Battery Energy - 2023 - Dong - NiCo Alloy Anchored Self Supporting Carbon Foam As A Bifunctional Oxygen Electrode For
Battery Energy - 2023 - Dong - NiCo Alloy Anchored Self Supporting Carbon Foam As A Bifunctional Oxygen Electrode For
Battery Energy - 2023 - Dong - NiCo Alloy Anchored Self Supporting Carbon Foam As A Bifunctional Oxygen Electrode For
DOI: 10.1002/bte2.20220063
Mengyang Dong1 | Huai Qin Fu1 | Yiming Xu1 | Yu Zou1 | Ziyao Chen1 |
Liang Wang1 | Mengqing Hu1 | Kaidi Zhang1 | Bo Fu1 | Huajie Yin2 |
Porun Liu1 | Huijun Zhao1
Centre for Catalysis and Clean Energy,
School of Environment and Science, Abstract
Griffith University, Gold Coast, The design and fabrication of flexible, porous, conductive electrodes with
Queensland, Australia
customizable functions become the prime challenge in the development of
Key Laboratory of Materials Physics,
Centre for Environmental and Energy new‐generation wearable electronics, especially for rechargeable batteries.
Nanomaterials, Anhui Key Laboratory of Here, the NiCo bialloy particulate catalyst‐loaded self‐supporting carbon foam
Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, CAS
framework (NiCo@SCF) as a flexible electrode has been fabricated through
Center for Excellence in Nanoscience
Institute of Solid State Physics, Chinese one facile adsorption‐pyrolysis method using a commercial melamine foam.
Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Compared with the electrode with Pt/C and Ir/C benchmark catalysts, the
NiCo@SCF electrode exhibited superior bifunctional electrocatalytic perform-
Huajie Yin, Key Laboratory of Materials ance in alkaline media with a half‐wave potential of 0.906 V for oxygen
Physics, Centre for Environmental and reduction reaction, an overpotential of 286 mV at j = 10 mA cm−2 for oxygen
Energy Nanomaterials, Anhui Key
Laboratory of Nanomaterials and
evolution reaction, and stable bifunctional performance with a small
Nanotechnology, CAS Center for degradation after 20,000 voltammetric cycles. The as‐assembled aqueous
Excellence in Nanoscience Institute of zinc–air battery (ZAB) with NiCo@SCF as a self‐supporting air cathode
Solid State Physics, HFIPS, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. demonstrated a high peak power density of 178.6 mW cm−2 at a current
Email: [email protected] density of 10 mA cm−2 and a stable voltage gap of 0.94 V over a 540 h
Porun Liu and Huijun Zhao, Centre for charge−discharge operation. Remarkably, the as‐assembled flexible solid‐state
Catalysis and Clean Energy, School of
ZAB with self‐supporting NiCo@SCF as the air cathode presented an engaging
Environment and Science, Griffith
University, Gold Coast Campus QLD peak power density of 80.1 mW cm−2 and excellent durability of 95 h
4222, Australia. undisrupted operation, showing promise for the design of wearable ZAB.
Email: [email protected] and
The demonstrated electrode fabrication approach exemplifies a facile, large‐
[email protected]
scale avenue toward functional electrodes, potentially extendable to other
Funding information wearable electronics for broader applications.
