M.Tech I & II SEM SUPPLY NOV.-2021
M.Tech I & II SEM SUPPLY NOV.-2021
M.Tech I & II SEM SUPPLY NOV.-2021
1. a) What is RPC? Write the sample interaction of execution of RPC. 4M
b) Discuss how the following pairs of scheduling criteria conflict in certain scheduling. 4M
i. CPU utilization and response time
ii. Average turnaround time and maximum waiting time
c) Differentiate between logical address and physical address? Explain how logical address 4M
is mapped to physical address with a neat figure.
d) What is VPI and VCI? Also explain how the virtual path is established in ATM networks. 4M
e) Explain Lamport algorithm. 4M
2. a) Explain POSIX threads. 5M
b) List all issues to be considered with multithreaded programs. 5M
3. a) Explain implementation of threads in Windows XP threads. 5M
b) Explain the dual-mode of operation o Operating systems. 5M
4. a) Assume you have the following jobs to execute with one processor, with the jobs 5M
arriving in the order listed here:
Process Burst Priority Arrival Time
P1 8 4 0
P2 6 1 2
P3 1 2 2
P4 9 2 1
P5 3 3 3
Draw Gantt chart for the following:
i. Preemptive priority
ii. Round Robin (1ms Quantum)
Calculate average waiting time and average TAT for each of these cases.
b) What are the requirements for providing a solution to critical section problem? 5M
5. a) Deadlock exists if a cycle exists yes or no. Justify your answer with a suitable example. 5M
b) For the following snapshot find the safe sequence using Banker’s algorithm. The 5M
number of resource units are R1, R2, R3 which are 7, 7, 10 respectively.
Proces Allocated Resources Maximum requirements
P1 2 2 3 3 6 8
P2 2 0 3 4 3 3
P3 1 2 4 3 4 4
:: 2 ::
6. a) A small computer has 4 page frames. A process makes the following list of page 5M
1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 3, 2, 1, 5, 2, 3, 1, 2, 5, 0
How many page faults occur, using LRU and Optimal page replacement algorithms?
b) Explain with the help of a neat diagram how TLB can be used to improve Effective 5M
Access Time?
7. a) Give five memory partitions of 100KB, 500KB, 200KB, 300KB, 600KB (in order), how 5M
would each of the first fir, best fit, and worst fit algorithms place processes of 212KB,
417KB, 112KB, and 426KB(in order)? Which algorithm uses the memory efficiently?
b) With a neat diagram describe segmentation. 5M
8. a) Mention and explain two popular topologies used in switched multicomputers. 5M
b) Bring out the differences among three kinds of operating systems such as Network 5M
operating system, Distributed operating system and Multiprocessor operating system.
9. a) Explain scalability issue with respect to design issues of distributed operating systems. 5M
b) Discuss the broadcast primitives used in ISIS. 5M
10. a) Discuss any two clock synchronization algorithms. 5M
b) Describe token ring algorithm. 5M
11. a) Explain Bully algorithm. 5M
b) Explain centralized deadlock detection algorithm with suitable example. 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: B4202
1. a) Define Stack. Explain how we can use stacks for converting infix to postfix expression. 4M
Give the pseudo code for conversion.
b) What is Hashing? With an example explain Collisions. 4M
c) How to represent trees using array representation? Give example. 4M
d) “The linked lists are better than arrays” if your answer is yes justify with appropriate 4M
scenario or otherwise give reasons for not accepting.
e) Differentiate between polynomial and exponential algorithms. Give example. 4M
2. a) What is an Ascending Priority Queue? Explain how to implement this. 5M
b) Convert the following expression from Infix to Postfix? Show the steps: 5M
i. (A+B)*(C$(D-E)+F)-G
ii. (A+B)*(C-D)$E*F
3. a) How to represent tree using linked list? Illustrate with example. 5M
b) Assume that a linked list has Add(x) and Deleted Odds() operations. Defined as: 5M
i. Add(x): Adds the element x to the end of the list
ii. DeleteOdds(): Delete the first , third, fifth etc., elements of the list
Write the algorithm to implement the above operations.
