Answer Any TWO Full Questions From UNIT I, Any TWO Full Questions From Ii) Draw A Neat Diagram Wherever Necessary
Answer Any TWO Full Questions From UNIT I, Any TWO Full Questions From Ii) Draw A Neat Diagram Wherever Necessary
Answer Any TWO Full Questions From UNIT I, Any TWO Full Questions From Ii) Draw A Neat Diagram Wherever Necessary
USN 2 B V 0
Note: i) Answer any TWO full questions from UNIT I, any TWO full questions from
UNIT II and any ONE full question from UNIT III.
ii) Draw a neat diagram wherever necessary.
1 a) Define Operating System , discuss the role of Operating System from users’
view & system’s view (05 arks)
A 0 3 3
B 1 6 5
C 2 1 2
D 3 4 1
E 4 2 4
(i) Draw Gantt charts for FCFS, Preemptive SJF , Preemptive Priority (Low
number indicates higher priority) , RR ( quantum = 1) scheduling algorithms.
(ii) Find average Turn Around Time and average Waiting Time for all the
scheduling algorithms mentioned in part (i). (12marks)
3 a) Define the followings. (i) Job queue (ii) Ready queue. (iii) Device queue (03marks)
c) Discuss about critical section problem. Briefly explain the three requirements
that have to be satisfied by the solution of a critical section problem. (09marks)
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7 a) Suppose that the head of a moving head disk with 200 tracks, numbered from 0
to 199 is currently serving a request at track 143. The queue of requests is kept
in the FIFO order 86, 147, 91, 177, 94, 150, 102, 175, 130.
(i) What is the total number of head movements needed to satisfy these
requests for the following disk-scheduling algorithms.
(a) FCFS (b) SSTF (C) SCAN(direction of head movement is left to right)
(ii) Which algorithm gives better disk throughput? (10marks)
b) What is access matrix? Briefly explain the different methods used to implement
the access matrix. (10marks)
8 a) Explain Interprocess communication in Linux System. (10marks)
b) Write a note on the followings with respect to Linux system.
(i)Process Identity
(ii)Process Environment (10marks)
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