Australian Research Council,
Grant/Award Numbers: DP200100965, KEYWORDS
electrode, flexible, metal alloy, self‐supporting, zinc–air battery
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2023 The Authors. Battery Energy published by Xijing University and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
Twenty‐five milliliters of each of the above solutions ODdisc = 5.61 mm, ODring = 7.92 mm, IDring = 6.25 mm)
was taken, stirred, and mixed. The MF was put into the was used as the working electrode. Ag/AgCl and
beaker of the mixed solution and stirred at a tempera- Hg/HgO served as reference electrodes for evaluating
ture of 90°C for 12 h. After the reaction was completed, ORR and OER performances, respectively. The mea-
the NiCo@MF was taken out, frozen, and dried. The surements were carried out in an O 2‐saturated 0.1 M
NiCo@MF was pyrolyzed at 400°C in a tube furnace KOH electrolyte for ORR and OER. Before recording
for 2 h under an Ar/H2 atmosphere with a heating linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) for ORR and OER at
rate of 5°C per min and the content of H2 was a rate of 2 mV s −1 , dozens of cyclic voltammetry (CV)
controlled at 10% of the total gas. After that, black‐ scans were employed to achieve stable curves. The
color NiCo@SCF was obtained. The SCF was obtained electrocatalyst ink was made via mixing catalyst
by the same process that MF was pyrolyzed at 400°C in powder (4 mg), 950 μL of isopropanol, and 50 μL of
a tube furnace for 2 h under an Ar/H2 atmosphere with 5 wt.% Nafion 117 suspension in one ultrasonic bath
a heating rate of 5°C per min. The synthesis of single‐ for several hours. After that, 20 μL of the above ink
metal@SCF electrodes was consistent with the above was pipetted on the GC surface, resulting in the
process, except that only cobalt nitrate or nickel nitrate loading of 0.36 mg cm −2 . Commercial 20 wt.% Pt/C
was added as a metal ion solution in the preparation of and Ir/C were tested as benchmarks for ORR and
the precursor. OER, respectively.
The ORR reaction kinetics was evaluated via the
Koutechy−Levich (K−L) equation:
2.3 | Material characterization
1 1 1 1 1
= + = + ,
A field emission scanning electron microscope (JSM‐ J Jd Jk Bω1/2 Jk
7100F) at a working voltage of 15 kV was used to
investigate the morphology of all as‐prepared samples. where J, Jd, and Jk represent the measured, diffusion‐
Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR) were mea- limiting, and kinetic current density, respectively. The ω is
sured on a Bruker Vector‐22 FTIR spectrometer with a the electrode's rotational rate. B can be determined from
scan range of 400–4000 cm−1. The X‐ray photoelectron the Levich equation as follows: B = 0.2 nFCoD2/3v−1/6,
spectra (XPS) were recorded on a Kratos Axis ULTRA where n represents the number of electrons, F is the
system. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was Faraday constant (F = 96485 C mol−1), Co is the saturated
conducted on Philips F20 at 200 kV. High‐angle O2 concentration (1.21 × 10−6 mol cm−3), D is the diffu-
annular dark‐field scanning transmission electron sion coefficient of O2 in 0.1 M KOH (1.9 × 10−5 cm2 s−1),
microscope (HAADF‐STEM) imaging was taken and ν is the kinetic viscosity (0.01 cm2 s−1). The constant
by a probe‐corrected JEOL JEM‐ARM200F with an 0.2 is adopted when the rotation speed is expressed
acceleration voltage under 200 kV. XRD patterns were in rpm.
obtained by a Shimadzu XRD‐6000 diffractometer RRDE measurements were tested by LSV at a scan
scanning the angle range from 10° to 80° using CuKɑ rate of 5 mV s−1 at 1600 rpm, and the ring electrode
radiation (λ = 1.5418 Å). Brunauer−Emmett−Teller voltage was kept at 1.5 V versus RHE. The H2O2
(BET) surface areas were estimated from nitrogen collection coefficient (N) at the ring in RRDE experi-
adsorption/desorption isotherms in powder forms ments was 0.37. Below equations were used to calculate
using a surface area analyzer Autosorb iQ Station 1. the apparent number of electrons transferred during
ORR (n), and the percentage of peroxide released during
ORR (H2O2%), based on the disk current (ID) and ring
2.4 | Electrochemical measurements current (IR).
All electrochemical measurements were finished in a n= ,
ID + (IR /N)
traditional three‐electrode cell using an electrochemi-
cal workstation (CHI 760D). A glassy carbon (GC)
2(IR /N)
rotating disc electrode (RDE, AFE5T050GC, Pine H2 O2 % = 100 .
Research) with an area of 0.196 cm2 and graphite rod ID + (IR /N)
were chosen as the working electrode and counter
electrode for ORR and OER measurements. To The electrochemical surface area (ECSA) of catalysts
evaluate the reaction selectivity, a rotating ring disc was obtained by the cyclic voltammetry curves in the
electrode (RRDE, AFE7R9GCPT, Pine Research, non‐faraday current region at the scan rates from 10 to
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4 of 13 | DONG ET AL.
