y4" x 318" deep groove ners at a 45- degree ang le. STEP TEN: Assemble the case. Screw
(Y4" in from the front edge) on the inside STEP SEVEN: Th e pen ledge has a 1/ 2" the top to the top of the case. Screw the
of the door stiles and rails. The pane ls fit deep x I " groove down the center, and dart ledges to the door panel and biscuit
into thedoor pieces allowing enough space the fro nt corners are then rounded off. the pen ledge to the panel from the back.
for Y8" expansion across the width . Pre- STEP EIGHT: Mak e the c up hol ders The dry-wipe board also was purchased
stain the door pane ls, then biscuit and as- from I" thick ma teria l, resawn to leave from an office supply store. PW
semble the doors and door panels . a Y4" thick bo tto m piece. Cut 3" diam- -David Thiel, PW staff
STEP RVE: Mortise the hinges into the eter holes in the top piece.
case and door sides so the doors are set Glue the pieces back to- Schedule of Materials: Dart Case
No. Item Dimensions T W L Material

Diagrams 2 Sides 3/4" x 3 " x 25:1,'2" Sassafras

2 Top & bott 3/ 4" x 3" x 22 3/4" Sassafras

6" 1 Back 3/4" x 23:1,'2" x 243/4" Cork/ply

4 Door stiles 0/4" x 2"x 25:1,'2" Sassafras
2 1/ 4" 1 1/ 4" 2 Door top rails 3/ 4" x 2"x 10 5/S" Sassafras

314" I ::::: 2
Door bottom rails 3/4" x 2"x 10 5/S"
Door panels
:1,'2" x 11:l,'s" x 243/S" Sassafras
~~::: f r-_-_-~----------------~~~=:::;,---./ 1/8"
Pen ledge
3/4" x 6"x 25:1,'2" Sassafras
3/4" x 1:1,'2"x 10:l,'S" Sassafras
2 Dart holders 3/4" x 1:1,'2"x S" Sassafras
Detail of crown 2 Cup holders 1" x 5" x 5 " Sassafras

25 1/ 2" ~ • 3/4 "

1/8" 3/4" ,r 6" r~ ./ / ) 18"
I - ) ~/4"
See detail :- :
S co re above : 6 518"
Board , u.--IiI Are
26 3 / 8 " 8 5 18" 26 3 / 8 "
To see more
projects like
this in Mure
7 1/ 4 " issues, circle
Up S" on the
card in the
3/4" 22 3 / 4 "
24 1/ 4 "
1 "
2 '/4" 5" 12 Directory.
4 8 12" 1 ' /4"
Elevation (doors open) Profile (closed)

36 Popular Woodworking
PuliOut™ Plans • May 1998 #102
Carefully open

orking staples to remove

plans, then bend
them c losed again.

project ~
Kitchen Island 30
Alien Swinger 46
Squirrel in a Tree 47
Chippendale Secretary 48

These plans comprise pages 37 through 44 of the magazine

Kitchen Island
Full-size layout of t he punched t in
pattern. Note that the locations
of eac h onion are where th~' should
be positioned on t he ti n.
• •
• • • •
• • •• • • • • • • •••• •
• ••
• • •• • • ••••
• • • • • ••• ••
• •••• ••••• • •• • •
• •• • • • • • ••
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•• • • •
• • • •
• •• • • • •• • • ••
• • • • • •• • • •
• • • • •• • • • • • • •
• • • • •
aTree • ••• •• • •• • • •
• • ••••• • • • • • ••
• •••••••
• • ••• • • • • •• • • •• • ••
•• • • ••• • • •
• •• • •• • • • • • •• • ••
• • • • •• •

• •
• • • •
••• • • • • • • • • • •• • ••

• •• • • •• • • •
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• • • • •• • • • •

• • • •• • • • •• • •
• • ••
• • •• • • • • • • • • •
•• ••• • • • •

••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••

• •• • • • • • • • •• •• •• ••• • • •
• •
• • •• •

Chippendale Secretary
Scale 3"= 1'-0" Daehed llnee Indicate drawer outllnee J
~======== =~@J' F=======, r======- @/®m '"---·~"=i r.~=,~;=== ,"- "
I I 37/e"
-l-----~= ---~-.
- --------.
-------,- - ...J ~ l/e"

I .

5 1/ 4" .


_ • ..J
- -- .... tL-------
J..-------' -------~ -------~ -, -----.J .... ---

II U II II II l 1I. II l U 11
1 3 / 4" l/e " 3" l/e" 3" l/e" 3 1/16" l/e" 2 5/e" 7/16"\...I/e" 3" l/e"

32 1/2"


Profile @» I



- .---.
~V11/~" ~V

et et l/e " l/e"

4 1/4"

6 1/ 4

3 1/16" \ 1
3 116" -" 3 1/16 "
l/e" l/e"

3" \ 3" \ 3"

®t I 3/4" I

I ~ . 1 / 1" I
.~ 1===;g'==~===b=========::j:;6=~=== ~=~

I tr=\' I! m II
! L5 ®i O~ 2"!!
~ CD 0 V--
L================_==============I ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~ ~-~ I~==============
1.1. II II U
1/4" 1 3/4" l/e" 9 1/ 4" l/e" 9 1/2" l/e"

32 1/2"

line of ogee cut "'"

Full-size outline of base moulding ends.

rL _.

5" 3/4"
/ / 5"
\ '\ /

Schedule of Materials: I

No. Letter Item

2 A Top and bo'
2 BEnds
4 C Full height
4 D Outer dlvldl
2 E Center dlvlt
4 F Outer ralls
3 G Center rail!
2 H Drawer fro~
Sliding dovetail jig 2 I Drawer fro~

Not to scale 1 J Drawer fro~

1 K Drawer fro~
6 L Drawer sid.
6 M Drawer sld«
4 N Drawer bac
Alien Swinger
Full-size diagrams of body parts

Hands with locations of holes

for rope.

Main torso


Squirrel i
Full-size diagram
and his tree bran
======== L-- S ecret drawer _ _~

7 3 / 4"

9 3 / 4 " 10"

rmO - --- - ~ II
IIrJ 1 1/2"

--' 1/4"
~~ __=--=---_-----=---_---==_ll
_~~ __ ~L..-_....LJ
:rr- - - -- "t


1/4" 114"

9 3 / 4"

=h;;:::;::=:t=::;;;::==:n --' 1/ 4 " Blockin~

facadeIL _

5 3 / 4"

7 3 /4"

#10 Envelope
1- - - - - - - - - - - I ~ Monarch
II ~
1'0 drawer
Se cret It:~='============
II si ze stationary
11 11

== '/a"
I 1 1/ 2"
===============. =' '/a"
2" 2"
L.. _

9 3 / 4"

Profile ®

line of ogee cut

Full-size outline of base moulding middle.


outline of outer facade Full-size outline of inner facade

Ippendale secretary Insert

Dimensions T W L Material No. Letter Item Dimensions T W L Material
3,'4" x 10" x 323,'2" Maple 4 0 Drawer backs 3,'s" x 13,'4" x 93,'16" Maple
3,'4" x 10" x 113/4" Maple 4 P Drawer bottoms 3,'s " x 93,'4" x 93,'16" Plywood
3,'s" x 10" x 115/S" Maple 2 Q Drawer back 3,'s" x 13,'4" x 93,'4" Maple
3,'s" x 10" x 7 7/ S" Maple 2 R Drawer back 3,'s" x 1 3/4" x 93,'4" Maple
3,'s" x 10" x 5 7/ S" Maple 2 5 Drawer bottom 3,'s" x 93,'4" x 93,'4" Plywood
3,'s" x 10" x 9 5/16 " Maple 2 T Paper slot sides 7/16" x 23,'s" x 93,'2" Maple
3,'s" x 10" x 9 9/16 " Maple 1 U Paper slot false front 3,'s" x 23,'s" x 93,'4" Maple
3,'4" x 13,'2" x 93,'4" Maple 1 V Paper slot back 7/ 16" x 23,'s" x 93,'2" Maple
3,'4" x 2" x 93,'4" Maple 1 W Paper slot frnt bttm 3,'s" x 5 5/ S" x 93,'2" Plywood
3,'4" x 11,'2" x 9 1,'2" Maple 1 X Paper slot rear bttm l,'s" x 4" x 93,'4" Plywood
3,'4" x 2" x 9 3,'2" Maple 6 Y Outer facades 1,'4" x 13,'2" x 3" Maple
1,'8" x 2" x 9 3/S" Maple 3 Z Inner facades 1,'8 " x 11,'2" x 31,'16" Maple
3,'s" x 13,'4" x 9 3/S" Maple 2 AA Facade drawer si des ;rs" x 1 " x 9 " Maple
3,'8" x 1 3/4" x 93,'16" Maple 1 BB Facade drawer back 3,'s " x 3/4" x 2 9/16" Maple
1 CC Facade drawer bottom 3,'s " x 2 9/16 " x 8 7/S" Plywood

Pipes of Pan
T his project is both an instrument and a simple
puzzle for school children. The child has to
arrange the pipes in order in the frame and tight-
en the wing nuts without all the pipes tumbling
out of the frame. (Beware that wing nuts are a chok-
ing hazard for small children.) It generally takes a bit
of trial and error on the child's part before he gets it right.
The pipes are PVC with an inner diameter of V2" and an
outer diameter of 5/ 8". These pipes produce a pentatonic
scale, the musical scale used by the ancient Greeks and
Pan himself. By blowing across the ends of the pipes,
children usually get a pretty, soft sound.

STEP ONE: Make the wood holder by first drilling

the screw ho les. Use screws to hold the wood
together as you dri ll the 5/8" holes in the top.
Round and smooth all edges. Finish or paint
as desired.
STEP TWO: Cut the pipes to length. Sand
any rough edges. Assemble. PW
- Erwin V. Cohen
Schedule of Materials: Pipes of Pan
No. Item Dimensions T W L Material
2 Sides 3/4" x 2:1(2" x 5:1(2" Scrap
1 Pipe 0/8" x 9" PVC Are
1 Pipe 0/8" x 70/32" PVC ",~;.gli1we on
1 Pipe 0/8" x 6" PVC target?
To see more pro-
1 Pipe 0/8" x 5 1 0/32" PVC
jects like th is in
1 Pipe 0/8" x 4 3/4" PVC future Issues , circle
1 Pipe 0/8" x 4" PVC " PU" on th e
postage-paid card in
2 Machine screws :1(4" x 20 x 10/4"
the Resource
2 Washers Directory.
2 Wing nuts


May 19 98 45
1'1 ": ALIEN
few year s back my sister got me
A started going to craft shows to sell
my work . I've had real good luck sell-
ing "lawn swingers," so with all the talk
of UFOs and abductions lately I decid-
ed it was time for an "alien" swinger.
This little feller is my own design. I
drew the face while watchinglV. I charge
$17.50 each for them at the craft shows
(each one takes a couple hours to build
with about 75 cents worth of material).

