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Vol. 13(2), pp.

21-33, July-December 2021

DOI: 10.5897/IJLIS2021.0984
Article Number: 14D725767746
ISSN 2141-2537
Copyright © 2021 International Journal of Library and
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article Information Science

Full Length Research Paper

ICT knowledge and utilization as determinants of job

performance of Health Information Managers in health
institutions in South-East Nigeria
Ogochukwu Chika Okonkwo
School of Health Information Management, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital (NAUTH), Nnewi,
Anambra State, Nigeria.
Received 17 February, 2021; Accepted 20 August, 2021

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have transformed healthcare delivery through
various forms of e-health initiatives particularly in the areas of disease control, diagnosis, patient
management, teaching, communication, storage, and retrieval of medical information. These
benefits notwithstanding, health information managers are still deficient in the effective use and
application of modern ICT facilities in the performance of duty in health institutions. It is therefore of
interest to study the ICT knowledge and utilization level of health information managers and how it
affects their job performance. A descriptive study was conducted involving 22 selected
government-owned, mission/faith-based, and private health institutions from over 4,093 health
institutions that provided patient care information support services and had licensed Health
Information Managers in their employment in South-East Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was
used to elicit responses from 411 health information managers in the selected health institutions
using stratified sampling technique. The results show that majority of the Health Information
Managers in this study have adequate ICT knowledge through training received from self-study, but
utilization was poor because most of these health institutions visited do not have ICT facilities.
Nevertheless, they are competent in discharging their duties. Provision of adequate funding for ICT,
computerization of health institutions, and training of health information managers on the use of
ICT to enhance job performance are recommended.

Key words: ICT knowledge, ICT utilization, Health Information Managers, job performance, patient care,


Globally, Information and Communication Technologies developments have positively impacted patient
(ICT) have transformed healthcare delivery through management and the training and retraining of
various forms of e-health initiatives particularly in the healthcare providers as well as promotion of patient-
areas of disease control, diagnosis, patient centered healthcare at a lower cost, improve quality of
management and teaching, communication, storage care and information sharing, education of health
and retrieval of medical information. These professionals and patients, encourage a new form of

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Author(s) agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License 4.0 International License
22 Int. J. Lib. Inf. Sci.

relationship between patients and their health providers, essential for Library and Information Science
reduce travel time, etc. ICT links healthcare professionals in the contemporary age. The competency
professionals with patients and information is shared in these skills is necessary for the continued existence
using Email, Smartphone, telemedicine, and of the Library professionals in this technology age
telemonitoring systems, which are especially useful for (Mazumdar, 2007). These skills were categorized into
rural areas and locations with a lack of facilities and/or two broad classifications. They include firstly, skills
specialists. ICT has become the cornerstone upon required to use computer and information technological
which efficient and effective healthcare delivery thrives tools, such as skills for using software application
(Rouleau et al., 2015; Baridam and Govender, 2019; programs such as word processing tools, graphic
AIMS Education, 2019). Health records management design tools, presentation software, web page
systems are not left out of this transformation. ICT is development, scanning techniques, database creation
defined as tools that facilitate communication, and maintenance, software installation skills and
processing and transmission of information and sharing knowledge of hardware basis and troubleshooting.
of knowledge by electronic means. This encompasses Secondly, skills for using the Internet and computer
the full range of electronic digital and analog ICT, from communication networks to search and retrieve data
radio and television to telephones (fixed and mobile), effectively on the web environment, networking skills,
computers, electronic-based media such as digital text and Web 2.0 skills (Singh and Pinki, 2009; Dauda and
and audio-video recording, and the Internet. Today, Akingbade, 2011). HIM professionals are not left behind
most medical records operations are information in this competency and skills as they are offshoot of
technology-driven as patients’ record management has Library and Information Science and as well regarded
evolved from paper record system to electronic medical as Information professionals by other Information
record system. Almost all medical records acquire professionals. It is therefore pertinent that HIM
assorted types of ICT facilities such as computers and professionals not only acquire the knowledge but have
networks, software, Internet, CD-ROM, printers, the requisite competencies and skills to utilize these
scanners, cameras, projectors etc. Introduction of and tools for effective job performance.
use of these technologies have significantly improved In order to function and provide timely information at
and enhanced health record duties such as patients’ a faster speed, it would appear that administrators of
registration, coding and indexing, hospital statistics, academic libraries realize the important role information
appointment scheduling, and clinic lists preparation and and communication technologies (ICTs) play in their job
general usage of information in medical records. ICTs performance and so make ICTs available to their
have improved these Health Information Management workforce (Haliso, 2011). This also applies to HIM
services by overcoming speed, time, and accessibility professionals in their various job positions. Some
barriers (Haliso, 2011). authors have noted the importance of information
Health Information Management professionals are technology (IT) in organizational and job performance.
the custodians of patient health information (medical Human resource performance is intimately linked to
records) and are experts in the field of health technological change and technological innovation
information management. Their professional duties (Kayode et al., 2019). The use of IT gave rise to new
include filing, retrieving, coding and indexing of distinct technologies with significant benefits in work
diseases and surgical procedures, classifying, measurement, cost reduction, productivity improvement
statistical analysis and interpretation of patient data. As and better services to customers and clients, which has
custodians of patients’ health information, they also resulted in a radical change in ways of administration
work to ensure that confidential patient information is (Attar and Sweiss, 2010). Using new technologies such
secure and released only according to strict as Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM), Virtual
governmental laws. HIM professionals create a Reality (VR), Expert Systems (ES), and the Internet can
significant input to the delivery of quality care by give companies an edge over its various competitors.
maintaining, collecting, and analyzing health New technologies can result in employees ―working
information. While at one time all medical records were smarter‖ as well as providing high-quality products and
kept on paper, the process of creating and maintaining more efficient services to customers. Companies that
health data is becoming more computer-oriented, have realized the greatest gains from new technology
sophisticated, and high tech. There is no more have human resource management practices that
challenging atmosphere than today’s ever-changing support the use of technology to create what is known
healthcare environment. The more healthcare as high-performance work systems (Noe et al., 2006).
regulations change and expand, and the more issues Work, training, programs and reward systems often
such as privacy and computerized records gain center need to be reconfigured to support employees’ use of
stage, the greater the demand will be for HIM new technology (Daniel, 2013). Information technology
professionals. Within healthcare facilities, HIM improves employee performance by allowing quick
professionals are in the middle of the action. Acting as access to the information needed to make important
the institution’s informational hub, the HIM department work decisions. Better decision making by managers
staff work closely with doctors, insurance providers and and employees translates into higher profits and lower
patients (Anyaoku, 2012). This has led to additional ICT costs is another area that IT can improve employee
skills requirement to perform these functions. training. The company Intranet, with all the training and
A number of technology skills are projected as being employee development pages stored there is a product
Okonkwo 23

