Analysis of The Significance of Changes in The Num PDF
Analysis of The Significance of Changes in The Num PDF
Analysis of The Significance of Changes in The Num PDF
Analysis of the Significance of Changes in the Number and
Energy Parameters of Acoustic Emission Signals on the
Assessment of the Strength of Fibre–Cement Boards
Anna Adamczak-Bugno 1, * , Grzegorz Świt 1 , Aleksandra Krampikowska 1 and Edoardo Proverbio 2
1 Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kielce University of Technology, 25-314 Kielce, Poland
2 Department of Engineering, University of Messina, Contrada di Dio Sant’Agata, 98166 Messina, Italy
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: The article presents the results of three-point bending tests carried out for samples cut
from full-size fibre–cement boards subjected to typical and exceptional conditions. The tests were
carried out with the simultaneous acquisition of acoustic emission signals. It has been noted that
some factors significantly deteriorate the strength parameters of the samples as well as cause the
occurrence of differences in the number of acoustic emission signals of various classes and their
energy parameters. A statistical analysis was carried out in order to repeat the relationship between
the strength parameters of the samples and the acoustic emission parameters. Based on the research,
it was found that the MOR bending strength for specimens exposed to fire and high temperature is
more than 50% lower than for air-dried specimens and specimens exposed to water. The increased
number of freeze–thaw cycles also has an impact on the strength of the specimens. Components
exposed to more than 10 freeze–thaw cycles had a strength more than 30% smaller than the reference
specimens soaked in water and exposed to bath-drying cycles. A similar dependency was indicated
Citation: Adamczak-Bugno, A.; Świt, by the number of signals of the individual classes, their energy parameters and their frequencies.
G.; Krampikowska, A.; Proverbio, E. The number, strength, duration and frequency also decreased along with the increase in the test case
Analysis of the Significance of number. On this basis, conclusions were drawn concerning the suitability of acoustic emission for the
Changes in the Number and Energy evaluation of the strength of fibre–cement elements.
Parameters of Acoustic Emission
Signals on the Assessment of the Keywords: fibre–cement composites; acoustic emission method; statistical analysis
Strength of Fibre–Cement Boards.
Materials 2022, 15, 5757. https://
functional performance, is the reason the use of fibre–cement rainscreen cladding is not
limited by regional architectural traditions, climatic conditions or intended use of the
building. Fibre–cement cladding may be full-body coloured, made with an outer textured
layer (imitating wood or stone), painted after installation or even covered with render.
That is why rainscreen cladding using fibre–cement cladding can be found on new and
reconstructed buildings of any type and with any function (apartment buildings and
single-family houses, office buildings, industrial facilities, hospitals, etc.) [9–12].
End-of-life fibre–cement cladding can be recycled.
Initially, fibre–cement products were made using asbestos. The first prototypes of
fibre–cement boards were manufactured towards the end of the 19th century by Ludwig
Hatschek from Austria as a mixture of cement and asbestos. Around the end of the 19th
century, there was a need for materials that would be less flammable, less expensive,
more resistant to variable temperatures, stronger and more durable than the conventional
construction materials known at the time. The first Austro-Hungarian asbestos factory
(owned by Ludwig Hatschek) manufactured fibre–cement roof cladding. The production
of wall cladding followed soon after.
By 1976, fibre–cement cladding was mostly made using asbestos. After it was es-
tablished that asbestos was harmful to people, approx. 200 types of fibres (e.g., basalt,
cellulose) were started to be used to make fibre–cement cladding [7,10,13].
may heat up to more than 90 ◦ C during the summer season. When torrential rains start (the
water temperature may be approx. 10 ◦ C), the exterior parts of the cladding are cooled im-
mediately. The high difference between the temperatures out-side and inside the cladding
often results in the appearance of cracks.
• Impact of moisture on rainscreen cladding (rain and snow on the outside and water
vapour migration on the inside)
Changes in moisture content affect the shape and dimensions of the cladding. The
unavoidable factors that increase water migration into the cladding system include wind.
During rainfall, the suction caused by the wind causes the individual parts of the cladding
to move and form corridors for the migration of water into the system. If the plastic vapour
barrier is damaged or missing, the thermal insulation may become permanently damp.
• Chemical air pollution and moisture
Serious damage to the cladding, grids and mechanical fasteners may be caused by
chemical reactions occurring between the chemical elements in the air (due to industrial and
transport pollution, from combined heat and power plants, etc.) and moisture (water). Such
reactions occur in situations where chemical elements in the air dissolve in the moisture
penetrating into the cladding or settling on the metallic support frames.
• Wind actions
Wind fluctuations cause the appearance of long-time, recurring pushing-pulling load,
resulting in progressive damage to “cladding-framework” joints.
The most dangerous anthropogenic actions include impacts. Fibre–cement cladding
has a fairly low impact strength. Impact with a hard object (e.g., a rock) or soft object (e.g., a
ball used by children to play) may cause the cladding to crack. Even microcracks may allow
moisture into the cladding, accelerating its degradation.
These factors have a significant impact on the safety of the use of wall-cladding
systems, which is why such systems should be systematically monitored to ensure long
and safe use [20–23].
tored object. The sources of acoustic emission signals include appearing and propagating
microcracks, cracks and corrosion processes.
An indirect objective of the research described in this paper was to analyse the changes
in the mechanical parameters of fibre–cement boards exposed to the previously mentioned
typical and accidental operating conditions. An important part of the testing procedure
was to analyse the acoustic emission signals recorded during the loading of material
samples. The primary objective of the research, in turn, was to examine the correlation of
the mechanical parameters of fibre–cement objects with the parameters of the recorded
acoustic emission signals. This enabled the assessment of the suitability of the acoustic
emission method as a potential reliable diagnostic tool to assess the condition of rainscreen
cladding made of fibre–cement boards [25–28].
