Module 3 Cherry 110309

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Assessment Task 1

1. How is Dale’s Cone of Experience different from the Multimedia Cone of Abstraction?


The purpose of the MCoA is to help instructional designers of educational content to

select appropriate multimedia for each learning context.While the dale's Cone of Experience
is a model that incorporates several theories related to instructional design and learning
processes. The cone features the learner as the participant in the base and proceeds to being
an observant of a mediated experience in the middle, and the observant of abstract symbols
in the apex. The scheme contends that learning could be a solid foundation of effective
conceptualization and abstraction of learning experiences.

2. Using a particular topic within your specialization, what examples of technology-mediated

learning experiences can you provide anchoring on the Multimedia Cone of Abstraction?


The technology mediated that I encountered is presenting a ppt when we our reporting
by giving them to learned a new knowledge that can helped us to improve our prior

3. Dale’s Cone has been frequently misunderstood and misused, often confounded with the
“Remembering Cone” or “Bogus Cone” (see figure after the question) which claims that
learners will generally remember 10 percent of what they read, 20 percent of what theyhear,
30 percent of what they see, 50 percent of what they hear and see, 70 percent of what they
say, and 90 percent of what they both say and do. Do you agree with the analogy?


Yes I agree the analogy because the cone of experience consists of bands which arrange
media used in learning experiences from the most concrete to the most abstract. The cone
features the learner as the participant in the base and proceeds to being an observant of a
mediated experience in the middle, and the observant of abstract symbols in the apex. The
scheme contends that learning could be a solid foundation of effective conceptualization and
abstraction of learning experiences. The classification also emphasizes the degree of sensory
learning in each level.

3Is it appropriate to just focus on instructional media which are situated in the lower part(or
towards the base) of the cone of experience? Why?

Yes is it because experience helps teachers to plan different kinds of learning experiences
in order to create the most effective learning environment for the purpose of studying
geographical contents. Direct, purposeful experience: The cone of experience is started with
direct, purposeful experience at its base.allows teachers to understand how to increase the
retention rate of learners by involving the learner. The iconic part refers to abstract
experiences in the form of pictures while the symbolic part represents the forming of mental
image in the absence of a concrete object.

Assessment Task 2

1. Knowing the different competencies and roles of a teacher in dealing with ICT, create Edgar
Dale was influenced by the works of Johann Pestalozzi, Friedrich Froebel and John Dewey.
Research on the contributions of Pestalozzi, Froebel and Dewey which have influenced the
ideas of Dale in his Cone of Experience?


According to Dewey, teachers have a responsibility to structure educational

environments in ways that promote educative learning experiences, those that change the
learner in such a way as to promote continued learning and growth.Dewey thought that
effective education came primarily through social interactions and that the school setting
should be considered a social institution. The School and Society, and promulgated many key
precepts of later education reforms.he believed that students thrive in an environment
where they are allowed to experience and interact with the curriculum, and all students
should have the opportunity to take part in their own learning

2. Edgar Dale said that a rich learning experience would be “emotionally rewarding” and
“motivating for learning throughout students’ lives.” Describe an experience you have had
that was emotionally rewarding and motivated you to continue learning throughout your life.
Write a 300-word essay

Motivating my learning is a really important in our life because when we study hard the
will be a good consequences in our life that we deserve this. Its because we fight for our
battle to surpass all challenges. On that time I pursuing my self to utilize my own goal, nor can
see my own battles, we know that all human being have their problems but we stand
together to fight and there's no reason that we can lose our dreams. I'm a person to continue
for pursuing myself to reach my goal. Because I know may self there's a chances to improve
my skills knowledge and attitude to conduct all tasks that we be given a sign to handle it
properly and that's I am. I feel emotionally while a feel I'm hopeless person but that's the
right to lose our dreams in life

Assessment Task 3

1. What is TPACK?


is an emergent form of knowledge that goes beyond all three “core” components
(content,pedagogy, and technology). It is an understanding that emerges from interactions
among content, pedagogy, and technology knowledge. Underlying truly meaningful and
deeply skilled teaching with technology, TPACK is different from knowledge of all three
concepts individually. Instead, TPACK is the basis of effective teaching with technology,
requiring an understanding of the representation of concepts using technologies; pedagogical
techniques that use technologies in constructive ways to teach content; knowledge of what
makes concepts difficult or easy to learn and how technology can help redress some of the
problems that students face; knowledge of students’ prior knowledge and theories of
epistemology; and knowledge of how technologies can be used to build on existing
knowledge to develop new epistemologies or strengthen old ones.

