Synthesis Crystal Growth and Characterization of O
Synthesis Crystal Growth and Characterization of O
Synthesis Crystal Growth and Characterization of O
Single crystals of m-Nitroacetanilide (mNAa) were successfully grown by slow evaporation method at a
constant temperature 40°C from methanol solution. The solubility studies for mNAa were estimated. The cell
dimensions were obtained by single crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) study. The functional groups have been
confirmed using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis. The placement of protons was identified from
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) spectral analysis. UV-visible and fluorescence spectral
analyses were carried out for the grown crystals. Thermo gravimetric analysis and differential thermal analy-
sis were carried out to determine the thermal properties of the as grown crystal. The Second Harmonic Gen-
eration (SHG) efficiency of mNAa was also determined.
Keywords: Supersaturated Solution, X-Ray Diffraction, Single Crystal Growth, Organic Compounds,
Nonlinear Optic Materials
7.0 The peaks at 1380 cm–1, 1472.81 cm–1 and 1426.40 cm–1
are due to C = C stretching [11-13].
Optical transmittance spectrum of mNAa single crystal Figure 6. UV-Vis spectrum of mNAa.
Figure 7. Emission spectrum of mNAa. the position of protons. The optical properties such as
UV-Vis in transmittance mode and second harmonic
dered to a particle size of 125 m. When the powder generation (SHG) conversion efficiency were investi-
sample of mNAa was illuminated with this laser source gated to explore the nonlinear optical characteristics of
emission of green light was observed. In order to deter- the above crystal. In addition, the thermal properties of
mine the efficiency of mNAa, a sample of parent com- the mNAa crystal were studied with TG analysis.
pound mNA, which is also found to be an important ma-
terial in the research field of nonlinear optics [17] was 5. Acknowledgements
powdered to the same particle size and hence was used
as reference material. The SHG conversion efficiency of This work supported by the Department of Science and
mNAa is found to be 0.1 times that of mNA. Technology, New Delhi, India under the grant of project
ref-SR/FTP/PS-20/2005, is hereby gratefully acknowl-
3.7. Thermo Gravimetric Analysis edged. The authors thank Prof. K. Panchanatheswaran,
School of Chemistry, Bharathidasan University, Tiru-
Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Differential chirappalli for fruitful discussions. The authors also
Thermal Analysis (DTA) were carried out for mNAa and thank Regional Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre, IIT,
spectra are shown in Figure 8. They were recorded using Chennai for recording NMR, FTIR and single crystal
a simultaneous thermal analyzer PL-STA 1500 in nitro- data collection. The authors acknowledge Prof. P. K. Das
gen atmosphere for temperature range 20˚C to 800˚C at a and Sampa Ghosh, IISc, Bangalore for having extended
heating rate of 20˚C/min. The sharp endothermic peak in the laser facilities for SHG measurements and Centre for
DTA at 148˚C indicates the melting point of the crystal. Electrochemical Research Institute (CECRI) for having
The melting point measured directly using TEMPO extended the TGA-DTA measurements.
melting point apparatus was 149˚C. There is no exother-
mic or endothermic peak below this endotherm. This 6. References
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