1 s2.0 S2352012422005719 Main
1 s2.0 S2352012422005719 Main
1 s2.0 S2352012422005719 Main
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/structures
Keywords: In this study, buckling restrained braces (BRBs) are optimized through application programming interface be
Buckling restrained steel braces tween simulation and discrete optimization. It is aimed to maximize the energy dissipation capacity of BRBs
Finite element analysis considering the American Institute of Steel Construction (ANSI/AISC 341). Unlike other studies, BRBs modeled in
Application programming interface
the finite element packaged software are directly linked to optimization algorithms. So, the geometric and
Metaheuristic algorithms
Black widow optimization algorithm
material nonlinearities are also considered. Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA), which simulates the improvisa
Harmony search algorithm tion musician performances in finding pleasing harmony, and Black Widow Optimization Algorithm (BWOA),
which imitates inimitable paring attitude of black widow spiders, are taken as the optimizer tools of this study.
They encoded in Microsoft Visual Basic programming language. Initially, the algorithmic performances of the
HSA and BWOA are compared and evaluated on two benchmark structural engineering design problems. Af
terward, two different shaped BRBs are modeled in a finite element analysis (FEA) based software, namely
ANSYS Workbench. Then, the obtained simulations are integrated with the HS and BWO algorithms throughout
the application programming interface without identification of complex objective function and design con
straints in formulations. These are directly calculated by ANSYS Workbench over very simple formulas. So, the
attained optimum designs of BRBs are investigated with a new approach. Furthermore, in order to see the su
preme algorithmic performances of the HSA and BWOA, all benchmark and BRB design problems are solved so-
called well-established conventional standard Genetic Algorithm (sGA). Eventually, the proposed novel design
methodology gives opportunity and eases to the designers since it provides convenience in solving complicated
problems having nonlinear objective function and design constraints that are tiresome to encode.
Received 23 February 2022; Received in revised form 2 July 2022; Accepted 5 July 2022
Available online 12 July 2022
2352-0124/© 2022 Institution of Structural Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O. Tunca Structures 43 (2022) 752–766
O. Tunca Structures 43 (2022) 752–766
The combining of the optimization procedure and the finite element respectively. Here, H1, H2, H3 represent horizontal distances, V1, V2, V3
method, which are often used separately in scientific studies, distin show vertical distances, ti and to indicate the thickness of the inner plate
guishes this study from other BRB design studies. The FEA based pack and the thickness of the outer box-section, respectively. All of them
aged softwares are updating itself day by day. Also, researchers are represent the design variables of the design optimization problem. The
developing more advanced metaheuristic techniques almost every design constraints should be taken into account for the results obtained
passing day. Besides, the computer technology is developing, and more to be reasonable. For this purpose, a penalty method implemented
powerful computers are produced as well. Namely, when this study is objective function as given in Eq. (1) is utilized to take into account the
evaluated together with all these developments, it becomes clear that slightly infeasible design and/or designs in terms of the total violated
the integration of the optimization procedure and FEA method through constraints [42,43]. So, the fitness of the solution is evaluated on the
application programming interface (API) functions is very important basis of the objective function and a penalty function is introduced for
and useful for optimum designs of structures and/or structural members. avoiding infeasible solutions.
The general structure of this study is as follows; in the first section, ( )2
the general concept, principal aim, and innovative aspect of the study
ϕi = Obj(x) 1 + P Max(0; g) (1)
are described, in from the second to the fourth sections, the methodol n=1
ogy used in the study are examined, the optimum design examples and
their detailed explanations are comprised in the fifth section as well as Here, ϕi is the fitness value, Obj(x) is the objective function, gi is
the obtained results are given detail in this section. Finally, the discus penalized design constraints, Ng is the number of penalties, and P is the
sion of the results and concluding remarks of the study are given in the penalty parameter taken as 1.0. In the maximization problems, the ϕi
sixth and seventh sections, respectively. can be considered as 1/ϕi.
