Rate Analysis Electrical

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1/044 wire Rs. 1,400.00 coil 100 m

7/044 earth wire Rs. 3,500.00 coil 100 m
2 core flexible wire Rs. 3,000.00 coil 100 m

5 Amp. Socket Outlets Rs. 175.00 no

13 Amp. Socket Outlets Rs. 275.00 no
Ceiling Roses Rs. 25.00 no
Holders Rs. 25.00 no
Switches Rs. 75.00 no
Switch Box Rs. 20.00 no
Round Block Rs. 20.00 no
Bulb Rs. 25.00 no
Brass screws 1" Rs. 3.00 no
Brass screws 1/2" Rs. 1.75 no

Conduit Pipe 5/8 " Rs. 50.00 lenth 13' 0" feet
Socket Rs. 5.00 no
Bend Rs. 10.00 no

Electricion Rs. 500.00 day

Skilled Labour Rs. 450.00 day
Un skilled Labour Rs. 300.00 day
Overhead & Profits. 0.00 %



K 01 Pendent lamp without bulb and shade. no Rs. 1,134.86

K 02 Wall bracket with out bulb and shade no Rs. 1,017.71

K 03 5 Amp socket outlets no Rs. 1,937.71

K 01 Pendent lamp without bulb and shade.


1/4 coil 1/044 wire at Rs. 1,400.00 Rs. 350.00

5.00 l.ft. Conduit Pipe 5/8 " at Rs. 50.00 Rs. 19.23
1.00 no Bend ( conduit ) at Rs. 10.00 Rs. 10.00
1.00 no Ceiling Rose at Rs. 25.00 Rs. 25.00
1.00 no Holders at Rs. 25.00 Rs. 25.00
1.00 no Switches at Rs. 75.00 Rs. 75.00
1.00 no Switch Box at Rs. 20.00 Rs. 20.00
1.00 no Round Block at Rs. 20.00 Rs. 20.00
1.00 no Brass screws 1" at Rs. 3.00 Rs. 3.00
2.00 no Brass screws 1/2" at Rs. 1.75 Rs. 3.50
6.00 l. ft. Flexible wire 2 core at Rs. 3,000.00 Rs. 54.88
Cement,lime and sand sum 100.00
Clips and wire nails sum 40.00
Rs. 745.61


1/8 day Un skilled labour for

chasing wall at Rs. 300.00 Rs. 37.50
1/3 day Electricion at Rs. 500.00 Rs. 166.67
1/3 day Un skilled labour at Rs. 300.00 Rs. 100.00
1/8 day Mason for prepare
surface at Rs. 450.00 Rs. 56.25
Rs. 360.42


3% of labour cost Rs. 10.81

5% of labour cost Rs. 18.02

Rs. 1,134.86

Overhead & Profits. Rs. 0.00

Cost for one point with overheads & profits.. Rs. 1,134.86

K 02 Wall bracket with out bulb and shade


1/4 coil 1/044 wire at Rs. 1,400.00 Rs. 350.00

10.00 l.ft. Conduit Pipe 5/8 " at Rs. 50.00 Rs. 38.46
2.00 Bend at Rs. 10.00 Rs. 20.00
1.00 no Holders at Rs. 25.00 Rs. 25.00
1.00 no Switches at Rs. 75.00 Rs. 75.00
1.00 no Switch Box at Rs. 20.00 Rs. 20.00
Cement,lime and sand sum 75.00
Clips and wire nails sum 25.00
Rs. 628.46

1/8 day Un skilled labour for
chasing wall at Rs. 300.00 Rs. 37.50
1/3 day Electricion at Rs. 500.00 Rs. 166.67
1/3 day Un skilled labour at Rs. 300.00 Rs. 100.00
1/4 day Mason for prepare
surface at Rs. 450.00 Rs. 56.25
Rs. 360.42


3% of labour cost Rs. 10.81

5% of labour cost Rs. 18.02

Rs. 1,017.71

Overhead & Profits. Rs. 0.00

Cost for one point with overheads & profits.. Rs. 1,017.71

K 03 5 Amp socket outlets


1.00 5 Amp. Socket Outlet at Rs. 175.00 Rs. 175.00

1/4 coil 1/044 wire at Rs. 1,400.00 Rs. 350.00
1/10 coil 7/044 earth wire at Rs. 3,500.00 Rs. 875.00
10.00 l.ft. Conduit Pipe 5/8 " at Rs. 50.00 Rs. 38.46
2.00 no Bend at Rs. 10.00 Rs. 20.00
1.00 no Switch Box at Rs. 20.00 Rs. 20.00
Cement,lime and sand sum 50.00
Clips and wire nails sum 20.00
Rs. 1,548.46


1/8 day Un skilled labour for

chasing wall at Rs. 300.00 Rs. 37.50
1/3 day Electricion at Rs. 500.00 Rs. 166.67
1/3 day Un skilled labour at Rs. 300.00 Rs. 100.00
1/8 day Mason for prepare
surface at Rs. 450.00 Rs. 56.25
Rs. 360.42


3% of labour cost Rs. 10.81

5% of labour cost Rs. 18.02

Rs. 1,937.71

Overhead & Profits. Rs. 0.00

Cost for one point with overheads & profits.. Rs. 1,937.71

1/4 coil 1/044 wire at Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00

5.00 l.ft. Conduit Pipe 5/8 " at Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00
1.00 no Ceiling Roses at Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00
1.00 no Holders at Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00
1.00 no Switches at Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00
1.00 no Switch Box at Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00
1.00 no Round Block at Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00
1.00 no Brass screws 1" at Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00
2.00 no Brass screws 1/2" at Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00
4.00 l. ft. Flexible wire 2 core at Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00
Cement,lime and sand sum 50.00
Clips and wire nails sum 20.00
Rs. 70.00


1/8 day Un skilled labour for

chasing wall at Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00
1/3 day Electricion at Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00
1/3 day Un skilled labour at Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00
1/8 day Mason for prepare
surface at Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00
Rs. 0.00


3% of labour cost Rs. 0.00

5% of labour cost Rs. 0.00

Rs. 70.00
Preilminaries Rs. 0.00

Cost for one point with preliminaries. Rs. 70.00

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