Afar Research Report Setup
Afar Research Report Setup
Afar Research Report Setup
Afar Region
Achievements, Gaps, and Priorities
February 2021
Ethiopian Economics Association
Degye Goshu
Mengistu Ketema
Semeneh Bessie
Aemro Tazeze
Dawit Teshale
Copyright 2021 by Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA)
All rights reserved.
ISBN – 978-99944-54-80-8
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
A number of institutions and people have played key roles throughout the
development of this study. The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) would
particularly like to acknowledge the Bureau of Finance and Economic
Development (BoFED) of the Afar Regional State for its unreserved effort to
successful completion of this study. The EEA is also grateful to Mr. Mohammed
Hassen (Head of the BoFED) and Mr. Sualih Seid for their unreserved effort to
initiate and design this study. The EEA acknowledges the support form
facilitators of the study in various sectors of the Region (Mr. Ousman Ebrahim
and Mussa Dersa) for their substantial contribution in supporting data collection
required for the study.
Respondents from different administrative zones, woredas, and
representatives of various social groups (religious, youth and women, civic
societies, etc.) are also much appreciated by the EEA for their contribution in
giving real and relevant data. The EEA is also grateful to the research team
undertaking this study and devoting their scientific and professional expertise to
successfully complete the study with the required quality standards. The EEA
would also like to extend its gratitude to other staff members actively involved in
supporting effectiveness of this study project.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
AF Alkire-Foster
CAHWS Community Animal Health Workers
CSA Central Statistical Agency
DAP Di-Ammonium Phosphate
Das Development Agents
DASP Distributive Analysis Stata package
DFID British Department for International Development
DHS Demographic and Health Survey
EEPRI Ethiopian Economic Policy Research Institute
EVI Enhanced Vegetation Index
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization
FGDs Focus Group Discussions
FTCs Farmers Training Centers
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GTP Growth and Transformation Plan
KIIs Key Informant Interviews
LSMS Living Standards Measurement Study
LVI Livelihood Vulnerability Index
MII Multidimensional Inequality Index
MoARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
MPI Multidimensional Poverty Index
OPHI Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative
PASDEP Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Poverty
PCA Principal Component Analysis
PIPs Policies, Institutions and Processes
RBoFED Regional Bureau of Finance and Economic Development
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SDPRP Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Program
SLA Sustainable Livelihood Approach
SLF Sustainable Livelihood Framework
UNDP United Nations Development Program
USAID United State Agency for International Development
USD United States Dollar
Table of Contents
Foreword ........................................................................................................................ iv
Acronyms and Abbreviations ......................................................................................vii
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................ viii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................... x
List of Figures ...............................................................................................................xii
List of Appendix Tables .............................................................................................. xiv
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................... xv
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1
2. Conceptual Frameworks ...................................................................................... 5
2.1. Sustainable Livelihood Framework ........................................................... 5
2.2. Multidimensional Welfare Measurement .................................................. 7
3. Dataset and Methods .......................................................................................... 10
3.1. Dataset ........................................................................................................ 10
3.1.1. Primary data ........................................................................................... 10
3.1.2. Secondary data ....................................................................................... 12
3.2. Valuation of Livelihood Capitals .............................................................. 13
3.3. Resource Base and Asset Indices .............................................................. 17
3.4. Optimizing and Aligning Livelihood Strategies ...................................... 19
3.5. Measuring Poverty and Equity................................................................. 20
3.5.1. Economic welfare .................................................................................. 20
3.5.2. Multidimensional poverty ...................................................................... 22
3.5.3. Multidimensional inequality .................................................................. 24
4. Description of the Region ................................................................................... 26
4.1. Location ...................................................................................................... 26
4.2. Livelihood Zones ........................................................................................ 26
4.3. Demography ............................................................................................... 27
4.4. Agroecology ................................................................................................ 30
4.4.1. Agro-ecological zones ............................................................................ 30
4.4.2. Weather and climate .............................................................................. 31
4.4.3. Land cover .............................................................................................. 32
4.4.4. Topographical features .......................................................................... 33
4.5. Soil Conditions ........................................................................................... 33
4.5.1. Soil type and quality ............................................................................... 33
4.5.2. Soil constraints ....................................................................................... 34
4.6. Agriculture ................................................................................................. 35
4.6.1. Livestock production .............................................................................. 35
4.6.2. Crop production ..................................................................................... 36
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
List of Tables
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Table 34: Zonal comparison of activities related to crop production and input
use, 2018/19 ....................................................................................... 73
Table 35: Zonal comparison of educational variables at primary school levels,
2018/19 .............................................................................................. 80
Table 36: Involvement in informal sectors and unemployment rates, 2018 ...... 93
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
List of Figures
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Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Executive Summary
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Based on the nature of the study area, this study has employed two basic
and relevant conceptual frameworks: The Sustainable Livelihood Framework
(SLF) and the Multidimensional Welfare Analytical Framework. Both primary
and secondary data were obtained from various sources. Primary data was
collected using five Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and 90 Key Informant
Interviews (KIIs), selected across all zones in the regional state. In addition, field
surveys and observations were undertaken to understand current livelihood
patterns and distributions, and socio-economic development achievements. The
secondary data required for the study were gathered from published and
unpublished official sources including the third wave of Living Standards
Measurement Study (LSMS) on Ethiopia. Using the SLF, various methods of data
analysis, including valuation of livelihood capitals and resource base, and asset
indices were computed. In measuring multidimensional welfare, the Alkire-
Foster (AF) methodological analysis was used; to estimate multidimensional
inequality (MI) and identify its possible sources of inequality, the Araar MI index
was utilized.
Key Findings
The major findings of this study are summarized here under separate
Regional status
1. Because of its hot climatic conditions, the density of the population is
relatively sparse; 69% of the land area has a population density of less than
50 persons per square kilometer, compared to a national average of 19.1%.
2. Only 42.3% of the population are literate, 13.6% lower than the country as a
whole. Households in the Afar region have relatively larger size than
3. There are only three agro-ecological zones in the Afar region and the majority
of households reside in the arid (48%) and semi-arid (49%) zones where
pastoralism is the only livelihood option; only 3.3% live in the warm semiarid
zone where there is sufficient irrigation water from Awash River to boost
crop production to ensure food supply in the Region and in the country at
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
4. The mean annual temperature is far higher (27 degree Celsius) and annual
precipitation very low compared to the national average. Overall elevation
(628.8 m above sea level) and climate means the annual mean rainfall (423.6
mm) less than half the national average (858 mm).
5. Land cover or vegetation in Afar region is either non-existent or very low
compared to the national average. Wide areas are primarily covered by shrubs
(36%) or open or close to open land where pastoralism is widely practiced in
search of pasture for livestock.
6. Topography of the areas where households reside is dominated by mid-
altitude plains (52%), with limited high-altitude plains (19%), or low plateau
(15%). These plains are suitable for irrigated agriculture if access to irrigation
water is secured.
7. The Afar region is dominated by vertisol, characterized by dominant soil-
forming processes including cracking and mass movement of materials due
to shrinkage and swelling of clay during dry/wet cycles, causing expansion
and contraction. Its poor water retention capacity, coupled with recurrent
droughts and erratic rainfall are a major constraint for the 63% of households
which reside in these areas.
8. If there is sufficient irrigation water, the soil quality in Afar region is
predominantly good (as validated by 68.5% of the households) compared to
national average soil quality (50% fair). Irrigation agriculture is the primary
option for crop production in such areas.
9. Evaluation of the major soil constraints (related nutrient availability, nutrient
retention capacity, rooting condition of plants, oxygen availability to plants,
excess salts, soil toxicity, and workability of soils) indicate the prevalence of
many soil constraints for crop and livestock production in the region. Crop
production with or without irrigation water requires measures of soil
treatment and improved soil management practices.