of IT. Employees can access training materials at work that include health information management.
or often on their laptops. Better-trained employees Furthermore, job performance is described as a set of
perform better and are more productive (Ratna and workers’ behaviors (should be in agreement with the
Kaur, 2016). On the contrary, technology both destroys organizational goals) that can be monitored, measured
and creates jobs. It has invaded the very core of the and assessed. The implication of this is that health
ways things are done; workers with different information managers’ performance in the workplace is
characteristics are affected differently as a result of aimed at the accomplishment of the overall goals of the
technological innovation/ improvisation in the workplace organization. This individual’s job performance can be
(Bello et al., 2004). rated against some predictable standards that predict
The invention of ICT has also brought progressive the overall success of the organization and this
changes and offered great advantages to providing includes successful completion of tasks within
effective and efficient services in the healthcare setting. designated period and effective delivery of services,
An information-proficient workforce that is computer ability to render good quality work, high quantity of task
literate, trained in HIM skills and motivated to use the performed, interpersonal relationship, as well as the
well-designed clinical systems would be necessary in a ability to work with minimal supervision (Igbinovia and
health institution particularly in a developing country Popoola, 2016). In order to assess the job performance
such as Nigeria. It is therefore pertinent to find out how of health information managers, there is need to look
knowledge and utilization of ICT is affecting job into the knowledge and use and ICT. Knowledge is an
performance of a core group of professionals in the important resource for the growth and survival of any
Nigeria health sector. As has been noted the HIM organization. It can be described as the heartbeat of
professional is a vital link between doctors, patients, any organization and identified as a core resource in
insurance providers, and other stakeholders, policy the survival of any organization (Odunewu and Haliso,
makers and individuals in the healthcare field by 2019). Knowledge refers to the practical or theoretical
maintaining, collecting, and analyzing health understanding of a subject. Competencies are the
information. The HIM professionals make a significant measurable or observable knowledge, skills, abilities,
contribution to the delivery of quality care in healthcare and behaviors (KSABs) critical to successful job
delivery system. In addition to working with modern performance.
technology, the job of HIM professionals is an ongoing In the changing work environment occasioned by
challenge (negligence, non-recognition, lack of wide adoption of ICT how do knowledge and utilization
manpower etc) in the field of healthcare. of technology tools relate to job performance of HIM
The term performance is often used to describe professionals in the area of job specific task
everything from efficiency and effectiveness to performance and adaptive performance? It will be
improvement and it is individual output in terms of pertinent to find out the extent of adoption of these
quality of expected responsibility for each employee in technology tools in health institutions in South-East
a job situation. It refers to how a person performs his or Nigeria and how far this adoption is affecting the
her job to the employer’s satisfaction as set against effective performance of their duties. Research from
particular standards. Performance can be regarded as developed countries has shown that electronic health
almost any behavior, which is directed toward task or records have been widely adopted and integrated into
goal accomplishment (Basahuwa et al., 2020; Igbinovia healthcare systems. Despite this increasing role of ICT
and Popoola, 2016). Job performance has been in HIM, there is paucity of in-depth research on HIM
described as a set of workers’ behaviors that can be professionals’ use of ICT in their job performance in the
monitored, measured and assessed, and the behaviors literature emanating from Nigeria. The research
should be in agreement with the organizational goals. therefore seeks to fill this gap by determining the extent
This simply means that individual performance in the to which ICT has been incorporated into patients’ health
work place is targeted at the overall performance of the information management and how the knowledge and
organization and can be rated against some predictable utilization of these tools affect the job performance of
standards. The job performance of HIM here indicates these professionals.
the act of carrying out tasks, assignments or functions
relating to health information management at an
expected time and manner. Job performance is also a Statement of the problem
function of the combination of quality attributes which
includes abilities, competencies, motivation, and Technology has brought changes to many
commitment of individuals. It is a display of knowledge organizational work environments. It has also affected
and skills of employees, irrespective of their status. The human adaptability to work related stress. Many writers
development and attainment of organizational goals of have noted the effects of technology on human capital
any healthcare facilities can be established by the in organizations. While some present it as positive,
performance of health information managers, whose others regard it as negative. The movement to
job functions focus on task performance which covers a electronic records system is a major change in patients’
person’s contribution to organizational performance, health information management. Many routine duties
which includes job-specific task and performance. Job that were manually performed for decades are now
performance is an important index in predicting being performed with computers and other related
probable success or otherwise of any organization and technology tools. This notwithstanding, HIM
24 Int. J. Lib. Inf. Sci.

