Ge Session One

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(9:00 – 10:00)
ACT Update 2018-2019 – Fall Educator’s Workshop Series
(Repeated in Session II)
This session will discuss ACT updates for the 2018-2019 school year. We will
discuss the development of ACT Academy. ACT® Academy is a free online
learning tool and test practice program designed to help students master the
skills they need to improve their ACT scores and succeed in college and career.
We will discuss ways counselors can use ACT Academy to assist students in
preparing for the ACT. This session will discuss updates to the ACT test along
with the PreACT and ACT Tessera. We will also discuss using ACT WorkKeys
to help students prepare for careers and as a student option for CDOS.
Application: High School Counselors
Presenter: Sean Corcoran, ACT, Client Relations- NY State Lead

Intro to College Counseling - Perspectives from HS Counselors

This session is geared towards graduate students in school counseling and those
new to the field. The college admissions landscape is always evolving, and
participants will learn how to best approach students and families in process.
Topics will include how to engage students in considering college options, the
inherent challenges of working with students and families through complex
dynamics, and collaborating with colleagues on the admissions side. This
discussion based presentation will allow attendees to gain insight about
supporting students in their post-secondary goals. Application : High School
Presenters: Michael Hiller, Dean of Students - Scarsdale HS; Oren Iosepovici,
Director of Counseling - Scarsdale HS; Matthew Sweeney - Dean of Students -
Scarsdale HS


SUNY 2018-19 Update (Repeated in Session IV)

Join the conversation to stay current and receive the latest information about the
2018 application process. Explore the new release of the Educational
Opportunity Program Financial Information Form, including the online version
for students applying on the Common Application. We will also review the
process and the expanded list of participating campuses. Additional topics to be
addressed include updates to New York State’s Excelsior Scholarship and minor
application changes. Please bring your SUNY questions.
Application: High School Counselors
Presenter: Cheri Perrillo, SUNY’s Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enrollment

Updates on Working with Undocumented and other Non-

Citizen Students
This session will provide up-to-date information on working with students who
are undocumented or have other non-citizen status. Topics will include student
confidentiality,exploring post-secondary & college options, scholarships,
resources available on college campuses, certification for professions, Federal &
State legislative updates, and resources for immigration advising.
Application: Elementary, Middle and High School Counselors
Presenters: Marissa Guijarro, School Counselor, Suffern High School, Estrella
Redondo, Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admission, CUNY Baruch
College, and TBA, attorney from Centro Hispano. Moderator: Enrique Cafaro,
School Counselor, White Plains High School


Talking to Students about Suicide

Unfortunately, suicides rates are rising and school counselors are often required
to support grieving students, while at the same time assess for those who are at
risk. When talking to students about topics such as suicide and mental illness it
is important to be brave and let them know with not only our words but with
your body language and other unspoken communication that you are ready to
hear whatever is on their mind. This workshop will help elementary, middle and
high school counselors find the language to talk to students about death by
suicide. Fostering an open dialogue is the first step toward providing information
and support to students who often receive messages from the media which,
commonly are not factual, but instead are motivated by sensationalizing a
serious illness. Application: Elementary, Middle & High School
Presenter: Kathryn Kehoe-Biggs, LCSW, PHD, and Bereavement Center of

Understanding the Brain, Emotions, and Growth Mindset

This presentation will provide an understanding of basic brain function as it
pertains to emotions and growth mindset. It is based primarily on the works of
Dr. Daniel Siegel, author of The Whole Brain Child, and Dr. Carol Dweck,
author of Mindset: How We Can Learn to Fulfill Our Potential. Attendees will
leave with information that can be integrated into their classroom curriculum
and shared with school faculty and parents. Application: Elementary, Middle
and High School Counselors
Presenter: Catherine Fuselier Price, School Counselor, The Chapel School,
Bronxville, NY

