Energy Efficiency Techniques in Cloud Co
Energy Efficiency Techniques in Cloud Co
Energy Efficiency Techniques in Cloud Co
Abstract— Cloud computing gaining popularity at enormous Every organization and individual use CC in one or other
rate since from its emergence. CC changed the way that computing form using online services. Providing and managing such a
services are provided. On demand platform (PaaS), infrastructure flexible platform is a challenging task. Provider built data
as a service (Iaas) and software (SaaS) as a service through center that consist of hundreds of thousands of servers
internet. Consumer use third party services instead of building his
continuously running to provide uninterrupted services.
own infrastructure which need up-front investment and expertise.
Cloud computing becoming popular for unlimited computing Data center are energy hungry station for continuous
power, availability, nice pricing, on demand services and quality of running it requires a nonstop supply of power for running and
service. For availability and computing power the service provider cooling. Data center is a resource rich platform and the
expands their resource capacity to handle user requirements. This scheduling of resources is one of the challenging task. Cloud
expansion in resources capacity lead to high energy demand. Two refer to a data centre where all the user requirements like
big issues for cloud computing is energy demand and hardware and software are provided in the form of
security/privacy requirements. In this survey we will give a review preconfigured resources and remotely hosted applications [2].
on the latest techniques for energy efficiency in cloud computing. Cloud service provider objective is to maximize their profit by
The main focus is on software base energy efficiency techniques in
efficiently utilizing the data center resources. Consumer of a
which we will explain the workload consolidation and resource
management in detail. service aim to be best served in term of cost and quality.
Providing QOS provider have to increase the number and
capacity of the resources which in turn increase the
Index Terms—cloud computing, data center, energy efficiency
techniques. maintenance expenditure and decrease the profit that can be
made possible by the use of virtualization. According to [3]
energy consumption in data center can be classified in to two
I. INTRODUCTION classes computing resources and physical resources.
Computing resources consume about 50% while physical
Cloud computing is a platform which enable individual
resources 40% the remaining 10% by power supply and other
users and conglomerates to use infrastructure, platform and
miscellaneous things.
software as a service through internet instead of buying
Energy efficiency is one of the biggest issue faced by data
managing and developing their own. By using cloud
center. Two percent of the total power produced in USA is
computing (CC), companies reduce their operational cost
consumed by data center. Energy demand double since 2000
while increasing their operational efficiency. With the
[4]. Amazon estimate that energy related cost is forty-two
emergence of Internet of Things (IOT) the CC usage will
percent of its budget. Data center are not environment friendly
grow, in 2003 connected devices were 6.3 billion. The figure
and contribute two percent of co2 emission. Energy
of active devices per person was 0.8. This figure will grow
consumption can be reduced by efficient utilization of data
from 6.3 to 7.6 in 2020 and connected device per person will
center resources. In a survey conducted in 2010 it is find out
be 6.58 [1]. IOT device will use cloud platform because of
that idle server cause of producing 11M ton of co2 emission
low processing power and limited storage.
on yearly basis [5]. Energy efficient data center are not only
economical but also environment friendly.
The rest of the paper consist of five section. Section I
introduction give a brief overview of cloud computing and
Altaf Ur Rahman student of MS program in department of computer science energy efficiency challenges in cloud computing. Section II is
at Comsats Abbottabad Pakistan. (e-mail: [email protected]). about the energy efficiency trends in data center. Section III is
Dr. Fiaz Gul Khan is in Department of Computer Science at COMSATS
about the software based techniques for improving energy
Institute of Information Technology, University Road Tobe Camp, efficiency in data center. The techniques presented by
Abbottabad. (e-mail: [email protected]) Belogazo in 2011 is more focused on power management. We
will focus on software side because so far both the Hardware
Dr. Waqas Jadoon is in Department of Computer Science at COMSATS
Institute of Information Technology, University Road Tobe Camp,
and software side is considered and the techniques on
Abbottabad. (e-mail: [email protected]) virtualization level is not studied in detail. Section four is
about comparative analysis of different software base
techniques on the basis of their strength and limitations.
Data center is a collection of connected server used by an
organization for remote processing and storage. Data center
(DC) give flexible platform to customer by hiding platform
dependency. User has no need of any special hardware all he
need is thin client. Cloud service provider trying to make DC
flexible but harder for the service provider and data center
manager. To efficiently perform user request DC have a
hundred and thousands of servers which should be managed
intelligently. Servers in DC consume huge amount of energy
which is expensive and cause co2 that is 2% of global co2
emission [6]. Building energy efficient data center is not only Figure 1: Energy optimization techniques at data center level
benefited for cloud service provider but also environment A. DVFS
Initially researcher was focusing on the power distribution The process of intentionally limiting the performance of the
unit and power management module. They were involved in processor at the time when it consuming too much power
improving the flow of current and avoiding multiple while the task can be accomplished processing at lower
conversion of alternating and direct current. This research frequency. Voltage and frequency have a direct relationship. It
suggests the use of energy star rating IT and non IT equipment has been observed that server consume about 70% power
in data center and green DC. Cooling requirements of DC when it is idle [3] saving this energy will have great impact on
resources is one of the prime energy demanding entity. The energy reduction. DVFS can handle this problem effectively.
suitable location of data center can help in minimizing energy DVFS is basically intended and design for energy efficiency
consumption in this regard. Location selection is based on the in embedded system. But this can be implemented and
temperature and low-cost availability of hydroelectric power consider one of the most effective energy efficiency
[7]. Using these techniques, no major gain is obtained. techniques for computation intensive server. However, this is
Researcher shifted from focusing on designing green DC and considering not good for input output intensive processes [4].
trying to find the energy efficient way in the traditional DC.