professionals still experience some obstacles or rather knowledge variables such as age, work experience,
are deficient in the effective and efficient use and training received and acquisition of a computer.
application of modern ICT tools in the performance of Hi: There is significant relationship between ICT
their duty in health institutions. These hindrances made utilization and knowledge and job performance based
the impact of ICT not to be greatly felt in HIM on health information officers’ socio-demographic and
departments in health institutions in South-East Nigeria. knowledge variables such as age, work experience,
In the face of the reasonably enormous ICT investment training received and acquisition of a computer.
and policy development in health institutions in Nigeria,
there is still inadequate information about the
accomplishment in area of implementation of ICT for METHODS
HIM in South-eastern Nigeria. There is also no known
research that has tried to explore the effects of these
new tools on the job performance of HIM professionals This descriptive study was conducted among fully licensed HIM
in health institutions in South-East Nigeria. The concern professionals whose practice included providing patient care
of this study therefore, is to address the question how information support services to patients in 22 selected
do knowledge and utilization of ICT relate to job government-owned, mission/faith-based and private health
performance in health institutions in South-East Nigeria? institutions from over 4,093 health facilities in the Southeastern
zone of Nigeria (Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Imo States
respectively). The selected health institutions were those that had
HIM professionals in their employment. 411 HIM professionals
Objectives of the study working in the selected health institutions as at the time of study
and who deemed it fit to comply were enlisted for the study, then
Generally, the objective of the study is to investigate out of the 411, 263 responded to the questionnaires. The
population of practicing HIM professionals in the State at the time
the ICT knowledge and utilization level of HIM
of the study cannot be ascertained due to unavailability of
professionals and how it affects their job performance. accurate data.
However, the specific objectives of the study are to
Area of study
1. The ICT competence of HIM professionals in health
institutions; Southeastern Nigeria was one of the initial Nigerian twelve States
2. The areas of application of ICT facilities in the that were created during the Nigerian civil war. In the 1990s,
southeast became the name of one of the six geo-political zones
consisting of the Abia State, Anambra State, Ebonyi State, Enugu
3. The job performance rate of HIM professionals in State, and Imo State. In Enugu State, there are 17 Local
health institutions; Government Areas (LGA) and five of the LGAs are largely urban.
4. The effect of the use of ICT facilities on various work The State is divided into seven health districts for the purpose of
activities in the institutions; healthcare delivery system; each health district is made up of
5. The challenges associated with the application of between one to three LGAs. Within the State, there are six district
hospitals, 36 cottage hospitals and 366 primary healthcare
ICT in respect to job performance. centres, including comprehensive health centres, health centres,
and health posts. There are also approximately 700 private health
facilities comprising of profit and non-profit facilities, and faith-
Research questions based facilities. The State is made up of 3 senatorial districts -
Enugu East, Enugu West and Enugu North constituencies (Enugu
This study also aimed to answer the following questions West Senatorial District, 2014). Abia State has three Senatorial
zones in Abia-Abia South, North and Central Senatorial Zones.
in order to achieve the stated objectives: There are 17 Local Government Areas (LGA) in the state; each
one is chaired by a duly elected Executive Chairman.
1. What is ICT competence of HIM professionals in Anambra State has 21 Local Government Areas (LGAs) and is
health institutions? made up of three senatorial zones namely; Anambra South,
2. In what areas of the health institutions’ activities are Anambra Central and Anambra North. The State has 235 Health
Districts with a total of 34 secondary health facilities consisting of
the ICT facilities applied?
General Hospital, Comprehensive Health Centres and Cottage
3. What is the job performance rate of HIM Hospitals and about 382 Primary Healthcare centres and health
professionals in health institutions? posts. Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, which is
4. What is the effect of the use of ICT facilities on owned and managed by the Federal Government through the
various activities in the health institution? Federal Ministry of Health, is the only tertiary health institution as
5. What are the challenges associated with the at the time of this study. The Teaching Hospital has annexes at
Onitsha, Neni, Oba, Awka, Umunya and Ukpo offering Trauma
application of ICT in respect to job performance? and Primary Healthcare services. These health institutions are
concentrated in the urban areas of the state like Onitsha, Nnewi,
Ho: There is no significant relationship between ICT Awka and Ekwulobia (Ministry of Health Anambra State, 2012).
knowledge and utilization and job performance. Imo State is divided into 27 Local Government Areas (LGAs),
Hi: There is significant relationship between ICT and three senatorial zones. Imo State has 1,334 health facilities
knowledge and utilization and job performance. including one tertiary hospital (Federal Medical Center, Owerri)
and several government secondary health facilities and private
Ho: There is no significant relationship between ICT hospitals. Ebonyi State has 13 Local Government Areas (LGAs),
utilization and knowledge and job performance based its State capital in Abakaliki and is divided into three Senatorial
on health information officers’ socio-demographic and Zones, and 6 Federal Constituencies. The three Senatorial Zones
Okonkwo 25

are: Ebonyi North, Ebonyi Central, and Ebonyi South. In the constituted 49.8% of the total sample. 46.8% of them
health sector, Ebonyi has two major hospitals-Ebonyi State had HND/B.Sc. as the highest academic attainment.
Teaching Hospital and the Federal Medical Center-both in
Abakaliki. The State also has 3 general hospitals located in
This perhaps is a prerequisite for being certified as
Onueke, Onicha and Enohia Itim (near Afikpo). These are Licensed Health Record Officer.
complemented by several private hospitals and clinics in various
towns and villages (EbonyiOnline, 2009-2014).
ICT knowledge of Health Information Management
professionals in health institutions

