Deriv Peter Questionnaire
Deriv Peter Questionnaire
Deriv Peter Questionnaire
Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Note: the names, dates, and details in this questionnaire below have been
altered/anonymised so as to maintain confidentiality of the respondent who originally
completed this questionnaire. ( was formerly known as
Why did you select this This school is one of the best engineering schools in
school? Ukraine and merit based.
Generally, what were Very interesting and at the same time very challenging,
your college years like? as the college standard is very high
How would you describe I dedicate 2 to 3 hours everyday for all my subjects that
your study habits during excludes the time I spend in college library.
What were some My Dad was one of the key career influencers in my
important career career. He dedicated all his life for my education and
influences? growth.
What were the high and I am good at mechanical and software engineering,
low points during your which is evident from my engineering transcripts,
college years? whereas I am not good at electrical engineering
What were your career Towards the end of my college, I wanted to pursue
aspirations at the end of higher studies. Therefore, I went to UK and did my
college? master’s degree and I was the top student and awarded
with distinction in product engineering.
How did you find this This is an internal opportunity; I was awarded after I
job? completed my internship.
Job Duties and Designing using computer aided design (CAD) software
Responsibilities and 3D printing the part. Write technical articles. My
responsibilities were to ensure that all the designs
created are printable in the cold spray machine. Also,
write technical articles out of the work completed.
Reason for leaving or The Postdoctoral research work is a short term one, I
desiring to change: am looking for a long-term permanent opportunity.
How did you find this I was selected from my University (University of New
job? South Wales) as an APR Intern for my internship
What is the biggest The total number of technical articles that I have
impact you had at this contributed to the scientific society is the biggest
organisation? impact that I had at this organisation.
What are you looking for I am looking for work-life balance and flexible work
in your next job? time
What are some other job Remotely working or telecommuting: I feel it is
possibilities, and how do revolutionizing the working possibility, which is
you feel about each one? different from traditional office-based work. Significant
time saving is possible with telecommuting.
What are a couple of the The best decision I made was to submit my PhD
best and worst decisions thesis, while I was satisfied with the quality of thesis.
you made in the past year? The worst decision was that I should have had
my Australian citizenship exam preponed and as
a result, the whole process is delayed
What maxims do you live A stitch in time saves nine
by, or is there a code or
system you try to follow in
How creative are you? I am creative. I have created many new designs
What is the best example using Solidworks CAD software for many
of your creativity? applications such as automotive, aerospace,
biomedical, toy industry etc.,
What motivates you? Success, even it is small, drives me.
After you leave the office, Both. I would like to have a work-life balance.
do you still think about However, I check the emails when there are
work and answer Email, or important deliverables to be met.
do you relax to ensure a
good work/life balance?
Please explain.
How would you describe I am hard working, dedicated and devoted by nature
your work habits? towards my work.
How organized are you; I always prioritise my work and organise them
what, if anything, do you accordingly. I even focus on organising my files for
feel you could do to be easier access. I may need to learn to organise
better organized? differently in a new environment and I expect that
when joining a new firm.
Describe a situation that I had planned and scheduled project activities that
didn’t go as well as you needed a machine in our lab. The work was not
planned. What would you completed due to the machine breaking down
have done differently? unexpectedly. If I had to re-do this work, I would have
allocated more time and also reserved time on an
additional machine as backup.
How much supervision do I can work under minimal or no supervision, if the
you want or need? scope is clear.
What are the most Always have plan B in place from day 1, with respect
important lessons you have to the break down failure on machine. Always record
learned in your career every step, for example in software development life
(please be specific)? cycle (SDLC).
Manual is an asset, especially from the technical
writing point of view.
How do you handle yourself I stay relaxed and think about success made so far. I
under stress and pressure? typically think big picture and take the time to bring
the situation under control as needed.
Describe yourself in terms I always make sure that my emotions won’t let me
of emotional control; what down. When things won’t happen in the way I plan
sorts of things irritate you for, after several attempts, it really irritates me.
the most, or get you down?
What sort of mood swings I don’t experience mood swings, as I always keep
do you experience – how myself to be neutral and more logical.
high are the highs, how
low are the lows, and why?
Describe a situation in
which you were angrier
than you’ve been in years.
To the best of my knowledge, I was never so angry
that could be compared with the emotions in years.
How have you changed in For the past years, I am doing research, which
recent years? made me to think multi-dimensionally. That way, I
got transformed.
Who was the best coworker Professor Tamara was the best co-author, as she
in all of your previous was very prompt and an expert in her field.
jobs? What is it about his Therefore, I really enjoyed working with Professor
or her behavior that made Tamara.
you enjoy working
What actions would you Understand the organisation, so that I can feel the
take in the first week, pulse of organisation from the first week itself.
should you join our
How aware are you of I was not directly involved, as my managers handled
political forces that could pressures related to political, legal, environmental
affect your work problems.
performance? Give an
example of the most
difficult political situation
in which you were
Describe your ideal day at Writing a part of the technical article based on the
work. experiments carried out.
What skills have you I have acquired technical writing skills and
acquired in the last several researching skills.
[For relocation candidates only]
What questions do you I would like to know about the company’s investment
have about the company plan on long term employees, like the concept of a
or the job you are shareholder.
applying for?
(to be completed by candidates for managerial/team-lead roles only)