DS641e RL
DS641e RL
DS641e RL
Surge Protection
Safety Equipment
Coordinated Surge Protection
System protection + Terminal equipment protection =
GmbH + Co.KG. System availability
Hans-Dehn-Str. 1
Postfach 1640
92306 Neumarkt
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When lightning hits an installation, high impulse currents strength of the parts of the installation and the terminal Safe lightning and surge protection is based on the lightning downstream protective stages is to discharge the residual
and impulse voltages come up within conductive systems devices. protection zones concept described in IEC 62305-4 impulse currents of the lightning flood wave and to reduce
which can be compared to an enormous “flood wave“. If These requirements are fulfilled with the (EN 62305-4). The relevant organising principle of dividing the surges induced by the electromagnetic field to an
this “flood wave“ is not broken, important electrical DEHN Surge Arrester Family the object to be protected into protection zones (known as acceptable level for downstream equipment.
consumers will be destroyed. lightning protection zones (LPZ)) and defining the zone
boundaries can be applied both to protect a detached house While single-stage or two-stage protection concepts are
The impact of this “flood wave“ is described and defined in and a large-scale installation (e.g. a data processing centre). designed for small-sized electrical installations, e.g. a radio
lightning protection standard series IEC 62305 (EN 62305). First the outside area of the object to be protected is divided base station, a three-stage protection concept has proven to
The lightning flood wave is similar to an impulse current up into protection zones, then the inside area. Surge arresters be an economical and technical optimum for medium-sized
reaching its peak value within only 10 millionths of a second Coordinated Surge Protection are installed at the boundaries of the different protection and major installations. Often, the SPDs are used according
and reducing its value again by 50% within 350 millionths for Power Supply Systems zones. As the physical relations are not important for whether to the already existing electrical “nodes” in main distribution
of a second. lightning hits a detached house or a data processing centre, boards, subdistribution boards and final electrical circuits or
the lightning protection requirements on the SPDs are nearly at terminal devices. The SPDs in the subdistribution boards
Apart from the dynamic and thermal destruction caused by independent from the installation site. and final circuits are distinguished between SPDs Type 2 and
this “lightning flood wave” in unprotected installations, the I (kA) Wave form 10/350 μs Type 3 according to EN 61643-11 and typically consist of
200 Lightning impulse current
lightning impulse current releases an electromagnetic field Peak value 200 kA For SPDs for power supply systems, IEC 60364-5-53 complements varistors (voltage-controlled resistors).
impulse. Charge 100 As the lightning protection requirements of the SPDs with the To make the coordination of the individual protective stages
This electromagnetic field impulse enters the structure, its Specific energy 6.25 MJ/ system-related requirements of the application field. As safety possible, energy coordination is required. Like for the selective
systems and terminal equipment in a hardly sensible way allows no compromises, the Red/Line product family from stages of fuses in power lines, “selectivity” also has to be
and generates surges of several 1000 V in conductor loops DEHN + SÖHNE provides the appropriate SPDs for every type achieved for lightning current and surge arresters in order to
and circuits. 100 of installation. prevent from being overloaded on the SPDs connected in
parallel and the devices to be protected.
In order to control this lightning force successfully, a specified The first protective stage (LPZ 0A - 1) requires a “wave breaker”
lightning and surge protection concept is necessary. The to discharge most of the lightning current. Therefore, the
surge protective devices (SPDs) used must be designed for SPD used for this stage (SPD Type 1 according to
the loads coming up on site. They have to be energy- EN 61643-11), is also called lightning current arrester.
coordinated among each other and with the equipment and 350 700 Such impulse energies can only be controlled safely by spark
terminal systems to be protected. Furthermore, their voltage gaps, as these “switch“ the lightning impulse current wave
protection levels must be coordinated with the insulating Lightning impulse current 10/350 μs and thus reduce the pulse time. The function of the
U (V)
600 275
400 275
10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103 104 A 105
I (A) DEHNguard® S 275 FM DEHNguard® M/S ... CI DEHNguard® M YPV SCI
U/I characteristic of a varistor and DEHNgap C S FM DEHNguard® M TT 275 FM with integrated backup-fuse Arrester for use in photovoltaic systems