The BRB models are designed according to AISC 341-10 Seismic
2. Optimum discrete design optimization of buckling restrained Provisions [44]. Table C-K3.1 of AISC 341-10 is utilized as a loading
braces protocol of the BRB as given in Fig. 3.
In Fig. 3, Δby stands for the deformation of the BRB at the yield point,
In the main part of the study, it is aimed to obtain the optimum and Δbm represents the brace deformation corresponding to the design
design of two types Buckling Restrained Braces (BRBs). The main story drift of the building. Here, that the brace deformation corre
objective of the optimum design of BRB is to maximize the energy sponding to the design story drift is four times the yield deformation is
dissipation capacity of these structural elements. This directly related to considered. Additionally, the cycles should continue up to 200Δby in
hysteretic curve of the BRB. The mechanical properties of the materials elastic deformation without interruption [44]. The interruption can
used in the fabrication of BRB and the geometric nonlinearity affect the cause convergence error during the FEA process. Additionally, some
hysteretic curve. So, to accurately obtain the expression of such a design problems may occur, such as the core plate not fitting into the outer
problem is quite hard. However, the energy dissipation capacity and any tube. So, the Eq. (2) is encoded.
needed quantity of the BRB can be easily obtained from Finite Element {
Analysis (FEA). So, in this part of the current study, the objective Obji = The value computed by ANSYS ←if FEA is converged
Obji =
Obji = 1 J (joule) ←otherwise
function and design constraints are directly computed by ANSYS
Workbench via application programming interface. Therefore, neither (2)
the objective function nor the design constraints are needed to be The Eq. (2) is activated if any convergence error is received. It means
identified in intricate formulations in the optimization coding process of that if FEA analysis does not converge to any feasible value, the value of
handled design problem. In this way, the designers are supplied with not dissipated energy of BRB is assigned as 1.0 J (joule). Thus, the generated
to deal with tiresome identification and tedious solution of these main unpractical solution vector is eliminated in the solution of maximization
inputs owning nonlinear content during the encoding phase. problem, and the iterative process continue utilizing with only the re
Here, two different types of BRB are considered as shown in Fig. 2. sults from converged solution vectors.
In Fig. 2, the quarter part of the diagonally shaped core plated The structural behavior restrictions should be followed in the BRB
buckling restrained brace (BRBd), parabolic shaped core plated buckling design. In AISC 341-10 [44], the ratio of the maximum compression
restrained brace (BRBp), and the cross-section of both are given force to the maximum tension force shall not be greater than 1.3 for each
O. Tunca Structures 43 (2022) 752–766
3. Optimization algorithms Here, each element of HMM is generated randomly (Eq. (5)).
xi,j = xmin + (xmax − xmin ) × Rnd (5)
As known well, optimization is a process to find the most useful
result and/or results for a design problem. This process includes certain In Eq. (5), xi,j represents any element of HMM, Rnd is a random
design constraints to be satisfied to attain particular objective(s). number between 1 and 0, xmax and xmin are respectively the maximum
Thence, this kind of design problems are named as discrete design and the minimum value of the design variables. The values of the
programming problems. The traditional gradient-based programming objective function are calculated for each row of HMM. So, the fitness
algorithms are not able to solve such problems as they are not effective values of these are unearthed. Then, all of the solution vectors are sorted
for complex design problems. Consequently, to attain design optimiza by considering these.
tion solutions of structural problems, it is required probabilistic based Step 3: Improvise New Harmony: This is the main stage of the HSA.
metaheuristic techniques instead of deterministic ones. This why the Firstly, a new random number (Rnd) is generated. If the randomly
metaheuristic methods are not required any direct relation between generated number is less than HMCR, the randomly selected value from
objective function(s) and design constraints. Since the probabilistic- the HMM is considered (Eq. (3)). Otherwise, a new value is calculated by
based metaheuristic techniques mimics the natural events (i.e., laws of using Eq. (6).
