Ge Session One
Ge Session One
Ge Session One
(9:00 – 10:00)
ACT Update 2018-2019 – Fall Educator’s Workshop Series
(Repeated in Session II)
This session will discuss ACT updates for the 2018-2019 school year. We will
discuss the development of ACT Academy. ACT® Academy is a free online
learning tool and test practice program designed to help students master the
skills they need to improve their ACT scores and succeed in college and career.
We will discuss ways counselors can use ACT Academy to assist students in
preparing for the ACT. This session will discuss updates to the ACT test along
with the PreACT and ACT Tessera. We will also discuss using ACT WorkKeys
to help students prepare for careers and as a student option for CDOS.
Application: High School Counselors
Presenter: Sean Corcoran, ACT, Client Relations- NY State Lead
Are You in the Zone? Strategies for Career Pathways Activities
CareerZone (CZ) is an online career exploration and planning system designed
especially for today's high-tech youth. This session will offer strategies for
educators to use CZ to engage students with one-on-one or group activities.
Over one million youth in New York State access this system each year in the
classroom and at home. CZ allows the user, at no cost to them, to search more
than 800 occupations in interesting ways—by career clusters, videos, values,
skills, wages, interests,personal budget, or educational level—making career
exploration and planning fun and easy. Application: Middle & HS Counselors
Presenters: Lauren Draus, Workforce Programs Specialist, NYS Dept. of
Labor, Program Development Unit; Cynthia Wrend, Workforce Programs
Specialist, NYS Dept. of Labor, Program Development Unit; Staff from
Westchester Putnum Workforce Investment Board
Will You Have Enough Money to Retire? Workshop
“It’s not about how much money you make. It’s how much you keep!” The
uncertainties of the stock market and the economy make it difficult to plan a
financially successful retirement. Regardless, it is imperative to educate yourself
and prepare for your financial future. In this workshop, you will learn proven
strategies for retirement planning. You will learn effective methods to optimize
and manage your 403b, 457 plans and other investments, prudent college saving
techniques, maximize your Social Security benefits and protect your investments
against rising healthcare costs. Application: All Counselors
Presenters: Joseph Brunelli, Financial Advisor, VP Morgan Stanley