043-Material Balance
043-Material Balance
043-Material Balance
Material Balance
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
F = N . Et + We
in which
• F is the underground fluid withdrawal
• N is the original oil in place (OOIP)
• Et is the total expansion of the reservoir-fluid system
• We is the water influx from the aquifer.
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
F = N p [ Bo + ( Rp – Rs ) Bg ]
in which
• Np is the cumulative oil production
• Bo is the oil FVF
• Rp is the production GOR
• Rs is the solution GOR
• Bg is the gas FVF
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
in which
• Eo,g is the expansion of the oil and dissolved gas.
• Egc is the expansion of the gas cap.
• Ecw is the expansion of the connate water.
• Epv is the contraction of the pore volume under reduction of pressure.
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
N is the OOIP
Bo is the current oil FVF
Boi is the initial oil FVF
Rsi is the initial solution GOR
Rs is the current solution GOR
Bg is the gas FVF
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
m is the ratio of initial reservoir free gas volume, over the initial reservoir oil
N is the OOIP.
Boi is the initial oil FVF.
Bg is the gas FVF.
Bgi is the initial gas FVF.
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
m is the ratio of initial reservoir free gas volume, over the initial reservoir oil
N is the OOIP.
Boi is the initial oil FVF.
Swc is the connate water saturation.
Cw is the connate water compressibility.
∆P is the pressure drop since start of production.
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
m is the ratio of initial reservoir free gas volume, over the initial reservoir oil
N is the OOIP.
Boi is the initial oil FVF.
Cf is the total fluid compressibility.
∆P is the pressure drop since start of production.
Swc is the connate water saturation.
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
History matching is the most effective way to use material balances. Both graphical
and analytical methods are available.
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
• This can be done by planimetering isobaric and pore volume maps. In case these are
not available, volumetric data can be inferred from the production history under a
constant compressibility hypothesis.
• The production history must be entered for the whole reservoir. Alternatively, and
especially in the case of multi-tank systems, wells must be pooled into tanks, or
sometimes entered individually. Both pressure and cumulative production data will be
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
The idea is to plot the pressure – production history in a number of ways to solve the
material balance equation
F = N . Et + We
1. Graphical.
• F / Et vs F
• F – We vs Et
• F / Et vs We / Et
• F / Et = N + We / Et
• The plot will yield a unit
slope straight line when
We has been properly
• The Y-axis intercept
yields N, the OOIP.
• This method has a
greater sensitivity than the
F – We vs Et method.
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
• Fw matching is used to
extrapolate the production
history to the value Fw = 1.
• For that value, all the
producible reserves have
been produced under the
assumptions governed by
the model.
• Reservoir optimization
strategies attempt to shift
the end water saturation to
the right of the plot,
bringing in additional oil at
high water saturations.
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
Fw = Qw Bw / ( Qw Bw + Qo Bo ), or
• The field-wide fractional flow can be matched with field-wide values of the water
saturation in order to yield an estimate of the total hydrocarbon recovery from the
field (corresponding to Sw = 1).
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
• The fractional flow of water or gas can be history matched with saturation data to
validate the choice of Corey exponents for the relative permeability curves:
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
• It may not be possible to match the pressure of a reservoir over the entire
production history.
• Pressure maintenance schemes may reveal heterogeneities. In particular, wide
sections of a reservoir may be unswept by injection waters, or by an active aquifer.
• Field data such as wireline pressure measurements, interference tests, production
logs etc... might further contribute to the need to consider that the reservoir may be
composed of several compartments or ‘tanks’.
• Each compartment may function as a separate reservoir, only partially in
communication with other compartments, although sharing some common features,
for example a gas cap or an aquifer, or a common waterflood scheme.
• Compartments may be separated by horizontal permeability barriers, by partially
sealing faults, or by stratigraphic features lacking lateral continuity.
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
Numerical Simulation
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering
ΓΧ Gamma Experts
Petroleum Engineering