This study is a correlational research design, which examines the As stated in Table 3, 63.5% of the respondents which
relationship that exists between ICT knowledge and utilization were largely females have used computer, and 36%
level of HIM professionals in health institutions in Southeast are familiar with the use of this computer through self-
Nigeria and how it affects their job performance. In the study, job study and experience, however 5.9% did not receive
performance was used as the dependent variable while
any formal training for computers. From the overall
knowledge and utilization of ICT is the independent variable. The
population of the study is quite big. A sampling frame comprising respondents, 43.4% which are females acquired a
of ninety-five (95) Local Government Areas from each State was personal computer for use at home, whereas 4.6%
drawn, which was then randomly stratified by rural and urban remained silent over having ever used a computer. In
differences. From the urban and rural areas, the study randomly Table 4, the respondents’ responses are rated from I
selected at least all Tertiary/Secondary hospitals, all State can perform the actions associated with the skill without
hospitals, one general hospital, and one private hospital including
assistance to I cannot perform the actions associated
Mission and faith-based clinics where these professionals can
possibly be found and where they deemed it fit to comply to be with the skill. The results on knowledge level
enlisted in the study. A total enumeration method was used to possessed by HIM professionals in using ICT showed
enlist all the professionals with academic qualification of NCE/ND that 86.9% of them possess good knowledge on the
and above in Health Information Management in the four States use of ICT in patient registration, patient number
of South-Eastern zone of Nigeria. A total of 411 questionnaires activation, clinic list preparation, and in the use of
were distributed to the subjects, and 263 were returned and
electronic medical records respectively. Possibly,
Questionnaire tagged Knowledge, Utilization and Job patient registration and patient number activation units
Performance (KUJP) was the main instrument of data collection are the first point of call of any patient on first and
for the study. It was designed by reviewing the literature and subsequent visits to the health institutions. They are the
pretested on 15 each of the private health institution and health job areas where any HIM professional on employment
centre who do not belong to the study in the State and the
to the department must become familiar with. This is
Cronbach Alpha coefficient of 0.78 was computed indicating that
the instrument is reliable. The questionnaire items are divided evident in their response that I can perform the actions
into four sections (A, B, C, and D) thus: Section A—Socio- associated with the skills without assistance. In spite of
demographic variables, Section B—ICT Knowledge, Section C - this, greater number of them (97.82%) cannot perform
ICT Use, Section D—Job performance. Data analysis was carried the action associated with the skills of Statistics. For
out using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version exhibiting ICT skill/competence, 86.9% rate themselves
16 and GraphPad Prism 5. Descriptive test statistics were
performed for various variables and interpreted by means of
as being able to perform the actions associated with
simple frequency counts and percentage values. Electronic Medical Records Software without
assistance. 95.6% cannot perform the action associated
with the skills of preparing slides for presentation.

Socio-demographic details of the population study ICT use of HIM professionals

Respondents from Ebonyi State were 38.4%, followed For the purpose of answering this question the
by Anambra State 23.6%. Abia State has the lowest respondents were asked to respond to five Likert scale
respondents with 4.9% due to the difficulty in collection items measuring their level of ICT use to perform HIM
of data as a result of non-compliance of the Staff. functions as in Table 5. 68.9% of them responded that
Others are Enugu State having 21.3% out of 263, while they use it for registering of patients on arrival to the
Imo State was 11.8% (Table 1). Table 2 shows that health institution. This reflects why it is used on a daily
83.3% of the respondents in this survey group were basis. Majority of them i.e., 68.5% of the respondents
from Federal/Secondary health institutions and are use ICT to perform patient number activation on a daily
considered to be in the highest job position of Health basis, while 0.8% use ICT to perform its associated
Records Officer with 26.6% having had 6-15 years of function once in a year. This shows that patient
work experience with 44.5% of the total respondents. registration and number activation statistically go
Approximately females who were 70.6% of the sample together since patients are usually issued a computer
are statistically higher than the males who were 25.2%. number on arrival to the clinic and must be reactivated
However, 4.2% were unidentified gender. This on visiting the health clinic subsequently for his/her
illustration evidently shows that the 57.03% of the HIM medical billings. In Table 6, approximately all the
professionals in the health institutions under study were respondents (72.6%) indicated that the use of ICT is
non-other than women and mostly married. most useful in all the job areas of HIM in health
Respondents on the age range of 30-34 years institution, on the other hand, 4.5% had no response.
26 Int. J. Lib. Inf. Sci.

Table 1. Population of study according to State.

S/N State Frequency Percent

1 Enugu 56 21.3
2 Anambra 62 23.6
3 Ebonyi 101 38.4
4 Abia 13 4.9
5 Imo 31 11.8
Total 263 100%

Table 2. Demographic characteristics of the study population (N=263).

Variable Category No. Percent

20-29 91 34.6
30-34 131 49.8
Age 45-59 37 14
60+ 2 .8
No age 2 .8

Male 66 25.2
Gender Female 186 70.6
No gender 11 4.2

Single 98 37.3
Married 150 57.0
Widowed 9 3.4
Marital status
Divorced 2 .8
Separated 3 1.1
No responses 1 .4

OND/NCE 104 39.5

HND/B.Sc 123 46.8
MHIM 7 2.7
Others 10 3.8
No response 19 7.2

Chief Health Record Officer 12 4.6

Assistant Chief Health Record Officer 11 4.2
Principal Health Record Officer 14 5.3
Senior Health Record Officer 26 9.9
Job position Higher Health Record Officer 54 20.5
Health Record Officer 70 26.6
Assistant Health Record Officer 56 21.3
Health Record Technician 6 2.3
No response 14 5.3

Federal Tertiary/Secondary hospital 219 83.3

State Teaching hospital 22 8.4
General hospital 6 2.3
Name of Institution
Health centre 0 0
Private hospital 3 1.1
Mission hospital 15 5.7

1-5 46 17.5
6-15 117 44.5
Years of working 16-25 50 19.0
experience (years) ≥26 39 14.8
No response 11 4.2
Total 263 100
Okonkwo 27

Table 3. Distribution of respondents by computer use, acquisition of personal computer, and where computer training was received

Yes No
Questions Gender
N % N %
Have you ever used a Male 63 23.9 3 1.1
computer? Female 167 63.5 18 6.8
Do you have a personal Male 50 19.0 18 6.8
computer? Female 114 43.4 81 30.8

On-the-job training 8 12.7 40 24

Self-study/experience 32 50.8 60 36
Where did you receive this Formal training e.g. Diploma in computer studies 19 30.2 50 29.9
training? All of the above 0 0 7 4.2
No training 4 6.4 10 5.9
Total 63 100 167 100

Table 4. Distribution of respondents by ICT skill/competences for the performance of Health Information Management duties (N=230).

