History of Translation
History of Translation
History of Translation
The word ‘translation’ comes from a Latin term which means “to bring or carry across”. Another relevant
term comes from the Ancient Greek word of ‘metaphrasis’ which means “to speak across” and from this,
the term ‘metaphrase’ was born, which means a “word-for-word translation”. These terms have been at
the heart of theories relating to translation throughout history and have given insight into when and
where translation have been used throughout the ages. It is known that translation was carried out as
early as the Mesopotamian era when the Sumerian poem, Gilgamesh, was translated into Asian
languages. This dates back to around the second millennium BC. Other ancient translated works include
those carried out by Buddhist monks who translated Indian documents into Chinese. In later periods,
Ancient Greek texts were also translated by Roman poets and were adapted to create developed literary
works for entertainment. It is known that translation services were utilised in Rome by Cicero and Horace
and that these uses were continued through to the 17th century, where newer practices were developed.
It is argued that the knowledge and findings of Greek academics was developed and understood so widely
thanks to the translation work of Arabic scholars. When the Greeks were conquered, their works were
taken in by Arabic scholars who translated them and created their own versions of the scientific,
entertainment and philosophical understandings. These Arabic versions were later translated into Latin,
during the Middle Ages, mostly throughout Spain and the resulting works provided the foundations of
Renaissance academics.
Following on from the Industrial Revolution, the economy developed rapidly and evolved into a machine
with the potential for global success. New machinery allowed for swifter production of texts and business
related materials and this means that more time could be invested in evolving a company and translating
material to enter foreign markets. Since the 18th century, businesses have benefitted from formalised
translation services but the dawn of modern practice came with the widespread introduction of the
internet. The internet has revolutionised the ability to access, translate and understand texts and
documents from all over the world, whether they be contemporary or historical pieces. Crucially, the need
to understand the culture of the original country and that of the target audience is further enhanced by
modern tools and practices. Although some instant translation services are capable only of metaphase
translation (literal word-for-word translation), specialist firms, platforms and translators are able to
translate texts and spoken word into multiple languages whilst observing the relevance and culture of the
target receiver.