Course Description
A study of the important facts and theories concerning human behavior and its motivation. Included will be
research methodology; at least three topics from learning, cognition, testing, physiology, and
phenomenology; and at least three topics from personality, psychopathology, emotion and motivation,
history and systems, development, and social factors. Topics will be related to major trends in recent
cultural history and to current social and moral issues. (social science) (FISR)
Prerequisite: Passing the CUNY Assessment Test in Reading and Writing
Required Text
Kalat, J. (2010). Introduction to Psychology.E9, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
ISBN-13: 9780495810766
Recommended Text
Slife, B. (2011). Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Psychological Issues (17th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-
ISBN13: 9780078050268
Participation: 4 points
Assignments: 6 points
Project: 15 points
3 Exams 75 points
Total: 100 points
Occasionally there may be a homework assignment, which may be collected at random. Late assignment
will NOT be accepted. The project proposal and the library assignment (Due 1/7) will count towards the
assignment grade.
Project: Students are assigned to write a research paper of at least 1000 words on one of the topics listed
1) A title with a student’s full name, course, section number, and date
2) Introduction: Why you chose the topic (i.e. how it relates to your career aspirations, or personal
life, and why others should care about the topic). Main question(s) should be mentioned.
3) Body: Subheadings for major topics to be discussed. Findings should include the sources of the
4) Conclusion: Analysis of the findings, and what you have learned.
5) References: At least 2 primary sources in APA or MLA style.
A complete, stapled, hard copy paper must be turned in on or before the due date (1/16) at the beginning of
class to avoid point reduction or an “F”. Electronic versions (E-mails) are NOT accepted. No late
submissions will be accepted. Please keep in mind that your paper will be graded on the quality of your
critical evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the material.
For this assignment, it is highly recommended that you use PsycInfo or PsycARTICLES (computerized
databases) to identify articles in scientific psychology journals. You can also use Ebsco Academic Search
Premier. For advanced searching, use PsycInfo and the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms to narrow
down the topic.
Exams will be comprised of multiple-choice questions. Each exam will cover specific sections based on the
lectures, and will be non-cumulative. Exam dates are indicated in the schedule. Do NOT miss those dates.
If for any legitimate reason (subject to verification) you cannot make it to an exam, I must be notified
within 24 hours, so I may schedule a make-up exam to be taken within the week of the exam date.
Generally make-up exams are administered during office hours.
The discipline of psychology utilizes the principles of scientific research to test its ideas. The faculty in the
Department of Psychology believes that all students enrolled in a PSY100 course should experience the
research process. Therefore, students are required to participate in a minimum of 4 half-hour units of
research (Research Credits; RCs) to be accumulated throughout the semester. Students have the option of
fulfilling the RC requirement in several ways including participation in laboratory experiments or surveys,
attending psychology department research talks, and completing an on-line ethics course.
Your user name and password needed to access your Research Participation System Account will be sent to
your CIX.CSI.CUNY.EDU email at the beginning of the semester. When you have received this email, log
into the system ( to sign up for research studies. Please go to the
Department of Psychology home page for detailed information: (
Students who do not fulfill the research requirement will be awarded an Incomplete as their Psy100 grade.
All students are required to attend classes as noted in the schedule. At CSI, the maximum number of
absence hours is limited to two class meetings as indicated in the Catalog/Academic Policies. In the case of
excessive absence, the instructor reserves the right to assign a “WU” grade.
Students must be punctual for classes. Classes begin promptly at the times indicated in the Schedule of
Classes. Arrival in classes after the scheduled starting time constitutes lateness. Latecomers may, at the
discretion of the instructor, incur an official absence.
CSI and CUNY follow federal guidelines -- Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 -- in providing reasonable accommodations
( that insure full educational
opportunity to students with disabilities. The Office of Disability Services coordinates services for students
with disabilities and assists faculty in accommodating students’ physical and programmatic needs.
Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else’s ideas, words, or artistic, scientific, or technical work as
one’s own creation. Using the idea or work of another is permissible only when the original author is
identified. Paraphrasing and summarizing, as well as direct quotations, require citations to the original
source. Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional. Lack of dishonest intent does not necessarily
absolve a student of responsibility for plagiarism.
Violations of academic integrity may result in a lower grade or failure in a course and in disciplinary
actions with penalties such as suspension or dismissal from the College. More information on the College’s
policy, including numerous examples, can be found in the CSI Undergraduate Catalog
( and in Appendix L of this manual.
Cell Phone or other Electronic Devices
In order to create a comfortable learning environment during the class, students are expected to turn off all
cell phones and iPods before entering the class. Any use of electronic devices that may be a distraction to
the instructor or any other students will be prohibited.
1/16 Emotion…………………………………………………………………………....12
1/17 Abnormality…………..……………….……………………………...……….......14
1/18 Psychotherapy…..…………………….…………………………………..…….....14
1/22 Mental Disorders…………………………………..................................................16
1/23…………………....EXAM 3 (ch 11-16)
Please note: The instructor reserves the right to adjust or make changes to the syllabus. Students will be
notified of any changes in advance.