Staricon Day Ten Training Minute - Final

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Module Covered 13, 2022
Project Manager – Tsedale G/egziabher

Trainer: Mr. Sridhar


1. Bruk Hailu
2. Nigus Asres
3. Mihiret Getahun
4. Fitsum Lemma
5. Selamawit Getachew

3, 2022


This report outlines the key takeaways from the StarRecon shared reconciliation
platform training conducted on 29/04/2023 for the purpose of parameterizing the
platform module. The training was conducted for the E-payment, payment
application, database, network and system admin team members, who will be
responsible for parameterizing the application, onboarding new
banks ,administering the system and database in the future.

The main focus of the day ten was on giving general description about database
tables for file configuration, upload, extraction, reconciliation, report name and store
procedure tables. And lastly system admin teams go through with system installation
detail with the help of trainer.
File configuration tables

 RECON_CONFIG_FILE_STRUCTURE: which is table that store after

file structure and detail is done.
 RECON_ENTITY : which is table that store entity after entity configuration
 RECON_CONFIG_FILE_FIELD_MAP: which is table that store entity
after file field mapping is done.
 RECON_ENTITY_FILE_CONFIG: which store file name after file name
 RECON_CONFIG_TRAN_ID: Table which store file name after
transaction id configuration.

Extraction table

 RECON_EXTRACTINFO: which contain extracted files info

Upload table

 RECON_UPLOADINFO: which contain uploaded files info


 RECON_CONFIG_ENTITY_MAP: table that contain mapping entities


 There is insertion, deletion done while calling this procedure by
segregating into different tables during uploading.
 two orders basically
1. getting table name...create table /taking table name/fetching
2. Taking key field configuration form recon_key_field
3. Temporary tables will be created
 Procedure for rolling back before reconciliation is done , so whenever
we select before reconciliation option from drop down this procedure
will be called and entertained either for both uploading and extraction
or one of the two
 Procedure for rolling back after reconciliation is done , so whenever we
select before reconciliation option from drop down this procedure will
be called and entertained either for both uploading and extraction or
one of the two

Step 1: Copy and paste in local drive [E:\StarRECON_PATCH\Patch_<ddmmyy>\]

from external drive
Step 2: Open the StarRECON Setup folder in which the new setup has been copied
Step 3: Select the setup.exe from StarRECON Setup folder
Step 4: Welcome Screen and click on “Next” Button
Step 5: Installation option and click on “Next” Button
Step 6: Confirmation screen for Installation option and click on “Next” Button and
if you want to cancel click on “Cancel “Button
Step 7: Starts Installation Process
Step 8: Starts Installation Process if you want to cancel click on “Cancel” Button
Step 9: Starts Installation Process Completed click on “Close” Button
Step 10: Go to Control Panel and select “Administrative Tools”
Step 11: select “Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager” and double click
Step 12: Select and expand on “MUMRECONDB”
Step 13: Select and expand “Sites”
Step 14: Select and expand on “Default Web Site”
Step 15: Select the “StarRECON”
Step 16: Right Click on “StarRECON” and select on “Edit Permissions”
Step 17: New window will open and Click on Security Tab
Step18: Click on “Edit” Button

web configuration for database connectivity will be done on files

folder from the 6 folders available
Backup files will be found on bin folder.

For the mail configuration.

 select * from RECON_CONFIG_BANKNAME;



Example for DISPUTE

to edit ..
go to Dispute > xmlfiles..

For sending report using schedule through mail we need to set task
Issues arouse

1. How can we identify the log file that was uploaded and extracted with errors?
2. How can we update the Recon App?


1. The Wi-Fi signal was weak and unreliable.


1. Having a step-by-step guide for installing and configuring the Recon

Application Server will be very good
2. After rectification of some errors it’s better to explain the exact problem first
and then the process takes place to solve the issue to the team. But in some
cases, the problems get solved without knowing the problem. So having brief
is good.

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