Mobile Application Open Data and City Hub
Mobile Application Open Data and City Hub
Mobile Application Open Data and City Hub
A mobile app which can show the possibility of Takes additional time and expertise and cost.
happening a disasters such as tsunamis,
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
Data integration involves combining data located Data are considered to be “open” if anyone can freely
in different sources and providing users with access, use, re-use and redistribute them, for any
unified view of them. purpose, without restrictions.
To be considered “open”, the data must be re-usable,
meaning that they can be downloaded in open formats
and read by software, and users have a legal right to
Source 1 re-use it.
Data Data
Source 2 ETL Warehouse
Source 3
What Benefits and Values Can Open Data Offer?
The major benefit of open data is its role as an enabler. Values of Open Data
It places key information into the hands of the people
who have the problems, and those with the ideas and 1. Open data ensures government accountability.
technical knowledge required to solve them. 2. Open data fosters innovation and the creation of Apps
Open data has the advantage of being cost-free with that bring convenience to everyday life.
unlimited usage rights. 3. Open data aids in “improved personal decision-making”.
4. Open data promotes “online consultation/crowdsourcing”
5. Open data helps enhance education .
The Privacy Risks of Open Data?
1. When combined with other data sets, anonymous What is re-identification?
data can be re-identified.
Re-identification occurs when individuals are identified from
2. Personal data can be directly released in information gleaned form a supposedly anonymized data set.
“anonymized” data sets, though accidently.