29 Studii Si Comunicari - Stiintele Naturii - Bacau 24 - 2011
29 Studii Si Comunicari - Stiintele Naturii - Bacau 24 - 2011
29 Studii Si Comunicari - Stiintele Naturii - Bacau 24 - 2011
Complexul Muzeal de Ştiinţele Naturii „Ion Borcea” Bacău
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Complexul Muzeal de Ştiinţele Naturii „Ion Borcea” Bacău
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We continue the further publication of other taxa researched during years in Bozovici Depression (Almăju Valley) in Caraş-Severin
County. In the course of many journeys in this area which was very much botanically researched we gathered a lot of floristic material.
Among the more interesting species we mention: Ranunculus sceleratus, L. f. minimus (DC) Nyar; Orchis laxiflora Lam. f. minor Breb. and
O. ustulata L. f. lepoliensis (Zapal.)
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R. pseudodoftanensis Nyar. Bozovici village on An Eurosyberian species. A generic name derived
Ogaşu Slătinic in the shrubs. from the Saint Barbara’s Day (December 4). Salad
Potentilla argentea L. Gârbovăţ village on the bank can be prepared from its young leaves.
of Garboţ stream, very frequent; ssp. argentea in the Roripa sylves tris (L.) Besser ssp. sylvestris.
same places as the type. Bozovici village in the riverside forest in cultivated
P. chrysantha Trev. Bozovici village in the forest areas; Gârbovăţ village at Cremeniţa at the road
near Neamţu mill. margin in hayfields.
Rosa canina L. var. lutetiana (Lam.) R. Kell. An Euroasian –South European species. A generic
Gârbovăţ village in the shrubs on Anghel Hill. name with a German origin. Young leaves are
CELASTRACEAE family edible.
Evonymus europaeus L. Bozovici village in Cheile Cardaminopsis arenosa (L.) Hayek. Bozovici
Miniş on limestone, frequent. village in the forest at Gosna.
EUPHORBIACEAE family Alyssum alyssoides (L.) f. incanum (Heuff.)
Euphorbia villosa Waldst. et Willd., f. tuberculata Bozovici village in lawns on Cârst Hill.
(Koch.); f. lasicarpa Neilr. Amd f. pseudopalustris Draba nemorosa Bozovici village on stony areas at
(Schur.). In Valea Mare and Anghel Hill in hayfields. Cununa Goşnei.
ACERACEAE family Lepidium virginicum L. Sopotu Vechi village (Caraş
Acer campestre L. var. austriacum (Trott) DC. Severin county) at Glimeica mill near the road and
Gârbovăţ village on Anghel Hill in hayfields, in Bozovici village in the village in the street.
isolated trees. A proof of extinct forests; var. GENTIANACEAE family
lobatum (Pax.) Sopotu Nou village (Caraş Severin Centaurium pulchellum (Swartz) Druce. Gârbovăţ
county) at the margin of the forest; ssp. eucampestre village on the Dealul Văii Mici hill in the lawn.
(Pax.) Bozovici village in the Miniş river Valley at C. erythraea Rafin. (C. Umbellatum auct.) ssp.
Bigăr falls; austriaca (Ronn.) Holub, Bozovici village in the
POLYGALACEAE family riverside forest near the Nera river.
Polygala vulgaris L. f. albida Chodat. Gârbovăţ An Euroasian species, temperate. The medicinal
village on Anghel Hill in hayfields. plant contains bitter substances, used in digestive
In Caraş Severin county after Flora R. P. R. vol. VI diseases.
page 209 it is cited only from Zerveşti. CUSCUTACEAE family
APIACEAE (UMBELLIFERAE) family Cuscuta europaea L. var. typica Buia. Bozovici
Caucalis platycarpos L. C. Lappula (Web.) Grande. village on Voicovacea Hill in Ogaşu Grecului,
Gârbovăţ village in Anghel Hill, frequent in parasite on species of Urtica.
cultivated areas. Lithospermum purpureocaeruleum L. Sopotu Vechi
APIACEAE (UMBELLIFERAE) family village on Dealul Vinilor hill in hayfields.
Daucus carota L. ssp. carota Gârbovăţ village on A submediterannean-pontic species.
Anghel Hill in hayfields. BORAGINACEAE family
A sylvatic form from the cultivated Carota.A Myosotis caespitosa K. F. Schultz. Bozovici village
generic name used by Greeks and Romans. near the Gaberi bridge on the bank of the Miniş river
Seseli rigidum Waltst. et Kit. Bozovici village on and on the pebbles of the Nera river.
Voicovacea Hill,frequent in hayfields. M. nemorosa Besser. Gârbovăţ village on the
VIOLACEAE family pebbles of the Valea Mare stream.
Viola montana L. Gârbovăţ village on Ogaşu Rău in M. arvensis (L.) Hill., ssp. arvensis. Gârbovăţ
hayfields,frequent. village on Anghel Hill in the cultivated areas.
BRASSICACEAE (CRUCIFERAE) family M. micrantha Pall. Gârbovăţ village in Valea Mică
Erysimum odoratum Ehrh. (E. pannonicum Crantz.). in hayfields.
Bozovici village in the valley of Miniş river at Symphytum officinale L. var. purpureum Pers. F.
Coronini falls on limestones. albiflorum Schur. Bănia village (Caraş Severin
Isatis tinctoria L. ssp. canescens (Nyman) DC. county) in Stejari at the road margin.
Gârbovăţ village in Valea Mare in fayfields. An European species.
Notice. Subspecies cited only in Orşova (Mehedinţi Pulmonaria montana Lej. ssp. montana (Gusul.)
county) Gârbovăţ village on the Dealul Valea Mare hill in
Barbarea vulgaris R. Br. Bozovici village on the the shrubs.
pebbles of Nera river in the riverside forest. Anchusa officinalis L. var. vulgaris Kitt. Gârbovăţ
village at Botu Străniacului in the forest. Blue
flowers; Bozovici village on the pebbles of Babiţu
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river, the Miniş river valley hayfields; f. pinguin Eupatorium cannabium L. var. indissum DC.
(Dum.) Gusul. In the riverside forest on the Nera Bozovici village on Ogaşu Babiţu near the stream.
river bank. Blue flowers. An Eurasian-South-European species, a toxic
Cynoglosum officinale L. Bozovici village in the (alkailodal) plant.
Miniş river valley in dry hayfields. Its name is derived from the name of Mithridates VI
LAMIACEAE (LABIATAE) family Eupator (111-63 BC), king of Pontus.
Stachys palustris L. f. acuminata Briq. Bozovici Solidago viraurea L. ssp. vulgaris, var. latifoilia.
village on the Voicovacea hill in the cultivated areas. Bozovici village in the valley of Miniş river at Bigar
Salvia verticllata L. Gârbovăţ village in Valea Mare falls on a limestone soil in the forest.
in the hayfields. An European species. Its name is derived from the
Thymus pulegioides L. ssp. montanus (Bentham) Latin language: solidus, it has therapeutical
Ronninger. Sopotu Nou village, on Ogaşu Tercoviţei properties.
in stony-sandy soil; ssp. chamaedrys (Fris.) Aster linosyris (L.) Bernh. f. scabra (Heuffel.).
Guşuleac. Gârbovăţ village on the pebbles of the Gârbovăţ village on Anghel hill, hayfields and
Valea Mare stream. Bozovici village on Băclan hill in the same
A submediterranean species. conditions.
A plant very much used for its various therapeutical An Eurasian-South-European species.
properties. Aster novi-belgii L. Prilipeţi village near the Nera
Mentha pulegium L. Bozovici village on the Nera river in shrubs and hayfields.
river bank near the confluence with the Miniş river; Filago vulgaris Lam. (F. germanica L. non
var. pulegium f. erecta (Mill.). Prilipeţi village in the Hudson). Bozovici village in dry hayfields on
riverside forest in areas with pools to Banii mill; var. Căminiţa hill.
hirsuta (Per.). Gârbovăţ village in the lawn at Gnaphalium uliginosum L. Gârbovăţ village on
Gorunu Treznit; var. pubescens (Boenning). Capu Dealului in agricultural areas and in Gârboţ
Bozovici village on the pebbles of Nera river. stream in sandy places.
M. arvensis L. Bozovici village in the riverside Bidens cernua L. Bozovici village in Podijelul Mic
forest at Pluţi on the pebbles of the Nera river. glade in the forest in the marsh.
SCROPHULARIACEAE family Anthemis tinctoria L. var. tinctoria. Gârbovăţ village
Odontites vernus (Ballardi) Dumort. ssp. vernus . on Anghel hill in hayfields and shrubs.
Bănia village on the Dealul Bănii hill in the Hypochaeris maculata L. var. maculata f. communis
hayfields. Nyar. Gârbovăţ village in Valea Mare on hills in
Rhinanthus rumelicus Velen. Gârbovăţ village on hayfields.
the Orniţa hill in the hayfields. An Euro-Syberian species.
OROBANCHACEAE family Leontodon autumnalis L. ssp. vulgaris. Gârbovăţ
Orobanche flava C. F. Wart. ex P. W. Schultz. village on Dealul Văii Mici in the lawn.
Gârbovăţ village on Valea Mare in hayfields on Tragopogon orientalis L. Gârbovăţ village on Valea
Inula hirta L. Mare in the hazfields.
RUBIACEAE family T. dubius L. Bozovici village on Băclan hill in the
Asperula cynanchica L. ssp. cynanchica Gârbovăţ hayfields.
village on Anghel hill in the hayfields. A submediterranean species. Its generic name is
Galium aparine L. Bozovici village on Baclan hill derived from the Greek language, signifying „goat
in the hayfields. beard”, its roots are edible as a salad for food.
An Euroasian species which became cosmopolitan Taraxacum laevigatum (Willd.) DC. f. laevigatum.
in the temperate zone. A specific name from the Gârbovăţ village in the hayfields and ruderal places.
antiquity (Greeks). An Eurasian species. Its generic name is derived
G. purpureum L. Gârbovăţ village on Anghel hill, from the Arabic language.
frequent in the hayfields. Hieracium umbellatum L. var. umbellatum, f.
Galium verum L. Bozovici village at Bigăr falls in communis. Gârbovăţ village in Anghel hill in the
Cheile Miniş on stony slopes in the forest. shrubs and the hayfields.
A species used in the past under the form of a rennet A circumboreal species. Its name is derived from its
for preparing cheese and pot cheese. inflorescence which has the shape of an umbrella.
Cruciata pedemontana (Bellardi) (Galium ORCHIDACEAE family
pedemontana (Bellardi) All. Bozovici village on Orchis laxiflora Lam. ssp. elegans (Heuffel) Soo, f.
Voicovacea hill in the hayfields, frequent. minor Breb. (fig. 1). Gârbovăţ village in Valea Mare
ASTERACEAE (COMPOSITAE) family in marshy hayfields, rare.
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J. inflexus L. Gârbovăţ village on the pebbles of
Valea Mare stream. Bozovici village in Poiana
Gosnei in marshy hayfields.
An Eurasian species which grows in places rich in
Luzula luzuloides (Lam.) Dandy et Willmot.
Gârbovăţ village in the forest at Străniac.
Scirpus sylvaticus L. Gârbovăţ village on the
pebbles of Valea Mare.
Eleocharis palustris (L.) Roemer et Schultes.
Gârbovăţ village on Dealul Vinilor in pools.
An Eurasian species. A generic name derived from
the Greek language: helodes, pool plant.
POACEAE (Gramineae) family
Brachypodium sylvaticum (Hudson) Beauv.
Bozovici village in the valley of Lighidie river in the
hayfields near the road.
An Eurasian-temperate species.
Eragrostis pilosa (L.) P. Beauv. Eftimie Murgu
village (Rudăria) (Caraş Severin county). In Valea
Rudăriei in the lawn, frequent.
A Mediterranean-South-European species.
In the paper there are ennumerated 84 taxa
included in 28 botanical families
Fig. 1 - Orchis laxiflora Lam. ssp. elegans Lucrarea prezintă o notă floristică cu taxonii
(Heuffel) Soo, f. minor Breb. cercetaţi în decursul anilor în Depresiunea Bozovici
(Valea Almăjului) din judeţul Caraş-Severin. În
O. morio L. Gârbovăţ village in the hayfields, multele deplasări în această zonă care a fost
frequent on Anghel hill. cercetată din punct de vedere botanic s-a adunat
An Eurasian-South-European species. The flour foarte mult material floristic. Din speciile mai
(salep) is used in the Mediterranean countries interesante noi cităm pe: Ranunculus sceleratus L. f.
especially in Turkey for medical purposes. minimus (D.C.) Nyar., Orchis laxiflora Lam f. minor
O. coriophora L. Bozovici village on Barnecea hill Bréeb. şi Orchis ustulata L.f. leopoliensis (Zapal.)
in the hayfields.
O. ustulata L. Gârbovăţ village on Valea Mică and References
Valea Mare hills, common in the hayfields; f. 1. CIOCÂRLAN V., 2006 -Flora ilustrată a
leopoliensis (Zapal.) on Băclan hil lat Bozovici in României. Editura Ceres, Bucureşti, Ed. II-a
Cephalanthera damasonium (Miller) Druce 1906. STEFANO MARTELLOS., 2006 -Guida illustrata
Bozovici village in the forest at Ogaşu Grecului. alla Flora della Val Rosandra (Trieste). Edizioni
Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz. Bozovici village Goliardiche.
in the forest on stony slopes in Cheile Miniş at Bigăr. 3. SĂVULESCU TR., 1956 -Flora R. P. R.
JUNCACEAE family vol IV. Editura Acad. R. P. R.
Juncus conglomeratus L. Gârbovăţ village on the 4.***- Dicţionar Enciclopedic Român. Vol.
pebbles of Valea Mare stream in sandy places. III K-P, pag. 387. Editura Acad. RPR, 1965.
An European species.
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In this paper we present three of the lawn vegetal associations investigated in the Berzunţi Mountains area. One of the three vegetal
associations, Festuco rubrae-Agrostietum capillaris Horvat 1951 belongs to the class MOLINIO-ARRHENATHERETEA R. Tx. 1937 and it
joins the mesophile lawn type. The vegetation of the xerophile lawns can be found in the phytocenoses of the other two investigated
associations i.e. Taraxaco serotinae-Festucetum valesiacae (Burduja et al. 1956, Răvăruţ et al. 1956) Sârbu, Coldea et Chifu 1999 and
Taraxaco serotinae-Bothriochloetum ischaemi (Burduja et al. 1956) Sârbu, Coldea et Chifu, which belong to the class FESTUCO-
BROMETEA Br.-Bl. et R. Tx. in Br.-Br. 1949. The description of these associations in the investigated territory is accompanied by
phytocenological tables and by the analysis of bioforms, floristic elements and ecological indexes.
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BARABAŞ N., 1997, SANDA, V., ÖLLERER, K., Dofteana and Plopu-Dărmăneşti, not showing
BURESCU, P., 2008, SANDA, V., BIŢĂ-NICOLAE, surveys. During our investigations we identified this
CLAUDIA, BARABAŞ, N., NEDELCU, A. G., 2006, association on large areas at Larga-Dofteana, on
SANDA, V., BARABAŞ, N.,BIŢĂ-NICOLAE, CLAUDIA, Plaiul Plopatului and in the zone of Sfântul Sava
2005), the associations studied by us were classified Monastery, between 500-630 m height in the beech
as following:
layer. These lawns are used as hayfields and
meadows, being valuable for their fodder plants.
Tx. 1937
Across the Berzunţi Mountains phytocenoses
of this association are frequently found and they
Alliance Cynosurion
install on terrains with a smooth declivity (5-20
As.Festuco rubrae-Agrostietum capillaris
degrees) and various exposures, on mildly wet soils,
Horvat 1951
without carbonates, rich in humus.
Floristic composition and phytocenotic structure:
in Br.-Br. 1949
The floristic composition is varied. The
herbaceous stratum is diverse presenting a 100%
R. Tx. in Br.-Br. 1949
coverage and besides the characteristic species there
Alliance Festucion valesiacae Klika 1931
can be also found species as: Bellis perennis,
Suballiance Jurineo arachnoideae -
Cynosurus cristatus, Lolium perenne, Phleum
Euphorbinrnion nicaeensis Dobrescu et Kovacs
pratense, Campanula glomerata, Taraxacum
1971 coor. Sârbu, Coldea et. Chifu 1993
officinale, Achillea millefolium, Briza media,
As.Taraxaco serotinae-Festucetum valesiacae
Dactylis glomerata, Medicago lupulina, Lotus
(Burduja et al. 1956, Răvăruţ et al. 1956) Sârbu,
corniculatus, Festuca pratensis, Medicago falcata,
Coldea et Chifu 1999
Urtica dioica, Anagallis arvensis etc.
As.Taraxaco serotinae - Bothriochloetum
The illustrative characteristic species are
ischaemi (Burduja et al. 1956) Sârbu, Coldea et Chifu
Festuca rubra and Agrostis capillaris. From a
The description of the vegetal associations
phytocenotic point of view, besides these there can
be remarked some species characteristic to cenotaxa
1. As. Festuco rubrae-Agrostietum capillaris -
superior to the association such as: Cynosurion,
Horvat 1951
Arrhenatherion alliances, Potentillo-Polygonetalia,
Molinietalia, Arrhenatheretalia orders and
Corology and stationary condtitions
especially the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class. The
The first mentions about the Festuco rubrae-
Festuco rubrae-Agrostietum capillaris association
Agrostietum capillaris association across the
also shelters species of the lawn vegetation
researched area were made by the Iaşi botanists
belonging to the Festuco-Brometea class, species
PAPP, C. şi BÂRCĂ, C., in 1960 (PAPP, C., BÂRCĂ, C.,
characteristic to forest cuts of the Epilobietea
1960). They identified the above mentioned
angustifolii class or species infiltrated in weed
association in Larga village and to North-East of
groups from forest margins of the Trifolio–
Sfântu Sava Monastery. In the study the authors
Geranietea class. These lawns used as hayfields and
conclude that the three mentioned hayfields
meadows are influenced by the anthropical
aremountain hayfields, a statement based upon the
activities, hence in their floristic composition species
floristic composition of the presented surveys. The
characteristic to the Stellarietea mediae class appear
association was also mentioned by MITITELU D. and
(tab. 1).
1978) with the name Festuco (rubrae)-Agrostietum
tenuis Csürös-Kaptalan 64 in the villages Larga -
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Table 1
Alliance Cynosurion
As. Festuco rubrae-Agrostietum capillaris - Horvat 195)
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Eua H 7 5 3 7 x 2 Succisa pratensis - - + - - - I
Eua H 7 6 3 8 x 8 Symphytum officinale - + - - - - I
Eua (Med) TH 8 6 5 7 8 5 Inula britanica - - - - + - I
Eua (Med) H 6 x x 7 x x Ranunculus repens - - - + + - II
Circ H 6 x 3 6 7 6 Sagina procumbens + - - - - - I
Molinio - Arrhenatheretea
Eua H x x 3 x 5 x Anthoxanthum odoratum - - + - - - I
Cosm Ch (H) 6 x x 5 x 5 Cerastium holosteloides - - - + - - I
Cosm G (H) 6 x x 5 x 5 Cerastium fontanum - - - + - - I
Eur Th 6 x 3 5 x 3 Euphrasia officinalis + - - - - - I
ssp. pratensis
Eua H 8 x 3 6 x 6 Festuca pratensis - + - - - - I
Eua H 7 x 3 4 7 2 Lotus corniculatus - - + - + + III
Eur Ch 4 6 4 6 x 1 Lysimachia nummularia - - + - - - I
Eua (Cont) Ch-H 8 6 8 4 7 2 Ononis arvensis - - + - - - I
Eua H 6 x 3 x x x Plantago lanceolata - - - + - + I
Eur (Med) H (Ch) 7 x 3 5 3 2 Polygala vulgaris - - - - + - I
Cosm H 7 x 3 x x x Prunella vulgaris - - - + - - I
Eua (Med) H 7 x 3 6 x x Ranunculus acris ssp. acris - + - - + - I
Cosm H 6 5 3 3 x 7 Rumex acetosa + - - - - - I
Eua TH-H 8 x 3 x x x Trifolium pratense - - - - - + I
Eua H 7 x x 5 x x Vicia cracca - - + - - - I
Eua H 9 7 8 2 7 1 Achillea setacea - + - - - - I
Eur H 8 5 3 3 8 3 Anthyllis vulneraria - - - + - -
Eua TH 7 6 3 4 x 3 Carlina vulgaris - - + - - - I
Eur H 8 5 4 3 7 ? Dianthus carthusianorum - - + - - - I
Pont TH 9 7 5 2 8 2 Erysimum odoratum - + - - - - I
Eua H-G 8 x 4 3 x 3 Euphorbia cyparissias + - - - - - I
Eua H 7 5 5 4 8 2 Filipendula vulgaris - - - + - - I
Eua H 7 5 x 4 7 3 Galium verum - - - + - - I
Eua H 8 5 7 3 9 3 Medicago falcata - - - - + 1 II
Eua H 5 x 7 4 8 3 Plantago media - + - + - + III
Eua (Cont) H 9 7 7 3 5 2 Potentilla recta - + - - - - I
Eur (Med) H 8 6 4 4 8 4 Salvia pratensis - - + - - + II
Eua H 8 x x 4 7 2 Silene vulgaris ssp. vulgaris - - + - - - I
Koelerio -Corynephoretea
Euc (Med) Th-TH 9 x 3 2 7 1 Acinos arvensis - + - - - - I
Circ Th 9 5 7 4 8 x Erigeron acris - - - 1 - - I
Med (Circ) H 4 5 5 5 x 7 Geum urbanum - - - - + - I
Cosm H x x x 6 x 8 Urtica dioica - + - - + + III
Trifolio -Geranietea
Eua H 7 6 4 4 8 4 Agrimonia eupatoria - - + + + - III
Eua (Cont) H 7 6 8 4 9 ? - - + - - - I
Euc (Mont) H 6 4 4 6 8 5 Astrantia major - - + - - - I
Eua H 5 5 4 4 8 3 Campanula persicifolia - + - - - - I
Circ H 7 5 3 4 7 3 Clinopodium vulgare + - - - - + II
Eur (Cont) H 7 5 5 3 8 3 Fragaria viridis ssp. viridis + - - - - - I
Eua H-Ch 6 5 3 6 x 7 Glechoma hederacea - 1 - - - - I
Eua H 7 x 3 3 x 3 Origanum vulgare - - - + - + II
Eua H 6 x 7 3 8 3 Thalictrum minus ssp. minus - - + - - - I
Epilobietea angustifolii
Eua (Cont) H 6 5 4 5 5 5 Calamagrostis arundinacea - - + - - - I
Eua TH 6 5 5 5 x 6 Myosotis arvensis - + - - - - I
Eua H 7 5 5 5 7 7 Verbascum nigrum - + - - - - I
Stellarietea mediae
Circ Th 6 6 3 5 x 6 Anagallis arvensis - + - - - - I
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Eua (Cont) TH (H) 7 x 5 4 8 5 Bunias orientalis - + - - - - I
Cosm (Med)Th-TH 7 x x x x x Capsella bursa-pastoris - - - + - + II
Cosm G (H) 7 6 x 4 7 x Convolvulus arvensis - - - + - + II
Eua (Med) Th (TH) 6 5 4 x 2 4 Scleranthus annuus - + - - - - I
Cosm Th 5 5 x x x x Viola arvensis - - - + + - II
Variae syntaxa
Eua H 9 6 5 4 8 5 Cichorium inthybus - - - + - + II
Eua (Cont) G 7 7 7 7 x x Gladiolus imbricatus - - + + - - II
Eua H 8 x 3 6 3 2 Hypericum maculatum - - + - - - I
Eua H 7 x 3 4 x 2 Hieracium pilosella - - + - - - I
Cosm G 6 5 3 5 3 3 Pteridium aquilinum - - + - - - I
Eur H 5 x 4 8 7 8 Thalictrum aquilegiifolium - - + - - - I
Eua Ch 5 x 3 4 2 3 Veronica officinalis - - - - + - I
Place and time of survey making: 1,2. Sfântul Sava Monastery (15.07.2007); 3. Plaiul Plopatului (05.08.2009);
4,5,6. Larga –Dofteana (10.07.2010)
The spectrum of bioforms: indicates the species (Circ) with 6,25%, pontic elements (Pont)
predominance of Hemicryptophytes (H) with with 2,08%, mediterranean (Med) with 1,04 % (fig. 2).
64,93% of the number of species. The annual
Terophytes (Th) are in the second place with Cosm Pont 1,04% Med 1,04%
11,47%, being followed by the biannual ones (TH) 12,49%
with 9,37%, same with Geophytes (G), being Circ 6,25%
Eua 54,15%
followed by Camephytes with 5,2%. The results of Euc 3,12%
this analysis can be included in the type of lawn
phytocenosis to which the investigated phytocenoses
Eur 20,82%
belong, these results being grossly similar to data in
the specialty literature (fig. 1).
Fig. 2 – The floristic elements spectrum of the
Festuco rubrae-Agrostietum capillaris - Horvat
H 64,93% 1951 association
50,00% The spectrum of ecological indexes. The
40,00% best represented are light-biased species with little
preference to shade (L7-40,62% and L8-22,91).
Th 11,47% Regarding the temperature preferences, most species
20,00% TH 9,37% G 9,37% are indifferent, supporting large variations of
Ch 5,20%
10,00% temperature (Tx-46,87%) or which prefer submontan
0,00% temperate zones (T5-33,33%). Regarding
H TH Th G Ch continentalism, the largest proportion belongs to
species preferring the oceanic climate and to species
Fig. 1 – The bioform spectrum of the Festuco preferring suboceanic climate (C3-40,62%).
rubrae - Agrostietum capillaris Horvat 1951 Regarding soil humidity preferences, the indifferent
association species are well represented (Ux-17,70%), but the
The spectrum of floristic elements: we can largest proportion belongs to Mesoxerophyte species
notice the fact that the Eurasian elements (Eua) have (U4-28,16%), being followed by moderately wet soil
54,15% of the total, being followed by the European plants (U5-19,79%). The great majority of the
ones (Eur) with 20,82%. The central European (Euc) species are amphitolerant (RX-47,91%) or neutral
have a small proportion of 3,12%. The elements soil plants (R7-20,83%), the other types being less
with a European character have 78,09% of the total represented. These plants grow on soils with less
number of species which take part in the floristic nitrogen, a degree varying from very poor to
composition of the association. Representative moderate (N1-6-87,48%) (fig. 3).
proportions can be noticed in cosmopolitan species
(Cosm) with 12,49%, followed by circumpolar
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Dărmăneşti and on Dealul Drăcoaia, occupying
relatively small surfaces, especially in glades.