I can perform the I can perform I cannot

actions the actions perform the
Skills in the use of ICT for the following Health Information associated with associated with actions
Management duties the skill without the skill with associated with
assistance assistance the skill
% % % %
1 Coding/Indexing 15.2 28.2 54.4 2.2
2 Patient Registration 86.9 10.9 0 2.2
3 Patient admission/discharge 4.8 43.5 50 1.7
4 Patient number activation 86.9 10.9 0 2.2
5 Statistics 1.3 0.44 97.82 0.44
6 Cancer registry 0.43 6.9 92.6 0
7 Clinic list preparation 86.9 7.8 4.9 0.4
8 Storing of patient master name index card 2.2 13.0 84.8 0
9 Electronic medical records 86.9 10.9 0 2.2

General use of ICT applications % % %

12 Internet - access web-pages 43.5 34.8 21.7 0
13 Email - sending of messages and attachment of documents 43.5 34.8 21.7 0
14 Spreadsheets - for data analysis and statistical summaries 0 34.8 65.2 0
Word processing - producing documents, including letters,
15 0.9 33.5 65.6 0
16 Presentation packages - preparing slides for presentation 0 4.4 95.6 0
17 Electronic Medical Records Software 86.9 10.9 0 2.2
18 Cancer Registration V4 - for data collection in Cancer registries 0.4 7 92.6 0
20 ICD-10 Browser - for coding of disease and surgical procedures 15.2 28.3 54.3 2.2

Job performance of health information assessment of their quality of work as stated in Table 8,
management professionals 53.3% strongly agreed that they rarely misfile patients’
case notes. Majority of the respondents (59.8%)
Table 7 shows that 54.1% of the respondents thought strongly disagreed that they are not productive in the
they and equally the department can use ICT to areas of completing their tasks everyday due to their
perform patient registration very well, which is usually devoted efforts. This was supported by the usual civil
the first and major duty perform in any health institution service slang ―It is impossible to finish a civil service
on arrival of the patient to the clinic. Then 15.7% were work in a day, otherwise if the work gets finished,
not responsive. A five-point Likert-scale was used to people will stay at home jobless”. In the assessment of
rate the job performance of HIM professionals in how they can adapt, 53.3% strongly agreed that they
28 Int. J. Lib. Inf. Sci.

Table 5. Distribution of respondents by use of ICT to perform functions (N=263).

Daily Once in a Once in a Once in a No

Function basis week month year response
% % % % % %
Coding/Indexing 60.5 15.6 4.2 4.2 6.5 9.0
Patient Registration 68.9 .7 2.3 2.1 16 10
Patient Admission/Discharge 65.6 14.9 4.0 1.9 4.7 8.9
Patient number activation 68.5 13.4 4.2 .8 4.5 8.6
Statistics 62.1 12.9 7.6 1.1 4.9 11.4
Cancer Registry 49.9 9.1 23.2 1.9 5.3 10.6
Clinic list preparation 49.4 11.1 14.4 1.5 9.9 13.7
Storing of patient master name index card 58.9 16.0 6.1 .8 5.7 12.5
Electronic medical records 59.0 16.4 6.9 1.3 6.3 10.1
Monitoring and evaluation of HIV/AIDS patients 53.3 14.6 8.4 1.1 6.9 15.7
Storage and retrieval of patients’ case-notes 47.1 13.4 12.3 3.4 10.0 13.8

Table 6. Areas of job that the use of ICT is most useful (N=263).

Areas of Job Percent

Coding/indexing 4.1
Patient registration 2.7
Patient admission/discharge 4.2
Patient number activation 1.5
Cancer registry .4
Clinic list preparation 2.1
Storing of Patient Master Name Index Card .4
Storage and retrieval of patients’ case notes 3.2
Statistics 3.2
All of the above 72.6
None 1.1
No response 4.5

get used to working conditions irrespective of pressure any form of working leave, be it annual, casual or sick
from the work environment and from colleagues. 64.6% leave.
of the respondents strongly agreed that they can work One of the work ethics in HIM is the confidentiality of
well with little or no supervisory intervention or patient information, security and safeguarding of
assistance. In reviewing HIM professionals’ ability to patients records. Based on this, 70.4% of HIM
initiate and to be resourceful in introducing new professionals that were evaluated proved that since
services and products for patients, 60.2% strongly they are under oath of office they disagreed to
disagreed with that. The ability to judge and comply disclosure of confidential information about a patient to
with the organization’s policies is one thing all outsiders. Generally, there are some responses over
employees must fight to abide by. This was strongly which the respondents remained silent, hence were not
confirmed by 50% of the respondents by aligning their collated. From the findings, it shows that HIM
performance with those of the institution. Surprisingly, professionals are very competent in discharging their
64.1% of HIM professionals strongly disagreed to duties/functions irrespective of the working conditions
having a good relationship with their colleagues in the which they have become accustomed to.
work place. The reason being that it is impossible to In Table 9, majority of the respondents i.e. 56.9%
maintain a cordial relationship with everybody, claim that increased work productivity/creativity is
misunderstanding is likely to occur among workers due regarded as the major outcome of using ICT in their job
to proximity. In the face of SERVICOM (Service performance, while 11.5 did not respond to the question.
Compact—a committee set up by the Federal Major challenge in the use of ICT in job performance of
Government of Nigeria to ensure good service delivery HIM professionals is non-availability of ICT facilities in
in all government established institutions) and for fear the health institutions 26.6%. Nonetheless, 6.3%
of not losing one’s job, 69.5% strongly agreed that prior strongly affirmed to having been faced by all the
notice is given to the management before embarking on challenges in the use of ICT in the job activities of HIM
Okonkwo 29

Table 7. Distribution of respondents by how well they or department think they can use ICT to perform Job/duties (N=263).