STEP ONE: Make posterboard tem-

plates of the parts in the PuljOur" Plans
(or from diagram below). Trace the
shapes and cut out the parts from 3/ 4"
plywood. Shape the legs to your liking.
The thighs are cut from pine 2 x 4s.
STEP TWO: Drill 1;4" holes for dowels
in the legs, thighs and body. Drill '/4"
holes in the hands for the rope.
STEP THREE: Cut the dowels and as-
semble the parts. Cover the body with
waterproof sealer. Paint the alien 's fea-
tures. When dry, cover the alien with
two coats of outdoor urethane.
STEP FOUR: Cut the seat and drill '/4"
holes for the rope. Attach the alien to
the seat with screws. String 3/16" clothes-
line through the hands and seat. PW
-Leonard Wardle

No. Item Dimensions T W L Material
1 Body 3/4" x 10" x 113,'2" Plywood
1 Legs 3/4" x 6 " x 6 3,'2" Plywood
2 Hands 0/4" x 1"x 13,'2" Plywood
2 Thigh s 1 3/4" x 1 3/4"x 13,'2" Pine
1 Seat 3/4" x 13,'4"x 10" Pine

To see more projects
lik e th is In Mure
issues, ci rcle "P9" on
the posta ge-paid card
in th e Resource
Enlarge to 380 percent of original. Each square equals :1t'2". Directory.

46 Popular Woodworking
hile I was in
W college a
friend would re-
gale me with tales
of the squirrels in
her hometown that
were jet black. 1 didn 't
believe her until she showed
me a photo of one of the ro-
dents feasting on a nut. Darned
if those critters aren 't black as coal.
Thi s three-dimensional scrollsaw puz-
zle features a black squirrel in a tree. The
bottom level of the puzzle has the squirrel and
the branches of the tree. Once you complete that
level (which is real easy), you have to piece to-
gether the leave s and trunk (which is harder).
The real trick to making thi s puzzle is to
have the right blade for your scro llsaw. 1 tried
every blade in our shop ,
but they all had kerfs
that were too wide for
Diagrams puzzle making. Finally,
1 found the trick: skip-
tooth 2/O-sized blades
(I bought Olson Saw Co.
brand). Then I turned
the speed on my scroll-
saw a ll the way down
and began.

STEP ONE: Sand your

material. Attach the pat-
terns to your wood (l used
rubbercement). Cut small
hole s in the waste areas
to start your cut. Cut out
all the pieces for both
puzz le layers.
STEP TWO: Glu e th e
Enlarge drawing to 130 three layers together.
percent. Interior layer Finish sand the puzzl e
with branches locat ed piece s. Color them with
in PullOut Plans dye or stain. Coat the en-
N--- Are we on tire project (including the
'llI..- " . target? back) with two thin lay-
To see more projects ers of a clear finish . PW
like this In future Issues ,
circle "Pi O" on the
-Chris Schwarz.
postage-paid card In the PWstajf
Resource Directory.

May 1998 47
The centerpiece ofthe 18th century
home is pure joy to build and behold.
HESE DAYS people communicate with e-mail , cellu -
T lar phon es and faxe s. However, in the not too distant
past (read 20 years ago) , our forefathers and foremothers
actually wrote letters by hand, on paper, with a pen!
The modem work station is decked out with a place for
all of our technological writing tool s, software, hardware
and storage device s. It's always been interesting that our
computer de sks bear a striking resemblance to antique
secretaries (the furniture not the office assistant). Secretaries
have a place for writing tools, paper and served as storage
devices for all of the correspondence of the day. People ran
their household s and their busine sses from these beautiful
pieces of furniture. Here is our understated interpretation
of this wonderful , albeit dated , communication tool.
The first thing to do, after getting up the cash to
build a piece this large, is to select the wood for the
case, drawer fronts and trim. We came acro ss some
nice curly maple at a mill in Indiana that was wide
enough for the drawer fronts . Because curly maple
is in short supply, we used plain maple on the case
side s and poplar for the interior drawer part s.
Wood selection is very im -
portant. It can make a sim -
ple design look great or a great
design look plain.
Begin con struction by cut-
ting to length the board s that make up the lower
and upper case sides and top s and bottoms
and gluing them together. Then turn your at-
tention to the top case.

1 Build the TopCase • Begin the top case
by cutting the pieces to size, then make
the rabbets on the ends that will hold the top and
bottom pieces. The rabbet for the top is 1;2" x
I ''. The rabbet for the bottom is 1/2" x 11/ 2". Cut
these on the table saw in two passes. While you're
at the table saw, cut the 1/ 2" x 1/ 4 " deep rabbet
on a ll four pieces for the back of the ca se .
Begin assembly by clamping a hand screw to
one of the sides to support it on your bench
with the rabbet facing up . With glue on the end
of the top , put the top into its rabbet. Then clamp the top to back from 1/ 4" maple
the side as shown in the photo. Pilot drill and screw that cor - plywood and set it aside. The she lves are
ner together with #8 x 11;2" screws. Repeat this procedure for are made from 3/ 4 " plywood with iron-on ve-
the other comers. Check the cabinet to make sure it' s square. neer tape applied to the front edge, but you can use solid wood
Clamp it as needed to pull the cabinet square. Next cut the if you 're feeling traditional.

48 Popular Woodworking
(- --
~ ~
5ee detail at I:>ottom left
I d 2 1/ 2"
34 '3/4" I 10 1/ 2"
31 1/ 2" I
...: 1/2" 1/2"
'3/4" :3 '3/4" 76 '3/4"

12" 12"

j '3/4 " j '3/4"

3 1/4 " 3 1/4"
j '3/4 " j '3/4"
4'3/4" 4 2" 4'3/4"
j '3/4 " j '3/4"

6" 6"
j '3/4 " j '3/4"

7 1/ 2" 7 1/ 2"
V '3/ 4 " V'3/4"
-= 1 1/4 "
2 '3/4"
=21 1/4'3/4""
32 1/ 2" 1/4"~ l~t
36" 22"
Elevation Profile

2 '3/e/'

Crown backing 1'3/8"
9/16" Open to back
of case Divider

Case side Open

Case side

Profile detail of crown moulding backer Enlargement of drop lid support

Are we on target?
To see more projects like this In fut ure Issues , circle Up S"
on the postage-paid card In t he Resource Directory.

May 1998 49

The dovetail is set
into a shallow dado
running the full width
of the side. The dado
provides support for
the drawer runners,
and it is formed using a
jig and a 1,'2"straight
bit with the top-mount-
ed guide bearing
shown in the photo.
The four front rails and
the top are all
attached to the sides
using the shouldered
sliding dovetail. Not
only is this joint tradi-
tional, but it provide
BUILD THE TOP CABINET • The upper cabinet is screwed excellent strength and
1 together with the top and bottom fitting into rabbets cut
in the sides. The rabbets were cut on the table saw using a
stability for the case
and the drawers.
two-pass method, first cutting the thickness of the rabbet
with the end upright against the fence. The second pass was
made with the end flat on the saw defining the height of the
rabbet. Watch out for the waste piece as it can shoot out
from the saw when trapped between the blade and fence.

2Begin the Bottom Case • Begin by laying out the
locations for the rails that divide the drawers and the
drop front. Cut the corners on the band saw and clean up the
edges with a block plane.
desk top. Mark these locati on s across the total width of the Now build the plywood jig shown in the photo for cutting
side. Then lay out the clipped co rners that acco mmodate the the sliding dovetails. The jig is detailed in the PuljOut" Plans.

Schedule of Materials: Chippendale Secretary

Upper Cabinet
No. Item Dimensions T W L Material No. Item Dimensions T W L Material
2 Sides 3/4" x 10:lt2" x 32:1t4" Maple 6 Drawer runners 3/4" x 1:lt2" x 153/4" Poplar
2 Top & bottom 3/4" x 10:lt2" x 32" Maple 4 Stretchers 3/4" x 5:1t4" x 8" Poplar
1 Back :lt4" x317/8" x 30 7/8" Ply 2 Lid supports 3/4" x 3:1t4" x 20:lt2" Maple
2 Shelves 3/4" x 10:lt8" X 30 7/8 " Maple 2 Support dividers 3/4" x 1:lt2" x 153/4" Poplar
4 Door stiles 3/4" x 2" x 313/8" Maple 1 Stop moulding :lt4" x 3/8" x 8 ' Maple
4 Door rails 3/4" x 2" x 14:1t2" Maple Drawers *
1 Door fretwork :lt4" x :lt2" x 24' Maple 1 Top front 0/4" x 3h6" x 2g15/16" Maple
1 Crown moulding 3/4" x 3:1t8" x 6 ' Maple 2 Top sides :lt2" x 3 3/16" x 20" Poplar
1 Crown backing 1 3/8" x 3" x 6 ' Pine 1 Top back :lt2" x 2:1t2" x 281 5/16" Poplar
1 Shoe moulding :lt2" x :lt2" x 6 ' Maple 1 2nd front 0/4" x 41.5f16" x 321.5f16" Maple
1 Shoe filler :lt2" x 3/4" x 32:1t2" Maple 2 2nd sides :lt2" x 41:1f16" x 20" Poplar
1 Crown filler :lt4" x 3/4" x 32:1t2" Maple 1 2nd back ~" x 3 13116" x 311.5f16" Poplar
Lower Cabinet 1 3rd front 0/4" x 6 3/16" x 3215/16" Maple
No. Item Dimensions T W L Material
2 3rd sides In'' x 51 5/16" x 20" Poplar
2 Sides 3/4" x 21" x 39" Maple
1 3rd back In'' x 5:1t4" x 3115/16" Poplar
1 Desk top 3/4" x 21" x 33:1t2" Maple
1 4th front 0/4" x 7%6" x 321.5f16" Maple
1 Case top 3/4" x 1'~ x 4" Maple
2 4th sides :lt2" x 7 7/16" x 20" Poplar
1. Back :lt4" x 33:1t2" x 37 5/8" Ply
1 4th back ~" x 6:1t4" x 311 5/16" Poplar
4 Front ralls 3/4" x 3:1t2" x 33:1t2 " Maple
1 Top bottom :lt4" x 20" x 28 7/8" Ply
2 Dividers 3/4" x 4" x 3:1t4" Maple
3 Bottoms :lt4" x 20" x 317/8" Ply
1 Base moulding 1" x 4" x 80" Maple
«;Thedrawersizesare nominalIn orderto fit Into the openings with
2 Drop front 3/4" x 15:1t4" x 33" Maple :lt16" clearanceall around. Thedrawerback sizes reflect the location of
2 Drawer runners 3/4" x 2 7/8" x 153/4" Poplar the height of the :1(4"grooveIn the side and the front.

