2018 Article 2099
2018 Article 2099
2018 Article 2099
Background: Bloodstream infections of abdominal origin are usually associated with poor prognosis. We assessed
the clinical and microbiological characteristics of critically ill patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) for
postoperative intra-abdominal infection (PIAI) and analysed the influence of bacteraemia on their outcome.
Methods: All consecutive PIAI patients admitted to the ICU between 1999 and 2014 were prospectively analysed.
Bacteraemic patients (at least one positive blood culture in the 24 h preceding/following surgery) were compared
with non-bacteraemic patients. Demographic characteristics, underlying disease, severity scores at the time of
reoperation, microbiological results, therapeutic management, outcome, and survival were recorded. Results are
expressed as median (interquartile range (IQR)) or proportions.
Results: Overall, 343 patients (54% male, 62 (49–73) years old) with PIAI were analysed, including 64 (19%)
bacteraemic patients. Immunosuppression and cancer were more frequent in bacteraemic patients (p < 0.001 in both
cases). No difference between groups was observed for the characteristics of initial surgery. Time to reoperation, site,
and cause of PIAI were similar in both groups. At the time of reoperation, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA)
score was higher in bacteraemic patients (8 (6–10) versus 7 (4–10); p < 0.05). A predominance of Gram-positive (34%)
and Gram-negative (47%) bacteria were recovered from blood cultures (polymicrobial bacteraemia in 9 (14%) patients
and bacteraemia involving multidrug-resistant organisms in 14 (22%) patients). In multivariate analysis, risk factors for
bacteraemia were immunosuppression or cancer, high SOFA score, and E. coli in peritoneal samples. Bacteraemia did
not impact the management (with similar results for the adequacy of antibiotic therapy, anti-infective agents used,
de-escalation or duration of therapy in both groups). Neither hospital mortality nor morbidity criteria differed between
groups. Risk factors for mortality in multivariate analysis were urgent initial surgery, high Simplified Acute Physiology
Score (SAPS) II score and documented antifungal therapy, but not perioperative bacteraemia.
Conclusions: In this ICU population, bacteraemia did not change the overall management of patients with PIAI. Our
data suggest that bacteraemic patients do not require a specific management.
Keywords: Intra-abdominal infection, Postoperative infection, Bacteraemia, Outcome
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Département d’Anesthésie-Réanimation, CHU Bichat-Claude Bernard, APHP,
Paris, France
Université Paris Diderot, Press Sorbonne Cité, Paris, France
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Alqarni et al. Critical Care (2018) 22:175 Page 2 of 10
into account the severity of the case, previous antibiotic slightly more severe at the time of diagnosis as illus-
therapies, and local epidemiology. According to French trated by the SOFA score (Table 1). The median SAPS II
guidelines, EAT included a combination of broad- score slowly increased from 46.0 in 1999 to 54.0 in 2014.
spectrum beta-lactams such as piperacillin/tazobactam or
imipenem/cilastatin associated with aminoglycosides and Microbiological results
vancomycin [17]. EAT, changes at the time of documented Overall, 102 positive blood cultures were collected in
therapy including escalation and de-escalation, and total bacteraemic patients, yielding 64 microorganisms with a
duration of therapy were recorded [7]. Empirical antifun- median of 1 (range 1–8) positive blood cultures per
gal agents were administered when a high risk of fungal patient (Table 2): 21 (33%) patients with aerobic
infection was suspected and adapted to the identification Gram-positive bacteraemia, 30 (47%) patients with aer-
results of peritoneal samples [17, 18]. obic Gram-negative bacteraemia, 10 (16%) patients with
anaerobic bacteraemia, and 6 (9%) patients with fungae-
Outcome mia. Polymicrobial bacteraemia was observed in 9 (14%)
The primary outcome was ICU mortality from any cause. cases (including 2 aerobic Gram-negative organisms
Medical and surgical complications, suspicion of persist- (n = 2), 2 aerobic Gram-positive organisms (n = 1), 2 an-
ent sepsis [19, 20], additional reoperations for persistence aerobes (n = 2), and 2 fungi (n = 1)). Among these organ-
of the initial infection or superinfections (including MDR isms, 14 bacteraemic patients had MDR bacteria: 6
bacteria), and death between the day following surgery Gram-positive bacteria (3 methicillin-resistant CNS, 1
and discharge from hospital were assessed. Duration of methicillin-resistant S. aureus, and 2 E. faecium) and 8
ICU stay and mechanical ventilation were also assessed. Gram-negative bacteria (6 ESBL or AmpC-producing
Enterobacteriaceae, and 2 Pseudomonas spp). Among the
Statistical analysis microorganisms isolated from blood culture, 29 organisms
Results are expressed as median and interquartile range in 27 patients were not isolated from surgical operative
(IQR) or number and proportions. Statistical analysis was samples: E. coli n = 4, Enterobacter spp. n = 1, Pseudo-
performed with SAS© 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). monas spp. n = 3, enterococci n = 1, streptococci n = 4,
Comparisons between bacteraemic and non-bacteraemic CNS n = 1, S. aureus n = 3, and anaerobes n = 10.
