Report 1 Formative Evaluation of The Living Green in Gannawarra

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Formative Evaluation of the Living

Green in Gannawarra & Surrounds

Fernandez, David Pablo Jr., DMD
Minoza, Helen Rose A., MD
Pausal, Nicole Pauline P., RPh

! Located beside the Murray River, region of Victoria

! Diverse agricultural region
! Main industries are: Agriculture and dairy
! Current problems
! Limitations of success of workshops
! Barriers to environmental behavior changes
! Educate rural communities
! Water and energy
! ELECTRICITY usage at home
! Reduction of WASTE that goes to landfill

3-theme Objectives Objectives of LGG Program: Objectives identified by Objectives identified in the
review team but not in the document but not identified
document: by review team:
➢ Energy Conservation ➢ Connect and engage with the ➢ Reduction achieved but ➢ To conduct social
rural community through
➢ Water Conservation existing networks limited only to waste & research (diversity in
➢ Waste & Recycling ➢ Understand the barriers to recycling. the target groups)
environmental behaviour ➢ Connection and ➢ Involvement of
change in rural communities
➢ Understand the opportunities
engagement with rural stakeholders to address
that exist to educate rural community but core issues.
communities about sustainable attending additional ➢ To identify and analyze
➢ Utilise modified resources (eg
meetings did not the motivations and
ACF’s Greenhomes) for rural appeal to residents. constraints of the
communities target group.
➢ Provide practical advice and ➢ Reduction of household
resources to help households
live more sustainably waste to landfills for
➢ Achieve reductions in water waste theme.
and energy use and increase
participation in recycling and
➢ Sustainable consumption using
a suitable evaluation tool to
measure improvement


LOGICAL FRAMEWORK ➢ Linear model outlining the core Stakeholder Assessment
WORKSHOP issues, chain of causes and effects ▪ Not well represented (urban, peri-urban, rural
leading to the issue occurring households)
▪ Problem encountered
➢ Clarify the likelihood that an 1. Articulation of motivations
intervention will work and other 2. Identifying and analyzing motivations and constraints of
causes and effects leads to core target groups
issues tackled by other
complementary projects Problem and Solution Tree
➢ ▪ Total range of project stakeholders not present
➢ Steps 1. Stakeholder analysis ▪ Absence of pioneer of LGG program
2. Problem Tree ▪ Limitation of core issues and solutions
3. Logical Framework Matrix ▪
• Table created based on the solution that arise from the
problem tree
• Horizontal comprise the goal, purpose, outputs and
• Vertical are the contents


Program Logic and Evaluation Plan ▪ Similar to LFA but focuses on • LGG seeks
Workshop identifying foundation activities 1. Engage particular community
and activities (application) groups and networks
▪ Plans are categorized based on 2. Provide targeted rural-relevant
a. Immediate information on sustainable living
b. Intermediate 3. Highlight relevant incentives and
c. Long term programs which they can access
d. Aspirational outcome to assist in the adoption of the
• Participants are encourage to more sustainable behaviors.
discuss what needed moving and 4. No firm target was made and
why amount of change was flexible

1. Without taking the preceding steps of clearly identifying the root causes of the core problem causes the
unclear understanding of the theory of change when a project presupposes a delivery model (i.e.
2. Lack of distinction between community engagement and behavior change projects.
3. Unclear process and pathways to change occurring in community engagement

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