4. a) Define dictionaries. Explain the representation of dictionary. 5M
b) List the properties of a good hash function. 5M
5. a) Give the code for insertion of an element into a dictionary. 5M
b) Define hashing. Explain the structure of hash table. 5M
6. a) How to represent graphs? Explain with example the various ways of representing 5M
b) List and explain with code the various ways of graph traversals. 5M
7. a) Define Graphs. Give the structure and properties of a graph. 5M
b) What is threaded binary tree? Explain its advantages and applications. 5M
8. a) Define AVL trees. Give the standard rotations used to construct the AVL trees. 5M
b) List the rules for constructing Red Black trees. 5M
9. a) Prove that if a black node has just one child, that child must be red. 5M
b) Construct the AVL tree for the following: 5M
34, 67, 23, 15, 45, 37, 28, 9, 13.
:: 2 ::
10. a) What are polynomial algorithms? Give the method for analyzing polynomial algorithm. 5M
b) Give the formal definition of O notation. 5M
11. a) What are exponential algorithms? Give the method for analyzing exponential 5M
b) Give the various efficiency classes for an algorithm. 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: B4253
1. a) What is point to point message model? 4M
b) Explain the CORBA paradigm. 4M
c) List some of the toolkits that are widely adopted in distributed applications 4M
d) List the key java IDL packages. 4M
e) What is stream adaption? 4M
2. a) Give the architecture of distributed applications. 5M
b) What is the client server paradigm? Explain. 5M
3. a) Explain in brief peer-to-peer paradigm. 5M
b) What are the different types of concurrent programming explain in brief. 5M
4. a) Compared to java RMI, what are the main strengths and weakness of a CORBA facility. 5M
b) Discuss in brief the network services paradigm. 5M
5. a) Discuss the simple object access protocol in detail. 5M
b) What is groupware paradigm? Explain. 5M
6. a) Describe the Java RMI architecture. 5M
b) Discuss about placement of files for an RMI application. 5M
7. a) What is the role of the RMI Registry? 5M
b) Compare the RMI and Socket APIs. 5M
8. a) Use Java IDL to build a server and client suite that implements the Daytime protocol 5M
b) Discuss the elements specified by IIOP. 5M
9. a) Discuss the CORBA naming service and the interoperable naming service. 5M
b) Explain the basic CORBA Architecture. 5M
10. a) Explain the characteristics of multimedia data. 5M
b) Discuss about JINI. 5M
11. a) Compare www with lotus notes. 5M
b) Write about TIB. 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: B4254
8. a) Discuss the working of DBSCAN clustering algorithm to produce density-based clusters. 5M
b) Discuss in brief the Distance-Based Outlier Detection. 5M
9. a) Explain Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering. 5M
b) Find the clusters for the given data set below using k-means. (Assume k=2): 5M
Individual Variable 1 Variable 2
1 1.0 1.0
2 1.5 2.0
3 3.0 4.0
4 5.0 7.0
5 3.5 5.0
6 4.5 5.0
7 3.5 4.5
10. a) What are the two goals in time-series analysis? Explain the four major components or 5M
movements for characterizing time-series data in trend analysis.
b) Differentiate between mining association rules in multimedia databases versus 5M
transaction databases.
11. a) Discuss the document classification and clustering analysis methods for text mining. 5M
b) Discuss the challenges posed by web for the efficient and effective discovery and use of 5M
resources on the web.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: B4905
1. a) Discuss the energy balance in an elementary electromechanical System. 4M
b) Describe some applications where 2-phase to 3-phase transformation is required. 4M
c) List applications of reference frame theory. 4M
d) Explain the commonly used reference frames. 4M
e) Draw the equivalent circuits of a 3-phase synchronous machine in rotor reference- 4M
frame variables.