The novelty of the research consists mainly in the use of multicriteria analysis of acous-
tic emission signals to monitor the condition of fibre–cement panels. The use of dividing the
recorded acoustic emission signals into classes is a much more reliable approach than the
commonly used inference about the state of various materials based on single parameters.
Establishing a statistical correlation between the mechanical and acoustic parameters for
panels subjected to typical and exceptional conditions will potentially make it possible to
use the acoustic emission method to assess the condition of panels at low load levels.
Figure 1. Test stand: (a) scheme; (b) photograph.
Figure 1. Test stand: (a) scheme; (b) photograph.
3. Results Acoustic emission measurements were performed using two frequency sensors: VS30-
The AESICsignals
withrecorded during three-point
a flat characteristic in the bending
range oftests were
25–80 kHzbroken down into with a measuring
and VS150-RIC
classes using the k-means
range algorithm.
of 100–450 kHz and Theagrouping identified
peak at 150 four AEWin
kHz. The classes that were as-of acoustic emission
signed to the processes occurring in the reinforced cement material under
(Physical Acoustic Corporation, West Windsor, NJ, USA) was used in load, based onthe tests.
the authors own prior research and data in the literature [11]:
The fibre–cement composite was subject to bending strength tests using the Zwick Roell
Class 1—commencement of microcracks;
strength testing machine with a load range from 0 to 10 kN. The tests of the fibre–cement
Class 2—development of a mesh and increase or crack width;
Class 3—delamination of the material and debonding of fibres;
Class 4—breaking and material failure.
The analysis of the test results included the monitoring of the data concerning the
number of signals of the individual classes for successive test cases, their strength and
Materials 2022, 15, 5757 6 of 23
specimens were performed with a constant traverse speed of 0.1 mm/min. The digital
signals were processed using Vallen VisualAE (Vallen GMBH, Wolfratshausen, Germany)
and Vallen VisualClass (VisualAE (Vallen GMBH, Wolfratshausen, Germany) software for
the analysis of AE signals.
3. Results
The AE signals recorded during three-point bending tests were broken down into
classes using the k-means algorithm. The grouping identified four classes that were assigned
to the processes occurring in the reinforced cement material under load, based on the
authors own prior research and data in the literature [11]:
Class 1—commencement of microcracks;
Class 2—development of a mesh and increase or crack width;
Class 3—delamination of the material and debonding of fibres;
Class 4—breaking and material failure.
The analysis of the test results included the monitoring of the data concerning the
number of signals of the individual classes for successive test cases, their strength and
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW duration and average frequencies. The analysis also concerned the strengths achieved 7 of 25 for
the individual specimens.
The analysis was carried out using IBM SPSS Statistics 26 (IBM, New York, NY, USA).
The significance level was adopted as 0.05. The normality of the distributions was verified
homogeneity in most cases, the average distributions were compared using a group of
using the Shapiro–Wilk test, and variance homogeneity was tested using the Levene test.
nonparametric tests for the independent variables, including, in particular, the Kruskal–
Since there was no normal distribution for some of the data and there was no variance
Wallis test for multiple groups. The dependency between the data was examined using
homogeneity in most cases, the average distributions were compared using a group of non-
the Spearman’s correlation coefficient due to the absence of normal distribution in the
parametric tests for the independent variables, including, in particular, the Kruskal–Wallis
test for multiple groups. The dependency between the data was examined using the Spear-
man’s correlation coefficient due to the absence of normal distribution in the data.
3.1. Distribution of the Number and Selected Energy Parameters of Acoustic Emission Signals
Strength for the Individual
Distribution Testand
of the Number Cases
Selected Energy Parameters of Acoustic Emission Signals and
3.1.1. Number for of
Individual Test Cases
The Number
Class-1 Signals
of Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples
The graphical
of the number representation
of class-1 of Kruskal–Wallis
signals (Figure test results
2) indicates that for independent
the highest number of samples
class-1 of
the number of class-1 signals (Figure 2) indicates that the highest number
signals was recorded for components from test case F7 (specimens exposed to 25 freeze– of class-1 signals
was recorded for components from test case F (specimens exposed to 25
thaw cycles). Moreover, for this case, the scatter of 7the results was the greatest. Test casefreeze–thaw
cycles). Moreover,
F8 (specimens exposed to for50this case, the scatter
freeze–thaw cycles) of the results
contains was the
individual greatest.
outliers. TheTest case F8
number exposed
of class-1 signalstowas
50 freeze–thaw
recorded forcycles)
case F14contains
fired in outliers. The smallest
a furnace).
number of class-1 signals was recorded for case F14 (specimens fired in a furnace).
Figure 2. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: number
Figure 2. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: number
of class-1 signals.
of class-1 signals.
Figure 3. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: average
strength of3.class-1
Figure signals.
Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: average
Figure 3. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: average
strength of class-1 signals.
strength of class-1 signals.
