Adobe Scan 22 Feb 2023

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At.-SCB Medical College Road, Pin-753007, Dist. - Cuttack,
E-mall: [email protected], Website:

File No-PTI/10/2022-23 Notice No 672/Dated 2222022


1.Principal G.P.Jajpur
2.Principal KNP,Jajpur
3.Principal ITT Ch0udwar
5.Principal GP.Jagatsinghpur
6.Principal GP.Kendrapara
7.Principal Ganapati,Jagatpur
8.Principal Drims
9.Principal PNS Kendrapara
10.Principal AIET

Sir, BBSR.
State Level Polyfest will be held on 27th &28th Feb 2023 at Kalinga Stadium
in the Events mentioned
The Following students of your institutes will participate
have been placed in 1st position
in the concerned events in the
below as they
Level Polyfest 2022-2023.

Copy Enclosed

Annexure - I

IST OF POLY FEST EVENTS 2022-2023 Institute

Name of the
Type of Event II Name of Event
Student/ Gender Name of the Paticipants Regd. No. Mobile No0.
Name of the
S No Region Staff

ZONAL-1rack& Field 10Omtr(Boys) Student MaleDebasis Tiria
X FIea
200mtr (Boys)
Seudont Male igyanshu ranjan F20015004023 8260997513 GP,Dhenkanal GOv
40NAL dk
9337026328 BOSE,CUTTACK GOv
3 2ONAL-1 CK &Feld 400mtr Boys student Male wagat Ku Denur_ GOVI
4 zONAL-1Track& Field 4X 100 mtr Relay Race (Boys) Student Male ebasis lirna GOVT
5 zONAL-1 rack &ield 14 X 100 mtr Relay Race (Boys) Student ae waBat u Denu 9337026328 BOSE,COTACK
rack & Field Student
ZONAL-1 4X100 mtr Relay Race (BOys)
7 zONAL-1rack &el 4 X100 mtr Relay Race (Boys) Student Male pandan Ku Swan_
8 ZONAL-1 ack & FHeid Discuss Student MaleSuVendu DeO 21126002064 -

& leld Student Male Ramd w N J8]pur

, Private
2ONAL-1 rack GP Jajpur GOVT
C uvendu Deo F21126002064
20 2ONAL- dk& Fed Shotput nrow soys utee GOVi
Student Male IShwajeet Sano0 F20126004064 aPJajpur
1 2ONAL- rack ea High Jump (5oysS
12 2ONAL-1 rack& Field L o n g Jump (Boys) Student Male Vishwajeet San00 F20126004064

tudent Male Ashish Nahak 735692464 BOSE,COTTACK GOVI

13 20NAL-I Sports cricket (Boys) 7609041429 BOSE,CUTTACK GOV |
14 ZONAL-1 Sports cricket (Boys) uent aie edar Pradhan GO
891/389829|B0St,C0TACK GOV
15 ZONAL-1 Sports rncket (Boys) Student wale $atyajeet Barik GOVT
Student Male Amlan Pattnaik BOSE,CUTTACK
6 20NAL1Sports Lcket (boys
Malea t Mishra
Saswat Mishraa 7008900243 BOSE,CUTTACK GOV
17 ZONAL-1 Sports Cricket (Boys) Student
Student aie Snd Sndtma BOSE,CUTTACK GOVT
18 2ONAL-1Sports Cricket (Boys
Student MaleSomesh Behera BOSE,CUTTACK GOVT
19 20NAL-1 Sports CriCket (Boys) Student Male Rajesh Lenka BOSE,CUTTACK GOVT
20 20NAL-1 Sports Cricket (6oys BOSECUTTACK GOVT
Student Male Shubham Kunda
2 2ONAL1 Sports Cricket (Boys) Student Male Subash Jena
2 4ONAL-1 ports Cricket (Boys) GOVT
Student MaleAbhijt DBs BOSE,COTACA
23 2ONAL-1 Sports
Cricket (8oyYS Miale Amarendra i d j n 3OSE,CUTTACK GOVT
24 20NAL-1 S p o s Cricket (Boys Student aie a n Rumar Patra_
20NAL Sport Cricket (Boys) BOSE,CUTTACK GOVT
Student ale buDasn Jend
26 2ONAL-1Sports Cricket (Boys BOSE,CUTTACK GOVI
Student MaleDilip Behera
27 ZONAL-I p o r s Cricket (Boys) Student Male Arjun kisku

