Employers Satisfaction

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FROM 2010-2017


An undergraduate thesis manuscript submitted to the faculty of the Department of
Development Studies, College of Economics, Management and Development Studies,
Cavite State University, Indang Cavite in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Science in International Studies major in Southeast Asian Studies
with Contribution No. ___________ Prepared under the supervision of Prof. Nelia


"We all need people who give us feedback. That's how we improve. " (Gates,


Different companies are hiring new employees every day. They are always in

search of qualified personalities to fill up the vacant job they need. Two of the hiring

standards the employer is seeking for is that the job seeker should have the necessary job

experience and education to perform the job well (Hunt, 2007), and it is the advantage of

those who received a bachelor's degree during their college years- it becomes a

requirement for a good paying job (Fain, 2015). But it will not end in just being an

employed bachelor's degree holder. As part of the firm, they should be given a

performance evaluation by the employer or by any authorized representative of the

company to meet the company's expectations and to assimilate if the employee meets the

hiring standard of the company. This performance evaluation can be in feedback form.

According to Shriar (2017), giving feedback on the employee's job performance

can be both difficult for the employees and to the one who gives an evaluation as it can

be a double-edge sword. A valuable feedback can uplift, inspire, and motivate recipients

one's self leading for the betterment of the future job performance. However, a bugger up

job performance results a bad feedback that can lead into a lingering anger, demotivation,

resentment, loss of respect, and permanent damage to the relationship (Deutschendorf,

2014). To make it simple, giving feedback is extremely exquisite because of how

delicate we are as humans.

Receiving an employer's feedback is a great opportunity to improve employee's

job performance. It can be an instrument to apprehend every skill that the employee is in

need to enhance on resulting in a personal and professional growth.

According to Coyoca and Perez (2016), the employed Bachelor of Science in

International Studies (BSIS) graduates of 2010-2015 were happy and satisfied with their

current job. Hence, this study will evaluate how satisfied their employers are with them

and with the recent employed graduates of BSIS in Cavite State University (CvSU). It

will show the performance feedback review of the employer to their employed BSIS

graduates of CvSU.

Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted in order to determine the employer's assessment on the

job performance of the Bachelor of Science in International Studies' graduates of Cavite

State University from 2010-2017. The study sought to answer the following questions:
1. What are the demographic characteristics of the employer of the BSIS graduates?

2. What are the descriptive characteristics of the company where the BSIS graduates are


3. What is the level of job performance of the BSIS graduates as perceived by the

employers in terms of the following index: a.) Professionalism; b.) Adaptability;

c.) Positive Attitude/Motivation; d.) Teamwork and Leadership; and e.) Quality of


4. What are the problems encountered by the companies regarding the job performance

of the employed BSIS graduates?

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study was to determine the employer's assessment on

the job performance of the Bachelor of Science in International Studies' graduates of

Cavite State University from 2010-2017.

Specifically, the objectives of the study were to:

1. determine the demographic characteristics of the employer of the BSIS graduates;

2. determine the descriptive characteristics of the company where to the BSIS graduates

are employed;

3. determine the level of job performance of the BSIS graduates as perceived by the

employers in terms of the following index: a.) Professionalism; b.) Adaptability;

c.) Positive Attitude/Motivation; d.) Teamwork and Leadership; and e.) Quality of


4. determine the problems encountered by the companies regarding the job

performance of the employed BSIS graduates.

Significance of the Study

The generalization of this present study would be a great contribution to the vast

knowledge in relation to the employer's feedback on the performance of the BSIS

graduates of CvSU Vital results of this study could be highly significant and beneficial

specifically to the following:

School Administrators. The given data would guide them to upgrade the quality

of the graduates. Moreover, they would gain insights on what factors they need to

improve in the program and in the curriculum of the school, more specifically those

who are in the BSIS program, to attain the global competitiveness of graduate students

of the university and to justify the mission and vision of the university.

BSIS Graduates. The result of this study will provide them the knowledge on

what the employers or companies are seeking for. This could also give them an idea

on what skills they need to improve on it in order to fit to the company's hiring


Students. The result of this study will provide them the insights to enhance their

attitudes, skills, and knowledge, more specifically the BSIS students, to prepare

themselves for the global arena of employment.

Time and Place of the Study

This study was conducted from December 2017 to June 2018 . Bachelor of

Science in International Studies graduates especially those participants working inside

and outside the country were contacted using social media website and the rest of the

graduates were visited at their working company.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study covered the BS International Studies graduates from 2010 to 2017 with

the total of 118 graduates. Only 60 participants from the total enumeration of the

graduates were included in this study, they belonged to the employed graduates who

responded in this study during the given time. The job performance of the employed

BSIS-CvSU graduates were evaluated based from the perspective of their employer

through the employer's feedback form given by the authors of this study and was

limited only to their respective companies. And the main thrust of this study was to

determine the employer's assessment on the job performance of the BSIS-CVSU

graduates from 2010-2017.

Definition of Terms

Adaptability refers to the flexibility of the employed BSIS graduates in the

working area that will be evaluated by their respective employers.

Assessment refers to the employer's criticism toward the job performance of the

employed BSIS graduates of Cavite State University. It can be used to improve the

employee's working performance.

Bachelor of Science in International Studies refers to a four-year course

program of the Department of the Development Studies under the College of

Economics, Management and Development Studies.

Company refers to business establishment or enterprise where the BSIS graduates

of CvSU were currently employed.

Employee refers to BSIS graduates who are currently employed in a company or


Employer refers to the person or institution that hired the BSIS graduates of

CvSU. It also refers to the immediate supervisor of the employed graduates or the

person usually from the human resource management office, who evaluated the job

performance of the employees.

Graduates refers to the students who finished or completed all the requirements

for the degree of BS International Studies (BSIS) program.

Level of Job Performance refers to the gratitude and positive emotion on the job

performance of the employers toward the employed BSIS graduates. It was measured

in terms of the following:

Outstanding refers to the perceived job performance assessment of the

employed BSIS graduates toward their employers with equivalent score ranging from


Acceptable refers to the perceived job performance assessment of the

employed BSIS graduates toward their employers with equivalent score ranging from


Needs Improvement refers to the perceived job performance assessment

of the employed BSIS graduates toward their employers with equivalent score ranging

from 2.34-3.00.

Job Performance refers to the employee's attitude toward their working place

and environment which was evaluated by their employers. The job performance of the

graduates as evaluated in terms of the following indicators:

Positive Attitude and Motivation refers to the impulsive manner of the

employed BSIS graduates in the working area that was evaluated by their respective


Professionalism refers to the responsible and fair manner of the employed

BSIS graduates perceived in the working area that was evaluated by their respective


Quality of Work refers to the degree of excellence in some area of the

employed BSIS graduates in the working area that will be evaluated by their

respective employers.

Teamwork and Leadership refers to the cooperation and managing skills

of the employed BSIS graduates in the working area that was evaluated by their

respective employers.

