Internasional 2
Internasional 2
Internasional 2
Sustainability performance plays an important role in the business entities. Recently, stakeholders
are no longer focus on the single financial performance, but rather put their attention on the business
sustainability comprehensively. Since the high-tech companies have the high level of innovation
and high uncertainties, sustainability performance received more attention from business
practitioners. The high technology in the company can greatly improve the world economy because
it greatly affects the potential for global competitiveness. This study intends to examine the effect
of sustainability performances on the capital structure of High-Tech Companies in Indonesia. High-
Tech Companies faced uncertainty and high-risk in collecting capital due to market issues, a lack
of resources, and also issues in technology implementations. Therefore, High-Tech Companies are
facing sustainability performances issues that might affect capital structures. We analyzed 143
High-Tech Companies in Indonesia. We identified factors that affect capital structure of High-Tech
Companies, such as firm performances, firm growth and CSR performances. Firm performances
were measured by ROA and ROE, while firm performances were measured by asset growth and
sales growth, and CSR performances were measured by employees, social, and environmental
aspects. The result indicated that ROA and ROE were negatively impacted the capital structure of
High-Tech Companies. Meanwhile, CSR performances and asset growth were positively affected
the capital structure of the companies. In addition, sales growth has no effect on capital structure
of High-Tech Companies. Our research used a new perspective of CSR performances that used
more comprehensive indicators which are employees, social, and environmental individually. Our
findings contributed to the development of legitimacy theory which focus on capital structure and
sustainability aspects.
Technology is the most important aspects in creating innovations. The existence of high
technology in the company can improve the huge world economy growth because it greatly affects
the potential for global competitiveness. According to Haseeb et al., (2019), the industrial
revolution 4.0 requires technology in order to enhance the sustainable business performance. Along
with global economic growth and the widespread implementation of sustainability performance
that has been carried out, many companies have paid attention to the important of balancing
financial performance and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
CSR is carried out as a step of caring for others for the benefit of human development and
the environment based on appropriate and professional procedures (Sunaryo, 2015). However, the
role of CSR in high-tech companies is still little used for research, especially regarding the
obstacles that most burden the company's performance and growth in obtaining debt financing.
Capital structure is used to analyze the structure of long-term debt with own capital. Companies
that meet funding usually look for more efficient funding alternatives by using leverage analysis,
namely the Debt Equity Ratio (DER) analysis. This ratio is used to measure the level of use of debt
to the total equity of shareholders owned by the company (Spitsin et al., 2021). The optimal capital
structure can be interpreted as a capital structure that can minimize the overall cost of using capital
(Adhari & D., 2015).
According to research conducted by Gan et al.,(2021), profitability and company growth have
an impact on debt financing. The sampling used in his research reveals that growth and profitability
against leverage are unresolved problems in Russia. The instability of the level of the economy in
a country can be an important factor for analyzing changes in financial performance during a crisis
(Lee, 2016; Spitsin et al., 2021). The effect of financial leverage and company growth becomes
very important during economic transition because it can worsen company finances and company
growth (Spitsin et al., 2021).
This study aims to find out whether high-tech companies can attract more debt (capital
structure) in improving Sustainability Performance ( performance , growth and CSR activities).
This study uses CSR as a form of Sustainable Performance in addition to profitability and company
growth. CSR which is used to analyze High Tech Company uses three basic reporting categories,
namely Employee, Social and Environmental to determine the effect on the capital structure.
(Grabinska et al., 2021) explains that the category of employees in CSR reporting is the most
dominant thing compared to social and environmental. Many companies choose to focus on
employees because they are able to interesting more many financing debt. Research conducted by
(Grabinska et al., 2021) explained that employees have an important role in upgrading the company
to high-tech i.e. talented researchers, programmers, and engineers.