social culture and biology) these techniques are named as nature- (
inspired metaheuristic algorithms [45,46]. There are numerous meta xi =
xi ∈ {x1i , x2i , x3i , ..., xHMS
i }, if Rnd < HMCR
heuristic optimization methods. Because of their simplicity for imple xi israndomlygenerated otherwise.
menting and requiring relatively less algorithmic parameters, the
Secondly, Rnd is generated again. On the condition that PAR is bigger
Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA), the Black Widow Optimization Al
than Rnd the pitch adjustment process is applied. If it is less than Rnd, no
gorithm (BWOA) and the standard Genetic Algorithm (sGA) are utilized
action is taken on the design variable (Eq. (7)).
as optimizer tools in this study. While the robustness of Harmony Search
Algorithm (HSA) is provided on design problems in many fields, the xi = xi ± Rnd × bw , if Rnd < PAR
xi = (7)
BWOA can be specified as one of the novel metaheuristic algorithms. In xi = xi otherwise.
nature, the black widows have cannibalistic behaviors. Mimicking this
natural phenomenon gives supremacy to BWO algorithm as a principal Here, the bw is the maximum amplitude value of the pitch adjustment
advantage in exploitation phase if it is compared to so-called conven process.
tional algorithms such as Genetic Algorithm (GA) and/or evolutionary Step 4: Update Harmony Memory: After the operating previous stage, a
algorithm (EA). Therefore, it is expected that BWOA show prepotent new solution vector is obtained. If obtained fitness value from the new
algorithmic performance to design search space effectively. Besides, the solution is better than the worst one of the current values, HMM is
O. Tunca Structures 43 (2022) 752–766
Each row of the pop represents the solution vector as shown in Eq.
Widow = [ x1 x2 ... ... xNvar − 1 xNvar ] (9)
After the generation of the pop, the fitness value of each widow is
calculated, and pop is reorganized according to obtained fitness values.
Step 2: Pro-creating: The parental matrix (pop1) determined by the
population number by considering pro-creating rate is generated from
the best solutions of the (pop). To produce a new generation, parents are
selected randomly from the (pop1). Then, the following equation is
y1 = αx1 + (1 − α)x2
y2 = (1 − α)x1 + αx2
O. Tunca Structures 43 (2022) 752–766
O. Tunca Structures 43 (2022) 752–766
Table 2
The final obtained optimal design results of CBD problem.
Algorithm x1 (m) x2 (m) x3 (m) x4 (m) x5 (m) min. weight (kg) g (constraints)
1.349 BWOA
1.347 sGA
0 100 200 300 400 500
Number of Iteration
Fig. 10. The design history graphs of CBD problem.
beam [58]. The minimum weighted beam should satisfy the displace Optimizer (ALO) [61]. But, as seen in Table 2, in both algorithms there
ment constraint. are slight constraint violations of 8.763 × 10− 2 and 2.378 × 10− 6,
respectively. But the HS and BWO algorithms conducted in this study do
61 37 19 7 1
g= + + + + − 1≤0 (13) not violate the constraint in all. The convergence performances of HSA,
x31 x32 x33 x34 x35
BWOA and sGA are displayed over design history graphs as shown in
In Eq. (13), vertical displacement of the free end of the cantilever Fig. 10. It is clear from this figure that the BWOA reaches the optimum
beam g is the design constraint of this optimization problem. In addition, solution at the 41st iteration out of 500, while HSA attains at the 256th
all of the design variables range between 0.01 and 100 with increments iteration. The worst convergence performance is displayed by sGA since
of 0.001. it reaches the optimal solution at 301st iteration our of 500. This means
Here, to find minimum weighted cantilever beam is aimed. For this that the BWOA overperform for this benchmark design example in terms
purpose, the HSA and BWOA are conducted on this CBD design problem. of computational effort.
