Detailed LP - UTS L2

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Name: Tampal, Junelyn S. Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Fe M.


Detailed Lesson Plan

Understanding the self

I. Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students should be able to:

a. compare and contrast true self and false self by using a Venn diagram;
b. differentiate real self and ideal self by listing its characteristics; and
c. explain how to love and develop the true self through essay.

II. Content

Topic : The Self from Psychological Perspectives

Reference : Understanding the self book

Materials : PowerPoint Presentation, Instructional Materials

Skills : Reading, writing, speaking and listening

Values Integration :

III. Procedures:

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

Preliminary Activities (10 minutes)


Good afternoon students. How are you today? Good afternoon ma'am, were doing great ma'am,
thank you.
Okay, that's good to hear.


Before anything else, may I request Ms/Mr. ______ to

please lead us a prayer? Everybody please stand. (Student lead the prayer)

Amen. Please take your sit class. Thank you ma'am.

Checking of attendance

For your attendance class, may I request your secretary to (Student will follow)
please list down the absents foe today's meeting and give it
to me.

Presentation of the classroom rules

Before we proceed class, let's have our classroom rules (Students raising their hands)
first. May I request anyone to please read our classroom
Yes Ms/Mr. ______ please.

Classroom rules:

 Always be on time.
 Come to class prepared to learn.
 Raise your right hand if you want to speak.
 Listen when someone is talking.
Okay, thank you. Do you want to add on our classroom
rules class?  Respect others.

None ma'am
Okay great. So these rules will be strictly applied during
our class in order for us to be guided throughout our
discussion. Is it clear class?
Yes ma'am

A. Review (5 minutes)
Okay class, so what was our last discussion all about?
Ma’am it is all about the self from philosophical

Okay, what is self according to Socrates class? Ma’am according to Socrates man is dualistic,
meaning it compose of body and soul.
Okay, how about the three components of soul according to
Plato? The three components of soul ma’am is the rational
soul, spirited and appetitive soul.
Okay, very good.

B. Motivation (5 minutes)

Before we proceed, let's have an activity first. This activity

class called "Scan Me". So all you need to do is to scan the
QR code and answer the question.

Activity 1. Scan Me

 Do you
that self-actualization is important? Why? Why
I will give you 2 minutes to construct your answer, your 2
minutes starts now.

(After 2 minutes) (Students do their activity)

Time's up. Who wants to share his/her answer?

Yes Ms/Mr. ______ please. (Students raising their hands)

Okay, another one? Yes Ms/Mr. _____. (Student answer may vary)
Okay, thank you. (Student answer may vary)
D. Presentation of the lesson/lesson development
Activity(5 minutes)

Before proceeding to our proper discussion class, let's have

another activity. This activity called "Complete Me".

Using the table, list down the characteristics of your true

and false self. Write also the characteristics that you want to
become. I will only give you 3 minutes to do the activity,
then later on I'll call names randomly to share your work.

Activity 2. Complete Me
My True My False self What
self characteristics I
want to become?

Here's the table for your guide. Is it clear class?

Yes ma'am
Okay, so your 3 minutes starts now.
(Students do the activity)
(After 3 minutes)

Time's up. Stop writing. May I call on Ms./Mr. ______ to

present your work. (Student presenting)

Okay, last one, Ms/Mr. _______

Analysis (5 minutes) (Student presenting)

Okay class, how do you find the activity?

Is it difficult to examine your self? (Student answer may vary)

Abstract (40 minutes) (Student answer may vary)

So before we proceed to our next lesson, let me present to

you our learning objectives. May I request anyone to please
read? (Students raising their hand)

Yes Ms/Mr. ______ please.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students should
be able to:
a. compare and contrast the true self and false
self by using a Venn diagram;
b. differentiate the real self and ideal self by
listing its characteristics; and
c. explain how to love and develop the true
self through essay.
Okay thank you. These will be our learning objectives for
today's lesson.

So our topic for today class is The self from psychological


First, we have the True self and False self. May I request
anyone to please read and explain.
(Students raising their hand)
Yes Ms/Mr. ______ please.
True self and False self
- A person is in her/his true self if s/he has a sense of
integrity and of connected wholeness. When the
person has to comply with external rules, such as
being polite or otherwise following social codes, then
Okay, how about this one? Is this an example of true self of a false self is used.
false self? (Student answer may vary)
 President Duterte has been criticized due to his
language that has been affecting both national and
international relations.
Is he showing his true self or false self?