3.1.3. Average Duration of Class-1 Signals [µs]
3.1.3. Average Duration of Class-1 Signals [µs]
3.1.3. The graphical
Average representation
Duration of Kruskal–Wallis
of Class-1 Signals [µs] test results for independent samples
of the The graphical
average duration representation
of class-1 of Kruskal–Wallis
signals (Figure 4) test results
indicates that forlongest
independent samples
of the graphical
average representation
duration of of Kruskal–Wallis
class-1 signals (Figuretest4)results forthe
indicates independent
that the
of the of class-1 signals
averageofduration was recorded
of class-1 signals for components
(Figure from test case F 7 (specimens ex-
duration class-1 signals was recorded for4)components
indicates that the test
from longest
caseaverage du-
F7 (specimens
posed of
ration to class-1
25 freeze–thaw cycles). Moreover,components
for this case,fromthe scatter of the results was ex-
exposed to 25signals was
freeze–thaw recorded
cycles). for
Moreover, for this test
case, thecase F7 (specimens
scatter of the results was
posed to Test
25 cases
freeze–thaw F 1 (air-dried specimens), F3 (specimens soaked in water for 24 h) and
cycles). Moreover, for this case, the scatter of the results was the
the greatest. Test cases F1 (air-dried specimens), F3 (specimens soaked in water for 24 h)
F11 (specimens
greatest. ignited for 5 min)specimens),
contain individual outliers. The shortest
in water average
for 24 h)dura-
and FTest cases F1 (air-dried F3 (specimens soaked
11 (specimens ignited for 5 min) contain individual outliers. The shortest average
tion of class-1
F11 (specimens signals
ignited was
for recorded
5 min) for
contain case F 10 (specimens ignited for 2.5 min).
individual outliers. The shortest average dura-
duration of class-1 signals was recorded for case F10 (specimens ignited for 2.5 min).
tion of class-1 signals was recorded for case F10 (specimens ignited for 2.5 min).
Figure 4. Graphic
4. Graphic presentation
presentation of the
of the Kruskal–Wallis
Kruskal–Wallis testtest results
results for for independent
independent samples:
samples: average
duration of class-1
of class-1 signals.
Figure 4. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: average
class-1 signals.
of Class-2 Signals
3.1.4. Number of Class-2 Signals
The graphical representation of Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples
3.1.4. The graphical representation of Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples
ofNumber of Class-2
the number Signals
of class-2 signals (Figure 5) indicates that the highest number of class-2
of the number of class-2 signals (Figure 5) indicatestest
The graphical representation of Kruskal–Wallis that the highest
results number of
for independent class-2
of was recorded
the number forsignals
of class-2 components
(Figurefrom test case that
5) indicates F4 (specimens
the highestexposed
numbertoof25 bath-
drying cycles). The largest scatter of results occurred for group F 6 (specimens exposed to
signals was recorded for components from test case F4 (specimens exposed to 25 bath-
10 freeze–thaw
drying cycles).
cycles). The Test
largest case Fof
scatter 2 (specimens soaked in water for 1 h) contains individ-
results occurred for group F6 (specimens exposed to
ual outliers. The smallest number of class-2 signals was recorded for case F14 (specimens
Materials 2022, 15, 5757 8 of 23
signals was recorded for components from test case F4 (specimens exposed to 25 bath-
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEWdrying cycles). The largest scatter of results occurred for group F6 (specimens exposed
9 of 25 to
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW10 freeze–thaw cycles). Test case F2 (specimens soaked in water for 1 h) contains individual
9 of 25
outliers. The smallest number of class-2 signals was recorded for case F14 (specimens fired
in a furnace).
Figure 5. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: number
Figure 5. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: number
of class-25.signals.
Figure Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: number
of class-2 signals.
of class-2 signals.
3.1.5. Average
3.1.5. Average Strength
Strengthof Class-2
of Class-2Signals [nVs]
Signals [nVs]
graphicalStrength of Class-2
representation Signals
of [nVs]
The graphical representation of Kruskal–Wallis test results
test resultsfor
samples of
of the average
theThe strength
average of class-2
strength signals (Figure
of Kruskal–Wallis
of class-2 signals 6) indicates
test results
(Figure 6) indicates that the
for highest
that the highest
independent average
average strength
of of of class-2
average signalssignals
was of was recorded
recorded for components
for (Figure 6)
components from from
test test
indicates case
case F1the (air-dried
F1 highest
(air-dried spec-
strength Moreover,
Moreover,of class-2 for
for this this was
case, case,
the the scatter
scatter of the results
of the components
was the was
from the greatest.
greatest. case Test
F4 cases
1 (air-dried
TestFcases F4
exposed exposed
Moreover, to 25 bath-drying
for this case,
to 25 bath-drying cycles)
the scatter
cycles) and F
and F8of(specimens (specimens
the resultsexposed
8 was thetoexposed
greatest. to 50 freeze–
Test cases
50 freeze–thaw F4
thaw cycles)
contain contain individual
individual to
outliers. outliers.
25 bath-drying
The Theaverage
smallest smallest
and F 8average ofstrength
strength of class-2
class-2 signals 50 signals
to was freeze–
was recorded
thaw for case individual
case F9 contain
cycles) (specimens F9 (specimens toexposed
exposedoutliers. Thetosmallest
100 freeze–thaw
100 freeze–thaw cycles). cycles). of class-2 signals
average strength
was recorded for case F9 (specimens exposed to 100 freeze–thaw cycles).
Figure 6. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: average
Figure 6. Graphic
strength presentation
of class-2 signals. of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: average
strength of class-2 signals.
Figure 6. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: average
3.1.6. of
strength Average Duration of Class-2 Signals [µs]
class-2 signals.