2ONAL-1 ports Football

(Boys) Student Male Adan Marand BOSE,Cuttack GOVT
29 2ONAL-l |Sports Football Boys Student ceit ar
l e S r i t a i n Kandaiburu OSE,Cuttack
o o t b a l l (Boys]
30 2ONAL-1 ports BOSE,Cuttack
Student Maie AshOk Soren GOVT
Football (Boys) BOSE,Cuttacx
ZONAL-1 Sports student Male Sanjita TDdu
32 2ONAL- pons Football6oys)
33 ZONAL-1 Sports Football (Boys) Student MaleFakir Soren GOVT
34 ZONAL 1Sports Football (Boys) Student Male Khelaram Beshra B0SE,Cuttack GOVT
35 ZONAL 1 Sports tootballBoys) Student Male Sunil Hansadah BOSE,Cuttack GOVT
36 ZONAL-1 Sports ootball (Boys) Student Male Ganeswar Soren BOSE,Cuttack GOVT
3/ CONAL1Sports Football (Boys) Male Ait Purty
Student BOSE,Cuttack GOVT
38 ONAL POES Footbal Boys) Student Male
Arab Laxman Murmu BOSE.Cuttack GOVT
39 ZONAL-1Sportss Footba eo Student Male Ratan Hembram BOSE,Cuttack GOVT
40 ZONAL-1 Sports Football (Boys)
Student Male Rahul Oram B0SE,Cuttack GOVT
41 ZONAl-1 SDOS Football (Boys)
Student Male ghasiram Hembram BOSE,Cuttack GOVT
42 ZONAL-1Sports FOotball (Boys)
Student MaleDebasish Tirya GOVT
43 2ONAL 1Sports Kabaddi (Boys) Student MaleSuriyakanta Nanda 8114952754 ,Choudwar GOVT
44 20NAL 1 S p o r s Kabaddi (Boys) Sudent
MaleSaranjt SWaln 9937992835 TT.Choudwar GOVT
45 20NAL Sports kabaddi (8oys) Student
Male Swagat ku Dehur TT.Choudwar GOVT
46 2ONAL-1Sports Kabaddi (Boys) Student Male Kuna Swain ITT.Choudwar GOVT
47 EONAL1 pors
KaDaddi (Boys) Student Male Prakash Behera ,choudwar GOVT
ENAL ports kabaddi (Boys)
Student MaleSk.Sahid Hussan TT.choudwar GOVT
49 ZONAL 1 Kabaddi (Boys)
Spos Student MaleTapodhan Das ITT.Choudwar GOVT
NAl p o s Kabaddi (5OyS Student Male Dhamendra Dhir F20057004005 ,Choucwar GOV
ONALT port Kabaddi (Bovs) GOVT
Student Male Suryanarayan Mohanty TT,Choucwar
52 Kho Kho (Boys)
2ONAL Sports Student Male Alok kumar Jena BOSE,Cutrtack GOVT
2ONAL2Sports Kho Kho (Boys Student Male wagat ku Denur BOSE,Cuttack GOVT
2ONAL 1 Sports Kho Kho (Bovs
Student Male Santosh ku Samal BOSE,Cutack GOVT
SS 2ONAL 1 Sports Kho Kho (5oys) Student Male Amarendra Majhi
BOSt.Cuttack GOVT
2ONAL Student Male Shreyas shri Patra BOSE.Cuttack GoVT
57 2ONAL 1Sports Student Male Ritesh kumar Behera
Kho Kno (bovs BOSE.Cuttack GOVT
2ONAL h o h o (boys
Student Male Hariomm Jadunath Majhi BOSt,Cuttack GOVT
Kho Kho (Boys Student MaleHarish Hembram BOSt,Cuttack GOVT
60 zONAL- Spors Kho Kho (Boys Student Male Deepak Sahoo BOSt,Cuttack GOVT

b NAL pon Kho Kho (Boys) Student Male Harekrushna Biswal BOSE.Cuttack GOVT
O Kho (Boys) GOVT
D 40NAL pons Student Male ADhit Mohanty BOSE.Cuttack
63 20NAL Student Male Salkul Marandi BOSE Cuttack GOVT