Supervisor refers to a person who monitors and regulate employees' job



According to Heathfield (2016), an employer is an organization, institution,

government entity, agency, company, professional services firm, non-profit

association, small business, store, or individual who employs or puts to work, a person

who is called an employee.

Employer is a legal entity that controls and directs a servant or worker under an

express or implied contract of employment and pays (or it obligated to pay) him or her

salary or wages in compensation (Web Finance Inc., 2017).

Nearly every employed personality has experienced or met a bad boss. It

would be wonderful if bad employers were easy to spot, but, unfortunately, that is just

not the case. According to Mcvicker (2016) there are seven types of employers an

employee should definitely try to avoid during a job hunt. The following are those:

The Laid-Back Employer. This type of employer offers a lot during the

interview. They encourage creativity. But things start to fall apart when the employee

begins to work. The employee will realize that the laid-back and accommodating

employer also lacks organization, communicates inefficiently, and does not follow


The Employer with an Established Negative Reputation. This type of employer

has a bad negative feedback from their employees. The job hunter cannot find any

positive feedback during the job hunting about the organization.

The Inconsistent Communicator. As the job hunter leaves the interview, the

interviewer says they will be in contact within the next couple of days but the real

thing is they will not call the job hunter at all. Chances are, they better move on to the

next opportunity.

The Inappropriate Interviewer. There are a few different types of

inappropriate interviewers. The first is the person who is either a creepy or clueless.

They ask inappropriate and often illegal interview que stions about the job hunter's

family status, religion or other personal information. In many cases, they will couch

these questions in casually. These questions should send up a major red flag.

Then, perhaps not as egregious, is the inappropriate interviewer who simply

cannot manage to stay on topic. The interviewer getting sidetracked and talking about

irrelevant things.

The Family Employer. Working for a family business can be okay if the job

hunter is simply looking for a job and do not care much about the upward mobility,

just to gain experience and learning skills before moving on. However, if the job

hunter is looking to make a career at a family business, then he must prepare himself

for disappointment. Because no matter how he contributes, he will never be given the

keys to the kingdom unless he marries in.

Then there are other problems that often go along with working for a family

employer such as family squabbles at work, commitments to family loyalty over

sensible business practices, and very closed communication.

The Bad Mouther. During the interview, the interviewer says something negative

about the person the job hunter is going go replace with. Now, imagine how this

negativity and willingness to denigrate others to a virtual stranger will play out if the

job hunter actually get a job.

The Directionless Employer. This type of employer during the interview is

absolutely unprepared. The ask disjointed questions, forgotten everything on the job

hunter's resume, and can't provide with a clear job description.

However, there are still some good employers the job hunter is going to deal with.

Those are the "Results Oriented Employers". These are the persons who cares for

results and wish to be winners. If an employee cares for results, competency, and can

tolerate some eccentricities in his/her staff he/she may not personally like, then a lot of

the "office politics" problems should vanish (Westhaver, 2013).

Once the job hunter finally found a job that fits his/her profession, he/she may

deal with a difficult employer. The drudgery of work often is the source of employee's

resignation. But, finding a resolution is the best way to handle the stress of a job, even

if it means finding a new job. One should avoid complaining without offering any

type of solution, voice out any concerns. Effective workplace communication should

not focus solely on what is wrong, but how anyone can make things right (Mayhew,



According to Reh, (2018), supervisor is typically applied to a first-line or lower

and managerial role, often in industrial or administrative settings. The designation of

supervisor is less common in the twenty-first century than in prior eras where the
actual work of observing co-workers closely was deemed a necessary management

tactic. Still, there are a variety of roles and vocations today where the designation and

role exist.

Functions of a Supervisor:

A supervisor is responsible for the day to day performance of a small group.

It may be a team, a department of a shift. Typically, the supervisor has experience in

what the group does and has earned the position based on management's belief that

he/she is capable of guiding the team. Common supervisory tasks include: Helping

the team understand performance targets and goals,Traing or ensuring that workers are

properly trained for their specific roles. Scheduling work hours and shifts,

Coordinating job rotation and cross-training, Providing real-time feedback on worker

performance, Sharing company updates, financial results and new objectives with

team members. Assisting in resolving emergencies. For example, a quality or a

customer problem may be escalated to the team supervisor for handling, Identifying

and resolving workplace problems, including tardiness or absenteeism, providing

reports and activity updates to management and Assisting in hiring and firing

activities, although often the supervisor requires managerial approval of all new hires

or terminations (Reh, 2018).


In education, the term assessment refers to the wide variety of methods or tools

that educators use to evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness,
learning progress, skills acquisition, or educational needs of students (Great Schools

Partnership, 2014)

Employer's feedback can generate evidence on the quality of graduates, their

capabilities and performance in the school and is usually reported as the employer's

level of satisfaction of the graduates. Further, it can provide information on

proficiencies and qualities they considered very important and useful in the work

place. The level of

satisfaction as a form of employer's feedback on graduates is as important as their

assessment of the usefulness of the proficiencies needed in the work place. These two

types of feedbacks can be compared and analyzed using a gap analysis. A high gap

value means a big disparity between the employers' perception of usefulness and their

level of satisfaction of graduate's proficiencies or performance. For higher education

institutions a small gap is desirable and shows how well their graduates compare with

the expectations of different employers (Aquino, Del Mundo and Quizon, 2015)

According to the Predictive Index, the job assessment gives a road map for the

various positions in an organization, providing insight into the behavioral drives and

learning abilities needed to predict on the job performance (Labs, 2017).

According to Chamorro-Premuzic (2015), today employers like assessments

because they greatly reduce the time and cost of recruitment and hiring. Tests also

prevent interviewers from accepting or rejecting candidates on the basis of conscious

or unconscious biases. And because tests can be given remotely and scored

electronically, they widen the pool of candidates.

The United States' Department of Labor Employment and Training

Administration (2000), stated that most important, valid tests help companies' measure

three critical elements of success on the job: competence, work ethic, and emotional

intelligence. Though employers still look for evidence of those qualities in resumes,

reference checks, and interviews, they need a fuller picture to make a smart hires.

Research shows that tests for such traits are much better predictors of performance

than are years of experience or education -- the sort of data that candidates typically

highlight in their applications. Personnel assessment is a systematic approach to


When viewed in this manner, employer's satisfaction will serve as point of

reference for enhancing institution's curricular content and providing relevant

activities. This enhancement may enable it to turn -- in graduates who are employable

-- those who are competent and possess relevant proficiencies very much needed in the

teaching work place. These proficiencies include, but are not limited to, graduates'

knowledge of philosophy and history of education, research, subject matter, learning

and development reflective skills, technologies, pedagogical and professional skills,

assessment, dispositions, diversity, collaboration and initiative (Aquino, Del Mundo

and Quizon), 2015).