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Table 2
CLASS FESTUCO-BROMETEA Br.-Bl. et R. Tx. in Br.-Br. 1949
Order FESTUCETALIA VALESIACAE Br.-Bl. et R. Tx. in Br.-Br. 1949
Alliance Festucion valesiacae Klika 1931
Suballiance Jurineo arachnoideae-Euphorbinenion nicaeensis Dobrescu et Kovacs 1971 coor. Sârbu,
Coldea et. Chifu 1993
Ass.Taraxaco serotinae-Festucetum valesiacae (Burduja et al. 1956, Răvăruţ et al. 1956)
Sârbu, Coldea et Chifu 1999
Geoelem. Biof. Ecological indexes Number of survey 1 2 3 4 5 K
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Eua H 7 x 5 5 x 6 Phleum pratense - - - - + I
Eua H 6 x 3 x x x Plantago lanceolata + - + - - II
Circ H 6 x x 5 x x Poa pratensis - + - - - I
Eua (Med) H 6 x x 7 x x Ranunculus repens + - - + - II
Eua H 8 x x x x 7 Trifolium repens - - + - + II
Eua H 7 x x 5 x x Vicia cracca - + - - + II
Euc (Med) Th-TH 9 x 3 2 7 1 Acinos arvensis - - + - - I
Circ Th 7 5 3 3 5 4 Draba nemorosa + - - - - I
Eua H 7 x 5 4 x x Hypericum perforatum - + + - - II
Eua H 8 8 7 2 4 1 Poa bulbosa + - - + - II
Eua H 7 x 3 5 x x Galium mollugo + - - - - I
Eua H 8 x x 4 7 2 Silene vulgaris - - - - + I
Artemisietea et Stellarietea mediae
Eua H 8 6 5 2 6 4 Anthemis tinctoria ssp. - + - - - I
Circ H 7 x x 6 x 8 Artemisia vulgaris - - + - - I
Eua(Cont) Th (TH) 9 6 7 3 x 4 Berteroa incana - - + - - I
Cosm (MedTh-TH 7 x x x x x Capsella bursa-pastoris - + - - - I
Euc-Med Th-TH 8 6 2 4 8 4 Cerinthe minor ssp. minor - + - - - I
Eua Th-TH 7 6 7 4 x 6 Descurainia sophia - + - - - I
Eua Th (TH) 8 5 6 3 8 x Melilotus officinalis - - + - - I
Eua TH-H ? 3 ? 2 x ? Reseda lutea - - + - - I
Cosm H (G) 8 5 3 5 1 2 Rumex acetosella - - - + - I
Eua(Cont) Th-TH 7 7 6 4 x 5 Senecio vernalis - - + - - I
Eua TH 8 x 3 4 7 7 Verbascum thapsus - + + - - II
Adv Th 6 x 3 5 7 7 Veronica persica - - - + - I
Variae syntaxa
Eua(Cont) M 9 5 6 4 8 2 Hippophaë rhamnoides - - - - + I
Eua(Cont) H 9 7 6 3 8 2 Linum austriacum + - - - - I
Eua(Cont) Ch-H 8 6 8 4 7 2 Ononis arvensis ssp. arvensis + + - - - II
Eua H 5 x 7 4 8 3 Plantago media ssp.media + - - 1 - II
Eur Th 7 x 3 x x 3 Rhinanthus minor - + - - - I
Place and time of survey making: 1. Sfântul Sava Monastery (01.07.2007), 2. Dealul Osoiului (24.07.2008), 3.
Plopu – Dărmăneşti (27.07.2009); 4,5. Dealul Drăcoaia (11.07.2010), (01.08.2010).
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The spectrum of floristic elements is the following: plants preferring neutral soils (R7-
dominated by the Eurasian element (Eua) with 21,66%), plants intermediate between the neutral
58,33% (proper Eurasian with 38,33%,, continental- soils and the neutral and basic soils (R8-20,00%),
Eurasian with 15,00% and Mediterannean-Eurasian plants preferring neutral and basic soils (R9-8,33%),
with 5,00%), a category followed by the central- followed by smaller proportions of plants preferring
European element (Euc) with 9,99% and the moderately acid soils and acid soils. Regarding
European element with only 6,66%. All elements preferences for the nitrogen amount available from
with an European character have 54,98%. The pontic soil, we can notice that the species grow in soils with
elements (with their specific forms) have 11,66%. an amount of nitrogen varying from a very poor
The circumpolar species have 6,66%, the degree to moderate and rich degrees (fig. 6).
cosmopolitan species have 4,99%, followed by the
adventive species with 1,66% (fig. 5).
Adv Circ Cosm
Pont 11,66% L
1,66% 6,66% 4,99% 0,4
0,3 C
Eur 0,2 R
6,66% R N
Eua 58,33%
0,1 C
Euc L
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ?
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is given by the dominant characteristic species position, slope declivity, alteration degree through
Dichanthium ischaemum. The surfaces consolidated grazing. It is between 50-90 % in the case of abrupt
by Dichanthium ischaemum are to be seldom mown slopes and for phytocenoses in fields with smooth
because they have little fodder value, they install declivities the coverage reaches 90%. Besides the
after associations consolidated by Festuca valesiaca dominant species we can remark a series of species
through their degradation (SANDA V., ÖLLERER K., among which we mention the frequent ones: Festuca
BURESCU P., 2008). The Dicanthium ischaemum valesiaca, Bromus tectorum, Salvia verticillata,
lawns still have a role to fix eroded clayish soils. Medicago minima, Achillea millefolium, Dactylis
glomerata, Hordeum murinum, Artemisia absinthium,
Floristic composition and Cirsium arvense etc.
phytocenotic structure Regarding the phytocenotic composition the
The florisitc composition in Dichanthium Taraxaco serotinae-Bothriochloetum ischaemi
ischaemum phytocenoses is relatively rich, asociation is accompanied by species characteristic
depending on the coverage degree of the to the Festucion valesiacae alliance, to Festucetalia
consolidating dominant species (a coverage of 80- valesicae order and to Festuco-Brometea class. We
90 % of the consolidating species leads to the can also remark the infiltration of species characteristic
elimination of the other species, hence a poorer to Molinio - Arrhenatheretea, Artemisietea şi
floristic composition). Stelarietea mediae classes (tab. 3)
The coverage of the herbaceous is different,
greatly varying according to the phytocenose
CLASS FESTUCO-BROMETEA Br.-Bl. et R. Tx. in Br.-Br. 1949
Order FESTUCETALIA VALESIACAE Br.-Bl. et R. Tx. in Br.-Br. 1949
Alliance Festucion valesiacae Klika 1931
Suballiance Jurineo arachnoideae-Euphorbienion nicaeensis Dobrescu et Kovacs 1971 coor. Sârbu,
Coldea et. Chifu 1993
Ass.Taraxaco serotinae-Bothriochloetum ischaemi (Burduja et al. 1956) Sârbu, Coldea et Chifu 1999
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Eua TH 9 7 3 3 x 4 Echium vulgare - - + - - I
Pont-Med H 8 7 5 3 8 x Eryngium campestre - - + - - I
Eua H-G 8 x 4 3 x 3 Euphorbia cyparissias + - - - + II
Eua H 7 5 5 4 8 2 Filipendula vulgaris - + - - - I
Med Th 9 7 3 3 8 1 Medicago minima - + - - - I
Eua H 9 x 3 2 3 1 Potentilla argentea ssp.argentea - - - + - I
Eur (Med) H 8 6 4 4 8 4 Salvia pratensis ssp. pratensis + - - - + II
Euc (Med) H 9 6 3 4 7 5 Salvia verticillata- + - - - + II
Eua H 8 5 3 4 7 5 Senecio jacobea ssp. jacobea - - + - - I
Eur Th 8 5 3 4 x 3 Trifolium campestre + - - + - II
Eua H 8 x x 4 x 5 Achillea millefolium ssp. - - - + + II
Circ H 8 x x 6 x 5 Agrostis stolonifera - - - + - I
Eua H 9 6 5 4 8 5 Cichorium inthybus ssp. inthybus - - + - - I
Eur H 7 x 3 5 x 6 Dactylis glomerata var. glomerata + - - - - I
Eua TH 8 6 5 4 x 4 Daucus carota - - + + + III
Eua H 7 6 5 5 2 x Eryngium planum + - - - - I
Eua Th 8 7 x 4 x 4 Hordeum murinum ssp. murinum - - - - + I
Eua (Med) TH 8 6 5 7 8 5 Inula britanica - + - - - I
Eua H 7 5 4 8 8 8 Mentha longifolia ssp. longifolia - + - - - I
Eua H 6 x 3 x x x Plantago lanceolata ssp. - - + - + II
Cosm H 7 x 3 x x x Prunella vulgaris - - - + - I
Eua H 7 5 3 6 x 5 Rumex crispus - - - - + I
Eua H 7 6 4 4 8 4 Agrimonia eupatoria - - - - + I
Euc (Med) H 7 5 5 4 9 3 Coronilla varia + - - - - I
Eua Th 6 5 5 5 3 4 Vicia tetrasperma - - + - - I
Artemisietea et Stellarietea mediae
Eua Ch 5 6 7 4 x 8 Artemisia absinthium + - - + - II
Med-Euc H 8 6 5 5 x x Ballota nigra - - - - + I
Eua G 8 7 x x x 7 Cirsium arvense - - + + - II
Eua TH 8 6 5 4 x 4 Conium maculatum - + - - - I
Eua Th 6 7 6 4 2 4 Consolida regalis - - + - - I
Cosm G (H) 7 6 x 4 7 x Convolvulus arvensis + - - - + II
Med-Euc Th 7 7 2 4 7 x Kickxia spuria - - - + - I
Euc H 8 5 5 3 7 3 Linaria vulgaris - - + - - I
Eua (Med) H (G 7 6 6 4 8 4 Lathyrus tuberosus - + - - - I
Eua TH-H x 3 x 2 x x Reseda lutea + - - - - I
Eua (Med) Th 6 5 4 x 2 4 Scleranthus annuus ssp. annuus - + - - - I
Eua (Med) H 8 6 7 3 7 6 Verbascum blattaria - - - - + I
Adv Th 8 7 x 4 6 5 Xanthium spinosum - - - - + I
Variae syntaxa
Eua (Cont) Ch 9 6 5 3 5 2 Artemisia campestris ssp. + - - - - I
Eua TH 7 6 3 4 x 3 Carlina vulgaris + - - - - I
Eua H 7 x 3 4 7 2 Lotus corniculatus - + + - - II
Eua H 7 x 3 3 x 3 Origanum vulgare - - - + - I
Eua H 5 x 7 4 8 3 Plantago media ssp. media - - + - - I
Place and time of survey making: 1, 2. Dealul Cornicului (05.08.2007); 3. Vâlcele –Târgu-Ocna (05.08.2007); 4.
Poieni- Târgu-Ocna (01.08.2010); 5. Vermeşti-Comăneşti (18.08.2010)
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The spectrum of bioforms ecological indexes, after H. Elleberg (L, T, C, U, R,
Following the analysis of bioforms we can N) we can underline the characteristics of the
notice the predominance of Hemicryptophytes (H) component species taken as a whole but also the
with 59,25% (proper Hemicryptophytes have characteristics of the stations where the
55,55%) of the total species which constitute this phytocenoses of this associations are. Thus,
association. Hemicryptophytes are followed by regarding the preferences for light, we can notice the
annual and biannual Terophyte elements (Th and predominance of the light-biased plants with little
TH) with 18,51% respectively 11,10%, by preference to shade (L7-31,48% şi L8-38,88%).
Camephytes with 7,40% and by Geophytes with Analysing the preferences for temperature the
3,70% (fig. 7). greatest proportion belongs to the category of
intermediate species the greatest proportion belongs
H 59,25% to the category of intermediate species and the
60,00% thermophile species (T6-35,18%). Regarding the
spreading area, the greatest proportion of species
Th 18,51%
belongs to the intermediate category between the
TH 11,10% Ch 7,40% species preferring the oceanic climate and the
G 3,70% species from the areas with suboceanic climate,
0,00% equally represented to those from the intermediate
H Th TH Ch G category between suboceanic species and the
Fig. 7 – The bioform spectrum of Taraxaco continental ones (C3 and C5 with 24,07% each).
serotinae-Bothriochloetum ischaemi (Burduja et al. Most of these prefer the category of soils moderately
1956) Sârbu, Coldea et Chifu 1999 association wet (U4-40,74%), followed by dry soil plants (U2 –
The spectrum of the floristic elements is 11,11% and U3 – 5,92%). From the analysis of
dominated by the Eurasian element (Eua) with species proportion according to their preference for
61,09% (proper Eurasian with 44,44%, Eurasian- the soil reaction, the great majority is constituted by
continental with 7,40% and Eurasian-Mediterranean amphitolerant species (Rx- 33,33%). The distribution
with 9,25%), a category followed by the central- of the other categories is the following: plants
European element (Euc) with 11,10% and the intermediate between the neutral and neutral and
European element (Eur) with 9,25%. All elements basic soils (R8-25,92 %), plants preferring neutral
with an European character have 81,44%. The soils (R7-20,37%), plants preferring neutral and
Mediterannean elements (Med) and the pontic- basic soils (R9-5,55%), followed in smaller
Mediterannean (Pont-Med) have 5,55% each and proportions by plants preferring moderately acid
give the xerophile character of this vegetation type. soils equal to the acid ones (R3 and R5 with 3,70%
The cosmopolitan species have 3,70%, the each). Regarding preferences for the amount of
circumpolar species (Circ) are equally represented to nitrogen available in soil, we can notice that species
the adventive ones, respectively 1,85% (fig. 8). grow in soils with a nitrogen amount varying from a
very poor degree to moderate and rich degrees (fig. 9).
Fig. 8 – The floristic element spectrum of Taraxaco Fig. 9 –The ecological index spectrum of Taraxaco
serotinae-Bothriochloetum ischaemi (Burduja et al. serotinae-Bothriochloetum ischaemi (Burduja et al.
1956) Sârbu, Coldea et Chifu 1999 association 1956) Sârbu, Coldea et Chifu 1999 association
http://www.studiisicomunicaribacau.ro / https://biblioteca-digitala.ro
associations are frequent and largely spread: Festuco Edit. Univ. “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, vol. I şi II; 367 p. şi
rubrae-Agrostietum capillaris Horvat 1951 698p.
representing the type of mesophyle lawns, Taraxaco 3. CIOCÂRLAN, V., 2009 -Flora ilustrată a
serotinae-Festucetum valesiacae (Burduja et al. României. Pteridophyta et Spermatophyta. Editura
1956, Răvăruţ et al. 1956) Sârbu, Coldea et Chifu Ceres, Bucureşti; 1141p.
1999 and Taraxaco serotinae-Bothriochloetum 4. CRISTEA, V., GAFTA, D., PEDROTTI, F.,
ischaemi (Burduja et al. 1956) Sârbu, Coldea et 2004 - Fitosociologie, Edit. Presa Universitară
Chifu which belong to FESTUCO-BROMETEA Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca; 394p.
Br.-Bl. et R. Tx. in Br.-Br. 1949 class, representing 5. MITITELU, D., BARABAŞ, N., 1978 -Flora
the vegetation of xerophile lawns. şi vegetaţia judeţului Bacău, St. Com., Muz. Şt.
2. The floristic composition of phytocenoses Nat. Bacău, 9-10 (1976-1977); 193-272
of the three researched associations is diverse. In the 6. PAPP, C., BÂRCĂ, C., 1960 -Schiţă a florei
case of these lawns we can notice the degradation, şi vegetaţiei culmii Berzunţului (regiunea Bacău) I,
being influenced by the anthropical activities, hence An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, 6, 2, s. II a., Şt.Nat.; 315-328
species characteristic to Artemisietea şi Stellarietea 7. SANDA, V., POPESCU A., BARABAŞ N.,
mediae appear in their floristic composition. 1997- Cenotaxonomia şi caracterizarea grupărilor
3. The spectrum of bioforms, the spectrum vegetale din România, Edit.”Ion Borcea”, Bacău;
of geoelements and the spectrum of the ecological 366p.
indexes of the three researched associations confirm 8. SANDA, V., POPESCU A., STANCIU
the data in the specialty literature. DANIELA ILEANA, 2001 -Structura cenotică şi
caracterizarea ecologică a fitocenozelor din
Rezumat România, Edit. Conphis, Râmnicu Vâlcea; 359p.
În această lucrare sunt prezentate trei dintre 9. SANDA, V., 2002 -Vademecum ceno-
asociaţiile vegetale de pajişte investigate în zona structural privind covorul vegetal din România,
Munţilor Berzunţi. Una din cele trei asociaţii Edit. Vergiliu. Bucureşti; 331p.
vegetale, respectiv Festuco rubrae-Agrostietum 10. SANDA, V., BIŢĂ-NICOLAE, CLAUDIA,
capillaris Horvat 1951 aparţine clasei MOLINIO- BARABAŞ, N., 2003 -Flora cormofitelor spontane şi
ARRHENATHERETEA R. Tx. 1937 şi se cultivate din România, Edit. „Ion Borcea”, Bacău;
încadrează în tipul de pajişti mezofile. Vegetaţia 316p.
pajiştilor xerofile se regăseşte în fitocenozele 11. SANDA, V., BARABAŞ, N.,BIŢĂ-NICOLAE,
celorlalte două asociaţii investigate şi anume CLAUDIA, 2005 - Breviar privind parametrii
Taraxaco serotinae-Festucetum valesiacae (Burduja structurali şi caracteristicile ecologice ale
et al. 1956, Răvăruţ et al. 1956) Sârbu, Coldea et fitocenozelor din România, Partea I, Edit.”Ion
Chifu 1999 şi Taraxaco serotinae-Bothriochloetum Borcea”, Bacău; 255p.
ischaemi (Burduja et al. 1956) Sârbu, Coldea et 12. SANDA, V., BIŢĂ-NICOLAE, CLAUDIA,
Chifu care aparţin clasei FESTUCO-BROMETEA BARABAŞ, N., NEDELCU, A. G., 2006 - Breviar
Br.-Bl. et R. Tx. in Br.-Br. 1949. Descrierea acestor fitocenologic, Edit. Rovimed Publishers, Bacău;
asociaţii din teritoriul investigat sunt însoţite de 255p.
tabele fitocenologice şi de analiza bioformelor, 13. SANDA, V., ÖLLERER, K., BURESCU, P.,
elementelor floristice şi indicilor ecologici. 2008 -Fitocenozele din România. Sintaxonomie,
structură, dinamică şi evoluţie. Edit. Ars Docendi,
References Universitatea din Bucureşti; 570p.
1. BARABAŞ, N., 1978 -Noi contribuţii la 14. SÂRBU, I., ŞTEFAN N., IVĂNESCU,
studiul florei şi vegetaţiei din Bazinul Tazlăului, St. LĂCRĂMIOARA, MÂNZU, C., 2001 -Flora ilustrată a
Com., Muz. Şt. Nat. Bacău., 1976-1977, 9-10; plantelor vasculare din Estul României, vol. I şi II,
163-192 Edit. Univ. „Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi; 373p şi 408p.
2. CHIFU, T., MÂNZU, C., ZAMFIRESCU, 15. SĂVULESCU, T. et. all., 1952-1976 -Flora
OANA, 2006 -Flora şi vegetaţia Moldovei (România), R.P.R.-R.S.R (vol. I-XIII), Edit. Acad. R.S.R.-R.P.R.
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The biological material used to determine the enzyme activity was represented by: plants harvested from the ex vitro environment
(from Ceahlău Mountain) and plants grown in vitro (plantlets provided in the Laboratory of Genetics and Plant Biotechnology of the
University „Vasile Alecsandri” from Bacău). This current study presents the results concerning the enzyme activity in Rhodiola rosea L. The
biochemical analyses on the individuals of Rhodiola rosea L. aimed to depict the fluctuations in the activity of peroxidase, catalase and
superoxyd-dismutase depending on the growth medium that provided these plants/plantlets. The data of our tests on the activity of some
enzymatic systems in the plants of Rhodiola rosea L. do not imply a significant influence of the environment on the metabolic processes that
take place in the analyzed individuals (obtained either ex vitro or in vitro).
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Table no. 1 - The activity of peroxidase (UP/G/min) in the plants of Rhodiola rosea L. grown either ex
vitro, or in vitro.
The culture medium Mean ±SD p
Ex vitro 3,557±0,24 -
In vitro 3,097±0,29 <0,05
1,5 3,10
Graph 1 – The fluctuations in the activity of peroxidase registered in the plants of Rhodiola rosea L.
grown ex vitro (the left column) or in vitro (the right column).
The catalase is the key enzyme in the regenerants. Though, in this case, the diffrences in
response to the oxidative stress; its fluctuations the activity of the catalase is not significant from the
were similar to those of the peroxidase, meaning statistical viewpoint. We consider this fluctuation as
that the plants grown ex vitro displayed a higher a physiologically normal variation, given the
level of peroxidase activity than the in vitro experimental conditions.
Table no. 2 - The fluctuations of the catalase activity within the Rhodiola rosea L. plants
(provided either ex vitro or in vitro)
Culture medium Mean ±SD p
EX VITRO 578,518±72,49 -
IN VITRO 531,301±73,07 NS
Graph 2 – The activity of the catalase assessed within the individuals of Rhodiola rosea L. provided ex
vitro (the left column) or in vitro (the right column)
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The last of the assessed enzymes was the both for the individuals of Rhodiola rosea L. grown
superoxyd-dismutase; its activity was determined ex and also for the plantlets provided in vitro.
Table no. 3 – The activity of superoxyd-dismutase within the plants of Rhodiola rosea L. provided ex
vitro and in vitro.
0,3 0,63
Graph 3 – The enzymatic activity of superoxyd-dismutase, expressed in activity units, within the
plants of Rhodiola rosea L. provided either ex vitro (the left column), or in vitro
(the right column)
The significant alterations (from a statistical and in vitro) may be caused by a metabolic intensity
viewpoint) of the peroxidase activity depending on determined by the different composition of the
the environment in which the plants were provided growth medium.
(ex/in vitro), without important fluctuations of the The catalase
other enzymes that are involved in neutralyzing the The catalase showed a similar response to
free radicals, suggest that the components of the that of the peroxidase; the ex vitro grown plants
growth medium moderately influence the oxidative displayed a higher level of the peroxidase activity
processes in the individuals of Rhodiola rosea L. compared to the in vitro plantlets.
In this case, the difference in the activity of
Conclusions the enzyme is not statistically significant; it probably
The biochemical analyses on the individuals represents a normal physiological variation, given
of Rhodiola rosea L. aimed to depict the fluctuations the experimental conditions.
in the activity of peroxidase, catalase and The superoxyd-dismutase
superoxyd-dismutase depending on the growth Its activity did not prove any significant
medium that provided these plants/plantlets. difference between the plants from the two life
The peroxidase environments (ex/in vitro).
The plants grown ex vitro displayed an The significant alterations of the peroxidase
augmentation in the activity of peroxidase compared to activity depending on the environment in which the
the plantlets provided in vitro; the difference between plants were provided (ex/in vitro), without important
the two environments was statistically significant. fluctuations of the other enzymes involved in
It may be stated that the plants harvested from neutralyzing the free radicals, suggest that the
the ex vitro environment display a higher level of the components of the life environment moderately
oxidative stress than the plantlets grown in vitro. influence the oxidative processes in the individuals
This difference in the activity of peroxidase of Rhodiola rosea L.
within the plants grown on both environments (ex-
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The data of our tests on the activity of some cele crescute pe mediul BB1 şi în cele din urmă de
enzymatic systems in the plants of Rhodiola rosea L. plantele colectate din mediul natural.
do not imply a significant influence of the Diferenţele de activitate dintre condiţiile in
environment on the metabolic processes that take vitro şi cele ex vitro sunt explicabile prin prisma
place in the analyzed individuals (obtained either ex diferenţelor de condiţii de viaţă, expunerea la diverşi
vitro or in vitro). agenţi stresori sau prezenţa sau nu a unor dăunători
ce ar putea determina un răspuns de apărare a plantei.
Profilul biochimic al speciei Rhodiola rosea References
L. în condiţiile cultivării acesteia in vitro, pe mediile 1. ARTENIE V., TĂNASE E., 1981 -
de cultură BG1 şi BB1, precum şi pe plantele Practicum de biochimie generală, Edit. Univ.
colectate din mediul lor natural (plante provenite din „Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, p. 209-210.
masivul Ceahlău), a presupus determinarea
nivelurilor de activitate ale peroxidazei, catalazei,
superoxid-dismutazei şi a conţinutului de proteine A.M., 2008 - Metode de investigare a metabolismului
totale din frunză, tulpină şi rădăcină. glucidic şi lipidic - manual de lucrări practice, Ed.
Activitatea enzimatică cunoaşte o creştere PIM, Iaşi.
graduală de la nivelul frunzei la cel al rădăcinii, 3. BODEA C., 1982 - Tratat de biochimie
diferenţele fiind semnificative din punct de vedere vegetală, Edit. Acad. R.S.R., Bucureşti, vol IV, 243-262.
statistic. Această ierarhizare, se menţine atât în cazul 4. BROWN P.R., GERBARG L.P., RAMAZANOV
plantulelor crescute pe mediile artificiale, cât şi în
Z., 2002 – Rhodiola rosea – A phytomedicinal
cazul exemplarelor colectate din mediul lor natural.
Diferenţe apar doar în cazul magnitudinii de overview, Herbal Gram, 56, 40-48.
activitate, cel mai scăzut nivel fiind înregistrat în 5. TIŢĂ I., 2003 - Botanică farmaceutică,
cazul plantulelor crescute pe mediul BG1, urmate de Edit. Did. şi Pedag., Bucureşti.
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The temporary exhibition “Curiosities in the world of plants” was organized by “Ion Borcea” Natural Sciences Museum Complex
Bacău. The 117 species of mushrooms collected in the areas of Luncani (Slatina Forest) and Dofteana (Dofteana Forest) were presented in
this exhibition according to scientific, aesthetic and didactic criteria. The macromycetes species belong to 7 biological forms and to 6
ecological categories.
