Reduction of Porous Carbon Al Contact Resistance For An Electric Double-Layer
Reduction of Porous Carbon Al Contact Resistance For An Electric Double-Layer
Reduction of Porous Carbon Al Contact Resistance For An Electric Double-Layer
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4 authors, including:
Constantina Lekakou
University of Surrey
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Article history: Carbonaceous materials are commonly used to fabricate electrodes for electric double-layer capacitors
Received 20 September 2012 (EDLCs) or supercapacitors. The high contact resistance between the carbon active layer and the Al current
Received in revised form collector can decrease capacitor energy and power performance, and shorten the lifetime of the capacitor.
18 December 2012
In this report, the sources of carbon based EDLC internal resistance were explored using electrochemical
Accepted 22 December 2012
impedance spectroscopy (EIS). An equivalent circuit model was coupled with the EIS data for the analyses.
Available online 31 December 2012
The EDLC cells were made from symmetric carbon/Al electrodes and operated in organic electrolyte. The
analysis results showed the effects of pressure and modified Al on the contact resistance, where a novel,
EDLC supercapacitor
carbon modified Al collector with Al4 C3 nano whiskers greatly reduced the contact resistance. Finally the
Carbon/Al contact resistance effect of scale-up on the internal resistance was discussed.
Al4 C3 nano whisker © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0013-4686/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
184 C. Lei et al. / Electrochimica Acta 92 (2013) 183–187
equivalent circuit model was used to explain the EIS results, with Nyquist plot, two resistances, solution resistance Rs and charge
each component assigned to the origin of the resistance. The effect transfer resistance Rct , can be obtained immediately. Rs comes from
of scale-up of the supercapacitor from 2 cm2 to 18 cm × 18 cm on the bulk solution resistance, its magnitude depends on the elec-
these resistances was investigated. The study clearly showed the trolyte conductivity, the material and thickness of the separator.
origin of the internal resistance and its effect on the energy density Rct is the charge transfer resistance, which can be separated into
of the device. This study may provide guidance for optimizing the two components: the electronic and the ionic resistances [15]. The
fabrication of supercapacitors. electronic resistance includes the intrinsic electronic conductivity
of the carbon particles, the electronic contact between particles,
2. Experimental details and the contact between the active layer and the current collec-
tor. The ionic resistance is the electrolyte ionic resistance inside
2.1. Fabrication of capacitors the pores of the electrode. It depends on the electrolyte conduc-
tivity, porous texture of the electrode and the thickness of active
The composite carbon electrode were prepared from a blend of layer. Cc is the interfacial contact capacitance between carbon and
AC (Sigma–Aldrich, specific surface area 1000 m2 /g), acetylene car- Al foil. The semicircle comes from the parallel RC branch of Cc and
bon black (CB) (Alfa Aesar) and poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF). All Rct . From the Nyquist plot, the internal resistance of the cell, Rint ,
the chemicals were mixed at a weight ratio of AC:CB:PVDF = 90:5:5 can be estimated from the intersection between the low frequency
in l-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP) to form a slurry, the slurry and more straight section of the Nyquist plot and the X-axis [16,17].
was then coated onto an aluminium foil, and dried in an oven at The capacitance of the cell can be estimated by C = 1/2fZim through
150 ◦ C for 2 h. EDLC cells were fabricated using a symmetrical elec- the value of Zim at the low frequency end.
trode configuration. A piece of filter paper soaked with electrolyte GCD tests were carried out on the cells in a potential range of
solution was placed between the carbon electrodes to act as a sep- 0–3 V at various current densities. Fig. 1b displays a typical plot of
arator. The electrode working area was fixed to 2 cm2 in all the the GCD curve of an EDLC cell. From the discharge curve, the device
devices. The device assembly was sealed in a plastic bag by vac- energy density E and power density P can be obtained according to
uum. The electrolyte was 1 M TEABF4 (Sigma–Aldrich, purity 99%) Eq. (1) [18,19] shown in the inset of Fig. 1b. The internal resistance
in PC (Sigma–Aldrich, anhydrous, purity 99.7%). can be determined more reliably from the IR drop at the initiation of
a constant current discharge, or measuring the bounce back of volt-
age at the end of a constant current discharge [13,20]. If there was
2.2. Electrochemical characterization of capacitors
no internal resistance, the IR drop would be zero, and the energy
and power density (E0 , P0 ) would be bigger than (E, P), as shown in
The performance of different EDLC cells was characterized by
Eq. (2) in the inset of Fig. 1b.
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and galvanostatic
charge–discharge (GCD) tests, using a VersaSTAT MC analyser. The
devices were characterized in a 2-terminal configuration; no ref- 3.2. Pressure effect on contact resistance
erence electrode was used in the tests. During the electrochemical
tests, a 2 kg weight was put on the body of EDLC cell to ensure a The carbon/Al contact resistance is due to low surface contact,
fixed gap between the two electrodes. poor adhesion of carbon material to Al surface, and the intrinsic
aluminium oxidation layer formed on the top surface of the Al foil.