50 Popul ar Woodwor king


3 NOW CUT THE DOVETAIL • Using the same jig for the
dadoes, cut the dovetails 31t2" in from the front of the
cabinet sides. Remember to work with the rotation of the
4 TRIM THE DESK TOP • The front rails have a dovetail
cut on both ends to mate with the dovetails in the
case sides. The desk top has a 3 1t2" dovetail formed on
bit to avoid tearout. Start your cut from right to left across the front side , and the remaining depth of the top is cut
the front edge of the side to define the dovetail, then cut flush to fit into the dado in the case . Some trimming with a
int o the side starting on the left side of the jig opening, and chisel will likely be necessary to provide the best fit.
push t he router out along the right side of the opening.

The top layer is 3/4" thick . The midd le layer is 1;2", and the dovetail bit to a depth of 3/ 8". Set the fence to the appropriate
supports are 3/ 4" thick. The jig had to be this thick because width. Make the cut on all four edges and set the top aside.
the shanks on my dovetail bits are really long (yours might Now scare up a square piece of 12" x 12" plywood and
be different). use that as a backing board to push the rails through the router
Begin cutting the joints in the sides . The first thing to do table. If, after your cuts, the rail won 't seat flu sh to the'
is use a bearing bit with a bearing on top to cut the shallow front, chisel down the back of the rail's dovetail until the fit
shoulder for the joint. This shoulder permanently aligns the is good.
drawer runners. Align the jig on the panel with the location Now take your desk top to your table saw and cut off the
of one ofthe rails (or desktop). Set the bit to cut 1;8" deep into back part of the dovetail, leaving 31;2" in the front. Chisel the
the side. Make the cut the entire width of the side. dovetai l to fit as shown in the photo.
Now it's time to cut the dovetai ls that hold the case to-
3 Dovetails • Then cut the dovetail-shaped groove. I
used a 1/2" carbide-tipped dovetail bit and a templa te
gether. First cut the 42 -degree angle on the front of the top
that will match the angle on the sides. Even though these dove-
guide for these joints. Set the bit to cut 3/ 8" deeper than the tails won't be exposed, it was the traditional method and the
dado you just cut and use the same jig setup. This cut goes joint is supe rb. I used a dovetail jig to cut the half-blind dove-
3 1/ 2" into the width of the sides. tails on the top and sides.
By the way, cutting these joints is a lot easier with two My jig has templates that give me 2" centers between
routers. With one router set to cut the shoulder and one to cut the tails. Set the jig up to center the tail locations on the top
the dovetail, you can quickly cut the joints without having to so there's an equal amount of tail at each edge. Each manu-
change bits or having to change the set-up of the jig. facturer's dovetail jig is a little different, so cut your pins and
While the dovetail bit is in your router, layout the joints tails according to your jig's manual.
for the dividers . The dividers go in the rails for th e top Glue the top, desk top, dividers and rails to the sides. I
drawer and capt ure the two supports that slide out to hold the used polyurethane glue, which is stronger than yellow glue .
drop front (see diagram). These dovetails don't require a shoul-. However, be careful not to use too much glue because the
der, so you don't need to use a bearing bit first. Simply set squeeze out is hard to remove. Additionally, dried polyurethane
your dovetail bit to cut 3/ 8" into the material and make the cut. glue is harder to see than yellow glue when you 're trying to
remove the squeeze out. And if you're not vigilant, you 'll get
4Finish the Dovetail Cuts • Now complete your dove-
tails by making the cuts on the ends of the rails and
big wh ite spots on your project when you're staining. The
glue prevents the stain from penetrating the wood; this is also
desk top. The desk top cut is easy. Using a router table, set the known as "glue size."That beingsaid, we still think polyurethane

May 1998 51

THE DROP FRONT • Becau se all t he material In the drop

5 THE GUTS • With the case assembled, the drawer
runners are slipped Into the dadoes and attached
using screws In elongated slots to allow for wood move-
6 front lid is solid maple, wood movement must be allowed
for. In our case , I cut a tongue on t he ends of the center
ment. The drawer stretchers are then screwed to th e rear panel. Next , I made elongated holes in the t ongue on the
of the drawer runners. Also shown In the photo Is one of two outside holes with a coping saw. The center hole is not
the lid supports In the closed position. Note the dowel that elongated so t hat wood movement will be equally distrib-
serves as stop for both open and closed positions. uted front to back. I t hen drove wooden pegs through holes
in the grooved section of t he breadboard ends.

glue is a useful adhesive, warts and all.

If your machine-cut dovetails are snug, very little clamp-
6 Build t he Drop Front • I glued up three pieces of
curly maple for the front and attached breadboard ends.
ing is required when you assemble the case. If you 're using curly maple, you might want to alternate the
curl's wave direction for each board. If it bows to the right on
5 Screwing in the Guts • Cut the poplar runners,stretch-
ers and dividers to size. Start by attaching the runners.
the top board, make it bow to the left on the middl e board.
This gives the drop front a pleasing appearance. Use the same
First mark the location of the clearance holes on the runners. philosophy when picking your drawer front s.
Chain-drill a slot with a 3/8" drill bit about 3/ 4" long and 3/ 8" Cut the glued-up front panel to 15 1/4" x 30", then cut Y4"
deep at each location. This accommodates the screw heads. x I" tongues on each end . Cut Y4" x I" groove s into the 2 1/2"
Next use a 3/ 16" drill bit and chain drill a 1/2" slot through the x 15'/4" breadboards. Follow the directions in the photo and
runner centered on the large slot. These slots allows for wood then glue the center peg in. Then, without getting any glue on
movement and prevent the case from cracking - a com- the tongue, glue the other pegs to the breadboard ends.
mon problem on pieces from the 18th century.
Attach the three lower drawer runners with a #8 x 11/2"
panhead screws, making sure they butt into the drawer rails
7 Finish the Drop Front • First cut a 1/ 4" x Y2" rabbet on
the sides and top edge using your router table with a rab-
at the front of the case. Now screw the stretchers into the back beting bit. This will leave a Y4" overlap on three edges of the
ends of the runners. front. Use a backer block to make sure you don't get any tearout.
Next you need to fashion the poplar support dividers While your router is set up this way, go ahead and cut the
that keep the desk 's lid supports from coming all the way out · same rabbet on the sides and top edge of the drawer fronts.
of the case. These div iders also guide the top drawer. Cut a Finally, cut the 25-degree angle on the bottom of the drop
Y2" x 14 1/ 4 " notch in each divider. Screw and glue the sup- front using your table saw. This angle keep s the drop front
port dividers to the top drawer's runners. Now attach a 11/2" from wacking the top drawer.
long Y2" dowel to each lid support . The dowel is located 2 3/4"
from the back end and 17/8" from the top of the lid support.
The final result should look like the photo above . .
8Make t he Doors & Drawers • First cut the 1/ 4" x
(1/ 2" x I" mortises on the stiles. The tenons on the rails
Attach a I" x 3/ 4" filler strip into the gap between the bot- are haunched to accommodate the rabbet on the door 's inside
tom rai I and the bottom of the ends at the front of the case. edge that holds the glass. So the shoulders of the '/ 4" thick
Glue and clamp this piece into place . This piece is critical be- tenon measure I" long on the inside edge and 3/4" on the out -
cause you will later attach the base moulding to it. Cut the side. After cutting the cheeks of the tenon, cut the haunch
back for the case from Y4" plywood and set it aside. by hand. Then make the Y2" x 3/ 8" rabbet on the inside edge

52 Popular Woodworking

DROP FRONT DETAIL • For the drop lid to open flat

7 while still allowing the top drawer and the lid supports
to align at the top, a 25-degree bevel must be cut on the
8 DOOR JOINERY • The joinery on t he doors is tradition-
al. A haunched tenon is formed on the ends of the door
rail s. This allows the rabbet cut for the glass to run the
bottom edge of the drop lid . The bevel should be cut prior ent ire length of the stiles without interfering with the
to fitting the drop front hinges. The hinge locations can joint. The cheeks of the tenon are first cut on the table
prove critical to the fit of the drop front. Don't insert all saw, then the shoulders are defined using the miter gauge
the screws until you 're happy with the fit of the front. to guide the cut. Lastly I cut the haunch by hand with a
chisel. The rabbet is then cut on the ins ide of the piece.

of the rail s and sti les. Glue the doors together, cl amp, check ways. Wh en dry, cut a 1;8" roundover with a 1/ 32" bead on the
for square and set asid e. front edges of the drawer fronts and drop front.
Now mak e the drawers. We used the same dovetail j ig and N ow make the base moulding. Th e moulding i s cut f ro m
template for the case to make the half-blind dov etail s on the I " x 4" maple stock. Cut the ogee profile on the top while the
drawer front s. Center the wo rk in the j ig to mak e sure you moulding i s on e co nti nuo us piec e. M iter th e piece f or the
have an equal amo unt of tail on each end . Cut the pin s on fro nt. Cut the miters for the sides but leave them lon g until
the front and the tails on the draw er sides. you get a good fit on thej oints. Th en cut the back ends square
Next determine wh ere the groove fo r the bottom will go and flu sh to the back of the case.
on each dra we r. Bury the gro ove in one of th e tail s so you U se the pattern in the PullOut Plan s to layout th e pat-
wo n' t see the groove in the dr awer front. Then layout the lo- tern on the base. Cut the pattern on the band saw ; ra sp and
cations of the draw er bott oms and cutthe 1/ 4" x 1/4 " groo ves sand to fini sh the pieces. Th e front piece is screw ed and glued
in the front and sides of all the draw ers. to the fill er stri p on the front of the case. Bi scuit and glue
N ow cut the back s to fit into 1;4" x 1;4" dadoes in the draw- the miters and then attach the sides to the case with screws
er si des. The hei ght of each draw er back i s det ermined by throu gh slotted holes mad e in the sides. (Use the same pro-
measuring from the top of the groo ve you cut for the draw er cedure yo u used for the drawer runn ers without the count er-
bott om s to the top of each side. bore.) Don 't glue the sides to the case.
A ssemble th e drawers. Cl amp the dovetails as needed; Now attach the 1/2 " x 1/ 2" quart er- round shoe moulding
glue and nail the back s int o the sides. Ch eck for sq ua re , as ul- on the to p o f the ca se with g lue and nail s for th e fro nt p iece .

