Building A Scale of Competence To Apply Interdisciplinary Integrated Knowledge Into Practice For Student
Building A Scale of Competence To Apply Interdisciplinary Integrated Knowledge Into Practice For Student
Building A Scale of Competence To Apply Interdisciplinary Integrated Knowledge Into Practice For Student
ISSN 2457-0648
Vietnam began to implement a new general education program to replace the previous one in
2018. According to the new program, the content has many topics that integrate interdisciplinarity.
Therefore, teachers need to be able to teach in the direction of interdisciplinary integration to
develop students' competence. The current situation in Vietnam shows that teachers are still not
confident because they do not have much interdisciplinary integrated knowledge in applying
integrated knowledge into practice to the teaching process. This leads to the consequence that
when they teach topics related to real life, it will not be feasible, reducing the effectiveness of
teaching in schools, and difficult to achieve the goals required by the Ministry of Education and
Training. For the above reasons, universities that train pedagogical students also need to make
appropriate adjustments to foster and train pedagogical students’ competence in applying
interdisciplinary knowledge into practice. The article presents the research results on the process
of building and designing the scale, which are specific criteria to measure and evaluate the
PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning
ISSN 2457-0648
1. Introduction
Interdisciplinary teaching is an important means of solving practical problems (Klein,
1990). Students study many separate subjects but the lack of connection makes it impossible for
students to apply their knowledge in life (Elvin, 1977). Integration can satisfy three needs in
education: authenticity, meaningfulness, and efficiency” (Gavelek, et. al., 1999).
Integrated teaching offers some benefits to learners such as Increased understanding,
retention, and application of general concepts, creative thinking and synthesis of knowledge beyond
the normative, enhanced competence to identify, evaluate, and transfer critical information needed
for solving new problems, encouraging collaborative learning and better attitudes (Roegiers, 2001;
Sandra & Melissa, 1998).
Physics, biology, and chemistry subjects in the science discipline are not isolated from one
and others (Wiyanto, et. al., 2018). Teaching students in the traditional method (teaching subjects
separately) has risks in that Vietnam is implementing integrated teaching of the new general
education curriculum in 2018. For example, teachers lack the competence to teach the knowledge
of other subjects, Physics pedagogical students do not have access to knowledge of Biology and
Chemistry (Hai & Tra, 2017). As a result of the above analysis, some of the problems identified are
as follows:
• Integrated teaching has interested researchers since the early decades of the 20th century,
aiming to combine the knowledge of many different subjects to solve real-life problems.
• Teachers are still confused when implementing teaching integrated content into schools,
this is a barrier leading to difficulties in implementing Vietnam's 2018 general education program.
This article focuses on developing the competence to apply knowledge to the practice of
physics pedagogical students, specifically answering the following questions:
• The competence to apply interdisciplinary integrated knowledge into practice
for physics pedagogical students includes what components?
PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning
ISSN 2457-0648
2. Methodology
To build a scale, first of all, it is necessary to clarify the definition of competence to apply
knowledge into practice. From the concept, we describe some behavioral manifestations of
students. In addition, we analyze the teaching process of students, the process is built so that the
assessment of component competencies is done clearly, and students are assessed through
classroom activities. The purpose of teaching is to develop students' abilities, so it is necessary to
assign challenging tasks (Wang & Hazari, 2018). We choose active teaching methods such as
problem-solving, group work, and experiments to teach physics to students. Designing detailed
lesson plans and teaching activities.
Students self-assess the progress of their ability to apply interdisciplinary integrated
knowledge into practice from the lecturer's questionnaire. The experimental subjects included 30
students studying in the second year at Can Tho University.
3. Literature Review
Raven J. proposed the competence table as a two-dimensional matrix. Horizontal content
lists a series of criteria for component competence. The vertical describes skills, perceptions, and
experiences (Raven, 1986).
The competence to apply knowledge into practice is the ability of learners to synthesize
learned knowledge with a positive attitude to effectively solve practical problems related to nature,
personal life, and community (Bao & Hoa, 2020)
Interdisciplinary integration increases the process of establishing interactions between
disciplines to lead to the unity of knowledge, and promote the useful use of knowledge to answer
questions about problems of practice (Tra, 2015)
PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning
ISSN 2457-0648
In this article, the competence to apply interdisciplinary integrated knowledge into practice
is the skill of learners to synthesize interdisciplinary integrated knowledge to solve problems
related to practice.