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Fig. 3 – Map of Bacău County
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Class Sordariomycetes Gs St edible +
Order Xylariales
Family Xylariaceae
3. Xylaria hypoxylon (L.) Grev. 1824 EPx Sl inedible +
4. Xylaria polymorpha (Pers.) Grev. 1824 EPx Sl inedible, m. +
Phylum Basidiomycota
Class Agaricomycetes
Order Agaricales
Family Agaricaceae
1. Agaricus arvensis Schaeff. 1774 Gs St food + +
2. Agaricus benesii (Pilát) Pilát 1951 Gs St food +
3. Agaricus silvicola (Vittad.) Peck 1872 Gs St food + +
4. Coprinus comatus (O.F. Müll.) Pers. 1797 Th St food WC, m. +
5. Cyathus striatus (Huds.) Willd 1787 EPx-Gs Sl inedible, m. +
6. Lepiota cristata (Bolton) P. Kumm. 1871 Gs St poisonous +
7. Lepiota clypeolaria (Bull.) P. Kumm. 1871 Gs St Poisonous + +
8. Lycoperdon excipuliforme (Scop.) Pers. (1801) Gs St edible WC, m. +
9. Lycoperdon perlatum Pers. 1796 Gs St edible WC, m. + +
10. Lycoperdon pyriforme Schaeff. 1774 EPx Sl edible WC, m. + +
11. Macrolepiota procera var. procera (Scop.) Singer 1948 Gs St Food +
Family Amanitaceae
12. Amanita citrina (Pers.) Pers. 1797 Gm M poisonous + +
13. Amanita muscaria var. muscaria (L.) Lam. 1783 Gm M poisonous, m. +
14. Amanita phalloides (Vaill. ex Fr.) Link 1833 Gm M poisonous D + +
15. Amanita rubescens var. rubescens Pers. 1797 Gm M food WC +
Family Cortinariaceae
16. Cortinarius bulliardi (Pers.) Fr. 1838 Gm M inedible +
17. Cortinarius multiformis Fr. 1838 Gm M inedible +
18. Cortinarius triumphans Fr. 1838 Gm M inedible +
Family Inocybaceae
19. Inocybe geophylla var. geophylla (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871 Gm M poisonous +
20. Inocybe geophylla var. lilacina Gillet Gm M poisonous +
Family Hydnangiaceae
21. Laccaria laccata (Scop.) Cooke 1884 Gm M edible +
Family Hygrophoraceae
22. Hygrophorus agathosmus (Fr.) Fr. Gs St edible +
23. Hygrophorus chrysodon (Batsch) Fr. Gs St edible +
24. Hygrophorus eburneus (Bull) Fr. Gs St edible + +
25. Hygrophorus lindtneri M.M. Moser 1967 Gs St inedible +
26. Hygrocybe coccinea (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. Gs St edible +
Family Marasmiaceae
27. Gymnopus dryophilus (Bull.) Murrill (1916) Gs Sf edible +
28. Gymnopus peronatus (Bolton) Antonín, Halling & Gs Sf inedible + +
Noordel. 1997
29. Marasmius alliaceus (Jacq.) Fr. 1838 Gs Sf edible +
30. Marasmius wynneae Berk. & Broome 1860 Gs Sf inedible +
31. Rhodocollybia butyracea f. butyracea (Bull.) Lennox 1979 Gs St edible + +
Family Mycenaceae
32. Mycena pura (Pers.) P. Kumm.1871 Gs St poisonous + +
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33. Mycena rosea (Schumach.) Gramberg 1912 Gs St poisonous +
34. Mycena vulgaris (Pers.) P. Kumm. 1871 Gs Sf inedible +
Family Physalacriaceae
35. Armillaria mellea (Vahl) P. Kumm. 1871 Ex-EPx SPl food WC, m. + +
36. Xerula radicata (Relhan) Dörfelt (1975) Gp P edible, m. +
Family Pluteaceae
37. Pluteus cervinus var. cervinus P. Kumm. (1871) EPx Sl edible +
Family Psathyrellaceae
38. Coprinellus micaceus (Bull.) Vilgalys, Hopple & Jacq. Johnson 2001 Th Sh edible NO + +
39. Coprinopsis atramentaria (Bull.) Redhead, Vilgalys Th Sh poisonous, m. + +
& Moncalvo 2001
40. Coprinopsis picacea (Bull.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Gs St inedible +
41. Psathyrella conopilus (Fr.) A. Pearson & Dennis 1948 Gs St inedible +
42. Psathyrella piluliformis (Bull.) P.D. Orton 1969 EPx Sl inedible +
Family Schizophyllaceae
43. Schizophyllum commune Fr. 1815 Ex-EPx SPl inedible, m. +
Family Strophariaceae
44. Hypholoma fasciculare (Huds.) P. Kumm. 1871 EPx Sl poisonous + +
45. Hypholoma sublateritium (Schaeff.) Quél. EPx Sl poisonous +
46. Stropharia aeruginosa (Curtis) Quél. 1872 Gs St poisonous +
Family Tricholomataceae
47. Clitocybe gibba (Pers.) P. Kumm. 1871 Gs Sf edible +
48. Clitocybe nebularis (Batsch) P. Kumm. 1871 Gs St edible WC + +
49. Clitocybe odora (Bull.) P. Kumm. 1871 Gs St edible +
50. Lepista flaccida (Sowerby) Pat. 1887 Gs St edible +
51. Lepista irina (Fr.) H.E. Bigelow 1959 Gs St food +
52. Lepista nuda (Bull.) Cooke 1871 Gs St food + +
53. Melanoleuca grammopodia (Bull.) Murrill 1914 Gs St food +
54. Tricholoma atrosquamosum Sacc. 1887 Gm M food +
55. Tricholoma aurantium (Schaeff.) Ricken 1914 Gm M inedible +
56. Tricholoma myomyces (Pers.) J.E. Lange (1933) Gm M food + +
57. Tricholoma sejunctum (Sowerby) Quél. 1872 Gm M inedible +
58. Tricholoma ustale (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871 Gm M edible +
59. Tricholoma saponaceum var. saponaceum (Fr.) P. Gm M inedible +
Kumm. 1871
60. Tricholomopsis rutilans (Schaeff.) Singer EPx Sl edible WC +
Incertae sedis
61. Panaeolus papilionaceus var. papilionaceus (Bull.) Th St poisonous + +
Quél. 1873
Order Auriculariales
Family Auriculariaceae
62. Auricularia auricula-judae (Bull.) Quél. Ex-EPx SPl edible, m +
63. Exidia glandulosa (Bull.) Fr. 1822 Ex-EPx SPl inedible +
Order Boletales
Family Boletaceae
64. Boletus badius (Fr.) Fr. 1832 Gm M food +
Family Paxillaceae
65. Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. 1838 Gm M poisonous +
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Order Cantharellales
Family Clavulinaceae
66. Clavulina cinerea (Bull.) J. Schröt. 1888 Gs St edible +
67. Clavulina coralloides (L.) J. Schröt. Gs St edible +
Order Geastrales
Family Geastraceae
68. Geastrum fimbriatum Fr. 1929 Gs St inedible +
69. Geastrum rufescens Pers. 1801 Gs St inedible *
70. Geastrum triplex Jungh. 1840 Gs St inedible *
Order Gomphales
Family Gomphaceae
71. Ramaria formosa (Pers.) Quél. 1888 Gs St poisonous +
Order Phallales
Family Phallaceae
72. Mutinus caninus (Huds.) Fr. 1849 Gs St inedible +
Order Polyporales
Family Ganodermataceae
73. Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P. Karst. 1881 EPx Sl inedible, m *
Family Fomitopsidaceae
74. Fomitopsis pinicola (Sw.) P. Karst. 1881 Ex-EPx SPl inedible, m +
Family Polyporaceae
75. Daedaleopsis confragosa (Bolton) J. Schröt. 1888 Ex-EPx SPl inedible, m +
76. Fomes fomentarius (L.) J. Kickx f. 1867 Ex-EPx SPl inedible, m + +
77. Pycnoporus cinnabarinus (Jacq.) P. Karst. 1881 Ex-EPx SPl inedible, m +
78. Trametes gibbosa (Pers.) Fr. 1838 EPx Sl inedible, m +
79. Trametes versicolor (L.) Lloyd 1921 EPx Sl inedible, m + +
80. Tyromyces lacteus (Fr.) Murrill 1907 Dof EPx Sl inedible, m +
Order Russulales
Family Russulaceae
81. Lactarius blennius (Fr.) Fr. 1838 Gm M poisonous +
82. Lactarius controversus (Pers.) Pers. 1796 Gm M inedible +
83. Lactarius deliciosus (L.) Gray 1821 Gm M food +
84. Lactarius deterrimus Gröger 1968 Gm M edible +
85. Lactarius rufus (Scop.) Fr. Gm M inedible +
86. Lactarius subdulcis (Pers.) Gray 1821 Gm M edible +
87. Lactarius turpis (Weinm.) Fr. 1838 Gm M inedible +
88. Lactarius vellereus (Fr.) Fr. 1838 Gm M edible NO +
89. Russula albonigra (Krombh.) Fr. 1874 Gm M edible +
90. Russula atropurpurea (Krombh.) Britzelm 1893 Gm M inedible +
91. Russula atrorubens Quél. 1898 Gm M inedible +
92. Russula betularum Hora. 1960 Gm M inedible +
93. Russula cyanoxantha (Schaeff.) Fr Gm M food + +
94. Russula delica Fr. 1838 Gm M food +
95. Russula decipiens (Singer) Kühner & Romagn. 1985 Gm M inedible +
96. Russula farinipes Romell 1893 Gm M inedible +
97. Russula fellea (Fr.) Fr. 1838 Gm M inedible +
98. Russula foetens (Pers.) Pers. Gm M inedible +
99. Russula integra var. integra (L.) Fr. 1838 Gm M edible WC +
100. Russula ionochlora Romagn. 1952 Gm M edible +
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101. Russula ochroleuca (Pers.) Fr. 1838 Gm M edible +
102. Russula maculata Quél. 1877 Gm M inedible +
103. Russula nauseosa (Pers.) Fr. 1838 Gm M inedible +
104. Russula nobilis Velen. 1920 Gm M poisonous +
105. Russula pectinata Fr. 1838 Gm M inedible +
106. Russula pseudointegra Arnould & Goris 1907 Gm M edible +
107. Russula queletii Fr. 1872 Gm M poisonous +
108. Russula veternosa Fr. 1838 Gm M inedible +
109. Russula violacea Quél. 1882 Gm M inedible +
110. Russula virescens (Schaeff.) Fr. 1836 Gm M food, m + +
111. Russula xerampelina (Schaeff.) Fr. 1838 Gm M edible +
Family Stereaceae
112. Stereum hirsutum (Willd.) Pers 1800 Ex-EPx SPl inedible, m +
Order Thelephorales
Family Bankeraceae
113. Sarcodon imbricatus (L.) P. Karst. 1881 Gm M edible +
Total numbers of species - 117 85 52 4
Biological forms Species Species
number Ecological category number
Gm – mycetogeophyta mycorrhiza 50 M – mycorrhizal fungi 50
Gs – mycetogeophyta saprophytica 40 Sf – saprophytic fungi on litter 6
Th – mycetotherophyta 4 St – saprophytic fungi on soil or humus 38
EPx – mycetoepixilophyta 12 Sl – saprophytic fungi on dead wood 13
Ex-EPx – mycetoedoxilophyta – mycetoepixilophyta 9 SPl – saproparasitic fungi on wood 9
EPx-Gs – mycetoepixilophyta – mycetogeophyta 1 P – parasitic fungi 1
Gp – mycetogeophyta parasitica 1
Categories of wild useful fungi
Food - eatable with great nutritional value 14 Poisonous D - deadly 1
food WC - food with caution or conditions; it might 3 18
cause upsets in some, or it must be cooked first, or it Poisonous - do not eat; mushrooms which
should only be eaten when young. cause intoxications
27 Medicinal (m) - used as medicine or 21
edible - eatable with medicinal properties
Edible WC- edible with caution or conditions; it 6 Inedible - do not eat 45
might cause upsets in some, or it must be cooked
first, or it should only be eaten when young.
Edible NO - edible but not recommended; inedible 2
Place and date of collection:
1. Slatina Forest (SF): 20.10.2010;
2. Dofteana Forest (DF): 21.10.2010;
3. C: specimens in the collection.
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60 50
20 13
6 9
10 1
M Sf St Sl SPl P
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In this paper we present the results of a research that focused on the Idotea balthica (Isopoda, Crustacea) population’s structure from
the Agigea area. The other two species of isopods cited for Romanian Black Sea coast, Idotea metallica and Synisoma capito, were not found
among individuals collected. The results indicate that the highest value of biomass was recorded in May (20,4936g/m2); in the coming
months biomass decreases because of male mortality and recruitment of juvenile in this period. August is characterized by the lowest
biomass (1,9467g/m2 ) and a density of 341 individuals/m2.
The histograms show changes in population size classes for the six month study. Notice the difference between May, where
individuals are large, sexually mature and June, July, August, September and October characterized by small to medium sized individuals.
The analysis of co-variation of biomass and density values shows that these individuals have two breeding periods represented by the May-
June and October. The number of eggs, embryos or youngs found is also much lower in July-September period.
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(the lowest value recorded is 4.17% pregnant in July
and 6.15% in August, with 15.75 larval stages/ind in
July respectively 18.50 larval stages/ind in August), but
increases to 26.42% values fall reaching pregnant in
September and 22.58% in October wearing a average
number of 13.21 larval stages/ind in September, 14.14
respectively larval stages/ind in October.
The analysis of the chart (Fig. 1 – ) shows
that youngs exceed during breeding periods (the
maximum number of young count for a single
female is 132 in June and 117 in May).
Fig. 2 – Density variation of Idotea balthica
Maximum monthly average of eggs is 43, From the simultaneous analysis of biomass
value reached in May. A month later this value and density variations graphs shows that Idotea
decreases to 15 eggs/female, reaching minimum balthica has two breeding periods: one in May-June
values in October (2 eggs/female). In July and and a second in October. These periods are most
August we didn’t find youngs. likely influenced by the large amount of food due to
Of 126 pregnant females only one have two algal flowering in late May and September.
larval stages (egg and embryo), all other females had But, Idotea balthica doesn’t reproduce only
only one larval stage, most showing eggs or young. in these periods, it reproduces continuously (I’m
Maximum density is recorded in July 751 referring here to the study period), but weaker in
ind./m2 (Fig. 2 – ), the density decreases over the July – September. In the samples samples collected
coming months reaches 484 ind./m2 in September during this period we found pregnant females of
and 443 ind./m2 in October. The minimum value of Idotea wearing a small number of eggs and embryos
341 ind./m2 for August due to weather conditions (minimum values were recorded in July: 4 pregnant
during the sampling of individuals. The sea was females carrying only 63 eggs and embryos).
rough, the waves were very strong, with a frequency
of 3 to 5 seconds and up to 60-80 cm high.
The highest value of biomass, recorded in
May (20.4936 g/m2) is given by adult individuals
belonging to class sizes exceeding 8.4 mm. Death of
males after reproduction and harvesting of juveniles
causes low levels of biomass between June to
October, with a minimum in August (1.9467 g/m2).
Biomass (fig. 3 – ) decreased sharply in June,
but increased density, which means that individuals
collected are mostly juveniles, which can be seen
Fig. 4 - Sex-ratio. ♀/♂
from the analysis of histograms of size classes.
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(C1 and C2) that disappear in June, replaced by a
cohort of juveniles (C3) resulting from reproduction.
As we can see from the fig. 4 and tab 1., sex-
ratio values range between 1,17 and 2,71, the highest
number of females could be due to male mortality
after reproduction.
Table 1. – Sex-ratio.
Size-classes Size-classes
Fig. 7 – Mean size-frequency distribution of Idotea balthica (May – October 2009).
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Idotea balthica is an isomorphic species, Rezumat
which results from the analysis of correlation (fig. 6) În această lucrare sunt prezentate rezultatele
between the length L and wet biomass FW (y = 5E- unei cercetări care s-au concentrate asupra structurii
13x2,5961, R² = 0,9574). şi dinamicii populaţiei izopodului Idotea balthica din
zona Agigea (Marea Neagră).
Conclusions Cea mai mare valoare a biomasei a fost
This study presents the results of a study inregistrată în luna mai (20,4936g/m2), în lunile care
focused on the dynamic population of Idotea urmează biomasa scade datorită mortalităţii
balthica from the Agigea area – Black Sea. The masculilor în urma reproducerii şi juvenililor. Luna
other two species cited for the Romanian Black Sea august se caracterizează prin cea mai mica valoare a
coast, Idotea metallica and Synisoma capito, were biomasei (1,9467g/m2) şi o densitate de 341 ind.m2.
not found among the sampled individuals. Histogramele claselor de mărimii prezintă
The results indicate a high biomass in May două cohorte în luna mai (C1 şi C2), din care fac
(20,4936g/m2), it falls more in the coming months parte indivizi mature sexual care vor dispare în
due to male mortality after reproduction and iunie, fiind înlocuite de o cohort de juvenili(C3).
harvesting during this period of juveniles. Also, the Analiza simultană a biomasei şi densităţii arată că
higher density in July could be a consequence of Idotea balthica se reproduce tot timpul anului, ar
reproduction. mult mai intens în lunile mai-iunie şi în toamnă.
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August is due to female mortality at a few days after Negre (litoralul românesc şi regiunile învecinate).
release of juveniles. In French lagoons (3), more than III. Familia Idoteidae. Analele Ştiinţifice ale Univ.
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this decrease to less than 10%. A higher reproduction 2. GUARINO, S.M., de NICOLA, M., 1992.
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the Bay of Naples, with more than 90% ovigerous (Pallas)(Crustacea, Isopoda) in the Bay of Naples.
females all over the year (3). Marine Eutrophication and Population Dynamics 25th
At Agigea Idotea balthica reproduce all over European Marine Biology Symposium 165 – 168.
the year, but more in early spring (with release of 3. KOUWENBERG, J., TAN, S., SNOCK,
juveniles in June) and autumn. In the northern Baltic B., PINKSTER, S., 1987. Population dynamics of
Sea the pairing period starts with precopula in early three brackish water isopod species (Crustacea) in
June (5), females lay their eggs into brood punch in the lagoon system of Bages – Sigean (France) III.
June, and juveniles are released before the end of Reproductive rates of Idotea balthica and Idotea
July (5, 6). granulosa. Vie et Milieu 37: 103 – 114.
Males die soon after copulation (5) so the 4. HARVEY, C.E., JONES, M.B.,
sex-ratio becomes more female biased in July. In NAYLOR, E., 1973. Some factors affecting the
August mortality among females increase, after the distribution of estuarine isopods. (Crustacea).
release of juveniles (5, 6). At Agigea, sex-ratio is Estuar. Coast. Mar. Sci. 1: 113 – 124.
female biased all over the study period, with highest 5. TUOMI, J., JORMALAINEN, V.,
amount in June (after the first period of reproduction ILVESSALO, H., 1988. Growth, food consumption
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mortality in both sexes (guarino). 6. SALEMAA, H., 1979. ECOLOGY OF
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reproduction. populaţiilor şi producţia secundară a speciei Idotea
balthica (Crustacea, Isopoda) din zona Agigea.
Lucrare de disertaţie. Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan
Cuza” Iaşi. 50pp.
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The purpose of this paper is to continue publishing the scientific data pertaining to alien/invasive insects from the heritage of the
Oltenia Museum Craiova. This data will contribute to the knowledge regarding the distribution of such species in Romania.The material
analyzed in this paper consists of insects preserved in the new fund of the entomological heritage of the museum (established in the period
1980-2011). There were identified 12 alien/invasive species which have been colected on 24 sites from 6 counties of Romania. Beside the
nine previously identified species (Blatta orientalis, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, Anoxia (Protanoxia) orientalis, Blitopertha lineata,
Stictocephala bisonia, Eurygaster integriceps, Calliptamus italicus, Pezotettix giornae, Oecanthus pellucens) in the museum heritag, three
new coleoptera species have been found: Sitophilus oryzae, Tribolium castaneum, Tribolium confusum.
Keywords: alien / invasive insects, entomological collections, the Oltenia Museum Craiova.
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Dictyoptera Order Examined material – 180 specs.: Suceava
Blattidae Family 4.X.1979.
Blatta orientalis Linnaeus 1758, Origin: South America. In Romania it was
Previous reports from the patrimony: (1) - mentioned for the first time by 1887 (8).
Bibeşti (1977, 1978), Bistreţ (1969), Craiova (1958, In Romania, it was introduced with stored food
1964, 1965, 1967, 1968, 1971, 1975, 1979), Jiana products and it is dispersed in the whole country;
(1957). alien invasive storage pest (10).
Examined material – 1 spec.: Negoi
03.VIII.1998. Scarabaeoidea Suprafamily
Origin: Tropical regions (10). The species has Melolonthidae Family
been living in Europe for several hundred years (9). Anoxia (Protanoxia) orientalis (KRYNICKY 1832)
Previous reports from the patrimony: (1) -
Coleoptera Order Balş (1997), Breasta (1984), Bucovăţ (1998, 1999),
This order is represented in Romania by Craiova (1996, 1998), Filiaşi (1992), Negoi (1990,
aproximatly 6.500-7000 species, of which 2% are 1992, 1999), Straja (09.08.1990), (3) - Negoi (1981,
alien species (9). Over 50% of alien beetles are 1999), Poiana Mare (1998).
related to the storage of food and wood. Examined material – 21 specs.: Craiova 2
Chrysomeloidea Suprafamily specs. 12.V.2000; 1 spec. 27.VI.2006; 3 specs.
Chrysomelidae Family 20.VI.2010; 1 specs. 27.VII.2010; Negoi 3 specs.
Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say 1824) 10.VI.1990; 2 specs. 27.VI.2009; Secui 1 spec.
Previous reports from the patrimony: (11) - 13.VI.2009; 3 specs. 26.VI.2009; 1spec. 28.VI.2009;
Amărăştii de Jos (1969), Baia de Fier (1966), Bârza 1 spec. 17.VII.2010; 3 specs. 06.VI.2011.
(1967), Bistreţ (1968, 1969), Budieni (1961), The species has been mentioned in Oltenia by
Căpreni (1967), Craiova (1964, 1969, 1975), Marcu since 1928 (7).
Craiova (Obedeanu) (1974), Fărcaşu (1971), Origin: Middle Asia. Europe this species
Leamna (1967), Melineşti (1967), Preajba (1973), entered in 1890, and in Romania, in 1955; alien
Poiana (1960), Târgu Jiu (1964). vineyard pests (10).
Examined material – 134 specs.: Bistreţ 2
specs. 01.VI.1982 C.C.; Bratovoeşti 2 specs. Rutelidae Family
16.VII.2009; Craiova 1 spec. 04.V.1996; Craiova Blitopertha lineata (Fabricius 1798) syn.
(Parc) 1 spec. 20.V.1982; Craiova (Valea Gangului) Phyllopertha lineata Fabricius 1798
2 specs. 08.VII.1991; Dăbuleni 8 specs. 19.VI.1981; Previous reports from the patrimony: (1) -
Melineşti 1 spec. 25.V.2008; Negoi 1 spec. Cerneţi (1985), Craiova (1982), Gura Văii (1983,
01.V.2004; Poiana Mare 5 specs. 1980; Racoviţa 1 1985), Valea Oglănicului (1982).
spec. VI.1990; Secui 5 specs. 15.VI.2006; 1 spec. Examined material – 3 specs.: Cerneţi 1
23.VII.2007; 1 spec. 10.V.2009; 1 spec. 07.VI.2009; spec. 25.V.2000; Craiova 1 spec. 26.V.1982; Şimnic
10 specs. 27.VI.2009; 11 specs. 16.VII.2009; 1 spec. 1 spec. 30.V.2000.
19.VII.2009; 30 specs. 05.V.2010; 10 specs. Origin: Africa (Tunisia); alien vineyard pests (10).
09.05.2010; 3 specs. 24.VII.2010; 2 specs.
05.VII.2011; 8 specs. 04.VII.2011; 5 specs. Tenebrionoidea Suprafamily
10.VII.2011; 10 specs. 10.VII.2011; 12 specs. Tenebrionidae Family
16.VII.2011. Tribolium castaneum (Herbst 1797)
Origin: Central and Northern America, was Examined material – 13 specs.: Suceava
signaled for the first time in Europe in 1876 in 4.X.1979.
Bremen; In Romania was signaled for the first time Origin: Subtropical regions. In Romania, it
in Săpânţa in 1952 (8); alien invazive species crop was introduced with stored food products being an
pest (10). important pest of stored grains, in the whole country;
Rakosy includes this species in the category invasive species (10).
of invasive species, whose presence in Romania Tribolium confusum Jaqcquelin du Val 1868
must be verified (9). Examined material – 219 specs.: Suceava
Curculionoidea Suprafamily Origin: Africa. In Romania, it was introduced
Dryophthoridae Family with stored food products being an important pest of
Sitophilus oryzae (Linnaeus 1763) stored grains, in the whole country; invasive species
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Hemiptera Order Acrididae Family
Cicadomorpha Suborder Pezotettix giornae (Rossi 1794)
Membracidae Family Previous reports from the patrimony: (11)
Stictocephala bisonia Kopp & Yonke 1977 - Pisculeţ (1998); (5) - Bucovăţ (1975), Craiova
syn. Ceresa bubalus (Fabricius, 1794) (1966); Craiova (Parc) (1967).
Previous reports from the patrimony: (5) - Examined material - 3 specs.: Craiova
Craiova (1970, 1972–1975), Malu Mare (1975); 20.VII.1981.
Melineşti (1974), Prunet (1974); Secui (1975). Origin: Mediterranean species; alien species (6).
Examined material – 20 specs.: Craiova Gryllidae Family
(Bariera Amaradiei) 16 specs. 23.IV.1983; Cheile Oecanthus pellucens (Scopoli 1763)
Galbenului 1 spec. 20.VIII.1993; Fărcaş 1 spec. Previous reports from the patrimony:
20.IX.1982; Giurgeni 1 spec. 15. VIII.1993; Murgaşi Chimişliu, 2011 - Guţu (1967).
1 spec. 10.VII.1981. Examined material - 2 specs.: Secui 1 spec.
Origin: North America. In Europe it was 05.VIII. 2009; 1 spec. 31.VII.2011.
introduced in 1912, in Hungary. In Romania it is Origin: Mediterranean species; alien species (6).
dispersed in all regions. Alien orchard pest (10).
Heteroptera Suborder The 654 analyzed specimens belong to a
Scutelleridae Family number of 12 species included in 4 orders. All
Eurygaster integriceps Puton 1881 specimens were collected in 24 collection sites.
Previous reports from the patrimony: (5) - Three other species of the order Coleoptera:
Amărăştii de Jos 1 spec. (1969); Craiova (1960, 1964, Sitophlus oryzae, Tribolium confusum, T.
1972, 1975, 1978, 1979); Prunet (1979); Secui castaneum, were added to the 9 species previously
(1975). identified in the museum heritage (5).
Examined material - 8 specs.: Craiova (Parc) The obtained data bring new information
1 spec. 20.V.1982; Craiova (Grădina Botanică) 1 regarding the distribution of the 12 species in 6
spec. 04.V.2004; 1 spec. 04.V.2009; Leamna 1 spec. counties from Romania.
26.VIII.1982; Negoi 1 spec. 09.VII.1981; Because many alien/invasive species have
10.VII.1991; 1 spec. 07.VI.1992; 1 spec. Şimnic adapted very well and became common species, they
05.V.2003. were introduced only sporadically in the museum
Origin: Central Asia; alien invazive species collections. Therefore I consider it is necessary that
crop pest (10). specimens of common species should also be
included in the museum collections.
Orthoptera Order
Acrididae Family Rezumat
Calliptamus italicus (Linnaeus 1758) Lucrarea îşi propune să continue publicarea
Previous reports from the patrimony: (11) - datelor ştiinţifice deţinute de speciile
Poiana Mare (1981), Negoi (1994, 1996), Mischii străine/invazive din patrimoniul muzeului în vederea
(1996), (5) - Căpreni (1964), Craiova (1966, 1979), cunoaşterii distribuţiei acestora în România.
Craiova (Obedeanu) (1973), Prunet (1975). Materialul analizat în această lucrare îl constituie
Examined material - 50 specs.: Câineni 1 insectele din fondul nou al Muzeului Olteniei
spec. 18.07.2003; Leamna 2 specs. 02.VII.2003; Craiova (constituit intre anii 1979-2011). Au fost
Negoi 1 spec. 10.VIII.1994; Mischii 1 spec. identificate 12 specii străine / invazive, colectate în
18.VI.1996; 3 specs. 25.VI.1996; Radovan 42 specs. 24 de situri de colectare, din 6 judeţe ale României.
16.VII.2003. La cele 9 specii identificate anterior (5) din
Origin: Central Asia; alien invazive species patrimoniul muzeului (Blatta orientalis,
crop pest (10). Leptinotarsa decemlineata, Anoxia (Protanoxia)
Other species with tendencies to expand their orientalis, Blitopertha lineata, Stictocephala
presence in Romania are the mediterranean species bisonia, Eurygaster integriceps, Calliptamus
Pezotettix giornae, Oecanthus pellucens. Both italicus, Pezotettix giornae, Oecanthus pellucens), s-
species are present in the museum heritage. au adaugat 3 specii de coleoptere: Sitophilus oryzae,
Tribolium castaneum, Tribolium confusum.