Okay, very good. Let's proceed. We have here the True self ma'am
characteristics of true and false self.

True self False self

 Do not compare  Happy to imitate

yourself with others
others  Compare
 Speak to yourself themselves with
kindly others
 Live the present  Think they are
moment important because
of their
These are the characteristics of the true and false self class.

Let's proceed to the healthy and unhealthy false self.

Anyone please read and explain.

Yes Ms/Mr. ______ .

(Students raising their hand)

Healthy false self

- When the false self is functional both for the person
and for society then it is considered healthy.

Unhealthy false self

- A self that fits in but through a feeling of forced
Okay, thank you. So now let's proceed. May I request compliance rather than loving adaptation is
Ms./Mr. ______ to please read and explain? unhealthy.
(Student answer may vary)

How to love and develop your true self?

1. God loves you.
- God created you in a very special way. He shaped
You cannot love others if you don't love your self. You you, fashioned you, and molded you.
can't be successful and happy if you don't love your self. (Student answer may vary)
How about the next? Ms/Mr. ______ please.

2. Accept yourself as you are

- And the easiest thing to do in the world is to be
yourself. When you become yourself, you discover
that success and happiness becomes almost effortless.
(Student answer may vary)
Okay, next.
(Students raising their hand)
Yes Ms./Mr. ______ please.
3. Forgive Yourself
- Don't be imprisoned by your own weaknesses or
Okay, how about the next? Ms./Mr. ______ please. (Student answer may vary)
4. Nurture Yourself
- Think of your blessings and read the Scriptures,
Next. Yes Ms/Mr. _____ please. Enjoy yourself and pamper yourself.
(Student answer may vary)

5. Set Boundaries
Okay, how about the last? Yes Ms/Mr. ______ please. - Avoid Emotional Vampires
(Student answer may vary)

6. Affirm Yourself
- I am a great person, I am beautiful and I am loved
by God.
Okay very good class. Now let's proceed. May I request
(Student answer may vary)
anyone to please read and explain?
(Students raising their hand)
Yes Ms/Mr. _____ please.
Personality Domains: Real Self VS Ideal Self
- The real self is who we actually are. It is how we
think, how we feel, look, and act.
while the ideal self is how we want to be, that is
constituted by the characteristics to which the
individual aspires.
It may also include components of what our parents have (Student answer may vary)
taught us, what we admire in others, what our society
promotes, and what we think is in our best interest class.

Who can give me a characteristics or traits of real self and

ideal self? Anyone?

Yes Ms/Mr. ______ .

(Students raising their hands)
Okay, another one? Yes Ms/Mr. ______
(Student answer may vary)
Okay last one? Yes Ms/Mr. _____
(Student answer may vary)
Okay so those are some characteristics of real and ideal
self. (Student answer may vary)

Now let's proceed. May I request anyone to please read and

(Students raising their hands)
Yes Ms./Mr. ______.
Importance of Alignment

- If the way that I am (the real self) is aligned with

the way that I want to be (the ideal self), then I will
feel a sense of mental well being or peace of mind. If
the way that I am is not aligned with how I want to
be, the incongruence, or lack of alignment, will result
in mental distress or anxiety.
(Student answer may vary)
The greater the level of incongruence between the ideal self
and the real self, the greater the level of resulting distress.
Okay, next. Carl Roger's Self-Actualization Theory. Let's
define what is self-actualization first. Who wants to read
and explain?

Yes Ms/Mr. ______ please. (Students raising their hand)

- Self-actualization (also referred to as self-
realization or self-cultivation) can be described as the
complete realization of one’s potential as manifest in
peak experiences which involve the full development
of one’s abilities and appreciation for life.
Now, let's proceed to Carl Rogers' theory. Who wants to (Student answer may vary)
read and explain?
(Students raising their hand)
Yes Ms./Mr. _____ .

Carl Roger's Self-Actualization Theory

- Rogers believed people are motivated by an innate
tendency to actualize, maintain, and enhance the self.
According to him, our own opinion of what we consider to (Student answer may vary)
be the acceptable behavior of college students will be
different by the time you are 70.

Next, we have the three components of self according to

Carl Roger. Who wants to read and explain the first one?

Yes Ms./Mr. ______ please.