60 mV s−1. The relation between current and scan rates is profiles were recorded on the CHI 760E electrochemistry
shown in the following equation: station using LSV with a scan rate of 5 mV s−1 calibrated
with 95% iR‐compensation. The discharge power density
Ic was calculated using the data from the discharge
Cdl = ,
v polarized profiles using the following equation:
F I G U R E 1 (A) Schematic illustration of the synthesis procedure for NiCo@SCF, (B, C) scanning electron microscope images of
NiCo@SCF at different magnifications. (D) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image, inset: dark‐field image. (E) HR‐TEM image,
(F) EDS mappings of as‐prepared NiCo@SCF.
The HR‐TEM image (Figure 1E) shows that the metal presence of curved graphdiyne sheets.16,17 The element
alloy nanoparticles are coated in a small number of distribution in the catalyst was characterized by the
carbon layers, where a large number of defect structures corresponding HAADF‐STEM EDS spectrum, and the
and edge structures are present. The HR‐TEM image of results are shown in Figure 1F. Ni, Co, C, and N elements
the particles witnesses the crystal planes with interplanar in the catalyst are uniformly distributed throughout the
spacings of 0.208 nm, which correspond to the (111) carbon foam, and the distribution of Ni/Co elements does
plane of metallic NiCo,15 strongly suggesting a not overlap with the distribution of C and N elements,
nickel–cobalt alloy crystal structure. In addition, curved indicating that the nickel–cobalt alloy exists in the form
fringes with a lattice parameter of 0.417 nm are measured of a structure embedded in the NiCo@SCF. From the
for the carbon layer, which can be attributed to the distribution of EDS in HAADF‐STEM in Figure 1F and
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6 of 13 | DONG ET AL.
Supporting Information: Figure S4, it can be concluded diffraction peaks are slightly higher than those of pure
that the atomic ratio of element content of cobalt and fcc phase element Co (PDF # 15‐0806) but slightly
nickel in the alloy is 53:47. lower than those of pure fcc phase element Ni (PDF #
The characteristic peaks of the Raman spectrum 04‐0850) (Supporting Information: Figure S6), which
of NiCo@SCF are shown in Supporting Information: strongly certifies the formation of Ni−Co solid solution
Figure S5, in which the peak at 1388 cm−1 corresponds during the pyrolysis and also a certain degree of lattice
to the breathing vibration (D band) of the sp2‐ distortion.20 The broad peak at 21.3° corresponds to
hybridized carbon atoms of the benzene ring, and the the interlayer spacing of 4.17 Å, indicating a defective
peak at 1576 cm−1 corresponds to the in‐plane stretch- carbon with the presence of graphdiyne structure.16,21
ing vibration of the sp2‐hybridized carbon atom of the Although the existence of the NiCo@SCF framework is
benzene ring (G band). The intensity ratio of D peak to confirmed, its crystallinity is poor due to the confor-
G peak is 0.72, indicating that the carbon has an mational fluctuations of NiCo@SCF at the mesoscale.
ordered structure. The peak at 1943 cm−1 is generally In both FT‐IR spectra of Supporting Information:
believed to be related to the diyne bond and the peak at Figure S7, the IR absorption peak at 3337 cm−1 is
2194 cm−1 corresponds to the stretching vibration of attributed to stretching vibrations of secondary
the graphdiyne conjugated diyne, which is a charac- amines (N−H) on the SCF surface. The absorbance at
teristic peak in the graphdiyne structure.17,18 However, 1159 cm−1 corresponds to the C−O stretching vibration
it is difficult to quantify its proportion over the carbon in the melamine−formaldehyde resin. C═N stretching
structure due to its defective nature. As the XRD data mode was observed at 1548 cm−1. The peaks at 1472
of NiCo@SCF shown in Figure 2A and Supporting and 1340 cm−1 correspond to methylene C−H bending
Information: Figure S6, the XRD patterns of prominent vibrations. The bending vibrations of the triazine ring
diffraction peaks at 44.4°, 51.7°, and 76.1° correspond are shown at 810 cm−1.22
to the (111), (200), and (220) planes of the face‐ The surface chemical states of the prepared samples
centered cubic (fcc) nickel−cobalt alloy, respectively.19 were analyzed by XPS. The XPS survey scan of the
The peak positions corresponding to the above three NiCo@SCF electrode has confirmed the presence of Ni,
F I G U R E 2 (A) XRD patterns of SCF and NiCo@SCF, (D) N2 adsorption−desorption isotherms of SCF and NiCo@SCF, high‐resolution
XPS spectra of (B) Ni 2p, (C) Co 2p, (E) C 1 s, and (F) N 1 s of NiCo@SCF.