10. Cattle, shoats and camel are the major livestock holdings. There are about 1.5
million cattle and 0.11 million camels owned by 160 and 78 thousand
households, respectively. These are the largest in the country next to those of
South Omo area and Somali region. On average, livestock holding per
household in the Afar region is 6.8 cattle, 15 goats, nine sheep, and 2.2 camel,
far higher than the national averages (3.6 cattle, 3 goats, 2.3 sheep and 0.3
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
14. Results of livelihood analysis show that all the five livelihood assets are
relevant in the Region. Human capital is relatively most important followed
by natural and physical capita. Financial capital was the least important in
the region.
15. All livelihood capitals have moderate importance (index below 0.4-0.6) and
with the exception of physical capital, there was no significant difference in
the importance of livelihoods among the different zones of the region.
16. There are limited livelihood assets and capabilities evaluated for their role
and importance in contributing to the livelihood of the population. These
include camels, shoats, information, communal land, cattle, education, and
use rights to land. Others have low or very low importance in forming the
livelihood of the population, indicating the region has a very limited range
of livelihoods, making it difficult to establish sustainable and resilient
17. The importance of livelihood assets in the region shows the overall role of
livelihood capitals is 0.52, suggesting that the overall importance of
livelihood capitals is below moderate (0.60). As the least important
livelihood capital is financial capital, it indicates that financial income and
related sources of livelihoods are limited.
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Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Livelihood outcomes
23. Evaluation of 17 suggested positive livelihood outcomes of socio-
economic development interventions in the last five years show
dissatisfaction with their negligible livelihood impacts. A majority of
respondents did not agree on any positive impact from interventions related
to housing, equity, or natural resource utilization, though those relating to
good governance, road and communication infrastructure, health,
employment, peace and order, and education, were perceived to have had a
positive livelihood impact.
24. The top five indicators evaluated for their improved livelihood outcomes
were income, financial services, equity (distribution), public services, and
housing. With the exception of peace and order, socio-economic
development interventions were evaluated to have a low level of livelihood
outcomes on all indicators. The results generally suggest that socio-
economic development interventions in the region produced low or
unsatisfactory livelihood outcomes in many aspects.
Performance of sectors
25. Except for peace and security (with high performance), all the sectors
produced low and/or very low performance (index below 0.6) over the last
five years. The top five sectors with moderate performance (index between
0.4 and 0.6) were peace and security, education, health, agricultural and
pastoral development, and women and children. Investment and
development of natural resources had exceptionally low performance
(index below 0.4).
26. The top five challenges and constraints adversely affecting the success of
socio-economic development in the region were corruption (high),
shortage of appropriate technology, budget constraints, shortage of
capital, inflation, and drought.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Living condition
27. The population in the Afar region had relatively low access to major
services and facilities. They were particularly and relatively poorer in
accessing urban centers, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, and
human and veterinary health/medical services.
28. Ethiopia is very poor in housing and related facilities, but the Afar region
is particularly poor in terms of quality of housing. About 73% of the
population lived in private housing of very poor quality. The greatest
proportion lived in houses made of poor materials (91%) like wood and
mud (32.5%), wood and thatch (27.6%), and other materials (30.7%).
These were far higher than the national averages. Only a small proportion
of the population (2.4%) lived in houses made of stone and cement (1.5%)
or blocks (0.9%).
29. Floors of houses in Ethiopia are generally of very poor materials like mud
and/or dung, but nearly all house floors in the region were of exceptionally
poor materials. Only a very small proportion of the population lived in
houses with floors of quality materials (like cement).
30. A very low proportion of the regional population lived in roofs of houses
made of corrugated iron sheets (46%), far below the national average
(67%). The majority lived under roofs of thatch (7.5%), wood and mud
(18.5%), plastic canvas (9.3%), or other poor materials (18.9%).
31. On average, about 66.6% of the population lived in a single room,
regardless of the relatively higher average household size (6.3 in Afar; 5.9
In Ethiopia), compared to 42% for the country as a whole. About 33.1% of
the population lived in houses with two rooms. Housing poverty in the
region was relatively serious, requiring particular focus and policy
intervention designed to improve housing and related living conditions to
enable the population to tolerate the harsh climate and weather conditions.
32. The Afar region is better off in terms of energy sources for lighting. About
90% of the population had access to standard sources of lighting including
electric meters, solar power, or generators. Access to energy sources for
cooking was relatively higher (about 89%) than the national access rate
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Economic wellbeing
36. Poverty was relatively more prevalent in semi-urban areas of the region.
This was different from the poverty situation elsewhere in Ethiopia where
semi-urban areas are expected to be relatively better-off compared to their
rural counterparts. This clearly suggests the need to design policy
interventions to reduce poverty in the small towns of the region where
poverty was worse than in rural areas.
37. Poverty incidence in Gabi Rasu of Afar region was far higher than the
situation in Awsi Rasu. Indeed, there was substantial difference in the
poverty situation across administrative zones of the region. This calls for
the need to reduce the spatial poverty differential using relevant policy
interventions to ensure equitable growth and redistribution in the region.
38. Both the incidence and depth of monetary poverty were far lower in the
Afar region (5.4% and 1.5%) compared to the national average (22.1% and
6%). The spatial distribution of poverty by place of residence was nearly
similar across the region, compared to the situation elsewhere in Ethiopia
where rural poverty was twice as high as in urban areas.
39. Elasticity of total poverty with respect to average expenditure growth was
very high. A unit percentage growth in real consumption expenditure
reduces poverty incidence by 4.6% and 10.2% in the rural and semi-urban
areas of the region, respectively. This level of elasticity is relatively very
high compared to poverty elasticity in Ethiopia (2.45 and 1.5%). The total
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Multidimensional deprivation
41. The incidence of deprivation for the 10 indicators of multidimensional
deprivation was significantly different. Living conditions of the population
related to access to standard sources of cooking fuel (98.5%) and clean
floors of housing (96.1%) were the highest levels of deprivation in the Afar
region. Deprivation in education (shown by child school attendance and
years of schooling) and health (captured by health care and food security)
were relatively lower in the region.
42. The mean index of deprivation in schooling was 42%. As expected,
deprivation in years of schooling decreased with increasing urbanization
from 58.9% in rural areas to 49.4% in urban areas.
43. The mean index of deprivation in school attendance of school-aged children
was about 36.8%, suggesting that the great majority of children were not
attending school. Deprivation in school attendance unexpectedly increased
with increasing urbanization from 30.2% in rural areas to 50.5% in urban
44. The mean index of deprivation in health care of the population was 64.6%
suggesting that majority of the population did not consult any medical
practitioner within the last year.
45. The mean index of deprivation in food was 29.4% where a significant
proportion of the population had faced difficulty in satisfying their food
needs, suggesting that their health was adversely affected by food shortage
and poor nutrition. Food insecurity significantly increased with increasing
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Multidimensional poverty
52. The incidence of multidimensional derivation in the region was 83.4%, but
rural residents were relatively highly deprived (96.6%) compared to their
urban counterparts (56.3%).
53. About 96% of the population was multidimensionally deprived of the 10
weighted poverty indicators, but the prevalence of multidimensional
poverty is increasing with increasing urban growth. Rural areas relatively
contributed 72% to the incidence of multidimensional poverty in the region.
Because they were on average deprived in terms of 96% of the weighted
indicators, the population in the region were deprived in 55% of the total
potential deprivations they could experience overall. Like the incidence of
multidimensional deprivation, the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)
increased with increasing level of urban growth from 52% in rural areas to
63% in urban areas.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Multidimensional inequality
59. The relative multidimensional inequality index (MII) in the region is 0.282.
MII in the region did not significantly vary by areas of residence (rural-
urban). The non-monetary MII, estimated by excluding the income
dimension of wellbeing, was 0.152, significantly lower than the overall MII
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
(0.282). On the other hand, the monetary inequality was 0.248 with little
variation by place of residence.