3.1.6. Average Duration of Class-2 Signals
The graphical representation [µs]
of Kruskal–Wallis test results for samples of the average
3.1.6. Average
The graphicalDuration
of class-2 of Class-2
representation ofSignals
(Figure [µs] that
7) indicates
Kruskal–Wallis theresults
test longestforaverage
samplesduration of class-2
of the average
duration ofwas recorded
class-2 signals for components
(Figure 7) from
indicates test
the F (specimens
longest average soaked in
The graphical representation of Kruskal–Wallis test2 results for samples of the average water
of for 1 h).
was scatter
of recorded of results occurred
for components
class-2 signals for group
from testthat
(Figure 7) indicates F
casethe (specimens
5F2 longest
(specimens exposed
average to 50 bath-drying
in water
duration for 1
of class-2
h). The largest
signals scatter of
was recorded forresults occurred
components for group
from F5 (specimens
test case F2 (specimens exposed
for 1
ing cycles). Test case F (specimens ignited for 10 min) contains individual
h). The largest scatter of results occurred for group F5 (specimens exposed to 50 bath-dry-
13 outliers. The
shortest average duration of class-2 signals was recorded for case F (specimens
ing cycles). Test case F13 (specimens ignited for 10 min) contains individual outliers. The
9 exposed
to 100 freeze–thaw
shortest cycles). of class-2 signals was recorded for case F9 (specimens exposed
average duration
Materials 2022, 15, 5757 9 of 23
Figure 7. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: average
Figure 7. Graphic presentation
7. Graphic of Kruskal–Wallis
the Kruskal–Wallis
testtest results for independent samples: average
duration of class-2presentation
signals. of the results for independent samples: average
duration of class-2 signals.
duration of class-2 signals.
3.1.7. Number
3.1.7. Numberof Class-3
of Class-3Signals
Number of
graphicalClass-3 Signals
representation of of
The graphical representation Kruskal–Wallistest testresults
samples of
of theThe graphical
number of
the number representation
of class-3
class-3signals of
(Figure8)8) indicates
indicates test
thethe for independent
highest number
number ofsamples
of class-3 signals
of the
signals recorded offor
was recordedclass-3 signals from
for components
components (Figure from
test 8)case
testFcase Fthat the
1 (air-dried
(air-dried highest number
specimens). The of class-3
largest largest
scatter of
scatter was
of recorded
results for
occurred components
for group F from test
(specimens case F 1 (air-dried
exposed to 10 specimens).
results occurred for group F6 (specimens exposed to 10 freeze–thaw cycles). Test case F10
6 The largest
cycles). Test
case F10of(specimens
(specimens occurred
ignitedignited for
for 2.5 group
for F6 (specimens
2.5 contains
min) min) contains exposed
individual 10 freeze–thaw
The cycles).
The smallest
smallest number ofTest
case F 10 (specimens
of class-3 signals wasignited for
recorded 2.5
case contains
F individual
signals was recorded for case F14 (specimens fired in a furnace).
14 fired outliers.
in a The
furnace). smallest number
of class-3 signals was recorded for case F14 (specimens fired in a furnace).
Figure 8. Graphic
8. Graphic presentation
presentation of the
of the Kruskal–Wallis
Kruskal–Wallis testtest results
results for for independent
independent samples:
samples: number
Figure class-3 signals.
8. Graphic
of class-3 signals. presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: number
of class-3 signals.
3.1.8. Average Strength of Class-3 Signals [nVs]
3.1.8. Average Strength of Class-3 Signals [nVs]
3.1.8.The The graphical
Average Strength representation of Kruskal–Wallis
of Class-3 Signals [nVs] test results for independent samples of
the average representation
strength of Kruskal–Wallis
of class-3 signals test results
(Figure 9) indicates that for
the independent
highest average samples
of theThe graphical
average representation
strength of class-3ofsignals
(Figure 9)test results for
indicates thatindependent
the highest samples
average to
of class-3 signals was recorded for components from test case F4 (specimens exposed
of the average
strength strength
of class-3 signalsof class-3 signalsfor(Figure 9) indicatestestthat theFhighest average
25 bath-drying cycles).wasTherecorded
largest scattercomponents
of results from
occurred case 4 (specimens
for group ex-
F9 (specimens
posed to of
25 class-3 signalscycles).
bath-drying was recorded
The for components
largest scatter of fromoccurred
results test caseforF4 group
F ex-
9 (spec-
exposed to 100 freeze–thaw cycles). Test case F14 (specimens fired in a furnace) contains
imens to 25 bath-drying
exposed cycles). The
to 100 freeze–thaw largestTest
cycles). scatter of
F14results occurred
ingroup F9 (spec-
individual outliers. The smallest strength case
of class-3(specimens
signals was a furnace)
recorded con-F
for case 10
tains exposed
individual to 100 freeze–thaw
outliers. The cycles).
smallest Test
strength case
of F
14 (specimens
signals fired
was in a
recorded furnace)
for case con-
(specimens ignited for 2.5 min).
tains individual
(specimens outliers.
ignited for 2.5The smallest strength of class-3 signals was recorded for case F10
(specimens ignited for 2.5 min).
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 25
Materials 2022,2022,
Materials 15, x15,
5757 11 of10
25of 23
Figure 9. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: average
Figure 9. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: average
strength9. of
signals. of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: average
strength of class-3
of class-3 signals.
3.1.9. Average
3.1.9. Average Duration
Duration of Class-3 Signals
of Class-3 Signals [µs][µs]
Average Duration
graphical of Class-3 of
representation Signals [µs]
Kruskal–Wallis testtest
results forfor
independent samples
The graphical representation of Kruskal–Wallis results independent samples
of theThe
of the graphical
average representation
durationof class-3 of
of class-3 Kruskal–Wallis
signals (Figure test
(Figure results
indicates for
indicates independent
of the
duration of duration
of class-3 signals
class-3 of was
signals signals
was recordedfor(Figure 10) indicates
for components from fromthatcase
test theFcase
test longest
4 (specimensaverage
F4 (specimens ex-
posed to of
25 class-3 signals
bath-drying was
The largestfor components
scatter of from
results test
exposed to 25 bath-drying cycles). The largest scatter of results occurred for group F13 F
for (specimens
4group F 13 ex-
imens to 25 bath-drying
(specimens for 10 min).
ignited cycles).
for Test
10 TheTest
min). largest scatter
F2 (specimens
cases of resultsinsoaked
F2 (specimens occurred
water forinfor group
1 h)
water forFF11310h)
and (spec-
and F10
imens ignited for 10
ignited ignited
(specimens min).
for 5 min) Test cases
for 5contain F (specimens
min) contain 2 soaked
individual in water
The shortest
outliers. for
The shortest 1 h)
average and
average F
10 (spec-
duration of of
class-3 ignited
class-3 for 5recorded
signals min) contain
recorded forforindividual
case outliers.
