The First Church
The First Church
The First Church
Story Overview:
The early church was full of excitement as they saw more and more people becoming Christians every day. Many people who had
come to Jerusalem to celebrate Pentecost stayed longer to be with the rest of the new Christians. The church devoted themselves to
the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread (Lord’s Supper), and to prayer.
Background Study:
The church began on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4) with the Apostles preaching the good news about King Jesus by the power of
the Holy Spirit. See the lesson Sermon at Pentecost. It must have been amazing to witness about 3,000 people accepting and
becoming followers of King Jesus through baptism (Acts 2:36-41). The church grew rapidly at this time as “the Lord added to their
number daily those who were being saved.” (NIV).
Thousands of Jews were gathered in Jerusalem for the Pentecost Feast. The holiday was held 50 days after the Passover so it makes
sense that it was known, at that time, by the Greek word for 50, or “Pentecost”. In Leviticus 23:15-22 it was called the “Feast of
Weeks” but it is also known to Jews as “Shavuot” which is “weeks” in Hebrew. Pentecost was a week of celebration for the harvest
but also was traditionally associated with the giving of Law. This feast explains why so many people were in Jerusalem. It also
explains why so many were able to extend their stay in the city and enjoy the fellowship of their new brothers and sisters in Christ.
This was a very Jewish church in Jerusalem. The apostles were Jewish and these new Christians would have been Jewish. The Jews
that heard the apostles share the good news had come from many places to celebrate the Feast (Acts 2:5-11). After becoming
Christians they enjoyed a time of beautiful fellowship before the time came for many of them to head back to their homes far away.
Just before he ascended to heaven Jesus had said that everything would begin in Jerusalem (Acts 1:7-8) but that it would spread out
to the “ends of the earth.”
The Jerusalem church in these early days can serve as a model of what a church should be like. They were an extremely diverse group
yet they came together in the church with devotion, sincerity and joy in four main areas.
A church is not a building. The Jerusalem church met in the temple courtyard and in homes but they were still a church. The church is
better compared to a body with Jesus Christ being the head and followers of Jesus Christ being parts of the body (Colossians 1:17-
18; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27).
As we continue reading the Book of Acts we find the church growing and spreading out to far regions. As the church later faces
challenges such as persecution from without and disagreement from within it continues to strive to function in the same way as this
early church. No group of people is perfect but, even today, being part of a group that is devoted to one another and to the teachings
of Jesus Christ is a blessing like no other.
The Story:
Amazing events had been taking place in the city of Jerusalem! For one thing there was a big Holiday. Thousands of Jewish people
from many regions and countries had come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. This was a time when the Jews came to
thank God for the food and grain he had provided for them in the harvest. They also thanked God for the Law and the Ten
But that wasn’t the most important event that took place in Jerusalem at that time. Everyone was talking about something new.
Peter and the other apostles were telling everyone about Jesus and how he became king. They preached about how Jesus had been
killed on a cross but had come back alive. Jesus had gone back to heaven but, before he went, he told the apostles to tell everyone
the good news about him.
When people heard about Jesus many of them said they wanted to follow him. They said they were sorry for all of their sins and they
were baptised. More and more people decided to obey Jesus and become Christians.
Do you know what a person becomes a part of when they become a Christian? He or she becomes part of the church. Being part of the
church means that you follow the church’s leader, Jesus. Being part of the church also means you are part of a new family. The other
people in the church are your brothers and sisters.
All of the people in Jerusalem who became Christians were now part of the church. It was a very big church! On the first day there
were almost 3,000 people in it. More and more people obeyed the teachings of Jesus and were added to the church every day.
What do you think a church should be like today? Do you think you can be a good example and help your church be like the church in
The church shared meals and shared the Lord’s Supper together.
The church often ate food together. When the first day of the week came around the church drank grape juice or wine and ate
unleavened bread together to remember Jesus in the Lord’s Supper. They wanted to remember again and again all of the good things
that Jesus had done.
What can you do to help when your church shares meals together? What do you do when people are remembering Jesus by taking the
Lord’s Supper?
Review Questions:
1. What are the four things that the early church devoted themselves to? the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread (Lord’s
Supper), and to prayer
2. Is the church a building? No
3. What is the church? People who are Christians are the church