Student Male
b 2NLiSports vollyball (Boys Abhijit Mohanty BOStCuttacs GOVT
2ONAL 1 Sports Vollyball (Boysl Student Male Dhanajay Pradhan BOStCuttack GOVT
b6 20NAL1 Sports Vollybal! (Boys) BOSECuttack GOVT
Student ale Amir Kumar Patra

20NALi pos Volyball (Boys

Student Male$ameer umar Guin BOSE
Cuttacs GOVT
58 2ONAL Sports BOStCuttack GOVT
olytal Boys) Student ale riti Sundar lena
69 2ONAL-i ports vollyball (Boys) Student Male Hitesh Kumar F22ELE2119 BOSECuttack GOVT
70 2ONAL-1Sports Vollyball (Boys) Student
MaleTapan Kumar Roul BOSE,Cuttack
71 2ONAL 1 Sports Vollyball (Boys) Student Male Abhijit Pradhaan
72 ZONAL-1Sports volyballBoys) Student Male
73 zONAL-1 Sports Satish Ku Parida F20126002013 BOSE,Cuttack GOVI
Badmiton Double (Boys) Student Male Santosh Behera
74 20NAL-1 Sports Badmiton boubie oy Student Male
Ashish Nayak
S ZONAL-1 Sports Badmiton Singles (Boys) ",Lnouowar GOv
76 ZONAL-1
Student MaiePmyanshu Ranjan Na8
F20126010044 oPajpur GOVT
rack & Field 100 mtr (Girls) Student Female Sasmita Behera F22015002043 GP ,Dhenkanal GOVT
77 2ONAL-1 Track&Field Student Femaleindira sundhi
7 ,Cnoudwar GOv
/8 2ONAL-1Track & Field 400 mtr (Girls)
Student Femaleoargee Dash DRIEWS PRIVATE
C0NALI Track &Field 4X 100 mtr Relay Race (Giris) Student Female Sneha priyadarshini Barik
B0St,Luttdck G0V
80 ZONAL-1 Track&Field 4X 100 mtr Relay Race (Girls) Student Female Shriya Mohanta BOSE,Luttack GOVI
81 2ONAL-1 Track &Field * LO mtr Relay Kace (Giris) Student
FemaleAnkita Sita Murmu
82 BOSE,LUtaCK Gov
ZONAL-1Track &Field 4 X 100 mtr Relay Race (Girls) Student Female Sasmita Behera
22015002043 5P ,Dhenkanal GOVT

85 ZONAL-1Track& Field High Jump(Girls)

Student Femaie asmita Benera F22015002043 GP ,Dhenkanal
Long Jump (Giris)
84 0NAL1 Track&Field Student Female Etishree Mohanta 2101501009 GP
Dhenkanal GOVT
85 ZONAL-1 Track& Field Shotput Throw (Girls)
Student FemaleJulirani Singn GP,Kendrapada GOVT
2ONAL-1Track &Field DIScussIhrow{Girls) Student Female
Biswabipasa Kout GPJagatsingnpur GOVT
87 ZONAL-1
Track& Held avelineloiris Student Female Balema Munda F20015004009
GP Dhenkanal GOVT
88 ZONAL-1rack &Field Badminton Single (Girls) Student FemaleLishita Das BOSE,Cuttack GOVT
89 20NAL-1 Track &Field Badminton Double(Girls) Student FemaleLishita Das BOSE,Cuttack GOVT
90 ZONAL-1 Track & Field Badminton Double (Girls) BOSE,Cuttack GOVT
STudent Femaie Puspanjali Majhi
91 zoNAL-1 Sports
Kabaddi (oirs Student Female Priyali Das F21126002040 GP Jajpur GOVT
92 ZONAL-1 Sports
Kabaddi (Girs) udent remale Rpurna KOut F21126002027 GP.Jajpur GOVT
93 ZoNAL-1 Sports
Kabaddi (Girs) Student reale ayshree Jena F22126004045 P Jajpur GOVT
94 ZONAL-1 Sports Kabaddi (Girs) Student FemaleManisha Swain
95 2ONAL-1Sports Kabaddi (Girs) Student Female SipranjaliROUT Jajpur GOVT