DC operator work on implementing hardware base techniques Methods using DVFS techniques mostly consider
for energy optimization. homogeneous physical machine while less interest is shown
Using the hardware base optimization techniques data by researcher toward heterogeneity. In [4] Jacob Leverich
center operator did not get the required gain in energy. suggest a method to power on some of the resources and
According to [8] it was poor program and software design. perform work on them while the rest should be in off state to
This initiated the trend of writing parallel program that could save energy. The difference between consolidation and DVFS
run parallel. Latter on it was found that resource management is that consolidation is applied as a whole regardless DVFS
play important role in energy efficiency. This initiated the which is local [9]. But Wilies lang propos that running all the
trend of developing algorithm for energy efficient resources will perform the work in less time and more energy
management of DC resources. will be saved. Energy efficiency achieved through DVFS
depend on the type of SLA either strict SLA lead to low
III. ENERGY EFFICIENCY TECHNIQUES AT DATA CENTER LEVEL energy saving 1.11% while more effective in relax SLA
At data center level energy efficiency actions can be 6.69% [3].
divided into hardware base, infrastructure base, software base
and location based. In [8] author discus the various power DVFS can be effectively used in CPU intensive task while it
management techniques both at hardware and software level is not suitable in memory and Input output intensive task [10].
while in [7] author focus more on software level techniques A history table is maintained when a request is received it is
for energy efficiency. Further software based techniques for compared against the table to find out whether it is CPU or
energy optimization are classified into five group’s resource I/O intensive. After this calcification the frequency is adjusted.
management, Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling, parallel B. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
program and workload consolidation. In this survey we will
Resource management is the process of selecting computer
extend the work of [7] by adding the latest techniques in
resources such as computing, storage, network intelligently
resource management and workload consolidation.
and allocating against the single or set of request received to
meet performance objective of the user [11]. Resource
management play starring role in energy efficiency.
Identifying the type of request assigning the best possible
resources in term of performance and price by looking at SLA.
Management is basically the scheduling of resource. When a
request is received the scheduler identify an optimal resource
allocation by looking and analysing the current state of the
system [12]. Scheduling mostly involve with Virtual Machine combine them by bringing it to the least number of pm. let
management. Virtual machine management deals with VM suppose we have two pm its CPU utilization is (80%, 60%)
migration. VM migration performed for three things and (80%, 95%) if a request is made for creating a new VM of
performance, load balancing and energy efficiency. But as our above 40% processing it cannot be served. But we have 85%
focus is energy efficiency so we will look at the energy processing power combinly on two pm if we combine it we
efficiency aspect. can serve a request of creation of new VM above 80%.
Work well for computational intensive tasks. Didn’t perform well for i/o intensive
No overhead of maintaining data center level dependent on SLA not applicable for
load information applicable to a single server. hard quality of service application/task.
Strict SLA lead to low energy saving.
DVFS effectively save energy while server is idle and
server are 70% of the time idle. did not consider the priority of the tasks
consider only the workload on CPU.
turning on a switch off or bringing a sleep node to an quality of service compromised
active state consume more energy as compared
using DVFS. no need of data replication because all
the servers are active using the least
possible energy
Resources are not utilized all the time 70% of the accurate prediction for resource,
time it is idle. resource capacity and resource time for
which an application required a
particular resource is not known in
using efficient management of resources more than advance.
50% power can be saved.
Resource resources management is possible only
Management resource management is the only techniques that on accurate resource demand prediction
have the potential of more power saving as
compared to other techniques. performance may be degrading depend
on SLA
profit and utilization maximization of infrastructure chances of SLA violation is higher
is a service. data replication for data availability
quality of service is maintained
increase network traffic
Avoid overloading
delay involve due to network
balancing the load for energy efficiency and
turnaround time increase
only consider the workload doesn’t
Workload consider the priority of the tasks
consolidation turning idle node to sleep or turn off state
overhead of maintain all the records of
server’s workload
increase service provider profit by maximum take time to bring sleep or turn off
utilization of active resources server into active state which increase
chances of SLA violation.
using consolidation, we have to
replicate data for availability
Table 02: energy efficiency effectiveness of different paper on the basis of different parameter
20.8% static
[16] yes No yes yes 22% dynamic VM Custom NA Yes
load Built
[17] yes No No yes 20% Cloudsi Stable NA