2. Derive the expression for stored magnetic field energy in a doubly-excited system. 10M
3. Explain with block diagram an elementary electromechanical system and obtain the energy 10M
balance and prove Wf =We+Wm..
4. Derive the voltage and torque equations of a D.C. machine. 10M
5. Starting from fundamentals obtain the matrix form of a D.C. series motor. 10M
6. Draw the arbitrary reference -frame equivalent circuits of a 3-phase, symmetrical induction 10M
machine using voltage equations in arbitrary reference–frame variables.
7. Obtain the voltage equations for 3-phase salient pole synchronous machines in phase 10M
variable form.
8. Derive an expression for voltage with stator variables in arbitrary reference frame for a 10M
synchronous machine.
9. Explain the mathematical modeling of a single phase induction motor. 10M
10. Illustrate the dynamic modeling and self controlled operation of surface permanent magnet 10M
square type synchronous machine.
11. From the basic equation, Obtain the dynamic model of brushless DC motor. 10M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: B4302
1. a) Briefly discuss why stiction torque is comparatively the largest among other load 4M
torque components in an electric traction drive system.
b) Classify electric drives based on the any four classification factors. 4M
c) Draw the circuit diagram of a class-E chopper controlled separately excited dc motor 4M
drive. Also trace the current path from source to motor during forward motoring and
reverse motoring operation.
d) Mention the limitations of stator voltage control method and stator frequency control 4M
method with relevance to induction motor control.
e) Why is it necessary to combine dynamic braking with regenerative braking? Briefly 4M
2. Analyze the multiquadrant operation of an elevator drive system. State the assumptions 10M
made and conventions used for analysis.
3. List the components of load torque and write short notes on each of them. Also draw their 10M
4. a) Explain different types of load torques. Also mention an example for each classification 5M
b) What is meant by load equalization? Briefly explain. 5M
5. Explain closed loop control of multi-motor drives. 10M
6. a) Derive the simplified transfer function of a field controlled dc motor and draw the block 6M
diagram model.
b) Draw the steady state speed-torque characteristics of an armature controlled 4M
separately excited dc motor and write short notes on it.
7. Explain the operation of a phase controlled dc motor drive systems. 10M
8. With neat diagrams, explain static Scherbius drive. 10M
9. Using the dc motor analogy, explain the principles of vector control in induction motors. 10M
10. Using relevant diagrams, explain the operation of 4/2 stepper motor drive with half-step 10M
operation. Also mention few applications of stepper motors.
11. Describe the operation of chopper controlled dc traction drive with composite braking. How 10M
energy dissipation is minimized in dynamic braking and energy fed back is maximized?
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: B4355
1. a) Mention the significance of power conversion system and their applications. 4M
b) List any two differences between unipolar and bipolar PWM techniques. 4M
c) Specify the reasons why thyristors are not preferred for inverters? 4M
d) Explain the concept of DC voltage regulation. 4M
e) Define the following performance parameters of 1-ϕ inverter: 4M
i. Harmonic factor
ii. Total harmonic distortion
iii. Distortion factor
iv. Lowest order harmonic
2. a) With a neat circuit diagram and relevant waveforms, explain the operation of a single 5M
phase fully controlled bridge rectifier with RL-load.
b) With a neat circuit diagram and relevant waveforms, explain the working of a three- 5M
phase half controlled bridge rectifier with R load for continuous conduction mode.
3. a) With a neat circuit diagram and relevant waveforms, explain the operation of single 5M
phase half bridge inverter.
b) With a neat circuit diagram and relevant waveforms, explain 1800 mode of operation 5M
for three phase voltage source inverter.
4. a) Explain Single Phase inverter with SPWM and with relevant waveforms. 5M
b) With relevant waveforms, explain about bus-clamping pulse width modulation 5M
5. a) With relevant waveforms, explain about conventional space vector PWM. 5M
b) With a neat vector diagram and relevant waveforms, explain about advanced bus 5M
clamping pulse width modulation technique.
