Spe 77897 MS
Spe 77897 MS
Spe 77897 MS
Process monitoring. These applications monitor the collected data during a Buildup test if bottomhole pressure and
performance in processes such as cementation, and artificial temperature measurements are available during the well test.
lift (ESP and Gas-lift). Estimating permeability between injector and producer
wells10. The arrival time of injected fluids to producer wells
Processes and Benefits could be identified by the presence of substantial changes in
This section describes the benefits and processes associated the temperature profiles along the producer wells. This time in
with representative applications in the above-referenced turn could be used to estimate the average permeability among
categories (reservoir characterization, reservoir/well flow the injector and producing wells and improve the reservoir
modeling, and process monitoring). In each case, the required description. Temperature measurements along the injector and
sensor measurements and modeling tools are also indicated. producer wells are required.
Reservoir Characterization1-10. Table 1 summarizes the Reservoir/well flow modeling1,4,6,10-18. Table 2 summarizes
applications under consideration including reported work, with the applications under consideration including reported work,
indications of the measurements involved, and the character of with indications of the measurements involved, and the
the estimation (qualitative or quantitative). character of the estimation (qualitative or quantitative).
Estimation of drainage area parameters1-4. Parameters Estimation of multiphase flow rates11-13. The estimation of
such as, average pressure, skin factor, average permeability, multiphase flow rates in based in the principle that the
and distance to drainage area limits could be obtained by temperature profiles along the wells are influenced by the
solving an optimization problem. The cited problem is to find multiphase flow rates. Hence, assisted by a well thermal
the parameters of a selected drainage area model such that the model, multiphase flow rates could be obtained by finding the
sum of the square of the differences between the observed and set of flow rate values that minimize the square of the
calculated production values is minimized. The calculated difference between the temperature profiles measured and the
values correspond to solutions of the diffusivity equation one obtained using a well thermal model. These applications
subject to proper boundary conditions. These applications allow: i) continuous estimation of well flow rates, ii)
have the potential to: i) estimate reservoir parameters without estimations of well flow rates from different reservoirs, and
deferred production, and ii) reduce the uncertainty in reservoir iii) validation of flow rate measurements at the wellhead.
model parameters. Downhole pressure and flow rate Using the same principle it is also possible to identify flow
measurements are required. behind the casing, crossflow, and gas and water coning.
Estimation of the geothermal gradient5. It is obtained Temperature measurements along the well are required.
averaging the temperature profiles of a set of wells that have Detection of preferred injection zones10. The qualitative
been closed long enough so that thermal equilibrium has been identification of preferred injection zones could be achieved
reached between the fluids at the wells and those in the analyzing the heating (cooling) rate of the fluids in the well.
formation. The geothermal gradient estimation provides a It is expected that after the well is closed, an injected fluid
reference temperature profile, and initial and boundary such as water (vapor) increase (decrease) its temperature until
conditions of reservoir and well models. The temperature pro- it reaches the temperature corresponding to the geothermal
files along the wells are required. gradient. Injection zones that have received greater volumes of
Estimation of water influx model parameters2,6. These water (vapor) with respect to others will exhibit a lower
para-meters could be obtained finding the set of values that heating (cooling) rate. Temperature measurements along the
mini-mize the sum of the square of the differences between the well are required.
water influxs calculated from an aquifer model and those Detection of water injection problems14,15. Some problems
obtained from material balance considerations. Measurements during the water injection process associated with unexpected
of flowing bottomhole pressure, and multiphase flow rates changes of the injectivity index (high permeability channels,
reduce the uncertainty in the calculation of the pressure drops plugging of productive zones) can be detected by monitoring
at the oil water contact and of the water influx. These the pressure at the completed zones. Changes in the injectivity
applications lead to better estimations of water saturation in index of a given zone can be obtained using a well flow model
the reservoir, and forecasts of water influx under alternative by finding the injectivity index that will calculate a pressure at
operational con-ditions. the zone that minimize the square of the difference between
Acquisition of well test data7,8. The availability of the observed and calculated values. Pressure measurements are
permanent downhole pressure sensors allows for the remote required at the injection zones.
execution of Buildup tests, and the reduction of deferred Calibration of well and reservoir models1,4,6,16,17. Model
production and operational costs. parameters at the reservoir (e.g. relative permeability curves,
Validation of Buildup test data9. These applications are skin factors, porosity) and well level (e.g. heat transfer
based on the fact that during Buildup tests, the transient coefficients) could be better estimated (calibration) if
bottomhole pressure and temperature responses are qualita- multiphase flow rates, and bottomhole pressure and
tively similar (both processes are modeled by the diffusivity temperature profile measurements are available. A better
equation). This result in some degree of redundancy in the estimation of the well and reservoir model parameters
improves their prediction capabilities.
Pressure drop calculations in producer and injector and rate measurements, designing plans for the development
wells18. Pressure drop calculations are critical for estimating or acquisition of applications, and establishing the knowledge
the lifting capabilities of producer wells and the required requirements in the context of training programs.
pressure at the wellhead in injector wells. In general, these
calculations may involve the numerical solution of the Acknowledgements
pressure gradient and the energy equations. Having available The authors would like to thank Petróleos de Venezuela
temperature measure-ments along the well will simplify the (PDVSA) Production Excellence Center and AIT Western
pressure drop calculation since only the pressure gradient Division for their support and permission to publish this paper.
equation may need to be solved. Multiphase flow
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Estimating permeability
between injector and Laurence and Brown, 2000 Quantitative Temperature
producer wells