I can use it I can use it I can use it I can use it to I cannot No

very well well satisfactorily a small extent use it response
% % % % % %
Coding/Indexing 33.7 23.8 10.7 15.7 6.9 9.2
Patient registration 54.1 14.9 9.2 10.3 3.1 8.4
Patient admission/discharge 45.3 17.2 12.6 11.1 3.4 10.4
Patient number activation 45.2 16.1 10.3 12.3 3.8 12.3
Statistics 35.7 19.5 8.8 18.4 6.5 11.1
Cancer registry 21.1 18.0 15.7 16.1 13.4 15.7
Clinic list preparation 37.9 16.1 14.2 12.6 5.8 13.4
Storing of patient master name index card 40.2 19.9 10.0 11.5 4.2 14.2
Electronic medical records 33.3 20.3 11.1 14.2 7.3 13.8
Monitoring and evaluation of HIV/AIDS patients 25.5 20.4 11.9 17.5 10 14.7
Storage and retrieval of patients’ case-notes 46.0 16.5 11.1 10.3 6.1 10.0

professionals in health institutions, while 12.8% did not is similar to the study conducted in India among
respond to the questions. Most important suggestion healthcare professionals (58%) (Gour and Srivastava,
brought forward by the respondents is the supply of 2010) and similar when compared to the study
adequate reliable computers with up-to-date software/ conducted among health science students at the
connections in Records department as averred by University of Gondar, North Western Ethiopia (Assefa
29.5% of the respondents, whereas 11.1% never et al., 2013) and in Medical School of Ahmadu Bello
responded. University, Zaria, Nigeria (Ameh et al., 2008). Whereas
some still have difficulty using ICT facilities to perform
certain functions/applications, such as Cancer registry,
DISCUSSION ICD-10 browser, Electronic Medical Records, CareWare
v4, Presentation and word processing. On the contrary,
Respondents from Ebonyi State were 38.4%, followed in a study carried out on Knowledge and Utilization of
by Anambra State 23.6%. Abia State has the lowest Information Technology among healthcare professionals
respondents with 4.9%. It was difficult collecting data and students in Ile-Ife, Nigeria, it was observed that
from Abia State University Teaching Hospital due to despite the fact that 78.7% of these professionals had
non-compliance of the Staff. Others are Enugu State received some training, only 4.3% demonstrated good
having 21.3% out of 263, while Imo State was 11.8%. knowledge of computers and IT. 60% had a fair
However, during the time of the study all the State knowledge and 29.7% had poor knowledge. Rank,
government-owned health institutions in Imo State were social obligations, age and gender were not found to
on sympathy strike on behalf of their professional significantly influence knowledge, utilization patterns
colleagues in Umuguma General Hospital Owerri West and attitudes. Also, only 27.7% showed good utilization
LGA over non-payment of 8 months’ salary, hence they habits, while in 29.8% they were fair and in 46.6% they
were excluded from the study except Federal were poor.
government-owned health institution in the State - The second finding is aimed at finding out the level of
Federal Medical Centre, Owerri. The outcome of the competence of HIM professionals and their job
study can be summed up under four headings, which performance rating. The results showed that they are
are the level of knowledge HIM professionals have in competent in the use of ICT facilities to perform certain
using ICT along with the associated skills/competence, HIM functions without assistance such as patient
the level of ICT use in the performance of job functions registration, coding and indexing, statistics, and general
by HIM professionals/department, the job performance use of ICT applications such as email and Internet.
rate of HIM professionals and the effects of using ICT in These are the main job functions and applications
job functions, factors inhibiting its use and solutions to commonly performed by HIM professionals, which are
further develop ICT knowledge/skill. used on daily basis. The level of competence of these
The first was intended to investigate the knowledge professionals and job performance ratings is in line with
level possessed by these professionals in using ICT. the work of Juran Institute Inc. (1990) that performance
The results reveal that HIM professionals in health measures are always tied to a goal or an objective (the
institutions in South-East Nigeria had adequate target) and that job performance are activities engaged
knowledge of ICT and very low ICT utilization due to in by individual skill which is displayed by staff to
unavailability of ICT facilities in these health institutions. ensure desired output from the assigned schedules.
This knowledge/skill was acquired through self study/ HIM professionals as employees working in health
experience. It also shows that they have personal institutions work because of the actual or expected
computers with the necessary skill in using them, which need for the services they render. They are used by the
30 Int. J. Lib. Inf. Sci.

Table 8. Distribution of respondents by job performance (N=263).