6. For a buck converter circuit containing an ideal diode and non-ideal IGBT, draw the turn-off 10M
transition waveform and derive expression for switching loss.
7. a) Discuss on the advancement in the practical devices used for power electronic circuits. 5M
b) What are different losses associated with power electronic converters. 5M
:: 2 ::
8. Define “dead time” of an Inverter with timing diagram for single-phase voltage source 10M
inverter. Analyze the dead time effect for both positive and negative load current.
9. a) With a neat diagram, explain about the dynamic model of three phase PWM 5M
b) Explain the operation of cascaded H-Bridge multilevel inverter. 5M
10. a) Explain about estimation of torque ripple in inverter fed induction motor drive. 5M
b) With a neat circuit diagram, explain the concept of reactive power compensation. 5M
11. a) Explain selective harmonic elimination pulse width modulation technique with any 5M
one example.
b) Explain in detail about line side converters with power factor compensation. 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: B4752
1. a) What is a rotation matrix? Differentiate between rotation and homogeneous 4M
Transformation matrix?
b) What is work envelope? Draw configurations and work space of cylindrical and 4M
spherical robots.
c) What is Trajectory planning? 4M
d) What is an Actuator? Write the types of Actuators? 4M
e) What are the types of grippers? Mention the factors to be considered for selecting 4M
suitable grippers?
2. Explain the different types of robots with neat sketches. 10M
3. Find the transformation matrices for the following operations on the point 4i+5j-2k. 10M
i. Rotate 60o about X-axis and then translate -3 units along Y-axis
ii. Rotate 30o about X-axis and then translate 6 units along Y-axis
4. Derive the Lagrangian equation for a 2-link robot manipulator shown in Fig.1 below. 10M
5. Derive Jacobian matrix of a robot system as a transformation matrix for velocity. 10M
6. Calculate the acceleration at the end of 5 seconds for a robot manipulator joint that moves 10M
from initial position of 250 to final position of 750. Assume fifth degree polynomial,
velocities to be zero and a starting acceleration of 4 deg/sec2.
7. Explain the feedback control of a single link manipulator in second order system. 10M
:: 2 ::
8. Explain any one type of Hydraulic actuator with a neat sketch. 10M
9. Explain the Principle of operation of a Stepper motor. 10M
10. What is a Position sensor? Explain any one position sensor with a neat sketch. 10M
11. Explain the Mechanical Grippers with a neat sketch. 10M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code : B4701
1. a) What is shear center and why is it essential to locate the shear center? 4M
b) When Prandtl’s membrane analogy will be preferred? 4M
c) Give examples for beam on elastic foundation. 4M
d) What is contact stress? Write the significance of contact stress with examples 4M
e) Explain plane stress. Give two examples. 4M
2. Show that the shear centre for the section shown in Fig.1 is at measured from point 0. 10M
3. Determine the maximum stress in the cantilever beam shown in Fig.2 below. 10M
4. What do you mean by curved beam? Explain in detail the difference between symmetrical 10M
bending and unsymmetrical bending.
:: 2 ::
5. A steel ring of 0.35m mean diameter and of uniform rectangular section 0.06m wide and 10M
0.012m thick is shown in Fig.3 below. A rigid bar is fitted across diameter AB, and a tensile
force P applied to the ring as shown. Assuming an allowable stress of 140MPa, determine
the maximum tensile force that can be carried by the ring.
6. Derive the generalized expression for an infinite beam on elastic foundation subjected to a 10M
concentrated lateral load.
7. An aluminium alloy I beam (depth 100mm, Ix=2.45x106mm4, E = 72GPa) has a and is 10M
supported by 8 springs (k = 100N/mm) spaced at a distance l = 1m centre to centre length
L = 7m along the beam. A load of P = 15kN is applied at the center of the beam over one of
the springs. Determine the deflection of the beam under the load, the maximum bending
moment and the maximum bending stress in the beam.
8. Write briefly about the assumptions on which a solution for contact stresses based. 10M
9. Derive an equation for stress when two bodies are in line contact. 10M
10. Derive the differential equilibrium equation in polar coordinates for two dimensional 10M
elastic bodies.