F13 F(specimens
case 13 (specimens
ignited shortest
for for
ignited 10average
10 min). min). duration of
class-3 signals was recorded for case F13 (specimens ignited for 10 min).
Figure 10. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: average
Figure 10. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: average
Figure 10.of of class-3 signals. of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: average
duration class-3 presentation
duration of class-3 signals.
3.1.10. Number of Class-4 Signals
3.1.10. Number of Class-4 Signals
3.1.10.TheThe graphical
Number representation
of Class-4 Signals of Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples
of the graphical
number ofrepresentation
class-4 signalsof(Figure
Kruskal–Wallis test results
11) indicates that theforhighest
number samples
of class-4
of theThe graphical
number of representation
class-4 signals of Kruskal–Wallis
(Figure 11) indicatestest results
that the for independent
signals was recorded for components from test case F4 (specimens exposed toclass-4
highest number samples
of 25 bath-
of the
signals number
dryingwas of class-4
cycles). Thefor signals (Figure
largest scatter 11) indicates
resultstest case that
occurred F4 forthe highest
group numbertoof25
F6 exposed
(specimens class-4
bath- to
drying was recorded
10 freeze–thaw for components
largest scatter
The from
of results
smallest test case
number F4 (specimens
of class-4 group exposed
F6 (specimens
signals was to 25
recorded casetoF14
drying cycles).
10 freeze–thaw The largest
cycles). The scatter
(specimens fired in a furnace). of
smallest results
number occurred
of for
class-4 group
signals F 6 (specimens
was recorded exposed
for case to
F 14
10 freeze–thaw
(specimens firedcycles). The smallest number of class-4 signals was recorded for case F14
in a furnace).
(specimens fired in a furnace).
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 25
Figure 11. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: number
11. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: number
of class-4
Figure 11. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: number
of class-4 signals.
of class-4 signals.
3.1.11. Average Strength of Class-4 Signals [nVs]
3.1.11. Average Strength of Class-4 Signals [nVs]
3.1.11. graphical
Average representation
Strength of Class-4ofSignals
[nVs] test results for samples of the average
The graphical representation of Kruskal–Wallis test results for samples of the average
strength of class-4
The graphical signals (Figure
representation 12) indicates
of Kruskal–Wallis that the
test highest
results average
for samplesstrength
of the of class-
strength of class-4 signals (Figure 12) indicates that the highest average strength of class-4
4 signals of
strength was recorded
class-4 for (Figure
signals components from testthat
12) indicates casethe
F1 highest
(air-dried specimens).
average strengthTheoflargest
signals was recorded for components from test case F1 (air-dried specimens). The largest
4 signalsof results occurred for group F 8 (specimens exposed to 50 freeze–thaw cycles). Test
scatterwas of recorded for components
results occurred for group from
F8 test case F1 (air-dried
(specimens exposed specimens). The largest
to 50 freeze–thaw cycles).
cases F6of(specimens
scatter results exposed fortoexposed
10 freeze–thaw cycles), F7 (specimens exposed to 25 freeze–
Test cases F6 occurred
(specimens group F8 to
(specimens exposed
10 freeze–thaw to 50 freeze–thaw
cycles), F7 (specimens cycles). Test to
cases cycles),
(specimens9 (specimens exposed to 100 freeze–thaw cycles) and F11 (specimens ignited
exposed to 10 freeze–thaw cycles), F (specimens exposed to 25 freeze–
25 freeze–thaw cycles), F9 (specimens exposed to 100 freeze–thaw cycles) and F11 (speci-
6 7
for 5 min)
thaw cycles), contain outliers. The smallest
F9 (specimens average strength of class-4 Fsignals was recorded
mens ignited for 5 min) exposed to 100
contain outliers. freeze–thaw
The smallest cycles) andstrength
average 11 (specimens ignited
of class-4 signals
for case
for was
5 min) F 13 (specimens ignited for 10 min).
recorded outliers.
case F The smallest average
(specimens strength
ignited for 10 min).of class-4 signals was recorded
for case F13 (specimens ignited for 10 min).
Figure 12. Graphic
12. Graphic presentation
presentation of Kruskal–Wallis
of the the Kruskal–Wallis
test test results
results for independent
for independent samples:
samples: average
strength of class-4
of class-4 signals.
Figure 12. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: average
strength of Average Duration of Class-4 Signals [µs]
class-4 signals.
3.1.12. Average Duration of Class-4 Signals [µs]
The graphical representation of Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples
3.1.12.The graphical
Average representation
Duration of Class-4 ofSignals
[µs] test results for independent samples
of the average duration of class-4 signals (Figure 13) indicates that the longest average
of the average
The graphical
duration duration of class-4
of class-4 signals
signals wasofrecorded (Figure
Kruskal–Wallis 13) indicates
for components thatindependent
for the case
test longest average
F2 samples
of the
soaked of
average class-4
in water signals
for 1 of was recorded
h).class-4 signals
The largest for components
scatter from
13) indicates
of results occurred test
thatfor case
thegroupF 2 (specimens
longest average
F4 (specimens
duration inof
exposed water 25for
to 1 h). The
bath-drying waslargest scatter
cycles). Testforofcomponents
case results occurred
from for
F11 (specimens testgroup
ignitedcaseforFF245 (specimens
min) contains
soaked intowater
individual 25 outliers.
for 1 h). cycles).
