Eticket Receipt: Alnaqbi/Yousif MR (Adt)
Eticket Receipt: Alnaqbi/Yousif MR (Adt)
Eticket Receipt: Alnaqbi/Yousif MR (Adt)
Prepared For
ISSUE DATE 19 Aug 22
TICKET NUMBER 6072143919302
ISSUING AGENT Etihad Airways/DX1
Itinerary Details
2 2 Aug 2 2 ETIHAD AIRWAYS Abu Dhabi Airpo rt, Abu El Prat Airpo rt, Cabin BUSINESS
EY 4 9 Dhabi, United Arab Barcelo na, Spain Seat Number 0 9 H
Emirates Baggage Allo wance 4 0 K
Bo o king Status OK TO FLY
Time Fare Basis I1R3HQ
Time No t Valid After 22 AUG 23
0 8:30
0 3:15 Terminal
Terminal TERMINAL 1
2 9 Aug 2 2 ETIHAD AIRWAYS El Prat Airpo rt, Abu Dhabi Airpo rt, Abu Cabin ECONOMY
EY 50 Barcelo na, Spain Dhabi, United Arab Seat Number CHECK-IN REQUIRED
Emirates Baggage Allo wance 23K
Bo o king Status OK TO FLY
Time Fare Basis N2R1HQ
Time No t Valid After 22 AUG 23
10 :20
Terminal 18:4 0
TERMINAL 1 Terminal
Use o ur baggage calculato r to determine yo ur checked baggage and cabin baggage allo wance. Yo u’ll also find yo ur checked baggage
allo wance o n yo ur travel itinerary abo ve.
T rave l info rm at io n
Yo u’ll find everything yo u need to kno w befo re yo ur flight, including the latest travel info rmatio n, at m
Le gal info rm at io n
Yo u must pro vide pro o f o f identity to use this electro nic ticket. Transpo rtatio n and o ther services pro vided by Etihad Airways are subject
to Etihad Airways’ co nditio ns o f carriage which fo rm part o f the co ntract o f carriage between yo u and Etihad Airways.
Ancillary pro ducts and services are subject to the applicable terms and co nditio ns.
If yo ur jo urney invo lves a destinatio n o r a sto p in a co untry o ther than the co untry o f o rigin, the Warsaw Co nventio n o r the Mo ntreal
Co nventio n may apply to the entire jo urney, including any po rtio n entirely within the co untry o f o rigin o r destinatio n. These co nventio ns
may limit the liability o f the carrier fo r lo ss o f life o r bo dily injury, fo r delays, o r lo ss o r damage to baggage. Etihad Airways has waived
the limits o f liability applicable under the Warsaw Co nventio n (o r that co nventio n as amended at The Hague 19 55 o r pro to co ls no s. 1
and 2 o f 19 75), with respect to lo ss o f life o r bo dily injury attributable to an accident. Ho wever, under the Warsaw Co nventio n (o r that
co nventio n as amended at The Hague 19 55 o r pro to co ls no s. 1 and 2 o f 19 75), the liability fo r the lo ss, damage o r destructio n o f
checked baggage is limited to SDR 22 per kilo gram (appro x. USD 31).
Under the Mo ntreal Co nventio n o f 19 9 9 , no financial limits apply in the case o f lo ss o f life o r bo dily injury. Etihad Airways may make
advance payments to meet immediate eco no mic needs o f the perso n entitled to claim co mpensatio n, subject to applicable laws. The
liability o f Etihad Airways in respect o f damage caused by delay is limited to SDR 5,34 6 (appro x. USD 7,6 12) and the liability in respect o f
destructio n, lo ss, damage, o r delay o f baggage is limited to SDR 1,288 (appro x. USD 1,834 ).
Additio nal pro tectio n may be o btained by purchasing insurance fro m a private co mpany. Such insurance is separate fro m any limitatio n
o f the carrier’s liability under an applicable treaty.
Fo r flights o riginating fro m certain co untries, including any member state o f the Euro pean Unio n, there are specific regulatio ns relating to
liability in case o f denied bo arding, cancellatio n o f a flight o r substantial delay. Please refer to m fo r details.
All knives, sharp o bjects o r cutting implements o f any kind and any length, whether o f metal o r o ther material, knitting needles, and
spo rting go o ds, must be packed in yo ur checked baggage. They canno t be carried in cabin baggage o r o n perso n. If yo u are carrying
hypo dermic needles they must be declared at check-in and yo u will be required to present pro o f that they are medically required.
Medicatio n sho uld co ntain a pro fessio nally printed label identifying the medicatio n o r manufacturer's name. Yo u must no t carry liquids o r
o ther substances that po se a significant risk to health, safety and pro perty when transpo rted by air, including explo sives, co mpressed
gases and/o r aero so ls, flammable liquids, co rro sives, o xidising materials, magnets, materials easily ignited, po iso no us, o ffensive o r
irritating substances, munitio ns o f war and any further items which are pro hibited by applicable laws, regulatio ns o r o rder o f any state to
be flo wn fro m, to o r o ver.