Analysis of Reactive Power Compensation Effect of A New Hybrid Excitation Brushless DC Generator
Analysis of Reactive Power Compensation Effect of A New Hybrid Excitation Brushless DC Generator
Analysis of Reactive Power Compensation Effect of A New Hybrid Excitation Brushless DC Generator
5, MAY 2020
Abstract—A new hybrid excitation brushless dc gener- PM machine [4]. Therefore, diverse methods of flux regulation
ator (HEBLdcG) is comprised of the structure-paralleled in PM machines have been developed in recent years.
permanent magnet machine part and flux modulation Basically, with an associated inverter, the armature current
machine part (FMMP). The reactive power compensation
effect of the HEBLdcG is illustrated and investigated in this can be used to regulate the flux in the PM machine to achieve
paper. It is shown that the operation modes of the FMMP a wider constant power speed range in the driving application.
are influenced by both, the field current and armature However, as a result of inverter limitations in terms of maximum
current. Based on this, the three ranges in terms of the field current and maximum voltage, the speed range is still limited.
current are divided. Three typical operation states rep-
Similarly, the controlled rectifier and position sensor are also
resentatively selected in the three ranges are defined as
the power-balance state, compensator state, and short- needed in the generation system, which inevitably reduce the
circuit state, respectively. The short-circuit current can be reliability [5], [6].
diminished on account of the reactive power compensa- In addition, mechanical devices are developed to help achieve
tion effect. Furthermore, the analysis of the short-circuit better flux-regulation characteristics. The PM flux-linkage reg-
characteristics shows that the short-circuit characteristic
ulation using relative movement between the two parts, such as
curve—short-circuit output current versus field current—is
not a straight line, due to the saturation of the d-axis flux rotor plates, PMs, or windings, is the method utilized in both
path of the FMMP. And the HEBLdcG at −8-A field current axial-flux PM machines and radial-flux PM machines [7], [8].
features the lowest total loss at the short-circuit state. Harnessing the movable ferromagnetic pieces to provide short-
At last, a prototype HEBLdcG is manufactured and the circuit paths for the PM flux is another way to weaken the PM’s
experiments validate the simulations.
flux [9], [10].
Index Terms—Brushless dc power generation system, Then, the memory machines featuring special materials, such
hybrid excitation machine (HEM), permanent magnet (PM) as Al-Ni-Co magnets, are proposed and investigated. This kind
machine, reactive power compensation. of magnets can readily be magnetized or demagnetized by
current pulses in the d-axis to regulate the flux [11], [12].
Finally, hybrid excitation machines (HEMs) have been inves-
S CORE components of the hybrid electric vehicle and the tigated in the past ten years and various topologies have been
A more electric aircraft, onboard generators supply electrical
power for the electric drive system and battery charging [1], [2].
developed. Generally, HEMs can be divided into those with se-
ries or parallel topologies depending on the coupling types of
The permanent magnet (PM) machine has attracted exten- flux paths of PMs and wound field (WF) flux [13]. The design
sive interests as it has high power density and high efficiency and optimization methods, the structures and operating princi-
[3]. However, relatively poor flux-weakening capability and ir- ples, as well as the torque characteristics and control schemes of
reversible demagnetization risk restrict the applications of the parallel HEMs (PHEMs) are illustrated in detail [14]–[17]. The
WF flux does not pass through PMs in PHEM, which avoids the
disadvantages of irreversible PM demagnetization risks existing
Manuscript received December 28, 2018; revised March 16, 2019; in series HEMs [18]–[20]. Besides, using low-cost magnets to
accepted April 26, 2019. Date of publication May 21, 2019; date of current reduce the q-axis armature reaction is another kind of HEM. In
version January 3, 2020. This work was supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation for Excellent Young Scholar of China under [21] and [22], the BEGA, featuring flux barriers and low-cost
Grant 51622704. (Corresponding author: Zhuoran Zhang.) magnets, has the same mathematical models and external char-
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, College acteristics with the dc machine, which has wider constant power
of Automation Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and As-
tronautics, Nanjing 211106, China (e-mail:, [email protected]; speed range and lower peak stator current for peak stall torque.