Appointments For Your Secretary: The Insert

First mill out the top, bottom and well. The dadoes in the :Its" material The size of the backs are determined
sides. Rabbet the sides int o the top are about :lt32" deep. Once you get all in the same way you did for the large
and bottom in a :Its" x :lt4" rabbet. the material cut to size, dry-assemble drawers . Glue the drawers (I used
Tape the assembly together t o make the insert. Fit the pieces with a block masking tape for clamps; It really
sure it fits. Then layout the :lt1 6 " x plane . Glue up the entire assembly, works) and nail.
:Its" dadoes for the interior according clamp the outside and allow to dry. We made one of the facades int o
to the diagram in t he PullOut Plans. Cut the drawer bottoms out of :Its" a shallow secret drawer. The center
Cut the :Its" material to size because plywood and set them into :lt16" x :Its" stationery storage slots also pull out
you'll have to cut dadoes in these as dadoes cut into the sides and front. to reveal a sec ret drawer.

May 199 8 53

Stai n and finish
the fretwork
mulli ons in
st rips, then cut
them to length
and fit them
after the glass is
installed. First
fit and glue the
corner and side
patterns. Then
fit and glue the
" X"-shaped
pattern (see
inset ). I used
cyanoacrylat e

g CROWN MOULDING • The crown is a stock

3:1fs"moulding glued to 2 x 4 backing pieces. The an-
to glue the
pieces to the
gled cut on the backing pieces is made to fit the crown glass. The glass
angle and allow the crown to hang :lf4" over the front of was cut from an
the upper cabinet. I cut and assembled the backing frame old window we
using glue and biscuits, then fit the crown moulding to the found in a neighbor-
frame while in place on the upper cabinet. The crown as- hood filled with
sembly is left loose for easier finishing and transportation. historic houses.

Glue the miters and then nail the side pieces to fit and biscuit and g lue the backing as -
in. Then attach a '12" x 3/ 4" filler strip (part K) Hardware Kit sembly together. Te mporari ly attach the as-
behind the long piece of moulding on the front You can get all the hard- sembly with screws to the top case. Now at-
with glue and nails . ware for this project by tach the crown to the backing. Glue and nail
Next hang the doors and attach the drop ordering a kit from Paxton the '/4" x 3/4" filler piece to the exposed crown
front. Mortise all the hinges. If you use the kit Hardware 800-241-9741. backing above the doors.
from Paxton Hardware , you might want to pol- The kit includes the pulls ,
ish the hinges for the drop front. We did this hinges, locks and The Rest of the Secretary
by first sanding them with 400 grit paper escutcheons. Ask for item The insert is constructed from an outer shell
and than polishing them using a buffing wheel #8708-K. of '14" solid maple and li S" panels for the in-
with jewelers' rouge. Then apply a th in coat side. If you don' t fee l like plan ing ou t these
of lacquer to the hinges to prevent them from tarnishing. thin pieces , you can use plywood. The diagram and Schedule
Mortise the locks in the case, drop front and right door. of Materials for our insert is located in the PullOut Plans . See
We used a laminate trimmer with a '14" carbide straight bit. the story " Appoint ment s For Your Secretary" for detai ls
You have to cut two mortises for the locks. One for the steel on how we built ours. Once tha t's built , it's time to move to
innards and one for the brass case surrounding them. Cut finishing.
the mortise for the brass case first. Sanding is critical with map le, especially the case sides ,
drawers and doors. Sand the entire project to 180 grit. T he n
fu g c rown Moulding • You 're almost done wit h the as- with a damp rag raise the grai n on the entire secretary. Fina lly,
t; sembly. There's no easy way to do this next part. You sand all surfaces to 180 grit agai n. Th is will reduce blotching
either need a hand saw miter box or a power miter saw. You when you app ly color.
cou ld try to figure out the compound angles on your table saw, We used a water-based anili ne dye (J. E. Moser's Go lden
but be ready for some math. Amb er Maple) and then two coats of clear finish, sand ing be-
We used a sliding compound miter saw, which made the tween coats . Insert the glass using 1/4" square tack strips. Then
task a bit easier. C ut the front piece so the inside miters match cut the mullions from 20 feet of '/4" x 1/2" maple that's bee n
the width of the top case. Cut the miters on the side s, allow- stained to the same color as the secretary. Cut the mullions to
ing an extra I " for the crown to overlap the doors, and a lit- the pattern in the PullOu t Plans and glue to th e glass (see
tle extra length for fitting. Cut the crown backing from 2 x 4 photo). Drill shelf pin holes into the ca binet to divide the case
pine stock according to the diagram . The front edge of the into thirds . Insert the shelves and attach all the hardware. PW
backing extends 3/4" beyond the front of the case. Cut the sides - Jim Stuard & David Thie l, PW staff

54 Popu lar Woodworking

Learn to reduce or eliminate
one of the ugliest problems
that occurs when adding
color to your projects.

UGLY, KINDA UGLY AND NOT BAD • The left wheel Is coat-
ed with straight stain after little sanding. The middle section
was properly sanded and then stained and the back end was sanded,
wash-coated using diluted shellac and then stained.

'"1. JHEN WOODWORKERS talk about you'd see what looked like the end of a boxful
VV their apprehension with finishing, Common of soda straws (see diagram). These holes
chances are they're reacting to frustrating expe- Woods once served as the miniature channels through
riences when applying color to their projects. which the tree sucked up moisture from the
You know the scenario: after accurately cutting That ground. That ability to draw up moisture is pre-
materials, careful assembly and thorough sand- Blotch cisely why end grain is always darker after
ing, you swipe on that first rag full of stain and staining. It absorbs more stain.
Most all
ugh! Staring back at you is not that evenly col- Now, what we see on the wide surfaces of a
ored future heirloom, but a heartbreaking board and the edges is long grain, or the walls of
blotchy range of color that looks more like a those tiny soda straw-like channels. These
calico cat. fibrous walls absorb stain much less than the
Can you avoid it? Can you fix the problem • Pine end grain, and they absorb at a consistent rate
once the damage is done? To say that you can • Spruce that should produce uniform color on the wood.
overcome the problem altogether, all the time, • Firs And they would do exactly that - except
is an overstatement. Fixing the problem is a • Cedar that among certain species of wood, pine being
whole lot harder than avoiding the worst effects Hardwoods a prime example, those long channe ls head off
in the first place. (For repair jobs, see the brief • Poplar in all sorts of directions instead of just straight
article on fixing blotches and splotches .) So the • Cherry up. So, in addition to those long fibro us walls of
answer to both questions is a qualified "yes ." • Birch grain, you get some grain that might actually be
So how do you avoid the problem in the • Maple end grain, or other grains sheared off at all sorts
first place? Start by understanding which • Alder of angles, each providing a different rate of
woods will blotch and avoid them if your plan absorption for the stain or dye.
is to stain or dye the project. If you find you must use a So which woods are the predictable blotchers?
wood that tends to blotch, learn how to minimize the Unfortunately, they are many of the common woods you
effects by sanding properly then applying stain controller, use on a regular basis. (See "Common Woods That
also known as wood conditioner. Consider using film fin- Blotch.")
ishes that have the color mixed with them. But before you curse those wood grains that have lost
Why do woods blotch? If you looked at the end grain of their sense of direction, know that it's this very phenomena
any wood species through a powerful magnifying glass, that puts the curl in curly maple, the wave in wavy birch,

May 1998 55

The end grain of a piece of

red oak. Note the open soda-
straw ends.

Blotching is caused when the wood fibers tu rn up into

the face of your board, exposing end grain. They soak up
stain more than long grain, so they get darker. This can occur
anywhere on a board and is always found near knots.

Sta in controller, shown as yellow, fills the open pores, A gel stain, shown here, lies on top of the wood's sur-
prevent ing the stain from penetra ting and blotching. face and won't soak into the upt urned end grain.

and in most cases, the beauty into many figured woods. grain and produces a porosity that's relatively consistent
Adding color to these woods actually enhances their beau- for absorbing the stain. The coat is thin enough that it still
ty by building contrast in the figure of the material. allows the stain to "bite" the wood.
The wash coat is easy to apply since not much care need
Wash Coat be taken in brushing or spraying it on. You can really just
Now if you will be using a wood type that is going to slap it on without worrying abo ut lapping strokes, runs,
blotch, there are some steps to help pre-
vent most, but probably not all, the
unwanted discoloration. First, let's talk
about wash coats. This is a relatively
quick and easy way to avoid blotching
on many, but not all, types of woods. A
wash coat is simply a very thinned
down clear top coat of finish. For
example, you could use varnish or lac-
quer, but I find good oJ' clear shellac to
be a great choice. Here's how I use
shellac as a wash coat, but the same
principle applies to any film-forming
top coat.
Assuming you are using commer-
cial shellac from a can, thin the materi-
al using three parts denatured alcohol Cherry \'I(ith shellac wash coat
to one part shellac. This produces a stained with Minwax cherry.
sealer that closes up much of the porous Knotty area most likely to blotch.