This study refers to research conducted by (Grabinska et al., 2021) which uses CSR to analyze
the capital structure of high-tech companies. According to Branco and Rodrigues 2020 companies
carrying out CSR activities are driven by two kinds of motivation. The first is to maintain good
relations with stakeholders , and the second is to create a competitive advantage for the company
that distinguishes similar competing companies. This research focuses on high-tech companies that
won Indonesia Digital Innovation in 2018-2020 which are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
2018 is the year were more than 1.200 high-tech companies grew up in Indonesia
( Therefore, our observation is started from 2018 to 2020. This research was
compiled on the basis of the lack of literature related to sustainable performance research that
discusses the triple bottom line, namely People, Planet and Profit for high-tech companies (John
Elkington, 1997). The company's growth performance and CSR performance play a very important
role in increasing the company's capital structure (Spitsin et al., 2021) . In addition, this study also
analyzes the impact of the company's performance and growth on the capital structure. Companies
with high sales growth rates have a tendency to use debt as a source of more external funds than
companies with lower sales growth rates (Anggun et al., 2015). The criteria of high-tech companies
where need more external funds and have a higher risk than low-tech companies. Legitimacy theory
is used empirically to explain the capital structure of high-tech companies related to sustainable
performance .
Legitimacy theory states that the company is a social sub-system that is inseparable from
society (Rezaee & Tuo, 2017) . Society as a wider social system expects a synergy between the
company as a profit entity unit and elements of the community as a provider of resources. This
synergy can be obtained through activities called corporate social responsibility (CSR). The
company tries to provide as close as possible to the public an overview of its business activities.
The company strives to meet the expectations of society and proves that the company's business
activities have complied with the norms and rules in society. The company's communication with
the community to prove that the company has carried out its responsibilities as part of the social
system is through reporting and disclosing CSR activities. Companies that have good social
performance are also proven to have good CSR activity reporting (Bernardi, C., Stark, 2016) .
Companies that have good social performance will increase public trust in the company's
existence (Rezaee & Tuo, 2017) which will ultimately make the company accept legitimacy from
the community (Rezaee et al., 2020) . Legitimacy means that companies are allowed to access
resources available in the community for the company's operational and business interests.
Companies that accept community legitimacy can benefit from ensuring the sustainability of the
company's operations in the long term, which is also called sustainability performances. On the
other hand, companies that fail to meet community expectations will find it difficult to maintain
the continuity of operational activities in the long term. The company will experience difficult
conditions because its existence is not accepted by the community, which is reflected in the
indications of social conflict with the community.
Research on the effect of sustainability performance on the company's financial performance
has become a concern of researchers. Empirical evidence proves the positive influence of
sustainability performance on the company's financial performance. Research by (Kareem AL Ani,
2021) examines the effect of CSR disclosure on earnings quality. This research was conducted on
205 public companies in Kuwait. The results of the study prove that there is a positive influence
between CSR disclosure on the quality of company earnings. According to (Kareem AL Ani, 2021)
, CSR disclosure is a form of corporate communication to the public regarding the achievement of
corporate social performance. CSR has helped improve the quality of financial reports through
improving the quality of earnings. CSR also helps increase the allocation of resources in the capital
The results of the study (Spitsin et al., 2021) explain that company size increases its
dependence on loan capital. On the other hand, the company's growth, both asset growth and sales
growth, has a positive effect on leverage. Profitable growth in company assets leads to a smaller
increase in borrowed capital. In addition, the very profitable growth of the company's assets led to
a decrease in loan capital. Another study on the company's sustainability performance was
conducted by (Rezaee et al., 2020) . This study supports the findings of Kareem AL Ani (2021)
which proves the influence of CSR performance on the quality of company earnings. Research by
Rezaee, Dou and Zhang (2020) found that there is a positive influence between CSR performance
and earnings quality. Companies with high CSR performance tend to have lower opportunities to
manipulate earnings. This is because the company realizes that profit is not the only short-term
goal of the company's activities. However, the company's focus is broader on the fulfillment of the
rights of stakeholders as a whole, including the community as a provider of resources. (Rezaee et
al., 2020) .
In the context of High-Tech Companies, which are generally emerging companies with
limited financial resources (Grabinska et al., 2021) , sustainability performance is a crucial factor
in companies. The provision of capital as the main resource of a company that is in the developing
stage and requires more attention to high-tech investment, of course, requires a special strategy.