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; In this paper, the reactive power compensation effect of the
[email protected]). hybrid excitation brushless dc generator (HEBLdcG) is in-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at vestigated. The configurations and operation principles of the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2019.2916361 HEBLdcG are analyzed. In addition, the operation modes of
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PSF of the PMMP is 0.8 and the PSF of the FMMP is 0.4 at the
power-balance state which is circled with purple.
Fig. 10(c) expounds the fundamental-wave phasor diagrams
of the HEBLdcG, PMMP, and FMMP at the power-balance state.
U represents the phase voltage. Due to the series connection
armature windings of the two parts, the phase currents of the
three machines are equal to each other, which are sinusoidal and
represented with I. It can also be seen that the phase voltage of
the PMMP Upm is prior to that of the load phase current, while
the phase voltage of the FMMP Uf m is lagging in comparison.
As the output current goes smaller, the phase differences become
As analyzed above, resulting from the lower PSF of the
PMMP, the Pe1 value is smaller in comparison with the PM-
BLdcG having the same specifications at the power-balance
state. In other words, the PMMP produces a lagging reactive
power Q1 , thereby, Pe1 is diminished. The value of Pe1 and Q1
can be calculated by (1) and (2), where θpm is the phase-shift
angle of the PMMP shown in Fig. 10(c)
C. Compensator State
Fig. 10. Phase-shift characteristics (If = 32 A, Jf = 5.1 A/mm2 , and
n = 1200 r/min). (a) Output voltage versus output current of the HEBLdcG Fig. 11(a) shows the output power versus output current
and PMBLDCG. (b) PSF versus output current of the HEBLdcG, PMMP, of the HEBLdcG, FMMP, and PMMP at 8-A field current
and FMMP. (c) Fundamental-wave phasor diagram at the power-balance (Jf = 1.3 A/mm2 ), which is a representative field current in
the range II where the FMMP operation modes are influenced
by the armature current. The output power of the HEBLdcG
Po is the sum of Pe1 and Pe2 subtracting the loss of the diode
consists of the PM machine featuring the same specifications rectifier prec . See (6). With the increase in the output current, Po
with the PMMP in the HEBLdcG and an associated diode rec- increases initially and then decreases. When the active power
tifier. In the range I, the FMMP always works in the generator of the FMMP Pe2 reaches zero, the FMMP only generates the
mode irrespective of the value of the armature current. With the reactive power, which is defined as the compensator state in this
influence of the FMMP, the HEBLdcG has a higher open-circuit paper.
output voltage and a lower short-circuit current compared to the Fig. 11(b) gives the PSF versus output current of the
PMBLdcG. Therefore, two such external characteristic curves HEBLdcG, PMMP, and FMMP. The high output current re-
certainly intersect with each other and the intersection is further sults in low PSFs of the PMMP and FMMP, while the PSF of
defined as the power-balance state. At the power-balance state, the HEBLdcG in a wide range of output currents is approxi-
the diminished output active power of the PMMP Pe1 and the mately unity due to the diode rectifier. When the field current is
output active power of the FMMP Pe2 strike a balance. 8 A (Jf = 1.3 A/mm2 ), the PMMP PSF is 0.72 and the FMMP
Fig. 10(b) shows the PSF versus output current of the PSF is zero at the compensator state, which is also circled in
HEBLdcG, PMMP, and FMMP. The higher output current re- purple.
sults in lower PSFs of the PMMP and FMMP, while the PSF of Fig. 11(c) represents the fundamental-wave phasor diagrams
the HEBLdcG in a wide range of output current is approximately of the HEBLdcG, PMMP, and FMMP at the compensator state.
unity. When the field current is 32 A (Jf = 5.1 A/mm2 ), the It can also be known that the phase of the Upm is prior to the
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Fig. 11. Phase-shift characteristics (If = 8 A, Jf = 1.3 A/mm2 , and Fig. 12. Phase-shift characteristics (If = −16 A, Jf = 2.5 A/mm2 ,
n = 1200 r/min). (a) Output power versus output current of the HEBLdcG, and n = 1200 r/min). (a) Output power versus output current of the
FMMP, and PMMP. (b) PSF versus output current of the HEBLdcG, HEBLdcG. (b) PSF versus output current of the HEBLdcG, PMMP, and
PMMP, and FMMP. (c) Fundamental-wave phasor diagram at the FMMP. (c) Fundamental-wave phasor diagram at the short-circuit state.
compensator state.