9620NAL-1 |Sports Kabaddi (Girs) Student emale amikhya Dasn_ jpur GOVT
97 ZONAL-1 |Sports |Kabaddi (Girs) Student Female Puja iia GP.Jajpur
98 2ONAL-1 Sports Kabaddi (Girs) Student FemaleJamuna Samal P.Jajpur
99 20NAL-1 |Sports Kabaddi (Girs) Student FemaleNibeditaSAHOO PJajpur
Kho Kho (Girls) StudentFemaleShrabani Padhi BOSE,Cuttack GOVT
100 2ONAL-1 Sports
101ZONAL-1Sports Kho Kho (Giris) Student Female Sasmita Panda BOSE,Cuttack GOVT
102 2ONAL-1 Sports Kho Kho (Glrls) Student Female Puja Rani Saho0 BOSE,Cuttack GOVT
103 LONAL-1 Sports Kho Kho (Girls) Student Female SthitiPragyan Padhi
104 Z0NAL-1 Sports Kho Kho (Giris) Student Female Ankita SitaMurmu GOVT_
Kho Kho (Girls) Student Female lasmini BOSE,Cuttack GOVT
105 2ONAL-1Sports
106 ZONAL-1 Sports NNOKNo (Girls) StudentFemaleMonikaKisan BOSE,Cuttack GOVT
107 ZONAL-1 Sports Kho Kho (Girls)
Student Female Laxmiprya ond
108 2ONAL-l |Sports
Kho Kho (Girls) Student Femaleshriya Mohanta
0 2ONAL-1 Sports Kho Kho (Girls) BOSt,Cuttack GOVT
Student FemaleChandrika Hembrar
110 2ONALT pors Kho Kho (Girls) BOSE,Cuttack GOVT
tudent Female mruti Snigdha Swain
111 ZONAL-1 Sports Aho KhO (Giris)
Female Padmini Nayak BOSECuttack GOV
12 ZONAL-1 uitura Essay (Both)English Student mm prakash Das BOSE,Cuttack
Cultural FEMALE JAnjai ed- Jajpur
113 ZONAL-11
Essay (Both)Odia MALE Chandan Bhoi aanapti Jagatpur PRIVATE/
u FEMALESugyani subhalaxmi otdy BOSE,Cuttack Govt

114 ZONAL-1ultural
Debate (Both)English MALE/ Khalid Mirza BOSE, Cuttack

115 ZONAL-1 utural

FEMALE Priti anki hanty
Debate (BothjOdia Student E wayam shu Mohanty GP Kendrapada PRIVATE/
FEMALE Bijayalaxmi swain PNS Kendrapada Govt
Cultural MALE/ Ashis Panigrahi
116 zONAL-1 iz (Both)
Student FEMALEGayatri Mohapata GP Dhenkanal
F2101500200985277as000 BOSE, Cuttack GOVT

Cultural MALE JUsiya Raita

ZONAL-1 Painiting (Both) Student Ganapti Jagatpur PRIVATE
FEMALE Lisha prasdu DRIEMS
118 zONAL-1Cultural Classical Singing (Boys Student Male Prateek Ku pandd BOSE, Cuttack GOVT

SZONAL-1 Cultural lassicalSinging (aturs) Student FemaleAyusmatiJena BOSE,Cuttack GOv

