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Abstract. This paper investigates the differential effects of corporate social responsibility (CSR)
dimensions on corporate financial performance (CFP) across sectors in China. This research uses
a unique data set provided by China Stock Market and Accounting Research (CSMAR), showing
expenditure on CSR programs from 568 Chinese publicly traded firm-year observations from 2008
to 2017. Compared to previous studies using scores produced by extra-financial rating agencies, this
research quantifies CSR efforts by corporate expenditure on CSR practices, which offers quantitative
and precise information in explaining the CSR-CFP link. The results show that the dimension of
the environment has negative effects on financial performance in capital-intensive manufacturing
industries. The impact of HR expenditure on CFP is negative in the tertiary sector and resource-
intensive manufacturing industries. However, CSR investments in the community are positively re-
lated to financial performance in resource-intensive industries and other secondary sector (mining,
construction, and utilities). Firms, in general, could gain benefits when spending more on business
and financial stakeholders.
The issue whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) contributes to corporate financial
performance (CFP) has great implications on CSR decision makings in a firm (Kao et al.,
2018). Hence, a great number of studies have been conducted to examine whether the market
rewards firms undertaking CSR activities (Albuquerque et al., 2019; Bhattacharya et al., 2020;
Cheung et al., 2012). Empirical research in this area mainly investigated developed countries
(the United States and European countries) and usually revealed the positive link between
CSR efforts and financial performance (Kao et al., 2018). However, differences in the corpo-
rate environment and national environment make the concept of CSR highly contextual (Fu-
kukawa & Moon, 2004; Maignan & Ralston, 2002). In emerging markets, such as China, CSR
has attracted increasing interest from academics and the business community (Li & Zhang,
2010; Reimsbach et al., 2018). Firms in emerging economies and developed markets vary in
organisational behaviours (Fan et al., 2011). Therefore, mechanically applying CSR findings
drawn from developed economies to emerging markets may not have a good fit. As the world
largest emerging economy, China offers a different social and economic context to explore
the relationship between “doing good” and “doing well”. Given the diversity in markets and
institutional circumstances in China (Wang & Qian, 2011), this study can identify potential
factors that may affect the CSR-CFP link. This study can provide guidance to Chinese firms
in the CSR campaign. Findings can also be relevant for firms in other emerging economies.
This study has three goals. Firstly, this research examines specific CSR activities of pub-
licly listed firms in China from 2008 to 2017 and then group them into four dimensions to
quantify the levels of the CSR involvement. Secondly, this study explores the link between
different CSR dimensions and CFP to see whether “doing-good” will result in “doing-well”
in the Chinese market. Characterising CSR efforts by corporate expenditure on CSR-related
management practices enables us to evaluate CSR efforts more precisely. Thirdly, the study
assesses the heterogeneous effects of different CSR dimensions on CFP across industries. In
addition to constructing an overall model with industry as the control variable to capture
industry effects, this study also investigates the CSR-CFP link in various industries, including
manufacturing industries (resource-intensive, capital-intensive and labour-intensive indus-
tries), other secondary sector (mining, construction, utilities) and tertiary sector.
This research contributes to the literature in the following ways. First, the research uses
a unique data set provided by China Stock Market and Accounting Research (CSMAR) CSR
report details, showing expenditure on CSR programs by Chinese publicly listed firms from
2008–2017. CSR efforts are quantified by spending on CSR related management practices.
Previous research relies on ratings or scores produced by extra-financial rating agencies, such
as Vigeo in Europe or Kinder, Lydenburg, Domini (KLD) in the United States to measure
CSR (Crifo et al., 2016). However, the evaluation on CSR was rated by Vigeo or KLD, not by
the firms themselves (Cavaco & Crifo, 2014), which has been deemed not transparent (Chat-
terji et al., 2009). Instead, this paper quantifies CSR efforts by corporate expenditure on CSR
practices, which offers quantitative and precise information in explaining the CSR-CFP link.