Job Performance

Job performance include the work-related activities expected of an employee

and how well those activities were executed. Many business personnel directors assess

the job performance of each employee on an annual or quarterly basis in order to help

them identify suggested areas for improvement (Web Finance Inc, 2017).
According to Hose (2017), job performance is the way employees perform

their work. An employee's performance is determined during job performance

reviews, with an employer taking into account factors such as leadership skills, time

management, organizational skills and productivity to analyze each employee on an

individual basis. Job performance reviews are often done yearly and can determine

raise eligibility, whether an employee is right for promotion or even if an employee

should be fired.

Job performance is the total expected value to the organization of discrete

behaviors that an individual carries out over a standard period of time.(Motowidlo,


Proselytizing in the workplace can be a problem area. Members of many

religious faiths believe their responsibilities include evangelizing their beliefs to

others, and some may take advantage of the holidays to carry out their mission

(TriNet, 2018). In an ideal work environment, the religious beliefs of a given

employee, or of the employer, do not create conflicts. Either is free to believe as he or

she chooses and, as long as the work gets done satisfactorily, neither will encounter

difficulty on the basis of religion. Yet, in the real world, a number of issues can arise

to create friction. As employer and employee may discuss, or even argue over,

religious principles. What's more, religion is not simply a matter of belief. The faithful

practice their religion through various actions -- styles of dress, manner of keeping or

wearing one's hair, trying to recruit others to their faith, following certain religious

holidays. Put simply, the many characteristics of different religions provide ample
ground for disagreement, conflict, or even harassment among employers and

employees (FindLaw, 2018).

According to Dabalen, Oni and Adekola (2001), most of the university

graduates have fewer chances in the labor market due to three lack competencies

which were pointed out by the managers of the surveyed firms. They are (a) university

graduates are poorly trained and unproductive on the job; (b) graduate skills have

steadily deteriorated over the past decade; (c) shortcomings are particularly sever in

oral and written communication and in applied technical skills. The research found

that there are three reasons for the poor performances and poor quality in higher

education. These reasons are: (a) acceleration of poor quality deterioration (b) quality

deterioration in key skill areas (c) production of poor quality graduates by poor quality


According to Kivinen, Nurmi and Salminitty (2000), soft skills and the

education aspects alone are not enough as a criterion of selection for employees to be

recruited. Further they stated that work experience has become the central factor in

recent graduate employment and also in-depth knowledge of the content of jobs and of

the links between content of study is needed.


According to Heathfield (2016), an employee is an individual who was hired by

an employer to do a specific job. The employee is hired by the employer after an

application and interview process result in his or her selection as an employee. This

selection occurs after the applicant is found by the employer to be the most qualified
applicant to do the job. The terms of an individual's employment are specified by an

offer letter, an employment contract or verbally.

An effective employee is a combination of a good skill set and a productive

work environment. Manyfactors affect employee performance that managers need to

be aware of and should work to improve at all times. To get the maximum

performance from employees, they need to provide them with the tools they need to

succeed (Root, 2017).

Employee Performance

Employee performance is an important building block of an institute and factors

which lay the foundation for high performance must be investigated by the

organizations Since every organization cannot progress by one or two individual's

efforts, it is combined effort of all the members of the organization. Performance is a

major multidimensional concept aimed to achieve results and has a strong link to

strategic targets of an organization. Administration at all the ranks have to participate

their efforts

emotional, and psychological aspects of work as they ulteriorly affect one's level of


The laws on the labor standards and employment are consolidated in the labor

Code of the Philippines. Employees in the Philippines generally work eight hours per

day and forty-eight hours per week. Some office and industries work half or full days

on Saturdays. Rest periods of short duration during work hours shall be counted as

hours worked (Kittleson and Carpo Consulting, 2017).

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)and Department of Trade

and Industry (DTI), under the respective stewardships of Secretary Silvestre H. Bello

III and Secretary Ramon M. Lopez, led the signing of the 2017-2022 Blueprint for

Decent Employment and Entrepreneurship in the co-hosted Trabaho, Negosyo, at

Kabuhayan at the Employment and Livelihood Summit held on 1-2 December 2016 at

the SMX Convention Center Taguig, Bonifacio Global City (BGC).

According to Department of Labor and Employment (2016) a, a 10-point

strategic plan is included in the blueprint: 1) increase local and foreign investments in

the industry sector particularly manufacturing and construction; 2) invest in human

capital development; 3) sustain the growth and investments in the services sector,

specifically, in BPM, tourism, wholesale and retail trade; 4) further enhance the

country's competitiveness, and 5) implement the Comprehensive National Industrial

Strategy (CNIS).Also in the list are the following:6) promote and develop the

agribusiness sector, 7) transform the Philippines into a strong, productive, innovative,

and competitive supporting nation; 8) spur an entrepreneurial revolution and

encourage the formalization and growth of MSME's; 9) foster the convergence of

the different livelihood and

entrepreneurship programs among government agencies; and 10) adopt a localized

approach to employment generation.

A survey conducted by online hiring flatform Job Street ranked the industries

with the highest average starting salary for fresh graduates. Law and legal services,

health-care related, and journalism jobs ranked the highest paid jobs for fresh

graduates, overtaking the ITsector which has always topped the list. Job Street also
found that eight out of 10employers would welcome fresh graduates to their

workforce, with the remaining citing reasons such as lack of available positions and

the need for specialized employees as among the reasons why they could not welcome

fresh graduates during the survey period.The survey was conducted from the last

quarter of 2016 until February of 2017, with the information coming from combined

data on unique job postings on JobStreet.com and the responses of 644 companies

9Mateo, 2017).

Rights and Obligations of Employees and Employers as by the Labor Law

In order to maintain industrial peace and work in the spirit of harmony and

cooperation worker- employer relations should be governed by law. Basic rights of

employees should be respected by the employers and the employees should render

their obligations to the employers.

Once an Employment relation is formed there are certain obligations that are

imposed on an employer. Such obligations may serve as the rights of the employee by


Any employers in addition to special stipulations in the contract of employment

have the following obligations: 1. To provide work to the worker according to the

contract of employment;2. To provide him with materials and implements necessary


the performance of the work; 3. To pay the worker wages and other necessary

payments that should be made; 4. To respect the worker's human dignity; 5. To take all

the necessary occupational safety and health measures and to abide by the standards

and directives given by the appropriate authorities in respect of these measures; 6. To

cover the cost of medical examination of the worker whenever such medical

examination is required; and 7. To give the worker, weekly rest days' public holidays

and leave; 8. When the contract of employment is terminated or whenever the worker

so requests, to provide the worker, free of charge , with a certificate stating the type of

work he performed, the length of service and the salary he was earning.