120 ZONAL-1 Cultural BOSE, Cuttack GOVT
Lomtemporary (5oys) Student MalePrateek ku panda
121 ZONAL-1 Cultural Student Female GP Dhenkanal GOVT
comtemporary (iris) Lipsarani Bej
122 ZONAL-1Cultural Group Dance (Giris)
Student FemaleSushree Suhani Dhir R126009015 ajpur
123 ZONAL-1 Cultural Oup Dance (GirlsS) Student Female Soumya Subhrasmita BhuyanF20126001058 ajpur GOVT

124 ZONAL-1 Cultural oroup tcirdci

Dance (Giris) Student FemalePooja Das F20126001037 GP Jajpur OV

F20126001060 P GOVT
125 ZONAL-1Cultural Group Dance (airis Student Female Suvasmita Panda Japur
|126 ZONAL-1Cultural Group Dance (Giris)_ Student FemaleSubnasmita Panda F20126002062 Gp Jajpur
12 2ONAL-1 Cultural oroup Dancetsoys Student Male Naranyan Bhatacharjee F21126010038 GPlajpur Govt
128 ZonAL-1 Cultural
Goup DancelBoys Student MaleHrusikesh Patra F21126010027 GPlajpur GOVT
Group Dance
(Girls) Student MaleNikhI Lohar F21126010059 Jajpur gOVT
129 ZONAL-1Cultural
Student Male Bijaya KuMajhi F22126010011 GP)ajpur Govt
130 ZONAL-1Cultural Group Dance(Boys)
131 zONAL-1 Cultural Group Dance(Boys)
Student Male Vaibhav Das
F20126010063 GPajpur GOVT
Student Male Tanishq Raj Gagrai GOVT
F22126004067 GPajpur
132 zONAL-1Culturar uroup Dance(Boys)
133 ZONAL-1 Cultural Group Dance (Girls) Student Female cnandini Nandi GP Jajpur

Drama (Both)
Student MalePanka) kumar Pradhan 12600203 GPJajpur
54 4ONAL-1 Cuitural
Drama (Both)
Student Male Dhamendra ku.Das F20126002017 GPJajpur GOV
135 ZONAL-1 r
Drama (Both)
Student Male B a l r a m rout 121126002002 GP Jajpur
36 2ONAL-1 Cultural
Student Male Bibhudatta Sahu F20126002010
GP ajpur
Cultural Drama (Both)
137 2ONAL-1 Student Male Harsh Kumar F21126009018 GP aJpur GOVT

138 20NAL- 1 Cultural Drama (Both)

139 2ONAL uitural Dma (Both) Stucent aie ga u 8akey F21126009018
140 ZONAL-1 uitura
Drama (Both) Student Male Sandeep ku.Mohant F22126010050 GP Ja GOVT
141 zONAL-1utura Drama (Both) Student Male Pradeep ku Barik 21126002004
142 2ONAL-1Lura Drama (Both] Student Female Priti Priya Rout F20126001042 GOVI
143 2ONAL-1 Cultural Drama (Both) F20126001052
Student emaie angeetm dng PNS Kendrapara PRIVATE
e cONAL-1cultural Solo DancelGIRLS Student FemaleRupalin Samantray
0NALI tura Solo Dance Boyo Student Maie
Rudra Madnad ara
CYclng (Girts) Students
emaie uar D 22126009019
146 20NAL GP Jajpu GOVT
147 2ONAL-1Doos abie tenis (singiejairs
Students emale Nebedita Sahoo F22126001033
F20125010009 GPajpu GOVT
Students MaleArabinda Sahoo
148 ZONAL-1 Sports Table Tenis (singiejOVS Nibedita Sahoo KIipurna F22126001033 GOVT
GP Jajpur
4 2ONAL-1 Table Tenis (Doubles/Giris Students emac RoUT
Male an Nag GP ajpur GOVT
Tabie Tenis (Doubles)Boys Students
150 ZONAL-1 Dubnam B5a

BOSE, Cuttack

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