Second, this paper explores whether the effect of CSR on firm performance is hetero-
geneous across industries. The majority of previous research have controlled for industrial
drivers of financial performance without considering industry influences on the CSR-CFP
link (Hoepner & Yu, 2010). Although many studies targeted at certain industries, such as
construction industry (Jiang & Wong, 2016), tourism-related industries (Inoue & Lee, 2011),
hospitality industries (Rhou, & Singal, 2020), manufacturing industry (Torugsa et al., 2012),
as well as restaurant industry (Rhou et al., 2016), this study presents an overall picture on
various industry types, including manufacturing industries, other secondary sector and ter-
Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2020, 21(4): 987–1009 989
tiary sector. More importantly, this research investigates the industrial heterogeneity in the
relationship between each CSR dimension and financial performance. This finding helps
companies in different sectors carry out more targeted and effective CSR initiatives.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section “Theoretical Background”
reviews theoretical framework and discuss insights from the literature on CSR dimensions
and CFP. Section “Methodology and Data” explains the data and research method. Section
“Empirical analysis” presents the findings on the effect of each CSR dimension on financial
performance across industries, key findings are also discussed in this part. Section “Conclu-
sions” provide summary of findings, practical implications, limitations, as well as offer pos-
sible avenues for future research.
1. Theoretical background
1.1. Corporate social responsibility
Corporate social responsibility can be defined as the voluntary commitment made by a firm
to surpass the conventional explicit and implicit obligations society expects (Falck & Heblich,
2007). CSR consists of considerations given to customers, suppliers, employees, stockhold-
ers, environment, and community (Contini et al., 2020; Flammer et al., 2019; Girerd-Potin
et al., 2014). To operationalize CSR, previous studies point out that CSR comprises several
dimensions, and each dimension is composed by a group of voluntary activities (Clarkson,
1995; Godfrey & Hatch, 2007; Waddock & Graves, 1997). The most frequently used one is
Carroll’s division of corporate social responsibility into economic, legal, ethical and philan-
thropic responsibilities (Carroll, 1991). However, ethical and philanthropic dimensions are
hard to be operationalized in empirical research due to ambiguous boundary (Clarkson,
1995; Schwartz & Carroll, 2003).
Avetisyan and Ferrary (2013) propose a new perspective, conceptualising CSR as an
emerging area consisting of CSR rating agencies and stakeholders. A stakeholder refers to
any person or group who can influence or be influenced by the attainment of corporate goals
(Freeman, 1984). Primary stakeholders include creditors, shareholders, employees, suppliers,
customers, public interest groups, and the natural environment (Clarkson, 1995; Freeman,
1984). There are different rights and interests among stakeholders (Clarkson, 1995). The
main goal of a company is to acquire the capability to balance the competing demands of
different stakeholders (Roberts, 1992). Hence, targeted measures and programs are required
to meet the different expectations of stakeholders to accomplish excellent financial perfor-
mance (Peloza & Papania, 2008). Voluntary activities targeted at different stakeholders should
manifest distinct CSR dimensions (Clarkson, 1995; Peloza & Papania, 2008).
resources, environment, and human rights are five CSR dimensions both Vigeo and the KLD
rating value, KLD pays special attention to diversity (Vigeo considers this in human rights)
and product (Vigeo cares about business behaviour) (Girerd-Potin et al., 2014). Building on
the stakeholder framework proposed by Clarkson (1995), five CSR dimensions in Vigeo or
KLD data reflecting primary stakeholder issues have been widely used: environment, corpo-
rate governance, business behaviours towards customers and suppliers, community involve-
ment, as well as human resources (Forget, 2012).
However, researchers hold divergent views on whether a number of categories should
constitute one dimension or each category represents one dimension (Inoue & Lee, 2011;
Johnson & Greening, 1999; Kacperczyk, 2009). Corresponding to main stakeholders identi-
fied by Clarkson (1995), Girerd-Potin et al. (2014) consider business stakeholder as a proxy
for employees, customers and suppliers, and use financial stakeholders to represent stock-
holders and creditors. Although included by Girerd-Potin et al. (2014) in business stakehold-
ers, employee issue shows corporate attention in human resources. Given the role it plays
on business operation and financial performance, this paper regards it as another primary
stakeholder issue and use human resources as a single CSR dimension. Since supplier and
creditor items are not specified for all firms in this dataset, this study combines issues con-
cerning customers, suppliers, stockholders and creditors into one dimension called business
and financial stakeholders to include more companies in the sample. Based on prior research
(Cavaco & Crifo, 2014; Forget, 2012; Girerd-Potin et al., 2014; Inoue & Lee, 2011), this pa-
per proposes that CSR can be composed of four dimensions: (1) human resources (proxy
for employees, denoted as HR), (2) community, (3) environment (4) business and financial
stakeholders (proxy for customers, suppliers, stockholders, and creditors, denoted as BFS).