patients used Chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test for A total of 1022 microorganisms were isolated from
discrete variables and unpaired Wilcoxon tests for quanti- peritoneal surgical samples (Table 2). Polymicrobial peri-
tative variables. Risk factors for bacteraemia and death toneal cultures were reported in 58/64 (91%) bacter-
were assessed by univariate analysis and unadjusted odds aemic and 228/279 (82%) non-bacteraemic patients,
ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calcu- respectively (p = 0.09). The frequency of bacteraemia
lated. Variables with p values less than 0.15 in univariate was increased in patients with Enterobacteriaceae, E.
analysis were introduced as dependent factors into two coli, and E. faecalis isolated from peritoneal samples
multivariate logistic regression analyses using a stepwise (OR 2.25, 95% CI 1.12–4.52, p = 0.022; OR 2.12, 95%
selection method, and the collinearity between predictors CI 1.22–3.70], p = 0.007; and OR 1.98, 95% CI 1.12–3.52,
was analysed. Bacteraemia constituted the outcome of the p = 0.019; respectively). The proportions of MDR bacteria
first model, and ICU mortality constituted the outcome of cultured from peritoneal samples were similar between
the second model. Bacteraemia was forced in the model of bacteraemic and non-bacteraemic patients (26 (41%) ver-
ICU mortality as our primary factor of interest until the sus 113 (41%) patients, respectively; p = 0.50).
end of the selection process. In addition, the year of inclu-
sion was forced in both analyses to take the time effect Risk factors for bacteraemia
into account. Logistic models were evaluated for discrim- The risk factors for bacteraemia identified in univariate
ination with the C-statistic and for calibration with the analysis are presented in Table 3. In multivariate ana-
Hosmer-Lemeshow test. lysis, after adjustment for the year of inclusion, we iden-
tified three risk factors independently associated with an
Results increased risk of bacteraemia: immunosuppression or
Patient characteristics cancer, SOFA score at the time of reoperation, and E.
Overall, 343 PIAI patients including 64 (19%) bacter- coli isolated from surgical peritoneal samples (Table 3).
aemic patients were analysed. The demographic charac-
teristics and underlying diseases at the time of diagnosis Anti-infective therapy
were similar in both groups, except for increased pro- Empirical therapy did not differ between groups (Table 4).