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DONG ET AL. | 7 of 13
F I G U R E 3 (A) Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) curves of SCF, NiCo@SCF, and Pt/C in an O2‐saturated 0.1 M KOH solution at a sweep
rate of 5 mV s−1 at 1600 rpm for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). (B) Corresponding Tafel plots for the LSV in (A). (C) Calculated
number of transfers and H2O2 yield. (D) LSV curves of SCF, NiCo@SCF, and Ir/C in O2‐saturated solution at a sweep rate of 5 mV s−1 at
1600 rpm for oxygen evolution reaction (OER). (E) Corresponding Tafel plots for the LSV in (D). (F) Overall LSV curves of NiCo@SCF
before and after 20,000 cycles.
high overpotential (765 mV) and high Tafel slope are shown in Supporting Information: Figure S14,
(146 mV decade−1). The difference (ΔE) between the respectively. After 50,000 s, the relative current density
half‐wave potential of ORR and the corresponding of NiCo@SCF remained at 91% and 89% of its initial
potential of OER at a current density of 10 mA cm−2 is values for ORR and OER, respectively, while the Pt/C
usually used to evaluate whether a catalyst has excellent counterpart maintained at 80% and Ir/C maintained at
ORR/OER bifunctional catalytic activity. The smaller ΔE 76% of the initial values. This result can fully prove that
indicates that the catalyst has excellent ORR/OER the bifunctional electrode has excellent stability, which
bifunctional electrocatalytic activity in the same electro- could probably be linked to the carbon shell on the NiCo
lyte. Therefore, the ORR/OER bifunctional LSV curves of alloy catalyst surface.
NiCo@SCF in the O2‐saturated 0.1 M KOH electrolyte The ECSA of the NiCo@SCF sample was assessed by
were tested and the results are shown in Figure 3F. The calculating the Cdl values (Supporting Information:
ΔE value of NiCo@SCF is 0.61 V versus RHE. After Figure S12). The NiCo@SCF sample exhibits a higher Cdl
20,000 cycles, ΔE still maintains a small value (0.631 V). (10.9 mF cm−2) than that of Pt/C‐Ir/C (9.7 mF cm−2),
It can be seen from the LSV curves that the performance indicating that the abundant heterostructures, oxygen
attenuation of ORR and OER is very small, the half‐wave vacancies, and unique porous structure of nanoparticles
potential of ORR is reduced by 9 mV, and the Ej=10 of increase the ECSA and create more active sites. Since the
OER is attenuated by 12 mV. Chronoamperometric robustness of the NiCo@SCF electrode material gradually
responses for ORR of NiCo@SCF and Pt/C in O2‐ deteriorated when the temperature was above 600°C, the
saturated 0.1 M KOH solution at 0.6 V, OER of NiCo@SCF electrode materials were not suitable as an
NiCo@SCF and Ir/C in 0.1 M KOH solution at 1.55 V electrode for zinc−air batteries (whether it was an aqueous
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DONG ET AL. | 9 of 13
system or a solid‐state system ZAB), so comparing the ORR sample NiCo@SCF was much higher, and Co2+ was
performance of samples pyrolyzed from 300°C to 600°C (as revealed to be beneficial to enhance ORR/OER activity.34
shown in Supporting Information: Figure S13A), the half‐ Compared to sample Ni@SCF, the content of Ni2+ was
wave potentials of NiCo@SCF‐300, NiCo@SCF‐400, also significantly increased, indicating that Ni2+ occupies
NiCo@SCF‐500, and NiCo@SCF‐600 were 0.71, 0.906, a large part of the sample surface, which is conducive to
0.86, and 0.898 V respectively. There was no obvious OER activity.35 And the metallic states of Co and Ni were
difference in the ORR performance of the NiCo@SCF found in the XPS spectra; the occurrence of electron
pyrolyzed at 400°C–600°C compared with the half‐wave redistribution after NiCo@SCF vacancy configuration,
potential; however, the NiCo@SCF electrode material which may actively tune the energy band and