Bhattacharya, 2006; McGuire et al., 1988). The forward-looking measure can thus be adopted
to identify the estimated future influence of CSR on financial performance (Cavaco & Crifo,
2014; Hillman & Keim, 2001). In this study, this paper uses three indicators to reflect dif-
ferent perspectives on financial performance, including accounting indicators, such as NPM
and ROA, and a market-based measure, Tobin’s Q.
mainly rely on Vigeo dimensions (Girerd-Potin et al., 2014), while research concerning US
firms use KLD dimensions (Reimsbach et al., 2018; Turban & Greening, 1997; Waddock
& Graves, 1997). Furthermore, findings vary with the country, industry, or company they
investigate (Alshehhi et al., 2018). Although there appear mixed results, a positive influence
of CSR on financial performance dominates the literature (Alshehhi et al., 2018). Thus, this
research proposes the following hypotheses:
Hypothesis 1 (H1): CSR practices in human resources positively affect corporate financial
Hypothesis 2 (H2): CSR practices in community positively affect corporate financial per-
Hypothesis 3 (H3): CSR practices in environment positively affect corporate financial per-
Hypothesis 4 (H4): CSR practices in business and financial stakeholders positively affect
corporate financial performance
Therefore, this paper aims to individually investigate the impacts of the four CSR dimen-
sions on a firm’s short-term and long-term profitability across industries (see Figure 1).
HR Control variables
– Firm size
H1 – Debt
– Total asset turnover
Community – Industry
– Region
Financial performance
Environment – Short-term profitability
– Long-term profitability
and supplier issues. These activities are measured in both financial and non-financial ways.
Non-financial CSR activities take different forms and vary across companies, certain CSR
programs conducted by one firm are not seen in others, which are not comparable and hard
to compute. To compare CSR engagement with a unified standard, this paper only chooses
financial contributions, which are CSR activities listing annual corporate expenditure. Com-
pared to previous studies using scores produced by extra-financial rating agencies (Crifo
et al., 2016), this study quantifies CSR efforts by corporate expenditure on CSR practices,
which offers quantitative and precise information in explaining the CSR-CFP link. After the
selection, corporate governance which lists no financial investments was excluded, 8 catego-
ries were left. This paper then merged CSR data with CFP indicators and removed missing
observations, the unbalanced panel dataset comprises 568 firm-year observations.
where the dependent variable CFP is measured by ROA, NPM and Tobin’s Q, while inde-
pendent variables including human resources, community, environment as well as business
and financial stakeholders represent corporate expenditure on CSR-related management
practices. Moreover, this paper included company-, industry- and region-specific control
variables. The company variables consist of firm size, debt-to-asset ratio and total asset
Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2020, 21(4): 987–1009 995
Table 1. Definitions of variables (source: China Stock Market and Accounting Research (CSMAR)
3. Empirical analysis
3.1. Diagnostic tests
Before the estimation, this research checked the existence of outliers using studentised re-
siduals. If the detected studentised residuals are higher than 3.29, the corresponding obser-
vations are removed before being estimated, which follows Tabachnick, Fidell, and Ullman
(2007). Additionally, this study conducts heteroscedasticity tests for all the regressions by the
Breush-Pagan Lagrange test, which shows that almost all the regressions have heteroscedas-
ticity problems. This problem is addressed by the Newey-West procedure, which provides
heteroscedastic and autocorrelation-consistent (HAC) standard errors. By doing so, it also
avoids potential autocorrelations.
End of Table 2
As the manufacturing industry has the most of observations, this research further
breaks it down to resource-intensive (63 observations), capital- intensive (198 observa-
tions) and labour-intensive manufacturing industries (11 observations) based on the Stan-
dard International Trade Classification (SITC) provided by United Nations. However, the
number of observations in the labour-intensive industry is too small to produce any re-
gression result.
higher net profit generated as a percentage of revenue, which is similar to the ROA equation.
However, in terms of long-term performance (Tobin’s Q), only the investment spent on com-
munity and business and financial stakeholders are positively significant, which means that
money spent on employees and environment does not increase Tobin’s Q. Most of the control
variables are significant except size and TAT in the NPM and Tobin’s Q equation respectively.
