Comments and Sample Summary It Pays To Become A B Corporation

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CT Year 1, Week 5 Homework Review

Sample Summary: It Pays to Become a B Corporation

Stammer, R. (2016). It pays to become a B corporation. Harvard Business Review Retrieved from

In “It pays to become a B corporation,” Richard Stammer, Vice President of Cabot Creamery
Cooperation asserts that B Corporation certification not only helps the environment but enables
such certified companies to outperform their competitors. Certification ensures customers,
partners, other companies, and investors that the company holds itself to the highest standards of
sustainability. This leads to more business, according to Nielson’s sustainability study as well as
numerous examples from B-Corp companies. Moreover, certification grants the company access to
data and programs that enable them to vastly improve their sustainability. Many companies use
these services to identify and rectify wasteful practices. Finally, B-Corp certification enables
companies to draw the best and most qualified employees. (Note: This annotation is slightly short
because it only includes a summary, not an explanation of how the article will be used in the
research report).

It Pays to Become a B Corporation

At Cabot Creamery Cooperative, we’ve seen firsthand that combining corporate self-interest with
support for social and environmental issues is not a costly distraction. Quite the opposite, as a
cooperative owned by dairy farm families, our focus on social and environmental issues has helped
our company achieve an indisputable competitive advantage in our marketplace.

Yet, when the marketing team suggested that Cabot become a certified B Corporation, I was
skeptical. Didn’t we already “self-monitor” our sustainability initiatives? Why did we need an outside
certification? But when I learned that our retail partners had recently started asking about the
impact of our sustainability programs, I agreed that Cabot would undergo the rigorous B Corp
certification process to provide an objective measure.

In 2012, Cabot became a certified B Corp. To my surprise, certification not only addressed the
questions posed by our retail partners but also delivered value beyond our expectations. B Corp
certification encouraged more “whole-systems thinking” around our social and environmental
practices, which led Cabot to develop even more robust customer and consumer programs, cut
operating costs, and strengthen our brand reputation as a sustainability-minded company.

Our story is not unique. For Cabot and the B Corp community, certification objectively demonstrates
our strong commitment to sustainability at a time when more consumers support companies
dedicated to social and environmental change, and as investors, the public, and the media hold
companies to higher standards.

Winning Over Conscious Consumers

B Corps are riding a wave of consumer interest in sustainable companies. According to several
studies, such as Nielsen’s The Sustainability Imperative, global consumers say they will pay more for
sustainable consumer brands, and sales of consumer goods with a demonstrated commitment to
sustainability have grown more than 4% globally, while those without grew less than 1%.

But while consumers are clearly rewarding values-based businesses, there’s a very big catch:
Consumers are not accepting brands’ social and environmental claims at face value. This means that
companies must take steps to convince consumers that they “authentically demonstrate
commitment to social and environmental impact build consumer trust and business value,”
according to the study.

Fetzer Vineyards is a B Corp that welcomes this level of scrutiny. As a sustainability pioneer in the
wine industry, Fetzer Vineyard’s Bonterra brand is now the nation’s leading organically produced
wine, and the company consistently receives accolades for its environmental practices. Still, Fetzer
—which also owns the Fetzer collection of wines — became a B Corp to ensure that its
environmental commitment was seen as authentic and credible with consumers

“The growth of food and wine culture in the U.S. has led to greater interest in products’ origins and
claims — and that certainly includes our wines,” says Giancarlo Bianchetti, CEO of Fetzer Vineyards.
“B Corp certification substantiates our transparency claims with savvy consumers who consider a
company’s sustainability record. It also makes us part of a community of like-minded business
leaders and provides a platform for shaping the sustainable practices of our industry.”

The Nielsen study also identified a troubling disconnect between corporate leaders and the general
public when asked to describe the current state of corporate social responsibility (CSR). When both
groups were asked whether CSR efforts are driven by “responsibility to do what’s right” or “publicity
possibilities,” consumer skepticism was evident.

According to Chris McAllister, vice president for reputation management and public affairs at
Nielsen, companies engaged in “sincerely-driven” CSR must work harder to convince consumers of
this fact. “There’s nothing wrong with serving your own interests as well as those of the broader
community, but…consumers want to see…a long-term investment in doing the right thing, and doing
it successfully,” he says.

Even though Ben & Jerry’s had a long established track record for social responsibility, and had
embedded social purpose into its business model for decades, it saw the B Corp movement as way
to achieve a higher level of social and environmental purpose and to demonstrate its commitment
to improving its ongoing efforts.

“Our research shows that brand affinity scores for Ben & Jerry’s are twice as high for people who are
aware of our social efforts,” says Rob Michalak, global director of social mission at Ben & Jerry’s. “B
Corp certification lends more credence to our programs. And because we re-certify every two years
it helps us make improvements that are good for the environment, society and our reputation.”

Benchmarking and Operational Cost Savings

Another benefit of certification is access to best practices across different industries, which enables
companies to compare and constantly improve their social and environmental programs based on
data from the B Corp community.

Pennsylvania-based footwear company Dansko became a B Corp as a cost-effective way to measure

its total environmental footprint. “B Corp certification was an affordable way to review everything
from our energy and water usage, impact on the community, to the cleaning products we use,” says
co-founder and one of the original companies to seek B corp certification Mandy Cabot. “It helped us
do things we couldn’t do ourselves, like creating benchmarking models and a template for our
employee manual.”

Many B Corps also report that the certification process helps them root out waste and operational
inefficiencies in areas such as energy and water usage. At Cabot, B Corp certification inspires Cabot
to constantly innovate to create even more social and environmental benefits while simultaneously
boosting our B Corp score and was integral to projects like Real Farm Power, a closed-loop system
that leverages partnerships to deliver renewable energy, nutrient management and improved air

Now, after three years of operation, Real Farm Power generates enough electricity so that cows in
our cooperative provide the electricity needed to churn our butter. This multi-faceted project also
helped Cabot win the 2016 U.S. Dairy Sustainability Award for Outstanding Dairy Processing &
Manufacturing Sustainability, which is a strong testament to Cabot’s commitment to the triple
bottom line.

Attracting and Engaging Employees

B Corps can attract top talent, especially among younger employees who seek meaning in their
careers. Patagonia reports that certification helps promote and validate its employee-centric culture,
which attracts great candidates because of the company’s reputation as a great place to work. Since
becoming a B Corp, Patagonia expanded medical, military, and paid maternity and paternity leave
for regular full- and part-time U.S. employees.

Certification helps connect employees with Patagonia’s mission, leading to a more engaged
workforce. Certification revealed that the company could benefit from HR/governance
improvements, such as a global code of employee conduct and new corporate governance
guidelines that provided a framework to advance a shared company culture, and get all departments
focused on advancing the company mission.

As Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard has written:“Benefit Corporation legislation creates the legal
framework to enable companies like Patagonia to stay mission-driven through succession, capital
raises, and even changes in ownership, by institutionalizing the values, culture, processes, and high
standards put in place by founding entrepreneurs.”

The arrival and growth of B Corps is a watershed moment for business. We’ve clearly arrived at a
time when companies that exclude social and environmental considerations from their operating
missions risk losing market share and destroying shareholder value. B Corps are a needed reboot for
capitalism for the modern age, ensuring that the social responsibility of business is not only about
profits, but also contributing solutions to the world’s most pressing problems.

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