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References the foundation of Institute of Zoology of AŞM,
1. CHIMIŞLIU CORNELIA, 2000 - Specii Chişinău, October 3-14, 2011: 94-96.
din subfamilia Melolonthinae (Insecta: Coleoptera: 6. IUŞAN C., 2009 - Specii invazive de
Scarabaeidae) cunoscute în coleopterofauna ortoptere din România, Neobiota din România, Eds.
Olteniei, Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Rakosy L., Momeu Laura, Presa Universitară
Naturii, Muzeul Olteniei Craiova, 16: 141-146. Clujeană, Cluj Napoca: 127.
2. CHIMIŞLIU CORNELIA, 2000a - Specii 7. MARCU O., 1928 - Contribuţii la
din subfamilia Rutelinae (Insecta: Coleoptera: cunoaşterea coleopterelor Olteniei, Arhivele
Scarabaeidae) identificate în coleopterofauna Olteniei, VII. sept.-dec. nr. 39-40: 473-487.
Olteniei, Analele Universităţii din Craiova, 5(41): 8.TEODOR L. A., PERJU T., 2009 - Seed-
30-35. beetles and snout-beetles species (Coleoptera:
3. CHMIŞLIU CORNELIA, 2004 - Bruchinae; Rhynchophorinae) as neobiota in
Consideraţii asupra faunei scarabeoidee din zona Romania, Neobiota din România, Eds. Rakosy L.,
Calafat-Bistreţ, judeţul Dolj, Drobeta. Seria Ştiinţele Momeu Laura, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj
Naturii, Muzeul Regiunii Porţilor de Fier, Drobeta Napoca: 163-165.
Turnu Severin, 14: 148-159. 9. RAKOSY L., 2009 - Insecte invazive, a
4. CHIMIŞLIU CORNELIA, 2004a - căror prezenţă în România trebuie verificată,
Cercetări taxonomice şi ecologice asupra familiei Neobiota din România, Eds. Rakosy L., Momeu
Scarabaeidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) în Oltenia, Laura, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj Napoca:
Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agronomice şi Medicină 124-126.
Veterinară, Bucureşti. Teză de doctorat (manuscris), 10. TEODORESCU IRINA, MANOLE T.,
p 312. IAMANDEI MARIA, 2006 - The maina
5. CHIMIŞLIU CORNELIA, 2011 - Data alien/invasive insects species in Romania, Romanian
regarding the alien/invasive species of insects Journal of Biology. Zoology, Edit. Academiei
preserved in the heritage of the Oltenia Museum Române, Bucharest. 51(1-2): 43-61.
Craiova (I), In: Actual problems of protection and 11. TOGĂNEL FLORENTINA & CHIMIŞLIU
sustainable use of the animal world diversity and CORNELIA, 2005 - Ortoptere (Insecta: Orthoptera)
ecological networks – introduction to experience din colecţia entomologică a Secţiei de Ştiinţele
and approaches, International Conference of Naturii a Muzeului Olteniei Craiova, Oltenia. Studii
Zoologists dedicated to the 50th anniversary from şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii, Muzeul Olteniei
Craiova, 21: 67-72.
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The article presents the results of the researches on the Orthoptera fauna of scientific reservation „Lower Prut” from the Republic of
Moldova, carried out between June-September 2008. In the geographical aspect, the scientific reservation „Lower Prut” belongs to Lower
Prut Region, which has coordinates: 45°42'N 28°11'E. This site is situated between Cahul town and Giurguileshti village in the lower part of
the Prut River valley, within the administrative region of Cahul district, in the south-western part of the Republic of Moldova.
In the paper shows a list of 48 species of Orthoptera (which consist 42.48 % from the whole fauna of the republic) including 30 ones
of Caelifera and 18 ones of Ensifera, grouped in 13 Orthoptera subfamilies with, life and ecological forms, also their zoogeographical
analysis. Seven life forms of long-horned grasshoppers and eight of short-horned grasshoppers ones are discerned. In total we have eleven
life-forms of orthoptera insects from scientific reservation “Lower Prut”: chortobiont, gramineous chortobiont, sedge-grain chortobionts,
facultative chortobionts, herbivore chortobiont, thamnobiont, openly-living geophilous, under-cover geophilous, fissure-living biont and
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The scientific reserve “Lower Prut” has a Method of sampling and evaluation of
special value for the stability and balance natural in Orthoptera species.
the inferior area of Prut River. This reservation was Orthoptera specimens were obtained by
establishment for to maintain viability and improve sweep-sampling and by hand direct on the grasses.
the arid climate in the south of the republic. The insects were collected from different location
Nevertheless, because of stopping the annual floods, like land flooded, wet and meadows, also, from the
the lake is heavily clogged and decreasing in its size steppes vegetation from the Shore of Prut River and
form year to other. It is absolutely necessary to Lake Beleu.
restore or to make periodic flood dyking current For collecting of the Orthoptera individuals
gaps in order to supply natural flood area with water. we had used the sweep net. The samples were
At the same time, maintaining and restoring of the collected during calm, warm and sunny weather
natural balance of typical ecosystems pools from conditions June and in August 2008. During each
river Prut is impossible because the territory of visit we have performed 50 sweeps by 6 times in
reserve is so limited. For that reason, it is timely to every studded habitat. At each step a sweep was
expand the area of this reserve, including all the made by traversing a horizontal arc of 1800 with a
neighbouring ponds of Lower Prut to Cahul. standard canvas net, which had 38 cm in diameter
This new reserve is required to be included in (2, 10). Sample collection took place from 10 am to
the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, thus, might 6 pm with repose between 11.30 am till 15 pm
preserve and maintain the natural beauty and o’clock. The individuals were identified
richness of this unique formation. immediately in the field or in the laboratory using
identification keys (4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 15, 16, 17). Both
system and nomenclature follow the work by Eades
& Otte (1), and Grasshoppers, crickets and katydids
Orthoptera (3).
The zoogeographic elements were established
by work of G. Bei-Bienko (15, 16) and I. Iorgu (7).
At processing of mathematical and statistical
analysis of the entomological material we have
applied the works of A. Andreyev (14).
The classification of life forms of long-
horned and short-horned grasshoppers were carried
out on the works of Bei-Bienko G., and Pravdin F
(15, 16, 18).
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species have fissure-living biont and herpetobiont In the surrounding vegetation of the Lake
life forms and are higrophilous and higro- Beleu, hygrophilous meadows and floodplains the
mesophilous. In 12.08.2007, on the Shore of Prut following species are predominant: Conocephalus
River in Slobozia-Mare village was observed a fuscus, Ruspolia nitidula, Metrioptera roeselii,
female and a male of species Gryllomorpha Metrioptera bicolor, Paracinema tricolor bisignata,
dalmatina. This species are known for our republic Mecostethus alliaceus, Omocestus viridulus and
just from this reservation (12). Chorthippus parallelus. The collected species from same
biotopes are chortobionts and herbivore chortobionts.
Table 1 - The sinecologycal indexes of insects from the order Orthoptera fauna from the scientific
reservation „Lower Prut”
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42. Acrotylus insubricus 1/2 0,12 D1 Ph. 5 G CM
43. Aiolopus thalassinus 65/46 4,26 D3 Ph. 1 D HP
44. Epacromius coerulipes 1/1 0,08 D1 Ph. 2 D CAM
45. Epacromius tergestinus 1/1 0,08 D1 Ph. 2 D EP
46. Mecostethus alliaceus 31/42 2,80 D2 Ph. 1 A ES
47. Oedipoda caerulescens 35/46 3,11 D3 Ph. 5 G PM
48. Paracinema bisignata 53/71 4,76 D3 Ph. 1 A CM
THE INDEX OF DIVERSITY 35,238 with error – 0.022
THE SIMPSON INDEX 0.028 with error – 0
THE SHENON INDEX 1.529 with error – 0.058
Legend. Feeding groups: Ph. – phytophagous, Cr. – carnivorous, Ph-cr. – omnivorous; Eco-forms: 1 – higrophilous,
2 – higro-mesophilous, 3 – mesophilous, 4 – meso-xerophilous, 5 – xerophilous; Life forms: A – chortobiont,
B – gramineous chortobiont, C – sedge-chortobionts, D – facultative chortobionts, E – herbivore chortobiont, F – thamnobiont;
G – openly-living geophilous; H – under-cover geophilous, I – fissure-living biont J – herpetobionts, K – geobiont.
Zoogeography: PAL-Palaearctic: ES-Eurosiberian, HP-Holopalaearctic, EP-Euro-Asiatic-Palaearctic, HR-Holoarctice;
MED-Mediterranean: CM Circummediterranean, MA-Mediterranean-African, PM-Ponto-Mediterranean, P-Pontic; Central
Asian – CAM-Central Asian - Mediterranean, CAP Central Asian-Pontic; EU: European: CNE- Central-North-European NE-
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In the zoogeographical aspect 24 species have The index of diversity of orthoptera insects
a Palaearctic distribution, by 10 –Mediterranean and from scientific reservation “Lower Prut” has a value
Central-Asian and the last – European (Fig 3.). – 35.238 with error – 0.022 %; the Simpson index –
From those Palaearctic the most has 0.028 %; the Shenon index – 1.529 with error – 0.058
Eurosiberian distribution (12 species) and the fewest % and the latest one Equitability – 0.371 (Tab. 1).
(1 species) – Holopalaearctic; from Mediterranean
most have Circummediterranean (7) and the fewest Conclusion
(1) – Pontic zoogeographical distribution. 1. During of our searching above fauna of insects
From those Central Asian 8 species have from order Orthoptera in scientific reservation
Central Asian-Mediterranean and 2 – Central Asian- “Lower Prut” were collected 48 species which
Pontic. And the latest 2 species are European belong to 34 genera and 15 subfamilies.
elements (Central-North-European and North- 2. Two species are dominants – Chorthippus
European) (Fig. 3). biguttulus and Chorthippus brunneus from
According to ecological forms 12 species are collected species.
xerophilous, by 11 species (23 %) are higrophilous, 3. In the zoogeographical aspect 24 have a
mesophilous and meso-xerophilous; and the next 3 Palaearctic distribution, by 10 Mediterranean and
are higro-mesophilous (Fig. 4). Central-Asian and the last 2 – European.
4. The Gryllomorpha dalmatina species are knew
for our republic just from this reservation.
5. According to ecological forms of Orhoptera
insects from “Lower Prut” 12 are xerophilous, by
11 (by 23 %) are higrophilous, mesophilous and
meso-xerophilous; and 3 are higro-mesophilous.
În articol sunt expuse rezultatele cercetărilor a
faunei insectelor din ordinul Orthoptera din rezervaţia
ştiinţifică „Prutul de Jos” din Republica Moldova,
efectuate în iunie-septembrie 2008. În aspect zoogeografic
rezervaţia ştiinţifică „Prutul de Jos” are coordonatele
cuprinse între: 45°42'N 28°11'E. Teritoriul dat este situat
între oraşul Cahul şi Comuna Giurgiuleşti în partea su-vest
a Republicii Moldova.
Fig. 3 - The zoogeographical distribution of Lucrarea prezintă o listă a 48 specii de ortoptere
Orthoptera species from scientific reservation (42.48% din fauna totala de ortoptere din Republica
“Lower Prut”. Moldova), dintre care 30 aparţin subordinului Caelifera şi
Legend – at the table 1. 18 Ensifera, grupate în 13 subfamilii cu date privind
ecologia şi zoogeografia acestora. Speciile colectate sunt
divizate în mai multe forme ecologice: hortobionte,
hortobionte graminee, hortobionte ciperacine, hortobionte
facultative, hortobionte ierbivore, tamnobionte geofile
deschise, geofile ascunse, geobionte şi fisurobionte.
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ROLSTON MG. WALLANDER R., LARSON DP. Прямокрылые. B: Фауна СССР. Т. 2, вып. 2, М.-
SEIBERT CE. 2003. – Effects of livestock grazing Л., АН СССР, 385 с.
on rangeland grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae) 17. БЕЙ-БИЕНКО Г., 1964. –
abundance. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Прямокрылые. B: Определитель насекомых
Environment. 97: p. 51–64. европейской части СССР. Т. 1. М–Л., Наука, c.
11. POPUŞOI A. ş. a. 2008. – 60000 ha 205-285.
plantări forestiere Moldsilva, perioada 2002-2008. 18. ПРАВДИН Ф. – Экологическая
Ştiinţa, 60 p. география насекомых Средней Азии. М.: Наука,
12. STAHI N., 2007. – Contribuţii la 1978. 272 с.
cunoaşterea faunei şi ecologiei griloideielor
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In the literature it is known importance of the rove-beetles distribution in natural and agricultural ecosystems. It was found that
forest complexes in the Republic of Moldova this group of insects involved in rotting vegetation, animals and eat carrion biological stages of
insect pests. In the paper is presented the list of stafylinides species collected from the oak forest mixed with ash and maple, „Zăbriceni”.
Entomological material shown in this paper was collected during the growing season of 2010. Type traps were used in total of 20 samples
Barber. Every ten days to make the control jars. The list of the stafylinides of work includes 25 species, representatives from six subfamilies
(Omaliinae, Tachyporinae, Aleocharinae, Oxytelinae, Paederinea, Staphylininae), 16 genera and 131 individuals. The largest is subfamily
Staphylininae with numerical 14 species, representatives of 8 genera. The number and specific composition is modest in subfamilies
Tachyporinae and Paederinae. The stafylinides species determined were subjected to the mathematical analysis. They calculated the
ecological indicators: abundance (A), dominance (D), constancy (C) and index of ecological significance (W). As a result of statistical
analysis has determined that the most abundant species is Othius punctulatus (Goeze, 1777) with 24 specimens, the dominance – 18.3%
included in the category D5, constancy - 100% (C4), index of ecological significance – 18.3% (W5).
Key words: family, ecological, indexes, landscape, protected area, Barber pitfalls, natural and
agricultural ecosystem.
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year, allowed to extend the collection period until In Table 1 is explained the faunal range of
late autumn. Thus, the last collection took place on staphylinid species during summer and spring
11.01.2010, 1st decade of November. conditions of 2010.
Table 1 – Faunal range of staphylinid species in oak forest mixed with ash and maple in
Zabriceni region, during summer-autumn seasons, 2010
Subfamily Omaliinae
1 Anthobium atrocephalum (Gyllenhal, 1827) 1 1 2
2 Hypopycna rufula (Erichson, 1840) 1 - 1
3 Omalium ferrugineum Kraatz, 1857 2 - 2
4 Omalium rivulare (Paykull, 1789) 1 - 1
Subfamily Tachyporinae
1 Mycetoporus nigricollis Stephens, 1835 2 - 2
Subfamily Aleocharinae
1 Aleochara bipustulata (Linnaeus, 1760) - 4 4
2 Aleochara curtula (Goeze, 1777) 9 - 9
3 Liogluta granigera (Kiesenwetter, 1850) 11 - 11
Subfamily Oxytelinae
1 Anotylus insecatus (Gravenhorst, 1806) 1 - 1
2 Anotylus sculpturatus (Gravenhorst, 1806) 21 - 21
Subfamily Paederinae
1 Rugilus rufipes Germar, 1836 1 - 1
Subfamily Staphylininae
1 Othius punctulatus (Goeze, 1777) 23 1 24
2 Gabrius osseticus (Kolenati, 1846) 1 - 1
3 Philonthus concinnus (Gravenhorst, 1802) 1 - 1
4 Philonthus decorus (Gravenhorst, 1802) 2 - 2
5 Philonthus salinus Kiesenwetter, 1844 - 4 4
6 Philonthus succicola C.G.Thomson, 1860 6 - 6
7 Quedius ochripennis (Menetries, 1832) - 2 2
8 Quedius nemoralis Baudi di Selve, 1848 1 - 1
9 Ocypus nitens (Schrank, 1781) 2 - 2
10 Ocypus tenebricosus (Gravenhorst, 1846) 12 - 12
11 Platydracus fulvipes (Scopoli, 1763) 1 - 1
12 Ontholestes haroldi (Eppelsheim, 1884) 11 - 11
13 Ontholestes murinus (Linnaeus, 1758) 6 2 8
14 Xantholinus dvoraki Coiffait, 1956 1 - 1
TOTAL 117 14 131
According to Table 1, the data shows 25 The small quantity of specimens in the autumn show
staphylinid species and 131 specimens, altogether limited seasonal activity. Thus, the highest
part of six subfamilies (Omaliinae, Tachyporinae, staphylinid activity occurred during the summer
Aleocharinae, Oxytelinae, Paederinae, Staphylininae). (June, July and August).
It was determined that collected rove-beetles during The species from investigated samples,
summer are represented by a faunal range of 117 Anthobium atrocephalum (subfam. Omaliinae), Othius
individuals while during autumn - 14 individuals. punctulatus and Ontholestes murinus (subfam.
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Staphylininae), were detected in both summer and environmental analytical indicators assessement =
winter seasons. abundance (A), dominance (D), constancy (C) and
The data indicated in Table 2 was gathered synthetic index = index of ecological significance
by ecological community examination and (W).
Index of
No. Species Abundance Dominance Constance ecological
(A) significance
% D % C % W
Subfamily Omaliinae
1 Anthobium atrocephalum (Gyllenhal, 2 (1♂/1♀) 1.53 D2 10 C1 0.15 W2
2 Hypopycna rufula (Erichson, 1840) 1 (1♂) 0.76 D1 10 C1 0.08 W1
3 Omalium ferrugineum Kraatz, 1857 2 (2♂♂) 1.53 D2 10 C1 0.15 W2
4 Omalium rivulare (Paykull, 1789) 1 (1♂) 0.76 D1 10 C1 0.08 W1
Subfamily Tachyporinae
1 Mycetoporus nigricollis Stephens, 1835 2 (2♀♀) 1.53 D2 10 C1 0.15 W2
Subfamily Aleocharinae
1 Aleochara bipustulata (Linnaeus, 1760) 4 (4♀♀) 3.05 D3 20 C1 0.61 W2
2 Aleochara curtula (Goeze, 1777) 9 (6♂♂/3♀♀) 6.87 D4 30 C2 2.06 W3
3 Liogluta granigera (Kiesenwetter, 1850) 11 (3♂♂/8♀♀) 8.40 D4 60 C3 5.04 W4
Subfamily Oxytelinae
1 Anotylus insecatus (Gravenhorst, 1806) 1 (1♀) 0.76 D1 10 C1 0.08 W1
2 Anotylus sculpturatus (Gravenhorst, 1806) 21 (8♂♂/13♀♀) 16.0 D5 80 C4 12.8 W5
Subfamily Paederinae
1 Rugilus rufipes Germar, 1836 1 (1♂) 0.76 D1 10 C1 0.08 W1
Subfamily Staphylininae
1 Othius punctulatus (Goeze, 1777) 24 (15♂/9♀♀) 18.3 D5 100 C4 18.3 W5
2 Gabrius osseticus (Kolenati, 1846) 1 (1♂) 0.76 D1 10 C1 0.08 W1
3 Philonthus concinnus (Gravenhorst, 1802) 1 (1♂) 0.76 D1 10 C1 0.08 W1
4 Philonthus decorus (Gravenhorst, 1802) 2 (1♂/1♀) 1.53 D2 10 C1 0.15 W2
5 Philonthus salinus Kiesenwetter, 1844 4 (3♂♂/1♀) 3.05 D3 20 C1 0.61 W2
6 Philonthus succicola C.G.Thomson, 1860 6 (4♂♂/2♀♀) 4.58 D3 20 C1 0.92 W2
7 Quedius ochripennis (Menetries, 1832) 2 (2♂♂) 1.53 D2 10 C1 0.15 W2
8 Quedius nemoralis Baudi di Selve, 1848 1 (1♀) 0.76 D1 10 C1 0.08 W1
9 Ocypus nitens (Schrank, 1781) 2 (1♂/1♀) 1.53 D2 10 C1 0.15 W2
10 Ocypus tenebricosus (Gravenhorst, 1846) 12 (8♂♂/4♀♀) 9.16 D4 50 C2 4.58 W3
11 Platydracus fulvipes (Scopoli, 1763) 1 (1♂) 0.76 D1 10 C1 0.08 W1
12 Ontholestes haroldi (Eppelsheim, 1884) 11 (2♂♂/9♀♀) 8.40 D4 50 C2 4.20 W3
13 Ontholestes murinus (Linnaeus, 1758) 8 (3♂♂/5♀♀) 6.11 D4 40 C2 2.44 W3
14 Xantholinus dvoraki Coiffait, 1956 1 (1♀) 0.76 D1 10 C1 0.08 W1
IS =0.09
ISh=1.16 (eroarea 0.05)
According to data analysis of the above table, highlighted in subfamily Omaliinae – Anthobium
the following particularities are established in oak atrocephalum and Omalium ferrugineum – with an
forest mixed with ash and maple. Two species are abundance (A) of two specimens. In accordance
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with such abundance, rove-beetles are considered in the D4 class. As a result of the consistency index
rare species in the examined area. Depending on the value of 50%, Ontholestes haroldi is assigned to
percentage value of the dominance (1.53%), both accessory species group (C2). The dominance index
Omaliinae species are assigned to class D2 is characterized by 4.20% being positioned in W3
expressing the form of the previous species. category - accompanying species.
Adaptation to biotope conditions and forming The staphylinid Ocypus tenebricosus has a
biocenosis structure; the continuity (constancy) of value of 9.16%, as well as Ontholestes haroldi
occurrence of the listed species, according to species, and is included in D4 class. According to
essential calculations, was estimated by 10% with a constancy rate of 50% the species is appropriate to
distribution in class C1 which includes accidental C2 class and by the value of the dominant index of
species. The relationship value of ecological 4.58 is determined to W3 class.
significance is calculated by estimating the The Othius punctulatus G. species, the largest
relationship of the constancy and dominance indices; number of specimens (24), has appertained the value
the position of the species is included in W2 category of 18.3% included in eudominant staphylinid class
with the percentage value of 0.15%, thus, gaining (D5), thus, the constancy index reached 100% with
the status of accessory (accompanying) species. inclusion in euconstant species class (C4) and
The Liogluta granigera species, Aleocharinae ecological significance index (18.3%) is attributed to
subfamily, compared to species listed under the W5 class.
analyzed indices presents 11 specimens which is the Studying trophic features of identified
biggest abundence among identified aleocharinae staphylinids by adult stage it is defined by
beetles. Thus, index value of the dominance was classification into the following groups: saprophagy,
evened to 8.40%. According to the classification mycetophagy, coprophagy, zoophagy or predators
gradation and appertained percentage value of the (fig.1.).
dominance, the aleocharinae species belongs to The staphylinid included in saprophagous
category D4 ranked as dominant species. Calculation group are representatives of subfam. Omaliinae -
of the constancy value determines 60% increase and Omalium ferrugineum; subfam. Staphylininae -
inclusion in C3 class as a constant species. The Quedius ochripennis. The percentage representation
ecological significance index reflects the position of of this group includes 8%.
this species in last category (W4), because showing Among mycetophagy, it is included only one
the value of 5.04 % was within the list of specific species the representative of the subfamily
species of the investigated biocoenosis. Tachyporinae - Mycetoporus nigricollis is set the
Anotylus sculpturatus in comparison with value of 4%.
Anotylus insecatus is represented by an abundance Among coprophagy, which are determined as
of 21 specimens. Following the percentage of the mycetophagy by the same value of 4%, it is
dominance of 16% it is classified in group of the mentioned the species of subfam. Staphylininae -
eudominant species (D5). The index value of the Philonthus concinnus.
constancy presented as 80%, with inclusion in class The largest group of which the percentage
C4, is selected as euconstant species. The ecological value reflects 89% is represented by zoophagy or
significance index value of 12.8% is an ascendant predators. The typical species of this trophic
estimation, compared with species from above- classification are representatives of subfam.
mentioned families, and typical to W5 class. Omaliinae - Anthobium atrocephalum, Hypopycna
As subfamily Staphylininae is considered the rufula, Omalium rivulare; subfam. Aleocharinae -
most numerous; 14 species are analyzed. Along with Aleochara bipustulata, Aleochara curtula, Liogluta
the maximum abundance, the species are elucidated in granigera; subfam. Oxytelinae - Anotylus insecatus,
ascending order: Ontholestes haroldi - 11 specimens, Anotylus sculpturatus; subfam. Paederinae - Rugilus
Ocypus tenebricosus - 12 specimens and Othius rufipes; subfam. Staphylininae - Othius punctulatus,
punctulatus - 24 specimens. According to the studied Gabrius osseticus, Philonthus decorus, Philonthus
indices (dominance index, consistency index and salinus, Philonthus succicola, Quedius nemoralis,
ecological significance) the following values are set: Ocypus nitens, Ocypus tenebricosus, Platydracus
Accordingly for Ontholestes haroldi species fulvipes, Ontholestes haroldi, Ontholestes murinus,
the dominance index reached 8.40% with inclusion Xantholinus dvoraki.
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4% 4%
Fig.1. Percentage representation of the trophic groups of grove-beetles from „Zabriceni” protected area.
In spring season, the minimum temperature reached maximum growth rates. In April the avg. t0
with low values was recorded in the first and second was 10.30C and max. t0 was 19.40 C. In May - avg. t0
decade of March. The average air temperature was was 16.20C; max. T0 was 25.80 C. The precipitations
(3.00 C), maximum temperature (17.00 C). In April fell (22 mm) throughout the spring season, which has
and may average and maximum air temperature been abundant in the third decade of May (fig. 2 and 3).
40 45
Precipitation (mm)
30 35
Temperature (0C)
20 30
10 20
Lunile Months
Fig. 2. Weather in the North, Fig. 3. Weather in the North, rainfall the
t0.avg., t0.max., t0.min (2010) night/day (2010)
The summer of 2010 was characterized by abundancy, Staphylininae subfamily has more
hot days and spontaneous precipitation. The numerous species and specimens, including 14
warmest summer day was on 19th of July with species the representatives of 8 genera.
maximum temperature of 32.50 C. In terms of An evident and sharp hierarchy of the
precipitation falling the most rainy months of analyzed ecological indices was noticed of
summer was june (28.8 mm - nighttime, 38.9 mm - Staphylininae subfamily species. According to the
daytime) and july where the volume of precipitation value of abundance, those three species mentioned
fallen during daytime was 32.2 mm and nighttime are included in abundant species category. The
38.0 mm. dominance index distinguishes the listed species as
The autumn was long and warm. In dominant and eudominant species.
September avg. t0 was recorded by a value of 13.80 According to constancy index Ontholestes
C, max. t0 – 26.10 C, min. t0 - 7.10 C. In october haroldi and Ocypus tenebricosus are included in C2
avg. t0 decreased to 5.80 C, max. t0 to 14.40 C and class - accessory species and Othius punctulatus to C4
min. t0 was recorded with a value of -2.20 C. In class - euconstant species.
November avg. t0 was 8.20 C, max. t0 – 17.20 C and Through the index of ecological significance
min. t0 was -0.40 C. The first snowflakes were is shown that the majority of 25 species analyzed are
recorded in the second decade of November (the accessories (accompanying) for investigated
period of 17 to 20 November). biocoenosis.
According to the trophic preferences the
Conclusions identified rove-beetles in Zabriceni forest are
Staphylinid fauna of oak forest mixed with classified into 4 groups: saprophagy (8%),
ash and maple in Zabriceni area, lists 25 species of coprophagy (4 %), mycetophagy (4%) and predators
16 genera and 6 subfamilies. In terms of (89%).
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Rezumat constanţa – 100% (C4), indicele de semnificaţie
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During 2005-2007 we investigated the complex of parasitoids controlling Aphis craccivora (Koch) populations installed on some
plants (Medicago sativa L., Onobrychis sativa Lam. and Vicia cracca L.) from the Reserve of Dune from Agigea; most of plants are in buffer area.