SA Agree N D SD No res
Performance scales
% % % % % %
Quality of work
Patients are satisfied with the overall quality of my work productivity 52.3 26.9 6.2 2.7 .4 11.5
I attend to patients at the earliest time desirable and with caution 52.7 25.4 4.6 2.7 .4 14.2
I have minimum errors in registration of patients 38.8 18.8 7.7 9.2 11.9 13.5
I rarely misfile patients’ case-notes 53.3 26.6 4.6 1.5 1.9 12.0
I attend to all patients everyday 38.8 19.2 6.9 9.6 9.6 15.8
I complete my tasks everyday due to my devoted effort 10.4 8.1 1.5 9.7 59.8 10.4
I assist my co-workers to accomplish their task when I am done with mine 47.3 26.5 7.3 5.0 2.3 11.5
I put in more than 8 hours daily on-the-job to ensure patients’ satisfaction 53.5 24.6 6.5 1.2 0.8 13.1
I easily adapt or adjust to changes especially when it enhances the growth and development of
51.2 22.7 11.5 .8 .4 13.5
my job as Health Information Officer
I initiate and recommend constructive changes in work procedures 34.2 24.6 11.9 8.1 8.1 13.1
I get used to working conditions irrespective of pressure from environment and colleagues 53.3 29.0 4.6 0.8 0.8 13.1
I can work well with little or no supervisory assistance or intervention 64.6 15.4 5.8 .8 .4 13.1
I only work based on my schedule 45.0 23.1 11.5 5.0 1.9 13.5
My Institution sees me as a reliable employee in terms of carrying out its work assignments and
55.0 22.3 8.5 0.8 0 0
Initiative and resourcefulness
I introduce new services and products for patients 6.9 7.7 3.5 10.8 60.2 10.8
I involve in planned effort to increase effectiveness and viability of the institution 56.5 21.9 7.3 1.9 0.8 11.5
Judgment and policy compliance
My performance goals are well aligned with those of the Institution 50.0 25.0 11.5 18.1 5.0 13.8
I am able to deduct sound decisions from existing and new policies of the Institution 26.5 26.5 8.1 1.5 1.2 12.7
Interpersonal relations and customer service
I have good relationship with my colleagues in the work place 12.0 3.1 2.7 7.3 64.1 10.8
I relate with the patients and their relatives cordially 38.5 21.9 13.8 6.9 4.6 14.2
I promote feelings of self-esteem, goodwill and cooperativeness among my co-workers in the
40.8 29.6 10.8 3.8 1.2 13.8
I report to work on a timely basis 66.4 19.3 2.3 2.3 .8 8.9
I don’t leave my work position till it’s time to go home 51.2 26.5 6.5 3.8 0 11.9
I give prior notice to the management before embarking on any working leave 69.5 15.1 1.9 0.4 0.4 12.7
Safety and security
I allow patients to handle their case-notes 35.4 20.8 12.3 6.2 9.2 16.2
I disclose confidential information about the patient to outsiders 5.0 3.1 1.5 8.8 70.4 11.2
On retrieval of patients’ case-notes I allow the patients to take it down to the clinic themselves 60.5 15.7 3.4 2.3 7.7 10.3
SA, Strongly Agree; S Da, Strongly Disagree; No res, No response; D , Disagree; N, Neutral.

management for the accomplishment of the coding and indexing of diseases and surgical
organizational objectives. Job performance is the procedures. In the same vein, they advocated that ICT
abilities to combine skillfully the right behavior towards is most useful in all the job areas of HIM. Mack as cited
the achievement of organizational goals. This supports by Haliso collaborates that ICT plays a vital role in
the work of Haliso that the job of HIM professionals is information retrieving because it allows simple access
directed at patient’s records management, education, to large amounts of independent information sources,
research etc in achieving organizational goals which also Brewerton in Komolafe-Opadeji (2009) supports
involves the skills and administrative practices. this by stating that ICT provides ways of delivery and
The analyses of the third findings revealed that more accessing of information that can improve productivity
than half of these professionals use ICT facilities to and the delivery of education, health and other social
register patients, activate their computer numbers, services. This was also supported by Haliso that ICT is
carry out statistical analysis of the hospital’s activities, very important in every professional field that no field
Okonkwo 31

Table 9. Responses on the effects, factors inhibiting the use of ICT and suggestion for improvement.

Variable Category %
Increased work productivity/creativity 56.9
Obtaining electronic information 10.8
Facilitates communication of information to the patients 12.3
All of the above 8.5
None 0
No response 11.5
Epileptic electricity supply 19.1
Lack of ICT knowledge and skills 14.7
Computer Anxiety 3.2
Poor funding 9.3
Militating Lackadaisical attitude of Health Information Management professionals 6.4
factors Lack of time in the office 1.2
Non availability of ICT in the hospital 26.6
All of the above 6.3
None 0.4
No response 12.8
Adequate reliable computers with up to date Software/connections in Records Department 29.5
Easy access to computers 4.6
Laptop for Health Information Management professionals at subsidized rates 4.6
Training and workshop on how to use ICTs for job performance 21.5
Suggestions More confidence over computer anxiety 3.1
Adequate funding 16.1
All of the above 8.4
None 1.1
No response 11.1