Every worker shall have the following obligations: 1. To perform in person the

work specified in his contract of employment; 2. To follow instructions given by the

employer based on the terms of the contract and work rules; 3. To handle with due

care all instruments and tools entrusted to him for work; 4. To report for work always

in fit mental and physical conditions; 5. To give all proper aid when an accident

occurs or an eminent danger threatens life or property in his place of work without

endangering his safety and health; 6. To inform the employer immediately of any act

which endangers himself or his fellow workers or which may prejudice the interests of

the undertakings; and 7. To observe the provisions of this proclamation, collective

agreements, work rules and directives issued in accordance with the law

(FikaduAsfaw and Associates Law Office, 2017).

Skills and Values Employers Seek in Jobseekers

According to Commission on Higher Education (CHED, 2014), in order to

produce highly competent and competitive graduates, Higher Education Institutions


encouraged to offer programs that are in demand and responsive to the needs of

industry, both domestic and international. The job-skills matching project includes:

formulation of master plans for priority disciplines; review of curricula to make them
fit the needs of industries, establishments of labor market information system (LMIS)

to provide up-to-date information on jobs that are in demand and hard to fill, to guide

both students and parents in choosing courses; identification of areas of mismatch and

implementation of strategies to address such mismatches; massive information

dissemination on employment opportunities among students and HEIs; and periodic

conduct of graduate tracer studies.

While each employer is looking for a unique set of skills from jobseekers for

each job opening, certain skills and values are nearly universally sought by hiring

managers. While technical skills will always be important, soft skills have become the

most sought- after skills in employment today. According to an analysis of 2.3 million

Linked in profiles for the Wall Street Journal, as cited by CHED (2014), nearly 58%

of employees who touted stellar communication skills were hired over the course of a

year, making it clear that "soft skills" is more than just buzzword in the job market

these days.

The good news is that most jobseeker possess these skills to some extent. The

better news is that jobseekers with weaknesses in theses areas can improve their skills

through training, professional development, or obtaining coaching/mentoring from

someone who understand these skills. The best news is that once a jobseeker

understand the skills and characteristics that most employers seek, they can tailor their

job-search communication in their resume, cover letter, and interview language to

showcase how well their background aligns with common employer requirements.
Professionalism. Deals with acting in a responsible and fair manner in all

personal and work activities, which is seen as a sign of maturity and self-confidence;

avid being petty.

Honesty and Integrity. Employers probably respect personal integrity more than

any other value, especially in light of the many recent corporate scandals.

Adaptability. Deals with openness to new ideas and concepts, to working

independently or as a part of a team, and to carrying out multiple tasks or projects.

Problem- solving. Employers and jobseekers who love what they do and will

keep as is until they solve the problem and get the job done.

Dependability/Reliability/Responsibility. There's no question that all employers

hire employees who will arrive to work every day on time and ready to work, and who

will take responsibility for their actions.

Loyalty. Employers want employees who will have a strong devotion to the

company even at times when th company is not necessarily loyal to its employees.

Positive Attitude/Motivation/Energy/Passion. The jobseekers who get hired and

the employees who get promoted are the ones with drive and passion and who

demonstrate this enthusiasm through their words and actions.

Self-Confidence. Look at it this way, if a person does not believe in his or

herself, of his/her unique mix of skills, education, and abilities, why should a

prospective be employer? Be confident in one's self.

Self-Motivated/Ability to Work without Supervision. While teamwork is always

mentioned as important skill, so is ability to work independently, with minimal

Willingness to Learn. No matter what an employee's age is, no matter how

much experience he/she has, he/she should always be willing to learn a new skill or

technique. Jobs are constantly changing and evolving, and he/she must show an

openness to grow and learn with that change.

Leadership/Management Skills. While there is some debate about whether

leadership is something people are born with, theses skills deal with his/her ability to

take charge and manage hi/her co-workers.

Multicultural and Sensitive Awareness. There is a possibly no bigger issue in

the workplace than diversity, and jobseekers must demonstrate a sensitivity and

awareness to other people and cultures.

Planning and Organization. Deals with an employee's ability to design, plan

organize and implement projects and tasks within an allotted timeframe. Also involves

goal setting.

Teamwork. Because so many jobs involve working in one or more work-groups,

and employee must have the ability to work with others in a professional manner

while attempting to achieve a common goal. (Hansen R.S> and Hansen K., 2017).

York College of Pennsylvania (2013) stated that being absent and a lack of

responsibility is the predominant reason for new college graduates being fired as it

only shows a lack of professionalism in the workplace.

Abas-Mastura M. Imam O.A., and Osman S. (2013) showed that the

adaptability of the graduates in their job satisfactory and noted that the employees

worked seriously with their co-workers. Positive attitude and motivation of the
graduates in their job is very competent and noted that a full competence on

employability skills is a

quality that could downplay any threat of devaluation and sustain job security,

Teamwork and leadership of the graduates in their job is moderately competent. This

implies that employees provided limited opportunities to work in groups and involve

in organization activities, did not require them to perform their job always in teams,

and had insufficient time to deal with them due to few years of their stay in the work

setting. The study showed that the quality of work of the graduates in their job is very

satisfactory. It showed that they are fully developed in handling and using tools and

equipment and other facilities and can design, plan, organize, and implement projects

and tasks within an allotted timeframe.

The Importance of an Employee Evaluation.

The purpose of an employee evaluation is to measure job performance. Many

evaluations provide quantitative measurements essential for a production-oriented

work environment. Other employee evaluations provide employers with metrics

regarding the quality of employees' work. The importance of an employee evaluation

is that it's instrumental in determining whether an employee's skill set is appropriately

matched to the employee's job.

Organizations must continually assess their employees' strengths and

weaknesses. By doing so, employers are better able go match employee qualification

to job assignments. Employee evaluations provide an assessment of the strengths and

weaknesses for individual employees as well as the collective talents of employees by

department or team. For example, an employee evaluation can reveal whether an

employees have strong proficiency in computer software application for finance use,

yet weaknesses in application used for presenting finance-related information in


format. The importance of employee evaluations to assess worker's skills is

particularly significant in work force planning processes.

Employee training and development needs are other reasons employee

evaluations are important. Assessing employee strengths and weaknesses is the first

step in determining the type of training employees need. Training usually supports

employee acquiring new skills, development helps build upon employee aptitude and

current performance. Upon learning employee strengths and weaknesses, an employee

evaluation decides what type of training employees need to perform their job tasks. An

evaluation also sheds light on development programs, which benefit employee and

employee. An example would be professional development workshops for finance

managers to enhance their business communication skills..

Evaluations contain performance standards -- the level at which employees must

perform their job duties to meet their employer's expectations. A performance standard

might be delivering quarterly presentations to the executive leadership team. An

employee who fails to provide company executives with timely financial reports four

times each year falls below the company's expectations. Without an evaluation to

communicate performance standards, the employer is neglectful in providing its

employees with the tools necessary to achieve their job responsibilities.