2. How is the TPACK different from the Shulman’s Content-Pedagogy Knowledge framework?


is an emergent form of knowledge that goes beyond all three “core” components
(content, pedagogy, and technology). TPACK is used to analyse the changes associated with
teachers' knowledge of technology, pedagogy and content. SAMR helps to reflect on the
current use of the platform showcasing technology integration along substitution,
augmentation and modification levelsTPACK is different from knowledge of all three concepts
individually. Instead, TPACK is the basis of effective teaching with technology, requiring an
understanding of the representation of concepts using technologies; pedagogical techniques
that use technologies in constructive ways to teach content; knowledge of what makes
concepts difficult or easy to learn and how technology can help redress some of the problems
that students face; knowledge of students’ prior knowledge and theories of epistemology;
and knowledge of how technologies can be used to build on existing knowledge to develop
new epistemologies or strengthen old ones.

3. Explain the domains of the TPACK framework and the interrelationship between these


all three domains of content, pedagogy, and technology are of equal importance and
interdependent with one another. is the complex interplay of three primary forms of
knowledge: Content framework suggests that content, pedagogy, technology, and
teaching/learning contexts have roles to play individually and together. Teaching successfully
with technology requires continually creating, maintaining, and reestablishing a dynamic
equilibrium among all components. It is worth noting that a range of factors influences how
this equilibrium is reached. The complexity of technology integration comes from an
appreciation of the rich connections of knowledge among these three components and the
complex ways in which these are applied in multifaceted and dynamic classroom contexts.

Assessment Task 4

Choose a competency in the K-12 Curriculum Guide in the Elementary Gradrepare a plan
using the TPACK framework.

Learning Task 3

. Were there any lesson which was previously taught by the teacher using traditional
instructional materials are now taught using technology? How is this done by the teacher?


Once upon a time books were the only way to get your hands on valuable teaching material.
However, educational tools now provide access to a plethora of online educational resources,
and the latest web content to help supplement lessons; ensuring information is up-to-date
and relevant.Give each group a device with recording capabilities. Have each member of the
group choose an organelle to personify, and have them record each other explaining who
they are (or which organelle they are) and why they are important for the cell. Finally, have
them upload their videos to a media album so your students can watch each other’s videos
on their own time and leave comments.

2. What are the usual technological tools that are used by the teacher?


Education technology.Video conferencing platform.Smart video cameras.Hybrid

technology.Asynchronous learning tools.Synchronous learning tools.Online
textbooks.Learning Management Systems.physical resource that can support teachers in the
delivery and testing of content. Technology tools include apps, platforms, and software, and
can be used in virtual, hybrid, or traditional learning environments.include using cloud-based

learning software, apps, blogs or discussion boards, digital whiteboards, and other interactive
online tools for students and teachers.A variety of tools can be used in the classroom to
support student learning, ranging from traditional to high-tech options

Assessment Task 5

1. What is SAMR?


The SAMR model is thought of as a spectrum. On one end technology is used as a one-to-
one replacement for traditional tools, and on the other end technology enables experiences
that were previously impossible without it.The SAMR model is made up of four steps—
Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition. Substitution and Augmentation
are considered Enhancement steps, while Modification and Redefinition are termed
Transformation steps. is a framework that categorizes four different degrees of classroom
technology integration. The SAMR framework can be a simple and effective way to assess
how teachers are incorporating technology into instruction.