Table 3 shows that 1% growth of expenditure in community, environment, and business
and financial stakeholders cause 0.38%, 0.84%, and 0.75% rise in NPM while contributing
to 0.18%, 0.09%, and 0.14% increase in ROA. With 1% rise in the spending in community
and BFS, Tobin’s Q can increase by 1.37 and 2.39 respectively. Hence, H2, H3 and H4 are
supported in overall data. Most of the industry and region dummy variables are significant.
The overall R-squared is between 40% and 60%, compared with 18% in the study of Inoue
and Lee (2011) and 20–49% in the research done by Cavaco and Crifo (2014). This implies
the model can explain the data reasonably well.
1 Please note that all the numbers in the regressions are multiplied by 100.* , **, and *** represent 10%, 5% and 1%
significance level in this paper.
Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2020, 21(4): 987–1009 999
financial stakeholders is negatively significant in explaining Tobin’s Q, not supporting H4. For
the capital-intensive manufacturing industries, with an extra 1% more HR expenses, NPM,
ROA and Tobin’s Q increase by 0.37%, 0.27% and 4.54 respectively. If there is 1% increase in
the environment expenses, NPM, ROA and Tobin’s Q drop by 0.39%, 0.20% and 7.14 respec-
tively. Tobin’s Q drops by 2.66 with one percent more expenditure in BFS.
3.5. Discussion
The research results show that the CSR-CFP link in Chinese publicly listed firms is positive
on the whole, which is consistent with prior empirical studies targeting at developed coun-
tries (Kao et al., 2018). However, the financial impacts of CSR dimensions are contextual,
varying from sector to sector (see Table 8).
Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2020, 21(4): 987–1009 1001
Sector HR Community Environment BFS
NPM + + +
Overall ROA + + +
Tobin’s Q + +
Resource-intensive NPM –
manufacturing ROA – +
industries Tobin’s Q – +
Capital-intensive NPM + –
manufacturing ROA + –
industries Tobin’s Q + – –
Other secondary
Tobin’s Q + +
NPM – + +
Tertiary sector ROA – +
Tobin’s Q
Regarding human resources, this research finds the impact of HR on CFP is negative in
the tertiary sector and resource-intensive manufacturing industries. The results differ from
the previous study done by Berman, Wicks, Kotha, and Jones (1999) which indicates a posi-
tive relationship between human resources and firm performance. It also contradicts with
the result concluded by Bravo, Buil, de Chernatony, and Martínez (2017), who use bank
employees in the United Kingdom as sample data, and find a positive perception of CSR ini-
tiatives among employees can enhance organisational commitment. The improved employee-
employer relationship can thus contribute to the financial performance of a firm. The data
from Chinese firms produce a different result. This may happen because human resources
are the key resources for tertiary sector in China. Firms spend a significant amount of money
on training employees with the necessary skills, but employees may leave the company after
accumulating enough experience and skills. High employee turnover will cause more re-
cruiting and training (Hancock et al., 2013), which can lead to poor short-term profitability.
For resource-intensive manufacturing industries, raw materials are viewed as crucial. More
investment in HR would take away company resources and increase cost, thus undermin-
ing financial performance in both the short and long run. However, a positive relationship
between human resources and firm performance is found in capital-intensive manufacturing
industries. In China, these industries are where the capital, technology and talented people
are gathered. Skilled professionals have higher requirements for human resources policies.
Improvement of workplace conditions, career development and training, equity incentive
programs, can attract motivated employees, reduce employee turnover (Portney, 2008), im-
prove productivity (Berman et al., 1999), encourage extra efforts made by employees (Khat-
tak et al., 2019) and ensure firm performance (Brekke & Nyborg, 2008).
1002 R. Su et al. The heterogeneous effects of CSR dimensions on financial performance – a new approach...
CSR investments in the community are positively related to financial performance in re-
source-intensive industries and other secondary sector (mining, construction, and utilities).
These industries create many jobs opportunities but may also cause environmental damage.
