Learn HTML - Forms Cheatsheet - Codecademy
Learn HTML - Forms Cheatsheet - Codecademy
Learn HTML - Forms Cheatsheet - Codecademy
<input>: Checkbox Type
When using an HTML input element, the
type="checkbox" attribute will render a single checkbox <input type="checkbox" name="breakfast"
item. To create a group of checkboxes related to the value="bacon">Bacon 🥓<br>
same topic, they should all use the same name <input type="checkbox" name="breakfast"
attribute. Since it’s a checkbox, multiple checkboxes
value="eggs">Eggs 🍳<br>
can be selected for the same topic.
<input type="checkbox" name="breakfast"
value="pancakes">Pancakes 🥞<br>
<textarea> Element
The textarea element is used when creating a text-
box for multi-line input (e.g. a comment section). The <textarea rows="10" cols="30"
element supports the rows and cols attributes name="comment"></textarea>
which determine the height and width, respectively, of
the element.
When rendered by the browser, textarea fields can be
stretched/shrunk in size by the user, but the rows and
cols attributes determine the initial size.
Unlike the input element, the <textarea> element
has both opening and closing tags. The value of the
element is the content in between these tags (much like
a <p> element). The code block shows a <textarea>
of size 10x30 and with a name of "comment" .
<form> Element
The HTML <form> element is used to collect and send
information to an external source. <form method="post"
<form> can contain various input elements. When a action="http://server1">
user submits the form, information in these input Enter your name:
elements is passed to the source which is named in the <input type="text" name="fname">
action attribute of the form.
Enter your age:
<input type="text" name="age">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<select> Element
The HTML <select> element can be used to create a
dropdown list. A list of choices for the dropdown list <select name="rental-option">
can be created using one or more <option> elements. <option value="small">Small</option>
By default, only one <option> can be selected at a <option value="family">Family
The value of the selected <select> ’s name and the
<option value="lux">Luxury</option>
<option> ’ s value attribute are sent as a key-value
pair when the form is submitted.
Submitting a Form
Once we have collected information in a form we can
send that information somewhere else by using the <form action="/index3.html" method="PUT">
action and method attribute. The action attribute </form>
tells the form to send the information. A URL is assigned
that determines the recipient of the information. The
method attribute tells the form what to do with that
information once it’s sent. An HTTP verb is assigned to
the method attribute that determines the action to be
Submittable Input
HTML <input> elements can have a type attribute set
to submit, by adding type="submit" . With this attribute
included, a submit button will be rendered and, by
default, will submit the <form> and execute its action.
The text of a submit button is set to Submit by default
but can also be changed by modifying the value
required Attribute
In HTML, input fields have an attribute called required
which specifies that the field must include a value. <input type="password" name="password"
The example code block shows an input field that is required >
required. The attribute can be written as
required="true" or simply required .
max Attribute
HTML <input> s of type number have an attribute
called max that specifies the maximum value for the <input type="number" max="20">
input field.
The code block shows an input number field that is
set to have a maximum value of 20 . Any value larger
than 20 will mark the input field as having an error.
maxlength Attribute
In HTML, input fields with type text have an attribute
called maxlength that specifies the maximum number <input type="text" name="tweet"
of characters that can be entered into the field. The maxlength="140">
code block shows an input text field that accepts text
that has a maximum length of 140 characters.
pattern Attribute
In a text input element, the pattern attribute uses a
regular expression to match against (or validate) the <form action="/action_page.php">
value of the <input> , when the form is submitted. Country code:
<input type="text" name="country_code"
title="Three letter country
<input type="submit">
minlength Attribute
In HTML, an input field of type text has an attribute
that supports minimum length validation. To check that <input type="text" name="username"
the input text has a minimum length, add the minlength="6" />
minlength attribute with the character count.
The example code block shows an example of a text
field that has a minimum length of 6 .
min Attribute
In HTML, input fields with type number have an
attribute called min that specifies the minimum value <input type="number" name="rating"
that can be entered into the field. The code block min="1" max="10">
provided shows an input number field that accepts a
number with minimum value 1.