2. Explain the stages of the SAMR framework and the interrelationship between these


Substitution: Students read an online article discussing Email Etiquette concepts and
guidelines. Augmentation: Student read an online article discussing Email Etiquette concepts
and guidelines that includes links to examples, and offer comments online indicating their top
5 favorite tips. Modification: Student watch a video discussing Email Etiquette concepts and
guidelines and after reviewing the guidelines, they create a Twitter account and Tweet their
top 5 tips. Redefinition: Student watch the guidelines video, then assess examples of Email
Etiquette ‘violations’ and indicate which guidelines should be applied to correct/improve on
the examples.Substitution: Use an Excel Worksheet to let students “color in” the
blocks.Augmentation: Use Google Sheets to let students “color in” the blocks, where the
teacher can offer feedback directly on Google Sheets.Modification: Use Google Sheets and
direct students to online examples and supplementary learning materials for areas that they
might struggle with. Redefinition: Use a Fractions App instead

3. Do you agree that Modification and Redefinition will always be better than the
Substitution and Augmentation stages?

Yes is

because, rededication Students watch video examples and practice the techniques, then the
coach/teacher videos them hitting balls and provides feedback about their techniquewhile
the modificationThe coach/teacher videos the training exercise and “flips” the lesson, having
students watch it as homework, and using class time to practice and reinforce
techniquesSubstitution: The coach/teacher videos the training exercise and uses this as the
lesson. Augmentation: The coach/teacher videos the training exercise and provides links to
other training content (videos and articles from other coaches

Assessment Task 6

 Choose three (3) competencies in the K-12 Curriculum Guide of your specialization. Prepare
a plan of technology integration using the SAMR framework.


Learning Task 4

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

Identifying Interpreting Executing Appraising Arguing

Inferring Explaining

Listing Debating


Retrieving Hypothesizing



Assessment Task 7

1. What is a taxonomy of educational objectives?


is a set of three hierarchical models used for classification of educational learning objectives
into levels of complexity and a classification system used to define and
distinguish different levels of human cognition. is one of the most recognized learning
theories in the field of education. Educators often use Bloom’s Taxonomy to create learning
outcomes that target not only subject matter but also the depth of learning they want
students to achieve, and to then create assessments that accurately report on students’
progress towards these outcomes

2. Why was the 1951 Taxonomy of Educational Objectives of Benjamin Bloom revised in


One of those educators was Lorin Anderson, a former student of Benjamin Bloom.
Anderson and Krathwohl (2001) revised Bloom's taxonomy to be more adaptive to our
current age by proposing another taxonomy that will meet curriculum designers, teachers,
and students needs better than the Bloom's one.In the 1990's, a former student of Bloom,
Lorin Anderson, with David Krathwohl, revised Bloom's Taxonomy and published Bloom's
Revised Taxonomy in 2001, with the title A Taxonomy for Teaching, Learning, and
Assessment. This title draws attention away from the somewhat static notion of “educational
objectives” in Bloom’s original title and points to a more dynamic conception of classification.

3. What is digital taxonomy? How is it helpful in the current educational system?


A digital taxonomy is a plan or structure for how you organize and classify your digital
content. Taxonomies include everything from the menu structure on your website to the back
end tags on a blog post.Digital Taxonomy helps design activities and assessments that
challenge students to move from the most basic skill (Memorizing) to higher-order thinking
skills (Research). Understanding this taxonomy can help parents support their kids to develop
lower and higher-order thinking skills.

Assessment Task 8

 Using the K-12 Curriculum Guide for your field of specialization, look for a particular quarter
in any grade level. Using the competencies, create a list of objectives wherein the behavioral
terms are alongside the digital taxonomy. Fill in the template below.

Content/Topic Competency Objectives according to the

Digital Taxonomy
Learning Task 5

Arrange the following instructional steps in order. Write 1 for the first step and accordingly.

2.The teacher chooses the appropriate instructional materials for the strategies to be used to
deliver content.

6The teacher tells the students the outcomes of they are expected to do.