portions of immunosuppression and cancer in bacter- Similar proportions of adequacy of EAT were achieved in
aemic patients (Table 1). Surgical characteristics were both groups. At the time of documented therapy, propor-
similar in both groups, while bacteraemic patients were tions of escalation, de-escalation, and combination therapy
Alqarni et al. Critical Care (2018) 22:175 Page 4 of 10
Table 1 Characteristics and clinical findings of patients with positive blood cultures and patients without bacteraemia
Variables All patients Bacteraemic patients Patients without Odds ratio 95% CI p value
(n = 343) (n = 64) bacteraemia (n = 279)
Demographic characteristics and underlying diseases
Age (years), median (IQR) 62 (49–73) 63 (52–74) 61 (48–73) 0.92 (0.53–1.58) 0.56
Male gender, n (%) 184 (54) 32 (50) 152 (54) 0.83 (0.49–1.44) 0.52
Fatal underlying disease, n (%) 110 (32) 29 (45) 81 (29) 2.02 (1.16–3.53) 0.012
Immunosuppression, n (%) 121 (35) 37 (59) 84 (30) 3.25 (1.85–5.71) < 0.001
Diabetes mellitus, n (%) 59 (17) 12 (19) 47 (17) 1.14 (0.56–2.29) 0.72
Cancer, n (%) 126 (37) 35 (55) 91 (33) 2.49 (1.43–4.33) < 0.001
Initial surgery
Upper gastrointestinal tract surgery, n (%) 150 (44) 26 (41) 124 (44) 0.85 (0.49–1.48) 0.57
Septic or contaminated surgery, n (%) 123 (36) 25 (42) 98 (37) 1.20 (0.68–2.12) 0.53
Emergency procedure, n (%) 135 (39) 22 (34) 113 (41) 0.77 (0.43–1.35) 0.37
Antibiotics before reoperation for PIAI, n (%) 215 (63) 43 (67) 172 (62) 1.25 (0.70–2.22) 0.45
Interval between initial surgery and 7 (4–12) 8 (4–15) 7 (4–11) 1.09 (0.63–1.89) 0.25
reoperation (days), median (IQR)
Severity criteria at the time of reoperation
SAPS II score, median (IQR) 47 (35–59) 50 (38–63) 47 (34–58) 0.89 (0.52–1.54) 0.076
SOFA score, median (IQR) 8 (4–10) 8 (6–10) 7 (4–10) 1.10 (0.59–1.75) 0.034
Haemodynamic failure , n (%) 224 (65) 46 (73) 178 (64) 1.53 (0.83–2.81) 0.16
Respiratory failurea, n (%) 154 (45) 30 (48) 124 (44) 1.13 (0.65–1.96) 0.65
Renal failure , n (%) 83 (24) 16 (25) 67 (24) 1.05 (0.56–1.98) 0.86
Source of postoperative peritonitis and surgical observations
Generalised infection, n (%) 79 (23) 20 (31) 59 (21) 1.69 (0.92–3.09) 0.08
Gastroduodenal source of infection, n (%) 74 (22) 11 (17) 63 (23) 0.71 (0.35–1.44) 0.34
Small bowel source of infection 88 (26) 13 (20) 75 (27) 0.69 (0.35–1.34) 0.27
Colonic or rectal source of infection, n (%) 97 (28) 20 (31) 77 (28) 1.19 (0.66–2.15) 0.56
Anastomotic leak, n (%) 118 (34) 25 (40) 93 (33) 1.31 (0.74–2.29) 0.34
Bowel perforation, n (%) 119 (35) 16 (25) 103 (37) 0.57 (0.30–1.05) 0.07
Abscesses, n (%) 61 (18) 15 (23) 46 (16) 1.55 (0.80–2.99) 0.19
No demonstrated cause, n (%) 49 (14) 11 (17) 38 (14) 1.31 (0.63–2.74) 0.46
According to levels 3 or 4 of the SOFA score
CI confidence interval, IQR interquartile range, SAPS Simplified Acute Physiology Score, SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment
for the targeted therapy were not different between not reveal any significant difference on day 3 and day 7
groups. In addition, the median duration of therapy was (Table 5). A trend toward increased ICU mortality rate
not different between groups (Table 4). was observed in bacteraemic patients (p = 0.08).
In the group of bacteraemic patients, empirical therapy The mortality rate was similar in bacteraemic patients
did not adequately target all bloodstream microorganisms with MDR bacteraemia and those without MDR bacter-
in 11 (17%) cases. The organisms most frequently not aemia (5/15 (33%) versus 22/49 (45%); p = 0.55). More-
adequately treated were methicillin-resistant CNS (n = 5), over, similar proportions of medical and surgical
penicillinase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (n = 2), Can- complications were observed in both groups. Mortality
dida spp. (n = 2), and E. faecium (n = 1). Interestingly, was observed in 3/6 (50%) cases of fungaemia versus
8 of these patients also had inadequate therapy for 23/58 (40%) of the other bacteraemic patients (p = 0.68).