There were identified 18 parasitoid species which are included in 10 genera and 4 families.
To elucidate all trophic relationships among parasitoid species we have designed a trophic network very relevant in this concern. To
appreciate the role of each species within this biocoenotic complex in limiting the Aphis craccivora populations; we realized a synecological
analyses where we investigated a few indexes (abundance, constancy, dominance and the ecological significance index).
http://www.studiisicomunicaribacau.ro / https://biblioteca-digitala.ro
III. Family Encyrtidae: 16. Syrphophagus aphidivorus Rezumat
(Mayr); În lucrarea de faţă prezentăm complexul de
IV. Family Pteromalidae: 17. Asaphes suspensus parazitoizi care acţionează în coloniile de Aphis
Wolk.; 18. Pachyneuron aphidis (Bché). craccivora (Koch), care atacă speciile de plante:
To elucidate the trophic relationships Medicago sativa L., Onobrychis sativa Lem., Vicia
among the species of parasitoid insects we have cracca L., din Rezervaţia de Dune de la Agigea. Au
realized a trophic network specific for such fost identificare 18 specii de parazitoizi care
parasitoid biocoenoses (Fig.1). In Table 1 we have controlează populaţiile acestui complex. Relaţiile
recorded the presence of the parasitoid species in trofice dintre aceste specii sunt deosebit de complexe
the investigated colonies of Aphis craccivora. deoarece prezintă grade de parazitism diferite
The investigated entomological material was (parazitoizi primari, secundari, terţiari şi chiar
ordered depending on the attacked host plants. In cuaternari). Pentru elucidarea acestor relaţii am
Table 2, we present the synecological analysis of urmărit o reţea trofică edificatoare în acest sens.
the parasitoid species to understand the role of each Pentru a înţelege rolul fiecărei specii în acest
species within this biocoentic complex in limiting complex biocenotic în limitarea populaţiilor de A.
the populations of A .craccivora. We can easily craccivora am efectuat o analiză sinecologică în care
deduce that the most important species are: am urmărit: abundenţa, constanţa, dominanţa şi
Syrphophagus aphidivorus, Pachyneuron aphidis, indicele de semnificaţie ecologică.
Lysiphlebus fabarum.
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Table 1. The complex of parasitoids in the colonies of Aphis craccivora
26.05.2006 11 1 5 1 3 3 2 11 5 42
30.05.2006 1 5 1 3 7 1 - 1 1 3 9 2 8 42
04.06.2007 14 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 2 38
18.06.2007 1 3 - 1 3 1 1 6 11 27
Total 2 33 1 4 2 14 1 1 3 7 2 5 7 38 4 26 149
26.05.2006 2 6 9 5 - 5 1 3 31
30.05.2006 3 - 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 11 1 1 33
04.06.2006 5 2 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 30
18.06.2007 2 2 2 2 - - 1 4 3 - 16
Total 5 13 3 6 1 19 13 - 3 2 3 2 3 24 5 7 110
26.05.2006 1 9 - 2 6 10 3 2 2 1 2 2 21 3 9 76
30.05.2006 5 2 1 3 7 5 - 1 4 2 1 2 1 15 6 11 64
04.06.2006 1 5 3 1 9 5 1 1 1 1 3 1 5 1 8 4 46
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18.06.2007 2 1 - 2 2 8 - 1 1 5 1 1 1 9 2 14 47
Total 2 21 6 4 20 24 17 3 2 4 9 9 3 10 3 53 11 38 233
Total 2 28 6 70 24 34 20 36 6 5 15 18 13 17 13 115 20 71 592
% 0,33 4,72 1,01 11,82 4,05 5,74 3,37 6,08 1,01 0,84 2,53 3,04 1,52 2,87 2,19 19,42 3,37 11,99 100
Table 2 – The synecological analysis of parasitoids species from Aphis craccivora Koch. colonies
9. Asaphes suspensus 20 3,37 D3 66 C3 2,22 W3
10. Charips leunisii 18 3,04 D3 66 C3 2,01 W3
11. Alloxysta campilla 17 2,87 D3 75 C3 2,15 W3
12. Charips dolichocerus 15 2,53 D3 75 C3 1,89 W3
13. Alloxysta semiclausa 13 2,19 D3 75 C3 1,64 W3
14. Charips perpussilus 9 1,52 D3 50 C2 0,76 W2
15. Lysiphlebus ambiguous 6 1,01 D3 25 C1 0,25 W2
16. Trioxys acalephae 6 1,01 D3 50 C2 0,50 W2
17. Trioxys angelicae 5 0,84 D2 33 C2 0,28 W2
18. Ephedrus persicae 2 0,33 D2 16 C1 0,05 W1
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Fig. 1 – Characteristic trophic network of Aphis craccivora colonies
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Distribution records for 60 species of family Megachilidae from Romania are listed. Twenty one species are new records for
Moldavia region.
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Genus Pseudoanthidium FRIESE, 1898 1♂, Ranunculus repens; Feteşti, 18.07.1969, 1♂;
Pseudoanthidium lituratum (Panzer, 1801) Gura Văii, 5.07.1977, 1♂; Scorţeni, 21.06.1973, 1♂;
Material: Vâlcele (Tg. Ocna), 12.07.1990, Previous records: Bacău (Aftene M., Goagă
1♀; Valea Seacă, 8.07.1977, 1♀; Plopana, A., 1980-1993).
10.08.1981, 1♀; Agigea, 26.07.2001, 1♀, Agapia,
10.08.1971, 1♀. Chelostoma (Chelostoma) florisomne (Linnaeus, 1758)
Previous records: Iteşti (BC) (Zanden, = Apis maxillosa Linnaeus, 1767
Matache, 1986); Agapia (NT) (Tomozei, 2005). Material: Bereşti, 12.06.1984, 7♀♀, 25♂♂;
Racova, 8.06.1981, 2♀♀; Oituz, 14.06.1980, 1♀;
Genus Anthidium FABRICIUS, 1804 Herculane, 1.06.1978, 1♀; Lepşa, 29.06.1971, 1♂;
Anthidium (Anthidium) manicatum (Linnaeus, 1758) Hemeiuş, 20.05.1996, 1♂; Valea Budului,
Material: Băneasa, 26.08.1991, 1♀; Sinaia, 18.05.2000, 1♂; Buhoci, 22.05.1996, 1♂; Racova,
2.09.1987, 1♂; Oneşti, 22.08.2000, 2♂♂. 31.05,1974, 1♂; Bijghir, 18.05.1979, 4♂♂, 1♀, on
Previous records: Beciu (VN) (Zanden, Ranunculus sp.; Coman, 26.05, 1972, 1♂, on
Matache, 1986); Gemenea (SV), (Aftene,1995). Ranunculus acer; Grigoreni, 4.06.1974, 1♂, on
Medicago sp.; Hemeiuş, 30.06.1981, 1♂, on Spirea
Anthidium (Proanthidium) oblongatum (Illiger, 1806) sp.; Sănduleni, 23.05.1972, 1♀; Racova, 13.06.1074,
Material: Hemeiuş, 25.07.1982, 1♀; 1♀; 8.06.1977, 5♀♀.
Previous records: Brăteşti (BC) (Zanden, Previous records: Racova (BC)(Aftene M.,
Matache, 1986) Goagă A., 1980-1993).
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Previous records: Beciu (VN), Văleni Hoplitis (Hoplitis) manicata (Morice, 1901)
(NT)(Zanden, Matache, 1986); Văleni (NT) (Zanden Material: Hemeiuş, 25.07.1982, 1♀; Nicolae
şi Matache, 1986). Bălcescu, 13.07.1971, 1♂, on Medicago sp.; Potoci,
26.06.1999, 1♂.
Heriades (Heriades) truncorum (Linnaeus, 1758)
Material: Gherăieşti, 29.06.1973, 1♀, on Hoplitis (Anthocopa) papaveris (Latreille, 1799)
Raphanus sp.; 16.09.1976, 1♀, on Daucus sp.; 14- = Anthocopa papaveris Latreille, 1799
18.08.1972, 4♀♀ on Aster sp.; 2.07.1992, 2♀♀; Material: Ceahlău Massif, 12.08.2004, 1♀;
30.06.1973, 1♂, on Euphorbia sp.; 24.07.1971, 1♀; Valea Uzului, 17.07.1995, 1♂.
Sănduleni, 23.05.1972, 1♀; Filipeşti, 14.07.1997, Previous records: Sărata (NT) (Zanden,
1♀; Brusturoasa, 17.08.1981, 1♀; Băneasa, Matache, 1986); Gherăieşti (Aftene M., Goagă A.,
27.08.1991, 16♀♀, 1♂; 22.08.1991, 1♀, 1♂; 1980-1993).
Răchitoasa, 19.07.1972, 1♂ on Chrysathemum sp.;
20.07.1972, 2♀♀, 1♂, on Crepis sp.; Bereşti, Genus Osmia PANZER, 1802
13.06.1985, 1♀; Hemeiuş, 26.07.1990, 1♀; Osmia (Helicosmia) aurulenta (Panzer, 1799)
25.07.1979, 1♀; 28.04. 1994, 1♀; 8.08.1985, 1♂; Material: Hemeiuş, 20.05.1996, 1♀.
23.07.1976, 1♀, on Medicago sp.; Bacău, Previous records: Stăniţa (NT), Başta (NT)
21.07.1993, 1♀, 1♂; 31.07.1991, 1♀, 1♂, on (Zanden, Matache, 1986); Valea Budului (BC),
Calendula sp.; 19.08.1991, 1♀; 30.08.1971, 1♀; Gherăieşti (BC) (Aftene M., Goagă A., 1980-1993);
Dealu Morii, 1.08.1975, 1♂; Poiana Sărată, Furcenii Vechi (Zanden şi Matache, 1986; Tecuci
21.07.1996, 1♂; Dospineşti, 2.08.1972, 1♀; Trebeş, (Aftene, 1995).
1.08.1972, 2♀♀; Valea Budului, 12.08.1972, 2♀♀;
11.08.1973, 1♂, on Achillea sp.; Racova, 7.08.1991, Osmia (Neosmia) bicolor (Schrank, 1781)
1♀; Histria, 25.06.1996, 2♂♂; Scutaru, 9.08.1974, Material: Godovana, 26.04.1994, 1♀, on
1♀; Slănic Moldova, 18.08.1991, 1♀; 12.09.1990, Mallus sp.; Grigoreni, 4.06.1974, 1♀, on Vicia sp.;
1♂; Bijghir, 6.07.1971, 1♂, on Chrysathemum sp. Bijghir, 18.05.1979, 1♀, on Ranunculus sp.
Previous records: Beciu (VN), Mera (VN)
(Zanden, Matache, 1986); Bacău (Aftene M., Goagă Osmia (Hoplosmia) bidentata Morawitz, 1876
A., 1980-1993). = Anthocopa bidentata (Morawitz, 1876)
Material: Agigea, 26-28.07.2001, 4 ♀♀,
Genus Hoplitis KLUG, 1807 2♂♂; Runc, 29.07.1994, 1♀; Racova, 7.08.1991,
Hoplitis (Hoplitis) adunca (Panzer, 1798) 1♀; 17.07.1991, 1♂; Urecheşti, 22.07.1982, 1♂;
Material: Poiana Sărată, 19.07.1996, 1♂; Comorova, 13.07.1969, 1♂.
Racova, 26.06.1979, 1♀. Previous records: Ulea (VS), Cordun (NT),
Traian (BC), Piatra Neamţ (NT), Gugeşti (VS)
Hoplitis (Hoplitis) anthocopoides (Schenck, 1853) (Zanden, Matache, 1986).
Material: Bereşti, 13.06.1985, 1♀; Gherăieşti,
17.06.2004, 1♀. Osmia (Metallinella) brevicornis (Fabricius, 1798)
Material: Racova, 29.06.1984, 2♀♀, on
Hoplitis (Alcidamea) claviventris (Thomson, 1872) Raphanus sp.; Gherăieşti, 9.05.1974, 1♂, Sinapis
Material:Agapia, 10.08.1971, 1♀; Grigoreni, arvensis; Racova, 28.05.1974, 1♂.
4.06.1974, 1♀, Medicago sp.
Previous records: Brăteşti (BC), Bacău Osmia (Helicosmia) caerulescens (Linnaeus, 1758)
(Zanden, Matache, 1986). Material: Bacău, 7.06.1972, 1♀, on Trifolium
sp.; Hemeiuş, 20.05.1996, 2♀♀; 30.06.1981, 1♀, on
Hoplitis (Alcidamea) leucomelana (Kirby, 1802) Spirea sp.; Strugari, 20.07.1983, 1♀; Valea Budului,
Material: Racova, 5.08.1981, 1♀, on 17.07.1973, 1♀; Racova, 28.05.1974, 1♀, 1♂, on
Trifolium sp.; Bacău, 4.08.1984, 1♀; Techirghiol, Fragaria grandiflora.
15.07.1970, 1♀; Luncani, 3.06.1996, 2♂♂, on Previous records: Iteşti (BC), Başta (NT),
Robinia sp.; Brusturoasa, 4.07.1978, 1♀; Vîlcele Stăniţa (NT) (Zanden, Matache, 1986).
(Tg. Ocna), 12.07.1990, 1♀; Racova, 4.07.1981, 1♂;
Fîntînele, 24.06.1975, 1♂; Crişan (TL), 8.06.1973, 1♂. Osmia (Osmia) cerinthidis Morawitz 1876
Previous records: Goleşti (VN), Iteşti (BC), Material: Sănduleni, 23.05.1972, 1♀; Racova,
Stăniţa (NT) (Zanden, Matache, 1986); Gherăieşti 8.06.1981, 1♀.
(Aftene M., Goagă A., 1980-1993).
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Previous records: Horia (NT) (Zanden, Osmia (Hoplosmia) spinulosa (Kirby, 1802)
Matache, 1986). Material: Techirghiol, 15.07.1970, 1♀; Agigea,
26.07.2001, 10♀♀, on Cirsium; 27.07.2001, 21♀♀;
Osmia (Osmia) cornuta (Latreille, 1805) Racova, 22.08.1990, 1♂, on Convolvulus sp.; Cheile
Material: Nechit, 19.08.2001, 1♀; Valea Turzii, 22.06.1998, 11♂; Potoci, 28.06.1996, 1♂.
Budului, 21.05.2004, 1♀; Godovana, 24.06.1994,
1♀; Gherăieşti, 29.04.1996, 5♀♀, on Armeniaca Osmia (Melanosmia) xanthomelana (Kirby, 1802)
vulgaris; Valea Uzului, 14.07.1993, 1♀; Bacău, Material: Cheile Turzii, 23.06.1998, 1♀.
19.04.1995, 1♀; Şerbăneşti, 1.05.1995, 1♂, on
Mallus sp. Genus Megachile LATREILLE, 1802
Previous records: Runcu – Popeşti (VN), Megachile (Eutricharaea) apicalis Spinola, 1808
Podu Lacului (VN) (Zanden, Matache, 1986); Iaşi Material: Gherăieşti, 28.08.1973, 2♀♀; Băneasa,
(Aftene, 1995). 27.08.1991, 1♀.
Previous records: Pituluşa (VN), Cordun
Osmia (Osmia) emarginata Lepeletier, 1841 (NT) (Zanden, Matache, 1986).
Material: Cheile Turzii, 22.06.1998, 1♀.
Megachile (Eutricharaea) leachella Curtis, 1828
Osmia (Pyrosmia) gallarum Spinola, 1808 Material: Hanu Conachi, 13.09.1994, 1♂.
Material: Histria, 3.06.1972, 2♀♀; Crişan, Previous records: Pituluşa (VN), Vârteşcoiu
8.06.1973, 1♀. (VN), Arva (VN), Pribeşti (VS), Brăteşti (BC)
(Zanden, Matache, 1986); Bacău (Aftene M., Goagă
Osmia (Helicosmia) leaiana (Kirby, 1802) A., 1980-1993).
Material: Valea Uzului, 7.07.1994, 3 ♀♀, on
Xanthium achanthoides; 6.07.1997, 1♀; Gura Megachile (Eutricharaea) pilidens Alfken, 1924
Bărzăuţei, 7.07.1997, 1♀; Sărărie, 24.06.2000, 1♂; Material: Gherăieşti, 7.08.1996, 1♀; 3.04.1994,
Bijghir, 18.05.1979, 1♀, on Ranunculus sp. 1♀; Agigea, 26.07.2001, 2♀♀, 2♂♂; Măraşu (BR),
Previous records: Vânători Neamţ (NT) 23.08.1998, 1♀.
(Zanden, Matache, 1986); Mărgineni (BC), Nicolae Previous records: Odobeşti (VN) (Aftene M., 1979).
Bălcescu (BC) Bârzuleşti (Aftene M., Goagă A.,
1980-1993). Megachile (Eutricharaea) rotundata (Fabricius 1793)
Material: Sulina, 15.07.2002, 1♀; Poiana
Osmia (Helicosmia) melanogaster Spinola, 1808 Sărată, 25.07.2002, 1♀; Bijghir, 6.07.1971, 1♀, on
Material: Agigea, 26.07.2001, 1♀. Chrysanthemum sp.; Focşani, 13.07.1983, 1♂;
Hemeiuş, 15.05.1979, 1♂. Agigea, 27-28.07.2001,
Osmia (Helicosmia) niveata (Fabricius, 1804) 2♀♀; Racova, 7.08.1991, 1♀.
= Osmia fulviventris (Panzer, 1798) Previous records: Vameş (NT)(Aftene M.,
Material: Hemeiuş, 25.06.1979, 1♀, on 1979), Sagna (NT) (Iuga V., Palade X.S., 1959);
Medicago sp.; Valea Uzului, 7.07.1995, 1♀, 1♂; Hemeiuş (Aftene M., Goagă A., 1980-1993); Podu
Racova, 28.05.1974, 1♂ on Fragaria grandiflora. Iloaiei, Suceava (Aftene, 1995).
Previous records: Dumbrava (BC), Vânători
Neamţ (NT) (Zanden, Matache, 1986); Coman Megachile (Eutricharaea) willughbiella (Kirby, 1802)
Bârzuleşti (Aftene M., Goagă A., 1980-1993). Material: Poiana Sărată, 23.07.2003, 1♀.
Previous records: Cordun (NT) (Zanden,
Osmia (Osmia) bicornis (Linnaeus, 1758) Matache, 1986; Aftene M., 1979); Gura Văii (BC)
= Osmia rufa (Linnaeus, 1758) (Aftene M., Goagă A., (1980-1993).
Material: Hemeiuş, 16.04.1994, 1♀; Rădăşeni,
15.05.1959, 1♀; Gherăieşti, 24.07.1999, 1♀; Megachile (Megachile) centuncularis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Şerbăneşti (Pomicola), 9.05.1997, 1♀; Luncani, Material: Poiana Sărată, 24.07.2002, 2♀♀;
11.06.2000, 1♂; Bibireşti, 12.05.1997, 1♂; Agigea, Sărărie, 23.06.2000, 3♀♀; Suceava, 18.07.1975, 1♀;
28.07.2001, 1♂. Valea Seacă, 27.08.1982, 1♀; Gherăieşti, 3.04.1994,
Previous records: Racova, Plopana (Aftene 2♀♀; Slănic Moldova, 01.09.2005, 1♀; Valea
M., Goagă A., 1980-1993). Budului, 28.08.1995, 1♀; Sulina, 15.07.2002, 5♀♀.
Previous records: Broşteni (VN), Brăteşti
(BC), Bacău, Stăniţa (NT) (Zanden, Matache, 1986;
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Aftene M., 1979); Sfăteşti (BC), Podu Iloaiei (IS),
Iţcani (SV) (Aftene, 1995). Coelioxys (Allocoelioxys) haemorrhoa Forster, 1853
Material: Agigea, 26.07.2001, 2♀♀; Poiana
Megachile (Megachile) lapponica Thomson, 1872 Sărată, 23.07.2002, 1♂.
Material: Valea Uzului, 7.07.1994, 1♂;
Brusturoasa, 14.09.1991, 1♀. Coelioxys (Boreocoelioxys) alata Förster, 1853
Previous records: Cordun (NT) (Aftene M., 1979). Material: Valea Uzului, 7.07.1997, 1♀.
Megachile (Megachile) ligniseca (Kirby, 1802) Coelioxys (Boreocoelioxys) inermis (Kirby, 1802)
Material: Poiana Sărată, 12.08.2002, 2♀♀; Material: Tescani, 21.06.1976, 1♂; Racova,
18.07.1996, 1♀; 19.07.1996, 1♀; 25.07.2001, 1♀; 28.06.1974, on Fragaria sp.
Valea Budului, 28.08.1995, 1♀; 6.08.1996, 3♀♀;
Izvorul Alb, 23.07.1998, 1♀, Cheile Tişiţei, Coelioxys (Boreocoelioxys) rufescens Lepeletier and
24.08.2006, 1♀; Valea Uzului, 8.08.2000, 1♀; Audinet-Serville, 1825
Durău, 13.09.1995, 1♀; Slănic Moldova, Material: Racova, 10.08.1975, 1♀; Brătila,
29.08.2003, 1♀; Ceahlău Massif, 9.08.2004, 2♀♀, 26.07.1971, 1♀, on Achillea sp.; Strugari,
on Telekia speciosa; Scutaru, 8.08.1974, 2♀♀; 19.07.1983, 1♂.
Vânători Neamt Nature Park, 28.07.2000, 1♀.
Coelioxys (Coelioxys) aurolimbata Foerster, 1853
Megachile (Megachile) octosignata Nylander, 1852 Material: Agigea, 26.07.2001, 1♀ ; Valea
Material: Cheile Tişiţei, 25.08.2006, 1♀; Uzului, 17.07.1995, 1♀ ; Histria, 25.06.1996, 1♂ ;
Poiana Sărată, 18.07.1996, 1♀. Poduri, 28.06.1990, 1♀.
Previous records: Brăteşti (BC), Broşteni
(VN), Cordun (NT) (Zanden, Matache, 1986; Aftene Coelioxys (Coelioxys) conoidea (Illiger, 1806)
M., 1979), Vărsătura (VN), Odobeşti (VN) (Aftene Material: Valea Uzului, 7.07.1995, 1♂.
M., 1979); Nicolae Bălcescu (BC)(Aftene M.,
Goagă A., 1980-1993); Podu Iloaiei, Reghin, Coelioxys (Coelioxys) elongata Lepeletier 1841
Suceava (Aftene, 1995). Material: Valea Frumoasei, 15.07.1972, 1♀,
on Chrysanthemum sp.
Megachile (Pseudomegachile) ericetorum Lepeletier, 1841
Material: Racova, 27.06.1979, 1♀, 1♂; Coelioxys (Coelioxys) quadridentata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Poduri, 28.06.1990, 1♂; Agigea, 26.07.2001, 2♂♂. Material: Grigoreni, 4.06.1974, 1♂.
Previous records: Beciu (VN), Brăteşti (VN),
Cordun (NT), Traian (BC) (Zanden, Matache, 1986); Conclusions
Brăteşti (VN), Cordun (NT), Odobeşti (VN), Bleju The checklist comprises 60 species of
(VN) (Aftene M., 1979); Valea Frumoasei, Bacău Megachilidae collected mainly from Moldavia
(Aftene M., Goagă A., 1980 -1993). region (Romania) and supplemented with
records from Banat, Muntenia, Dobrogea and
Megachile (Xanthosarus) lagopoda (Linnaeus, 1761) Transylvania regions. Twenty one species are
Material: Valea Budului, 6.08.1996, 1♀. newly recorded for Moldavia region: Trachusa byssina
Previous records: Stăniţa (NT) (Aftene M., 1979). (Panzer, 1798), Stelis breviuscula (Nylander, 1848),
Stelis odontopyga Noskiewicz, 1926, Chelostoma
Megachile (Xanthosarus) nigriventris Schenck, 1870 campanularum (Kirby, 1802), Hoplitis adunca
Material: Dofteana, 24.06.2000, 1♂. (Panzer, 1798), Hoplitis anthocopoides (Schenck,
1853), Hoplitis manicata (Morice, 1901), Osmia
Genus Coelioxys LATREILLE, 1809 bicolor (Schrank, 1781), Osmia brevicornis (Fabricius,
Coelioxys (Allocoelioxys) afra Lepeletier, 1841 1798), Osmia spinulosa (Kirby, 1802), Megachile
Material: Amara, 23.08.1972, 1♀, on ligniseca (Kirby, 1802), Megachile nigriventris
Leontodon sp.; Poiana Sărată, 24.07.2002, 1♂. Schenck, 1870, Coelioxys afra Lepeletier, 1841,
Coelioxys haemorrhoa Forster, 1853, Coelioxys
Coelioxys (Allocoelioxys) echinata Foerster, 1853 alata Förster, 1853, Coelioxys inermis (Kirby, 1802),
= Coelioxys rufocaudata Smith, 1854 Coelioxys rufescens Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville,
Material: Gherăieşti, 30.04.1994, 1♂. 1825, Coelioxys aurolimbata Foerster, 1853, Coelioxys
Previous records: Sagna (NT) (Iuga V., conoidea (Illiger, 1806), Coelioxy elongata Lepeletier
Palade X.S., 1959). 1841, Coelioxys quadridentata (Linnaeus, 1758).