3. Results and discussion A common way of reducing the internal resistance is to apply and
keep a compression force on the body of the cell to minimize the
3.1. EIS and GCD tests gap between the two electrodes and improve the carbon/Al contact.
To examine the effect of pressure on the internal resistance, a
The EIS measurements on the cells were carried out at a DC series of weights were placed on the cell body and EIS measure-
bias of 0.2 V with sinusoidal signal of 20 mV over a frequency range ments were carried out under each weight. Fig. 2 shows the Nyquist
from 1 MHz to 0.01 Hz. Fig. 1a shows a typical Nyquist plot of an plots of an EDLC cell at 4 different pressures. The carbon electrode
EDLC cell. Coupled with an equivalent circuit, the individual com- for the cell had a carbon loading of 4.5 mg/cm2 , corresponding to a
ponents of the impedance and origin can be found out. From the thickness of 140 m.
Fig. 1. (a) A typical Nyquist plot for an EDLC cell. Inset diagram is its equivalent circuit. (b) A typical galvanostatic charge–discharge curve of the EDLC cell at constant current
I, between 0 V and 3 V. (E, P) and (E0 , P0 ) are energy and power with and without IR drop respectively.
C. Lei et al. / Electrochimica Acta 92 (2013) 183–187 185
[21,22]. Too much compression force may alter the pore distribu-
tion/morphology of electrode, resulting in a displacement of the
electrolyte out of the more restricted pores, and reduction in the
accessible surface area of the carbon material due to the restriction
of the transport channels.
Fig. 3. (a) TEM image of the nano-scale aluminium carbide whiskers on the Toyal-Carbo® foil. (b) Schematic diagram of the composite of the Toyal-Carbo® electrode.
186 C. Lei et al. / Electrochimica Acta 92 (2013) 183–187
Fig. 4. (a) Nyquist plots of two groups of EDLC cells with Al and Toyal-Carbo® current collectors, at different carbon loading. The table below is a list of resistance data of
these cells. (b) Galvanostatic charge–discharge curve of the two groups of EDLC cells at a current of 50 mA, and (c) corresponding Ragone plots of several of the EDLC cells.
line, can be seen due to the internal resistance Rint . The data in the
table in Fig. 4a show that the IR drop changes with carbon loading,
and Rint is much smaller on the Toyal-Carbo® due to the reduced
carbon/Al contact resistance. The Ragone plots of some cells are
shown in Fig. 4c. This plot demonstrates that the energy den-
sity of the cells decreases with increasing carbon loading towards
the high power side of the plot. Comparison between electrodes
with bare Al and Toyal-Carbo® current collector indicates that
reduction of interfacial resistance and hence the internal resis-
tance has increased the energy density in the whole power region,
as indicated by the (E, P)–(E0 , P0 ) relationship in the equation
in Fig. 1b.
EDLC cells with larger electrode area were made on bare Al foil. A
18 cm × 18 cm cell was clamped between two stainless steel plates
by steel beams with bolts. The tightening was by hand. Although
the pressure exerted on the cell body was unknown, the resulted
EIS measurements showed that the device parameters became
unchanged beyond a certain point of pressure.
In the Nyquist plot shown in Fig. 5, all the resistances were
very small, the semicircle cannot be identified. This is due to the
fact that the resistance is reversely proportional to the electrode
area. So that if every resistance is normalized by multiplying by
Fig. 5. Nyquist plot of a 18 cm × 18 cm EDLC cell with a carbon loading of 4.5 mg/cm2
the single electrode area S, it should be constant no matter what
on Al. The table underneath is a list of resistance data of the 2 cm2 cell and the
the area is. Shown in the table in Fig. 5 are the normalized resis- 18 cm × 18 cm cell.
tances of the EDLC cells with an area of 2 cm2 and 18 cm × 18 cm,
both had the same carbon loading. The Rct ·S for 18 cm × 18 cm cell
cannot be defined, while Rs ·S from EIS and Rint ·S from GCD mea- 4. Conclusions
surements were bigger in the 18 cm × 18 cm than in 2 cm2 cell. This
is because as the electrode area was enlarged, the coating unifor- The internal resistance of the EDLC devices comes from the ionic
mity was unavoidably compromised. Since the gap between carbon resistance in electrolyte and the separator, the electronic resistance
electrodes, where electrolyte reservoir and separator were located, in the carbon active-layer, and the electronic resistance at the inter-
was uneven in the large area cell, this resulted in an increased Rs ·S. face between current collector and active layer. The existence of
In addition, the pressure on the enlarged cell could also be non- internal resistance reduces the device energy and power perfor-
uniform, The RC circuit thus consisted of many RC branches with mance. EIS combined with an equivalent circuit model was used to
various R and C values as they are dependent on both the carbon analyze the effects of every component of the device on the internal
layer thickness and the pressure on it. All these RC branches were resistance, aimed to reduce the internal resistance. The carbon/Al
connected in parallel, and resulted in a smeared semicircle in the contact resistance was shown to be greatly reduced by a carbon
Nyquist plot. modified Al current collector, where Al4 C3 nano whiskers provided
C. Lei et al. / Electrochimica Acta 92 (2013) 183–187 187
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