Revue Tananariviene Global Street
Revue Tananariviene Global Street
Revue Tananariviene Global Street
Abstract—This paper presents a new structure for a hybrid topology”). The second category includes machines whose flux
excitation, flux-switching synchronous machine. The particularity lies both in the plane and perpendicular to the plane (hence a
of this machine is its global excitation winding component that ”3D topology”). This paper will work with a ”3D topology”.
creates a 3D excitation flux path to control the global air
gap flux. A 3D finite element analysis and a comparison with The hybrid flux-switching (HEFSM, Tab.I) machine pre-
experimental results are both provided. This model makes it sented in [3], as derived from the flux-switching machine
possible to: show the excitation flux path, explore the flux- introduced by Rauch in [4], has a ”2D topology” and features
regulation capability of a new structure, and identify the influence many optimizations since the original structure. Z.Q. Zhu
of material characteristics. The experimental performance of this [5] provided a complete review of various flux-switching
machine in a DC generator is presented and compared with
simulation output. structures and optimizations proposed in the literature.
Index Terms—BH-curve, Diode Bridge Rectifier, Flux- Due to a salient passive rotor, the hybrid excited, flux-
Switching, Hybrid excitation machine, Measurements, Syn- switching permanent magnet machines exhibit high robustness
chronous alternator, 3D-FEA and high torque density thanks to permanent magnets located
on the stator. A review in [6] presents some hybrid excited,
NOMENCLATURE flux-switching machines with the topology shown in [7] ; these
incorporate iron flux bridges in order to improve the effective-
FEA Finite-Element Analysis. ness of field coil excitation. The new topology discussed in this
PM Permanent Magnet. article is a hybrid, flux-switching machine derived from [9],
HEM Hybrid Excited Machine. and its ”3D-topology” differs from the initial ”2D-topology”.
HEFSM Hybrid Excited Flux-Switching Machine. Some hybrid-excitation machine topologies give rise to
DBR Diode Bridge Rectifier. magnetic fluxes that cannot be represented in a plane. It
δexc Excitation current density. becomes more complicated to classify existing topologies
δcc Short-circuit current density. than the ”2D-topologies” since adding a dimension multiplies
Icc Short-circuit current. the intentions of designers and multiple structures wind up
EMF Electromotive force. being proposed. A number of structures however can still
be distinguished. First of all, some machines combine two
synchronous designs, one a permanent magnet synchronous
I. I NTRODUCTION machine the other containing windings. For example, the
Hybrid Excited Machines combine the advantages of both machines presented in [8]-[16] are indeed combinations of two
wound-field excitation machines and permanent-magnet ex- synchronous configurations. Flux-concentrating machines, like
cited machines, with on the one hand electric excitation offer- in [17], are also included herein. The permanent magnets are
ing control of the magnetic field by controlling the excitation located inside the rotor. Due to the flux-convergence effect,
current and on the other a permanent magnet benefiting from the air gap flux density of the machine is high.
high-energy density. Adding an excitation source however can The literature contains relatively few studies of hybrid
complicate the structure. excited, flux-switching permanent magnet machines with a 3D
Various hybrid excited topologies have been proposed in flux path. One such device is an axial Flux-Switching, Hybrid
the literature and some authors have presented an overview Excitation Synchronous Machine and is described in [18].
of the different structures, e.g. [1][2]. This introduction will In this study, a new hybrid excitation, flux-switching ma-
focus on the path taken by the magnetic flux, which allows chine is being presented. The main feature of this device is its
us to distinguish two categories. The first comprises machines global winding hybrid excitation with claw poles. This solution
whose flux can be represented in a plane (a so-called ”2D has been explored in order to reduce the copper mass and
Number of phases 3
Number of stator slots 12
Number of rotor teeth 10
External stator radius 100 mm
External rotor radius 45.5 mm
Air gap 0.25 mm
Active axial length 30 mm
Number of turns per phase 184
Fig. 14. FEA and measurements: No-load flux linkage vs. hybrid excitation
current density, influence of Br value
Fig. 15. FEA: No-load flux linkage vs. hybrid excitation current density,
influence of lamination
B. Electromotive force
The electromagnetic performance of the prototype machine
is predicted by a 3D finite element analysis and then com-
pared with measurement results. Measurements and transient
Fig. 13. FEA and measurements: No-load flux linkage vs. hybrid excitation
current density, influence of the BH curve simulations are both conducted at a rotational speed of 1,500
rpm. The back-EMF is obtained by numerically differentiating
b) Lamination: Three-dimensional finite element models the flux linkage, as the following equation illustrates:
allow taking lamination into account; in this machine, two dΦ
elements are laminated, namely the rotor and the first part of e = −Nr Ω (1)
where Ω is the angular speed of the rotor θ the angular been adopted: 1) permeability is assumed to be infinite without
position, Nr the rotor pole number and Φ the flux-linkage of any saturation effect; and 2) the prototype is considered to be
the phase windings. Fig.16 compares the EMF obtained from a smooth pole machine.