pyrolyzed at 400°C showed better kinetic properties. electronic structure of nanomaterials, and the electron
Moreover, the mass activities of four samples are shown redistribution may lead to charge transfer from NiCo to
in Supporting Information: Figure S13B; the NiCo@SCF‐ N‐doped carbon to form electron‐rich N‐doped carbon
400 has the highest mass activity among them, which and electron‐deficient NiCo species. The electrocatalytic
shows that a certain degree of carbonization is beneficial to performance of as‐fabricated Co@SCF, Ni@SCF, and
improve electrical conductivity, thereby promoting catalytic NiCo@SCF for ORR was tested in alkaline media (0.1 M
performance. KOH). As shown in the LSV curves under alkaline
The roles of elemental and compositional information conditions in Supporting Information: Figure S22A, the
of metals in the composite catalysts were investigated. As half‐wave potential (E1/2) of Co@SCF and Ni@SCF is
the XRD data of Co@SCF, Ni@SCF, and NiCo@SCF 0.822 and 0.84 V, respectively, much worse than
shown in Supporting Information: Figure S15, compared NiCo@SCF (E1/2 = 0.906 V). The OER catalytic perform-
to the three main peaks of NiCo@SCF, the peak positions ance of different samples in alkaline media is also
of Co@SCF are slightly lower, indicating that those peaks evaluated. As the LSV curves shown in Supporting
correspond to pure fcc phase element Co (PDF # 15‐ Information: Figure S22B, at a current density of
0806). On the contrary, peaks of Ni@SCF are slightly 10 mA cm−2 (Ej=10), the OER overpotentials of Co@SCF
higher than those of NiCo@SCF, corresponding to pure and Ni@SCF are 455 and 461 mV, much higher than that
fcc phase element Ni (PDF # 04‐0850), certifying the of the overpotential of NiCo@SCF (286 mV), indicating
formation of Ni–Co solid solution during the pyrolysis that the NiCo@SCF sample has the most excellent OER
and also a certain degree of lattice distortion of electrocatalytic activity.
NiCo@SCF. The SEM images of Co@SCF are shown in The excellent ORR/OER bifunctional electrocatalytic
Supporting Information: Figure S16. Notably, there are activity of NiCo@SCF samples in the same electrolyte is
no obvious alloy particles like the sample NiCo@SCF on attributed to the following points: (1) Ni and Co elements in
the carbon skeleton, and insufficient loadings may lead the alloy undergo electronic transitions between different
to poor bifunctional electrocatalytic performance. This valence states, providing redox centers for the adsorption
can be seen in Figure S17 that the particle distribution of and activation of O2, and enhance the electrocatalytic
cobalt elements is extremely rare. At the same time, it activity of ORR;36‐38 (2) NiCo@SCF has a large specific
can be seen from Supporting Information: Figures S18 surface area, which is beneficial to reduce agglomeration of
and S19 that in the synthesized Ni@SCF, there are a nanoparticles, expose more active sites, and facilitate the
large number of aggregated metal particles on the carbon electrocatalysis‐related proton transport; (3) The well‐
skeleton. This aggregation phenomenon is not conducive preserved conductive network of carbon promotes the
to the exposure of catalytic sites and also leads to rapid transport of electrons, and a large amount of nitrogen
deficient catalytic performance. In Supporting Informa- doping can increase the surface charge density, thereby
tion: Figure S20, the high‐resolution Co 2p spectrum of enhancing the electrocatalytic activity of [email protected]‐42
Co@SCF is shown. The peaks at 777.8, 780.9, 784.8, The catalytic reaction kinetics are improved, resulting in
and 788.6 eV correspond to metal elemental Co, Co3+, higher ORR/OER electrocatalytic activity.
