Sliding Mode Controller SMC Governed Speed Control of DC Motor
Sliding Mode Controller SMC Governed Speed Control of DC Motor
Sliding Mode Controller SMC Governed Speed Control of DC Motor
Abstract- The sliding mode controller is one of best tool represented in state space equation and controlling of system
to analyze the second order dynamic system. This paper is designed based on variable control algorithm. [2]
provides comparative study of control techniques of DC In 1977, utkin describe the theory about sliding mode
motor under loaded condition. The design of sliding mode controller. Later, Decarlo and Drakaunov (1994) design the
control is based on the variable structure system (VSS).the hyper plane using lyapunov function. In 1992, El-Khazali and
trajectory path of the system depend on the control signal Decarlo used the closed loop control feedback system.The
of SMC controller. The main objective of the controller is closed loop system is increased the stability of system and
to reduce the settling time and peak overshoot of the increase the speed of the system. Closed loop feedback
system gives the new direction to the modern control system.
system. Particularly, in robotics DC motor is used and it’s
very essential to control the speed under loaded condition.
And Sastry gives the sliding function to first order system
The SMC gives best performance in Linear and nonlinear which reduce the chattering phenomenon. The main
of system. Stability of the system and performance of dc disadvantage of sliding mode control is high frequency
motor under load condition can easily analyzed by using reduce chattering in the system use different type of
sliding mode nonlinear control. The proposed system filter.[3-4]
model simulate and developed in MATLAB. Today, in automation control world the research is
focused on control law that operate at high frequency. The
Keywords- Sliding Mode Control (SMC), DC motor, PID motion of trajectory in any state space equation moves along
controller, Speed Control the switching surface such motion is define as sliding motion.
I. INTRODUCTION There are many sources to produce chattering such as
computational delay, unmolded dynamic system and noise.
Electrical motors is rotational device which convert It’s very easy to change the function from one state to another
electrical energy into mechanical energy. There are many state by using variable structure system. Sliding function try to
application of of Dc motor such as robotics, home appliance maintain the continuity of signal in the system. The design of
and paper machine. The DC motor gives the maximum linear operator to get deserving sliding motion based on two
efficiency and smooth speed control characteristics. basically, condition.
armature flux control is used to control overrated speed and 1) The first condition is set linear operator (Ci) is equal to one
armature voltage is used to control underrated speed .there are and the nature of characteristic equation is stable.
many power electronic device which is used to get deserved 2) The second condition is decided on the basis of number of
output of dc electric drives .Dc-Dc power converter is used as switching component. [5-6]
smooth starter of the dc machine such as Buck, boost and
Buck Boost converter .the advantage of dc machine is small in
size and required low range of voltage. [1].
Variable structure system first discovered in late
1950’s.the variable structure system community give new
direction to the nonlinear time variant system .the potential of
the VSS is reduce the problem in automation control system
and enhance the capability of system work on high frequency.
The basic principle of VSS is depend on switching action and
it contains group of continuous subsystem. Variable structure
system play an important role in sliding mode controller. The
nonlinear system is easily analyzed parameter variation in the
load and external disturbance. Any second order system is Fig.1.phase plane in sliding mode control
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One of the major disadvantage of sliding mode defined using the Lyapunov function. Generally the Lyapunov
controller is chattering phenomenon. The high frequency function is expressed as
signal is called as chattering .adjustment the width of
boundary layer based on state space equation of linear variant 1 2
system to reduce the chattering effect. Number of state V s (5)
dependent uncertainties and parameter variation is useful to 2
define the the nature of state dependent boundary layer design.
This paper Divided into various section. section II
represent the concept of sliding mode control. In section III
V (0) 0, s ! 0, V ( s) ! 0 (6)
the mathematical modelling of DC motor is explain. Section 1d 2
IV is representing the proposed model of Sliding mode V s d K s (7)
controller. Section V is about the comparison between PID 2 dt
and proposed SMC. Finally, section VII is representing the Convergence condition is expressed as below,
conclusion of system.
ss d K s
The ideal sliding mode control is designed for dynamic
equation which governs sliding mode surface all the time. In Sliding mode condition is expressed as,
case of variable condition, the SMC is one of the most
important tool for the designing of high order nonlinear s sgn( s ) d K (9)
dynamic system. In 1983 the SMC is used in bilaov music and
sabanovic system [8]. The total information about the Condition of system reaches to the sliding surface, if K >0
designing of SMC is promoted in utkin, Guidner and shi. The switching control signal for the sliding surface is the
Basically to get the performance in linear region under the combination of equivalent control signal and switching control
parametric variation SMC is used. Basically, SMC operate in signal.
two mode such as reaching mode and sliding mode. Phase
portrait view of SMC as shown in the figure Prime objective
of SMC is define sliding surface for system control. [9] u(t ) ueq (t ) u sw (t ) (8)
Sliding surface having high frequency signal trajectory
path and signum function is defined to control the dynamic Where, is the equivalent control signal and is
system. The difference between output of system ( )and switching control signal
desired output ( ) should be minimum to get desired
performance.the trajectory error in the system is difined as
follows. [10] u sw (t ) K sgn( s) (9)
e(t ) y r (t ) y d (t ) (1)
+1, ( )>0
sgn(s(t))= 0, ( )=0 (10)
The sliding surface can be defined as
−1 , ( )<0
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The mathematical equation of dc motor is,
( )
( )= + + ( ) (11)
( )= ( ) (12)
( )
− ( )= ( )+ (13)
( )= ( ) ( ) (14)
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Kt Equation of state
C,s,e(t),è(t),ë (t)
Z ( s) JLa
ea ( s ) §§§ · ·
¨ ¨ ¨ s Ra ·¸§¨ s B ·¸ ¸ K b Kt ¸ SMC
¨¨© ¨ ¸
La ¹© J ¹ ¸¹ JLa ¸¹ ueg
©© Equation
Wref e usw u W W
Sliding Function K.sgn(s) System
Z ( s) 325.54 -
Va ( s) s 47.77s 413.52
s CX 1 X 2
s Ce e (24)
s C (Zr Z ) Z r Z
Fig.4:.Block diagram of proposed system.
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s C (Z r Z ) Z
r Z
s C (Z ) Z
K sgn( s)
>( P2 P3 C )Z )(P2 P3 P4 )Z K sgn( s)@ u (26)
1 (27)
u(t ) >(47.567 C) X 2 (421.88) X 1 K sgn( s)@
Fig 6. Simulation of proposed SMC
To make system more stable and reducing the effect of
chattering, there is need of modification in signum function.
The range of ‘ ’is 0 G 1
1 ª § s ·º (28)
u (t ) «(47.567 C ) X 2 (412.88) X 1 k ¨¨ ¸»
325.484 ¬« © s G ¹¼»
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The proposed sliding mode controller reduce the steady
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the SMC gives more accurate result than the PID controller.
The peak overshoot and settling time of second order system
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The sliding mode controller increases the stability of second
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