According to the authors Raymond Lynch, Niall Seery, and Seamus Gordon (2008)
students' learning process generalizes into several specific stages which are:
Characteristics of
students Student’ Teaching & Student
Perceptions Learning Learning
Previous Knowledge & of Context Approaches Outcomes
PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning
ISSN 2457-0648
research methods, or processes), and this competence plays an important and relevant role. directly
to decision-making, has the effect of training life skills for students.
4. Findings
In teaching languages, mathematics, or sciences, it is necessary to start from an appropriate
learning situation, to lead to a pedagogical process consisting of several stages (Robillard &
Marcel, 1994). Based on the analysis of teaching and learning activities, it can be seen that in order
to achieve the objective of forming the competence to apply interdisciplinary integrated knowledge
into practice for students, lecturers need to combine a series of activities different teaching and
learning activities, these activities are arranged by the lecturer in a logical and scientific sequence.
4.1. Competence To Apply Interdisciplinary Integrated Knowledge into Practice for Physics
Pedagogical Students:
Physics teaching becomes more interesting with learning activities such as answering
questions, doing experiments, looking up information, solving problems, giving presentations, and
discussing lessons learned. This will reduce the assessment of learners through the test of
memorized knowledge for students. From the analysis of the stages of competence formation to
apply interdisciplinary integrated knowledge into practice, the criteria for competence include:
- Synthesize interdisciplinary integrated documents
- Connect knowledge to solve practical problems
- Present
- Assess the impacts of science on the natural world
Table 1: Table Describing Competence Levels to Apply Interdisciplinary Integrated Knowledge
into Practice
Criteria Scale 1 Scale 2 Scale 3 Scale 4
PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning
ISSN 2457-0648
Activities 1: Discuss and suggest relevant questions
What is the phenomenon of shiny noodles in sunlight and how is it explained? Why is brown vermicelli safer
than shiny vermicelli? Shiny vermicelli is caused by mixing toxic ingredients? What is that ingredient? How
do I know?
Activities 4: Present
to Teach
Figure 2: Graph 5:The “Photoluminescence
Assess Phenomenon
the impacts of science of Some world
on the natural Chemicals in Food”
Tinopal is an optical whitener used only inTopic
fabric, paper, and washing powder technology
to make the product surface shiny, smooth and beautiful. This substance must not be used
in the food processing process, causing(Source: Self)
cancer and other diseases.
PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning
ISSN 2457-0648
Scale 1: Students do not know how to answer the lecturer's topic questions, unable to solve
the problem raised ("Why shouldn't you buy noodle soup with shiny color?)
Scale 2: Students received suggestions from the lecturer and presented that they should not
buy shiny products such as vermicelli and pho, but could not explain why.
Scale 3: Students think that they should not buy noodles and noodles with shiny colors
because they have been mixed with toxic chemicals, including chemical elements, which
are not good for their health.
Scale 4: Students think that they should not buy noodles and noodles with shiny colors
because they have been mixed with toxic chemicals, including chemical elements, which
are not good for their health. Proposing to do verification experiments and make
conclusions based on experiments.
Based on the criteria in Section 4.3 and the teaching process graph shown in Figure 2, the
lecturer organizes classroom learning activities that contribute to improving students' ability to
apply knowledge in practice (Figure 3).
Synthesize interdisciplinary Connect knowledge to solve Present Assess the impacts of science
integrated documents practical problems on the natural world
5. Conclusions
The article presents a scale of competence to apply interdisciplinary integrated knowledge
into the practice of physics pedagogical students. Interdisciplinary integration ideas are rarely
learned in school but are fundamental to solving problems in our lives. Therefore, the article has
contributed to promoting the teaching process towards solving problems requiring
interdisciplinary knowledge, helping students acquire integrated knowledge and use it in high
school teaching effectively.
PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning
ISSN 2457-0648
The results of student self-assessment have shown a positive effect and teachers need to
expand this teaching model in schools. However, the study did not conduct expert interviews to
comment on the competence structure and the levels of the scale. Therefore, in future studies, we
plan to use more questionnaires from education experts to adjust for the current correct and reliable
In this study, there is a limit on the number of students over 30 students, so the survey data
on the results of students' self-assessment in Figure 3 has reliability and cannot be used as a
representative for all students. Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to organize teaching on a
larger number of students and expand it to many other schools and regions in Vietnam.
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