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Fig. 13. Operation modes of the FMMP and the PMMP PSF Fig. 14. Field current, loss, and efficiency versus speed at the 30-V
(n = 1200 r/min). output voltage and 6-kW output power (1—core loss of the PMMP, 2—
core loss of the FMMP, 3—armature loss, 4—field loss, 5—rectifier loss).
E. Summary Fig. 15. Inductance versus field current at the short-circuit state
(n = 1200 r/min).
Fig. 13 shows the operation modes of the FMMP and the
PSF of the PMMP at different combinations of armature current
and field current. The PMMP always operates in the generator
mode, regardless of the polarity of the field current. Under the
heavy current load and relatively lower field current, the PSF of
the PMMP is small.
In the range I, at the power-balance state, the difference in the
output active power between the PM machine in the PMBLdcG
and the PMMP is equal to Pe2 . In the range II, at the compensator
state represented with the gray dashed line in Fig. 13, Po equals
the difference between Pe1 and prec , whereas the FMMP outputs
reactive power only. In the range III, at the short-circuit state,
the difference between Pe1 and Pe2 equals prec .
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Fig. 24. Waveforms at the short-circuit state (If = −8 A). (a) Mea-
Fig. 21. Phase shifts at load (If = 32 A and U o = 30 V). (a) Measured.
sured. (b) FEA.
(b) FEA.
In this paper, the HEBLdcG, which is the integration of the
surface-mounted PMMP and stator-wound FMMP was inves-
tigated and analyzed. The inductance characteristics were ana-
lyzed based on the definition of the d-axis and q-axis flux paths.
A remarkable flux regulation in the HEBLdcG was achieved
Fig. 22. Fundamental-wave phasor diagram at load (If = 32 A, Jf =
5.1 A/mm2 , and U o = 30 V).
due to the bidirectional field regulation capability of the FMMP.
In addition, the FMMP operates as a reactive power compen-
sator in the HEBLdcG. The leading reactive power generated by
the FMMP is equal to the lagging reactive power of the PMMP.
With the help of the block schemes of the energy flow, it is
clear that, when the HEBLdcG works in the generator mode,
the operation modes of the FMMP are influenced by the field
current and armature current, while the PMMP always oper-
ates in the generator mode. Three different ranges are divided
and representatively three typical operation states were eluci-
dated. First, the range I features a field current greater than
Fig. 23. Waveforms at the compensator state (If = 8 A). 16 A (Jf = 2.5 A/mm2 ), where the FMMP always works in
the generator mode. At the power-balance state, the difference
in the output active power between the PM machine in the PM-
features a lower output current than the power-balance state. BLDCG and the PMMP is equal to Pe2 . Second, in the range
As the output current goes smaller, the phase differences be- II, the field current is positive, and the modes of the FMMP
come smaller. Featuring the same field current, the PSFs of the are associated with the armature current. At the compensator
PMMP and FMMP are influenced by the armature current. state, Phe equals the difference between Pe1 and prec . As a
In addition, the phase-voltage waveforms of the HEBLdcG, compensator, the FMMP outputs reactive power only. Finally,
PMMP, FMMP and phase-current waveform at the compensator in the range III, the field current is negative and the FMMP al-
state are shown in Fig. 23. The experimental waveforms at the ways operates in the motor mode. At the short-circuit state, the
short-circuit condition are given in Fig. 24. The output voltage difference between Pe1 and Pe2 equals prec . It is the reactive
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Li Yu (S’15) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees Jincai Li (S’17) received the B.S. degree from
in electrical engineering, in 2011 and 2014, re- the Henan University of Urban Construction,
spectively, from the Nanjing University of Tech- Pingdingshan, China, in 2012, and the M.S. de-
nology, Nanjing, China, where he is currently gree from Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai,
working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical China, in 2015, both in electrical engineering. He
engineering. is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in
His main research interests include doubly electrical engineering with the Center for More-
salient electric machine design and control for Electric-Aircraft Power System, Nanjing Univer-
electric vehicle and aircraft power systems. sity of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing,
His main research interests include design
and control of brushless synchronous starter/generator and electrical
power generation system for More Electric Aircraft (MEA).
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