11. Write a note on Stresses for two bodies in contact over narrow rectangular area (Line 10M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: B4702
1. a) What is equivalent mechanism explain with sketch? 4M
b) Differentiate between Bobillier construction and Hartmann construction 4M
c) Explain pole and relative pole for four bar mechanism. 4M
d) Explain about polode curvature in the four bar mechanism. 4M
e) What is the difference between ‘Robert Chebyshev Theorem’ as applied to Four bar 4M
and that to Slider crank mechanism?
2. a) What is the difference between degrees of freedom of a kinematic pair and that of a 5M
Mechanism? How the two are interconnected?
b) Explain briefly about the mobility criterion for Planar mechanisms with an example. 5M
3. a) Explain the Grubler’s criterion for the planar mechanism. 4M
b) The dimensions and configuration of the 4 bar mechanism is as fallows, the angle BAD 6M
= 600 the crank AB=200 mm, BC=250 mm, CD=250 mm and Fixed link AD=400 mm. The
crank has an angular velocity of 10 rad/s and an angular acceleration of 30 rad/s2, both
in clockwise, determine the angular velocities of BC & CD.
4. What is Euler-Savary equation? What are its forms? Explain how these are used to find the 10M
location of conjugate points?
5. Define the term cubic of the stationary curvature. Explain one graphical method to draw it. 10M
6. Design a four bar mechanism to generate function y = Sin x for 0° ≤ x ≤ 90°. The range in φ is 10M
120° and the range in Ψ is 60°. Solve using 3 accuracy points based on Chebyshev spacing.
7. Using Pole method, graphically synthesize a 4 bar mechanism to generate y = Sin x in the 10M
interval 0° < x < 90° on the basis of accuracy points: x1 = 0, x2 = 30, x3 = 60 and x4 = 90.
Assume that the input angle scale is spread over 120°, output scale is spread over 60° and
length of grounded link is 90 mm.
8. Design a four link mechanism to coordinate three positions of the input and output links as 10M
follows θ1 = 200 θ2 = 350 , θ3 = 500 and φ1 = 350 , φ2 = 450 , φ3 = 600.
9. Design a four link mechanism when the motions of the input and the output links are 10M
governed by a function y = x2 and x varies from 0 to 2 with an interval of 1. Assume θ to vary
from 500 to 1500 and φ from 800 to 1600.
:: 2 ::
10. Synthesize a linkage for the coupler which passes through four precision points. 10M
11. a) State and explain Robert chebychev theorem for the generation of the coupler curve. 5M
b) Explain the matrix method for analysis of spatial mechanism. 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: B4755
1. a) Explain Angle of friction, Coefficient of Friction and Angle of response. 4M
b) Explain Adhesive Wear and Abrasive Wear. 4M
c) What are the assumptions made in Reynold’s equation? 4M
d) What are the advantages and disadvantages of hydrostatic lubrication? 4M
e) Explain the principle of Air lubricated bearings. 4M
2. a) Explain in brief rolling friction. 5M
b) Explain Genesis of friction. 5M
3. a) Explain stick slip phenomenon in friction. 5M
b) Explain surface roughness measurement by stylus instrument. 5M
4. a) Explain any three tribological measures to reduce friction and wear. 7M
b) Discuss properties of lubricants. 3M
5. a) Discuss the effect of temperature and pressure on viscosity of oil. 5M
b) Explain solid particle erosion and liquid impingement erosion. 5M
6. a) Explain hydrodynamic lubrication. 3M
b) A lightly loaded journal bearing has the following specification 7M
Diameter of the journal =50 mm
Bearing length =80 mm
Diameter clearance ratio =0.002
Radial load =750 N
Viscosity of lubricant =10 cP
Speed = 4000 r.p.m
i. Frictional torque on the journal
ii. Power loss
:: 2 ::
9. State the difference between Nib and Corbel. Explain the step by step procedure to design 10M
a Corbel with a neat representation.
