Judicial Affidavit For Adoption
Judicial Affidavit For Adoption
Judicial Affidavit For Adoption
Q: Ms. Witness, kindly state your name, age, civil status, citizenship,
and residence.
A: ___________________, ______ years old, single, natural born Filipino,
and a resident of __________________________________,
Q: Are you referring to the cae of In Re: Petition for Adoption of Minor
Child _______________ pending before RTC Branch 1, Family Court,
Batangas City?
A: Yes sir.
May we request, Your Honor, that the following documents be
marked as Exhibits for the Petitioner, as follows:
May we request, Your Honor, that the following documents be
marked as Exhibits for the Petitioner, as follows:
May we request, Your Honor, that the following documents be
marked as Exhibits for the Petitioner, as follows:
Q: What is your proof, if any, with regard to the said fact of intent and
consent by the biological parents as regards the adoption of
A: There is a public instrument executed by the biological parents of
___________________________ attesting that they freely and
voluntarily express their consent and intent for said adoption.
Q: Ms. Witness, I am showing to you a copy of Affidavit of Intent and
Consent to Adoption of a Minor Child, attached to the records of
this case and marked as Annex “___”. Kindly go over it and tell us
its relation, if any, with the Certificate of Live Birth you mentioned.
A: It is the same document that I mentioned sir.
May we request, Your Honor, that the following documents be
marked as Exhibits for the Petitioner, as follows:
Q: What is your basis, Ms. Witness, if any, for saying that the best
interest of ___________________________ will be better served by
allowing you to adopt her?
A: Because sir, I possess all the qualifications and none of the
disqualifications to adopt ___________________________.
Q: What is your proof, if any, to support your claim that you are
__________ years older than ___________________________?
A: My Certificate of Live Birth sir.
May we request, Your Honor, that the following documents be
marked as Exhibits for the Petitioner, as follows:
Q: What is your proof, if any, to support your claim that you possess
good moral character and you are indeed emotionally and
psychologically capable of caring for ___________________________?
A: There is a certification issued to me by the Barangay Captain of
___________________. Said person has vouched that I am a well-
respected resident of our Barangay, peace-loving, God fearing, and
dedicated individuals to our family, parish, and work.
May we request, Your Honor, that the following documents be
marked as Exhibits for the Petitioner, as follows:
Q: What is your proof, if any, to support your claim that you are
physically healthy to become a parent of the minor child?
A: I have undergone medical check-up before and was cleared of any
significant findings by ____________________ which issued to me a
medical certificate.
May we request, Your Honor, that the following documents be
marked as Exhibits for the Petitioner, as follows:
May we request, Your Honor, that the following documents be
marked as Exhibits for the Petitioner, as follows:
May we request, Your Honor, that the following documents be
marked as Exhibits for the Petitioner, as follows:
Q: What other fact/s, if any, that you wish to add Ms. Witness?
A: None sir.
Q: Ms. Witness, with regards to the petition that you filed before the
Honorable Court, do you confirm and affirm the contents of the
A: Yes sir.
May we request, Your Honor, that the following documents be
marked as Exhibits for the Petitioner, as follows:
Exhibit ____ : Judicial Affidavit of ___________________________s
___________________________S ___________________________