high‐spin Co2+ ion vibration peaks, and satellite peaks,
respectively, in which the metallic Co species dominates
the Co 2p spectrum. Among the peaks of Ni 2p of 3.3 | Battery performance
Ni@SCF in Supporting Information: Figure S21, the
peaks at 855.6 and 874.0 eV correspond to metallic The above electrocatalytic performance tests certified
elemental Ni. The contents of different metal valence that the NiCo@SCF material exhibited excellent
states corresponding to different XPS subpeaks of three bifunctional ORR/OER electrocatalytic activity. To fur-
samples are shown in Supporting Information: Table S1. ther evaluate the performance of electrocatalysts in
Compared with the sample Co@SCF, the Co2+ of the practical energy device tests, in this work, the
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10 of 13 | DONG ET AL.
NiCo@SCF was machined into a rectangular shape density (178.6 mW cm−2) of NiCo@SCF‐assembled ZAB
suitable as a self‐supporting cathode for an aqueous is more than double of the Pt‐Ir/C‐assembled ZAB
rechargeable ZAB (Supporting Information: Figure S23). (87.3 mW cm−2). The NiCo@SCF‐assembled ZAB was
As shown in Figure 4A, the LSV curves and correspond- subjected to discharge tests at different current densities,
ing power density curves of aqueous ZAB cells are and the results are shown in Figure 4B. After two 10 h
prepared with NiCo@SCF and Pt/C‐Ir/C@carbon paper, cycles, the discharge process with the maximum current
respectively. It can be observed that the peak power density reaching 100 mA cm−2, when the current density
F I G U R E 4 (A) Polarization and power density of aqueous ZAB with the NiCo@SCF electrode and Pt/C–Ir/C as electrocatalysts. (B)
Discharge profiles of the aqueous zinc–air battery (ZAB) with the NiCo@SCF catalyst at various current densities. (C) Discharge curves of
aqueous ZAB with NiCo@SCF and Pt/C–Ir/C catalysts at a current density of 20 mA cm−2. (D, E) Cycle performances of aqueous ZAB with
the NiCo@SCF catalyst at a current density of 10 mA cm−2. (F) Schematic depicts the structure of assembled FSZAB. (G) Constant current
charge–discharge curves of FSZAB with the NiCo@SCF catalyst with different bending degrees. (H) Polarization and power density of
FSZAB with NiCo@SCF. (I) Cycle performances of FSZAB with the NiCo@SCF catalyst at a current density of 2 mA cm−2.
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DONG ET AL. | 11 of 13
returns to 5 mA cm−2 of the third cycle, compared with image (Supporting Information: Figure S25), and the NiCo
the first cycle, the discharge platform remains at 1.227 V, alloy particles on its framework were also observed in TEM
which is 98.8% of the initial value. Even when comparing (Supporting Information: Figure S26A,B). In particular, the
the first cycle with the third cycle when the current grain size of NiCo alloy particles after the charge/discharge
density is under 50 mA cm−2, the discharge platform can stability test was reduced probably due to the electro-
be maintained at 1.065 V, which is 95.7% of the initial chemical reconstruction, as shown in the HRTEM image
value. The specific capacity calculated by normalizing the (Supporting Information: Figure S26C,D). In addition, the
mass of consumed Zn by performing constant voltage uniform distribution of NiCo‐alloy particles on the SCF
discharge tests at potential platforms corresponding to framework is evident in the EDS mapping results
current densities of 20 mA cm−2 for a long time until the (Supporting Information: Figure S27). Supporting Informa-
zinc flakes are exhausted (Figure 4C), which was tion: Figure S28 shows the XPS high‐resolution spectrum of
755 mAh gZn−1, indicating that the ZAB assembled with the sample after the cycle test. Supporting Information:
NiCo@SCF has excellent discharge stability and dis- Figure S28A,B correspond to the Ni 2p and Co 2p XPS
charge efficiency, which originated from the efficient and spectra, respectively, and it is evident that there are
stable ORR electrocatalytic performance of NiCo@SCF. amounts of Ni and Co elements representing the