Performance measurement through employee evaluations is a component of

many organizations' compensation structures. The ratings employees receive as a

result of supervisors observing and evaluating their performance can directly impact

the amount of the employee's salary or wage increase. Employee evaluations give

supervisors and managers an opportunity to recognize employees' hard work,

dedication and

commitment. In lieu of monetary rewards, evaluations also are used to identify highly

proficient workers to whom the employer can assign additional duties and

responsibilities, or even promote to a leadership role (Mayhew, 2017).

Filipino Graduates

According to Commission on Higher Education (CHED, 2013), education today

must go beyond the academic realm. It must focus on providing the skills, knowledge

and values that enable graduates to contribute meaningfully to accelerate economic,

political, spiritual growth, which helps generate more funds for educational

development that shall be delved into this study on education and the labor market.

Higher education institutions in the Philippines play a vital role in the economic,

social and cultural advancement of the country. They are recognized as one of the best

agents ho will bring about development of the nation's human capital through the

delivery of quality education and relevant training. Accordingly, they are expected to

prepare graduates for employment. Higher education institutions have the economic

responsibility to produce graduates with skills and attitudes that are highly regarded by

employers and are considered valuable to the country's prosperity and human capital.

Graduates, ad former students, directly experience the relevance and content of

an institution's curriculum and are openly expressed to the consequences of the quality
of education as delivered by its faculty members combined with institution's provision

of favorable learning environment (Aquino, Del Mundo and Quizon, 2015).

According to Coyoca and Perez (2015), as Filipino graduates today are better

off with more employment opportunities than their counterparts than years ago. The

labor market opened up new job opportunities such as on information technology,

hospital and school administration, money market traders, design and animation

technology; call center services, back office services, such as business process

outsourcing, medical subscription services, accounting and auditing services,

engineering services, medical and wellness centers. Some of these jobs do not require

a college education.

As cited by Coyoca and Perez (2015), with globalization, jobs abroad have been

opened including the easing processes on international movements of persons. The

different modes of person movement are now defied in the United Nation's Manual on

Improvement of Persons. The record of the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency

(POEA) on the number of deployed overseas Filipino workers has been increasing

from 1991 to 2006. For the future Filipino graduates to maintain the comparative

advantage in terms of job opportunities, then it is imperative to pursue a college

education or alternatively vocational course. The government should provide the

necessary program to motivate the youth either to go to college or to vocational school

(like planning for the right degree and non-degree programs, providing student loans,
bringing school closer to the local citizen) for our youth to pursue their education.

Courses to be offered should be able to respond to the future work needs of the

Philippines in particular and the world in general.

According to Milan (2010), the country's education system continues to turn out

college graduates whose training and skills are not attuned to the needs of the labor

market both at home and abroad. This is the lament of human resources and


recruitment officials who decry the continuing popularity of glamorous and white-

collar courses that produce diplomas but not well-paying jobs.

The criticism had been voiced many times in the past by business leaders and

politicians but both government and the private sector have failed to initiate

meaningful and concrete measures to correct the mismatch between skills and jobs.

The issue gains need urgency in view of the government's inability to provide jobs and

its continued dependence on the overseas job market. Problem in the Philippine

education is not well cited to the requirement of the global economy as well.

A study conducted by a Delhi-based assessment company found out that about

65 percent of college graduates in the Philippines do not have the right skills and

training to qualify for the jobs of their choice, while one out of three Filipinos is


The National Employability Report--Philippines, conducted and released by

employability assessment and job credentialing leader Aspiring Minds, showed that

Filipinos would need more training and educational help.

The study, in partnership with the Contact Center Association of the

Philippines, and Industry assessment that is trying to determine the gaps on skill sets

and the required intervention to fill them.

Employability figures for various functions within the business process

resourcing sector also reflect the lack of sufficient and required skills among the total

number of graduates who aspire to work in the industry (Campos, 2017).


This chapter discussed the research design, the sources of data, the participants

of the study, the sampling technique, the gathering of data, the research instrument,

and the method analysis.

Research Design

This study used descriptive research design. This was used to describe the

employer's assessment on the job performance of the BS International Studies'

graduates of Cavite State University.

Sources of Data

This study used primary data and secondary data. The primary data were

gathered through the questionnaires administered to the employers of the employed.

BS International Studies graduates of Cavite State University. Secondary data such as

the number and the list of BS International Studies graduates of Cavite State

University were gathered from the University Registrar office and the data used in the
review of related literature and sources of study were gathered from the internet and

Cavite State University-Main Campus Library.

Participants of the Study

The participants were the employers, through the immediate supervisor, of the

118 BSIS graduates of CvSU from 2010 to 2017 (Appendix A). The distribution of the

graduates from 2010-2017 is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Distribution of the status of the BSIS Graduates of the Cavite State University
from 2010-2017

YEAR Employed Self-employed Unemployed

2010 6 5 0 1
2011 2 2 0 0
2012 2 2 0 0
2013 5 2 0 3
2014 6 5 0 1
2015 13 9 0 4
2016 39 34 1 4
2017 45 32 0 13
TOTAL 118 91 1 26

Out of 91 employed BSIS graduates only 60 employers responded to the


Sampling Technique

Purposive sampling was used in the study. Employers of the employed

graduates were used as participants of the study.

Data Gathered
The authors obtained permission from the Research Adviser prior to the conduct

of this study. Participants residing in the Philippines were surveyed by the authors

either of their respective companies or through online form while participants working

abroad were surveyed through online questionnaire.The adopted survey questionnaire

form was made by the authors to gather the necessary information. The questionnaire

consisted of four parts. The first part dealt on the demographic profile of the

employers, including the name, age, sex, designation, educational attainment, civil

status, religion, and S

the assessment of the employer to the job performance of the employed BSIS

graduates. And the last part determined the problems encountered by the employer

regarding the job performance of their employed BSIS graduates.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Statistical tools such as frequency count, percentage, range and mean were used

to describe the participants' demographic profile, problems encountered and the level

of the employers' assessment on the job satisfaction on the performance of the

employed BSIS graduates.

In the assessment of the employers on the job performance of the BSIS, the

following mean score were used and interpreted as follows:

Numerical Range of
Rating Mean Verbal Interpretation Qualitative
Score Interpretation

1 1.00-1.66 Outstanding Surpassed Expectation

2 1.67-2.33 Acceptable Sufficient Range of Skill

3 2.34-3.00 Needs Improvement Not competent


This section discusses the demographic characteristics of the employer of the

BSIS graduates, characteristic of the company where the BSIS graduates are

employed, the level of job performance of the BSIS graduates as perceived by the

employers in terms of the following index: a) Professionalism; b) Adaptability; c)

Positive Attitude/Motivation; d) Teamwork and Leadership; and e) Quality of work

and problems encountered by the companies regarding the job performance of the

employed BSIS graduates.

