FS 4 Episode 12

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Learning Episode

My FS Learning Episode Overview

This learning episode provides activities on the what, why, and how to
evaluate a curriculum. This episode also elaborates on the need to evaluate the
various curriculum models.

My Desired Learning Outcomes

 Describe curriculum evaluation

 Explain the importance of curriculum evaluation
 Elaborate on the process of curriculum evaluation
 Design a curriculum evaluation tool

My Performance Criteria

I will be rated along the following:

 Quality of my observations and documentation,
 Completeness and depth of analysis,
 Depth and clarity of classroom observation-based reflection,
 Completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio and
 Time of submission of portfolio

My Learning Essentials

Curriculum evaluation is a new idea for many teachers, not knowing that
every day; the teacher is involved in several components of evaluation. There are
two (2) ways of looking at curriculum evaluation.

 Curriculum Program Evaluation may focus on the overall

1 aspects of a curriculum or the curriculum or the curriculum

itself. More often it refers to big curriculum program.
 Example of these programs that may undergo a curriculum
program evaluation are the K to 12 Curriculum and the
Outcomes-Based Approach in Mathematics Curriculum.

2  Curriculum Program Component Evaluation. A curriculum

component may include separate evaluation of (a) achieved
learning outcomes, (b) curriculum process and (c)
instructional materials.
My Learning Activities

Activity 1 Ask at least six (6) teachers, why there is a need to evaluate the curriculum.

Activity 2
Interview a principal/administrator, find out how they evaluate their
school’s curriculum.
Activity 3 Design/Secure a copy of a curricular evaluation checklist and paste on this
Integrating Theory and Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. All are importance of evaluating the curriculum except:

A. To be able to boast of a new and improved curriculum every time.
B. To constantly keep up with the changing times.
C. To answer to the changing needs of the learners.
D. To identify which parts and aspects of the implement curriculum needs to be improved,
modified or changed.

2. Which component can be included in curriculum evaluation?

A. Learning outcomes
B. Teacher performance
C. Strategies and methods used
D. Instructional materials

3. When do we needPaste
to evaluate the curriculum?
a sample of curricula evaluation form.
A. Every academic year
B. Every year
C. When somebody suggests it
D. Whenever necessary
My Learning Rubric

Field Study 4, Episode 12 - Curriculum Evaluation and the Teacher

Focused on: - describing curriculum evaluation, evaluation.
- explaining the importance of curriculum evaluation
- elaborating on the process of curriculum evaluation
- designing a curriculum evaluation tool

Name of FS Student ________________________________ Date Submitted _________

Year and Section _________________________________ Course _________________

Learning Episode Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs Improvemen
4 3 2 1
Learning All episode done with All or nearly all Nearly all Fewer than half of
Activities outstanding quality, episodes were episodes were episodes were done, o
work exceeds done with high done will most objectives were m
expectations. quality. acceptable but need improvemen
4 3 2 1
Analysis of the All Analysis Analysis Analysis questions we
Learning Episode questions/episodes questions were questions were not answered
were answered answered not answered
completely, in depth completely completely
answers; thoroughly
Grammar and spellin
grounded on theories. Clear connection Vaguely related
with theories to the theories unsatisfactory
Exemplary grammar
and spelling.
Grammar and Grammar and
spelling are spelling
superior acceptable 1
4 3 2
Reflections/ Reflection statements Reflections Reflection Reflection statements
Insights are profound and statements are statements are unclear and shallow a
clear, supported by clear, but not shallow, are not supported by
experiences from the clearly supported supported by experiences from the
learning episodes by experience experiences learning episodes
from the learning from the
episodes learning
4 3 1
Learning Portfolio Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is Portfolio is Analysis questions we
clear, well-organized complete, clear, incomplete, not answered
and all supporting; well-organized; supporting
documentations are most supporting documentations Grammar and spellin
located in sections documentations are organized unsatisfactory
clearly designated are available and but are lacking
logical and
clearly marked
locations 1
4 2
Submission of Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two days o
Learning Episode deadline deadline after the more after the deadlin
4 3 2 1
Over all Score transmulation


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-Belo
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Be

_________________________________ ______________________________

Signature of FS Teacher Date

above Printed Name

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