56 Popular Woodworking
sags, etc. You ju st have to make sure all the surface to be Gel Stains
stained gets covered. A nice feature of shellac is that with- If the whole idea behind blotch prevention is to achieve a
in 15 minutes of application, it's dry and you can continue uniform stain penetration rate, then chan gin g the stain's
with staining. viscosity to a thicker consistency is another approach and
is available in the form of gel stains. The se hea vy-bodied
St ain Controllers stains lie on the surface of the wood, rather than seeping
Another method for gaining a measure of control over the into it. It is too thick to be sucked into the open -ended grain
way wood absorbs stain is using wood conditioners, also areas. (It also has the added benefit of staying on the work
called stain controllers. They also condition the wood so and not getting splashed on you and everything else
the stain is absorbed more consistently in all grain condi- because it' s the consistency of peanut butter! )
tions. It accomplishes this by filling or clogging those open These stains come in either oil- or water-based formu-
soda straw end s, thus preventing the stain from being las. Personally, I prefer the oil base because it doe sn 't raise
sucked up the shoots. the grain. With the water-based gel stain, even a careful
The problem with these products is not the products light sanding to knock down the raised grain is risky
themselve s, but how they are used. In many cases, the because you could sand through the color. It's particul arly
instruction s advise you to wipe on the conditioner, wait a
few minute s, then apply the stain. This is usually not suffi- TRICKS TO FIX BLOTCHING
cient to overcome blotching because it might take several GENERAL BLOTCHING • If you have applied a stain
applications to plug the open grain ends. You'll know and it has blotched the wood's surface , the easiest
you' ve applied enough when a minute or so after wiping on remedy is to let it dry then resand it back to natural
the stuff you see the wet material lying evenly on the sur- wood color. Of course, some color will remain in the
face everywhere. View the wood you are conditionin g with deep pores of the blotchy area. If your stain color is
a light at a low, raking angle. This will make the wet and dry relativeiy dark, this shouldn't matter. Before reapply-
spots show up more easily. If some areas appear dry, the ing stain, use the appropriate stain-controlling prod-
condition er is still soaking in at a greater rate. More is need- uct. In the worst case of blotching, it might be neces-
ed. sary to use paint stripper, following the label direc-
Once you achiev e a uniform appearance with the con- tions. When done, use an appropriate stain controller
ditioner, wipe the work thoroughl y to remove all that before applying color.
remain s on the surface. Then apply your stain immediately
becau se the conditioner loses its effectiveness after 20 to RAISED GRAIN • If, after applying color, you find
30 minutes. unevenness as a result of the grain being raised, sim-
Because of the linseed oil in the conditioner, make sure ply resand the blotched area to the same grit as you
you allow sufficient drying time after staining. Two or last sanded before applying the color.
three day s should be adequate for most conditions. If less GLUE SPOTS • Should you find splotching from glue
conditioner was applied, an overnight dry may be suffi- sizing, remove the glue, usually by sanding, again to
cient. the same grit you finished prior to coloring.


you have stain that's dried before
you've had a chance to wipe off
and only a brief amount of time
has passed, simply re-wlpe with
more stain to act ivate the color
so that it can be wiped off.


You can make an effective sta in
conditioner with easy-to-acqulre
ingredients from your hardware or
paint store. Simply combine these
materiais in the following propor-
tions: 3 parts paint thinner, 2
Cherry wit h wood conditioner then Cherry with cherry gel stain by parts boiled linseed oil, 1 part
stained with Minwax cherry. Wood Kote called Jel'd Stain
VMP naphtha.
Again, knotty area blotches a bit. applied directly to wood.

May 1998 5 7
risky because the gel creates only a thin
layer of color on your wood.

Sand Thoroughly
Hard woods that splotch, like maple and
cherry, will acce pt aniline dye (but not nec-
essarily stain) more con sistentl y when sand-
ed very thoroughly and co nsistently to a
finer grit (say 180 or eve n 220). Th e hard
woods especiall y, like mapl e, require more
work to sand out the abrasion of previous
lower grits. If you don 't do a con sistent and
thorou gh sanding, you leave behind scratch-
es from the rougher previous grit. The
coa rser abrasion absorbs dye differently. If
you look carefu lly at the Chippendale secre-
tary in this issue, you'll see that the stiles
and rails in the upper doors would have ben-
efited from a better sanding, as would the
case sides.
Knowing the conditi on of the wood 's
surface will help you anticipate uneven stain Pine with Mlnwax cherry Pine with Wood Kote's cherry
or dye coloration. Just as in the case of sand- applied directly to wood. Jel'd Stain applied directly to
ing, grain raised accidentally by water, for wood.
example, will cause the color to absorb more
deeply. You might literall y find a polka dot
effect on a board that was splattered with
water and colored without resandin g.

Ferret Out Glue Spots

Of cour se, it' s also criti cal to make sure no
dried glue has been left behind. Althou gh
discu ssed in detail in the last installment of
this series, a reminder is in orde r to be on a
constant vigil for finding and remo ving
dried glue. Where the glue has cured on the •
wood, the pores have been sealed, or sized
(as in sizing a wall before appl ying wallpa-
per paste to seal the wall' s porous surface).
Th e sealing obviou sly prevents any stain or
dye from penetrating where the glue has
sea led it.
Make it a practice to sys tematically clean
glue from the surface as it occurs. Remove it
with a clean, wet rag when it squeezes from
joints, from areas near assemblies that may
have the adhesive left behind and from your Pine with wood conditioner Pine wash coated with shel-
hands while assembling parts. Thi s practice then stained with Minwax lac then stained with Mlnwax
cherry. cherry.
saves time and aggravation when you' re
applying finish to your project.
As with all aspects of finishing, it's very important to you get control over the application of stains and dyes to
make a sample board of the finish process you intend to your work . Understanding when blotching and splotching
use. Use scrap wood from your project and go through each is likely to occur empowers you to take the necessary step s
step. Thi s will give you the chanc e to change your method, to prevent it. Armed with this knowledge, you 're on your
if necessary, before you make a mistake on your project. way to the succe ssful completion of every project from
You'll overcom e much of your fear of finishing when start to finish. PW
- Steve Shanesy, PW staff

58 Popular Woodworking
Visit sawdust central
where the proof is in the
completed proje ct.


L GROW ON TREES. And with 15
or more project s in each issue of
Popular Wood work ing, our o n-s ite
wood sho p is busy most eve ry day as
the staf f design s, build s, photographs
and writ es mo st of the projects in
" America 's Best Proj ect Maga zine ."
You might think of our shop as
Bett y Crock er 's " test kitchen ," where
recipes (o r proj ect s, in our case), are
tested before they ge t into the "coo k-
book ," yo ur magazine. Yes, before we
publi sh a proj ect, it' s been built to ver-
ify its " builda bility." In so doin g, cut-
ting lists are verifi ed and co rrec ted,
and the step-by-step co nstruction pho-
tos are tak en .
There 's usu ally discussion among
the sta ff as construc tion detail s are
worked out. Th e goal is to show the Not only do we build most of the projects in our shop in Cincinnati , Ohio, we
meth od s that g ive yo u the quality also do all of th e st ep-by-st ep photography and drawings for each article.
result yo u want in the most practi cal ,
no-nonsense wa y possibl e. We reck on Our proj ect sho p at Popular proj ects that appea r in mo st issue s.
if you 're looking for difficult , time- Woodworking is set up to refl ect this Thi s series presents proj ects built
co nsuming meth ods that are frau ght think ing. Fro m the beginnin g we using tool s and equipment purchased
with oppo rtunities to fail, you' d be asked ou rselves if we sho uld work in on a mea ger $500 budget.
reading so me other magazine. Our a limit ed sho p enviro nment as some
approach to wood working a lso is o f you do or gi ve ourse lves the space Shop Planning
mindful o f one of the biggest prob- and eq uipme nt more likely found in a Popular Woodworking's project shop
lem s we all face tod ay - there 's not small co mmercial sho p. We chose the was carved out of about 1,800 square
enough time to do the thin gs we must, latter, rea soning we co uld serve a feet of ware ho use space on the base-
not to mention those we enjoy. It's an bro ader audience so long as the met h- ment level of our building. In a sen se,
approach we learn ed in the real world ods and techniques we used more we were lucky to start from scratch.
of cu stom cabinet and furniture shops. closely repr esent ed the real life co ndi- We organized the shop to our needs,
Job s were bid competitively and had tion s you readers work in at home. To rather than ha vin g to recast a pre-
to be delivered wh en promi sed . underscor e this commitment, I started existin g shop. When we began the
Oth erwise, you were out of business. my " Little Shop That Cou ld" serie s of process (and it really is a process) of

May 1998 59
How We Equipped
- - -- ..-I
' -_ - - - Colum ns
Our Shop
We acquired much of our equipment from manufacturers by
exchanging merchandise for advertising. We thought you'd be
David's interested to know what's in our shop.
oPowermatic 10" Table Saw oBinks Spray Booth and
Model 66 Equipment
Drill Assembly oDelta 8" Jointer DJ20 oLobo Drum and Edge Sander
press t ab le -Delta Radial Arm Saw 33-893 oJet Contractor Table Saw
oDelta 12" Planer DC33 JWTS-10
Clamp oPowermatic Shaper Model 27 oJet 14" Band Saw
storage oJet Lathe JWL 1236 oDelta Scroll Saw Q3 18"
oGrizzly Dust Collector G1030 oWliton Disc/Belt Sander
oRyobi Drill Press oTormek Grinder
Band oCampbell Housefield Air
saw Compressor (5hp)

planning the shop, the piece of paper was clean.

When beginning any shop plan , it' s important to understand the
kind of work that will get done, accounting for the various stages of
buildin g then applying them to work areas. Even kitchens are orga-
nized around these principles. For the woodshop, you plan for receiv-
Contractors t a ble
ing and storing material s, converting the material s into usable parts,
asse mbling the parts and finishin g the work.
Thi s boils down to mo ving material from storage to a machinin g
area, then to asse mbly, followed by a fini shing space. This not only
organi zes the stages of building, but it organizes electrical and dust
co llection needs. For example, your stationary machin es that might
use 220v power get grouped together, makin g wirin g and dust collect-
ing eas ier.

Machining Area
area This area includes our radial arm saw, jointer, planer and table saw
within ju st a fe w steps of one another. It put s all the equipm ent need -
ed to conv ert rough stoc k to project parts con veniently together with
dust collection. We also position ed our shaper and lathe here as well.
The radial arm saw is equipped with long stoc k support benches to
the right and left of the blade with the machin e set off center to pro-
vide more options when crossc utting long board s. The table saw is
outfitted with a " T ' square type fence and an after-market sliding table
arrangement. We constructed a large table on the outfeed side of the
saw to support long stock and plywood sheets. There are two cabinets
under the tables. One is for saw blades, our dado set, saw inse rts,
wrenches and push sticks. The other neatly stores tooling and acces-
sories for the shaper and lathe.