Demographic Characteristics of the employer

Of the BSIS graduates

Table 2. shows the demographic characteristics of the employer of the BSIS


Age. The age of the participants ranged from 21-54 years with an average of 33

years. Eighteen percent belonged to the youngest age group of 21-27 while 13 percent

belonged to the age group of 42-48 and eight percent to 35-41 group of age. Most of
the participants (45%) were from the age group of 28-34 while there were only five

percent of the oldest group of 49-54.

Sex. The participants were composed of 60 percent male, and 40 percent


Civil Status. Fifty percent of the employer or immediate supervisors of the

BSIS graduates were single while 48 percent were married

Table 2. Demographic Characteristics of the employer or immediate supervisor of

the BSIS graduates
21-27 11 18
28-34 27 45
35-41 5 8
42-48 8 13
49-54 3 5
Mean: 33
Range: 21-54

Male 36 60
Female 24 40

Civil Status(n=56)
Single 29 52
Married 27 48

College Graduates 51 93
93 3 5
Vocational 1 2

Roman Catholic 42 78
Born Again Christian 8 15
Islam 1 2
Muslim 1 2
Protestant 1 2
Iglesia Ni Cristo 1 2

Filipino 58 97
Japanese 1 2
Lebanese 1 2

Table 2. Continued


Managerial/Team Leader 21 35
Supervisory 14 23
Admin/HR 17 29
Presidential/CEO/OIC 8 13

Educational Attainment. Majority (93%) of the participants were college

graduates while five precent had Masteral degree and two percent were vocational


Religion. Most of the participants were Roman Catholic (70%) while 15 percent

were Born-Again Christians. The remaining two percent consisted of Islam, Muslim,

Protestant and Iglesia Ni Cristo.

Nationality. Majority (97%) of the participants were Filipino and the rest were

Japanese (2%) and Lebanese (2%).

Designation. Thirty-five percent of the participants were either a manager or a

team leader of the company where the BSIS are employed followed by HR/Admin (29%)

and the rest, 23 percent for supervisory, and 13 percent were in a presidential/CEO/OIC


Profile of the Company

The company profile where the BSIS graduates are employed were described in

terms of the category of the company, industry classification and the willingness of the

company to employ another BSIS graduates of CvSU (Table 3).

Category of the Company. Thirty five percent (35%) of the employed BSIS

graduates were employed in International Company (35%) and the rest were working in

Non-Government Organization (28%), Multi-National Companies (7%) and State

government (10%). Others worked in Private Company (20%).

Table 3. Profile of the company where the BSIS graduates are employed
Category of the Organizatinal/ firm/
State Government 6 10
International Company 21 35
Private Company 12 20
Non-Government Organization 17 28
Multi-National Company 4 7

Industry Classification
Agriculture 1 2
Manufacturing 2 3
Accommodation, Café, Restaurant 3 5
Transport and Storage 4 7
Education 7 12
Real Property 3 5
Construction 3 5
Telecommunications 11 18
Marketing Sales 15 25
Health and Community Service 6 10
Others 5 8

Employing another BSIS Graduates

Will employ 56 93
Undecided 4 7

Industry Classification. The companies where the BSIS were employed were

classified according to the kind of industry where they are engaged in. The top

industries where most of the graduates were in at the time of the study were classified as

those engaged in marketing sales (25%) , telecommunications (18%), and education

(12%), While the rest were working either in the industry engaged in Health and

Community Service (10%). Transport and Storage (1%), Real Property (15%) -,

Construction (5%) , and Accommodation, Café and Restaurant (5%), while three percent

were engaged in Manufacturing and only two percent in the industry of Agriculture.

Other participants work on Business Professing, Financial and Insurance, and Maritime,

Safety, Security, Law Enforcement, Environmental Protection, Search and Rescue.

Employing another BSIS Graduates. Ninety-three percent of the companies

were willing to hire another BSIS graduates of CvSU as they still needed more

employees and if the applicants are qualified based on the companies' standard. On the

other hand only five percent were undecided if they will hire another BSIS graduates of

CvSU due to availability/unavailability of positions.

Job Performance of the BSIS Graduates
as Perceived by the Employers

The job performance of the employed BSIS graduates of the Cavite State

University was evaluated by the employer through their immediate supervisor. This was

measured in terms of professionalism, adaptability, positive attitude or motivation,

teamwork and leadership and quality of work. There were three to five statements used to

describe each indicator to determine the level of performance which were rated by the

supervisor using the three-point Likert scale as 1 means outstanding, 2 acceptable, and 3

needs improvement.

Professionalism. Table 4 shows the level of job performance of the BSIS

graduates as perceived by their employer or immediate supervisor. There were five

statements used to indicate professionalism of the graduates with their job. The result

showed that the graduates had outstanding performance in their job having obtained a

mean of 1.55 and standard deviation of 0.71. This implies that the graduates surpassed

the expectations of the employers.

Table 4. Job performance of BSIS graduates as perceived by the employers

in terms of professionalism


1. Deals with acting in

responsible and fair manner 1.53 0.72 Outstanding
2. Arrive to work every day
on time. 1.50 0.70 Outstanding
3. Can solve the problem
and get the job done. 1.60 0.72 Outstanding
4. Can work under pressure. 1.57 0.67 Outstanding
5. Work without being told 1.57 0.74 Outstanding
TOTAL 1.55 0.71 Outstanding

Legend: 1.00-1.66 = Outstanding;

1.67-2.33 = Acceptable;
2.34- 3.00 = Needs Improvement

Among the five statements, the statement "Can solve the problem and get the

job done" got the highest mean of 1.60 followed by the statement "can work under

pressure" (1.57) and "Work without being told" (1.75). The statement which got the least

mean (1.50) was "Arrived to work everyday on time".

On the other hand, the percentage distribution of BSIS graduates according to

their level of job performance as perceived by the employer in terms of professionalism is

shown in Figure 1. More than half (50%) of the graduates were rated by the employers as

having outstanding performance in their job while 28 percent were rated as having

acceptable job performance. However, there were 13 ac who got a rating of needs


Insert pie chart

Figure 1. Percentage distribution of BSIS graduates according to their level of

Performance as perceived by the employer in terms of professionalism
in the job.
York College of Pennsylvania (2013) stated that being absent and a lack of

punctuality is the predominant reason for new college graduates being fired as it only

shows a lack of professionalism in the workplace.

Adaptability. Table shows the level of job performance of the BSIS graduates

as perceived by their employer or immediate supervisor in terms of adaptability to the

job. There were four statements used to indicate adaptability of the graduates with their

job. The result showed that the graduates had outstanding performance in their job

having obtained a mean of 1.56 with standard deviation of 0.78. This implies that the

graduates surpassed the expectations of the employers.

Among the four statements, the statement "Work harmoniously with coworkers"

got the highest mean of 1.60 followed by the statements "Communicate or participate

with colleagues" and "Deals with new ideas" (1.57). The statement which got the least

mean (1.52) was "Can work independently or as a team".