60. The total MII, decomposed to the welfare dimensions, indicate that the
primary source of inequality was identified to be income (or real
consumption expenditure) with 60.2% contribution to the regional MII. The
other three dimensions (education, health and living condition) had nearly
comparable contributions to the total MII, respectively, with 14.8%, 14.7%
and 10.3% relative contributions. The population of the region is more
likely to face equity problems mainly arising from the difference in income
or consumption expenditure.
61. The highest source of non-monetary inequality in the region was education
(37.8%) followed by health (36.9%) and living condition (25.4%). Non-
monetary inequality due to education and health generally decreases with
increasing level of urbanization. However, the contribution of living
condition to non-monetary MII rather increased with increasing
urbanization, suggesting that urbanization in the region was not
accompanied by improved basic urban facilities and services.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
64. Awsi Rasu has relatively a greater number of veterinary clinics and animal
health posts followed by Kilbet Rasu and Hari Rasu in that order. Given
the fact that the Region in general is known for its livestock population, the
available number of veterinary clinics and animal health posts are
65. Though the Region is known for its livestock production, crop production
is also practiced in some parts of the region. Use of irrigation facilities has
been expanding and currently about 10,000 hectares of land are under
irrigation. The region is suitable for crop production with irrigation and
22.4% of the total area of the region could be devoted to crop production
activity. However, use of improved agricultural inputs such as chemical
fertilizer, pesticides, and fungicides remain minimal compared to the
national average.
66. In terms of area allocated to crop production, Aba’ala woreda took the lead
followed by Aysaita, Afambo, and Argoba woredas. In terms of land
allocated to crop production, total production, and number of households
using agrochemicals, Awsi Rasu leads, followed by Kilbet Rasu, Gabi
Rasu, Hari Rasu and Fantena Rasu in that order.
67. Dubti woreda had the highest number of development agents (Das)
followed by Amibara woreda while Chifra took the lead in terms of
Community Animal Health Workers (CAHWS) followed by Amibara and
Aba’ala woredas. Amibara woreda was in a better position both in terms of
the number of CAHWS and of DAs. Woredas like Aba’ala which are
reported to have more land allocated to crops, had a smaller number of
development agents. This is an indication that revision of the placement of
CAHWS and development agents based on livestock and crop coverage
may be required. The number of farmers/pastoralists training centers has
been increasing over the last decade in the region. However, the number of
veterinary clinics has been nearly constant over years.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
78. The region’s development is expected to be financed mainly by tax revenue
collected from the people. However, the performance of non-tax revenue
collected from tourism and hospitality for the period 2010 to 2018 was
found to be insignificant; in 2010, for example, amounting to less than 200
79. There has been gradual improvement in revenue generation. In 2018, total
revenue reached about 911 million ETB, a significant improvement, but
still minimal in comparison with regional expenditure.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
1. Introduction
Improving food security and eradicating poverty are among the main
elements of the development agenda of Ethiopia, the second most populous
country in Africa. The Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Program
(SDPRP) which extended from 2002/2003 to 2004/2005, the Plan for Accelerated
and Sustained Development to End Poverty (PASDEP) from 2005/2006 to
2009/2010, the First Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP I) (2011-2015), and
the Second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II) (2015-2020) are some of
the country’s previous development programs and plans centered around
improving food security and reducing poverty. Equally, however, the country’s
development efforts have been confronted with a number of challenges including
chronic malnutrition, extreme poverty, rapidly growing and young unemployed
urban populations, civil and political conflict, and intensifying droughts (Feed the
Future, 2018). While drought and other disasters, such as floods, are significant
triggers for shocks, more important are the factors which create and/or increase
vulnerability to these shocks and which undermine livelihoods, including land
degradation, limited household assets, low levels of technology, lack of
employment opportunities and population pressure (MoARD, 2009).
It is important to recognize that amid rapid population growth, climatic
and land pressures, commodity price spikes and other challenges, significant
progress has been made. There have been improvements in responding to extreme
food insecurity (Cochrane and Tamiru, 2016), and aggregate yields have
increased substantially (CSA, 2016b). Over the past twenty years or so, Ethiopia
has also made significant progress in improving health, nutrition, education, and
other human development indicators. Life expectancy has risen dramatically,
while the percentage of population living in poverty and hunger has fallen by a
third in the decade before 2015 alone (Anderson and Farmer, 2015; Hickel, 2016).
The overall incidence of poverty declined from 45.5% in 2000 to 23.5% in 2016,
but while the urban headcount poverty declined from 36.9% in 2000 to 14.8% in
2016, rural poverty alone declined from 45.4% to 25.6% in the same period
(UNDP, 2018). This provided a clear indication that poverty is predominantly a
rural phenomenon in Ethiopia. Equally, though there have been gradual
reductions in poverty levels, food shortages are still high. In 2016, 10.36% of
households suffered food shortages (CSA, 2016a). Income inequality as
measured by the Gini coefficient remained low and stable over the past two
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
2. Conceptual Frameworks
Afar regional state is one of the merging, major pastoralist regions in Ethiopia.
Its 96.7 thousand km2 area is characterized by an arid and semi-arid climate. It
has a population of 1.8 million of which 81% are rural residents depending on
pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihood systems. Based on the nature of the study
area, this study employed two basic frameworks with greatest relevance for socio-
economic development analysis: The Sustainable Livelihood Framework (SLF)
and the framework of Multidimensional Welfare Analysis.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
The basic challenge in welfare analysis is the approach adopted and the
methods of measuring welfare. Poverty with its multiple dimensions and
approaches has been one of the primary research areas of development
economics. There are different theories on poverty analysis, of which the
dominant ones are the welfarist school, the basic-needs school, and the capability
school. Appropriate development intervention and targeting requires concrete and
reliable empirical evidence on the prevalence, intensity and sources of the welfare
In the last decade, the multidimensional concept of welfare analysis has
undergone substantial progress in terms of explaining and measuring poverty.
One significant factor has been the development of the global Multidimensional
Poverty Index (MPI) by Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative
(OPHI) since 2010. The global MPI uses 3 dimensions and 10 indicators of
poverty drawing on the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) dataset. Unlike
the global MPI, this study employed a multidimensional method of poverty and
inequality analysis adapted to the context in Afar Regional State, using a dataset
collected from its residents.
The most important task in the construction of a regional MPI is the
selection of welfare dimensions and indicators relevant to the real contexts in the
region. Unlike the global MPI with three dimensions (education, health and
standard of living) and 10 indicators, the Afar regional MPI considers four
dimensions (education, health, income/expenditure, and living conditions) and a
different set of 10 indicators. It uses equal weight for dimensions and the same
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
cut-off point used by the global MPI (33.3%). Accordingly, a person is considered
MPI poor if s/he is deprived in at least a one-third of the weighted indicators.
To account for the limitations arising from the data constraints
experienced in the global MPI and to adapt to national and regional contexts, this
study utilized the Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS) dataset and
identified four dimensions (education, health, income and living conditions) and
10 indicators relevant to the regional context (Figure 2). All dimensions and all
indicators within a dimension are given equal weight.