10. Design the side walls and hopper bottom of a square bunker to store 360 m3 10M
of coal having a density of 8.5 kN/m3 & 30o angle of repose.
11. Design the side walls and hopper bottom of a circular silo to store cement of 10M
capacity 90T having a density of 15.5 kN/m3 & 25o angle of internal friction. Hopper
bottom opening=500mm, height of hopper bottom=3m and slope of hopper bottom =45 o.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code : B4801
1. a) Define determinate and indeterminate structures with two examples each. 4M
b) Name the different methods of finding flexibility coefficients (slope and deflections). 4M
Which method is more suitable?
c) Define fixed end moment. Obtain the value of fixed end moment for a fixed beam of 4M
span 6m subjected to a uniformly varying load of intensity 0kN/m at one end 15kN/m at
the other end.
d) Enumerate Frontal solution technique. 4M
e) What are linear algebraic equations? Name the different methods by which linear 4M
algebraic equations can be solved.
2. a) Define degree of kinematic indeterminacy. 2M
b) Determine static indeterminacy and kinematic indeterminacy for the following: 8M
3. a) Define flexibility coefficient. 2M
b) Explain stiffness matrix method with suitable expression. Write the step by step 8M
procedure followed in the stiffness matrix method.
4. Develop the flexibility matrix for the simply supported beam AB with reference to the co- 10M
ordinates shown Fig.2. Support A is hinged and support B is roller. EI is constant.
5. For a straight prismatic member AB, develop the stiffness matrix with reference to the co- 10M
ordinates shown Fig.3. Support A is fixed, end B is free. Assume cross sectional area=A. EI is
:: 2 ::
6. Analyze the pin jointed structure shown in the Fig.4 by flexibility matrix method. The C/S 10M
area of each member is shown on the members in mm2. Take E=200kN/mm2.
7. Analyze the Portal frame shown in Fig.5 using flexibility method. Draw BMD. Support A is 10M
fixed and support D is hinged.
8. Analyze the continuous beam shown in Fig.6 by stiffness matrix method. EI is constant. Draw 10M
BMD. Supports A and D are fixed and supports B and C are rollers.
9. Analyze the bent shown in Fig.7 using stiffness matrix method. Support A is fixed and 10M
support C is hinged.
10. Solve the following by Gauss elimination method. 10M
5x1 x2 2 x3 142
x1 3x2 x3 30
2 x1 x2 3x3 5
11. Solve the following system of equations by Cholesky’s method. 10M
2 x1 2 x2 3x3 14
2 x1 5x2 4 x3 27
3x1 4 x2 5x3 26
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: B4802
1. a) Derive the expression for differential equations of equilibriumin terms of displacement 4M
b) State and explain saint-venant’s principle. 4M
c) Describe the applications of general solution in polar coordinates. 4M
d) A state of stress at a point is given by; σx =15 MPa, σy = τxy =10 MPa, σz =τyz = τxz =0. 4M
Determine the normal stress on a plane 2x-y+3z=9.
e) Obtain the equations for Torsion of circular Cross section. 4M
2. Derive the compatibility equation for stress components with usual notations. 10M
3. Develop stress- strain relations for plane stress problems with respect to any example. 10M
4. Derive the expression for bending of a Cantilever beam subjected to a point load at the free 10M
end with usual notations.
5. Show that for a simply supported beam of length ‘l’ depth ‘2h’ and unit width is loaded by a 10M
𝑏𝑥𝑦 3
concentrated load at mid span, the stress function is, 𝜙 = 6
+ 𝐶𝑥𝑦, assume
+ℎ 𝑊
−ℎ 𝑥𝑦 .
𝑑𝑦 = −2 on each half length of the beam. Also find the stress in the beam.