Companies in these industries are faced with more public claims for the environment and
social concern (Jiang & Wong, 2016). In general, traditional Chinese values including Bud-
dhism, Taoism and Confucianism are ingrained in the minds of Chinese people, teaching
them to be benevolent, and compassionate to others (Wang & Qian, 2011). Thus, Chinese
consumers commend and reward firms that contribute generously, which has a positive im-
pact on corporate financial performance (Wang & Qian, 2011). However, this is not the case
in the study conducted by (Inoue & Lee, 2011). The sample data of their research use the
KLD STATS database consisting of annual ratings of around 3600 publicly traded U.S. com-
panies in tourism-related industries. Inoue and Lee (2011) find that CSR investment in the
community is negatively related to short-term profitability for airline firms, because there is
indirect relationship between airline firms and community, expenditure incurred outweighs
gains from community engagement.
In terms of environment, a negative link is found in the capital-intensive manufacturing
industries for both short profitability and long-term performance. This is likely because the
development of these industries relies heavily on capital, entailing a large amount of input.
With low resource exchanges (Kacperczyk, 2009; Mattingly & Berman, 2006), CSR efforts in
the environment are more likely to be driven by normative expectation than instrumental goals
(Donaldson & Preston, 1995), hardly generating any financial gains (Kacperczyk, 2009). On the
other hand, environment expenditure affects firm performance positively in other secondary
sector in the long run and in the tertiary sector in the short term. This may be attributed to the
fact that the Chinese government has attached great importance to environmental protection
in recent decades. The government can provide tax incentives (Yin & Zhang, 2012) and other
financial incentives to deliver corporate net benefits (Yin, 2017) to reward firms making efforts
to protect the environment. The effect of government compensation can be noticeable in these
industries, but negligible in industries requiring huge capital investment.
Compared with the mixed results produced from data in China, Daszynska-Zygadlo et al.
(2016) reveal the negative role of environment dimension from global data. Based on 2428
companies around the world, they find environmental efforts negatively affect Tobin’s Q in 8
sectors, and Price/Earnings ratio in 7 sectors (materials, consumer discretionary, financials,
healthcare, industrials, information technology, and utilities). One possible reason is pro-
vided by Derwall, Guenster, Bauer, and Koedijk (2005) and Semenova and Hassel (2008), it
is hard for environmentally sensitive industries to enjoy positive CSR impacts because of the
higher cost of environmental performance.
Moreover, firms, in general, could generate benefits in spending more in business and
financial stakeholders, because meeting the expectations of stakeholders can foster a favour-
able business environment and help firms to accomplish excellent financial performance.
However, a negative relationship is found in the capital-intensive manufacturing industries in
the long run. This may also because the growth of these industries depends heavily on capital.
Expenditure in business and financial stakeholders may increase cost and affect investors’
evaluation of future profitability.
Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2020, 21(4): 987–1009 1003
Certain CSR dimensions affect firm performance in the short run but not in the long
run, such as HR in the tertiary sector, the environment in the tertiary sector, and BFS in
the tertiary sector. This may be because Tobin’s Q can be more responsive to macroeco-
nomic changes, government policies or to industry-related factors, such as price fluctuation
caused by changes in industry demand and supply (Cavaco & Crifo, 2014). However, the
case might be a bit different in China and other emerging markets. Private firms abound
in the tertiary sector. The majority of private companies in emerging economies are owned
or run by family members (Fan et al., 2011). This is also the case in China where over
three-quarters of China’s private firms is family-owned (Yang, 2011). Different from fam-
ily businesses in the U.S. and the U.K with diffused ownership and professional leadership
after being publicly listed, it is common for emerging markets firms to still have highly-
concentrated ownership and employ non-professional family members as managers (Fan
et al., 2011). Under this circumstance, investment decisions might be made arbitrarily by
the family business owner, making it hard for investors to have a positive assessment of a
firm’s ability to yield earnings in the future.
In some cases, CSR affects Tobin’s Q but has no effects on short-term accounting mea-
sures, such as the environment in the other secondary sector and BFS in the resource-in-
tensive and capital-intensive manufacturing industries. This is likely because carrying out
CSR programs shows a firm’s care for society. The strong influence of traditional values spur
Chinese stakeholders of the firm to welcome and reward generous firms (Wang & Qian,
2011). CSR efforts can improve corporate reputation and image, thus boosting investors’
confidence about a firm’s future profitability despite no significant financial impacts on short-
term profitability.
