Brethour Module 6 Assignment 1 New Portfolio Plan
Brethour Module 6 Assignment 1 New Portfolio Plan
Brethour Module 6 Assignment 1 New Portfolio Plan
Learning targets to be represented: All learning targets taught for second grade within the array unit
will be represented depending on what students chose as their best work.
MA.2.6.1 identify if groups are equal.
MA.2.6.2 arrange objects into equal groups and model repeated addition, then write an equation
MA.2.6.3 use equal groups and develop equal rows and columns
MA.2.6.4 describe arrays by their number of rows and columns and write a repeated addition
MA.2.6.5 model repeated addition and compose rectangular arrays up to 5 rows and 5 columns and
write a repeated addition equation
MA.2.6.6 determine if an array matches a repeated addition equation and explain the reasoning
MA.2.6.7 create rectangular arrays that answer real-world problems and develop equations that find
the sum using repeated addition.
Artifacts to be included: Students will choose artifacts based on the prompt “things that show I am a
mathematician”. Within their celebration portfolio, they will place those items that they are most
proud of throughout the array unit. It can be any assignment, exit ticket, assessment, or project that
they choose.
Amber Brethour Module 6 Assignment 1 New Portfolio Plan Math Interventionist (K-5)
Type of individual work sample annotations: Students will use “pause and think” annotations on
their work. They will answer one of the three open-ended questions for each artifact they include in
their portfolio.
• Why the learning is important to them
• Something they notice about themselves as learners
• A key point they have learned from doing the assignment
Student goal-setting component, if any: Since this is a celebration portfolio and students are
choosing work, they are proud of, there will be no goal-setting component.
When students will review and reflect on the contents: After we complete each learning target
within a unit, students will reflect on all the work we have down throughout that lesson or lessons.
Students will select what work if any, they would like to include in their portfolio. At the end of the
entire unit, they will go through their portfolio and narrow down the pieces to those that they want
to include within the final portfolio.
What form student reflection will take: After students have made their final selections for what they
will include within their portfolio and have made annotations on all pieces, they will write a reflection
over their whole portfolio. Students will answer two of the following questions.
• What am I proudest of/happiest with?
• What did I enjoy doing the most?
• What does this portfolio say about me?
How students will share their portfolios, with whom, and when: Students will share their final
portfolio with me and their parents at parent-teacher conferences. They can share what they are
proud of and why using their annotations and reflections to help guide their conversation.
Chappuis, J., & Stiggins, R. J. (2020). Classroom Assessment for Student Learning: Doing it right -
- using it well. Pearson.
Amber Brethour Module 6 Assignment 1 New Portfolio Plan Math Interventionist (K-5)