The Test caseduration
scatter ofF11results
(specimens ignited
class-4 signals for
for group 5 min)
F contains
for case
4 (specimens
exposed outliers.
(specimens The
for 10 average
min). duration of class-4 signals was
to 25 bath-drying cycles). Test case F11 (specimens ignited for 5 min) contains recorded for case
F 13 (specimens ignited for 10 min).
individual outliers. The shortest average duration of class-4 signals was recorded for case
F13 (specimens ignited for 10 min).
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 25
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 25
Materials 2022, 15, 5757 12 of 23
Figure 13. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: average
Figure of 13. Graphic
Graphic presentation
presentation of Kruskal–Wallis
of the the Kruskal–Wallis
testtest results
results for independent
for independent samples:
samples: average
duration of class-4 signals.
duration of class-4 signals.
3.1.13. Average Frequency of AE Events before Reaching Fmax [kHz]
3.1.13. Average Frequency of AE Events before Reaching Fmax [kHz]
The Average
representationof AEofEvents before Reaching
Kruskal–Wallis Fmax [kHz]
test results for independent samples
The graphical representation of Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples
of the average frequency of AE events before reachingtest Fmax (Figure for14) indicates that the
the graphical representation
average frequency of AEof Kruskal–Wallis
events before reachingresults
Fmax (Figure independent samples
14) indicates that the
of the average
average frequencies
frequency were
of AE recorded
events for components
before reaching Fmaxfrom test 14)
(Figure caseindicates
F3 (specimens
that the
longest average frequencies were recorded for components from test case F3 (specimens
longestin average
water forfrequencies
24 h). Moreover,were for this case,
recorded forthe scatter of the
components results
from test was the
case F greatest.
3 (specimens
soaked in water for 24 h). Moreover, for this case, the scatter of the results was the
Test case
soaked F (specimens
greatest. Testfor Fignited
24 h).
case for 7.5for
Moreover, min)thiscontains
case, theindividual outliers.
scatter of the resultsThe
was smallest av-
the greatest.
12 (specimens ignited for 7.5 min) contains individual outliers. The
erage frequencies
Testsmallest (specimens
case F12averageof AE events before
ignited of
frequencies forAE reaching
7.5events F
min) contains
max were recorded
before reaching for case
Fmax F (specimens
The smallest
were recorded av-F
for case 14
fired in
erage a furnace).
frequencies of AE events
(specimens fired in a furnace). before reaching Fmax were recorded for case F14 (specimens
fired in a furnace).
Figure 15. Graphic presentation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results for independent samples: MOR
bending strength.
Figure Graphicpresentation
15.Graphic presentationofofthe
independentsamples: MOR
3.2. Breakdown
bending of
bending strength. the Number of Signals and Selected Energy Parameters into Groups
Depending on the Significance of Changes
3.2. Breakdown of the Number of Signals and Selected Energy Parameters into Groups Depending
3.2. Classification
on the of theoftrees
Significance using
Changes the CHAID
of Signals algorithm
and Selected were
Energy used to into
Parameters identify
Groupsthe divisions
into signaloncharacteristics.
Depending the Significance of Changes
Classification trees using the CHAID algorithm were used to identify the divisions
intoClassification trees using the CHAID algorithm were used to identify the divisions
signal characteristics.
into signal characteristics. Signals
3.2.1. Number of Class-1
3.2.1.Four groups
Number were identified.
of Class-1 Signals For every successive group, there is a significant drop
in theNumber
3.2.1. number
Four ofofClass-1
groups class-1 signals (Figure
were identified. 16): successive group, there is a significant drop in
For every
•the number
Four 1,class-1
of 2, were
3, 4 and 6; (Figure
signals For 16):
every successive group, there is a significant drop
in•• theGroups
8, 9 and 10;
3, 4 and 6; (Figure 16):
• Groups
•• Groups 11 and 12;
••• Groups
Groups 137,and
and 14.
8, 912;
and 10;
•• Groups11
Groups 13and
• Groups 13 and 14.
Three groups were identified. For every successive group, there is a significant drop
3.2.2. 16.
Figure Average Strength
Classification of Class-1
tree Signals class-1
[nVs] signals.
in the average strength offor the number
class-1 signalsof(Figure 17):
• Groups 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7;
3.2.2. Average Strength of Class-1 Signals [nVs]
• Groups 3, 8 and 9;
• Groups 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.
Three groups were identified. For every successive group, there is a significant drop
in the average strength of class-1 signals (Figure 17):
• Groups 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7;
Materials 2022, 15, 5757 14 of 23
• Groups 3, 8 and 9;
• Groups 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.
Figure 17. Classification tree for the average strength of class-1 signals.
3.2.3. Average Duration of Class-1 Signals [µs]
Figure Average Duration
17. Classification
groups weretreeoffor
Class-1 Signals
the average
identified. [µs]
For every of class-1 signals.
successive group, there is a significant drop
in theThree groups
average wereof
duration identified. For every
class-1 signals successive
(Figure 18): group, there is a significant drop
•in the average
Groups 1, duration
2, 5 and 7;of class-1 signals (Figure 18):
•• Groups 4,
Groups 1, 6,
2, 85 and
and 9;
•• Groups 3,
Groups 4, 10,
6, 811,
12,9;13 and 14.