In addition, the performances of these algorithms are compared in
finding minimum weight. The final obtained optimal design results are 5.1.2. Reinforced concrete beam design problem
tabulated in Table 2. A 30 ft (9.144 m) simple reinforced concrete beam design (RCBD)
While the HS and BWO algorithms attain same minimum weighted was firstly considered as benchmark design problem by Amir and
design of 1.34004 kg, the sGA yields slightly heavier design weight as Hasegawa [62]. There is distributed live load of 2 klbf (8.896 kN) and
1.34166 kg. The optimal design attained via both HSA and BWOA looks dead load of 1 klbf (4.448 kN) (with the self-weight of the beam) on the
heavier than the previously reported optimum ones reached via Hybrid beam. The compressive strength of the concrete is 5 ksi (34.474 MPa)
Harris Hawks-Sine Cosine Algorithm (hHHO-SCA) [60] and Ant Lion and, the yield strength of the steel is 50 ksi (344.738 MPa). The unit
O. Tunca Structures 43 (2022) 752–766
Table 3
The final obtained optimal design results of RCBD problem.
Algorithm As (in2 ) As (cm2 ) h(in) h(cm) b(in) b(cm) min. cost ($) g1 (constraints) g2 (constraints)
0 100 200 300 400 500
Number of Iteration
Fig. 12. The design history graphs of RCBD problem.
costs of the materials are $0.02 in2/feet ($0.423 cm2/m) for concrete The moment of beam under the bending, dead load, and live load are
and $1 in2/feet ($21.167 cm2/m) for steel. The minimum cost is aimed Mu , Ma , and Ml , respectively. So, Ma =1.350 kip-in (152.529 kN-m)
in this benchmark design problem. The minimum cost of the RCBD is andMl = 2700 kip-in (305.059 kN-m). The depth to wide ratio is
simplified as Eq. (14). limited to four. The constraints of the concrete beam design problem can
There are three design variables as seen Fig. 11. These consists of the be simplified as follows.
area of reinforcements (As ), the wind of the reinforced concrete beam
(b), and the height of the beam (h). The cross-section area of the lon g1 = − As h + 7.375 + 180 ≤ 0 (16)
gitudinal reinforcement is selected from standard bar dimensions [63].
Cost(As , b, h) = 29.4 As + 0.6bh (14) g2 =
− 4≤0 (17)
The effective depth is calculated as 0.8 h. ACI 318-77 (Building Code
Requirements for Structural Concrete, American Concrete Institute) Here, to find minimum coasted reinforced concrete beam is aimed. For
[64] is considered as structural requirements. The required strength as this purpose, the HSA, BWOA, and sGA are conducted on this RCBD
follows, problem. Moreover, the performances of these algorithms are compared
( ) in finding minimum cost. The final obtained optimal design results are
As σy
Mu = 0.9 As σy (0.8h) 1 − 0.59 ≥ 1.4Ma + 1.7Ml (15) tabulated in Table 3.
0.8bhσ c The HS and BWO algorithms attain same minimum coasted design of
O. Tunca Structures 43 (2022) 752–766
Table 4
The geometric bounds of BRBd and BRBp.
Name of variable V1 V2 H1 H2 H3 V3 to ti
Min. Value (m) 0.050 0.200 0.025 0.025 0.050 0.100 0.005 0.010
Max. Value (m) 0.150 0.250 0.075 0.075 0.100 0.150 0.015 0.015
Increment (m) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
O. Tunca Structures 43 (2022) 752–766
Fitness Value (kJ)
100 HSA
0 100 200 300 400 500
Number of Iteration
(a) Computational iteration history
Fitness Value (kJ)
50 sGA
0 5 10 15 20 25
Number of Days
(b) Computational time history
Fig. 14. The design history graphs of BRBd.