The study includes income as one welfare dimension for the regional MPI
for Afar, captured by real consumption expenditure per capita. Income is
becoming an important part of designing a national MPI for countries. It has so
far been included as a dimension in three national MPIs (Armenia, Ecuador and
Mexico) and in the Latin American region as proposed by Santos and Villatoro
(2016). To avoid overlapping measurements, other indicators used to capture
income-related indicators (like assets included in the global MPI) were excluded
in this study.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
The other new dimension included in the regional MPI is living condition
with five indicators. This dimension mainly includes basic services (electricity,
telephone, water, flooring/housing, and cooking fuel) and their inclusion in the
regional MPI has so far been applied by all countries and regions constructing
their national/regional MPIs (Santos, 2019; Santos and Villatoro, 2019).
Depending on the extent of provision of basic services in the regional
development programs, these basic utilities were validated for their relevance in
explaining the MPI.
Generally, the application of an MPI framework to this study enables us
to generate relevant empirical evidence on, but not limited to, the following
development issues:
• Preparation of socio-economic development achievements;
• Documentation of welfare profiles;
• Identification and definition of income/expenditure patterns;
• Measurement of monetary and non-monetary multidimensional welfare
and its distribution, prevalence and intensity by population subgroups;
• Measurement of multidimensional inequality (monetary and non-
monetary) and its distribution, prevalence and intensity by population
• Identification of sources of multidimensional poverty for possible policy
interventions; and
• Identification of major socio-economic development achievements, gaps
and intervention points for designing relevant development measures.
3. Dataset and Methods
3.1. Dataset
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
A small town (termed as semi-urban in this study) is defined by CSA as a town with the
population of less than 10,000. Large towns include all other urban areas with the
population of above 10,000 (CSA, 2017).
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
The LSMS dataset was used here for investigation of the following issues:
• Household and individual characteristics (demography, health, education,
food security, access to water and sanitation, employment and occupation,
mobility, access to financial services, consumption and expenditure
patterns, asset holdings, shocks, housing, etc.).
• Community level analysis (housing, clothing, community services, social
network, mobility, religious practices, land use, access to road and transport
facilities, employment opportunities, farm and off-farm practices, shocks,
development interventions, business activities, etc.);
• Geo-variables (land cover, agro-ecological zones, rainfall, elevation,
wetness index, terrain, nutrient availability, plot characteristics, etc.);
• Livestock production (livestock type and holding, marketing of livestock,
livestock rearing practices, water access for livestock, animal disease,
veterinary services, use of animal products, etc.);
• Crop production (inputs, outputs, farm technologies, etc.); and
• Post-harvest analysis and post-planning (farm type, crops produced, crop
yield, cultivated land, crop damage, crop sales, etc.).
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
(Farrington et al., 2002). It can also be analyzed in the wider context within which
livelihood strategies are pursued. Institutions, policies and legislation within the
livelihood framework shape livelihoods. They operate at all levels and effectively
determine access (to capital, to livelihood strategies and to decision-making
bodies and sources of influence); the terms of exchange between different types
of capital; and returns (economic and non-economic) to any given livelihood
strategy (DFID, 2000).
Identification of the relative importance of the livelihood capitals in the
region and indictors determining access to such capitals are important information
for the formation of sustainable livelihoods for durable socio-economic
development in the region. The relative importance of capitals in this study was
evaluated by key informants at different administrative levels of the region using
the UNDP’s tool developed with modifications on the scale of valuation (UNDP,
2017). Unlike the three ordinal scores used by the UNDP, scores with five ordinal
scales were used in this study. Key informants from different sectors and levels
in the target population were asked to value the five livelihood assets
qualitatively. Informants ranked each livelihood asset (human, financial,
physical, social/political, and natural) according to their perception of relevance
to the formation of sustainable livelihoods in the region or zone in which they
were working. They attached ordinal values: 1 if not sustainable, 2 if less
sustainable, 3 if sustainable, 4 if more sustainable, or 5 if most sustainable (the
largest rank indicating the more desirable alternative or greater importance).
The greater the range of the scores among the different groups of key
informants, the more sensitive the scoring is to changes over time and to the
effects of development interventions (UNDP, 2017). Little difference in the
ranges of rankings made by respondents in different groups is an indication of the
stability of assets in the formation of sustainable livelihoods over time.
Accordingly, the most important livelihood capitals or welfare
dimensions relevant to the formation of sustainable and resilient livelihoods in
the region were identified and livelihood profiles compiled. Based on the asset
valuation results, livelihood profiles were documented from which asset
pentagons could also be constructed. The asset valuation results served as a
baseline for comparison of the changes in livelihood assets and the associated
outcomes in the target population after implementation of development
interventions. These findings can serve as the bases for designing relevant
development interventions in the region.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Livelihood assets
Livelihood assets refer to the resource base of the community and of
different categories of households. In Figure 3, we have a pentagon that stands
for different types of assets available to the local people - human, natural,
financial, physical and social. These assets are interlinked. The livelihoods
approach is concerned with people. It seeks to gain an accurate and realistic
understanding of people’s strengths (assets or capital endowments) and how they
endeavor to convert these into positive livelihood outcomes. The approach is
founded on a belief that people require a range of assets to achieve positive
livelihood outcomes; no single category of assets on its own is sufficient to yield
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
all the many and varied livelihood outcomes that people seek. This is particularly
true for poor people whose access to any given category of assets tends to be very
limited. As a result, they have to seek ways of nurturing and combining what
assets they do have in innovative ways to ensure survival.
Human capital: Human capital represents the skills, knowledge, ability to work
and good health that together enable people to pursue different livelihood
strategies and achieve their livelihood objectives.
Social capital: In the context of the sustainable livelihood framework, social
capital is taken to mean the social resources upon which people draw in pursuit
of their livelihood objectives. Social resources are developed through networks
and connectedness that increase people’s trust and ability to work together and
expand their access to wider institutions; through membership of more formalized
groups which often entails adherence to mutually-agreed or commonly accepted
rules, norms and sanctions; and through relationships of trust, reciprocity and
exchanges that facilitate cooperation, reduce transaction costs and may provide
the basis for informal safety nets amongst the poor.
Natural capital: Natural capital is the term used for the natural resource stocks
from which resource flows and services useful for livelihoods (e.g. nutrient
cycling, erosion protection) are derived. There is a wide variation in the resources
that make up natural capital, from intangible public goods such as the atmosphere
and biodiversity to divisible assets used directly for production (trees, land, etc.).
Within the sustainable livelihood framework, the relationship between natural
capital and the Vulnerability Context is particularly close. Many of the shocks
that devastate the livelihoods of the poor are themselves natural processes that
destroy natural capital (e.g. fires that destroy forests, floods and earthquakes that
destroy agricultural land) and seasonality is largely due to changes in the value or
productivity of natural capital over the years.
Physical capital: Physical capital comprises the basic infrastructure and producer
goods needed to support livelihoods. Infrastructure consists of changes to the
physical environment that help people meet their basic needs and be more
productive. Producer goods are the tools and equipment that people use to
function more productively. Among the components of infrastructure usually
seen as essential for sustainable livelihoods are: affordable transport; secure
shelter and buildings; adequate water supply and sanitation; clean, affordable
energy; and access to information (communications).
Financial capital: Financial capital denotes the financial resources that people use to
achieve their livelihood objectives. There are two main sources of financial capital:
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Asset and poverty indices are two approaches to measuring two faces of
welfare. The asset index is a measure of intensity of asset accumulation based on
asset endowment data (or access to resources), whereas the poverty index is a
measure of poverty based on intensity of asset deprivation. In order to understand
the basis for asset distribution in the region, the various types and levels of
structures (public, private, civic) and processes (policy, legislation, institutions,
culture) that affect access to livelihood assets were analyzed. For possible
development interventions, access to major livelihood assets, strategies and
decision-making bodies, and sources of influence were investigated.
The asset index is used to measure the level of asset accumulation based
on people’s access to assets. Construction of asset indices requires proper
identification and measurement of reference indicators for each livelihood asset.