measurements and simulations at a single excitation current
density: the EMF simulated by FEA is indeed similar to A. Short-circuit current
measurement results. The short-circuit current density is determined in order to
assess the potential of such a structure when in generator mode
connected to a diode bridge rectifier (DBR). The maximum
output power when the machine is connected to a DBR can
actually be defined by the following formula [19]:
Pmax = 3Icc √ UDC (2)
π 2
where the DC-bus voltage UDC is assumed to be constant, and
Icc is the mean short-circuit current. For measurement data, the
experimental test bench used is the same as that displayed in
Fig.9 with short-circuited armature windings. The short-circuit
current is also determined by means of FEA and corresponds
to the current that cancels the flux; in this case, only the
fundamental part of the flux is being considered. To calculate
this current, the d-axis position must first be determined. Next,
three-phase currents, in phase opposition with the no-load flux,
are injected. Lastly, the total excitation flux in the machine
Fig. 16. FEA and measurements: Back EMF vs. Time is computed and compared to zero. If the flux equals zero,
then the short-circuit current density is obtained; otherwise,
The back-EMF can be adjusted by the DC excitation cur- the current amplitude is increased until the fundamental flux
rent; moreover, as the flux linkage increases, a peak value component is cancelled.
appears at a high excitation current density (Fig.17). Fig.18 presents the evolution in short-circuit current density
with respect to hybrid excitation current.
Fig. 18. FEA and experiments: Evolution of short-circuit current density vs.
excitation current density
Fig. 17. Measurements: Maximum back-EMF vs. hybrid excitation current The FEA results are similar to measurement output even
when harmonics are not taken into account. From Equation 2,
for this structure in generator mode with a DBR connected to
IV. 3D FE A NALYSIS AND EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION : a 300V DC-bus, the potential maximum power lies between
L OAD TESTS 2,850 W and 5,800 W.
In this part, the operating principle relative to load will be
explored. The load calculation with FEM is time-consuming, B. Output power measurements and comparison with calcu-
so an analytical model has been implemented herein and then lation
verified via a comparison between measurements and analyt- For the configuration depicted in Fig.19 and Fig.20, the
ical results. To make use of this model, two hypotheses have DBR is connected on the same DC-bus voltage supplying
Fig. 21. Single-phase equivalent circuit
Fig. 19. Diagram of the experimental set-up (generator mode) where Φ is the total flux-linkage, and δ the phase difference
between e and v. The circuit equation of the machine when
operating as a generator is given by
e(t) − L − v(t) = 0 (8)
In the sinusoidal steady state for each harmonic, this equa-
tion can be written using complex vectors, leading to a
solution.[21] The DC current is determined by
IDC = I (9)
And the DC power is:
s 2
PDC = 1− (10)
π L πΦNr Ω
This equation 10 is only valid for
Fig. 20. Experimental test bench: The alternator is connected to both a DBR 2UDC
and a DC-bus
≤1 (11)
πΦNr Ω
with Nr being the rotor pole number. The definition of a speed
the 3-phase inverter that controls the induction motor; the Ωb (below this speed the output power equals to zero) thus
alternator output power can be defined by (3): appears as:
Ωb = (12)
Moreover, the short-circuit current Icc is defined by L. This
Some assumptions have been adopted in order to calculate equation can thus be rewritten as follows:
the alternator output power as a function of no-load flux s 2
linkage and short-circuit current. The armature coil resistances 3 Ωb
PDC = UDC Icc 1 − (13)
have been neglected (R = 0.7Ω). The DC-bus voltage remains π Ω
equal to 300 V. The phase-to-ground voltage can be decom-
To verify the model, measurements have been recorded and
posed into a Fourier series
compared to the calculation results. The no-load flux and
X short-circuit current values have been calculated with a 3D-
vAN (t) = V2k−1 sin ((2k − 1)ωt) (4) FEA. Output power was measured at various speeds for a
k=1 single hybrid excitation current density (7A/mm2 ). Fig.22
The current is assumed to be AC and controls the opening and presents a comparison between measured and model-based
closing of switches. In addition, the current curve shape and output power. These good results reveal that the model enables
magnitude is mainly given by the fundamental current (6): estimating the potential of a structure in generator mode
more quickly than with a 3D-FEA combined with a circuit
X model. Measurements conducted in generator mode with the
ia (t) = In sin(ωt) + In sin(nωt) (5) experimental test bench shown in Fig.19 and Fig.20 have
made it possible to determine the copper, iron and mechanical
ia (t) ' I sin(ωt) (6) losses. Copper losses in the armature and excitation circuits
are known thanks to resistance and current values. Total
Based on these assumptions, the machine can be described by copper losses vary between 85 W and 150 W. Torque is
Fig.21, with: measured using a torque sensor, while mechanical power can
e(t) = Φωsin(ωt + δ) (7) be deduced from both torque and speed values. The DC
Fig. 24. FEM and prototype: Single-turn sense coil on a claw pole
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