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Coordinates of collecting localities: Trebeş - 46° 36' 0N, 26° 49' 60E
Moldavia region: Udeşti - 47° 34' 0N, 26° 25' 0E
Bacău - 46° 34' 0N, 26° 53' 60E Urecheşti - 46° 7' 60N, 27° 4' 60E
Băneasa – 44°30'30.57''N, 26°03'54.2''E Valea Budului - 46° 36' 0N, 26° 49' 60E
Bârzuleşti - 46° 28' 60N, 26° 46' 0E Valea Călugărească - 44° 58' 0N, 26° 8' 60E
Bereşti - 46° 43' 0N, 26° 49' 60E Valea Frumoasei - 46°39'51.50'' N, 26°31'58.93''E
Bibireşti -46° 31' 0N, 27° 4' 60E Valea Seacă - 46° 12' 0N, 26° 51' 0E
Bijghir - 46°36'10.18''N, 27°01'05.92''E Valea Uzului - 46° 16' 60N, 25° 52' 0E
Brătila - 46°19'01.84''N, 26°45'47.19''E Vânători Neamt Nature Park- 47°08'23.38''N,
Brusturoasa - 46° 31' 0N, 26° 11' 60E 26°15'56.22''E
Ceahlău Massif - 46°56'24.04''N, 26°04'17.84''E Vîlcele (Tg. Ocna) - 46° 17' 60N, 26° 36' 0E
Cheile Tişiţei - 45°56'32.42''N, 26°34'32.67''E
Coman - 46° 28' 0N, 26° 46' 60E Dobrogea region:
Dealu Morii - 46° 19' 0N, 27° 13' 60E Agigea - 44° 4' 60N, 28° 37' 0E
Dofteana - 46° 19' 0N, 26° 31' 0E Amara - 45° 15' 0N, 27° 16' 60E
Durău - 46°59'55.96''N, 25°55'25.38''E Comorova - 43°52'04.67''N, 28°35'05.33''E
Fântânele - 46° 12' 0N, 27° 3' 0E Covasna - 45° 51' 0N, 26° 10' 60E
Filipeşti - 46° 45' 0N, 26° 52' 60E Crişan - 44° 58' 0N, 29° 28' 0E
Focşani - 45° 42' 0N, 27° 10' 60E Histria - 44° 34' 0N, 28° 43' 0E
Galbeni - 46° 27' 0N, 26° 55' 60E Periprava - 45° 23' 60N, 29° 31' 60E
Gherăieşti - 46°36'26.03''N, 26°54'31.42''E Sulina - 45° 8' 60N, 29° 40' 0E
Godovana - 46°32'27.78''N, 27°11'40.57''E Techirghiol - 44° 2' 60N, 28° 36' 0E
Grigoreni - 46° 36' 0N, 26° 40' 60E
Gura Bărzăuţei - 46°20'4.72"N, 26°17'37.68"E Muntenia region:
Gura Văii - 46° 40' 60N, 26° 46' 60E Feteşti - 44° 22' 60N, 27° 49' 60E
Hanu Conachi - 45° 34' 60N, 27° 36' 0E Măraşu - 44° 51' 0N, 27° 58' 0E
Hemeiuş - 46° 37' 0N, 26° 51' 0E Sinaia - 45° 21' 0N, 25° 33' 0E
Izvorul Alb - 46° 58' 60N, 26°4' 60E
Lepşa - 45°56'56.94''N, 26°34'37.39''E Banat region:
Luncani - 46° 36' 0N, 26° 45' 0E Herculane - 44° 52' 47N, 22° 24' 45E
Mărgineni - 46°35'15.74''N, 26°51'36.15''E Turnu Severin - 44° 37' 55N, 22° 39' 22E
Nechit - 46° 46' 0N, 26° 25' 0E
Nicolae Bălcescu - 46° 55' 0N, 26° 55' 0E Transylvania region:
Oituz - 46° 12' 0N, 26° 37' 0E Cheile Turzii - 46°33'46.78''N, 23°40'44.84''E
Oneşti - 46° 15' 0N, 26° 45' 0E Piatra Craiului National Park - 45°34'15.04'' N,
Onişcani - 46° 47' 60N, 26° 52' 0E 25°16'34.12''E
Perchiu – 46°13' 17.18'' N, 27°15'12.07''E
Plopana - 46° 40' 60N, 27° 13' 0E Rezumat
Poduri - 46° 28' 0N, 26° 31' 60E Sunt citate 60 de specii aparţinând familiei
Poiana Sărată - 46° 8' 60N, 26° 26' 60E Megachilidae din Romania, alături de punctele de
Potoci - 46° 58' 0N, 26° 7' 0E colectare şi coordonatele geografice ale acestora.
Răchitoasa - 46° 25' 60N, 27° 22' 0E Dintre acestea, 21 de specii sunt pentru întâia dată
Racova - 46° 30' 0N, 26° 58' 60E semnalate în fauna Moldovei.
Rădăşeni - 47° 28' 0N, 47° 28' 0N
Runc - 46°44'45.78''N, 26°44'42.71''E References
Sănduleni - 46° 27' 0N, 26° 43' 60E 1. AFTENE M., 1972 - Speciile familiei
Sărărie - 46° 30' 0N, 26° 49' 60E Megachilidae (Hymenoptera) citate în fauna
Scorţeni - 46° 32' 60N, 26° 38' 60E României. Comunicãri şi Referate, Muzeul de
Scutaru - 46° 6' 0N, 26° 37' 60E Ştiinţele Naturii Ploieşti, 263-276.
Şerbăneşti - 46° 34' 60N, 26° 55' 60E 2. AFTENE M., 1973 - Specii de
Slănic Moldova - 46° 12' 0N, 26° 25' 60E Megachilidae (Hymenoptera) din zona Vãii
Slătioara - 47°27'39.89'' N, 25°40'18.61''E Teleajenului. Comunicãri şi Referate, Muzeul
Strugari - 46° 31' 60N, 26° 43' 0E Judeţean de Ştiinţele Naturii Ploieşti, 131-134.
Suceava - 47° 37' 60N, 26° 15' 0E 3. AFTENE M., 1976 - Contribuţii la
Tescani - 46° 31' 0N, 26° 38' 60E cunoaşterea familiei Megachilidae (Hymenoptera)
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din judeţul Prahova. Comunicãri şi Referate, Muzeul du Muséum National d`Histoire Naturelle “Grigore
Judeţean de Ştiinţele Naturii Ploieşti, 57-62. Antipa”, 51: 443-462.
4. AFTENE M., 1979a - Lista speciilor de 16. BAN-CALEFARIU C., LJUBOMIROV
albine (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) din Muzeul de T., 2009 - New data on the distribution of some
Ştiinţele Naturii Ploieşti. Comunicãri şi Referate, Megachilinae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Megachilidae)
Muzeul Judeţean de Ştiinţele Naturii Ploieşti, 149-155. in Romania. Linzer biol. Beitr. 41 (2): 1803-1816.
5. AFTENE M., 1979b - Megachilidae 17. FRIVALDSZKY J., 1876 - Data ad
(Hymenoptera) din Fauna Moldovei. Anuarul faunam Hungariae meridionalis comitatuum Temes
Muzeului de Ştiinţele Naturii Piatra-Neamţ, Seria et Krassó. Math. Természet. Közlem, 13: 285-378.
Botanicã-Zoologie, 4: 195-199. 18. HENRICH C., 1880-1884 - Verzeichniss
6. AFTENE M., 1995 - Contribuţii la studiul der im Jahre 1879 – 1883 bei Hermannstadt
Megachilidelor (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Megachilidae) beobachteten Blumenwespen. Verh. Mitt. Ver. F.
dinRomânia (sistematicã, faunisticã, biologie, Naturwiss. In Hermannstadt, vol. 30-34, p. 179-182;
ecologie şi etologie). PhD thesis, “Alexandru Ioan 68-69; 122-125; 115-116; 136.
Cuza” University, Faculty of Biology, Iaşi. 19. IUGA V., SCOBIOLA P. X., 1959 -
7. AFTENE M., GOAGÃ A., 1993 - Specii Despre principalele apoide polenizatoare ale
de Megachilidae (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Apoidea) lucernelor. Acad. R.P.R. “Omagiul lui Traian
din colecţiile entomologice ale Complexului Muzeal Savulescu cu prilejul împlinirii a 70 de ani. “Edit.
de Ştiinţele Naturii - Bacãu. Studii şi Comunicãri, Acad. R.P.R., Bucureşti.
305-308. 20. KUHLMANN M. et al., 2012 - Checklist
8. BAN C. M., 2005a - Contributions to the of the Western Palaearctic Bees (Hymenoptera:
knowledge of apoid hymenopterans (Hymenoptera: Apoidea:Anthophila). http://westpalbees.myspecies.info.
Megachilidae, Anthophoridae, Apidae) from 21. MATACHE I., BAN – CALEFARIU M.,
Maramures (Romania). Part I. Travaux du Muséum 2006 - Family Megachilidae (Hymenoptera:
National d`Histoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa”, Apoidea) in Dobrogea (Romania). Travaux du
vol. 48. Muséum National d`Histoire Naturelle “Grigore
9. BAN C. M., 2005b - Contributions to the Antipa”, 49: 297 - 306.
knowledge of the apoid hymenopterans (Hymenoptera: 22. MOCSAR M., HENTER P. , 1906 -
Apoidea) from Piatra Craiului National Park. Ujabb adatok Magyarorszag Hymenoptera-
Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, 3: 150-155. faunajahoz. Rovartani Lapok, 13: 200-210, Budapest.
23. MOCSARY A., 1874 - Zur Hymenopteren
10. BAN C. M., 2006 - Apoid
– Fauna Siebenbürgens, Verh, Mitt. Siebenb. Ver.
Hymenopterans (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae,
Naturwiss. Hermannstadt, 24: 117-122.
Anthophoridae, Apidae) from Fagaras Mountains 24. MOCSARY A., 1897 - Fauna Regni
Area (Romania). Brukenthal Acta Musei 1.3: 107-112. Hungariae. Arthropoda,Ordo.Hymenoptera. Regia
11. BAN – CALEFARIU C., 2008a – Apoid Societas Scientiarum Naturalium Hungarica,
hymenopterans (Melittidae, Megachilidae, Anthophoridae, Budapest, 3: 113 pp.
Apidae) from Maramureş area (Romania). 25. MÓCZÁR L., 1947 - Beitrage zur
Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Kenntnis der Hymenopterenfauna Siebenburgens. Fragm.
Ecological Research, Sibiu, 5: 89-96. Faun. Hung., 10: 3.
12. BAN-CALEFARIU C., 2008b - The 26. MÓCZÁR M., 1956 - A pelyhesméhek
seasonal dynamics of Megachilidae and (Anthidium Fabr.) faunakatalógusa és etológiai
Antophoridae species (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) in adatai. Rovartani Közlemények, Folia Entomologica
Romania. Entomol. rom., 13: 23-28. Hungarica, 9 (11): 211-222.
13. BAN-CALEFARIU C., 2009a - Checklist 27. MÓCZÁR M., 1958 - Hymenoptera (III):
of Megachilidae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) of the Megachilidae. Fauna Hungariae, XIII (12), 78 pp.
Romanian fauna. Travaux du Muséum National 28. NOSKIEWICZ J., 1962 - Drei neue
d`Histoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa”, 52: 303-311. palearktisch Arten der Gattung Stelis Panz.
14. BAN - CALEFARIU C., 2009b - Aspects (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Bull. ent. Pologne 32: 54-68.
regarding the frequency of some Megachilidae and 29. PASCU M., 2003 - Contribuţii la
Anthophoride (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) species in cunoaşterea faunei de Megachilidae (Hymenoptera)
Romania. Acta Oecologica Carpatica, II, 149-156. din depresiunea Sibiului. Studii şi cercetãri,
15. CALEFARIU C., MATACHE I., 2008 - Biologie, Complexul Muzeal Bistriţa Nãsãud, 8: 71-87.
Data on the Apoid hymenopterans (Hymenoptera: 30. POPOVICI – BÂZNOŞANU A., 1910 -
Apoidea) of Bucureşti and its surroundings. Travaux Experimentelle Studien ueber Osmia rufa.
http://www.studiisicomunicaribacau.ro / https://biblioteca-digitala.ro
Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Insektenbiologie, 34. ZANDEN G., MATACHE I., 1986 -
Bd.6, 224-228. Family Megachilidae (Hymenoptera) in the
31. POPOVICI BÂZNOŞANU A., 1907 - collections of the “Grigore Antipa” Natural History
Megachile bombycina Rad., au point de vue Museum. Travaux du Muséum d`Histoire Naturelle
biologique. Buletinul Societăţii de Ştiinţe Bucureşti, “Grigore Antipa”, 28: 65-78.
142 – 166. 35. ZILAHI K. E., 1904 - Adatok
32. POPOVICI-BÂZNOŞANU A., 1910 - Le Szilagymegye Hymenoptera-faunájához. Rovartani
cœur et la fonction circulatoire chez Megachile Lapok, XI (4): 77-79, Budapest.
bombycina Rad. Zoologischer Anzeiger, Leipzig, 36. ZILAHI K. E., 1915 - Ujabb adatok
Bd. 35, 628 - 630. Magyarország Hymenoptera fauná jához
33. SZILADY Z., 1914 - Verzeichniss meiner Apidae. Rovartani Lapok, 22: 76-86.
Insektenansannlungen in Ungarn.III,
Hymenoptera. Rovartani Lapok, 21: 78-95.
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Three species of Panurgus belonging to subgenera Panurgus and Euryvalvus were historically reported in Romania. The presence
of Panurgus dentipes needs to be confirmed. This paper illustrates the morphological characters of two species, Panurgus calcaratus and
Panurgus banksianus and lists the distribution records of these species in Romania.
Genus Panurgus is one of 5 genera belonging FAMILY : Andrenidae
to family Andrenidae found in Romania. Genus Subfamily : Panurginae
Panurgus has a circum-Mediterranean distribution Genus Panurgus Panzer 1806
(ROZEN, 1971). Panurgus nests in the ground and
prefer sunny places with sparse vegetation. The Diagnosis. Genus Panurgus comprise small and
females often nests in aggregations (ROZEN, J. G, large species ranging between 6-13 mm. The head
Jr. 1967). The species have one generation per year and (frontal view) nearly quadrate, usually cubic-shaped
pass through the winter months as mature larvae. at males (Fig.2A,B). Clypeus protuberant; Labral
lamella broad or narrow, concave, usually glossy.
Three species were historically reported in Facial fovea barely noticeable. Outer subantennal
Romania by: MOCSÁRY (1897), MÓCZÁR & suture twice longer than inner subantenal suture.
HENTER (1907), SZILADY (1914), WARNCKE & Proboscis long; glossa pointed and longer then galea
PALADE (1980), PASCU (1996), (TOMOZEI, (Fig.2C). Flagellomeres are short both at male and
2004, 2005). The present paper provides an female; male have 2nd flagellomer longer than the 3rd
illustrated diagnosis of Panurgus species of one. Propodeum shinny, punctation sparse and
Romania. In addition, distribution records of these superficial, sculpture of propodeal triangle different
species are provided. then the rest of propodeum. Fore wings with 2
submarginal cells (Fig.2E). Tibial scopa long and
dense (Fig.2,D). Males of some species have on
Material and methods posterior trochanters (P. dentipes) or femora
The material studied belongs to the (P.calcaratus) a strong proeminence. Metasomal
collections of MNSB “Ion Borcea” Museum of terga glossy, finely punctate. Body black, generally
Natural Sciences Bacău, Romania. sparsely covered with hairs.
The morphological structures were pictured
using Zeiss stereomicroscope with a digital camera Subgenus PANURGUS Panzer, 1806
(Canon PowerShot A410). The line drawings were
made using a Zeiss camera lucida attached to a Zeiss Panurgus (Panurgus) calcaratus (Scopoli, 1763)
stereomicroscope. (Fig.1)
Diagnosis. Body black, glossy. Fe ma le : Head and
mesonotum with short and sparse pilosity, clearly
Results and discussions shorter than P. banksianus. Terga apical margins not
Catalogue and diagnosis for the species ranging in as in P. banksianus (Fig.3F). Terga 1-4 barely
Romania. covered with hairs. Ma le : Labral lamella broad,
smooth and shinny (Fig.3A). Flagellar segments
knot shaped, particularly the 5th and 6th
____________________________________________________ flagellomeres (Fig.3B). Thorax shinny and sparsely
* “Ion Borcea” Natural Science Museum Complex, Aleea punctate. Propodeum polished, propodeal triangle
Parcului street, no. 9, Bacău weakly depressed, with dense longitudinal wrinkles
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(Fig.3E). Hind femora of males with a toothlike
proeminance (Fig.3D). Penis valves different than P.
banksianus. Gonostylus with toothlike proeminence
on outer margin (Fig.3C). Lenght: 8-9 mm.
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29.VIII.1930 (Pascu, 1996); Suceag-Cluj, Haţeg
(HD), Tuşnad (HG) (Mocsáry, 1900); Aiud (AB)
VI-VIII, Runc (AB) VII (Szilady, 1914); Ocna
Sibiului (SB), VII, ♀♀, det Friese; Guşteriţa (SB);
Răcătău (SB), 13.VII. 1929; Trei Scaune (former
county in the Kingdom of Romania with residence A
in Sfântul Gheorghe) (Pascu, 1996).
Biology: Monovoltine, flight from July to
September, oligolectic on Asteraceae.
Panurgus (Panurgus) dentipes Latreille, 1811 Fig. 3 - Structures of male Panurgus calcaratus
Mocsáry (1897) recorded Panurgus dentipes (Scopoli, 1763).
siculus from Mehadia (CS). Panurgus siculus A. Labrum; B. Antenna; C. Genitalia; D. Hind leg of
Morawitz, 1872 is known to be endemic to Sicily male showing a toothlike proeminance on femur; E.
(Warncke & Palade, 1980). Yet the specimen was Propodeal triangle; F. Metasomal terga (Drawings
possible to belong to Panurgus dentipes, this species by Bogdan Tomozii).
being already recorded from Hungary. In Romania
the species was never recorded since then and its
occurrence still needs to be confirmed.
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1. MOCSÁRY A., 1897 - Fauna regni
Hungariae. Animalium Hungariae hucusque
cognitorum enumeratio systematica. 113 pp., 1
A Karte. [in Latin].
2. MÓCZÁR M., HENTER P., 1907 - Újabb
adatok Magyarország Hymenoptera - faunájához.
Rovartani Lapok, 13: 200-209, Budapest [in
3. PASCU M., 1996 - Catalogul
Suprafamiliei Apoidea (Hymenoptera) din colecţiile
Muzeului de Istorie Naturală Sibiu (I). Colletidae,
B C Halictidae, Andrenidae, Melittidae, Megachilidae,
Anthophoridae. Buletinul Informativ al Societăţii
Lepidopterologice Române, 7(3-4): 283-296 [in
4. PATINY S., 1999 - Revision des
Panurginae ouest-palearctiques n'appartenant pas à
la tribu des Melitturgini Michener, 1944. Partie 1:
Panurgus Panzer, 1806 et Camptopoeum Spinola,
1843 (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae). Entomofauna, 19:
309-328 [in French].
5. ROZEN, J. G, Jr. 1967 - Review of the
biology of panurgine bees, with observations on
North American forms (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae). Am.
Mus. Novit. 2297: 1 - 44 [in English].
6. ROZEN J. G., 1971- Biology and
Immature Stages of Moroccan Panurgine Bees
(Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Am. Mus. Novit., 2457: 1 -
37 [in English].
7. SZILADY Z., 1914 - Magyarországi
rovgargyüjtésem jegyzéke. III, Hymenoptera.
Rovartani Lapok, 21: 78-95 [in Hungarian].
D 8. TOMOZII B., 2004 - Preliminary data
regarding Apoidea fauna (Hymenoptera) from the
Piatra Craiului National Park. Research in Piatra
Craiului National Park, 2: 183 - 186 [in English].
Fig. 4 - Structures of male Panurgus banksianus 9. TOMOZII B., 2005 - Contribution to the
(Kirby, 1802). knowledge of Apoidea (Hymenoptera) from
A. Labrum; B. Propodeal triangle; C. Metasomal Vanatori Neamt Natural Park. Studies and research
terga; D. Genitalia (Drawings by Bogdan Tomozii). in Vânători Neamţ Natural Park, 1: 45-53 [in
Rezumat 10. WARNCKE K., 1972 – Westpaläarktische
În România a fost raportată prezenţa a 3 Bienen der Unterfamilie Panurginae (Hym.,
specii aparţinând genului Panurgus: Panurgus Apidae). Polskie Pismo Entomologicze, Wroclaw,
calcaratus, Panurgus banksianus şi Panurgus 42(1): 53-108 [in German].
dentipes. Existenţa speciei Panurgus dentipes în ţara 11.WARNCKE K., SCOBIOLA P. X., 1980 -
noastră necesită încă a fi confirmată. Lucrarea Données sur les Hyménoptères Andrenidae
prezintă diagnozele ilustrate ale speciilor Panurgus (Apoidea) de Roumanie. Travaux du Museum
calcaratus și Panurgus banksianus, alături de d’Histoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa”, 21: 163-175
punctele de colectare ale acestora în România. [in French].
http://www.studiisicomunicaribacau.ro / https://biblioteca-digitala.ro
Mariana Gîrneţ*
The results of this study is based on the researches that were efectuated in the forests ecosystems from the north, center and the
south of the Republic of Moldova. In the result of the researches performed in different types of ecosystems were identified 53 species from
17 genera. The biggest diversity was recorded in the central part - 40 species, folllowed by the north of the republic – 33 species and in the
south of the Republic of Moldova – 32 species.
Introduction way. The biggest part was collected from the central
The forest represents a natural ecosystem part of the Republic of Moldova.
which includes flora, fauna and soil all together with In the northen region of the country the
an entire complex of vertebrates and invertebrates, researches were carried out near the forests from the
which have a major importance to maintain the villages Brânzeni and Brăneşti and the forests
natural balance. There are many animal species, located along the banks of the river Nistru near the
including invertebrates in the forests ecosystems. village Naslavcea. In this region are present different
One of the basic problem of the forests is the forests communities, the most common are the oak
knowledge and the conservation of their forests Quercus robur), hornbeam (Carpinus
biodiversity. betulus), cerry (Cerasus avium) etc.
The average of afforestation in Republic of In the center of the republic the collection
Moldova is 9.6% thereby 7.2% in the north, 13 % in was carried out in the natural deciduous forests,
the central part and 6.7% in the south of the which are characteristic for this region, near the
republic. The areas occupied by the forests and villages Peresecina and Bahmut. The main species
forests plantations consist of 325,4 ha. are the oak (Quercus robur), the sessile oak
However we can not speak of intact forest (Quercus petraea), european beach (Fagus
territories, because even the protected areas suffer sylvatica) mixed with hornbeam (Carpinus betulus),
some changes due to the anthropogenic interventions ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and maple (Acer
which affect directly natural forests and in result platanoides).
influence on the normal development of insects. In the south of the republic the collection was
In the north of the country are petrophyte carried out in two types of forests: in flooded forests
forests of Quercus robur, the central part of the from the floodplain of the Lower Nistru near the
country is occupied by the european deciduous villages Leuntea, Ciuburciu and Gradinita which are
forests and in the south are fragments of forests composed of ash (Fraxinus excelsior) in mixture
steppe, xerophyte of Quercus pubescens. with oak (Quercus robur) and poplars (Plopus alba,
P. nigra) and in fragments of subarid forests, with
Material and methods mediterranean type of vegetation, in which the
The study of insects was performed based on dominant species of tree are oak-pubescent (Quercus
the route method in the forests ecosystems in the pubescens).
north, center and south of the Republic of Moldova The collection was performed with the
during the years 2006-2009. The volume and entomological net, by mowing the grass vegetation,
number of the samples were collected in different followed by the selection of the hymenopteras with
____________________________________________________ the exhauster. The collected hymenopteras in the
* Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova field were immobilized immediately with eter. Then
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they were mounted and labeled according to the Republic of Moldova, have been identified 53
entomological rules in the laboratory. species of scelionids from 17 genera. Data
concerning the composition of species of scelionids
Results (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) from the north, center
In the result of the investigations caried out in and south of the Republic of Moldova are presented
different types of forests ecosystems from the in the table.
Table 1. Species of scelionids (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) from the forests ecosystems of the
Republic of Moldova.
1 Anteromorpha frequens +
2 Anteris simulans + + +
3 Apegus minor +
4 Apegus leptocerus + + +
5 Baeus siminulum + + +
6 Eremioscelio cultratus + +
7 Eremioscelio lymantriae + +
8 Eremioscelio ukrainica +
9 Scelio rugosulus + + + + + + + +
10 Scelio inermis + +
11 Gryon monspeliensis + +
12 Gryon muscaeformis + + + + + + +
13 Gryon reduviophagus + + + +
14 Gryon fasciatus + + + +
15 Gryon prolongatus + +
16 Trimorus arenicola + + + +
17 Trimorus bohemicus +
18 Trimorus biroi + +
19 Trimorus pallidimanus + + + + +
20 Trimorus elongatus + + +
21 Teleas rugosus + + + + +
22 Teleas reticulatus + +
23 Teleas lamellatus + + +
24 Teleas quinquespinosus + + + +
25 Idris krygeri + + +
26 Idris striativentris + + + +
27 Idris piceiventris + + + +
28 Idris coxalis + + + +
29 Telenomus acrobates + + + + + + + +
30 Telenomus chloropus + + + + + + + +
31 Telenomus dalmani +
32 Telenomus dissolcus +
33 Telenomus embolicus + +
34 Telenomus ocellatus +
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35 Telenomus laricis +
36 Telenomus tetratomus + + +
37 Telenomus macroceps + +
38 Telenomus nitidulus + + + +
39 Telenomus heydeni + + + +
40 Trissolcus kozlovi +
41 Trissolcus djadethko + + + + +
42 Trissolcus rufiventris + + + + +
43 Trissolcus semistriatus + + +
44 Trissolcus grandis + + + + + +
45 Trissolcus flavipes + + + +
46 Trissolcus volgensis + + +
47 Trissolcus vassilievi + +
48 Trissolcus viktorovi + +
49 Xenomerus ergenna +
50 Probaryconus spinosus + + +
51 Psilanteris bicolor +
52 Platytelenomus danubialis + + +
53 Macroteleia rufa +
The species Scelio rugosulus, Gryon pentru zona centrală – 40 de specii; urmează partea
muscaeformis, Gryon reduviophagus, Gryon de nord a republicii – 33 de specii şi sudul cu 32 de
fasciatus, Trimorus arenicola, Trimorus pallidimanus, specii.
Teleas quinquespinosus, Idris striativentris, Idris
piceiventris, Idris coxalis, Telenomus acrobates, References
Telenomus chloropus, Telenomus nitidulus, Telenomus 1. GÎRNEŢ M. 2010 - New faunistic data
heydeni, Trissolcus djadethko, Trissolcus rufiventris concerning scelionid family (Hymenoptera:
and Trissolcus grandis are common for these 3 Scelionidae) from the Republic of Moldova. Studii
regions, in total 17 species. The biggest diversity şi comunicări. Ştinţele naturii. Muzeul Olteniei
was recorded in the central part - 40 species, Craiova, Tom. 26, No. 2, p. 107-111.
folllowed by the north of the republic – 33 species 2. POSTALACHE Gh. 1995 - Vegetaţia
and the southern part of the Republic of Moldova – Republicii Moldova. Chişinău. 340 p.
32 species. The most representative genus was 3. АНДРЕЕВ А.В., ГОРБУНЕНКО П.Г.,
Telenomus with 11 species, followed by Trissolcus - ЖУРМИНСКИЙ С.Д., ИЗВЕРСКАЯ Т.Д.,
9 species, Gryon, Trimorus - 5 species, Teleas, Idris ЛОБЧЕНКО В.В., МУНТЯНУ А.И., РОТАРУ
- 4 species, Eremioscelio – 3 species, Apegus and И.Е., ШАБАНОВА Г.А., СЫРОДОЕВ Г.Н. 2004 -
Scelio – 2 species, genera Ateromorpha, Anteris, Научное обоснование создания национального
Baeus, Xenomerus, Probaryconus, Psilanteris, парка «Nistrul de Jos» («Нижний Днестр»).
Platytelenomus, Macroteleia with a single species. Интегрированное управление природными
ресурсами трансграничного бассейна Днестра.
Rezumat Chişinău, p.33-42.
Lucrarea prezintă rezultatele cercetărilor 4. БУШМАКИУ Г., КАЛУСТРУ Л.,
realizate în perioada 2006-2009 privind diversitatea БАКАЛ С., ГЫРНЕЦ М. 2008 - Энтомофауна
scelionidelor din ecosistemele forestiere din nordul, (Collembola, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera)
centrul şi sudul Republicii Moldova. În total au fost прибрежных зон нежнего Днестра Республики
identificate 53 de specii de scelionide ce aparţin la Молдова. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a
17 genuri. Cea mai mare diversitate s-a înregistrat Moldovei. Ştiinţele vieţii. p.107-114.
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The trophic spectrum of a family of long-eared owl in the northern part of the Republic of Moldova during nesting period was
analyzed. The pellets were collected at the end of reproductive period from the nest and under it. A total of 59 pellets were analyzed. The
mean number of individuals per pellets was 2.14, minimum – 1, maximum – 5, the size of pellets varied between 0.7cm and 4.5 cm. The
main prey of Asio otus individuals was Microtus genus species (M. arvalis and M. rossiameridionalis), which constituted 73%, followed by
species of genera Mus (M. spicilegus and M. musculus) and Apodemus (A. sylvaticus, A. uralensis and A. flavicollis). There was found one
individual of Muscardinus avellanarius, which constituted less than 1%. Thus, the trophic spectrum of long-eared owl in breeding period
consist mostly of field vole, which is the most abundant in agroecosystems and is considered pest species.