respectively. And, the mesh element size is taken 3 cm. The mesh dis are taken too small, convergence errors may occur due to the loss of
tribution on the BRB and the core plate are shown in Fig. 13 (b) and (d), stability. All of them are given in Table 4. There are 4.22 × 1012 different
respectively. The Newton-Raphson method and Large Deflection are acti solution vector combinations. Among these, the optimum solution vec
vated in the analysis setting. Thus, both geometric and material tor is selected by the HS, BWO and sGA optimization algorithms.
nonlinearity is taken in the account in FEA based numerical simulation In this study, the Application Programming Interface (API) concept is
process. The Bounded Contact is assigned to the connection between the used to design two types of BRB. In each evaluation, the nonlinear finite
outer steel tube and concrete. The interaction between the core plate element models created in ANSYS Workbench v18.1 packaged software
and the concrete is defined by using Frictional Contact. So, the frictional are executed. All the analyses are implemented on Intel(R) Core (TM) i3-
coefficient is taken as 0.6. There is a gap between the core plate and 2120 CPU @ 3.30 GHz with 8 GB of RAM computer. The time con
concrete. The 5 mm gap is defined by using contact settings. There are sumption of the FEA changes with different values of design variables.
geometric bounds (i.e., the core plate should enough fit into the outer Each finite element analysis takes about 54 min. It takes about 3 months
tube) besides mechanical limits (i.e., maximum compression force to the to get all the final feasible solutions. So, the algorithm performances are
maximum tension force should not exceed 1.3). additionally considered in the time cost. To better explain the attained
solutions, only the first 20 days are given in the design history graphs.
5.2.2. Optimum design procedure
The optimum design problem of a BRB on element basis is discussed 5.2.3. Results of diagonally shaped BRB (BRBd)
for the first time in this study. While considering these values, it is aimed The BRBd design problem is solved by HSA, BWOA and sGA. While
to stay within reasonable limits. In addition, if some geometric values the calculated maximum energy dissipation capacity is 201.169 kJ in
O. Tunca Structures 43 (2022) 752–766
respectively, the sGA reach the optimal design in about 21 days. The
Table 6 computational time difference between the HSA and BWOA is 30.05%.
The optimum solutions of BRBp. The total deformation distributions of the optimum designed BRBd
Algorithms Design variables (m) Energy dissipation (Joule) are given in Fig. 15(a). The accumulation of the total deformation is seen
HSA V1 V2 H1 H2 204,962
at end of the plastic zone. The hysteretic behavior of the optimum
0.136 0.216 0.075 0.029 designed BRBd is indicated in Fig. 15(c) for standard cycles and in
H3 V3 to ti Fig. 15(d) for additional cycles. Besides, the energy dissipation of opti
0.065 0.117 0.005 0.013 mally designed BRBd during simulation is given in Fig. 15(b). It can be
BWOA V1 V2 H1 H2 205,023
deducted from Fig. 13 that the optimally designed BRBd performs
0.136 0.225 0.075 0.029
H3 V3 to ti reasonably close to symmetry.
0.066 0.117 0.005 0.013
sGA V1 V2 H1 H2 194,335 5.2.4. Results of parabolic shaped BRB (BRBp)
0.122 0.216 0.072 0.028 The BRBp is taken into account as another design problem of this
H3 V3 to ti
0.087 0.116 0.005 0.013
study. The objective function and design constraints of the optimization
problem are treated same as the BRBd design. The only difference is the
g1 = − 0.29, g2 = − 0.27, g3 = − 0.26, g4 = − 0.24, g5 = − 0.24, g6 = − 0.24, g7 = geometry of the core plate of the BRB as given in Fig. 2. The calculated
− 0.24,
energy dissipation capacity from the FEA of optimally designed BRBp
g8 = − 0.23, g9 = − 0.23, g10 = − 0.24, g11 = − 0.26, g12 = − 0.26, g13 = − 0.31,
are obtained via HS and BWO algorithms as 204.962 kJ and 205.023 kJ,
g14 = − 0.45.
respectively. So, it is indicated that the final energy dissipation of BRBp
designed via BWOA is 0.03% better than those of HSA. Moreover, this
HSA and BWOA, the sGA generates worser energy dissipation capacity
design example is solved by using sGA and it yields worser energy
with 192.891 kJ. The obtained optimum designs are given in Table 5.
dissipation than HSa and BWOA. The optimal BRBp designs obtained via
From this table, it is seen that all design constraints are satisfied for each
all algorithms are given in Table 6. Moreover, same table indicates that
all design constraints are fully satisfied.