can function without it. Also, in line with the work of ICT facilities in health institutions is considered to be a
World Health Organization, the use of ICTs in health is major problem facing most HIM professionals in the
not merely about technology (Dzenowagis, 2005) but a various health institutions, since these ICT facilities are
means to reach a series of desired outcomes such as not well funded. Others also bemoaned the power
health workers making better treatment decision, supply condition of the country. This they regretted can
hospital providing higher quality and safer care, people bring an organization’s activities or a business venture
having better access to the information and knowledge to a permanent halt if some positive steps are not
they need for better health etc. The Nigeria taken. This collaborate the work done in Olabisi
Communications Week Editorial (2013) did not have a Onabanjo University Library of the infrastructural
contrary view on that, in accessing the benefits of impediments to Internet connectivity and peculiar
incorporating ICT in healthcare information problems that are unique to the African context - power
management which include better access to complete failure, equipment failure, regulatory restriction of
and accurate EHRs that aggregate information to communication technologies, expensive or unreliable
improve diagnosis, prevent errors and save precious technologies and low content were identified (Hodo and
response time, lead to greater engagement of patients Emmanuel, 2012). Few out of the respondents often
in their own healthcare, improve population-based lack time in the office to use ICT facilities as they are
knowledge in a diverse country like Nigeria (Adeniji et loaded with other everyday jobs. Furthermore, the
al., 2011). The analysis from the study is in agreement study had observed that the spatial distribution of
with the view of Adeniji’s work in a University Library health facilities between the urban and rural areas is
which show that Internet is being used by professionals inequitable (with more technologically equipped health
in major disciplines of the world because it offers facilities located in the urban areas than the rural areas
current information to the users and addressed the and more HIM professionals in the urban than rural).
shortcoming as witness with manual system of This affects the knowledge and utilization level of these
information provision to the clienteles (Hodo and professionals in the rural areas. This is in agreement
Emmanuel, 2012). with the work done among medical students in
The last finding of the research showed that Northwestern Ethiopia that showed utilization
increased work productivity/creativity is regarded by dissimilarities among students in urban and rural areas.
majority of the respondents as the effects ICT has on This is also similar to a study in Ghana where students
the job performance of HIM, while non-availability of in urban areas have more positive attitudes towards
32 Int. J. Lib. Inf. Sci.

ICT use compared to students in rural areas (Ameh et health facilities tends to favor the clinics located in the
al., 2008). urban settlement, the clinics located in the rural areas
The difference in utilization may be explained by the are strongly affected by fund insufficiency.
availability of ICT facilities (such as Internet
connectivity, electricity, telephone etc.) in the urban
areas as compared to the rural areas in most Conclusion
developing countries. In addition, people are more likely
to respond positively to something or someone after HIM professionals in South-East Nigeria had adequate
increased exposure for example to ICT tools in this knowledge of ICT and very low ICT utilization.
case. Adequate funding of HIM Health records department to
The result of the correlational analysis to test the equip them with the ICTs needed in the performance of
effects of ICT knowledge and utilization on the job their duties. Policy makers in Ministry of Health and
performance of health information managers showed Health Sectors should be responsive of this unfilled
that the null hypothesis could not be rejected because gap, and commence by bringing important changes in
there is no statistical significant relationship between the profession and curriculum of education with regards
ICT and job performance at 0.05 critical errors (two- to ICT, given that the job function of HIM centres on the
tailed) 0.04944 with 95% CI of -0.486 to 0.789. Since use of ICT and its applications and or facilities. A
the p-value is larger than 0.05 and the 95% CI starts program or team should be specifically set up for
with a negative number (representing a decrease) and steady exchange of views on ICT skills which would be
up to a positive number (representing an increase), helpful to HIM professionals. However, these
hence no significant evidence to reject the null professionals need a policy guiding them towards the
hypothesis as there as some missing values and non- acquisition of ICT knowledge as part of their program
responses to some of the questions. The analysis to and also a platform to share and discuss problems
test the relationship between ICT utilization and relating to the use of ICT in health information
knowledge and job performance based on health management. They have to equip themselves practically
information managers’ socio-demographic and in order to be at par with the patients they come in
knowledge variables such as age, work experience, contact with on daily basis. Despite the fact that, there
training received and acquisition of a computer showed had been other studies on ICT knowledge and
that age had positive significant correlation with training utilization in various fields, none in Health Information
received on ICT (r=0.0134, significant at -0.152*) with Management to the best of the knowledge of the
95% CI of -0.268 to 0.0320. This depicts that the older researcher, so it has its own limitation. In view of the
the Managers, the lesser the ability in utilizing ICT. This fact that the data are self-reported which might be liable
information showed that older Managers might not have to bias since some questions were not fully answered
the keenness in learning ICT when measured up to the and some not sincerely given due to uncooperativeness
younger Managers. It is also evident in the analysis that of the respondents, thus not fully representing the true
aged had high and positive significant correlation with minds of the respondents. Future studies should be
years of work experience (r=0.616, significant at done in terms of HIM professionals’ attitude towards the
0.0001***) with 95% CI of 0.535 to 0.686. Furthermore use of ICT. It will enable the policy makers in the
age had no significant relationship with acquisition of a management position of the profession to make
computer system (r=0.0819, not significant at 0.107) advancement in their curriculum and also work scheme.
with 95% CI of -0226.0 to 0.0137. This means that the
Managers can make purchase of a computer
regardless of age. Recommendations
As for the comments made by the respondents,
11.4% commented that the use of ICT and its In the light of the above, the study hence recommends
implementation should be encouraged in health the following:
institutions. They further urged that adequate funding of
ICT for use in HIM in the country should be made by 1. Setting up a computer leasing initiative for HIM
the Federal government since most of the health professionals to encourage the acquisition of computer
institutions in the country are yet to be computerized. at a lower cost. Deductions made from salary on
Supervisory actions should be mounted on those who smaller percentage interest to enable them pay off and
are in-charge of disbursement of funds to ensure also incorporating information-based discipline.
proper accountability and transparency in health 2. Bolstering health informatics training to equip them
institutions. The respondents also largely commented with the skills they need to utilize ICT. This can be
on the need for health institutions to conduct on-the-job achieved when health administrators organize quarterly
training/ICT application for these professionals in or annual ICT in-service training for members of the
various health institutions and urged them all to staff of the health facility involved, or sponsorship for
embrace these efforts when made by getting ICT- further education.
compliant in order to enhance their productivity and job 3. Establishment of forceful political structure and
performance. The study had observed that most health democratic governance that will be impartial in policy
facilities do not receive sufficient impress/fund from the formulations, especially, as it concerns healthcare
government to run the clinics. Although funding of provision and funding in the Zones. Also the
Okonkwo 33

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