Career Transition for School Counselors: Exploring PhDs,

EdDs and other Doctoral Degree Programs.
If you are a school counselor who has thought about pursuing a doctoral degree
or working as a faculty in a graduate school counseling program, then this
presentation is for you. Graduate school counseling programs often experience
difficulty finding candidates who possess a doctoral degree in Counselor
Education and have practiced in schools. This apparent shortage has not been
matched by efforts to encourage practicing school counselors to pursue doctoral
degrees. This presentation will explore career options for school counselors who
wish to become counselor educators. Doctoral and non-doctoral degree options
will be explored as well as part- time and full-time positions. Adequate time will
be allocated for questions and answers. Application: All Counselors
Presenters: Cynthia T Walley, PhD, LPC , School Counseling Program.
Mercy College; Charles C. Edwards, School Counseling Program, Brooklyn


School Counseling Interventions for the Student with Bipolar

This talk is a follow-up to last year's presentation, which was an overview of
emotionally disturbed children and adolescents. The student with Bipolar
Disorder presents many challenges in the school setting. They may have been
incorrectly diagnosed and/or medicated for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder which leads to a worsening of their symptoms. These students can be
extremely disruptive to others while also struggling internally. This presentation
will address the important role of the school counselor in the following:
designing schedules which accommodate the student's special "biorhythms";
managing a student's return from a hospitalization; addressing social issues due
to erratic behavior; crisis intervention including suicidal behavior; talking to
parents about college related issues, etc. Application: Elementary, Middle and
High School Counselors
Presenter: Dr. Beth Weiner is a clinical psychologist with nearly 30 years of
experience working with severely disturbed children and adolescents. She is also
the Director of the Counseling, Psychology and Therapy Programs at LIU
Hudson at Westchester. Dr. Weiner also maintains a private practice in
Greenwich, Connecticut.

Pathways to Graduate College Debt Free with Experience

The US Army allows for a rewarding career path through 150 skill areas with
world-class leadership experience. Many of the trades provide certifications to
allow for gainful employment upon leaving the service. Education is a priority.
As we are partners in building the leaders of tomorrow, the Army offers several
free programs for career planning and exploration, test preparation and Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) outreach. There are variety
of resources, financial assistance and educational benefits. In recent years more
than 22,000 active duty service members and veterans utilized over $104 million
dollars at colleges and universities. There is loan repayment and bonuses for
specific trades. We will highlight the self-sufficiency, leadership, accomplishing
educational goals, resume enhancing career-fields, and escaping from the norm.
Application: Elementary, Middle and High School Counselors
Presenters: SFC Striveson; SGT Imada

Are You in the Zone? Strategies for Career Pathways Activities
CareerZone (CZ) is an online career exploration and planning system designed
especially for today's high-tech youth. This session will offer strategies for
educators to use CZ to engage students with one-on-one or group activities.
Over one million youth in New York State access this system each year in the
classroom and at home. CZ allows the user, at no cost to them, to search more
than 800 occupations in interesting ways—by career clusters, videos, values,
skills, wages, interests,personal budget, or educational level—making career
exploration and planning fun and easy. Application: Middle & HS Counselors
Presenters: Lauren Draus, Workforce Programs Specialist, NYS Dept. of
Labor, Program Development Unit; Cynthia Wrend, Workforce Programs
Specialist, NYS Dept. of Labor, Program Development Unit; Staff from
Westchester Putnum Workforce Investment Board
Will You Have Enough Money to Retire? Workshop
“It’s not about how much money you make. It’s how much you keep!” The
uncertainties of the stock market and the economy make it difficult to plan a
financially successful retirement. Regardless, it is imperative to educate yourself
and prepare for your financial future. In this workshop, you will learn proven
strategies for retirement planning. You will learn effective methods to optimize
and manage your 403b, 457 plans and other investments, prudent college saving
techniques, maximize your Social Security benefits and protect your investments
against rising healthcare costs. Application: All Counselors
Presenters: Joseph Brunelli, Financial Advisor, VP Morgan Stanley

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