Since it was hardly possible to get an exhaustive list of assets in the region to
conduct livelihood analysis, it was important to identify components of the
livelihood dimensions that were of particular importance to livelihoods in the
region. Depending on the level of asset endowments, different sets of indicators
were identified to conduct livelihood analysis among differentiated social groups.
To estimate asset indices in this study, a set of 36 livelihood
asset/capabilities/activities deemed relevant to Afar Region were proposed (Table
4). The table describes the livelihood assets/capabilities/activities identified as
indicators of livelihood in the region. Respondents were asked to attach binary
values as 1 if the indicator was easily accessible/ available, 0 otherwise.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
The PCA is a statistical technique used for data reduction. The leading
eigenvectors from the eigen decomposition of the correlation or covariance
matrix of the variables describe a series of uncorrelated linear combinations of
the variables that contain most of the variance. In addition to data reduction, the
eigenvectors from a PCA are often inspected to learn more about the underlying
structure of the data.
v v = ij ,
i i (orthogonality)
1 2 p 0.
where the eigenvectors (vi) are also known as the principal components; and the
direction (sign) of principal components is not defined.
In addition to valuation of livelihood assets for establishment of sustainable
livelihoods ensuring durable economic growth, the sources and intensity of
vulnerability of resources were evaluated. This offers the possibilities of defining
policy measures required to ensure implementation of relevant policies of
resource utilization in the region.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
identify the dominant livelihood strategies pursued by the different social groups
within sub-populations.
In the SLF, the choices of livelihood strategies adopted by households
are determined by a number of factors related to assets, policies, institutions and
processes (DFID, 2000). Because resources are limited, the choice of one
livelihood strategy is not independent of the choice of another. In order to
optimize their utility generated from the choice of alternative livelihood
strategies, households, given their resource constraints, are likely to jointly
choose a combination of livelihood strategies. The choice of one livelihood
strategy simultaneously affects (positively or negatively) the choice of another.
This leads to simultaneity of household decisions from the available alternative
livelihood strategies. Access to one kind of livelihood asset, access to grazing
land for livestock, for instance, can reinforce households’ access to another kind
of livelihood asset (e.g. physical capital or financial capital through livestock
In this study, the alternative livelihood strategies pursued in each district,
social group or household, and their interdependence were identified to optimize
the mix of livelihood strategies and development interventions. Estimation of
tetrachoric correlations between pairs of livelihood strategies chosen by social
groups assists to identify complementary and competitive strategies to be pursued
in the region. Significantly correlated livelihood strategies clearly suggest
pathways for constructing an optimal mix of livelihood strategies relevant to
improve the livelihoods of residents. Complementary and competitive livelihood
strategies can be indicated, respectively, by significant positive and negative
nonlinear correlations. The results permit us to identify the positive and negative
effects of alterative livelihood strategies to be pursued before development
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
1 N G
Pa = i , a 0
N i =1 z
where α is a measure of the sensitivity of the index to poverty and the poverty
line. When parameter α = 0, is simply the headcount index. When α = 1, the
index is the poverty gap index P1 , and when α = 2, P2 is the poverty severity
index. For all α > 0, the measure is strictly decreasing in the living standard of the
The FGT poverty index (P) can be decomposed by population subgroups as
follows (Araar and Duclos, 2013):
P (z, ) = (g ) P (z; a g )
g =1
index of subgroup g,
(g ) is the estimated population share of subgroup g,
(g ) P (z; a g )
(g ) P (z; a g )
n a
1 − y
i =1
z +
P z ; a y = sk =
k =1
i =1
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
zf (k , z )
− F ( z ) if = 0
P(k , z; ) − P(k ,z; − 1) if 1
P( z, )
where z is the poverty line, k is the population subgroup in which growth takes
place, f(k, z) is the density function at level of income or expenditure z of group
k, and F(z) is the headcount.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
the poverty line for dimension j . A general form for additive multidimensional
poverty indices can be written as (Araar and Duclos, 2013):
1 i =n
P(x, z ) = fi p(xi , z )
n i=1
p(xi , z )
where is the individual poverty function that determines the
contribution of individual i to total poverty p .
The Alkire and Foster MPI is estimated as (Alkire and Foster, 2011)
1 N 1 J z − xi , j
p( , xi , z ) = w j j I (d i d c )
N i=1 J j =1 z j
w I (z xi , j ) d c
j j
where I (i is poor) = 1 if j
, zero otherwise; N is the total
sample size; J is the number of poverty dimensions/indicators; j is the poverty
j x
line for indicator ; i , j is the intensity of poverty of individual i in indicator
j ; and d c is the dimensional cut-off point to identify the poverty status.
Following the algorithm for computing the Shapley value developed by
Araar and Duclos (2009), the total MPI poverty indices were decomposed into
their constituent components or dimensions (education, health, income, and living
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Araar MI index. The Araar MII index for the K dimensions of wellbeing takes
the following form (Araar, 2009):
MI = k k I k + (1 − k )Ck
i =1
where k is the weight attributed to the dimension k (may take the same value
across the dimensions or can depend on the averages of the wellbeing
dimensions). and 𝐶𝑘 , respectively, are the relative–absolute-Gini and
concentration indices of component k. The normative parameter k controls the
sensitivity of the index to the inter-correlation between dimensions.
The total multidimensional inequality measured by the Gini coefficient
was also decomposed into the four dimensions based on the method of
decomposition developed by Araar (2006).
4. Description of the Region
4.1. Location
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
livelihood (Afar Atlas, 2014). Pastoralists in this area rely on livestock production
as their main livelihood. All major species of livestock including camel, cattle,
sheep and goats are kept.
4.3. Demography
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Values of other demographic variables describing the region are also far
below or above the national average (Table 7). Only 42.3% of the entire
population and 22% of the household heads are literate, which is 13.6 percentage
points lower than the literacy condition of the population as a whole. Households
in the Afar region have relatively more family members, particularly for larger
households which underlines the need to implement relevant family planning
policy interventions in the region. The main religion followed by the population
in the region is Islam (80%) followed by Orthodox Christianity (20%). The
marital status experienced in the region is not significantly different from the case
in Ethiopia where most of the households are either single or married.
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4.4. Agroecology
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Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Vertisols are typically formed from basic rocks (such as basalt) in climates that
are seasonally humid or subject to erratic droughts and floods (like the Afar
region), or impeded drainage. Recurrent drought and erratic rainfall, coupled with
the soil’s poor water retention capacity, is a major constraint for crop production.
If there is sufficient irrigation water, the soil quality in Afar region is
predominantly good (as validated by 68.5% of the respondents, compared to
national average soil quality (51% good). Irrigation agriculture is the primary
option recommended for crop production in such areas.
There are about 19 soil types in Ethiopia. The major soil types (in order of their area
coverage) are Leptosol (14.7%), Nitosol (13.5%), Regosol (12.0%), Cambisol (11.1%),
Vertisol (10.5%), Fluvisol (7.9%), Luvisol (5.8%), and other soil types (24.5%).
However, the LSMS dataset didn’t consider other soil types with relatively higher
coverage of land in Ethiopia such as Nitosol, Regosol, and Fluvisol (FAO, 2016).
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Table 13: Soil constraints and intensity of the problem to crop production
Intensity of constraint (%)
Soil constraints Very Other (non-soil
No/slight Moderate Severe
severe & water)
Nutrient availability 31.1 27.7 14.1 26.3 0.7
Nutrient retention
58.2 0.7 38.3 1.1 0.7
Rooting conditions 12.4 8.2 29.2 36.6 12.9
Oxygen availability 54.6 4.3 39.3 1.1 0.7
Excess salts 37.9 20.4 11.2 25.6 4.3
Toxicity 58.2 0.7 39.3 1.1 0.7
Workability 5.9 35.9 44.6 12.9 0.7
Source: Authors’ computation from LSMS-2016 data.