Dust Collection
Becau se dust co llectors tend to run continuous ly when yo u're machin-
ing stock, the noise level becomes a real annoyance. That's why we
parked our dust co llector outside the shop wall behind the radial arm
saw and put the switch imide the shop. (We put the air compresso r
outside for the same reason.) The ductwork is shee t metal like that
found in residential HVAC systems. The 4 " ductin g to each machine
branches off a 6" main duct that runs down the center of the machin-
ing area. Aluminum blast gates regul ate the suction so that only

60 Popular Woodworkin g
machin es in use are co llected.
Furth er du st co llec tion for the asse mbly area is accom-
plished by thre e filtered air clea ning unit s suspended from
the ce iling. Because most of the du st produ ced in the
asse mbly area is made up of smaller particles (from sand-
ing and ro uting), these units wor k we ll.

Afte r basic machining, project parts are taken to the asse m-
bly area at the opposi te end of the shop. There are three
asse mbly stations (not counting the "Little Shop" work sta-
tion , which rolls out of the way when not in use).
Each assembly station has a work bench with a vise
mounted to the top, a belt of three drawers and shelf stor-
age belo w and behin d doors. Eac h station also has an
asse mbly ben ch where most of the ac tual asse mbly takes
place. Frequ entl y used hand tools are kept at eac h bench,
while those used less frequently are kept in separate cabi-
nets. Som e sma ll clamps are kept at each bench , but longer
clamp s are co nve niently hanging on the walI for all to use.
We keep most of our power hand tools, such as routers,
biscuit j oiners, j ig saws, orbit and belt sande rs, pneum atic
fasten ers and ci rcular saws in a separa te cabi net as well.
Another cab inet hold s sandpaper, nails, screws, glues, rags
and other miscell aneou s supplies.
Th ere are several machines in the asse mbly area, The machining area of the Popular Woodworking shop
including a drill press, belt/d isc sander, band saw and slid- (top) , and the assembly area (below).
ing co mpound miter saw. We keep a bench top hollow chis-
el morti ser ; a slow-s peed, wet-sharpenin g whee l and a reg- to the end of the line where any excess wa ter acc umulated
ular bench grinder in this neighb orhood , too. A smaller in the sys tem ca n be eas ily drained into a bucket.
co ntrac to r-sty le table saw is nearb y for smalI cutting pro-
jects, as is our router table and scro ll saw. Lighting
Florescent light ing is used throughout the shop, and for us,
Finishing light ing is not j ust imp ortant for ease of see ing. You see , the
Whil e sa nding is done at asse mbly stations, finishing takes shop is not on ly a woo dwo rking shop, but a busy phot o stu-
place in an area that divides the machining and asse mbly dio as well. Nearly eve ry week we take at least a hundred
areas. Here , fini sh materials are kept in a flamm able mate- photos of proje cts in one stage or another of co mpletion.
ria ls cabi net. Fu mes from finish materials are removed by For this reason, we use florescent lighti ng that outputs light
a powerful ex haust fan after being drawn across speci al fil- in the same range of the color spectrum as day light. Of
ters that scree n out any airborne parti culates. co urse, we supplement this with a var iety of spec ial phot o-
We use many types of finishes, ranging from rubbed oil gra phic lights.
to spraye d lacqu er. You' Il also find us finishin g with both All of us at Popular Woodworking fee l quit e fortunate to
wa ter- and so lve nt-based po lyurethanes, varnis hes and be wo rking in s uch a we ll-equ ippe d shop. We can each
shellac, most of which we brus h on. As you might expec t, rememb er a time or two when the shop we we re wo rking in
we use a variety of oil stains and glazes, plu s aniline dyes fell far short of the ideal. A good example bein g the small,
on occasion . low-ceiling shop I work in at home, which is in my base-
ment. I have few modern conve niences, like an old Delta
Air pressure co ntractor table saw, a 6" jo inter made by the Beaver woo d-
Co mpresse d air is piped throu ghout the shop with pressure working tool co mpany (ca n anybody rem ember that one?),
regul ators and air filter/drying units incorp orat ed in key a Jet band saw and the very first model of plun ge router
areas. Pressu rized air is used to power pneum atic staplers, eve r made by Makit a.
pinn ers and nailer s; in co njunctio n with spray finishing I hope you've enjoyed yo ur " tour" of our shop. We
and, of co urse, to blow dust from wherever you don 't wa nt wanted to share it with you beca use we thought yo u might
it to be. be curious about where your projects co me from . PW
Ou r pipin g is instalIed so that it runs slightly downhilI - Steve Shanesy, PW staff

May 1998 61
Ifyo u own a table saw,
you can make these refined
but inexpensive panel shutters.
ROM A PURELY practical sta ndpoi nt,
F making pin e panel shutters is no more
ex pensive than buy ing drapery fabric. In ad-
dition, shutters brin g a richness to a room and
the wood adds warmth to any interior. Wh at
I also like about sh utte rs is they don 't hid e
the windows' trim work, which can be ex-
ten sive and beautiful in old er hom es.
The se shutters are a snap to make because
con structi on co ns is ts of simply maki ng a
raised panel door. You don 't need fancy tools
(such as a shaper wit h expensive bits) either.
You can make the stile and rail joints as well
as raise the pan el on your table saw.
I made my mils wider than my stiles because
the overall shape of the completed shutter is tall
and narrow. These wider parts provided more
purchase at th e joint.
Giv en that the weight
of a pair of shutters will
han g from that narrow
stile, the extra glue sur-
face at the joi nt gives
an ex tra measure o f
sec urity.
I c hose pin e fo r
my shutters becau se
it' s light a nd in ex -
pensive.If your wal-
let is fatt er, c he rry

1 GET INTO THE GROOVE· The groove on the long edges

is ~4" wide by ~2" deep . Make the groove on your table
saw. To ensure your groove is centered, run one side against
2 HOW TO CUT THE TENONS • Cut your tenons on the
table saw using two set-ups . The first cut defines the
shoulder and length of the tenon . The second cut defines
your rip fence ; then, without changing any settings, turn the the thickness and the cheeks. When you run the parts on
piece around and run it through the saw again. Reset the edge , make sure you keep your material pressed aga inst
fence only to remove any material left in the middle. the fence. You might find it easier to push the part th ro ugh
using a back-up block.

62 Popular Woodworking
Diagram '/2" 1/4" PANEL SHUTTERS
r ""'¥ W '"'
-e, =-
Schedule of Materials: Shutters
No. Item Dimensions T W L I Material
[ -r\ 2 Stiles 3/ 4 " x 2" x 36 " Pine
Rail 1 Top rail 3/4" x 3:1t2" x 6 " Pine
L '/4" 1 Bott. rail 3/4 " x 4"x 6" Pine

l 1 Panel 3/ 4 " x 5 3/4" x 29:1t4" Pine
\ Ill' Stile
~ ~ ~_Are we on target?
~ :;: To see more projects likethis Infuture
St ile ' /4"
;;;; issues, circle "P2" on the postage-paid
cl card inthe Resou rce Directory.

-7l fb
1 Cut the Grooves • With the stiles
and rails cut to width and length. mill
3/4" thick a groove on one long edge of all the fram e
Raised panel parts. The groove serves two purposes. It
houses the raised panel and also serves as
the groove for the mortise in the stiles.

\ \ ~
2Cut the Tenons • Like the grooves .
the tenons must be perfectly centered
wo uld be grea t, thou gh it might need a sto uter hin ge. You'll on the ends of the rails. If not, two bad things will hap pen. Th e
no doubt make severa l shutte rs, so think of thi s proj ect as a faces of the rails and stiles won't be flush, and the panel wo n't
short produ cti on run while plann ing. Needl ess to say, your di- fit correctly because the grooves will then be out of wack.
mension s are go ing to vary depending on yo ur windows . Fit the tenons to the groove so they fit snug ly without forc-
ing. Also, make the tenon a shade shorter than the groove. You
Mill Your Parts don' t wa nt the tenon to bottom out in the groove witho ut the
It's very imp ort ant in door construction to keep all your edges tenon 's shoulders seati ng agai nst the edge of the stile.
square. For the shutters, this means the long edges of the stiles
and the sho rt edges of the rails mu st be abso lutely square to
both the faces and the perpendi cul ar edges . If not, eve rything
3 Raise the Pane ls • Panel raising on the tabl e saw re-
quires a precise set-up so that the " V" sha pe yo u cre-
will get wac ky whe n it co mes time to install yo ur shutte rs. ate on the panel 's edge fits in the groove in the stiles and rails.
Fir st cut all the pieces you need for the stiles and rails. If Be sure to mak e so me tri al cu ts on scraps fi rst. Th e critica l
yo u're usin g pin e, buy I x 12s and study yo ur materi al before measurem ent here is the angle of the cut relat ive to the fence.
cutting it up . Save the best-looking mat erial for the pan els; I set my saw to 11 degrees for my panels.
it's easy to cut around the knots for the short rail s. Lastly, you
mu st use knot-free wood fo r the stiles so yo ur shutte rs are Assembly
structura lly so und . Sand your parts before gluing up the stiles and rails with the pan-
els in place. Apply glue to the mortises and tenons but avoid get-
ting any glue in the groove for the panel. You wa nt the panel to
float to allow for seasonal expansion and co ntraction. Clamp
the shutters across the ends and make sure yo ur asse mbly is flat
on the clamps (you don 't want to twist the shutter). Make sure
the outside edge of the rails are flush to the ends of the stiles.
After the glue dries, sand and finish. I clear-c oated my shut-
ters. And because I had a lot of shutte rs to fini sh . I used a high
volume, low pressur e (HVLP) sprayer and lacquer.
Installati on is easy. To avo id mortisin g a ll th e hin ges. I
used butt hin ge s that didn 't need a morti se. Wh en attac hing
the hin ge s, be sure to re me mbe r that the barrel goes on the
outside face of the shutter when that hinge attac hes to the win-
dow fram e . And when yo u attach one shutte r to another, the
TRICKY CUT • If your saw's rip fence is too low for barrel on that hinge sho uld face inward .
3 making this cut conveniently, consider attaching a
wider piece of material to give you five or s ix Inc hes of
I sho uld add that one of the terrifi c ad vantages a hom e-
made panel shutter has over the store- bo ught lou vered kin d
he ight. The e xtra height will be handy when you raise the (bes ides the pr ice) is that panel shutte rs are easier to finis h
panel on the second side because some of the flat materi- and keep clean. PW
al has been removed from the first side. - Steve Shanesy. PW staff