6. Obtain stress distribution symmetrical about an axis in polar coordinates. 10M
7. Derive an equation for pure bending of curved bars with usual notations. 10M
0.005 0.006 0.01
8. The strain tensor at a point in a body is given by, 𝜀𝑖𝑗 = 0.006 0.007 0.008 Determine, 10M
0.01 0.008 0.009
i. Octahedral normal and shearing strains
ii. Deviator and spherical strain tensors
9. Derive the equations of two-dimensional state of strain at a point. 10M
10. Derive an equation for torsion of elliptical cross sections with usual notations. 10M
11. Derive the equations for Torsion of circular Cross section with usual notations and also enlist 10M
the applications of torsional equations in practical point of view.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: B4854
1. a) Write short note on Hoyer method of pre-stressing. 4M
b) Draw the different types of flexural failure modes observed in PSC beams? 4M
c) Write the procedure to find ultimate moment of resistance for T sections by IS code 4M
d) Sketch the distribution of stresses in the anchorage zone. 4M
e) Explain the types of composite construction. 4M
2. A PSC beam is used over an effective span of 36m and has the following c/s dimensions: Top 10M
flange - 1250×150; Bottom flange - 400×400; Web thickness – 200 and total depth of beam
is 2400. The beam is provided with 4 cables at an effective cover of 200mm at centre and
concentric over supports. Each cable carries an initial pre-stressing force of 1500kN with a
loss factor 0.19. The beam is subjected to two point loads of 350kN at one third spans.
Locate the pressure line ordinates at centre, quarter span and support and hence calculate
the stresses due to Pre-stress + Self weight + Live load. Take Density of concrete is 25kN/m 3.
Sketch stress diagrams.
3. A post tensioned pre-stress concrete beam of 60m span is subjected to a transfer pre-stress 10M
force of 10.38MN. Transfer of force is at 28 days strength. Determine the loss of pre-stress
and find the jacking force required. Profile of the cable is parabolic with an effective cover of
200mm from the soffit of the beam. The beam is subjected to a live load of 20kN/m and
jacking is done at both ends of the beam. The data is given as below: Top flange - 1800×250;
Bottom flange - 600×450; Web thickness – 300 and Total depth of beam is 2000mm.
Anchorage slip = 3mm/Anchorage, Loss due to Relaxation of steel is 2%, Creep coefficient =
1.1, Friction coefficient = 0.26, Wobble coefficient = 0.0015/m, Area of pre-stressing steel =
9930mm2, Grade of concrete is M60. Take Density of concrete is 25kN/m3.
4. A pre-stressed beam has width of 250mm and depth of 600mm. The beam is prestressed 10M
by a parabolic cable carrying an effective force of 1000kN.The cable is concentric at
supports and has a maximum eccentricity of 100mm at the center of span. The beam span
over 10m at supports a uniformly distributed LL of 20kN/m .Assuming the density of
Concrete as 24kN/m3.Estimate ,
i. The maximum principal stress developed in the section of the beam at a distance of
300mm from the support,
ii. The prestressing force required to nullify the shear force due to Dead load Live loads at
the support beams.
:: 2 ::
5. A Post-tensioned bonded prestressed concrete beam of rectangular section ,350mm wide 10M
by 700mm deep ,is prestressed by an effective force of 180kN acting at an eccentricity of
190mm. At service load conditions, a section of the beam is subjected to a bending
moment of 250kN-m , a Torsional moment of 100kN-m and a transverse shear force of
100kN.If fck= 40 N/mm2,fy = 415 N/mm2,fp= 1600 N/mm2,design suitable longitudinal and
transverse reinforcements in the section using IS-1343 Code recommendations.
6. A simply supported concrete beam of 20m. An unsymmetrical I-section has the following 10M
c/s dimensions: Top flange - 1250×450; Bottom flange - 650×350; Web thickness – 275 and
total depth of beam is 1550. The centre line of the cable is parallel to the axis of the beam
and 125mm above the soffit over the middle third of the span and parabolic over the outer
third of the span to a distance of 100mm above the Neutral axis at the supports. The initial
pre-stressing force in each cable is 2500kN. Grade of concrete is M65, calculate the
following deflections due to i) Pre-stress alone, ii) Pre-stress + Self weight and iii) The
magnitude of concentrated loads placed at one third points of the span which would
results in limiting short term deflection of span/500. Take Density of concrete is 25kN/m3.