This research aims to investigate the heterogeneity of CSR’s effect on corporate financial per-
formance across industries. This study employs four dimensions including human resources,
community, environment, as well as business and financial stakeholders to represent CSR and
examine the effect of each CSR dimension on a firm’s short-term profitability and long-term
marketed-based profitability across industries, including manufacturing industry (resource-
intensive, capital-intensive and labour-intensive industries), other secondary sector (mining,
construction, utilities) and tertiary sector.
Findings from this study show that CSR has a positive impact on CFP as a whole, which
is consistent with the research done in developed countries. However, the research also re-
veals that various CSR dimensions have different influence on CFP across analysed industries
as the research context is China, an emerging market with different cultural context and
various sectors. Therefore, the paper can conclude that CSR’s influence on CFP is of context
related. The findings confirm that CSR-CFP link in China is contingent upon which CSR
dimension is considered and which industry is examined. Therefore, this research suggests
managers in different sectors should make CSR decisions carefully because each industry
can benefit or suffer from certain CSR efforts, and some sectors remain unaffected by CSR
1004 R. Su et al. The heterogeneous effects of CSR dimensions on financial performance – a new approach...
Based on research results, this research can draw a number of practical implications to
help managers in China to invest in CSR activities which can benefit firm performance. Since
capital-intensive manufacturing industries react positively to human resources initiatives and
negatively to environment efforts, firms in these industries can conduct CSR activities around
human resources rather environment to deliver a good financial outcome. Investments can
be made to improve workplace conditions, social security coverage, payment systems, equity
incentive programs, employee participation, and career development and training. Compa-
nies in resource-intensive manufacturing industries can make CSR efforts in the community
for the short-term benefit and improve relations with business and financial stakeholders
for long-term performance. However, they need to be careful when investing in human re-
sources, given the negative impacts on financial performance. The other secondary sector,
such as mining, construction and utilities is sensitive to community actions, firms in this
sector can focus the CSR efforts on community issues. Engaging in community campaigns
and volunteer programs, donating to charity can help firms build harmonious relationship
with the community and benefit both the short-term and long-term profitability. Addition-
ally, firms in the tertiary sector seeking short-term profitability should make CSR invest-
ments in environment, such as providing eco-friendly services, holding training on green
development, recycling, and adopting paper-free office systems. Caution should be made
when investing in human resources in the tertiary sector as results of this research suggest
negative financial impacts.
The limitation of this research is that it mainly focuses on CSR dimensions which
represent stakeholders without considering human rights or diversity issues. Future re-
search can include these dimensions to explore the impacts on financial performance in
Chinese firms. Secondly, this research only chooses CSR activities listing annual corporate
expenditure to measure CSR efforts. Non-financial CSR activities take different forms and
vary across companies. Future research can compare and contrast voluntary programs
conducted by different companies and assess the effects on firm performance. Moreover,
this sample only includes publicly listed companies. Some companies which are not listed
also have invested in CSR significantly but not presented in the data. Therefore, further
research may explore ways that listed and non-listed firms choose to conduct CSR activi-
ties. Finally, the way that CSR expenditure is reflected in the accounting statements has
different implications on performance. If the CSR expenditure is counted in the income
statement, the profit margin will be smaller. While if it is counted in the balance sheet, the
profit margin will be higher. The link between CSR expenditure and firm’s performance can
be better understood if this paper could find out the accounting practice about how CSR
expenditure is counted. However, there is no unified way to categorise all the CSR items
in the accounting statement. For example, donations to the community (community) are
counted in the non-operating expenses in the income statement, while investment in the
equipment to reduce emission is counted in the capital expenditure in the balance sheet.
Therefore, the analysis is limited in identifying this differentiation. However, the paper
does provide a platform for future research to explore how this differentiation affects fi-
nancial ratios in CSR-CFP link and possible to analyze the link with each individual sector
in China and other emerging markets.
Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2020, 21(4): 987–1009 1005
We are grateful to China Stock Market & Accounting Research (CSMAR) Database for the
generosity in providing the report they produce. We greatly appreciate the honourable re-
viewers and the editors of the Journal of Business Economics and Management for insightful
comments and useful suggestions to help us improve the quality of the research. We also
would like to thank China Scholarship Council, College of International Studies of Sichuan
University, and Nottingham Business School of Nottingham Trent University for support.
This work was supported by the China Scholarship Council under Grant [number
Disclosure statement
Authors do not have any competing financial, professional, or personal interests from other
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