The company's financial performance can reach a wider aspect, including the company's capital
structure. The company's capital structure is divided into two major parts (Fama & French, 2003)
. The first is the provision of capital in the form of shares by investors. The second is capital
financing in the form of debt by creditors. At this stage of development, the company needs more
capital allocation to support the company's operations. on the other hand, High-Tech Companies
also face a high risk of uncertainty due to liquidity problems. In this condition, financing through
debt is a more realistic option before investor confidence is built to gain access to share capital. To
get access to debt financing, companies must show good growth potential so that prospective debt
providers, in this case creditors, have confidence in the company's potential. The company must
also show that the overall performance shows a positive trend from time to time. The company's
performance will be a determining factor in obtaining access to debt financing. Thus, the better the
company's performance, the lower the company's ability to obtain debt financing because the
financing needs use the profit share and share capital. The first hypothesis can be formulated as
follows: H 1 : The company's performance has a negative effect on the company's capital structure
Company growth is a condition that shows the progress of the company's achievement of its
operational performance. High-tech companies have the characteristics of high market potential
and opportunities. However, on the one hand, High-Tech Companies need quite a lot of capital at
the beginning of their establishment to support accelerated growth. The emphasis on the need for
investment in high technology also makes the need for capital higher. The increase in sales needs
to be accompanied by a proportional working capital requirement. The higher the increase in sales,
the greater the need for working capital (Spitsin et al., 2021). The increasing need for working
capital will encourage companies to increase funding, both from shares and debt. High-tech
companies , which still have difficulty accessing equity investment funding, require more capital
from liabilities (Spitsin et al., 2021) . Thus, the higher the level of sales, the higher the debt structure
of the company. The easiest asset financing for high-tech companies is debt financing (Spitsin et
al., 2021) . According to Ardalan (2017) , companies with debt structures have more benefits in
the form of lower debt costs than stocks. Companies with more debt structure than stocks. Debt
financing can increase the rate of return (ROR) and earnings per share (EPS). Along with the
increasing need for assets for working capital, companies increasingly need more capital, especially
those from debt. The second hypothesis can be formulated as follows:
H2: Company growth has a positive effect on the capital structure of High-Tech Companies
providing access to resources in the form of capital. Thus, the fourth hypothesis can be stated as
H3: CSR performance has a positive influence on the capital structure of High-Tech
Firm performances H1
Capital Structure
Firm Growth
CSR Performances
Research Framework
Sample and Population
The population in this study are public companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange.
The sample was taken using purposive sampling technique . The criteria used in sampling are
companies that nominated the " Indonesia Digital Innovation Award " during 2018 to 2020.
Research design
The variables used in this study include the dependent variable, the independent variable.
The dependent variable is the Capital Structure, which is measured by the company's leverage.
While the independent variable in this study is sustainable performance covering three aspects,
namely company performance, growth and CSR performance. The company's performance
variable is measured by the ROA and ROE profitability ratios, the growth variable is measured by
the asset growth and sales growth variables, and the CSR performance variable is measured by
The variables descriptions and measurement indicators are presented in table 1
Number Variables Definition Measurement Descriptions
Dependent Variabel
Based on table 1 , the termination coefficient for capital structure has an r adjusted square of
0.63. This can indicate that the above variables can explain the variable capital structure of a high
tech company by 63% a while the rest is explained by other variables . As for the classical
assumption test, it can be explained that in the normality test, the value of Kolmogorov Smirnov is
0.714 above a significance of 0.05, meaning that the data used in this study is normal. For the
multicollinearity test, it was found that the VIF value was below 10, meaning that the data did not
have symptoms of multicollinearity. For autocorrelation test that DW = 1.890 the regression model
is between DW table, namely du = 1.8 62 and 4-du = 2.1 38 with n = 1 42 and k = 9. It can be
concluded that there is no autocorrelation in the regression model . As for the heteroscedasticity
test carried out using the Park test, it can be seen that the significance value of the Park test is above
0.05 so that the research data avoids heteroscedasticity symptoms.
community. In order to gain the trust of investors, the company strives to continuously increase
stock returns for investors. To gain legitimacy from creditors, companies increase their ability to
repay debts. This explains that the higher the company's performance, the higher the stock return
and the ability to repay debt so that the company gains the trust of various stakeholders (Cheers,
2011). The company will experience difficult conditions because its existence is not accepted by
the community which is reflected in the indications of social conflict with the community. the
higher the company's performance, the lower the structure of loan funds in the company and the
higher the financial stability for the company's operational and business interests. (Spitsin et al.,
2021) . Companies with a more dominant capital structure from debt have a higher risk in terms of
liquidity than companies that have capital from shares (Reilly, Frank K & Brown, 2012) .
We would like to acknowledge the Research Institute and Community Services (LP2M),
Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang, for the financial support of this work.
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