7. A PSC beam is used over an effective span of 24m. An unsymmetrical I-section has the 10M
following c/s dimensions: Top flange - 1225×425; Bottom flange - 725×225; Web thickness
– 175 and total depth of beam is 1700. The beam is provided with 6 parabolic cables at
centre with an effective cover of 125 from the soffit. The initial pre-stressing force in each
cable is 3150kN. Grade of concrete is M65, calculate the following deflections due to:
i. Pre-stress alone
ii. Pre-stress + Self weight + Live Load
iii. Allowing 16% loss of pre-stress, estimate Long term deflections using a creep
coefficient of 1.8
8. The end block of a post-tensioned beam is 500mm wide by 1000mm deep. Two cables each 10M
comprising 55 numbers of 7mm diameter high-tensile wires carrying a force of 2800kN ,are
anchored using the square plate of side 305mm.The anchor plate centers are located
symmetrically at 250mm from the top and bottom edges of the beam. Using Fe-415 steel,
design suitable reinforcements in the end block using Indian standard code
9. The end block of a Post-tensioned prestressed member is 550mm wide by 550mm deep. 10M
Four cables, each made up of seven wires of 12mm diameter strands and carrying a force
of 2000kN, are anchored by plate anchorages ,150mm by 150mm,located with their
centers at 130mm from the edges of the end block. The cable duct is of 50mm diameter.
The 28-day cube strength of concrete fcu is 45N/mm2.The cube strength of concrete fci is
25 N/mm2.Permissible bearing stresses behind anchorage should confirm with IS-1343 .The
characteristic yield stress in mild steel anchorage reinforcements is 260 N/mm 2.Design
suitable anchorage for the end block.
10. A composite unsymmetrical I beam is made up of a pre-tensioned rib of 300mm wide and 10M
1000mm deep, cast in situ slab of 175mm thickness and 1500mm width at top and bottom
flange of 600mm wide and 450mm thickness. The modulus of elasticity of slab concrete is
28kN/mm2. The differential shrinkage and creep is 0.0001. Determine the stresses caused by
the differential shrinkage on the precast unit and the cast in situ slab.
11. Briefly outline the method of computing the ultimate flexural and shear strength of 10M
composite sections.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: B4805
1. a) Mention kinematic and static variables with examples. 4M
b) Bring out difference between a beam element and bar element. 4M
c) What are higher order and iso-parametric elements? 4M
d) What are the assumptions initiated for plates by kirchhoff’s theory? 4M
e) Write any two applications of non-linear finite analysis. 4M
2. Using Rayleigh Ritz method, derive an expression for the displacement of a cantilever beam 10M
shown in Fig.1.
3. a) Explain plane stress and plane strain problems with suitable examples. 5M
b) Define the following terms: 5M
i. Normal stress
ii. Shear stress
iii. Longitudinal strain
iv. Shear strain
4. Derive shape function [N], strain displacement matrix [B] and stiffness matrix [Ke] using 1-D 10M
5. Define shape function and explain the terms local co-ordinates, global co-ordinates and 10M
natural co-ordinates.
6. Evaluate the shape functions at P(3.75, 4.0) within the element shown in Fig.2. also find 10M
Jacobian for the element and area of the element
:: 2 ::
8. Write the applications of plates and shells. 10M
9. a) Derive finite element formulation of a degenerated shell. 5M
b) Derive element stiffness matrix for the shell element. 5M
10. Explain the difference between material non-linearity and geometrical non-linearity of 10M
elements with example.
11. a) Write any two applications of non-linear finite analysis. 5M
b) Explain the advantage of non-linear analysis over linear analysis. List the software 5M
available to solve problems related to non-linear behavior of elements.