• Groups 3, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.
Figure 18. Classification tree for the average duration of class-1 signals.
Figure 18. Classification tree for the average duration of class-1 signals.
3.2.4. Number of Class-2 Signals
3.2.4. Number of Class-2 Signals
Six groups were identified. For every successive group, there is a significant drop in
Six groups
the number were identified.
of class-2 For every
signals (Figure 19): successive group, there is a significant drop in
the number of class-2 signals (Figure 19):
• Groups 2 and 4;
•• Groups
Groups 21 and
and 4;
•• Groups
Groups 15,and 3; 7;
6 and
• Groups 5, 6 and 7;
• Groups 8, 9 and 10;
• Groups 13 and 14.
3.2.4. Number of Class-2 Signals
Six groups were identified. For every successive group, there is a significant drop in
the number of class-2 signals (Figure 19):
Materials 2022, 15, 5757 • Groups 2 and 4; 15 of 23
• Groups 1 and 3;
• Groups 5, 6 and 7;
•• Groups8,8,9 9and
Groups and10;10;
•• Groups13
Groups 13and and14.14.
Figure 20. Classification tree for the average strength of class-2 signals.
3.2.6. 20. Classification
Average Duration of tree for the
Class-2 average
Signals strength of class-2 signals.
Four groups were identified. For every successive group, there is a significant drop in
the Average
average Duration
duration of Class-2
of class-2 Signals21):
signals (Figure [µs]
• Four groups
Groups were
1, 2, 3 and 4; identified. For every successive group, there is a significant drop
•in the
Groups 5 and 10;
average duration of class-2 signals (Figure 21):
• Groups 6, 7, 8 and 11;
• Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4;
• Groups 9, 12, 13 and 14.
• Groups 5 and 10;
• Groups 6, 7, 8 and 11;
• Groups 9, 12, 13 and 14.
Four groups were identified. For every successive group, there is a significant drop
in the average duration of class-2 signals (Figure 21):
• Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4;
• Groups 5 and 10;
Materials 2022, 15, 5757 16 of 23
• Groups 6, 7, 8 and 11;
• Groups 9, 12, 13 and 14.
Figure 21. Classification tree for the average duration of class-2 signals.
3.2.7. 21. Classification
Number of Class-3treeSignals
for the average duration of class-2 signals.
Figure 23. Classification tree for the average strength of class-3 signals.
3.2.9. 23. Classification
Average Duration
Duration treeoffor
of the average
Class-3 strength
Signals [µs] of class-3 signals.
Five groupswere
successive group,
group, there
there is aissignificant
a significant drop
drop in
in the
the average
average duration
duration of class-3
of class-3 signals
signals (Figure
(Figure 24):24):
•• Groups
•• Groups
•• Groups
•• Groups
•• Groups
Groups 10, 11,12,
10, 11, 12,1313and
Figure 24. Classification tree for the average duration of class-3 signals.
Figure 24. Classification tree for the average duration of class-3 signals.
3.2.10. Number of Class-4 Signals
3.2.10. groups were identified.
of Class-4 SignalsFor every successive group, there is a significant drop in
the number of class-4 signals (Figure 25):
Six groups were identified. For every successive group, there is a significant drop in
•the number
Groups 1ofand 3; signals (Figure 25):
• Groups 2 and 4;
• Groups 1 and 3;
• Groups 5, 6 and 7;
• Groups 2 and 4;
• Groups 8, 9 and 10;
• Groups 5, 6 and 7;
• Groups 11 and 13;
• Groups 8, 9 and 10;
• Groups 12 and 14.
• Groups 11 and 13;
• Groups 12 and 14.
• Groups 1 and 3;
• Groups 2 and 4;
• Groups 5, 6 and 7;
• Groups 8, 9 and 10;
Materials 2022, 15, 5757 • Groups 11 and 13; 18 of 23
• Groups 12 and 14.
Figure 25.
Figure Classificationtree for for
tree the the
number of class-4
number signals.
of class-4 signals.
3.2.11. Average Strength of Class-4 Signals [nVs]
3.2.11. Average
Four groups Strength of Class-4
were identified. Signals
For every [nVs] group, there is a significant drop in
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW
the Four groups
average strengthwere identified.
of class-4 signals For every
(Figure 20 of 25
26):successive group, there is a significant drop
• the average
Groups 1, 2,strength
3 and 4; of class-4 signals (Figure 26):
•• Groups
7, 38,and
9 and
4; 11;
•• Groups 10 and
Groups 10 and 12;12;
• Groups 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11;
•• Groups
Groups 13
13 and
and 14.
Figure 26. Classification tree for the average strength of class-4 signals.
Figure 26. Classification tree for the average strength of class-4 signals.
3.2.12. Average Duration of Class-4 Signals [µs]
3.2.12. Average Duration of Class-4 Signals [µs]
Four groups were identified. For every successive group, there is a significant drop in
Four groups
the average wereofidentified.
duration For every
class-4 signals successive
(Figure 27): group, there is a significant drop
in the average duration of class-4 signals (Figure 27):
• Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6;
•• Groups
Groups 1,
7, 2, 3, 4, 9;
8 and 5 and 6;
•• Groups
Groups 7,
10,8 11
and 9; 12;
•• Groups
Groups 10, 11 and
13 and 14 12;
• Groups 13 and 14
Four groups were identified. For every successive group, there is a significant drop
in the average duration of class-4 signals (Figure 27):
• Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6;
• Groups 7, 8 and 9;
Materials 2022, 15, 5757 • Groups 10, 11 and 12; 19 of 23
• Groups 13 and 14
Figure 27.