4.The teacher assesses if the learning outcomes are met by students.

5.The teacher arouses the interest of learners by using motivational aids.

1.The teachers know the general characteristics of the students, including their age,

socio-economic status, and learning styles.

3.The teacher sees to it that the learners participate actively in the learning process.

Assessment Task 9

1. What is the ASSURE model?


is a procedural guide for planning and delivering instructions that integrates technology
and media into the teaching process. It also refers to a systematic approach of writing lesson
plans that helps teachers in organizing instructional procedures.
2. How is integration of technology done in the ASSURE model?


Integration of technology in education simply refers to the use of technology to enhance

the student learning experience. Utilizing different types of technology in the classroom,
including a virtual classroom, creates learners who are actively engaged with learning
objectives.integration models are theoretical models that are designed to help teachers,
researchers, and others in the education field to think about technology integration in
meaningful ways. There are many, many technology integration models that are used by
different groups.

3.Do the components of the ASSURE model follow a cycle? Why?


the ASSURE model has six components each necessary for the successful implementation
of the instruction, including: 1) Analyze learners, 2) State Objectives, 3) Select Methods,
Media, and Materials, 4) Utilize Media and Materials, 5) Require learner Participation, and 6)
Evaluate and Revise.

Assessment Task 10

 Choose one competency in the K-12 Curriculum Guide of your specialization. Prepare a
learning plan using the ASSURE model.


Assessment Task 11
1. What is Gagne’s nine events of instruction?


The Gagne's nine events of instruction cater to different learning styles and help to
facilitate the learning process. It provides a structured approach to formulating a lesson plan
that is applicable to many other practical skills. Gagne's model of instructional design is based
on the information processing model of the mental events that occur when adults are
presented with various stimuli and focuses on the learning outcomes and how to arrange
specific instructional events to achieve those outcomes.

2. Identify the methods that can be used in the classroom considering the nine events of
instruction of Gagne.


Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction model helps trainers, educators, and instructional
designers structure their training sessions. The model is a systematic process that helps them
develop strategies and create activities for instructional classes. The nine events provide a
framework for an effective learning process.

3. How are the Gagne’s nine events used in an online learning activity?


Gagne's steps are meant to be used in sequential order – starting with the first step and
moving through all nine, in order. As you utilize each step, the theory states that learners
should become more engaged and invested in the subject matter. Let's get started! As soon
as your learning experience begins, BOOM The nine events of instruction advocated by Gagne
can be applied to come up with an effective design of e-learning experiences.

Assessment Task 12

 Choose a competency in the K-12 Curriculum Guide along your field of specialization.
Prepare a learning plan considering the nine events of instruction of Gagne. You could refer
to the table above for your guide.

Assessment Task 13

1. What is the ADDIE model?

Assessment Task 13

1. What is the ADDIE model?


The ADDIE model is a systematic approach to the Analysis, Design, Development,

Implementation, and Evaluation of learning materials and activities. Educators, instructional
designers, and training developers find this approach very useful because having stages
clearly defined facilitates implementation of effective training tools. This is a model of the
Instructional System Design (ISD) family, which includes other models, such as the Dick and
Carey (2004) and Kemp (Gustafson, Branch, 1997) models.

2. Describe the five phases of the ADDIE model


Analyse, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate. Since its development in the 1970s,
experts have used the ADDIE Instructional Design (ID) model to plan and design training
programs. Even after five decades, ADDIE is still the most commonly used ID model.stands for
Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. It is an Instructional Design model that
has withstood the test of time and use. It is simply a "device" to help us think through a
course's design.It is important because it provides a proven method for designing clear and
effective training programs. If you are looking for instructional design jobs, mastery of ADDIE
is a common attribute on job descriptions.The approach in this phase should be systematic
with a logical, orderly process of identification, development and evaluation of planned
strategies which target the attainment of the project’s goals. It should follow a very specific
set of rules, and each element of the instructional design plan must be executed with
attention to detail. This systematic approach makes sure that everything falls within a
rational and planned strategy, or set of strategies, that has the ultimate goal of reaching the
project’s targets.