peritoneal pathogens. No significant difference in terms of outcome was ob-
served between the 11 bacteraemic patients who did not
Patient outcome and risk factors of death receive adequate EAT against bloodstream isolates versus
Comparison of the clinical characteristics of bacteraemic the adequately treated cases: persistent intra-abdominal
patients and those without positive blood cultures did sepsis in 7 (64%) versus 31 (58%), p = 1; one or more
Alqarni et al. Critical Care (2018) 22:175 Page 5 of 10
Table 2 Microbiological results of peritoneal samples and antimicrobial therapy in bacteraemic and non-bacteraemic patients
Microbiological results Bacteraemic patients (n = 64) Patients without bacteraemia (n = 279)
Blood cultures Surgical samples Surgical samples
Total number of microorganisms 75 215 807
Gram-negative aerobic bacteria, n (%) 32 (43) 97 (45) 312 (39)
Enterobacteriaceae, n (%) 27 (36) 86 (40) 254 (31)
Escherichia coli, n (%) 13 (17) 42 (20) 124 (15)
Klebsiella spp., n (%) 3 (4) 10 (5) 34 (4)
Enterobacter spp., n (%) 8 (11) 17 (8) 44 (5)
Other Enterobacteriaceae, n (%) 3 (4) 17 (8) 52 (6)
Non-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria, n (%) 4 () 10 (5) 44 (5)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, n (%) 3 (4) 9 (4) 39 (5)
Miscellaneous Gram-negative bacilli, n (%) 1 (1) 1 (0.5) 14 (2)
Gram-positive aerobic bacteria, n (%) 22 (29) 73 (34) 308 (38)
Staphylococcus aureus, n (%) 5 (7) 4 (2) 26 (3)
Coagulase-negative staphylococci, n (%) 5 (7) 8 (4) 50 (6)
Streptococcus spp., n (%) 8 (11) 21 (10) 75 (9)
Enterococcus spp., n (%) 3 (4) 38 (18) 151 (19)
Miscellaneous Gram-positive cocci, n (%) 1 (1) 2 (1) 6 (1)
Anaerobic bacteria, n (%) 14 (19) 22 (10) 76 (9)
Bacteroides spp., n (%) 12 (16) 18 (8) 46 (6)
Other anaerobes, n (%) 2 (3) 4 (2) 30 (4)
Multidrug-resistant bacteria, n (%) 14 (19) 26 (12) 113 (14)
Fungi, n (%) 7 (9) 23 (11) 110 (14)
Candida albicans, n (%) 3 (4) 13 (6) 71 (9)
Non-albicans Candida spp., n (%) 3 (4) 9 (4) 32 (4)
Proportions calculated as number of isolates
Table 4 Empirical and documented therapies in bacteraemic immunosuppression, ongoing cancer, and high SOFA
and non-bacteraemic patients score. The microorganisms isolated from the surgical site
Anti-infective regimens Bacteraemic Patients without p value did not differ between bacteraemic and non-bacteraemic
patients bacteraemia patients except for an increased proportion of E. coli in
(n = 64) (n = 279)
bacteraemic patients. Adequate empirical antimicrobial
Empirical therapy
therapy rates and duration of antibiotic therapy did not
Combination of EAT, n (%) 49 (77) 226 (81) 0.42 differ between bacteraemic and non-bacteraemic patients.
Imipenem/cilastatin, n (%) 22 (34) 69 (25) 0.12 High severity scores, initial emergency surgery, and anti-
Piperacillin tazobactam, n (%) 36 (56) 173 (62) 0.39 fungal therapy were independent risk factors for mortality
Vancomycin, n (%) 30 (47) 122 (44) 0.65 in multivariate analysis.
Few data are available assessing the clinical consequences
Aminoglycosides, n (%) 31 (48) 140 (50) 0.80
of secondary bloodstream infections in peritonitis. Most of
Antifungals, n (%) 21 (33) 101 (36) 0.61
the published reports do not distinguish community-ac-
Fluconazole, n (%) 17 (27) 89 (32) 0.45 quired infections from healthcare-associated infections.
Caspofungin, n (%) 3 (5) 8 (3) 0.43 During bacteraemia in surgical ICU patients, the factors
Adequacy of EAT, n (%) 43 (67) 190 (68) 0.89 associated with poor prognosis are the severity of acute
Documented therapy illness at the onset of bacteraemia, the presence of organ
dysfunction, and Gram-negative bacteria or Candida spp.