Introduction start to leave the nest and at two months old they
The long-eared owl (Asio otus otus L.) is one start to live independently. The fast growth of the
of the most important rodent predators. In our nestlings is ensured by the intense feeding, provided
country the long-eared owl is a sedentary bird and by both parents.
one of the most wide spread bird of prey. The During the digestion process the owl
nesting period begins usually in February-March, by regurgitate the undigerable rests of eaten animals
occupying old nests of other bird species (common (bones, fur, feathers, insect chitin etc.) as pellets.
raven, hooded crow, common magpie, some diurnal The study of the pellets provide important data
birds of prey etc.). The clutch size is 4-5 eggs, concerning the diet of long-eared owl, the
seldom 6-7 eggs, and the incubation period lasts 25– micromammal fauna in the area, the density of small
28 days. Only 2-3 fledglings survive in the first mammal species, their spreading etc.
month of their life. After one month the nestlings
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Material and methods Microtus arvalis and M. rossiaemeridionalis, Mus
The pellets were collected in 2009 at the end musculus and M. spicilegus, which can’t be
of nesting period after leaving the nest by young and differentiated morphologically were determined to
adult individuals. The nest was located near Unguri genera: Microtus and Mus. The age of identified
village (Ocnita district, north of R. Moldova) in a individuals was determined after the biometrical
birch tree. The owl family consisted of adult male, measurements of skull bones and after the tooth wear.
adult female and 2 nestlings. From the nest and
under it a total of 59 pellets were collected and Results and discussions
analyzed in laboratory. The pellets were measured The length of analyzed pellets (fig. 2) varied
and weighed, the bones were cleaned and preserved from 0.7 to 4.5 cm with the average of 1.98 cm.
in the laboratory collection. The small mammal After cleaning the bones a number of 126
species were determined after the dentition, individuals were registered. The number of
maxillary and mandibulary bones (Pucek, 1981, individual per pellet varied from 1 to 5, the average
Popescu and Murariu, 2001). The sibling species constituted 2.14 individuals.
The remains from pellets consisted only of Microtinae species (Nistreanu et al., 2011). Since the
rodent individuals, belonging to 6 species from 4 first days of spring the trappability of rodent species
genera: Microtus, Mus, Apodemus (A. sylvaticus, A. was rather high, of about 20-24% in agrocenoses,
uralensis, A. flavicollis) and Muscardinus. The most reaching 46% in May-June period. In Microtinae
abundant were the Microtus genus species, with 93 populations at the beginning of vegetation period a
individuals, constituting 73.02% (fig.3). Mus genus density of 80-120 colonies per ha was registered on
species constituted 11.11%, while the rest of the crop fields from the northern zone. Furthermore, the
species had less than 10% (fig.3). Only one reproductive intensity of Microtus species in March
individual of M. avellanarius was found in pellets, was very high (95% of reproductive females), which
constituting less than 1%. The three species of favored the sharp increasing of species density
Apodemus genus constituted about 15%, the toward the end of spring – beginning of summer in
dominant being A. sylvaticus with 8.73%. optimal station, such as forage crops, fallow lands,
The dominance index (Naughton-Wolf) of gramineae fields, abandonned lands etc., where the
Microtus species in pellets constitute 0.83 and their Microtinae density reached 200-250 col./ha. The
frequency is 89.83%, the species being found in density of M. spicilegus population on abandoned
majority of studiet pellets. The frequency of Mus fields and in perrenial herbs at the beginning of
species is of 20.34%, followed by 16.95% of A. spring was of 30-40 mounds per ha. The mound
sylvaticus and 10.17% of A. uralensis. The leaving, the dispersal of individuals and reproductive
frequency of A. flavicollis is less than 4%, the activity started in March and the dispersion process
species being found in 2 pellets only, and of M of the species in adjacent agrocenoses is the highest
avellanarius is 1.69%, being found in one pellet. in the first decade of May.
In the studied year of 2009 there was a peak
of rodent populations (fig. 4), especially if
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4.76 1.59 0.79
Fig. 3 – Trophic spectrum of Asio otus in the north of R. Moldova during nesting period
30 120
abundance repr.activity
25 100
reproductive females, %
20 80
abundance, %
15 60
10 40
5 20
0 0
A. sylvaticus A. flavicollis A. uralensis A. agrarius M. spicilegus Microtus C. glareolus
Fig. 4 – Abundance and reproductive activity of rodent species in agricultral ecosystems of the republic in 2009
In spring period the high proportion of 2006), in Germany (Temme, 1990). Furthermore,
subadult and juvenile rodent individuals is suitable the ratio of field voles in the diet of long-eared owl
for feeding prey birds and their nestlings. The ratio is varying depending on their density in the field
of subadult and juvenile individuals in pellets (Goszczynski, 1977; Korpimaki et Norrdahl, 1989).
constituted 22.69%. In the field studies from spring The Microtus genus species are the preferred
period the proportion of juveniles in rodent prey of long-eared owl due to several factors: they
population constituted 5-15% in March-April and inhabit open type biotopes such as fields, pastures,
increased to 40-50% in May-June. meadows, cultivated lands, fallow grounds, which
The highest proportion of Microtus voles in represent the main hunting sectors of A. otus; the
pellets during spring season was registered for other Microtinae prefers microhabitats with low
regions of Europe: in Poland 67,96% (Romanowski herbaceous vegetation, which make the animals
et Mihorski, 2008), in Romania (Benedek et Sarbu, exposed to avian predator attacks; gregarious
2010), in Slovenia 90% (Tome, 1994) in England behaviour and colony forming; alternating activity
79% (Village, 1981) in Western Finland 58% and resting periods during day and night; the high
(Korpimaki, 1993), in Serbia 51.61% (Popovic et al., reproductive rate of the species. Therefore, the
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Microtus genus species represent an available and pădure constă preponderent din şoareci de câmp,
abundant type of prey. care sunt şi cei mai abundenţi în agrocenoze şi sunt
The trofic spectrum of long-eared owl in consideraţi specii dăunătoare.
nesting period consists mostly of rodents, with the
absolute dominance of Microtus genus species. The References
high proportion of these harmful for agriculture 1. BENEDEK A.M., SARBU I., 2010 –
species show the importance of A. otus species in Dynamics of Asio otus L., 1758 (Aves: Strigiformes)
regulating filed vole number in agricultural and other winter-spring trophic regime in Western Plain
open land ecosystems during reproduction period. (Romania). Trav. Mus. Nat. His. Nat. Gr. Antipa, Vol.
53, p. 479 – 487.
Conclusions 2. KORPIMAKI, E., 1992 – Diet
The length of pellets varied from 0.7 to 4.5 composition, prey choice, and breeding success of
cm with the average of 1.98 cm. The number of Long-eared Owls: effects of multiannual fluctuations
individual per pellet varied from 1 to 5, the average in food abundance. Can. J. Zool., 70, p. 2373-2381.
constituted 2.14 individuals. 3. NISTREANU VICTORIA, A. SAVIN,
The main prey were Microtus genus species, ALINA LARION, V. SÎTNIC, O. CHIHAI., 2011 –
constituting 73.02% from all the rodents, with the Ecological aspects of rodent communities in
dominance index of 0.83 and frequency of 89.83%. agrarian ecosystems of Moldova. Bulletin of
The data of field studies prove the high density of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary
Microtinae in the spring-summer period of 2009 in Medicine Cluj-Napoca., 68(1), p. 272-276
agricultural ecosystems. 4. POPESCU A., MURARIU D., 2001 –
The ratio of subadult and juvenile individuals Fauna României. Mammalia, Rodentia. Vol. XVI,
in pellets constituted 22.69%, which correspond to the Fasc. 2, 210 pp.
field studies, where the proportion of juveniles in 5. POPOVIC E. J., OLIVERA N., BJELIC-
rodent population constituted 5-15% in March-April CABRILO K., R. TEPAVAC, 2006 – The fauna of
and increased to 40-50% in May-June, due to high small mammals in the vicinity of Temerin (The
reproductive activity. Vojvodina province). Proc. Nat. Sci, Matica Srpska
The high proportion of harmful for Novi Sad., 110, p. 55-60.
agriculture Microtus species in the diet of long-eared 6. PUCEK Z. (red.), 1981 – Keys to
owl prove its importance in regulating filed vole vertebrate of Poland. Mammals. PWN – Polish
number in agricultural and other open land Scientific Publishers – Warszava, , 370 pp.
ecosystems during reproductive period. 7. ROMANOWSKI J., MIHORSKI M., 2008
– Effect of season, weather and habitat on diet
Rezumat variation of a feeding specialist: a case study of the
A fost analizat spectrul trofic al unei familii long-eared owl, Asio otus in Central Poland. Folia
de ciufi de pădure în partea de nord a Republicii Zool., 57(4), p. 411–419.
Moldova în timpul perioadei nidicole. Ingluviile au 8. TOME D.N., 1994 – Diet composition of
fost colectate după cuibărit din interiorul cuibului şi the long-eared owl in Central Slovenia: seasonal
sub el. Au fost colecate si analizate 59 de ingluvii. variation in prey use. J Raptor Res., 28(4), p. 253-258.
Numărul mediu de indivizi per ingluvie a fost de 9. VILLAGE A., 1981 – The diet and
2,14, minimum – 1, maximum – 5, lungimea breeding of Long-eared Owls in relation to vole
ingluviilor a variat între 0,7 cm şi 4,5 cm. Hrana de numbers. Bird Study, 28 (3), p. 214-224.
bază a indivizilor de Asio otus o constituie speciile 10. GOSZCZYNSKI J., 1977 – Connection
genului Microtus (M. arvalis şi M. between predatory birds and mammals and their
rossiameridionalis), care au constituit 73%, urmate prey. Acta Theriol., 22(30), p. 399-430.
de speciile genului Mus (M. spicilegus şi M. 11. KORPIMAKI E., NORRDAHL K., 1989
musculus) şi Apodemus (A. sylvaticus, A. uralensis şi – Avian and mammalian predators of shrews in
A. flavicollis). A fost găsit doar un infivid de Europe: regional differences, between year and
Muscardinus avellanarius, ceea ce a constituit mai seasonal variation and mortality due to predation.
puţin de 1%. Astfel, spectrul trofic al ciufului de Ann. Zool. Fenn., 26(4), p. 389-400.
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The studies were accomplished between 2003-2010 in various natural and anthropogenic ecosystem types from different parts of
Republic of Moldova. Both Crocidurinae species (Crocidura leucodon and C. suaveolens) were recorded in many of studied natural and
anthropogenic biotopes. In the southern zone of Moldova the species were registered in natural reserves, in swampy sectors, in humid ditches
with hygrophilous vegetation, in woods, at forest edges and in forest shelter belts, in reed vegetation.and in agroecosystems mostly near
water basins. In the center of the republic the species are wide spread in Codri and Plaiul Fagului reserves in various types of biotopes. The
species were also recorded on river and lake banks, in woods, in humid ditches with hydrophilous vegetation, as well as in more arid
biotopes, including urban ones. In the northern zone both species are wide spread on the territory of Pădurea Domnească reserve in majority
of studied ecosystems. They were also registered in woods, forest edges, acacia stands, insular forests, near aquatic basins (ponds, lakes, fish
farms, rivers), as well as in various types of agroecosystems. We have to mention the high abundance of bicolour white-toothed shrew in the
last several years. It was recorded not only in natural and wet biotopes, but also in more arid ones, in agocenoses and in urban ecosystems.
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Bugeac and Balti the shrews are very rare. In the part of the republic. Along with natural ecosystems
northern zone of Moldova the bicolor shrew was it can be met in various types of agricultural, rural
found in Briceni, Ocnita, Glodeni and Edinet and urban ecosystems. It was recorded in Padurea
districts in woods, in forest plantations and near Domneasca reserve, in Glodeni, Edinet, Briceni,
water basins, as well as in Padurea Domneasca Drochia and Rezina districts in various types of
reserve. The lesser shrew is more frequent forest ecosystems, agrocenoses and in rural
(F=17.8%) and has a larger spreading in the northern environment near aquatic sources.
Crocidura leucodon
Crocidura suaveolens
Fig. 1 – Distribution of C. leucodon and
C. suaveolens on the territory of R. Moldova
In the south of the republic both species were Landscape Reserve, where they find favorable life
recorded in Stefan Voda, Cantemir and Causani conditions: abundant shrub vegetation, well
districts in forest ecosystems: woods, forest edges, developed herbaceous vegetation and litter and the
forest plantations and shelter belts, as well as near proximity of various water basins (rivers, rivulets,
forest water sources and in humid gullies with ponds, lakes).
hygrophilous vegetation near the roads. The species The white toothed shrews are more
are rather well represented near large water basins anthropophylous than other shrew species. Therefore
from the south of the republic – Manta and Beleu they were often recorded in rural and urban areas,
lakes from Cahul district and are spread all over the being dominant among all shrew species with total
territory of Prutul de Jos reserve. abundance of over 70%. In Chisinau city and its
In the central region the species were suburbs the species were registered mostly in wetland
recorded in Chishinau suburbs near Danceni, ecosystems (paludous and riparian), in people’s
Ialoveni and Sociteni localities in forest ecosystems, gardens situated near Byc river, city parks,
at forest edges that are rather affected by human cemeteries, food storage yards. In city parks, in
recreational activity. In Orhei, Hancesti, Calarasi, cemeteries and in fields, placed mostly in suburbs,
Ungheni district the shrews were found in woods, only C. suaveolens was recorded, while along
forest plantations and shelter belts, in urban waysides (railway) only C. leucodon. In yards of food
environment and in agrocenoses (abandoned lands, storage both Crocidura species were found (Tikhonov
orchards, vineyards). The species are spread in forest et al., 2009; 2010; Nistreanu et al., 2011a).
reserves of Codri, Plaiul Fagului and in Trebujeni
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The distribution of the white toothed shrews woods of the northern part and in forest reserve
in the ecosystems of the three studied zones of R. “Padurea Domneasca” both species were recorded
Moldova was studied (fig. 2). Thus, in small insular with rather low abundance (C. leucodon with
woods of the northern part and in forest reserve 10.53% and C. suaveolens with 5.26%). In
“Padurea Domneasca” both species were recorded agricultural ecosystems the situation is different: C.
with rather low abundance (C. leucodon with suaveolens has an abundance of more than 50% and
10.53% and C. suaveolens with 5.26%). In high frequency, while C. leucodon constitute less
agricultural ecosystems the situation is different: C. than 5% among all shrew species. In wet ecosystems
suaveolens has an abundance of more than 50% and (mostly paludous and swampy) the abundance of
high frequency, while C. leucodon constitute less lesser shrew is almost twice higher than of bicolor
than 5% among all shrew species. In wet ecosystems shrew (25.42% and 13.56%) and both species
(mostly paludous and swampy) the abundance of constituted almost 40% of shrew population.
lesser shrew is almost twice higher than of bicolor Both species were rather abundant in all
shrew (25.42% and 13.56%) and both species studied ecosystems from the central zone. In forest
constituted almost 40% of shrew population. biotopes, forest stands, at forest edges and in wet
Both species were rather abundant in all ecosystems their abundance varied between 16%
studied ecosystems from the central zone. In forest and 27%, C.suaveolens being more frequent (38%).
biotopes, forest stands, at forest edges and in wet The most spread and abundant both species are in
ecosystems their abundance varied between 16% agroecosystems from the center of the republic,
and 27%, C.suaveolens being more frequent (38%). which include abandoned agricultural lands, fallow
The most spread and abundant both species are in grounds, orchards, gardens, edges of sectors
agroecosystems from the centre of the republic, cultivated with rape, alfalfa, cereals and forage
which include abandoned agricultural lands, fallow crops. In such biotopes the most abundant was C.
grounds, orchards, gardens, edges of sectors leucodon with more than 63%, C suaveolens
cultivated with rape, alfalfa, cereals and forage reaching 22%, both species constituting more than
crops. In such biotopes the most abundant was C. 80% of shrew population.
leucodon with more than 63%, C suaveolens In the southern zone the highest number of
reaching 22%, both species constituting more than Crocidura shrews was recorded in forest ecosystems
80% of shrew population. and constituted more than half of shrew population,
In the southern zone the highest number of while in agricultural ecosystems the species were
Crocidura shrews was recorded in forest ecosystems registered in small percent, probably, because of
and constituted more than half of shrew population, more arid conditions in comparison to other parts of
while in agricultural ecosystems the species were the country and many steppe territories. In paludous
registered in small percent, probably, because of more biotopes the lesser shrew was well represented
arid conditions in comparison to other parts of the (20.97%), while C. leucodon constituted less than
country and many steppe territories. In paludous 4% (fig. 2).
biotopes the lesser shrew was well represented Some ecological indexes of Crocidura
(20.97%), while C. leucodon constituted less than 4% communities were analyzed in the studied zones,
(fig. 2). The white toothed shrews are more such as abundance, frequency and ecological
anthropophylous than other shrew species. Therefore significance (fig. 3). All indexes are the highest in
they were often recorded in rural and urban areas, the central part of the republic, where there is a
being dominant among all shrew species with total larger variety of biotopes by comparing with other
abundance of over 70%. In Chisinau city and its zones, including several forest and landscape
suburbs the species were registered mostly in wetland reserves, protected areas, which provide favorable
ecosystems (paludous and riparian), in people’s life conditions: abundant shrub vegetation, well
gardens situated near Byc river, city parks, developed herbaceous vegetation and litter,
cemeteries, food storage yards. In city parks, in containing rich trophic resources, and good humidity
cemeteries and in fields, placed mostly in suburbs, conditions.
only C. suaveolens was recorded, while along After analyzing the shrew distribution in the
waysides (railway) only C. leucodon. In yards of food three zones of the Republic of Moldova it can be
storage both Crocidura species were found (Tikhonov seen that both species are most numerous and spread
et al., 2009; 2010; Nistreanu et al., 2011a). in the central part, C. leucodon being more
The distribution of the white toothed shrews numerous (61.64%) than C. suaveolens (47.62%). In
in the ecosystems of the three studied zones of R. the south the species abundance is almost equal
Moldova was studied (fig. 2). Thus, in small insular (23.29% and 21.43%), but much lower than in the
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centre of the country. In the north C. leucodon is region, while in the southern and northern parts
about two times less abundant than C. suaveolens some areas are not suitable at all for shrew
(15.07% and 30.95%). The higher abundance of the occurrence, such as steppe zones (Bugeac in south,
shrews in the central part of he republic is due to the Balti in north) and large territories of arid pastures.
higher number of studied biotopes, but also to the
much wider variety of ecosystem types in central
70 70
no of ind.
abundance, %
C. leucodon
60 C. suaveolens 60
no of shrews
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
forest agro wet ecos. forest agro wet ecos. forest agro wet ecos.
Fig. 2 – Structure of shrew communities in various ecosystems of the studied zones of R. Moldova
30 26.5
10 5.51
1.46 2.98 3.41
abundance frequency ecol. sign. abundance frequency ecol. sign.
C. leucodon C. suaveolens
The evaluation of the ecological significance In the past century both Crocidura species
of studied species in the three zones of Moldova were rather rare and were recorded in more arid
established that only in central part both white biotopes, such as fields, pastures, abandoned lands,
toothed shrew species are constant (over 25%) in the slopes with herbaceous or bush vegetation. C.
majority of biotopes, while in the northern and suaveolens was more abundant and frequent,
southern parts they are accessory (less than 5%), reaching less than 20% from the shrew community,
being characteristic only in forest reserves (between while C. leucodon was registered only in few natural
6% and 9%). ecosystems with very low abundance, less than 10%.
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In bibliographic sources before 2000 only some data In the new century the structure of shrew
about its occurrence in Codri forest reserve were community changed and starting with 2003 the
found (Lozan, 1975; 1979, Mihailenco, 1996, modifications of shrew communities qualitative and
Averin et al., 1984), where it was recorded in forest quantitative composition all over the territory of
ecosystems, meadows and pastures of the reserve. Moldova were registered (Nistreanu, 2011).
The species was very rare in the past century and Therefore, the proportion of Crodura genus species
since the 80’s its number decreased more, so it was within the whole shrew population and its variations
included in the Red Book of Moldova, 2nd edition as in time could be emphasized (fig.4).
critically endangered.
70 120
abundance, %
no of shrews
C. leucodon
60 C. suaveolens
total no of shrews 100
10 20
0 0
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
In the first years of study 2003-2007 the spread and abundant both species are in
proportion of bicolor white toothed shrew was rather agroecosystems from the centre of the republic,
low and varied from 2 to about 10% from the whole where they constitute more than 80% of shrew
shrew population, except 2005, when it reached population. The lesser shrew is the most
more than 20%. In the last years of study the species anthropophylous species among shrews, its
had a rather high abundance, reaching its maximum frequency in urban and rural area reaching 80%. The
in 2009 with more than 35%. The lesser shrew was steppe zones and large territories of arid pastures are
present and rather well represented in all the studied not suitable for shrews.
years. Its abundance variation is more smooth, The ecological significance of studied species
reaching the peak of its density in 2010, when it in the three zones of Moldova is constant only in
represented more than 60% from the shrew central part (more than 25%), in the majority of
population. It can be seen that during the last several biotopes, while in the northern and southern parts
years the proportion of Crocidura genus species they are accessory (less than 5%), being
related to the entire shrew population increased from characteristic only in forest reserves (between 6%
less than 10% to almost half and reached its and 9%).
maximum in 2010, when constituted more than 80%. The dynamics of Crocidura species communities
showed their significant increasing in the last years.
Conclusions The bicolor white-toothed shrew, which was an
The white toothed and lesser shrews are endangered species, became one of the most
rather spread on the territory of Republic of common among shrews in the last years. The lesser
Moldova in natural, as well as in agrocenoses and shrew was well represented in all the studied years
urban environment. The species were registered in and its abundance variation is more smooth. The
humid and in more arid habitats: in forest biotopes, white toothed and lesser shrews are vulnerable and
forest stands, plantations, at forest edges, in need further study and protection.
paludous and riparian habitats, pastures, meadows,
in various types of agricultural lands. The most
http://www.studiisicomunicaribacau.ro / https://biblioteca-digitala.ro
Rezumat and sustainable use of the animal world diversity”.
Cercetările au fost efectuate între anii 2003- Chisinau, p. 44-45.
2010 în diverse tipuri de ecosisteme naturale şi 5. Nistreanu V., Savin A., Burlacu V., Larion
antropogene pe tot teritoriul Republicii Moldova. A., Caraman N., Corcimaru N., Burduniuc O.
Ambele specii de Crocidurinae (Crocidura leucodon Distribution of shrews from genus Crocidura on the
şi C. suaveolens) au fost înregistrate în multe dintre territory of Republic of Moldova. Academician Leo
biotopurile studiate. În zona de sud speciile au fost Berg – 135: Collection of Scientific Articles.
semnalate în rezervaţii naturale, în ecosisteme de Bender, 2011, p. 350-353.
baltă, în şanţuti umede cu vegetaţie higrofilă, în 6. АВЕРИН Ю.В., МУНТЯНУ А.И.,
păduri, la liziere şi în perdele forestiere, în ЧЕГОРКА П.Т., ГАВРИЛЕНКО В.С., ЛУНКАШУ
agrocenoze situate în apropierea surselor acvatice. În М.И., САВИН А.И., 1984 – Млекопитающие.
centrul republicii speciile sunt larg răspândite în «Природа Заповедника Кодры». Кишинэу
rezervaţiile Codri şi Plaiul Fagului în majoritatea «Штиинца», с.57-64.
biotopurilor. În agrocenozele din centru aceste specii 7. ЛОЗАН М.Н., 1975 – Насекомоядные
s-au dovedit a fi cele mai abundente şi răspândite, млекопитающие Молдавии (Insectivora,
unde constituie cca 80% din populaţia de chiţcani. În Mammalia). Экология птиц и млекопитающих
nord spceiile sunt larg răspândite pe teritoriul Молдавии. Кишинэу «Штиинца», с. 96-118.
rezervaţiei Pădurea Domnească. În localităţi au fost 8. ЛОЗАН М.Н., 1979 – Насекомоядные.
semnalate ambele specii, însă chiţcanul de grădină, Млекопитающие. «Животный мир Молдавии».
care este cea mai antropofilă specie printre chiţcani, Кишинэу «Штиинца», с. 25-40.
atinge abundenţa de 80%. Semnificaţia ecologică a 9. МИХАЙЛЕНКО А., 1996 – Грызуны и
speciilor studiate este constantă doar în zona centrală насекомоядные заповедников Молдовы. Simpozion
a republicii (peste 25%), iar în nord şi sud acestea jubiliar “Rezervaţia naturală “Codrii” - 25 ani.
sunt specii accesorii (sub 5%). Dinamica speciilor Realizări, probleme, perspective” p.40-41.
denotă creşterea semnificativă a frecvenţei şi 10. МУНТЯНУ А.И., САВИН А.И., 1992 –
abundenţei acestora în ultimii 10 ani. Млекопитающие. «Фауна биоценотических
оазисов и ее практическое значение». Кишинэу
References «Штиинца», стр. 179-202.
1. MUNTEANU A., 2005 – Mamifere. 11. TIKHONOV I.А., KOTENKOVA E.V.,
Natura Rezervaţiei „Plaiul Fagului”, p. 244-265. USPENSKAIA I.G., KONOVALOV IU.N.,
2. MUNTEANU A., 2007 – Componenţa şi BURLACU V.I., BENES O.A., GHEORGHITA
distribuţia spaţială a speciilor de micromamalii în S.D., CARAMAN N.C., TIKHONOVA G.N.,
rezervaţia ştiinţifică „Pădurea Domnească”. Conf. HRYSTIN V.A., NISTREANU V.B., MUNTEANU
VI a Zoologilor din Moldova, Chişinău, p. 39-41. A.I., 2009 – Rodents and Insectivora of unbuilding
3. NISTREANU V. 2011 – Multiannual territories of city Kishinev. Proceedings of 4th
dynamics of shrew (Mammalia, Soricomorpha, International Scientific-Practical Conference
Soricidae) communities in Republic of Moldova. “Urboecosystems: problems and Prospects of
Oltenia Journal for Studies in Natural Sciences, vol. Development”, Ishim, 19-20 March, с. 310-315.
27(2), p. 140-144. 12. ТИХОНОВ И.А., МУНТЯНУ А.И.,
species (Soricomorpha, Soricidae) in urban В.Б., ТИХОНОВА Г.Н., КОТЕНКОВА Е.В., 2010
ecosystems of Chisinau city and its suburbs. – Биотопическое распределение, структура
International Conference of Zoologists dedicated to популяций и некоторые особенности размножения
the 50th anniversary from the foundation of Institute мелких млекопитающих г. Кишинева // Поволж.
of Zoology of ASM “Actual problems of protection экол. журн. № 4. С. 404-415.
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The diversity of rodents in the alfalfa crop from the Bârsăneşti commune, Bacău County, was studied during April – October 2008,
2009 and 2010. In the researched alfalfa crop, we captured 133 individuals belonging to Rodentia Order: 56 individuals in 2008, 41 in 2009
and 36 in 2010.