M ay 1998 63

the cabinet.
Start construction by first
removing the existing cabinet, and (if you're
lucky) the light fixture above it. If you don 't already have a
light fixture wired above the medicine cabinet you'll want to
talk to an electrician to either to do the wiring for you, or to
make sure you're doing it to code.
The box of the medicine cabinet is made of birch plywood .
First, cut the pieces to size, then cut a 1/4" x 1/4" rabbet on the
inside back edge of each piece for the back. Next, mark and
drill the sides for the shelf supports you've chosen for your
cabinet. The cabinet is then assembled by simply nailing
the top and bottom between the two sides, and the back is then
. nailed in place to hold it square.
:j~ ~ . :~th !:he;eap.jnet assembled, miter the 1;4 " x 11/ 4" facing
:~~iRt!~?;'?fiJ3':f,;(!C'e.'lJiii.:·'I~~·1S ri at" h' ~ . r·ner ~nd glue and nail them to the front of
Cabinet s ide "",-


Facing strips ",",,- / Mlrror Support

Door II -j Open

"'-Fra me Moulding
One s quare equals '/e" .
Pla n detail of mirro r backing Detail of moulding joint
'/2" '/2"
See deta il at
See deta il at upper left., \
upper right. 7'.3/4" 7'.3/4"
~- -
I 1
'/2" ::3 '/2"
'- -
1" Itt__ I 1-' 1"
0 0 I II
p p 32" I I, 3 2"
e e I II
n n 20 '.3/4" 20 '.3/4"
I "
- II,"
IC.: ~ 1"

14" ~~""
'/4" 3'/2"
'/2" 5" 1/4
Elevation Profile
Schedule of Materials: Medicine Cabinet
No. I Item I Dimensions T W L Material
2 Sides :1,'2" x 3 3/4" x 21 3/4" Birch Ply
2 Top & Bottom :1,'2" x 3 3/4" x 15" Birch Ply
1 Bac k :1,'4" x 14:1,'2" x 21 :1,'4" Birch Ply Are we on target?
w. ' ''-:..iJYJJj To see more projects like this in future issues , circle
3 Shelves :1,'4" x 3:1,'2" x 14" Birch Ply " P4" on the postage-paid card in the Resource Directory.
2 Fac ing strips :1,'4" x 1:1,'4" x 17" Birch
2 Facing strips :1,'4" x 1 :1,'4 " x 23 3/4 " Birch
2 Frame stiles :1,'2" x 1:1,'4" x 32" Birch
2 Frame rails :1,'2" x 1:1,'4" x 34" Birch
1 Frame rail :1,'2" x 7/ 8" x 34" Birch
1 Light panel :1,'4" x 8:1,'4" x 33 :1,'2" Birch Ply
4 Mirror suppo rts 3/ 4" x 2" x 23 :1,'4" Birch Ply
1 Door :1,'2" x 153/4" x 22 :1,'2" Birch Ply .
* Depth of cabinet may be able to Inc rease in your house.

the box, flushing up the interior edges. Now mount the box in
the wall. It is a littl e und er sized to allow for shimming and
sq uaring prior to screwing it in place between the studs.

fu 2 Begin the Face • Th e exterior frame also is simple, BOX DETAILS • Viewed from the rear, you can see the
Ii; but it does requ ire planning and milling prior to as- 1 back and the rabbet Into which it fits in the assembled
cabinet. The flange visible to the front is the facing strip in
se mbly. Firs t, the two outside rails and the two frame stiles
place against the front of the cabinet.

Ma y 1998 65
need a 1/ 4" x 1/ 4" rabbet on the insid e back edge. Thi s rab-
CORNER DE- bet captures the 1/4" light panel , the mirror supports and over-
2 TAILS • Shown
assembled and
laps the facing strip at the cabinet's bottom.
Next rout a profile on the front edge of the four frame
finished, the edge pieces with the rabbets. I used an ogee bit and also rounded
profiles on the over the outside edge (see detail in diagrams). In addition, I
outside frame and cut a bead along the outside of the frame for a decorative touch.
on the center The center frame rail also has a bullno se detail on its front
frame rail meet at
edge that matche s the ogee detail on the outside frame piece s.
a coped jo int. It's
This center rail is then coped to fit into the frame stiles, con-
a nice way to
finish of f this joint tinuing the ogee pattern with only a minimal break.
that's not really as
difficult as it might
appea r.
3 Mirror Supports • Next cut the four mirror supports
to size. The Schedule of Materials calls out these pieces
as birch plywood, but as one edge is visible on each interior
side you can substitute solid birch, or apply veneer tape.
On the two pieces that will be to the outside of the mirror,
cut a 1;4" x 1;2" rabbet on two short and one long edge of each
piece (with the rabbet s cut on the same face ), leaving a tongue
the same thickness as the facing strips on the cabinet.
On the two inner pieces, cut 1/ 4" x 1;2" rabbets on the short
ends . Then on the long edges that will meet the facing strip
of the cabinet, cut a 1/4 " x 1/4" rabbet on the opposite face
so it will overlap the facing strip of the cabinet.
Miter the corners of the frame and assemble. Tack the light
panel into the upper rabbets; it should overlap the center frame
rail halfway. Next tack the two outer mirror support s into the
frame rabbets, with the upper tongue of the support piece fit-
ting under the center rail and butting against the light panel.
Remember, the-whole object of the supports is not only to
provide a surface to mount the mirrors, but also to make sure
the mirrors on the side are flush to the door's mirror.

4 Mount Up! • Next , po sition the frame in place over
the cabinet mounted to the wall. The facing strip should
er rabbet cut on the inner support to provide a lip to
overlay the facing rail. If making these rabbet cuts on the
fit into the rabbet in the lower frame , and it should fit be-
hind the center rail , again butting against the light panel.
table saw, use a rip blade. The flat teeth provide the best Temporarily slip the inner mirror supports into the rabbets
finish at the end of the rabbet. and slide them in place overlapping the facing rail of the cab-
inet. Mark their location, remove the frame and attach the
inner mirror supports permanently.
Prior to mounting the frame to the wall , apply a brown
mahogany stain and a couple of coats of shellac to the exte-
rior. Then mark and drill a hole in the light panel for the light
fixture. After locating the studs in the wall, screw the frame
to the wall. The light fixture I used has a large mountin g plate
that covered the screw holes through the light panel. Two
screws through the bottom of the inner mirror supports fin-
ished the mounting.
Next cut the 1;2" door for the cabinet. I used European
hinges to mount the door because they are infinitely adjustable.
When the three bevel -edged mirrors are in place, it's great to
be able to adjust the door on three axes. With the door mount-
ed, the only thing left is to attach the mirrors and the light fix-
EUROPEAN TOUCH • The European hinge offers three-
4 way adj ustment for the door, while providing hidden
hardware and the loss of very little storage space. Many
ture. The mirrors are attached to the door and the mirror sup-
ports with pure silicone caulk. Now all that's left is building
the vanity under the cabinet - mayb e next issue. PW
woodworking catalogs are now offering European hard-
- David Thiel & Steve Shane sy, PW staff
ware and drill bits for attaching them at affordable prices.

66 Popular Woodworking

fine-textured wood is whitish; the heartwood is

Soft light brown and may show a grayish or green-

ish tinge or purplish hue . The grain is generally
straight, though curly or tiger patterns are more

(Ace r rubrum)
common in soft maple than in the hard maple
species . The wood isn't suitable for use outdoors.
Finishing Characteristics: Takes stain well,
though blotching is common if the surface is not
Other Common Names: Carolina red maple, adequately sanded.
Drummond red maple, Red maple, Scarlet maple, Workability: Soft maple planes more easily than
Swamp maple, Water maple. Th is wood is often hard maple. While it screws and nails well, maple's
found in the same bin as Silver maple. density and close grain structure make it some times
Growing Regions: Maple is found throu gh- difficult to glue. Soft maple is good for turning and
out the Nort heast in the Uni ted States and in steams OK.
Eastern Canada. It is thought to have the grea t- Common Uses: Furniture, pane ling, dowels and
est north -south distribution of all species along veneer.
the East Coast, according to "Woods of the World." Special Features: The Red map le is the sta te
The tree grows well in mixed hardwood forests tree of Rhode Island. Curly, birds-eye and spalted
and thrives in moist soils. varieties of this wood are highly desirable and can
Characteristics of Tree: The tree grows quick- command a price up to $19 a board foot.
ly during its first 20 years. Mature trees measure Midwest Price: About $3.75 a board foot , 4;4
between 60 and 90 feet high with a trunk diam- good, surfaced. Soft maple is a bargain compared
eter of 30 inches. to the hard species, which average about $5 .25 a
Characteristics of Wood: The sapwood of this board foot. PW

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Give Your Moulding a
Whole NEW Image
Turn those scraps into bracket f eet,
trivets and dra wer pulls.

N CONVERSAT ION I often change sphe re where we' re not commi tted to "scrap" arc hitectura l and picture frame
. I the word " woodwo rking" to " fun-
working." (It's a play on words, really ,
a specific plan but try for non-traditional
item s, sometimes produced in non-tra-
mo uldi ng . T hi s led to a weekend that
pro ved th at le ft o ve rs, as with foo d,
because woodworking sho uld always ditional ways. can have ano ther life .
be enjoyable.) The point is to get away Being in such a mood one day, I saw First off, p ic ture frame mou lding
from chore projects and del ve into a I had acc umulate d a good amount of doesn ' t ha ve to be mi tered con ven-

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68 Popul ar Woodworkin g
Figure 1
Moulding on Edge

Picture frame moulding mitered

while on edge made th is attrac-
tive frame for th is hot plate. The
insert, wh ich Is Corian ™, sits in
the rabbet that is part of the
mould ing 's form . I found that From high-
heavy rubber bands are excellent tech euro
Normally we cu t mould-
"clamps" for projects like this. style kitchen ~~ ___
ing with the rabbet hardware to
side down. finelycralled
plans, tools
and much morel
Try cut-
ting the mould-
ing with the stock
on edge.