Antibiotic treatment 37 (58) 163 (58) 0.93
de-escalation, n (%) infections [21]. One-third of cases of undiagnosed abdom-
Antibiotic treatment 15 (23) 72 (26) 0.69
inal septic focus presented breakthrough infection or re-
escalation, n (%) appearance of positive blood cultures during antibiotic
Combination of EAT, n (%) 38 (59) 190 (68) 0.19 therapy [22]. Polymicrobial bacteraemia is usually suggest-
ive of intra-abdominal sepsis, but other sites are also
Imipenem/cilastatin, n (%) 23 (36) 56 (20) 0.007
associated with several polymicrobial samples [10, 11].
Piperacillin tazobactam, n (%) 20 (31) 98 (35) 0.55
Blood cultures yielding Gram-negative bacilli, enterococci,
Vancomycin, n (%) 16 (25) 90 (32) 0.25 and anaerobes are indicative of gastrointestinal flora, but
Aminoglycosides, n (%) 12 (19) 36 (13) 0.22 staphylococcal bacteraemia is also reported [6–9].
Antifungals, n (%) 20 (31) 117 (42) 0.11 In our cohort, the identified criteria for recognising
Fluconazole, n (%) 16 (25) 104 (37) 0.06 bacteraemic patients during PIAI were poorly discrim-
inative and did not allow any specific management. As
Caspofungin, n (%) 2 (3) 7 (3) 0.78
expected, the most severe cases were those at risk of
Duration of antibiotic therapy 10 (8–14) 10 (8–14) 0.89
in daysa, median (IQR)
bacteraemia. This point has been previously reported, as
bacteraemia associated with intra-abdominal infections
EAT Empirical antibiotic therapy, IQR interquartile range
Variable measured in surviving patients appears to be more frequent in patients with septic
shock [6]. The size of the inoculum could also be of
reoperations in 4 (36%) versus 26 (49%), p = 0.52; and importance, as suggested by the increased risk of
death in the ICU in 6 (55%) versus 21 (40%), p = 0.50. bacteraemia in the case of generalised peritonitis and
The risk factors for mortality identified in univariate peritoneal samples yielding E. coli cultures. Severe
analysis are presented in Table 6. In multivariate ana- underlying disease and immunosuppression have been
lysis, after adjustment for the year of inclusion and the previously described as possible risk factors for bacter-
presence of bacteraemia, the following factors were aemia, but these criteria were not assessed in surgical
independently associated with a higher mortality rate: postoperative infections.
urgent initial surgery (p = 0.0003), SAPS II > 47 at the In our PIAI patients, bacteraemia was associated with
time of reoperation (p < 0.0001), and empirical antifungal limited clinical consequences. Clinical recovery, analysed
therapy (p = 0.002), while de-escalation of documented on day 3 and day 7 after surgery, did not differ between
therapy (p = 0.003) had a protective role. groups. Our data confirm the observations of Havey et
al., who reported early improvement of clinical parame-
Discussion ters in patients treated for bacteraemia [11]. Our obser-
In this single-centre cohort study of patients with PIAI, vations suggest an incidental nature of bacteraemia
the incidence of perioperative bacteraemia was 19%. A rather than a major threat. This assumption is also con-
trend toward increased mortality rate in bacteraemic firmed by the absence of any specific morbidity criteria
patients was observed compared with non-bacteraemic in the postoperative course of bacteraemic patients com-
patients, with no major changes in morbidity criteria. The pared with non-bacteraemic patients. Additional obser-
factors associated with bacteraemia were the presence of vations, such as the high mortality rates reported in the
Alqarni et al. Critical Care (2018) 22:175 Page 7 of 10
case of fungaemia and bacteraemia not targeted by em- This point was confirmed in univariate analysis, while
pirical therapy, could be considered to be signals of other well-known factors, such as emergency surgery
interest. However, the number of cases was too small to and initial severity, were identified as risk factors for
draw any strong conclusions. mortality. Interestingly, the prognosis did not differ in
A poorer prognosis was expected in the cohort of bac- the presence of fungaemia compared with bacteraemia.