Table 5. Job performance of BSIS graduates as perceived by the employers

In terms of adaptability


1. Deals with new ideas and

accept 1.57 0.75 Outstanding
2. Can work independently
or as a team 1.52 0.77 Outstanding
3. Communicate or
participate with colleagues 1.57 0.80 Outstanding
4. Work harmoniously with 1.60 0.80 Outstanding

TOTAL 1.56 0.78 Outstanding

Legend: 1.00-1.66 = Outstanding;

1.67-2.33 = Acceptable;
2.34- 3.00 = Needs Improvement
On the other hand, the percentage distribution of BSIS graduates according to

the level of job performance as perceived by the employer in terms of adaptability is

shown in Figure 2. More than half (61%) of the graduates were rated by the employers as

outstanding performance in their job while 22 percent were rated their job performance

as acceptable. However, there were 17 percent who got a rating of needs improvement.

Insert pie chart

Figure 2. Percentage distribution of BSIS graduates according to their level of

performance as perceived by the employer in terms of adaptability in
the job.

The results of the study were similar with the study of Abas-Mastura M. Imam

O.A. and Osman S. (2013) which showed that the adaptability of the graduates in their

job was satisfactory and noted that the employees worked harmoniously with their co-


Positive attitude and motivation. Table 6 shows the level of job performance

of the BSIS graduates as perceived by their employer or immediate supervisor in terms of

positive attitude and motivation. There were four statements used to indicate positive

attitude and motivation of the graduates with their job. The result showed that the

graduates had outstanding performance in their job having obtained a mean of 1.62 and a

standard deviation of 0.75. This implies that the graduates surpassed the expectations of

the employers.

Among the four statements, the statement "Accepts and gives criticisms

gracefully" got the highest mean of 1.60 followed by the statements "Demonstrate

passion through their works and actions" and "Has the ability to handle multi-


during working time" (1.62). The statement which got the least mean (1.52) was

"Willing to learn new skills and techniques".

Table 6. Job Performance BSIS graduates as perceived by the employers

in terms of positive attitude and motivation.


1. Demonstrate passion through

their works and actions 1.67 0.73 Acceptable
2.Has the ability to handle multi-
work during the working time 1.62 0.76 Outstanding
3. Accepts and gives criticisms
gracefully 1.7 0.74 Acceptable
4. Willing to learn new skills 1.52 0.77 Outstanding
and techniques

TOTAL 1.62 0.75 Outstanding

Legend: 1.00-1.66 = Outstanding;

1.67-2.33 = Acceptable;
2.34- 3.00 = Needs Improvement

On the other hand, the percentage distribution of BSIS graduates as perceived of

by the employers in terms of positive attitude and motivation is shown in Figure 3. More
than half (53%) of the graduates were rated by the employers as having outstanding

performance in their job while 30 percent were rated as having acceptable job

performance. However, there were 17 percent who got a rating of needs improvement.

Similarly, Abas-Mastura, Imam, and Osman (2013) showed that the positive

attitude and motivation of the graduates in their job is very competent and noted that a

full competence on employability skills is a quality that could downplay any threat of

devaluation and sustain job security.

Insert pie chart

Figure 3. Percentage distribution of BSIS graduates as perceived of the

in terms of positive attitude and motivation in the job.

Teamwork and leadership. Table 7 shows the level of job performance of thr

BSIS graduates as perceived by their employer or immediate supervisor in terms of

teamwork and leadership. There were three statements used to indicate teamwork and

leadership of the graduates with their job. The result showed that the graduates had

acceptable performance in their job having obtained a mean of 1.68 and a standard

deviation of 0.75. This implies that the graduates had a sufficient range of skill in the job.

Among the four statements, the statement "Has the ability to take charge and

manage co-workers" got the highest mean of 1.72 followed by the statement "Has a

commanding authority and influence" (1.70). The statement which got the least mean

(1.62) was "Able to cooperate with the team".

Table 7. Job Performance of BSIS graduates as perceived by the employers

in terms of teamwork and leadership.


1. Has the ability to take charge

and manage co-workers 1.72 0.64 Acceptable
2. Able to cooperate with the
team professionally 1.62 0.76 Outstanding
3. Has a commanding authority
and influence 1.70 0.74 Acceptable
TOTAL 1.62 0.75 Outstanding

Legend: 1.00-1.66 = Outstanding;

1.67-2.33 = Acceptable;
2.34- 3.00 = Needs Improvement

On the other hand, the percentage distribution of BSIS graduates as perceived of

the employers in terms of teamwork and leadership is shown in Figure 4. Forty-eight

percent of the graduates were rated by the employers as having outstanding performance
in their job while 40 percent had acceptable job performance. However, there were 12

percent who got a rating of needs improvement.

Insert pie chart

Figure 4. Percentage distribution of BSIS graduates as perceived of the

in terms of teamwork and leadership in the job.

This is somewhat similar with the results of the study of Abas-Mastura, Imam,

and Osman (2013) which showed that the teamwork and leadership of the graduates in

their job is moderately competent. This implies that employers provided limited

opportunities to work in groups and involve in organization activities, did not require

them to perform their job always in teams, and had insufficient time to deal with them

due to the few years of their stay in the work setting.

Quality of work. Table 8 shows the level of job performance of the BSIS

graduates as perceived by their employer or immediate supervisor in terms of quality of

work. There were three statements used to indicate quality of work of the graduates with

their job. The result showed that the graduates had outstanding performance in their job
having obtained a mean of 1.63 and a standard deviation of 0.73. This only implies that

the graduates surpassed the expectations of the employees.

Among the three statements, the statement "Ability to design, plan, organize,

and implement projects and tasks within an allotted timeframe" got the highest mean of

1.72 followed by the statement "Ability to follow instruction and apply knowledge/skills

learned on developed during the training/seminars" (1.60). The statement which got the

least mean (1.62) was "Ability to handle and use tools and equipment and other facilities


Table 8. Job Performance of BSIS graduates as perceived by the employers

in terms of quality of work.


1. Ability to follow instructions and
apply knowledge/skills learned on 1.60 0.72 Outstanding
developed during training/seminars.
2. Ability to design, plan, organize,
and implement projects and tasks 1.72 0.76 Acceptable
within an allotted timeframe.
3. Ability to handle and use tools
and equipment and other facilities 1.57 0.72 Outstanding
TOTAL 1.62 0.75 Outstanding

Legend: 1.00-1.66 = Outstanding;

1.67-2.33 = Acceptable;
2.34- 3.00 = Needs Improvement
On the other hand, the percentage distribution of BSIS graduates as perceived of

the employers in terms of quality of work is shown in Figure 5. Fifty-two percent of the

graduates were rated by the employers as having outstanding performance in their job

while 14 percent were rated as having acceptable job performance. However, there were

14 percent who got a rating of needs improvement.

Insert pie chart

Figure 4. Percentage distribution of BSIS graduates as perceived of the employers

in terms of quality of work in the job.