Make Bracket Feet

Han1wate, Wood, Tools & Know How

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12" Solid "E" $12.00/6
1 x 30 $ .75 4 x 24 $1.10 600 , BOD $14/50
1 x42 $ .75 4x36 $1.40 12OC,15OC $23/100
3x21 $ .85 6x48 $3.50 1BOA,220A $19/100
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Bracket feet for
small boxes are easy .,4~TM
to produce from picture BEDROOM ORGANIZER
frame mouldings. ATSUNDER I~~~ UNDERBED

tionall y; that is, flat , with the rabbet Moulding, when its size permits, can UNERS

down . Miter it while holding on edge be adapted for other purpo ses by form- up to 16
, .......... DRAWERS
(figure 1) and it becomes ready -mad e ing a groove down its length (figure 2) .
framing for project s like the hot plate Modified that way, the moulding is us-
Increase drawer storage w ith this
shown in the phot o. Likewise, the idea able as ready -made corners for boxes, beau t iful , top quality, solid wood ,
can be used to produce parts for brack- lamp bases and similar projects. dust p roof , underbed dresser. Fits
et feet for small projects. Continued 0 11 page 70 unde r any mattress . Sh ipped UPS

Circle # 10 1 on Resource Directory Coupon
Contin ued fro m page 69

Figure 2

Mouldings, modified with a
length-wise groove, serve as
corners for projects like boxes
How we normally use mould ing and lamp bases . Elaborate,
glided mouldings lend a
baro que touch .

Added groove lets you

use the moulding for
box corners.

You also can miter-cut moulding as wall decor. But there also are function- a triangle miter-guid e like the accesso-
triangles, which are then assembled as al application s - for example, draw- ry for th e Ma st er Tabl e Saw J ig (see
sq uares (figure 3) . Mary (my friend er pull s. September 1997 #98). This allows mak-
and wife ) instantly latched on to the se, These projects require precise miter ing opposing cuts witho ut having to dis-
and they are now grouped as part of a cuts. The best techniqu e is to work with turb the initial setting.

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The second piece that is cut will not mate bled in various ways to serve as deco-
with the first one because the shape is rative ove rlays or, when properly fin-
inverted. However, when you are through ished, as Christmas tree ornaments (fig-
saw ing the parts for one square, you will ure 4). ti Kits Ready to Assemble & Finish
have four other parts for another project. Continu ed Oil page 72
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74 Popular Woodworking
Our resident turner, Jim Stuard, came
up with some pretty clever designs

in July... for the classic bud vase , including

one that looks like a rocket ship.

ur annual "Outdoor Issue" will Learn the facts and fictions of
O feature seven new projects for
your patio, yard and the beach. And, as
polyurethane glue as we shop test the
major brands of glue. Learn how to
always, you'll find a wide variety of use the newest glue in the U.S. mar-
projects for inside the home, including ket, how it works, why it's different
the classic stackable barrister book GARDEN ARBOR SEAT than traditional wood glue and which
cases - made from solid cherry. One of the most attractive, dual-pur- projects benefit from its use .
Here are just some of the projects pose pieces of outdoor furniture we've
scheduled for the July issue, which seen. This simple design is made with BLANKET CHEST
hits the newsstands at the end of May. common lumber sizes and can be put Build this traditional-style maple
together in a weekend. blanket chest using frame-and-panel
DANCIN' construction and bun feet. PW
The classic folk . OF FINISHING
toy your grand- In our continuing popular series on
father built for finishing, learn about the different types
his kids . of finishes - shellac, varnish, lacquer,
polyurethane and more - and when
you should and shouldn't use them.

r------ -------------------------- -- ---- - -- -------------------------------- ---------~ -----,


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o September Count ry wall cu pboard; collector's coffee table; turning on the table o Marcb Sewing and knitting box; planer stand ; carving th e blu e whal e; walk ing
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o July Mission style co ffee table ; french provincial corne r cupboa rd ; kids' chairs o January Doll crad le; carving King Lear ; child's sleigh ; lath e orn aments; beehive
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finishin g with wax; country farm table; authentic wooden d ru m. # 5804 5
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May 1998 75
Adams Wood 71
Anderson Mfg . 69
Arrow Fastener 19
Baker Products 10
Betterway Books 72,77
Bonham's 14
Bosch Cover 4
Bristol Valley 67
Constantine 4
Delta International 21
Eagle America 15
Econ-Abrasives 24
Emperor Clock LLC 71
William Smith
Fein Power Tools 25 from Athens, Georgia, is
the winner of our " Capt ion
Forrest Mfg. 5 the Cartoon Contest #28"
Franklin International 6 from the January issue
and recipient of the
GPC Cover 3 Ryobi 14.4v cordless drill.
Grizzly 1mports Cover 2,22 Congratulations
16-17 William!
Harbor Freight
The runners-up receive a
Klockit 10 one-year SUbscription to
Popular Woodworking.
MLCS Ltd. 7
"It could have been
Niagara Lumber 67 worse - you could have
ordered bench dogs and assorted biscuits. "
NRI/McGraw Hill 4 - Ken Heitzke, from Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

Nyle Corporation 18 "Maybe I should cancel my order for that dovetail jig. "
- Stephen Fritz, from Wexford, Pennsylvania
Performax 68
"Now that you've got the plane, you have to buy the 'pilot' bitl Ha
Porter-Cable 1 hal" - Jim Perri, from Pittsford, New York

Price Cutter 9 "Says here if you grasp it by the tail and spin the propeller
it converts to a preelslon routerl"
Red Hill Corporation 69 - A peron without a name, from Lima, Ohio

S. LaRose, Inc. 18 "Good thing you didn 't order the 'scratch owl.'"
- Clark Gravedoni, from Ishpeming, Michigan
Sears/Craftsman 13
illustrated Submit your
Super Shop 8 by Bob caption( s) for
Rech this issue 's
Systimatic 11 cartoon on a
Terrco, Inc. 4 postcard to
_ .....,...~- -....."..~~ Popular
Timberking 18 Woodworking,
West Penn Hardwoods 67 Caption #30,
1507 Dana Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45207 by
Wood-M izer 19 April 20 , 1998. Winning entries will be • \ \ 1\
chosen by the magazine's editorial staff.
Wood -Ply Lumber Co. 67 The winner will receive Ryobl 's 6-volt
center-handle two-speed (300/500 RPM) co rdless drill, (model HP61K). The drill fea-
Woodl ine Arizona 24 tures a 24-positlon adjustable clutch, Power-Grip surface, keyless chuck, with a carry-
lng case , 28 assorted sockets, drill bits and screwdriver bits.
Woodmaster Tools 14 The runners-up each win a one-year subscription to Popular Woodworking.
Woodworker's Store 69
76 Popular Woodwork ing
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For helpful info rmat ion in setting up you r sho p, choosing,
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$4.50 postage paid .
Jan 94-Readers' Choice Award J uly 94-sp ecialty sanders
Winn ers-small tools May 95- router bit basics
March 94-Reade rs' Choice Award September 95---c hisels & gouges
Winners--mac hinety

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M ay 1998 79
of Woo
Believe it or not, science
is what makes wood
so wonderful to the touch.

' M SURE you 've noticed it. Being

I a woodworker, your friendsand fam-
ilyprobablycan't wait to get theirhands
on the things you make. Not only be-
cause they want the results of your
craftsmanship for their own, but be-
cause they love to touch the material that Whatmakes wood feelso good is pure objectsfeel cool to thetouch, sinceour fin-
makeswoodworkingwhat it is: the wood. physics. It is based on the thermal (heat- gers are almost always warmer than our
I notice it at my own home and again related ) properties of wood and how it surroundings, and heat will transfer from
and againat the craft shows I go to. People contrasts with other materials. In every- our fingers to the object we are touching.
find wood hard to resist touching. If they day terms , whenever you touch some- So why does wood feel warmer than
can pick it up, they will fondle and ca- thing, there is a difference between the many other materials when physics tells
ress the wood. If it' s too large to pick up, temperatureof theobject (usually at room us that objects will usually feel cool to
they will simply run their hands over the temperature) and your fingers (closer to the touch? It's because wood's thermal
wooden surface, enjoying the warm, body temperature). Since body tempera- conductivity is lower than many of the
comfortable feel of wood . ture is normallyabove room temperature, common materials around us; like metal,
More than any other material , wood this difference is what makes wood feel plastic or glas s. This means that heat is
simply begs to be warm, even though drawn from your fingers at a slower rate
touched. Working Thermal it isn't. when touching wood than when touch-
with it all the time, This contradic- ing most other materials. It's not that
and achieving satis-
Conductivity of tion is explained by wood is naturally warmer than other ma-
faction mainlyfrom Common Materials: the natural laws of terials, simply that it's not so quick to
the processof creat- Material Thermal Conductivity physics, which make rob us of our own heat.
ing woodenobjects, Wood 0.0015 the object and your This relative differenceis what we no-
you might have for- Glass 0.011 fingers want to be- tice when we handle woodenobjects, and
gotten whatit is about Iron 0.791 come the tempera- gives most of us an instinctivefeelingthat
wood that drawsyou ture of the other- wooden objects are naturally warmer than
to it. Other people know what it is. They to reachequilibrium. Agood, practicalex- most other materials. The experienceswe
know that wood simply feels good to ample is when you drop a couple of ice have with most modem materials we are
the touch, and it has a warmth to it that cubes into your favorite drink. The result used to touching contrasts enough with
can't be matched by other materials. is that the drink will become cooler and that of wood toconfirm our expectations:
In the age of plastics and metals, we theicecubewillbecomewarmeruntilthey wood has a natural warmth. PW
have come to expect something differ- both reach the same temperature (I know,
ent from the wooden objects in our life. the ice cube actually melts. It's the point Michel Theria ult lives in Ottawa , Ontario,
More than simple beauty,it's one of those - and a cool drink - that's important). and is the author ofWoodworking Projects
things where the feel lives up to the look: Whichbrings us back tothe physics.There With A Few BasicTools (Sterlin g). His
warm and inviting. This expectationstays is such a thingas thermalconductivity that articl es about woodworking woodcarving,
with us even though common sense tells affectshow quickly the heat is transferred woodtuming and general woodwo rking
us that the wood should be the same tem- from the warmer object to the cooler ob- projects and techniqu es have appeared in
perature as everything around us. ject. It's this transfer of heat that makes f our countries.

80 Popular Woodworki ng

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