5 Strategies For Managing Generational Differences
5 Strategies For Managing Generational Differences
5 Strategies For Managing Generational Differences
At the heart of the challenge are the very differences of the generations. These
differences impact how we manage and lead these individuals, and how we
interact with each other everyday. It is critical to have a solid understanding of
the generational differences. The benefits of understanding and adopting
methods for managing such differences will lead to positive results, and help
leaders effectively manage what behaviors will be reinforced or punished, what
will be tolerated versus rejected, and what will sustain versus fall to extinction.
Generation X, also know as Baby Busters, and individuals born between 1965 and
1981. Today, this group holds strong positions in key leadership roles in
organizations. Many are rapidly approaching the mid point of their working
careers. This generation experienced turbulent economic times, downturn in the
80s, upswing in the 90s, and another downturn in the early 2000s. Unlike the
Baby Boomers, Generation X were well known to “work to live,” valuing life
outside of work. In addition, Generation X took a different stance in regards to
work, mainly a change in perspective from job security to career security.
Every supervisor, manager or business owner who works with these four-
generation knows these differences are real. The question is how does one
effectively manage these big “D’s”?
Five Techniques For Managing Generational Differences
This is in no way meant to provide a complete list of how to manage generational
difference. It is an evolving learning process. The complexities may be aggravated
by new technology and work patterns, mixing workers of different ages in ever-
changing times, and societal influences.
The National Conference of Bar Foundations (2015) provides a clear goal to focus
on when managing generational differences: to uncover the events, conditions,
values, and behaviors that make each generation unique! In reviewing literature
from a variety of sources (see reference list), 5 key techniques are offered from a
behavioral standpoint.
1) Focus on goals and set clear expectations. Each generation approaches their work
differently, each providing strengths the other does not posses. A clear goal and
expectations puts each generation on an even playing field. No need for micro
managing just set the goal and expectation. A benefit you will see is how goals
and expectations help to resolve problems without dampening enthusiasm.
3) Break the bonds of tradition. If there is a better way to do something, take the
suggestion. Although four generations may be part of the team, the right idea
should always be taken. Tradition would tell you to take the point of view of the
most senior in the room. Wrong. Taking the opinion of the senior most person in
the room when a better one is presenting may very well lead you to slower or no
4) Show employees the future. Tell them where the organization is going, how they
fit in, and how to prepare. Encouraging career planning for those with a number
of years ahead, and retirement planning for those getting ready for it will help to
engage people in the here and now, and the long term possibilities. People tend to
work harder to achieve the organizations goals if they understand how it leads
them on a path to their professional goals.
Lancaster and Stillman (March 2003). When Generations Collide: Who They Are.
Why They Clash. How to Solve the Generational Puzzle at Work
Lancaster and Stillman (April 2010). The M-Factor: How the Millennial
Generation Is Rocking the Workplace.
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