4.6. Agriculture
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Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
There are multiple causes of crop damage, most of which are related to
the agro-climatic conditions of the region (Table 16). The level of crop damage
is about 73.7% of the entire potential output, far higher than the national estimate
(48.1%). About 88% of households in Afar region report that crops are damaged
by shortage of rainfall, a significantly higher figure than the national incidence of
61%. This underlines the importance of a search for alternative livelihood options
and strategies relevant to the context of the region. As mentioned above,
sedentary farming with irrigation and the introduction of drought-tolerant crop
varieties are the immediate options for the existing environment.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
5. Livelihood Analysis
5.1. Livelihood Capitals
Respondents from different social groups and from all woredas and zones
were asked to evaluate the relative importance of the 38 selected livelihood assets,
capabilities and activities in the livelihoods of their respective woredas/zones. They
were allowed to rank each livelihood asset as 5 if importance of the asset is very
high, 4 if high, 3 if moderate, 2 if low, or 1 if the asset was unimportant/very low.
In order to identify the most relevant indicators, factor analysis of the
correlation matrix was employed. Accordingly, uniqueness of all the indicators
was below 0.5, suggesting that all the livelihood assets were relevant in the
analysis. The intensity of importance of the five livelihood capitals was evaluated
and reported as shown in Figure 5. Human capital was the first, followed by
natural and physical capital. Financial capital was the least important capital for
the livelihoods of the population in Afar region.
The role of the five livelihood capitals in the livelihoods of the population
was also evaluated across the five administrative zones (Table 17). On average,
all the livelihood capitals had moderate importance (index below 0.4-0.6). Except
physical capital, there was no significant difference in the importance of
livelihoods among zones of the region.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
There are only nine livelihood assets and capabilities, which are
evaluated for their moderate and higher role and importance in contributing to
livelihoods of the population in the region (Figure 6). The rest (with index at or
below 0.6) have low or very low importance in forming the livelihoods of the
population, indicating that the region has a limited range of livelihoods to
establish sustainable and resilient livelihoods.
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Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
The sustainability indices of the livelihood assets and capabilities in the four
dimensions of sustainability are reported in Figure 8 with a pentagon of asset
sustainability. Sustainability of livelihood capitals aggregated from all livelihood
assets, capabilities and activities do not significantly vary across administrative
zones. Almost all livelihood capitals are unsustainable (below 0.5 index), human
and financial capitals being the most unsustainable livelihood capitals in the region.
A trend is a general long-run direction in which something is developing or changing.
A shock is a sudden event or experience affecting current condition of a variable.
Seasonality is a pattern that repeats itself every 12 months.
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6. Poverty and Equity
6.1. Access to Basic Services and Facilities
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
are a series of quantitative measurements of the muscle, bone, and adipose tissue used
to assess the composition of the body which is the result of adequate and nutritious
food, particularly in identifying child growth standards4. The core elements of
anthropometry include height, weight, and body mass index (BMI).
Children’s access to food and the growth situation in the Afar Region was
analyzed and compared with the national average in Ethiopia (Table 21). The
average weight of children under five in Afar Region is relatively lower (14.1 kgs)
compared to the national average (14.9 kg), though they are nearly similar in their
height (97.7 cm). Though prevalence of stunting of children under five due to
access to nutrition is high in Ethiopia, incidence is relatively higher (38.1%) in Afar
Region compared to the national average (32.8%). A great proportion of children
under the age of five in the Afar Region are too short for their age. Similarly, the
percentage of children under five who are underweight in the Region is also higher
(39.2 %) compared to the national average (24.7%). Overall, a great proportion of
children under the age of five are too small for their age.
Stunting is low height for age, reflecting a past episode or episodes of sustained
undernutrition. Underweight is low weight for their age in children, and a body mass
index of less than 18.5 in adults, reflecting a condition resulting from inadequate food
intake, past episodes of undernutrition or poor health conditions.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
6.3. Housing
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Table 23: Materials from which walls of the main dwelling is made
Proportion (%)
Make of house wall
Regional National
Wood and mud 48.14 77.62
Wood and thatch 18.49 4.54
Wood only 1.29 2.48
Stone only 0.13 0.54
Stone and mud - 7.83
Stone and cement 3.67 1.97
Blocks, plastered with cement 1.57 2.58
Blocks, unplastered - 0.15
Bricks - 0.10
Mud bricks (traditional) - 0.31
Steel 1.04 0.19
Cargo container 0.29 0.00
Chip wood - 0.01
Corrugated iron sheet 3.81 0.29
Asbestos - 0.01
Reed or bamboo - 0.26
Others 21.59 1.13
Source: Authors’ analysis (2020).
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Another indicator of housing quality is the materials from which the roofs
of houses are made (Table 25). About 46% of the regional population live in
houses with corrugated iron sheets, far below the national average of 64.8%. The
great majority live under roofs made of wood and mud (18.5%), plastic canvas
(9.3%), thatch (7.5%), and other poor materials (18.9%).
Table 25: Materials from which roof of the house is made
Proportion (%)
Make of house roof
Regional National
Corrugated iron sheet 45.75 64.78
Concrete / Cement - 1.12
Thatch 7.53 28.15
Wood and mud 18.50 2.92
Reed / bamboo - 1.25
Plastic canvas 9.30 1.09
Asbestos - 0.11
Bricks - 0.03
Others 18.92 0.56
Source: Authors’ analysis (2020).
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expenditure growth in the Afar region is high (Table 29). A unit percentage
growth in real consumption expenditure reduces poverty incidence by 4.6% and
10.2% in rural and semi-urban areas of the region, respectively. This level of
elasticity is relatively very high compared to the poverty elasticity in Ethiopia
(2.45 and 1.5%). The total regional growth elasticity of poverty is higher (-5.1%)
compared to the national average (-2.2%). The same pattern of depth of poverty
is observed in the region. This level of poverty elasticity suggests a positive
responsiveness to potential poverty reduction interventions in the region.
Elasticity of poverty with respect to consumption inequality is also
relatively very high compared to the national average. A unit percentage growth in
inequality would increase total incidence of poverty by about 5.4% and 1.9%,
respectively, in rural and urban areas of the region. The elasticity of poverty due to
inequality is exceptionally low (1.9%) in urban areas of the region, but more elastic
with reference to inequality (5.9%) compared to the national average (4.7%).
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
school attendance and years of schooling) and health (captured by health care and
food security) were relatively lower.
Figure 18: Relative levels of deprivation rate for the 10 poverty indicators
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
6.6.1. Education
Years of schooling: If there was a household member who has not
completed six years of schooling, the household was considered poor or deprived.
This measure indicated that the mean index of deprivation in years of schooling
was 42%. As expected, deprivation in years of schooling decreased with
increasing urbanization from 58.9% in rural areas to 49.4% in urban areas.
Child school attendance: The second indicator of education poverty was
school attendance. Any school-aged child is considered deprived if s/he is not
currently attending school up to grade eight. The mean index of deprivation in
school attendance of school-aged children was about 36.8%, suggesting that the
great majority of children were not attending school. Deprivation in school
attendance unexpectedly increased with increasing urbanization from 30.2% in
rural areas to 50.5% in urban centers.
6.6.2. Health
Health care: If individuals in the households did not consult any medial
practitioner in the last 12 months, they were considered deprived. The mean index
of deprivation in health care of the population was 64.6%, suggesting that
majority of the population did not consult any medical practitioner within a year.
This is attributable to different factors including absence or scarcity of health
centers and practitioners and/or the inability of households to access the health
services due to financial and other constraints.