3. What is the relevance of the ADDIE model in the teaching – learning process?


is one of the most commonly used learning models. It is important because it provides a
proven method for designing clear and effective training programs. If you are looking for
instructional design jobs, mastery of ADDIE is a common attribute on job descriptions.the
ADDIE model is still widely used by instructional designers and trainers in many learning
environments. It's as versatile for in-person learning as remote and hybrid learning.

4. The Evaluation component of the ADDIE model is very essential in relation to other
components. Why?


Yes is it because, Evaluation stage is used to assess the quality and effectiveness of the
instructional design process. Many people assume that because the “E” in ADDIE comes at
the end of the acronym, that evaluation happens at the end of the process. But actually,
evaluation has always been intended to be part of every stage.most important phase in the
ADDIE model is the analysis phase. The ADDIE model analysis phase is where you will gather
all of the information you have at the outset of the project to define your approach.

Assessment Task 14

 Make a schematic diagram comparing the ADDIE model with the ASSURE model. Determine
their similarities and differences.

Assessment Task 15

1. What is the goal of Merrill’s principles of instruction?


Activate. Online learners must link information to pre-existing knowledge and mental
schemata, to build on their current knowledge base, which is also known as "scaffolding".
This includes past experiences that relate to the subject matter they are exploring. Everything
they have learned enhances the meaning and relevancy of new ideas or concepts. There are a
variety of ways to incorporate this principle into an eLearning course design, such as adding
real-world examples, simulations, and stories that meld the old with the new.Demonstrate.
Online learners are able to absorb the information more effectively when they see a prime
example. To apply the demonstration principle in an eLearning course design, adding
eLearning videos, online training tutorials, or even image-rich eLearning infographics that
showcase the main ideas can be considered. Online learners must be able to see the concepts
in action to fully understand the subject matter. Demonstrations also allow them to identify
areas of improvement

2. What are the five phases or components of Merrill’s principles of instruction?


Activate. Online learners must link information to pre-existing knowledge and mental
schemata, to build on their current knowledge base, which is also known as "scaffolding
Demonstrate. Online learners are able to absorb the information more effectively when they
see a prime example. Apply. Online learners have to apply the information and skills they
have learned to get the full benefit of the eLearning course. Integrate. Online learners must
have the chance to integrate their newfound skills or knowledge into their daily lives. Engage.
This principle involves task-centric learning that encourages online learners to engage with
the eLearning content.

3. How can we use this model in the teaching-learning process?


provide direction to instructors and planners while also speeding up the educational process.
It helps them to assess and improve on their strengths and weaknesses. When developing
such models, teachers consider elements such as social, personal, information processing,
and behavior.Models are useful tools in learning science which can be used to improve
explanations, generate discussion, make predictions, provide visual representations of
abstract concepts and generate mental models (Treagust, Chittleborough and Mamiala.
Models use familiar objects to represent unfamiliar things. Models can help you visualize, or
picture in your mind, something that is difficult to see or understand. Models can help
scientists communicate their ideas, understand processes, and make predictions.

4.How is Merrill’s principles of instruction different from problem-based learning?


Though Merrill's Principles Of Instruction do share some similarities with other problem-
based approaches, there is a key distinction. Merrill's Principles of Instruction include more
demonstrations and support in order to gradually build knowledge and experience.Merrill's
principles highlight that learning is promoted when: Learning is problem-centred and learners
are engaged in solving real-world. Existing knowledge is activated as a foundation for new
knowledge. New knowledge is demonstrated to the learner.Advantages of Merrill's First
Principles of Instruction (MPI): Merrill's First Principles of Instruction is a learner-focused
model. This encourages the learner to practice the lesson and implement the new knowledge

Assessment Task 16
 Using the K-12 curriculum guide along your field of specialization, choose a competency.
Make a learning plan incorporating the five phases of Merrill’s principles of instruction.
Describe in every phase how you will conduct the teaching of the competency.


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