(Students raising their hand)

Self worth (or self-esteem)

-Rogers believed feelings of self-worth developed in
early childhood and were formed from the interaction
Self worth (or self-esteem) class is what we think about of the child with the mother and father.
(Student answer may vary)
Okay, next. Anyone please read and explain.

Yes Ms./Mr. ______.

(Students raising their hand)

-Self-image includes the influence of our body image
on inner personality.
Self-image class is how we see ourselves, which is (Student answer may vary)
important to good psychological health. It has an effect on
how a person thinks. feels and behaves in the world.

Okay, next. Who wants to read and explain?

Yes Ms./Mr. ______. (Students raising their hand)

Ideal self
-It consists of our goals and ambitions in life, and is
dynamic - i.e. forever changing.
(Student answer may vary)
Ideal self class is the person who we would like to be. Is it
clear class?

Do you have any questions/clarification? Yes ma’am.

None ma’am.
Application (15 minutes)

For your assessment, let's have an activity. This is a group

activity. This activity called "Compare and Contrast".

(The teacher group the students into 4)

May I request anyone here to please read the directions?

(Students raising their hand)
Yes Ms./Mr. ______ .
Activity 3. Compare and Contrast
Directions: Use the Venn Diagram to compare and
contrast the true self and false self.
Okay, thank you. So all you need to do is to compare and
contrast the two self theories. Here’s the rubric as your

Strong Progressin Not in

Grasp g Evidence

(5) (3) (1)

Text All Most Few or none

support of statements statements of the
compariso are are statements
n supported supported are
statements by the text. by the text. supported
by the text.

Placement All Most Few

of statements statements statements
statements are nothing are placed are placed
within the similarities in the in the
Venn are placed correct correct
Diagram in the circle, but circle.
center student
circle and mixed up a
all few
statements statements.
that note
are placed
in the

Number Students is Students is Students is

of quality able to able to able to
statements make five make 3-4 make two or
or more comparison fewer
comparison statements comparison
statements in each statements
in each circle. in each
circle. circle.

Okay, great. So I will only give you 5 minutes to do your

task. After the given time finish or unfinished paste your
work in front. The first group who finish first will have an
additional points, and the last group will finish is the first Yes ma’am.
presenter. Is it clear class?

Do you have any questions/clarifications?

None ma’am.
Your 5 minutes starts now.
(Students do their task)
(After 5 minutes)
Yes ma’am
Are you all through?
(Students will follow)
Paste all your work in front.
(Student/s presenting)
First presenter please proceed.
(Students will follow)
Okay, let’s give them a good job clap.
(Student/s presenting)
Okay, next presenter please.
(Students will follow)
Okay, let’s give them an aling Dionisia clap.
(Student/s presenting)
Okay, next presenter please proceed.
(Students will follow)\
So, let’s give them a Kris Aquino clap.
(Student/s presenting)
Okay, next presenter proceed.
(Students will follow)
Okay, let’s give them a round of applause.


What is true self and false self class?

A true self is if a person has a sense of integrity and
of connected wholeness. When the person has to
comply with external rules, such as being polite or
otherwise following social codes, then a false self is
How about real and ideal self class?
The real self is who we actually are. It is how we
think, how we feel, look, and act.
while the ideal self is how we want to be, that is
constituted by the characteristics to which the
individual aspires.

So, what are the three components of self class according to Self worth (Self-esteem), self image and ideal self.
Carl Roger?

Okay, do you understand our topic?

Yes ma’am.
Do you have any questions/clarifications regarding our
topic class? None ma’am.

IV. Evaluation (5 minutes)

Let’s have another activity, this activity called “Know the
Difference”. May I request Ms./Mr. ______ to read the Activity 4. Know the difference
Directions: Differentiate real self and ideal self by
listing its characteristics.

After the given time, pass all your paper. Is it clear class? Yes ma’am.

Your timer starts now. (Students do their task)

(After 5 minutes)

Pass all your paper. (Students will follow)

V. Assignment
For your assignment, kindly define and give examples
about the following:

 Individualistic Cultures

 Collective Cultures

 Eastern philosophy

 Western philosophy

Is it clear class? Yes ma’am.

Do you have any questions/clarifications? None ma’am

If there’s none, let’s call it a day. Goodbye and thank you Goodbye and thank you ma’am.

Prepared by: Junelyn S. Tampal

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