Food security: Food insecurity also leads to undernourishment and
provides an indicator of health poverty. Households were considered deprived or
food insecure if they faced difficulty in satisfying food needs over the previous
12 months. Shortage of food for an extended period is an indicator of food
insecurity in terms of both quantity (energy requirements) and quality (nutrition)
which can adversely affect human health. The mean index of deprivation in food
was 29.4% where a significant proportion of the population had faced difficulty
in satisfying their food needs, suggesting that health was adversely affected by
food shortage and poor nutrition. Food insecurity significantly increased with
increasing urbanization from rural (24.7%) to urban centers (41.9%). Unlike rural
areas, the urban centers in Afar region are characterize by food shortages.
6.6.3. Expenditure
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deprivations that the poor experience in a society out of all the total potential
deprivations that the society could experience, and it represents the share of the
population that is multidimensionally poor adjusted by the intensity of the
deprivation suffered.
The Alkire-Foster (AF) (2011) methodology of multidimensional
poverty analysis was employed to estimate these measures. The spatial
distributions of these measures are shown in Table 31. The results indicate that
96% of the population in the Afar region was multidimensionally deprived of the
10 weighted indicators. Regardless of the different indicators and dimensions
used in this study, the incidence of multidimensional poverty is higher than
national average (83.1%) (Degye Goshu, 2020). But prevalence of
multidimensional poverty increases with increasing urban growth. Rural areas
relatively contributed 72% to the incidence of multidimensional poverty in the
The MPI (55%) is the product of the two factors, headcount ratio (H) and
intensity. Because they were, on average, deprived in 96% of the weighted
indicators, the population in the region were deprived in 55% of the total potential
deprivations they could experience overall. Like the incidence of
multidimensional deprivation, the MPI increased with the increasing level of
urban growth, rising from 52% in rural areas to 63% in urban areas.
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Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
The total MII, decomposed to the welfare dimensions, indicate that the
primary sources of inequality in Afar region were identified to be real
consumption expenditure with 60.2% contribution to the overall regional MII.
The other three dimensions (education, health and living condition) had nearly
comparable contributions to the total MII, with 14.8%, 14.7% and 10.3%
contributions, respectively. As expected, the greatest proportion of MII was
attributable to consumption inequality. The population of the region are more
likely to face equity problems mainly arising from the difference in their
consumption expenditure.
The highest source of non-monetary inequality in the region was
education (37.8%) followed by health (36.9%) and living condition (25.4%).
Non-monetary inequality due to education and health generally decreased with
increasing level of urbanization. However, the contribution of living condition to
non-monetary MII increased with increasing urbanization, suggesting that
urbanization in the region was not accompanied by improved basic urban
facilities and services.
Table 33: Spatial distribution of inequality among the poor and relative
contribution of dimensions (%)
Inequality Living
Inequality measures Education Health Income
index condition
MII (λ=0.5) 0.282 14.83 14.69 60.16 10.32
Rural 0.268 12.27 13.81 65.87 8.06
Urban 0.269 20.37 18.61 55.52 5.50
Non-monetary MII (λ=0.5) 0.152 37.79 36.86 - 25.35
Rural 0.126 37.52 39.62 - 22.86
Urban 0.176 44.83 43.45 - 11.72
Monetary inequality (Gini) 0.248 - - - -
Rural 0.249 - - - -
Urban 0.240 - - - -
Source: Authors’ computation (2020).
7. Development Trends and Gaps
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Figure 21: Distribution of veterinary clinics and animal health posts by Zone,
70 63
60 55
48 48
Awsi Rasu Kilbet Rasu Gabi Rasu Fantena Rasu Hari Rasu
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Though the region is known for its livestock production, crop production
is also practiced in some parts of the region. In terms of area allocated for crop
production, Aba’ala woreda took the lead followed by Aysaita, Afambo, and
Argoba woredas (Figure 22).
Figure 22: Area allocated for crop production (ha) by woreda, 2019
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
increasing over the last decade in the region. However, the number of veterinary
clinics has remained almost stagnant. Given the fact that the region is known for
its livestock resources, it is advisable to focus on the expansion of veterinary
clinics for the region as a matter of urgency.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Awash city
Dubti city
Aba'ala city
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
semera Logiya
All woredas
Awash City Adm
Aba'ala city
Dubti city
Awash city
Asaita city
Argoba special woreda
Semera-Logia city
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
semera Logiya
All woredas
Awash City Adm
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serves 3278 people in Fantena Rasu followed by 3215 people in Awsi Rasu.
Kilbet Rasu is in a relatively better position with one school serving 2168 people.
Kilbet Rasu also had a greater number of total student enrollment (49603
students) in primary schools followed by Awsi Rasu (44597 students) in 2018/19.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Figure 30: Number of private and public primary schools in Afar region
800 752
0 2 4 17 19 21
2000/01 2005/06 2010/11 2014/15 2015/16 2018/19
5109 5302
Male Female
4000 4034 4069
3000 3152
1435 1609
1282 1233
1000 1022 1007 1075
2000/01 2005/06 2010/11 2014/15 2015/16 2018/19
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
50 50
40 41
10 10
2000/01 2005/06 2010/11 2014/15 2015/16 2018/19
When the primary and secondary schools are disaggregated by zones, Awsi
Rasu is in the best position followed by Kilbet Rasu and Gabi Rasu. As with other
developments in the region, there remains considerable differences between the
158 153
50 18 8 10 8 12 9 5 3 5 5
Awsi Rasu Kilbet Rasu Gabi Rasu Fantena Rasu Hari Rasu
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
The Afar region, like the country’s education system, has also showed
improvement in secondary school students’ enrollment. Figure 34 shows
enrollment in secondary schools with the number of students increasing by about
fivefold, from 3976 in 2005 to 20223 in 2018. This also underlines the improving
access to secondary schools in the region.
20000 20223
10000 10384
7746 7769
5000 5372 5083
3976 3523 3764
2370 1849 2663
2005/06 2010/11 2014/15 2015/16 2018/19
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Figure 35: Gender balance of secondary school teachers in the Afar region
400 Total Male
350 354
300 298
250 238
206 236
200 207
129 185
100 124
50 56
21 30 29
0 5
2005/06 2010/11 2014/15 2015/16 2018/19
10 9 11
5 3
4 1
2010/11 2014/15 2015/16 2018/19
Male Female Total
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Figure 37: Secondary school teachers with first degree in Afar region
250 230
200 183 209 193
150 166
100 80
50 50
21 27
0 3
2000/01 2010/11 2014/15 2015/16 2018/19
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
20 21
15 15
2005/06 2010/11 2014/15 2015/16 2018/19
5000 4425
4000 3743
3000 2909
2396 2528
2000 1566
1095 1516
1000 477 1347
349 471
0 128
2005/06 2010/11 2014/15 2015/16 2018/19
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
250 261
150 102
100 83
59 103 114
50 59 28
42 5 12
0 5
2000/01 2005/06 2010/11 2014/15 2015/16 2018/19
The major activity of the healthcare sector is to facilitate the basics for
health-related services. This includes funding and regulate complex health
industries in order to ensure the provision of healthcare to patients in need. We
look here at the healthcare sector development that includes health posts, clinics,
hospitals and health centers in the Afar region which has 8 hospitals, 44 clinics,
76 health centers, and 276 health posts. And the finding of this study shows there
has been considerable achievement and attention by the regional and the federal
governments. Health service performance and local perceptions were among the
issues raised during the FGDs held in different zones of the region and most
concluded that health services in their locality had been improved over the last 20
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Semera-Logia city
There are similar issues with clinics (Figure 42). Only 11 of the 39
woredas have clinics, and of those 11, Asaita, for example, has 11 clinics. Elidar
and Kore have 6 and 8, respectively. Dalol and Gewane, however, have only one
clinic each.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Argoba special…
Awash city…
Semera-Logia city
Source: Authors’ computation from regional data (2020).