Figure Classification tree
27. Classification tree for
for the
the average
average duration
duration of
of class-4
class-4 signals.
Figure 28.
Figure Classification tree
28. Classification tree for
for the
the average
average frequency
frequency of
of AE
AE events
events before
before reaching
reaching F
4. Discussion
The test results shown above indicate that the operating conditions affect the me-
chanical parameters of fibre–cement boards exposed to loads. The impact of moisture and
low and high temperature significantly reduces the strength of fibre–cement boards in
comparison with air-dried objects under optimum humidity conditions. In most cases, the
strength parameters decrease with the increase in the test case number. The highest strength
decrease was observed in specimens exposed to flame and high temperature, which are
destroyed by the action of high temperature due to the nature of the fibres.
Materials 2022, 15, 5757 21 of 23
The behaviour of fibre–cement boards under load is connected with the presence
of the acoustic emission phenomenon. The decrease in the strength parameters in the
objects results in a change in the acoustic characteristics and the number of signals in the
individual classes. The graphical representation of the Kruskal–Wallis test results indicates
that the MOR bending strength for specimens exposed to fire and high temperature is
more than 50% lower than for air-dried specimens and specimens exposed to water. The
increased number of freeze–thaw cycles also has an impact on the strength of the specimens.
Components exposed to more than 10 freeze–thaw cycles had a strength more than 30%
smaller than the reference specimens soaked in water and exposed to bath-drying cycles. A
similar dependency was indicated by the number of signals of the individual classes, their
energy parameters and frequencies. The number, strength, duration and frequency also
decrease along with the increase in the test case number.
The acoustic emission parameters that are most sensitive to the reduction in the
mechanical parameters of the boards are the average strength and the average duration of
class 3 signals, the average strength and the average duration of the class 4 signals and the
average frequency of events before reaching the maximum load. The occurrence of class 3
signals with an average strength of signals in the range from 200 to 400 nVs and a duration
in the range of 1000–1500 µs and of class 4 signals with an average strength in the range of
100 to 300 nVs and a duration in the range of 100–150 µs at average event frequencies above
200 kHz, but not higher than 300 kHz, is associated with a reduction in the strength of the
boards from 30% to 50%. The occurrence of class 3 signals with an average strength of
signals below 200 nVs and duration less than 1000 µs and the occurrence of class 4 signals
with an average strength of less than 100 nVs and with a duration of less than 100 µs with
an average frequency of events below 200 kHz is associated with a reduction in the strength
of the boards by more than 50%.
5. Conclusions
The research of fibre–cement boards, so far, has focused mainly on the influence of
operational factors and high temperatures on the boards, determined by the examination
of the physicochemical parameters-mainly on the flexural strength (MOR). The literature
describes only a few cases of testing fibre–cement boards using non-destructive methods,
including the acoustic emission method. There are results available that have tried to
apply the acoustic emission method to determine the effect of cellulose fibers on the
strength of fibre–cement boards and distinguish the EA events emitted by the fibers from
those emitted by the cement matrix. Research has shown that this method is suitable for
testing fibre–cement boards. Attempts were also made to use the acoustic emission method
to study the effect of fire and high temperatures on fibre–cement boards, where it was
proposed to combine the acoustic emission method with artificial intelligence, including
artificial neural networks (ANN). These studies confirmed the effectiveness of using the
acoustic emission method to monitor the condition of fibre–cement boards, however, the
issue of the statistical correlation of mechanical and acoustic parameters was not discussed.
The following conclusions can be drawn based on the results shown above:
• During the three-point bending of fibre–cement specimens, various material damage
mechanisms occur.
• Some conditions that may appear during the use of fibre–cement components have a
significant adverse effect on their strength parameters.
• The reduction in strength parameters is strictly connected with a change of acoustic
parameters recorded for a material under load.
• The highest decrease in strength is connected with the most significant reduction in
the number of signals of the individual classes, their strength, duration and frequency.
• The highest decrease in the strength, number and parameters of AE signals was
observed for the specimens exposed to fire and high temperature.
Materials 2022, 15, 5757 22 of 23
• After analysing the results of the research, it was found that the acoustic emission
method was suitable to be used for the monitoring and diagnostics of fibre–cement
boards under load.
Due to the existence of a significant correlation between the mechanical parameters
of fibre–cement boards and the number and parameters of acoustic emission signals of
individual classes, according to the authors, further research should be undertaken in
order to describe the specific ranges of the parameters of acoustic emission signals of
individual classes, which would enable conclusions about the condition of fibre–cement
boards under a low load value. The authors also plan to include the ultrasound method in
the applied methodology, which would enable the detection of possible material voids and
discontinuities in the distribution of reinforcing fibers.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.A.-B. and G.Ś.; methodology, G.Ś.; software, A.A.-B.;
validation, A.A.-B., A.K. and E.P.; formal analysis, A.K.; investigation, A.A.-B.; resources, E.P.; data
curation, G.Ś.; writing—original draft preparation, A.A.-B.; writing—review and editing, A.K.;
visualization, E.P.; supervision, G.Ś.; project administration, E.P.; funding acquisition, G.Ś. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The project entitled “Sildig AE-system for identifying and locating gas infrastructure
defects us-ing the acoustic emission method” is co-financed by the European Regional Development
Fund under Sub-measure 1.1.1 of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014–2020,
contract no. POIR.01.01.01-00-1019/19-00 of June 10, 2020 The project is carried out in a consortium
by Polska Spółka Gazownictwa sp.z o.o. (Polish Gas Distribution Group-Consortium Leader) and
Kielce University of Technology (Consortium Member).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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