Jurnal Erniiiiii
Jurnal Erniiiiii
Jurnal Erniiiiii
Health Informatics is a growing field by using computer science and information to the health
sector towards providing higher quality patient care through better management and
However, the terminology of health informatics is poorly understood and not even agreed by
academics and professionals.
Informatics studies the representation, processing, and communication of information in
natural and artificial systems covering aspects of computing, cognitive and social (Fourman
2002). By combining the word, as in medical informatics, health informatics, will show the
informatics specialization on the management and processing of data, information and
knowledge with the specified name. Several formal definitions of medical / health
informatics are provided, which have continued to evolve over the years. The term "Medical
Informatics" was introduced as the MeSH term in 1987, and it is
Defined in MEDLINE as (DeShazo, LaVallie & Wolf 2009) "The field of information
science is concerned with the analysis and dissemination of medical data through the
application of compensers for various aspects of health care and medicine." Meanwhile,
Greenes & Shortliffe (1990) describes medical informatics as follows:
"Areas related to cognitive tasks, information processing, and communication of medical
practice, education, and research, including information and technology science to support
this task" Hasman et al. (1996) also proposed the definition of medical informatics as
"Discipline is concerned with the processing of data, information and systematic knowledge
in medicine and health care." The term "Health Informatics" which is defined by AlShorbaji
(2001) as:
"The umbrella term is used to encompass rapidly developing disciplines using computing,
networking and communications methodologies and technologies - to support the health field,
such as medicine, care, pharmacy and dentistry." Al-Shorbaji (2001) tries to provide a
definition that includes a domain which includes clinical and administrative messages,
reference taking, operation and management of health services, patient information, health
education and promotion, epidemiological surveillance, health status monitoring, clinical
decision support, image and signal analysis, modeling and telemedicine.
As defined in previous section, health informatics concern with information and
communication technology in health care environment. By employing such that technology,
several benefit could be obtained, either for clinical practice or directly for patients (Health
Dept, UK n.d.). Following are those benefits:
Support for better clinical delivery. Health informatics could help to deliver a good quality
of patient care. It is done by (Health Dept, UK n.d.): (1) providing immediate access to
accurate information at the point at which it is needed. (2) Facilitating joined-up care by
enabling the secure sharing of clinical information across a variety of organizations and care
settings. (3) Improving access to high quality and reliable clinical information for patients
and clinicians alike. (4) Improved medical technology helps clinicians to deliver safe and
appropriate care, which directly improves service quality and patient health outcomes.
Despite the fact that there is still much to be done, the use of application such as electronic
medical record have proven to be of real value to clinical delivery (Health Dept, UK n.d.).
Better knowledge management & improving patient care. Making the best use of
informatics in health care services for health data collection such as electronic medical
record, would provides better quality, breadth and depth of information for both at individual
as well as for large scale level. At individual level, with the availability of good quality data,
will assist clinicians and patients to make better decision, and more responsive to the
situation. It is also possible to provide a shareable experience among clinicians. At the large
scale, it will provides the ability to carry out de- tailed analysis on a large volume of patient
data results in a better understanding of the populations health needs and the interventions
that are required (Health Dept, UK n.d.). Wellprotected electronic environment. In addition, it
can prevent data duplication happen by ensuring the same information is not collected and
recorded several time by different people and department, as we all know that health care
sector usually can be seen as a collaborative work.
Overall, by utilizing all the information provided by the system, would drive quality, improve
operational efficiencies, and assist with the evaluation of clinical interventions when looking
at ongoing service improvements. It will also reduce costs and continuously improve the
delivery of healthcare as well as improving patient care.
Tele-consultation, which the meaning is self-explained, is being used increasingly in areas of
the developing world where lack of expert resources, or low of population density. As an
example: sending medical images (X-rays) to be reported upon remotely, often crosscountries
between healthcare provider.
Introducing a new system into an organization to a complex medical environment more than
a matter of deployment process. It requires ongoing changes in design to cope with unique
characteristics of the user and the context setting, training, testing and re-training all users.
Thus, the main challenges of health informatics is to get healthcare providers committed to
the widespread implementa-tion of the various information technology components,
organized readiness of the user for the system, technically and socio-culturally, as well as the
resources support. Financial issues are one of the resource need to be considered. Lack of
funding often leads the implementation process to failure.
Health informatics is a growing field, in which the terminology and its meaning still evolving
over the time, either in narrow perspective or broader. In general, health informatics can be
understood as a field that concerns with the use of computer, information and communication
system to support various aspect of practice in health related field. Nowadays, health
informatics has taken an important role in health care sector. It gives better quality of clinical
delivery, better knowledge management, information sharing as well as improving patient
care and safety. Some of the application that give these benefits including electronic medical
record, electronic pre- scribing systems, Computerized physician order entry, Telemedicine,
and clinical decision support systems. Even with all the advantages that health informatics
contributes; a number of challenges need to be dealt with including implementation process
as well as financial support.
I think the journal is good and can be easily understood the journal can be a reference for me
to add science and in the use of the language in this journal using good and correct language
so it is very easy to understand but especially from the advantages of this journal there are
some deficiencies which is contained therein especially in repetitive and somewhat less
systematic writing so we need to repeat again to understand the meaning of one paragraph to
the lack of this book is less systematic writing and many new terms are poorly understood
and unexplained.
the advantages of this book is easy to understand for the reader because it uses a lightweight
language that can be easily understood and used as a reference.
Health Informatics: An Introduction