The structural stability of the NiCo@SCF as an air valence state of the alloy in the subpeaks. As the C ls
electrode was further assessed in a long‐term charge and XPS spectrum shown in Supporting Information:
discharge test, as shown in Figure 4D,E. After 540 h of Figure S28C, the subpeaks from 284 to 290 eV are
charge–discharge (current density of 10 mA cm−2), the consistent with the five subpeaks as aforementioned
charge and discharge voltage gap of the NiCo@SCF and shown in Figure 2E. Compared with the peak in
assembled ZAB finally reached 0.94 V, and the Figure 2F, the relative content of pyrrolic‐N and
charge–discharge plateau hardly changed. This stability graphitic‐N decreases, while the content of pyridinic‐N
exceeds that of most aqueous ZAB assembled from NiCo increases relatively in Supporting Information: Figure S28D,
alloy‐based catalysts (Supporting Information: Tables S2 which is also consistent with the literature mentioned above
and S3). Considering the excellent performance and that the performance of ORR/OER is determined by
flexibility feature of the NiCo@SCF, it was further pyridinic‐N in nitrogen doping electrocatalysts, which is
assembled into flexible solid‐state ZAB (FSZAB) as an one of the main factors. The above results strongly indicate
emerging technology for flexible energy storage applica- that NiCo@SCF is endowed with outstanding structural
tions (Figure 4F). As shown in Figure 4G, the resultant robustness and high cycling stability that is essential to the
FSZAB with a self‐supporting NiCo@SCF cathode is delivery of efficient and steady ORR/OER electrocatalytic
capable of recharge under a stable charge and discharge performance. The robust, efficient NiCo@SCF herein
voltage gap of 0.805 V, which can be bent to different exemplifies a useful electrode in rechargeable FSZAB and
angles after prolonged cycling. Compared with some next‐generation wearable electronic devices.
recently published alloy‐based bifunctional electrocata-
lysts (Supporting Information: Tables S4 and S5), the
NiCo@SCF‐assembled FSZAB exhibited a relatively high 4 | CONCLUSION
power density value of 80.1 mW cm−2 and displayed a
stable charge/discharge voltage gap of 0.8 V, which was In conclusion, NiCo bialloy particles have been successfully
95 h more than that at the current density of 2 mA cm−2 anchored onto the carbonized MF framework (NiCo@SCF)
(Figure 4H,I). These results have verified that NiCo@SCF via a facile thermal conversion approach using commercially
catalysts are promising self‐supporting electrodes in re- available low‐cost melamine foam. The resultant self‐
chargeable FSZAB and wearable devices, which will pave supporting, machinable, porous NiCo@SCF electrode
the way to more economically viable, cost‐effective, and showed excellent ORR/OER bifunctional activity, providing
durable smart energy systems. a new idea for designing other non‐precious‐metal‐based
To further investigate the structural robustness, the electrodes. More importantly, the rechargeable Zn–air
spent NiCo@SCF was retrieved from the FSZAB after a battery assembled with the NiCo@SCF electrode manifested
95 h charge/discharge stability test and subjected to an appreciable charge–discharge performance with a steady
structural characterization. The XRD data in Supporting voltage gap. The unique self‐supporting NiCo@SCF elec-
Information: Figure S24 shows that the three main peaks trode will have many potential applications, providing more
that indicate the crystal face of the NiCo alloy still maintain possibilities for the design and manufacturing of mass‐
the original spectrum, indicating that the overall structure producible, cost‐effective, and wearable‐type Zn–air batteries.
has been effectively preserved. The flexible framework of The demonstrated strategy can be readily extended to other
NiCo@SCF remained intact as confirmed in the SEM wearable devices for wider applications.
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12 of 13 | DONG ET AL.
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