Health centers are more fairly distributed (Figure 43). Only three
woredas, Kore, Dubti, and Abala City Administration, have no health centers,
though Kore as noted above, has 8 clinics. Some of the woredas, such as Dubti,
Awash City Administration, and Abala City Administration, have neither health
centers, clinics nor hospitals. There are some woredas without health posts and
available ones are not always adequate compared to the population size and the
dispersed nature of settlement in the region (Figure 44).
Semera-Logia city
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
In terms of the zonal distribution of health posts and clinics, Awsi Rasu
is in a better position while Fantena Rasu has the least number of health posts and
clinics (Figure 45). Hospitals are relatively fairly distributed among the five
zones. However, it appears nearly a quarter (24.1%) of the health facilities in the
region are non-functional for various reasons, most related to absence of the
required basic utilities including electricity, water, latrine services, laboratory
facilities or similar. More effort is necessary to ensure effective functioning of
available health facilities besides expanding new facilities for currently
inaccessible areas.
43 46
3 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
Awsi Rasu Kilbati Rasu Gabi Rasu Fantena Rasu Hari Rasu
Health posts Clinics Hospitals
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
In terms of the expansion of health facilities over time, there has been
little increase in the last few years: there were 335 health posts in 2014, increased
to 341 by 2018. The number of health centers grew from 92 to 96 during the same
period (Figure 46).
The top 10 diseases in the region in 2019/20 were acute fever illness
(AFI), malaria (Plasmodium falciparum), pneumonia, diarrhea, acute upper
respiratory infection, malaria without laboratory confirmed, typhoid, urinary tract
infection, malaria confirmed by lab, and dyspepsia (or indigestion) in that order.
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Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Figure 49: Trends of budget allocation for Afar region (thousand ETB)
3000000 2891800
1000000 1036113
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
Figure 50 shows the woreda budgets for the region with Amibara having
the highest total annual budget (104,766,039.2 Birr) in 2018, and Kori the lowest
total annual budget (36,750,648.9 Birr). Abala and Aysaita had the second and
third highest budgets.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Figure 51 shows the per capita budget of the different woredas in 2018,
ranging from 3,335 Birr for Awash woreda to 614 Birr for Chifra woreda. The
second highest budget per capita, more than 1800, was for Afambo, Magale, and
Dulecha woredas. The per capita budget distribution, in fact, is uneven with some
woredas better off compared to others. Though there is no expectation of equal
budget to population ratios while allocating budgets, this suggests the need to
revisit the formula for budget distribution among the different woredas and taking
population size, relative proximity to available infrastructure, available resources,
and other factors into account.
Figure 52 shows the region’s expenditure categories. In 2005, the
region’s expenditure was less than 236.66 million ETB. After 10 years, recurrent
and capital expenditure had increased by 1,558,651,000 and 1,352,844,000 ETB
respectively. However, expenditure on roads, education, health, and agricultural
and rural services showed little improvement, despite the federal government’s
attention to poverty-targeted expenditure (on health, education, road, and
agriculture). The regional government is also expected to make significant
improvement in poverty-targeted expenditure and it will need to focus on
developing roads (especially rural roads), agriculture, health, and education in the
years to come.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
7.6. Revenue
Figure 53 shows the region’s annual expenditure and revenue from 2005
to 2017. It also shows the recurrent and total expenditure, the federal grant, and
the revenue of the region. Total expenditure (both recurrent and capital
expenditure) steadily and sometimes significantly increased over these 12 years.
Equally, the federal grant consistently increased every year since 2005. The
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
regional revenue, however, did not show any consistent or significant increment
as total expenditure and the federal grant did.
8. Conclusions and Policy Implications
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
but it offers both a threat and an opportunity to the region. During the main
harvest season of 2020, the river floods seriously affecting about 17 woredas in
the downstream areas, destroying crops and the lives of thousands of livestock.
This disaster was evaluated to been related to mismanagement of the river in
upstream areas. The Regional government should work in close collaboration
with the Federal government to properly manage the river and maximize its
development benefits, both actual and potential.
Encouraging livelihood diversification is necessary to overcome the
harsh agro-ecological condition of the region. The livelihood strategies could
include camel and goat production, sheep production, non-farm activities,
sedentary farming, trading, and wage employment. Any three or more of these
could be pursued simultaneously for diversification.
Performance in the area of peace and security is reported to be very high.
This should be strengthened and the region could provide an example for other
regions. Conversely, investment and development of natural resources are low
performing sub-sectors. The region should focus on improving these and try to
attract investors and encourage existing ones through different incentive
mechanisms. These should address the region’s multi-faceted problems by
creating job opportunities for youth and women, improving access to different
manufactured products, facilitating transfer of knowledge to the people, and
boosting the regional economy.
One of the major challenges facing the region in its efforts to realize
socio-economic development is considered to be corruption. The region needs to
establish transparent systems of planning, budgeting, implementing and
monitoring socio-economic development projects and programs, and ensuring
access and equity among different social groups and administrative zones in the
new regional administration.
Improving access to major services and facilities including road, safe
drinking water, sanitation facilities, and human and veterinary health/medical
services should remain the major focus of development interventions by the
regional authorities. Though there is the basic infrastructure for these services,
most of them remain less than full functional.
Housing conditions are very poor in the region. Initiating housing
projects, especially in urban areas, to improve access to quality housing at
relatively affordable prices is very important.
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
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Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Appendix Table 1: Importance and role of livelihood assets
No. Livelihood Assets/ Capabilities/ Activities
1. Natural capital (N)
2. Use rights to land 0.62
3. Communal land 0.67
4. Natural forests 0.54
5. Clean rivers/waters 0.56
6. Minerals for mining 0.46
7. Resources for tourist attraction 0.42
8. Human capital
9. Education 0.65
10. School attendance (enrolment) 0.56
11. Adequate and nutritious food 0.48
12. Information 0.68
13. Public awareness on their public rights, policies and regulations impacting their livelihoods 0.52
14. Social/Political capital
15. Availability of civic organizations 0.49
16. Availability of cooperatives/unions 0.49
17. Participation in local administration councils 0.50
18. Existence of saving and credit association 0.41
19. Existence of influential rules, norms or laws impacting community development 0.54
20. Existence of influential indigenous institutions impacting community development 0.60
21. Physical capital
22. Camel 0.73
23. Cattle 0.67
24. Shoats 0.72
25. Pack animals 0.54
26. Crops 0.47
27. Dependable and affordable energy 0.46
28. Dependable and affordable private telephone services 0.60
29. Safe drinking water and sanitation 0.50
30. Adequate drinking water and sanitation 0.50
31. Clean and secure housing 0.46
32. Affordable human health services 0.52
33. Affordable veterinary health services 0.46
34. Access to all weather roads 0.48
35. Affordable public/private transport 0.47
36. Access to irrigation water 0.46
37. Financial capital (F)
38. Wage from employment 0.56
39. Income from trade business 0.53
40. Income from nonfarm activities 0.42
41. Credit 0.35
42. Saving in banks 0.42
43. Remittance 0.31
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Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region
No. Livelihood Assets/ Capabilities/ Activities Vulnerability Index
32. Affordable human health service 0.64
33. Affordable veterinary health services 0.60
34. Adequate all-weather roads 0.60
35. Affordable public/private transport 0.65
36. Irrigation water 0.56
37. Financial capital (F)
38. Income from wage employment 0.59
39. Income from trade business 0.56
40. Income from nonfarm activities 0.56
41. Credit 0.50
42. Saving in banks 0.55
43. Remittance 0.41
Socioeconomic Development in Afar Region