As obvious from Table 5, the energy dissipations acquired by HSA
The design history graphs of optimal designs attained through HSA,
and BWOA are same and better than those accomplished by sGA. The
BWOA, and sGA for BRBp are illustrated in Fig. 16. In Fig. 16(a), the
design histories of all algorithms (HSA, BWOA, and sGA) to accomplish
algorithmic performances of all algorithms can easily be compared. In
optimal BRBd designs are given in Fig. 14. Even if HSA and BWOA
this context, the BWOA reaches the optimal maximum energy dissipa
generate same optimal structural energy dissipation capacity at the end,
tion capacity at 30th iteration out of 500, while the HSA reaches at
as seen in Fig. 14(a), the HSA yields the maximum energy dissipation
222nd iteration. The sGA accomplishes the worst maximum energy
capacity at the 192nd iteration out of 500 while the BWOA reaches this
dissipation capacity as it reaches 246th iteration out of 500. Besides,
optimum value at the 25th iteration. The worst convergence is exhibited
while the convergence rate of BWOA is smoother than both HSA and
by sGA as it attains the maximum energy dissipation at the 234th iter
sGA. It is interesting to say that the HSA relatively exploits design search
ation out of 500. In Fig. 14(b), it is apparent that while the HSA and
space elaborately than BWOA and sGA. Additionally, the computational
BWOA reach the optimum design solutions in about 7.2 and 9.4 days,
time cost design history graphs of HSA and BWOA is presented in Fig. 16
O. Tunca Structures 43 (2022) 752–766
Fitness Value (kJ)
0 100 200 300 400 500
Number of Iteration
(a) Computational iteration history
Fitness Value (kJ)
100 HSA
0 5 10 15 20 25
Number of Days
(b) Computational time history
Fig. 16. The design history graphs of BRBp.
(b). From this graph, it is seen that the HSA displays better performance and BWO algorithms through conducting proposed API methodology.
with 8.3 days, while the BWOA consumes 11.3 days in finding optimum The BRBs are modelled as diagonal bordered (BRBd) and parabolic
design solutions of BRBp. It is seen that sGA needs much more time to bordered (BRBp). It is fundamentally purposed that these design prob
obtain the optimum result compared to other algorithms. lems are to maximize the energy dissipation capacities. The ANSI/AISC
Also, the total deformation of the optimally designed BRBp is given 341 practical design specifications are used to define geometric and
in Fig. 17(a). It is obviously seen that the global buckling of the core mechanic structural restrictions. The FEA-based BRB models include
plate is limited. And, the hysteretic behavior of the BRBp can be material and geometric nonlinearity and complex frictional contacts.