teraemic patients. The 41% mortality rate in our study The small sample size of our cohort clearly affected the
confirms the high mortality rate previously reported by validity of these results. Surprisingly, the role of fungae-
De Waele et al. [10]. However, only a trend towards an mia in peritonitis cases has been rarely analysed in the
increased mortality rate was observed in our bacter- literature, while fungaemia is a known factor of poor
aemic patients compared with non-bacteraemic patients. prognosis in many instances [23, 24]. Nevertheless,
Alqarni et al. Critical Care (2018) 22:175 Page 8 of 10
Table 6 Univariate and multivariate analyses of risk factors of intensive care unit (ICU) death in the study population
Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis
Parameters Odds ratio 95% CI p value Odds ratio 95% CI p value
Demographic characteristics and underlying diseases
Age > 62 years 2.45 (1.55–3.90) < 0.001
McCabe Fatal 1.55 (0.96–2.49) 0.08
Immunosuppression or cancer 1.83 (1.15–2.92) 0.01
Urgent initial surgery 2.04 (1.29–3.23) 0.002 2.71 (1.53–4.81) 0.0006
Severity criteria at the time of reoperation
Small bowel perforation 1.57 (0.95–2.59) 0.07
SAPS II > 47 at reoperation 4.26 (2.61–6.94) < 0.001 4.78 (2.71–8.45) < 0.0001
Blood and peritoneal microbiological results
Bacteraemia 1.48 (0.84–2.59) 0.16 1.62 (0.81–3.24) 0.169
Peritoneal samples involving
Enterococci 1.71 (1.08–2.69) 0.019
Non-fermenting Gram-negative Bacteria 2.01 (1.13–3.65) 0.019
Streptococci 0.54 (0.30–0.96) 0.037
Empirical and documented therapies
Empirical imipenem therapy 1.66 (1.01–2.72) 0.044
Empirical vancomycin therapy 1.56 (0.99–2.46) 0.050
Empirical antifungal therapy 1.72 (1.08–2.74) 0.019 2.91 (1.62–5.22) 0.0003
De-escalation documented therapy 0.54 (0.34–0.85) 0.007 0.50 (0.28–0.89) 0.018
Documented therapy using piperacillin/tazobactam 1.74 (1.09–2.78) 0.018
Documented antifungal therapy 1.67 (1.05–2.63) 0.026
The model was adjusted on year of admission
Multivariate logistic regression with stepwise selection: the C-index for the model was 0.81 95% CI 0.76–0.86, the Hosmer-Lemeshow test p value was 0.02
CI confidence interval, SAPS Simplified Acute Physiology Score
fungal infection might play a role in the prognosis, as that discarding these microorganisms may have clinical
indirectly reflected by documented antifungal therapy consequences.
which was a strong criterion of poor prognosis in The duration of anti-infective therapy was not differ-
our cohort. ent between patients with and without bacteraemia. The
The need to treat all isolated microorganisms in these optimal duration of antibiotic therapy for bacteraemia
high-risk ICU patients is a subject of debate. Recently during intra-abdominal infections is unknown. In our
published guidelines have failed to address this issue study, antibiotic therapy for bacteraemic PIAI was ad-
[17, 25, 26]. The usual rule is to target all pathogens ministered for 11 ± 6 days, a duration usually reported in
isolated from both blood and surgical samples. However, the literature. Our data suggest that extended therapy is
the pathogenic role of certain microorganisms such as not required in bacteraemic patients. However, this
staphylococci is debated. Some data suggest a pathogenic study was not tailored to address this issue and any
role of S. aureus [27]. On the contrary, the role of CNS as definitive conclusions would be premature since, in a re-
a contaminant on blood or surgical samples remains cent study analysing the benefit of short-course anti-
much more controversial. In order to limit the risk of con- biotic therapy in PIAI, we reported an increased risk of
tamination, we used strict selection rules for CNS bacter- postoperative bacteraemia and a higher risk of treatment
aemia and we assume that the selected isolates represent failure in the case of short-course therapy [28].
authentic pathogens. By means of these criteria, CNS Several limitations to the present study must be men-
represented only a limited proportion of the organisms tioned, including its retrospective nature. The results of
isolated from bacteraemic patients. Among the 11 bacter- this single-centre analysis may not be directly applicable
aemic patients in whom empirical anti-infective therapy to other institutions. Breakthrough infections and recur-
did not target all bloodstream microorganisms, almost rent bacteraemia could not be assessed due to the short
half of the cases involved CNS. Interestingly, the outcome time window for analysis of bacteraemia. The long study
of these cases was not completely favourable, suggesting duration is also a factor to be taken into account, with
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