In the study of Abas-Mastura, Imam and Osman (2013) , it was shown that the

quality of work of the graduates in their job is very satisfactory. It showed that they are

fully developed in handling and using tools and equipment and other facilities and can

design, plan, organize, and implement projects and tasks within an allotted timeframe.

Job performance evaluation

Table 9 shows the overall level of job performance of the BSIS graduates as

perceived by their employer or immediate supervisor in terms of professionalism,

adaptability, positive attitude and motivation, teamwork and leadership, and quality of

work. The result showed that the graduates has an outstanding performance in their job
having obtained a grand mean of 1.60 and a standard deviation of 0.73. This implies that

the graduates surpassed the expectations of the employers.

Among the five indicators, the indicator teamwork and leadership got the

highest mean of 1.68 followed by the indicator quality of work (1.63), positive attitude

and motivation (1.62) and adaptability (1.56). The statement which got the least mean

(1.55) was the indicator professionalism.

The job assessment gives an employee a road map for the various positions in

an organization, providing insight into the behavioral drives and learning abilities needed

to predict on the job performance (Labs, 2017).

Table 9. Job Performance of BSIS graduates as perceived by the employers


Professionalism 1.55 0.71 Excellent Surpassed Expectation

Adaptability 1.56 0.78 Excellent Surpassed Expectation

Positive Attitude 1.62 0.75 Excellent Surpassed Expectation

and Motivation
Teamwork and 1.68 0.71 Acceptable Sufficient Range of Skill
Quality of work 1.63 0.73 Excellent Surpassed Expectation
TOTAL 1.62 0.73 Excellent Surpassed Expectation

Legend: 1.00-1.66 = Outstanding;

1.67-2.33 = Acceptable;
2.34- 3.00 = Needs Improvement
Problems Encountered

Table 10 showed the problems encountered of the employers of the BSIS

graduates based on their job performance.

Punctuality is one of the observed problems by the employer or by the

immediate supervisor on the job performance of the employed BSIS graduates in the

category of Professionalism. The participants noticed that their employed BSIS graduates

were occasionally late due to schedule shifting but adjusting and managing their time

properly afterwards.

With regards to Adaptability, the employers of the BSIS graduates suggested

that they should improve their fitness of work because some of the BSIS graduates' jobs

were not related to their field of study.

As to the category of Positive Attitude/Motivation, the participants suggested

that the employed BSIS graduates should improve their self-awareness and attitude

towards the employed BSIS graduates should improve their self-awareness and attitude

towards with their co-workers.

Lastly, on the Quality of Work, minimal errors were observed in the task given
on some of the graduates.

Table 10. Problems Encountered of the Employers of the BSIS graduates

based on their Job Performance
Professionalism 5 2.5
1. Handling of customer concerns 1
2. Co-workers 1
3. Should observe punctuality 3
Adaptability 5 2.5
1. Relocations 1
2. Kind of job not related to the 2
course studied
3. Scheduled shifting but adjusting 1
4. Should improve the fitness of the 1

Positive Attitude/Motivation 3 4
1. Problems with co-workers 2
2. Improves towards self-awareness 1

Quality of Work 6 1
1. Minimal errors were observed in 2
the task assigned
2. Needs to improve more 4



The study was conducted among the employers of Bachelor of Science in

International Studies (BSIS) graduates from the Department of Development Studies

program of Cavite State University. Specifically, the study determined the demographic

characteristics of the employer of the BS International Studies graduates from 2010 to

2017, determined the descriptive characteristics of the company where the BS

International Studies graduates were employed, described the level of job performance of

the BS International Studies graduates as perceived by the employers in terms of the

following index: a.) Professionalism; b,) Adaptability; c.) Positive Attitude/Motivation;

d.) Teamwork and Leadership; and e.) Quality of work; and identify the problems

encountered by the companies regarding the job performance of the employed BS

International Studies graduates.

This study used descriptive research design and used primary and secondary

data. The participants were the employers of the 118 BSIS graduates of CvSU from

2010 to 2017. Out of 93 employed BSIS graduates, only 60 employers responded to the

questionnaire. Purposive sampling was used in the study. Employers of the employed

graduates were used as participants of the study. Participants residing in the Philippines

were surveyed by the authors either to their respective companies or through online form

while participants working abroad were surveyed through online questionnaire.

Statistical tools such as frequency count, percentage, range and mean were used to

describe the participants' demographic profile, problems encountered and the level of the

employers' assessment on the job performance of the employed BSIS graduates.

Results showed that the participants were mostly male with an average age of

33 years. Most of the employers were already married and the rest were still single. In

terms of educational attainment majority of the employers were college graduate or had a

master's degree. With regards to their religion, most of the employers were Roman

Catholic and Born Again Christians. Ninety-seven percent of the employers were

Filipinos and the rest were foreigners. And as to the designation of the participants, 35
percent were in the category of managerial and team leader and the rest were in the field

of HR/Admin, supervisory, presidential and others.

The organization/firm/company where most of the Bachelor of Science in

International Studies were categorized as International Company. Most of the graduates

were employed in the field of Marketing Sales, Telecommunications and Education.

Ninety-three of the organization/firm/company were willing to hire other BSIS graduates

while the rest were not willing and undecided.

The BSIS graduates gained an outstanding behavior and surpassed the

expectations of their employers with regards to their job performance in the categories of

Professionalism, Adaptability, Positive Attitude and Motivation, and Quality of Work.

On the other hand, the Teamwork and Leadership resulted to an acceptable job

performance and sufficient range of skills.


Based on the result of the study, the following conclusions were derived:

1. The employers are still young having an average age of 33, many are males,

married, Roman Catholic, college graduates, and Filipino.

2. Most of the BSIS graduates are employed in International Company engaged in

Marketing Sales.

3. Majority of the employers are willing to employ another BSIS graduates.

4. BSIS graduates have an outstanding performance in professionalism,

adaptability, positive attitude and motivation, and quality of work, while

acceptable in terms of teamwork and leadership.

5. Majority of individual rating of the BSIS graduates, according to their job

performance are rated outstanding by the employers, however, there are

observations that the graduates need to improve.

6. Most of the employed graduates do not encounter major problems in their job

performance however, they still need to improve their quality of work and their

teamwork and leadership.


Based on the result of the study, the following are recommended:

1. The Department of the Development Studies should conduct more seminars and

trainings regarding teamwork and leadership for the BSIS program so that the

capacity of the future graduates to lead and cooperate with other people will be

more competent and skilled enough in dealing with other people.

2. The Department of Development Studies should have more programs,

opportunities where the students can showcase their communication skills,

teamwork and leadership skills as well because most of the employers want their

future employees to surpass their expectations.

3. One of the findings of this study suggests that the job performance of the

graduates regarding the quality of work should be improved by designing,

planning, organizing and implementing projects to develop the knowledge and

skills of graduates.
4. Future researchers should do related studies with a higher number of participants

and should use a standard questionnaire regarding the study.


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