observed from Fig. 17(c) and (d). The energy dissipation capacity These are generated using FEA-based numerical simulation software, so-
(Fig. 17(b)) is confirmed by hysteretic curves. So, it can be concluded called ANSYS Workbench v18.1, to provide simultaneous integration
that optimally designed BRBp performs reasonably close to symmetry throughout API functions with the HS and BWO algorithms encoded in
between compression and tension. MS VBA v7.0. To prove the accuracy of proposed design optimization
methodology, two benchmark structural design problems (Cantilever
6. Discussion of results Beam Design (CBD) and Reinforced Concrete Beam Design (RCBD)) are
initially solved. These benchmark design problems aim to find the
As the fundamental aim of this study, two different core shaped minimum weighted optimum CBD structure and the minimum cost of
Buckling Restrained Brace (BRB) elements are optimally designed via HS the RCBD structure. Throughout CBD and RCBD problems, it is seen that
O. Tunca Structures 43 (2022) 752–766
the encoded HS and BWO algorithms are accurately executed. Then, the • In BRBp design, while the BWOA reaches the maximum energy
sizing design optimization of two different complex BRBs, which are dissipation capacity at 30th iterations, the HSA reaches optimal en
very difficult to define in a homemade programming, are identified ergy dissipation capacity at 222nd iterations out of 500. However,
straightly over simple objective function and design constraints for the HSA displays 36.15% better computational time effort than
mulas with the aid of the API functions throughout the integration of BWOA in finding final optimum design solution.
ANSYS Workbench with HS and BWO algorithms encoded in MS VBA v7. • It is obviously seen that the global buckling of the core plates of two
Since the finite element analyses take up to about one hour, row number optimum designed BRBs (BRBd and BRBp) is limited. The energy
of the solution matrix is decreased as much as possible. Also, in order dissipation histories are confirmed by hysteretic curves of BRBs.
show the supremacy of mainly considered algorithmic performance • The hysteretic behavior and the energy dissipation histories of the
capacities of HS and BWO algorithms, a conventional more established BRBs indicate that obtained optimal designs are nearly symmetric
standard Genetic Algorithm (sGA) is executed for all abovementioned and possess reasonable structural characteristics. In design optimi
design examples. So, the supreme algorithmic performances of HSA and zation of BRBp, the BWOA attain 0.03% better design than those of
BWOA are displayed by means of the computational iterations and HSA.
computational time costs. • From all obtained optimal design solutions, it can be concluded that
the BRBp has 1.92% more energy dissipation capacity than BRBd.
7. Concluding remarks Moreover, the total deformation distribution is observed over the
optimally designed BRBd.
In this study, the buckling restrained braces (BRBs) are optimized
throughout a design methodology in which the IronPython script file- Eventually, the BRBs stand out from other passive energy devices as
based application programming interface (API) functions that supply they are economical and easy to apply to the structures. Furthermore,
integration between FEA-based numerical simulation and discrete the BRBs increase the lateral stiffness of the equipped structures. The
design optimization Harmony Search (HS) and Black Widow Optimi acceptance design criteria of ANSI/AISC 341 practical design specifi
zation (BWO) algorithms. For this purpose, the energy dissipation ca cations are repeatable and stable behavior with increasing stiffness of
pacity of BRBs is maximized in direction of structural restrictions taken the BRBs. Here, the maximum amount of energy dissipation throughout
from ANSI/AISC 341 practical design specifications. In summary, the BRBs can be accepted as an indication that they also provide economical
fundamental concluding remarks of this study are itemized as structures since reducing structural design weight. But still, the effects of
followings: BRBs on the cost and rigidity of the structural frames should be partic
ularly handled. Thus, as a future study, it is planned to consider the
• In CBD problem, the both algorithms are ended with the same min potential effects of some additional design variables on handled opti
imum design weight of 1.34 kg. But, the BWOA exhibits relatively mum BRB design problem in detail. For instance, by considering various
better algorithmic performance in finding optimum design solution types of practical joint details, BRB equipped frame structures subjected
according to iteration-based evaluation. to earthquake loads can be modeled via FEA packaged software based
• In BRBd design, the both algorithms yield the same optimal design numerical simulation. To do this, more comprehensive elemental and
solutions of 201.169 kJ. While the HSA converges to the optimum structural BRB design problems satisfying all practical structural re
design at the 192nd iteration, the BWOA reaches at the 25th iteration quirements will be solved by considering novel various design variables.
out of 500. Even the BWOA performs rapid convergence to the op
timum design, it requires 30.05% extra time effort than HSA.
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