Systematically, the individuals belong to 2 families, 6 genera and 9 species. Among these only one species is euconstant – Microtus
arvalis. The species Apodemus flavicollis, Mus spicilegus, Microtus arvalis and Apodemus sylvaticus were identified as eudominant and
specific to this type of ecosystem. The most obvious cenotic affinity is between the Microtus arvalis and Apodemus flavicollis species (70%).
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arvalis) and 1 dominant species (Mus musculus). To To underline the cenotic affinities among the
these there can be added 2 subdominant species 9 rodent species we found is necessary to calculate
(Pitymys subterraneus and Apodemus agrarius) and the similarity index (Table 3). On the basis of this
1 subrecedent species (Rattus norvegicus). index values we were able to realize the dendrogram
The index of ecological significance (W) in Figure 1 which graphically illustrates the affinities
indicates 4 characteristic species (eudominant) among species.
which are best accomodated to the ecological factors According to this dendrogram the most
in this type of ecosystem. obvious cenotic affinity is between the species
Microtus arvalis and Apodemus flavicollis - 70%.
Table 1 - Species of rodents colected in the alfalfa crop (Bârsăneşti, Bacău County)
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Since 1959, when it was founded a science department, until 2007, when they opened a series of temporary exhibitions in the new
headquarters and museum of modern science Cancicov Park, many cultural and file were paraded before the public Bacau.
Using modern information multimedia technology, authors, curators at the Museum of Natural Sciences of Bacau, have made an
application installed on touchscreen will always offer the visitors a picture of all activities of the museum during this time period. Wealth of
images and video effects complete aesthetic and technical innovation, offering visitors a consistent and attractive documentary material.
„Time is a beast that has endless patience to for the final product: ease to use, stability in
swallow everything.” (Octavian Paler) operation and attractive graphics design, all done
„The time erase... Yes, but he knows how to with minimal costs. In order to satisfy the desire of
keep, like no other, which should not be lost.”(Amza the minimum cost was required extensive
Pellea) documentation on the types of software licenses and
a comprehensive study of existing offers. Copyright
Introduction license means maintaining a product in the context
The authors of this paper were made to the of providing certain permissions to users using the
visitors a concise and richly illustrated history of product. There are several types of license: GPL,
what was Museum of Natural Sciences of Bacau BSD, MIT, Apache, Creative Commons, Open
from its inception until 2007. Concise, because time Source, etc. The author who dealt with the concept
is a valuable resource for both curator and for the and technical achievement, curator eng. Florin-
visitors. Richly illustrated, because pleasuring the Cătălin Tofan, tried to focus as much as possible to
eye is the way to delight the soul and mind opening. type Open Source, which although is free involves
Besides these two, enjoying the benefits of modern often products that are unfinished or beta version.
technology, it added another important feature: Found and used technological solution involves
interactivity. Thus, it is given to the visitor the using a mix of applications and scripts, which
opportunity to interact with the software installed on finally led to a technological solution as a stable
your computer via touchscreen. application, compact, with a uniform look and easy
to use graphical interface, even by people who do
Material and methods not have experience in using a personal computer.
From initial documentation through to final The application employs a logical scheme and use
product, ready for use by visitors, were crossed of programming languages evolved enough to allow
several steps, grouped in a logical algorithm. It took high-efficiency performance of an application.
also a large investment in research, technological However, to finish GUI (Graphic User Interface)
creativity and innovation to meet the requirements and photo processing, has been used extensively the
software Adobe Photoshop, for which the institution
____________________________________________________ has license. Although application code allows use of
„Ion Borcea” Natural Sciences Museum, Aleea Parcului No. 9, flash files, is not based on Flash technology because
Bacau, Romania. it involves the use of licensed commercial version,
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which imply high costs. It is used instead the player On the exhibition, in 1961 it is opened the
for flash files, player freely distributed by Adobe. first temporary exhibition located in no. 20
Documentation, structuring information and Marasesti St., in a small space of only 50 square
beta testing of the application was made by biologist meters, with the themes of cosmology and
and curator dr. Daniel-Ştefan Ghiurcă. Teamwork evolution.
has relieved much of the work and offered a The year 1964 brings separation of
guarantee to achieve robust and attractive department of science from Regional Complex and
application. its establishment as a museum, stand-alone unit,
located in the former home of Criste Cristoveanu,
located in no. 2 Karl Marx Street, the former
Busuioc St. The permanent exhibition opening was
made in 1966 and had a complex topic, on the
presentation of the scientific issues of cosmology,
evolution, the richness of flora and fauna, to the
transformation of nature by man. The exhibition has
enjoyed since the opening of a large influx of
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Astronomical Observatory “V. Anestin” in no. 8-10 The temporary exhibitions opened at the
Trotus Street and Memorial House “Ion Borcea” Headquarters found in Gh. Vranceanu Street since
located in the Racova village, Bacau county. 1996 were:
Since Gh. Vranceanu Street headquarters was
located in an ancient heritage building, which had
renovated and the exhibition space was
inappropriate, in 1992, is issued the building permit
no. 31 by the City Hall of Bacau, following which it
begins building a new headquarters for The “Ion
Borcea” Museum of Natural Sciences located in
Liberty Park (now Cancicov Park). The permanent
exhibition which was housed in this building was
structured as follows:
Entrance - Painting exhibition “Form and
color in nature” made by students, panels
with biologists, public - museum
relationship and research;
Room 1 - Origin and evolution of life;
Room 2 - Organization and functioning of
Painted Eggs (1996)
Chinese Art and Nature (1997)
Room 3 - Insects;
The Story of Salt (1997)
Room 4 – Vertebrates World;
The Story of Silicon (1998)
Hall 1 - Genetics and modern
The Story of Amber (1999)
Plants in Christian Worship (2000)
Room 5 - Man and the Biosphere;
The Story of Tabacco (2002)
Room 6 - Fauna and Flora of Romania;
The Story of Sugar And Chocolate (2003)
Hall 2 - Nature Monuments (protected flora
and fauna); Gemstones (2003)
Hall 3 - Conquest of the Cosmos. Butterfly World (2004)
Touchscreen presentation includes photos Marsh Birds (2005)
and videos for each part of the permanent Magical Plants (2006)
exhibition. GUI application allows shared access to The touchscreen presents photo-video
elements in the photo and video, but they are shown aspects of all these exhibitions.
differently. Selection is made easy with a touch of The year 2003 brings the opening of the new
photo-video item shown on screen, it immediately building of Museum of Natural Sciences Complex,
switching mode power zoom or video play. The the headquarters located in Cancicov Park.
technology is similar to Lightbox, based on JQuery, Also, starts moving collections, laboratories,
but was enhanced to allow display both images and library and administrative department in the new
videos and to display a translucent panel for a brief building so that in 2007 to open a new series of
description at the bottom. temporary exhibitions in the modern space of the
new headquarters.
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These exhibitions were made by young were other technical problems had to be resolved
curators: under a very austere budget. Existing commercial
Ornamental Plants (2007); solutions require higher final cost and hence burden
Amphibians and Reptiles - Myth and of an culture institution with budget sums.
Reality (2007);
Results and discussions
Nature of Color, the Colors of Nature
The application that presents the history of
(2007); science museum is currently running on two
Mushrooms - Delicacy, Medicine, Poison touchscreens located in the exhibition hall of the
(2007); Museum of Natural Sciences of Bacau and was
Social Insects (2008); conducted entirely within the institution, with ultra-
The Fascinating World of Shells (2008). low-cost resources. The authors, biol. dr. Daniel-
Using personal computers eased the work of Ştefan Ghiurca, from Department of Scientific and
the museum curators and designers, allowing shorter Exhibition (documentation and beta testing) and
execution time of the panels and significantly Florin-Catalin Tofan, from Muzeotechnic and
increasing their quality and the graphics. Informatics Department (concept and technical
execution) have tried and succeeded to translate into
attractive and consistent digital form, the pages of
history of the museum institution.
Successful completion of the application on
the history of science museum of Bacau paved the
way for the establishment since 2010, of a collection
of interactive and educational touchscreen
applications, collection that will include applications
made entirely at the Museum of Natural Sciences of
Their theme will be the natural sciences and
applications will be publicly available on the
touchscreen located at the Cancicov Park
headquarter and in the future those of the Vivarium
and Astronomical Observatory. We hope that these
touchscreen’s number to grow as they are points of
The application we created in the compact attraction for the visitors.
mode does not require installation and has the
following system requirements: minimum 3 GHz
Athlon processor, Athlon 3 GHz DualCore optimal,
at least 2 GB free hard disk, 1 GB RAM minimum,
Windows XP SP2 + Microsoft Internet Explorer 8,
Flash Player v. 10 (for IE), Internet Explorer 8 or
later. Was made also another experimental version,
which opens perspectives in the design and
implementation of a new specialized software for
multimedia kiosks.
Proposed objectives
Objective which the two authors proposed
was to create an application that shows the history
of the Museum of Natural Sciences of Bacau over
time and to run on the touchscreen. Using For example, the new permanent exhibition
PowerPoint application, although the most of the Natural History Museum “Gr. Antipa” in
convenient, was excluded because involves certain Bucharest contain 67 “InfoTouch” sites, where
limitations and drawbacks. The application had to visitors can directly access information on exhibits.
run like a browser, but in fullscreen. Limiting user This leads to a better guidance for both individual
access to Windows XP functions used on visitors and small groups of visitors, the public
touchscreen, stability in operation and ease of use having access to information beyond that provided
by the curator in normal thematic guide.
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Conclusions Cancicov, multe file de cultură s-au perindat prin
The requirements of museum visitors comply faţa publicului băcăuan.
with current developments in science and Utilizând tehnologii informatice multimedia
modern information technologies. moderne, autorii, muzeografi la muzeul de ştiinţele
Museum as an institution working with the naturii din Bacău, au realizat o aplicaţie care,
public, must adapt to new cultural requirements instalată pe touchscreen, va oferi permanent
offer of modern information technologies publicului vizitator o imagine a tuturor activităţilor
imposed by the emergence of the internet and desfăşurate de muzeu de-a lungul acestei perioade
modern communication and information devices. de timp. Bogăţia de imagini şi efectele video
completează aspectul estetic şi inovaţia tehnică,
oferind vizitatorilor un consistent şi atractiv material
1. Kirsten Gibbs, Margherita Sani, Jane
Thompson – Lifelong Learning in Museums – A
European Handbook, EDISAI s.r.l. Ferrara, Italy;
2. http://wiki.fluidproject.org/download/atta
3. http://www.opensource.org/licenses/;
4. *** – Museum No 144 (Vol XXXVI, n°
4, 1984), The museum as educator, UNESCO, 1984
5. George E. Hein, Professor Emeritus
Lesley University – The Role of Museums in
Society: Education and Social Action, (seminar for
museum educators), Jyväskylä, Finland 9,
November 2005;
6. American Associations of Museums
Standing Professional Comitte on Education –
Museum Education Principles and Standards,
Washington DC, 2001 (http://www.edcom.org/)
7. Manuel Sojer – Reuse Open Source
Codes, Dissertation Technische Universität München,
2010, Gabler Verlag Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
GmbH 2011;
8. http://jquery.com/
Rezumat 9. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/
Din anul 1959, când a fost înfiinţată o secţie ms123401.aspx
de ştiinţele naturii, până în anul 2007, când s-au 10. http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/
deschis o serie de expoziţii temporare în sediul nou 11. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-
şi modern al muzeului de ştiinţele naturii din Parcul us/aa570309.
http://www.studiisicomunicaribacau.ro / https://biblioteca-digitala.ro
The temporary exhibition “Fruits and seeds from the spontaneous and cultivated flora” was realized by the specialists from the
Vivarium subunit of the “Ion Borcea” Natural Science Museum Complex Bacău.
The biological material was collected during 2009-2011, from the spontaneous and cultivated flora of Bacău County, being
represented by the 153 species.
In the exhibition only 80 species were presented to the public, using scientifical and didactic criteria. Thus, the visitors can
discover different types of fruits: dehiscent dry fruits (pod, silicule, siliqua, follicle, capsule, polyfollicle), nondehiscent dry fruits
(caryopsis, achene, nut, nucule, samara, disamara, pod, silicule), fleshy and bacciform fruits (berry, drupe, pepo, pits).
The project was realized in partnership with Forest Research and Management Institute (I.C.A.S. Bacău).
The collected fruits and seeds will be part of a new collection from our museum patrimony.
Keywords: exhibition, fruits, seeds, spontaneous and cultivated flora, Bacău County
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Conclusions şi didactice. Astfel, vizitatorii pot descoperi diferite
The temporary exhibition „Fruits and seeds in tipuri de fructe: fructe uscate dehiscente (păstaie,
spontaneous and cultivated flora” was realized by siliculă, silicvă, foliculă, capsulă, polifoliculă),
the specialists of the Vivarium unit of the Natural fructe uscate indehiscente (cariopsă, achenă, nucă,
Science Museum Complex „Ion Borcea” Bacău and nuculă, samară, disamară, păstaie ind., siliculă ind.),
was opened on September 29, 2011. fructe cărnoase şi baciforme (bacă, drupă, peponidă,
Among the 153 species collected from the poamă), precum şi informaţii referitoare la utilizările
spontaneous and cultivated flora of the Bacău county acestora.
80 species were exposed, the visitors could observe În cadrul expoziţiei a fost prezentată şi o
and learn about various fruit and seed types. parte din colecţia de seminţe a I.C.A.S. Bacău.
The collected vegetal material belongs to 1 Colecţia de fructe şi seminţe fiind prima de
phylum, 2 subphylums, 4 classes, 6 subclasses, 34 acest fel realizată în cadrul muzeului nostru, va
orders and 47 families. îmbogăţi patrimoniul Complexului Muzeal de
As the first realized fruit and seed collection Ştiinţele Naturii „Ion Borcea” Bacău.
of this type, it will enrich the patrimony of the Natural
Science Museum Complex „Ion Borcea” Bacău. References
1. CIOCÂRLAN V., 2000 – Flora ilustrată a
Rezumat României – Pteridophyta et Spermatophita, Ed.
Expoziţia temporară „Fructe şi seminţe din Ceres, Bucureşti, 1139p.
flora spontană şi cultivată” a fost realizată de 2. PÂRVU C., 1991 – Universul Plantelor –
specialiştii de la subunitatea Vivariu a Complexului Mică Enciclopedie, Ed, Enciclopedică, Bucureşti,
Muzeal de Ştiinţele Naturii „Ion Borcea” Bacău şi 598p.
vernisată pe data de 29 septembrie 2011. 3. PALADE M., 1997 – Botanică
Materialul vegetal a fost colectat în perioada farmaceutică, vol 1, Ed. Tehnică, Bucureşti, 496p.
2009-2011, din flora spontană şi cultivată a judeţului 4. TEMELIE M., 2008 – Enciclopedia
Bacău, fiind reprezentat de 153 specii. În spaţiul plantelor medicinale cultivate din România, Ed.
alocat expoziţiei numai 80 de specii au fost Rovimed Publischers, Bacău, 416p.
prezentate publicului, pe baza unor criterii ştiinţifice
http://www.studiisicomunicaribacau.ro / https://biblioteca-digitala.ro
Fig. no. 1. Aspects from the temporary exhibition.
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In addition to the Museum's functions related to the compilation, preservation and exposure of parts of the collection, is important to
pay attention to the relationship with the public. In this context, the authors, curators at “Ion Borcea” Natural Science Museum Complex
Bacău have experienced other forms of involvement of the museum in ecological education.
The purpose of this educational project was to motivate the young generation to appreciate the value of the natural heritage and for
its observance.
This paper describes the activities carried out with public school and preschool, through protocols of cooperation with educational
institutions, in the period 2008-2010.
Keywords: the Museum's activities, education for environment, multimedia, natural heritage
* „Ion Borcea” Natural Sciences Museum, Aleea Parcului No. 9,
Bacau, Romania.
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Proposed objectives
1. Museum involvement in environmental
education efforts;
2. Diversification means of relating to public;
3. Correlation of cultural and educational
programs offered by the museum, with specific
4. Integration of cultural and educational
Offers in the context of museum education through
interdisciplinary activities.
Participants were very receptive, younger
These actions were within the curriculum of
pupils were more interested than teenagers.
the students practice the profile of ecology and
Teachers realized the importance of working
environmental protection.
with museum professionals to optimize the
educational act.
Moving of museum team within the county
favored access to information for children in rural
Museum curators presence among the public
was a form of promote the image and role of the
museum in society.
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de implicare a muzeului în realizarea educaţiei
Scopul acestui proiect a constat în motivarea
tinerei generaţii în aprecierea şi respectarea valorii
patrimoniului natural.
Această lucrare descrie activităţile
desfăşurate cu publicul de vârstă preşcolară şi
şcolară, realizate sub forma unor protocoale de
colaborare cu instituţii de învăţământ, în perioada
1. M. Negulescu, L. Vaicum, C. Pătru, S.
Ianculescu, G. Bonciu, O. Pătru – Protecţia mediului
înconjurător, Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti, 1995.
2. Kirsten Gibbs, Margherita Sani, Jane
Thompson – Lifelong Learning in Museums, A European
Handbook, EDISAI s.r.l., Ferrara (Italy), 2007.
3. Marquita K. Hill – Understanding
Environmental Pollution, Cambridge University
Press, 2004.
4. M. Barnea, C. Papadopol – Poluarea şi
protecţia mediului, Ed. Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică,
Bucureşti, 1975.
5. Julie Kerr Casper, Ph.D. – Global Warming -
Fossile Fuels and Pollution, New York, 2010.
6. David Pimentel – Biofuels, Solar and Wind
as Renewable Energy Systems: Benefits and Risks,
Springer, 2008.
7. Prof. dr. I. Anghel şi colab. – Practicum de
Biologie, vol. I şi II, Tipografia Universităţii din
Bucureşti, 1989.
8. Ion Plumb, Andreea Zamfir, Managing
Rezumat Renewable Energy: The Romanian Practice, Review
Pe lângă funcţiile muzeului legate de Of International Comparative Management, Vol. 10
realizarea, conservarea şi expunerea unor piese de No. 1, Bucharest, 2009 (http://www.rmci.ase.ro/).
patrimoniu, este important să se acorde atenţie 9. LEGE nr. 13 din 11 martie 1993 pentru
relaţiei cu publicul. În acest context autorii, aderarea Romaniei la Conventia privind conservarea
muzeografi la Complexul Muzeal de Ştiinţele vietii salbatice si a habitatelor naturale din Europa,
Naturii „Ion Borcea” Bacău au conceput alte forme adoptata la Berna la 19 septembrie 1979.
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* „Ion Borcea” Natural Sciences Museum, Aleea Parcului No. 9,
Bacau, Romania.
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After the French historian Alexis de On October 4, 1986 he passed away in
Tocqueville (1805-1859), history is a gallery of Bucharest and was buried in his dear Bukovina, in
portraits with many copies and few originals. This Câmpulung Moldovenesc.
portrait generally outlined here is authentic and has As he used to confess, a lead role in his
to be considered adequately. scientific and professional orientation, in the shaping
In October 4 of this year 25 years have of his oersonality had the following Professors: M.
passed since the passing away of Professor Doctor Guşuleac, E. Botezatu, C. Hurmuzachi, P. Ionescu-
Traian I. Ştefureac who has definitively entered the Bujor, F. Netolytzky, A. Penecke, O. Marcu etc.
illustrious gallery of the Romanian botanists. who, besides having transmitted an extensive
A short biographic presentation will outline biology knowledge, have also given him the sense of
the life of this great man who, in the course of his 78 duty, earnestness, discipline and self-competition,
years of life (of which 33 were spent in the knowledge. Trained in this way he came to be the
universitary system), served the human community youngest disciple in the botanical school created by
he lived in and created a scientific work to Professor Dr. M. Guşuleac.
remember: As a professor, he created and taught courses
He was born on April 18, 1908 in of systematical botanics, general botanics,
Câmpulung Moldovenesc (Suceava county) in a 7- geobotanics and the greatest courses were those
child family of the illustrious Bukovina linked with the evolution and phylogeny of plants at
ethnographer, Professor Ioan Ştefureac and Minodora the Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Chemistry etc. He
(born Simionovici); organised and lead for 23 years the student scientific
He attended the primary and secondary courses in the faculty. He worked as a researcher
school, „Dragoş Vodă” Highschool in his native town; and head of department for 17 years at the „Traian
He attended the universitary courses at the Săvulescu” Institute.
University of Cernăuţi and obtained his diploma in In this presentation we will concentrate upon
Natural Sciences „with a distinction”, also his prodigious and restless original scientific activity
graduating the Universitary Pedagogical Seminary touching different directions of vegetal biology upon
in 1934; avascular and vascular plants: morphology and
He obtained his doctoral degree in 1940 anatomy, taxonomy, ecology and phytogeography,
with the qualification „Very good with a phytocenology, phylogeny and evolution, applied
distinction”, being supervised by Professor M. botanics etc. From the more than 400 published
Guşuleac and his work had the title „Synecological studies some have a monographical character,
and sociological research on Bryophytes in the included especially in the periodicals of the
secular forest Slătioara (Bukovina)”. As the first Romanian Academy and in other prestigious
Romanian study of its kind, with the journals in Romania and abroad.
recommendation of his Professor Guşuleac, it has Professor Traian Ştefureac advocated the
been published in the Annals of the Romanian approfoundation of briology studies using actual and
Academy, the scientific branch, in 1941; adequate themes and methods, studies requiring a
After graduating the University he worked complex specialisation and meticulosity. In the
in secondary schools as a teacher of natural sciences, course of this complex and long research, Professor
geography, physics and chemistry, mathematics, Traian Ştefureac identified and described, especially
merceology and productology. He worked also in among the bryophytes which constituted his
the Pedagogical Highschool in Cernăuţi; at the same predilect group, a large number of phytotaxa and
time he worked as a voluntary in the Botanical cenotaxa inscribed in the botanical science
Institute; patrimony. He was also preoccupied by some algae
Beginning with 1940 he worked in the groups and by macromycetes.
University of Bucharest going through all steps: The newly described taxa are from
from preparer to Professor and then Director of the bryophytes and from hepaticals: Reboulia
Systematical Botanics Department; hemispherica var. microspora, Lochopolea
He obtained the degree of Professon cuspidata var. banatica etc. and from leafy mosses
Docent in 1965; (alone or in collaboration with) the varieties: Tortula
subulata var. gracilis, Orthotrichum rupestre var.
From 1973 he remained as a consultant
papillosum, Campylium stellatum var. dentatum,
Professor and doctoral supervisor in the field of
Hygrohypnum ochraceum var. minor,
Brachythecium populeum var. latifolium as well as
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various forms whom he considered to be stationary It is to be noted the fact that his multiple
ecological modifications. scientific activity was used and mentioned in the
He signalled numerous rare species as well as works of various botanists in our country and
glacial, arctic and subarctic relicts, among abroad. Being recognized for his competence in the
bryophytes of Romania: Bucegia romanica, national botanical research, some specialists
Moerckia hibernica, M. blyttii, Anastrepta dedicated new taxa for science to him: Polytrichum
orcadensis, Lophozia hatcheri, Mylia taylori, ştefureacii Plămadă, Hiercium alpinum L. var.
Polytrichum sexangulare, Buxbaumia aphylla, ştefureacii Nyarady. Veronica urticifolia Jacq. f.
Sphagnum wulfianum, S. Balticum, Octodicerans ştefureacii Zaharia.
fontanum, Schistidium alpicola, Plagiobryum demissum, Being appreciated for his erudition and
Pseudobryum cinclidioides, Aulacomnium turgidum, contribution in the scientific creation and his modern
Catoscopium nigritum, Meesea trycuetra, Conostomum orientation in the botanics research, he was
tetragonum, Hookeria lucens, Helodium blandowii, appointed to supervise the doctoral students. In this
Hylocomium pyrenaicum etc. We can notice the position he supervised and promoted 35 specialists
relict associations unique in the country: Sphagnum with theses based on modern themes. In this field he
wulfianum with Helodium blandowii, Aulacomnium guided the biology research, promoting in this group
turgidum with Cobresia simpliuscula etc. as well as of cryptogamy some doctors (Bucureşti, Iaşi, Cluj-
the studies (in collaboration) of sporoderm Napoca, Bacău etc.) being a school creator in the
ultrastructure in bryophytes. Romanian biology studies.
His work also includes research on some A rich activity is the one concerning the
relict cormophytes considered under various points knowledge and popularizing the botanic
of view (ecological, corological, caryological, historiography in Romania and abroad,to whom he
phytogeographic-arealogic and phytocenological) as dedicated some monographical studies and
the following: Salix bicolor, Betula nana, B. numerous articles and conferences, exhibitions etc.,
warnstorfii, Coclearia piyrenaica, Saxifraga (Sect. largely contributing to the valorification of the
Tridactylites), Viola palustris, V. epipsila, botanic conquers of our illustrious forerunners
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Teientalis europaea, underlining the priorities in biological thinking and
Andriala levitomentosa, Carex chordorrhiza, C. practice.
Loliaceea, C. Dacica, Aristella bromoides, Calla Professor Traian Ştefureac was appointed to
palustris etc. identified especially in Bukovina and the position of custodian and honorary inspector of
Maramureş. Among both bryophytes and the Endangered Species Commission belonging to
cormophytes he distinguished and described various the Academy in what concerned the natural
muscinal associations and vegetal associations in reservations of Bukovina, regarding the scientific
general. and organizing fields, in which he activated in order
Next, we mention some of his monographical to deal with major problems of nature and
studies: Synecological and sociological research environment protection, greatly enriching their
upon bryophytes in Slătioara secular forest, genofund.
Bryological studies in some vegetal associations in We can mention the fact that, in order to
Romania, Plant evolution presented in recent works make known the preoccupations of the Romanian
of phylogenetic botanics, Bryological conspects (in vegetal biology, he was also appointed to participate
collaboration) in Dobrogea, Moldova, Bukovina etc. as a delegate with the presentation of scientific
He was also a collaborator and a coordinator in other communications and conferences in some countries
collective monographical studies: Alpine lawns in (Tchekoslovakia, Hungary, Mongolia, USSR)
Bucegi Mountains, Porţile de Fier Atlas, Porţile de where, besides enriching the specialty knowledge he
Fier flora and vegetation, Romanian Encyclopedic also gathered a valuable botanical informational
Dictionary etc. He was a collborator and a member material.
in the editing committee of the monumental work His great merits in the field of bryological
Flora of R. S. R. Romania, an initiator and a were awarded being chosen as a member of the
coordinator of Cryptogamic flora of Romania International Bryological Society in Utrecht, of the
realized under the care of the Romanian Academy. Society for Bryological Flora Charting in Liege and
Among other synthesis works we mention those as a reviewer for the Romanian bryology studies to
regarding the general character of the flora in be published in the „Revue de bryologie et
Dobrogea, Maramureş, Bukovina, Bucegi lichenologie” in Paris.
Mountains, Apuseni Mountains etc. A restless and passionate traveller, Professor
Traian Ştefureac explored, often in hard conditions,
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the Romania’s flora and vegetation, preoccupations Council awarded him the Order „Star of R. P. R.
he followed earnestly, being present in the scientific Romania” (1964) for his long education and research
events (sessions, conferences, symposiums etc.) in activity.
various cities as well as in the itinerary applications We outlined this portrait of a great savant,
in various places of the country. who was an example of work, honour and
He was recognized for his ample scientific, correctness, with ample merits in the service of his
didactic and social activity being awarded the „Gh. noble occupation dedicated to the field of „amiable
Doja” Prize (1957) and the „Em. C. Teodorescu” science” in order to promote him as an example of a
Prize (1974) from the Academy and then the State genius for today’s world.
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